Adventures in and Out of Uniform

By Jacrod Paine

Published on Jun 16, 2007





Brian started stroking his own hard cock and then Daniel started pulling out and pushing his cock into the boys ass, and soon Brian's hand moved from his cock, cause the friction Daniel was causing in his rectum was generating to the boys hard cock. Daniel moved his knees under the boys ass and pushing his legs on either side of his head and started ramming his cock up the boys ass and listening to the boy moan and groan, the boy was enjoying the hard cock in his ass, especially when it hit his boy buzzer inside his rectum. Soon Daniel and Brian both was panting and pushing quickly to a great orgasm - Brian came first shooting his cum all over his chest and face and that brought Daniel off breeding the boys ass with his hot man juice.

End Part I To be Continued.


Daniel dropped the boys legs and collapsed upon the boys body, he lay there. They lay together intertwined trying to catch their breath and coming down from a sexual high. Daniel rolled off the boy and gathering him in his arms kissed him deeply; and pulling back whispered to Brian, "Kid, you the greatest fuck and I love that tight boy butt of yours." Brian smiled up into Daniels face, and whispered back, "It's yours you trained me - to be a good farm hand ( or mouth or ass)!" And they both laughed.

Things continued on over the next few weeks more or less as they had before. The only major difference is that Daniel fucked Brian every morning or evening or dropped a load down his throat; but either way Brian enjoyed his training. As the weather continued to warm up, Daniel started into wearing cutoff jeans - cut off and hemmed just below the crotch area - and along with them started wearing a black jockey strap. A few days after he started wearing the cutoffs he called Brian into the barn and gave him two wrapped boxes. Brian looked at Daniel and said, "What's this for? It's not my birthday or anything." Daniel wrapped his arm around Brian's neck and pulled him into his chest and said, "Can't a farmer give his best farm hand a gift - so he will look like a real farm hand." Brian looked into Daniels face and reached up kissed him and mumbled his thanks and started opening the larger of the two boxes. Inside was a pair of cutoff jeans just like Daniels, and Brian explained, "Hot Damn! They so cool!", looking at Daniel he beamed his approval. He then turned to the smaller box, wonder what could be in such a small box. Tearing into the wrapping paper and dropping it on the floor, he extracted a red jockey strap and looking at Daniel said, "Now this hot!" "Thanks load!" Daniel laughed and said to Brian, "Yeah they hot, but they going be hotter still on that cute little ass of yours. Try them on and let's see how that jock frames those choice buns of yours!"

Brian quickly took his boots off and dropped his jeans and briefs and donned the jock strap and turning his ass in Daniel direction, he shook his ass, and said laughingly, "How's this framed ass now, Farmer man?" Daniel walked over and ran his hand over Brian's upturned ass cheeks and said, "Let me show you!" Dropping his cutoffs and pulling his harding cock from his pouch, he pumped it till it stood firm and tall and proceeded to ram his hard cock into Brian's boy pussy. Brian was breathing heavily and grunting with each impact of the cock to the depths of his ass. He was enjoying a good fucking and he was giving Daniel a lot of pleasure through his man size cock. Daniel reached around with right hand and pulled Brian's hard cock from the jock strap pouch and starting jacking his cock. Soon both were panting, grunting, groaning and moaning, reaching a sexual high that one man can only give to another man.

