Adventures in Egypt

By Lewis C

Published on Apr 3, 2019


Hello! I hope you enjoy this story I wrote. If so, please consider donating to Nifty for all the work they do in keeping your mind busy along with your hand. Also, please send me an email and tell me what you think! The story may start off a little slow, but don't worry! There is sex in this chapter. Inspirations, suggestions, and constructive criticisms are all welcome at:

Without further ado, enjoy!

Chapter 1: Paris to Istanbul

Paris 1935, New Year's Eve

I jumped as the train whistle screeched behind me, glancing at my pocket watch as I did so. 7pm sharp. They certainly were timely. Rapidly folding my newspaper in half, and then half again, I shoved the week old copy of the Times deep in my coat pocket. I stood up, brushed the dust off my woolen trousers, and straightened my tie. Picking up the leather case that sat beside me on the wooden bench, I briskly strode toward the steaming coach with all the confidence my 19-year-old self could muster.

I was freshly graduated, a year out of Eton and now ready to take my place along with the rest of my generation at the forefront of society, industry and progress. Gone were the days of our fathers and uncles, of the Great War. We were to be the bearers of the beacon of hope. Knowing of this grave responsibility upon my shoulders, I dutifully asked my father for a place in one of his factories. My father, Edward Simon II, is the owner of a large number of canning factories. He is a rather wealthy and utterly ruthless in his business practices. Though indulgent to his children and his wife, he finds sanctity in order and routine. My mother, Alexandra, is a flighty, shallow woman who appears rather plain, but makes up for it with her sumptuous gowns and sparkling jewels. A grand socialite, she makes it her business to know other people's business, and strives to outdo the other ladies in her elegant fetes and luncheons. Needless to say, my parents and I have a respectful, but by no means close relationship. I was coddled by nannies and governesses as a child, and later sent to Eton, along with my brothers, to be educated.

I have two brothers, Samuel and Andrew. Samuel is my elder by five years, at 24, and Andrew is three years my junior, at 16. We had joyful, friendly childhood, romping and wrestling as boys do. When I was 8, Samuel was packed away to Eton. He became more distant, focusing on his studies, quoting Latin, and secretly writing lengthy epistles to the women he admired, or so I believed. These letters were numerous, frequent and very private. Samuel would always wake up very early in the morning, and beat the postman to the mailbox. He would then retrieve his personal letters and lock himself up in his rooms reading them and writing responses. My parents, of course, hardly noticed, but I was well aware. Clearly Eton had taught him much more than just Latin. Little did I know it would be the scene of my sexual awakening as well.

I smiled at the memories of my rowdy school days and touched the letter tucked safe within my breast pocket. It still needed a response. I had received it in Calais after disembarking from the train there, and had yet to compose a reply. But I had read it. Oh yes, numerous times. A hardness grew in my trousers at my thoughts and I quickly doused it with a few lines of Cicero. I gripped the handle of my suitcase tighter and walked toward the door of the train carriage. I stooped as I entered and carefully lugged my case up the narrow stairway. A sweet-faced young conductor greeted me and I presented my ticket to the boy. He could hardly be called a man; it didn't appear he was even shaving yet. The conductor examined the slip and carefully peered down at his clipboard.

"I'm sorry, sir." He said, a troubled look on his brow. "It appears someone has already reserved and checked into this compartment."

"Compartment 5A?" I asked, confused. "I reserved it weeks ago by telegram. A confirmation notice was sent to me along with the ticket."

"I understand, sir. But right here," he said handing me his clipboard. "You can see someone has already claimed it."

I looked, and there, just as the boy said, was the illegible scrawl of someone's signature.

"I see," I said doubtfully. "Is there anything you can do about it? Is there another open compartment?"

"No, sir. I don't believe so. I have reservations established for every other compartment. It is a rather busy time of year. Just after the holidays, you know. The train gets rather crowded at times. There must have been some confusion at the head office, too many people cancelling and others making more reservations and such. I believe you should be able to find a seat in the lounge carriage, if that is amenable. Otherwise, I'm sure there's a spot on a later train."

"Mmm, I don't know if I can take a later train... when is the next available one scheduled to leave?"

The boy checked his schedule. "Not til tomorrow sir. Noon, sharp. The trains stop running early on New Year's."

"That won't do, I'm afraid. I have rather tight schedule, you see..."