"Time flys when you having fun!" And Daniel and Brian were having fun and even getting some work done on the farm. But one morning when Brian arrived on his bike, Mr Dunlop and Daniel were standing outside talking. Brian got off his bike and leaned his bike against the side of the house where he lefted it every morning and stood waiting, not wanting to intruded upon what appeared to be a serious discussion. Mr Dunlop turned to Brian and said, "Brian, we need to talk to you. This effects you as well!" Brian walked up and stood to the side of the two men and waited to see what would happen next. Mr Dunlop cleared his throat and looking at Brian said, "Brian, Mrs Dunlop's mother is ill and not expected to recover. Her family has been called in and I am driving Momma to her family. We expect to be gone two weeks or more, probably more." Stopping and looking Daniel, he went on, "Daniel will be here to keep things running and I hope you will be available to help him. I called and talked to your parents this morning and they have agreed for you to remain on the farm, unless Daniel sees no need for you, then he will send you home. You and Daniel can work out those arrangements after we leave, for we have to get on the road. I appreciate your helping us out like this, and your paycheck will reflect the extra hours and effort." With that Mr Dunlop wrapped his arm around Daniels shoulder and walked to his car as Mrs Dunlop walked out of the house. Brian could see she was composed, but even so, he could see she was upset; she smiled at Brian as Brian opened the car door and helped her in and softly closed the door and stepped back. Mr Dunlop started the car and waved as his wife joined him, at Daniel and Brian, and then turning the car onto the dirt road that led from the farm up to the main road.

Daniel spent the rest of the day talking and working out the details of what would happen while the Dunlops were away. They also finished the chores that Daniel had set for the day; and finished up in the tack room with Daniel's cock ramming Brian's butt and bringing them both off again. They lay in each others arms and whispered to each other about the next two weeks - would be their "Honeymoon"! Brian slept each night in the tack room and for the most part so did Daniel. Daniel only stayed up at the house when he knew his parents would be calling to keep him up to date about his grandmothers condition. One morning Daniel and Brian had finished the chore by 10 o'clock in the morning and Daniel had not approached Brian for sex. Brian was surprised that Daniel had not pulled his hard cock out of his cutoffs and told him to suck it or to bend over or "on your back, boy!". It had puzzled Brian, but he assumed that he was worried about his grandmother's condition. After finishing the chores, Brian said, "Well, what do you have planned for the rest of the day?" Daniel threw his arm over Brian's shoulders and said, "Well, boy, lets walk outside and see what comes up." They walked outside and across the barnyard to the fence that divided the barnyard from the backyard of the house and Daniel leaned against the fence with his arms folded over the fence top rail. Brian looked at Daniel with a puzzled expression and followed suit.

Daniel leaned over placing a hand behind Brian's head pulled him over and placed a lip lock on him and they proceeded to have a tongue duel that almost took Brian's breath away. As they were breaking the kiss, Brian heard a car coming down the dirt road; since the only house on the dirt road from the main road was the Dunlop's place, they had to be coming there. Brian was disappointed, cause things were finally heating up this morning and now company was coming. An old green truck pulled into the backyard to the accompanying screeching of the tires and dust and rocks being thrown into the air. Even before it came to a halt, Brian could see it was an old green truck that was badly faded were it wasn't rusted metal and had four ball tires - damn he thought to himself, that thing is a danger on the road! Out of the dust cloud raised by the truck two men got out, one was well over six feet tall and wide shoulders and trim waist that looked to be in his late 30s. The younger man with him was closer to Brian's age, but Brian probably had some inch or two on height; but his build was about the same and cute with reddish-blond hair and covered with freckles. But the thing that really got Brian's attention was the fact that both men's cock were sticking straight out of their jeans and especially the older guys cock was sparkling slick with saliva and precum. However, more amazing to Brian was the fact that the younger mans cock was so large, he was more on the size of Daniels cock, about nine inches and on the younger thinner boy looked a lot larger.

The walked up to about a foot from the fence and stopped and the older man folded his arms across his chest, and said, "Daniel, I understand you got a new pussy boy here and I thought I might come and see if he's a good fuck." Daniel chuckled to himself, and looking at Brian said, "Brian the old man with the short dick is named Chet; and the good looking redhead is named Mark, he was a couple of years ahead of you in school, so you may know him." Brian did not recall seeing either one of these men, but being polite, he said, "No I don't think I have ever met them before; but from what I can see I think we will get alone very well." Chet laughed, and said, "Hot damn boy, I knew I was going to like that cute little ass that Daniel has been bragging about for weeks." Chet stepped up to the fence and climbed to the top railing and set down, Brian stepped back from the railing as Chet sat with his cock almost in Brian's face. Chet smiled down to Brian and said, "Well boy lets see what you can do with a hard cock to start with!" Brian looked over to Daniel for some guidance, and Daniel barely nodded his agreement and Brian stepped up to the railing and took Chet's cock into his mouth.

Chet placed his hands on the top and back of Brian's head and guided him in his cock sucking duties, he threw his legs over Brian's shoulders and for all intents and purposes locked him into place on his cock. Brian sensed more than felt someone move to his rear, with Chet's hands and legs holding him in place he could look back and see who it was. Someones hands moved around his waist and undid the button to his jeans and pulling the tab down unzipped his jeans and they fell to his ankles. Hands were fondling his jock strap pouch and then moved to his chest tweaking and pinching his tits. The body moved against him and he could feel an erection aligned with his butt crack and a hot breathe against his neck. Lips and tongue traced goose bumps across his shoulders and neck and teeth even bite into the skin and he was enjoying the attention and brought his cock to full attention.

Into the daze he heard Daniels voice, "Come on guys, lets move this into the tack room; where you guys can be comfortable." Chet released Brian's head and said, "Hell yes, I want some of that cute ass, probably more than once," and he laughed looking down into Brian's eyes. Brian moved his head to the side to catch a glimpse of Mark as moved away from him, enough to see his large cock and wondered if that would be up his ass today. They moved into the barn and Chet was shedding his clothes as he went, and once inside the barn, he heard Daniel latch the barn door from the inside and knew that there was going to be some good times fucking and sucking with interruptions. By the time they got to the tack room, Chet sat in a chair removing his boots and socks and dropping his jeans, no underwear. Brian dropped to his knees in front of Chet and took up where he left off on his engorged cock. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Mark strip and quickly he was standing naked beside Chet offering his own hard cock for servicing.

Daniel sat on a chair and removed his boots and dropped his jeans and remained sitting there in his black jock strap, stroking the rather obscene bulge. Brian moved to sucking one cock as he jacked on the other and then switching back and forth between the two men. Chet finally moved the bed and propped himself on the pillows against the wall, ordered Brian between his legs and to continue working on his cock. Chet looked at Mark and said, "Get behind him and loosen up his ass, once its well open and lubed I want to fuck him missionary style. Want to watch his face when hes getting fucked by a hard cocked farmer."

Mark dropped down behind Brian's ass and started tonguing and fingering and adding lube from the lube tub to Brian's inviting upturned buns. Brian was soon enjoying the administerings of Mark's tongue and fingers as much as he was enjoying slurping on Chet's cock.

Brian moved his mouth and tongue lower to lick and suck on Chet's balls, "Damn boy, you got a natural talent for cock and ball work!", he explained. As Brian was tonguing his balls and licking the staff of his cock, Chet was moaning and groaning, "Enough, I want to fuck some boy tail and I mean NOW!", Chet seem to explode. He quickly brought his legs up and around and moving Mark, he moved into position behind Brian. He grabbed Brian on either side of his waist and said, "Over boy, I want to fuck you so I can see your face."

Brian quickly moved into position and lay on his back spreading his legs; Chet scooted into position lifting Brian's legs to his shoulder and with his right hand positioning his cock head at the entrance to the boy's butt hole. He slowly entered the boy ass watching his face to ensure he didn't move to fast. Soon the look on Brian's face told him that he was no longer feeling the pain of entry, so Chet quickly insert the rest of his cock into the boys shit chute and relaxed. Once Brian had relaxed and was use to the invasion of his ass hole, Chet started sawing his cock in and out the boys ass.