"Yes, of course. Well, I'll talk to the Head Conductor and see what arrangements can be made. In the meantime, allow me to take your luggage. The lounge car is just through there."

"Right. Thank you. I appreciate your assistance." I smiled and shook the boy's hand, taking note that he held on a little longer than was necessary, and looked at me shyly. I decided to try my luck. Leaning close to him, I whispered in his ear.

"Of course, in the event there are no accommodations for me, I could always share with you."

As I said this, my hands slipped lower to his round ass and I squeezed it hard. I smiled and winked. The boy turned bright red and quickly turned away, attempting to disguise the protrusion in his trousers by struggling with my case. I chuckled quietly to myself and ambled into the lounge. He was a bright young chap, that one. Sweet personality, cute face, nice ass, and not a bad cock either from the look of it. I was looking forward to getting to know him better.

I headed to the lounge and sat down on one of the comfortable leather seats, taking out my newspaper once again, and spreading it flat across my knees to continue reading. The car was empty except for a rather large and rather old woman sitting in the corner knitting, and a bartender wiping down the counter. I idly flipped through the pages as the train slowly pulled out of the station, waiting for the shy conductor to return with some news of my sleeping quarters. I half-hoped I'd be forced to share a bed with the boy. My mind quickly filled with all sorts of delightful fantasies and the blood rushed to my crotch. I shifted in my seat and crossed my legs to hide my bulge, daydreaming about his cute, plump lips encircling my throbbing member.

"So Mr. Hitler will be hosting the Olympics then, will he?"

A voice broke into my daydreams and I blinked and looked up. A tall, broad-shouldered man stood before me.

"Sorry, old chap." He spoke again. "I didn't mean to disturb you there, but I couldn't help but notice your paper.

"Ah, right. Of course." I spoke confusedly. I quickly glanced at the article to remind myself what we were discussing. Bold words jumped out at me: Berlin to Host 1936 Olympics. "I suppose he will, won't he?"

"God forbid there'll be more displays of bloody German nationalism." The man rolled a pair of twinkling blue eyes. "It's getting worse. I thought we'd neutered them after the Great War, but apparently `Herr Hitler' has got a bigger pair of balls than we expected. Germany's becoming more aggressive, you know. Militarily, and such..."

I nodded, only half listening. I didn't particularly pay much attention to politics; I wasn't very interested in the subject. The other half of me was focusing on the gorgeous hunk of man that had miraculously appeared right in front of me. He was over six feet tall and well muscled. The drab suit he wore seemed barely enough to stretch over his rippling figure, which was complimented by a shock of red hair and a well-kempt moustache. I gazed up at him dreamily as he continued to talk.

"...sanctions being completely ignored. Germany clearly didn't learn a thing after the Great War. Don't you agree?"

The beautiful man caught me completely off-guard. Struggling to recover, I choked out some paltry response to shade my ignorance. "Well, I suppose that seems right. Logical, that is. I mean...well...I guess I don't really follow German politics much..." I trailed off.

The man snorted. "Hardly just German politics any more. It'll be international politics before you know it!"

He stuck out his hand and I took it as he introduced himself to me as Thaddeus McCulloch.

"Lewis Simon, Mr. McCulloch sir. Good to meet you," I replied, instantly regretting my choice of phrase. I was still in the habit of referring to my elders on a more formal scale, thanks to my schooling. Although this man couldn't have been more than a few years older than I was, the pretension of the conversation and my own cloudily sexual thoughts had induced me to use the formality.

"Please, call me Thaddeus--no, call me Tad. All my friends do." Tad said, a laugh on his tongue. "Do you mind if I sit here?" he asked, pointing to the seat across from me.

"No, no. Not at all." I smiled as he sat down.

"So you're just out of school then?" he asked.

"What gave it away?" I smiled.

"The sir'," he answered honestly. "I'm hardly old enough for anyone to call me sir' unless they've been in school for a very long time."

"How old is that?" I asked curiously.

"24, next week," he answered. "And you are...?"

"19," I answered. "I just graduated Eton and now I'm off to find a job."

"So far from home?"

"It's actually as part of an archaeological expedition. In Egypt. I tried to get a position at my father's firm, but my brother was working there already." I explained. "My father is a good friend of Sir Alexander Rodgers, the egyptologist. A few months back, we were in Paris for a lecture of his. After the lecture, we spoke and Sir Rodgers offered me this position. I accepted. Thought it'd be nice to see the world a little before settling on a career."