Mark moved to the head of the bed and inserted his cock into Brian's mouth and leaning over turned it into a 69 when he took Brian's cock into his mouth and started sucking and licking his cock and balls. Chet was in the saddle and riding the boys ass big time. He quickly came in the boys ass and dropped onto Marks back; Mark quickly adjust to the addition weight and continued his serving of Brian's cock. Chet gained his breathe back quickly and rolled off Marks back onto the bed. Mark pulled off of Brian's cock and moved quickly into position between Brian's legs and lifted his legs to his shoulders and smiling down at Brian slowly inserted his rather larger cock into Brian's well lubed boy pussy. Brian smiled up at Mark and had a moment or so of pain, since Mark's was a great deal larger than Chet's; but since he had been properly broken in to Daniel's rather large endowment, he only took a moment to adjust and Mark was banging his ass like a professional jockey in the Kentucky Derby riding a winner. Mark added his load of man juice to Chet's deposit in Brian's boy cunt and smiling at Brian. said, "Damn you got the greatest boy pussy I have ever been in."

Before Chet and Mark left hours later, Chet fucked Brian's ass twice more and Brian's took his load down his throat once and sucked his cock twice. Mark fucked Brian's for a second time and dropped two loads of cum on Brian's face and chest and him and Chet licked him clean, while he licked their cocks clean. As they were getting dressed they looked at Daniel who had not moved from the chair and thanked him for a fun afternoon and said they would be back for seconds and thirds and everyone laughed. Daniel told them they knew the way out, he had some cleanup to do in the tack room. Chet and Mark left to accompanying laughter and jokes between all four of the men and Daniel sat there looking at Brian. Daniel said, "You enjoyed that, didn't you boy?" And Brian looked at Daniel and said, "Yeah, but only cause you want me to service them!" Daniel said, "What's that mean?" Brian moved from off the bed to between Daniel's legs and with his hands on Daniel's knees he spread Daniel's legs and licked the enlarged pouch of Daniel's jock, he said, "I did those guys cause you wanted me too, But this is the only cock that I really love!" Daniel looked down into Brian's face and standing up he raised Brian to his feet and kissed him and breaking the kiss; picked Brian up and moved the side of the bed and lay him down. Daniel lay beside the boy and kissed him and said, "And I love you!" And the two men proceeded to make love the rest of the afternoon.

Daniel's grandmother died a week or so later and Daniel went to the funeral and Brian remained on the farm taking care of things. Once the Dunlops returned and things got back to normal. Daniel introduced Brian to more farmers around the area and Brian learn the real meaning of "Farmer's Help Each Other Out!". At the end of the summer just before school was to start Mr Dunlop gave Brian his final paycheck, along with a hefty bonus for all the help he had been during the family crisis. The following year Brian returned to the farm to help Daniel out and also for sex; sometimes Daniel would pick Brian up and take him to parties with other men, not just farmers. On Brian's he got his car and he and his father selected a coupe for him. He overheard his father tell his mother that he got him to take the coupe, so he wouldn't have a backseat to get into trouble. The day after his birthday party, he got a call from Daniel to come to the farm. He quickly got dressed and went to the farm, and met Daniel. Daniel admired his new car and Brian told him what he had overheard from his parents and they laughed. Daniel said, "If your parents only knew, if you had been a girl, you would have been knocked up a year ago!" And they did laugh then! For his birthday present Daniel let Brian fuck him for the first time.

Brian still had his last year in school to finish. But he spent as much time as possible on the farm, working or getting fucked. And Daniel took Brian to a lot of other sex parties and invited friends to the tack room. After Brian's prom night he dropped his girl off at her doorstep with a peck on the cheek and drove to the farm and entered the tack room where Daniel lay naked and hard waiting on him. A month or so later, Brian did the same thing after his graduation and both men celebrated a young man's prom and graduation with a great memory. A month after graduation Brian told Daniel he had joined the Marines

  • Daniel was stunned! But it didn't take Daniel too long to find a new hired hand for the farm and his cock!

Next: Chapter 5: Farmer in the Dale

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