I neglected to mention some of the other things that had occurred that night in Paris, but my cock pulsed at the memory of them and I smiled at the thought of replaying some of those memories with Tad involved. He seemed not to notice.

"Fascinating. I've read of a few of Sir Rodgers's books. Interesting people, those Egyptians."

"Yes," I agreed. "Quite fascinating. Where are you headed?"

"Amman. In the Trans-Jordan. I am a Captain in the British Army. We're deploying more troops in the Middle East to quell German and Arab aggression in the region. You realize, after the Ottomans..."

And he was off again on another political discourse. I smiled and nodded, indulging his tendency to prosthelytize. Attractive man, he was. An army man at that. A man in uniform always excites me. We talked, that is, Tad talked for the next half an hour or so. We had just ordered some drinks from the bar when the conductor entered the carriage and approached me.

"Mr. Simon?" He asked, gently interrupting Tad's tirade against the tariff on farm products.

"Yes?" I answered.

"We unfortunately have been unable to find a compartment for you. However, you are more than welcome to sleep in here. We can provide you with blankets and pillows, if you like."

"I suppose that'll have to do. Thank you very much," I paused meaningfully.

"Harold, sir." The conductor supplied obligingly.

"Thank you, Harold. I appreciate your assistance."

Tad had taken this opportunity to drink a long slurp of his beer. Placing the glass back on the counter and wiping the foam from his ginger moustache, he asked. "What seems to be the trouble here?"

"Oh, nothing really." I replied. "There was just a little mixup in the office and my sleeping compartment was double-booked."

"Oh, really?" Tad raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, sir." Harold replied. "Holiday rush, and such."

"I see. So you'll be spending the night in here, then?"

"Yes, it seems so." I smiled trying to make light of the situation. I still had my hopes I could charm my way into Harold's bed, curled up behind him with my thick cock happily settled in his round ass.

"No," Tad spoke suddenly.

"Beg pardon?" I replied. Harold looked just as confused.

"You can sleep in my compartment. We'll share. It'll be a bit tight, but I'm sure we can manage. It'll be more comfortable than here, at least."

"Thank you, Tad." I replied, with mixed feelings. Truly, I appreciated the gesture and it would probably be more comfortable boarding with Tad than sleeping alone in the cold train car. However, sleeping in Tad's compartment denied me the opportunity of sleeping with Harold. And that was an opportunity I was loath to miss. "But really, I don't want to encumber you with my presence. I'll be plenty comfortable here."

"Nonsense!" Tad insisted. "You can't rightfully spend a week sleeping on couches! Look, there are two beds. Small, it's true, but it's better than sleeping out here."

"Well, sir?" Harold asked, the most fleeting of faint smiles on his face. I could've sworn the little brat was teasing me. I immediately hardened up at the thought and quickly readjusted my position to cover the hardness. "Is this satisfactory?"

I was trapped. Smiling, but without feeling, I thanked Harold for his assistance and graciously thanked Tad for his generosity. I would be happy to take Mr. McCulloch up on his offer. The deed was done. My fate was sealed. I watched, not without some sadness, as Harold's perky bottom jaunted out of the room. I finished my first drink, ordered a second, and braced myself to endure more long political lectures from my companion's ever open mouth.

That evening, after several more drinks, discourses and dinners, Tad and I went to retire to his compartment. I was bored out of my mind and were it not for Tad's bulging muscles and attractive complexion, I don't think I would've been able to stand it. As it was, I was considering investing in a pair of earplugs should the lectures continue into the night.

Tad's room was small, an inevitable consequence of being on a train and on a budget. There was a small closet on one side of the room and a desk on the other. A bunk bed was on the back wall.

"You don't mind if I take the lower bunk, do you?" Tad asked. I replied that I didn't, and Tad proceeded to place his things on the bed. He then began to change while I unpacked my small travel case; Harold had taken my large suitcase to the luggage car. Tad slipped off his jacket and tie, and then unbuttoned and removed his shirt. He loosened his belt and pulled down his trousers as well, stepping out of them to reveal a pair of white undershorts. I carefully examined his crotch out of the corner of my eye. There was a heavy dark shadow beneath those shorts that could only be Tad's immense cock. My mouth watered. And then, without warning, Tad stripped of his underwear too. I nearly fainted at the sight of him. His lightly haired chest was solidly muscled, with enormous pectorals and large pink nipples. This was joined to a rippled abdomen with a faint trace of ginger hairs leading down to his crotch. And what a crotch it was. Wild, thick, curly hairs (fiery red, as well), haloed a thick uncut cock dangling between his legs. It was enormous. A large vein ran down the side. The bulge of the head was prominent beneath the long foreskin, and my mouth watered at the thought of gently sliding it back and slowing licking the man's piss slit. Two large testicles hung behind his god-penis in a wrinkled sack. Involuntarily, I let out a little squeak.

Hearing me, Tad looked over and spoke. "I hope you don't mind. I generally prefer to sleep in the nude. I find it much more comfortable."

I took a deep, shaky breath and spoke. "No, no. Not at all." Then, I continued to unpack my things, while Tad finished up with his toiletries and crawled into his bed. I noticed he did not get under the covers, and I gazed out of the corner of my eye as his heavy cock flopped and rolled from side to side with every motion the man made. I was getting hot and horny. My dick was so hard it hurt. Quickly, I turned to the small sink in our shared compartment and splashed cold water on my face. It helped, but not much.

I turned to get my pyjamas before realizing that Harold had removed my suitcase with all my extra clothes to the luggage compartment. I'd have to get it sometime, but I couldn't now. I took off my jacket and tie, and removed my shirt, revealing a much less toned, but by no means unfit chest. I unbuttoned my pants and removed them as well, leaving on my undershorts. As I carefully folded my clothes and went to climb in bed, Tad's voice stopped me.

"Have you ever slept naked?"

I paused, knowing where this was going. "No, I haven't."

"You should try it. It's much more comfortable." He paused, gauging my reaction. I tried not to look too excited about the prospect of being naked with this beautiful man, but it was hard to hide my erection. "I don't mind."

Slowly, I unbuttoned my shorts, and they fell to the ground as my erection sprang free, the full six inches, circumcised. It's not enormous, I know. But I think skill matters much more than size, and believe me, I am very skilled with what I've got.

"Looks like you don't mind either!" Tad joked. I blushed. "It's alright. Completely natural. Here--"

Tad began to stroke his penis to an erection as well. It didn't take long. He pulled hard and fast on his thick cock and it soon grew to full height, rock hard, and thick as a young sapling. He let go of the cock as it danced on its own. My mouth was open in awe.

Tad laughed. "I come from a family of large penises. My father and brother were even bigger than me. 8.5 and 9 inches, respectively. I'm the small one in the family; only 8 inches. We're all uncircumcised too. Family tradition or some shit. But I like it." He tugged on his dick again. It gently swayed back and forth. "Anyway, I've got to take a long piss, but get comfortable. I'll be back soon."

Tad winked as he pulled on a bathrobe and tied it around his waist. There was a large protrusion where his dick proudly stood at attention. Sliding his feet into a pair of slippers, he left the room. I was still in awe, and my dick was still screaming with hardness. I hurriedly rushed to my bed so I could shoot my load before Tad returned, but just as I was crawling up into my bed, there came a knock at the door. I reluctantly climbed down to answer it.

I grabbed a face towel from a rack by the sink, and wrapped the skimpy fabric around my waist, doing my best to tuck it in place. I carefully unlocked the door and held it open a crack, modestly concealing my hardness behind the door itself. I was slightly surprised to see Harold, holding my suitcases. He smiled tauntingly at me.

"Mr. Simon?" he asked. "I brought your luggage up from the baggage carriage. I thought you might be needing it?"

He caught me completely off guard, the little fucker. I stumbled over my words, eventually conveying my thanks to him.

"May I bring it in the room for you, and help you with anything else you need?" Harold asked sweetly. My god, he turned me on. My dick was about to burst. I pulled the door open a little wider, and Harold stepped in with my suitcases. Trimly, he strolled to the back of the room where he clicked open my suitcase and began to unpack my things. I was left, skimpy towel around my waist, rock hard, wondering what to do now.

As scattered and overwhelmed by the situation as my mind was, my cock was loving it. Harold and I together, alone in this room, nearly naked. This was what I had wanted. My mind was worrying about Tad and exactly how long he had been gone, but it was about this time that my cock took over.

I strolled over to him, my cock imbuing me with false confidence. I placed my hand on Harold's lower back as he leaned over my suitcase. Harold looked up and me and smiled. "Would you like your dressing gown, Mr. Simon?" he asked.

"Well, you do seem to have me at a disadvantage, Harold. But not an entirely unwelcome one, I might add." My hand trailed lower to his ass. I rubbed the firm bubble butt gently.

"And how might I best accommodate you, Mr. Simon? You do know that hospitality is the hallmark of the Trans-Eurasian Express, and I, as an employee, am committed to serving our customers as best as I am able." He smiled. I couldn't wait to have the blonde boy on his knees servicing my cock.

"Well..." I toyed with several ideas, turning to face Harold so he could clearly see the lump where my erect cock stretched the fabric of the towel.

"I'm waiting...!" Harold spoke in a singsong voice as he removed a pile of undershorts from the bottom of my suitcase. He peered in the bottom with a quizzical expression, then placed the undershorts to one side and reached into my suitcase, withdrawing a large phallic rod of polished wood. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye, flirtation leaping within the beautiful blue irises.

"A memento of your times at school, Mr. Simon?" Harold jibed slyly.

"You could say that," I quipped back. "Although I much prefer to think of what's to come, than what has been."

Harold leaned in closer to me. His lips were on the verge of touching mine. "And," he spoke softly. "What is that?"

I looked into his eyes, and removed the towel from around my waist, standing bold and proud in all my nude glory. "Why don't you show me?" I challenged.

I didn't quite realize how eager the boy was. Without a second thought, he fell to his knees and swallowed my cock whole, barely gagging. I was in ecstasy. Harold was no novice cocksucker, that much, I knew. His talented throat muscles massaged my shaft, while his nimble tongue performed all manner of moan-inducing tricks. Slowly, he slid up and down my cock, first enveloping my entire shaft in his velvet throat, then grasping it firmly with his hand, while gently kissing the head of my penis with his sweet lips. With his other hand, he gently fondled my balls in their wrinkled sack. He slurped noisily, as if my prick were the tastiest treat he'd ever laid eyes (or mouth) upon. I simply grasped his long blonde locks firmly, making sure he never for a minute let go of my cock. It wasn't long before I felt the sperm boiling in my testicles.

"Harold, I'm going to... unhhhh," I growled. Harold ignored my pleas, simply sucking longer and harder. His pace increased, and the intensity of pleasure took over. With a loud moan, I felt my balls retract, as the jet of semen raced down my cock into Harold's waiting mouth. My hips bucked wildly, but Harold held me in place, his lips sealed around my dick like an air lock. As my spasms of pleasure subsided, Harold slowly released my deflating penis. Cum dripped from the end, and more coated Harold's tongue and lips. I leaned down and kissed him hard, shoving my tongue in his mouth to taste my own essence.

The kiss over, I smiled at Harold, and he returned my grin. Our aftersex satisfaction was shattered by the sound of applause coming from the door. I whirled around. Tad stood by the door, laughing and clapping with delight. The front of his robe was open and his proud penis stood at attention, ready for duty.

"Harold, you naughty scamp, you know you're supposed to share him with me," Tad chastised. Harold smiled cheekily, mouth full of my cum. "Now get over here and share that seed with me!"

In a few steps, Harold had crossed the room. He and Tad kissed each other, pushing my cum in between their fighting tongues. Tad's large hands lingered possessively on Harold's ass. I simply watched, my dick still dripping with cum, but rapidly rising to full height once again.

"And what are you doing in those silly clothes?" Tad continued to berate the boy. "You know what the dress code is with me!"

Harold smirked as he slipped out of his jacket and shirt. His pants fell to the ground too, and it became evident he was wearing nothing underneath. No wonder his erection was so prominent.

"You two... know each other, I presume?" I questioned the pair.

"This cheeky little bastard," Tad answered, pinching Harold's ass. The boy yelped, but I noticed his erection grew taller. "Is my cousin. As soon as he saw you, he came to me."

"I knew you'd be up for a little engaging exercise during the train ride," Harold grinned.

"This brilliant prick has some kind of sense for which gentlemen are interested in our activities." Tad continued. "If we could weaponize him, the Germans wouldn't stand a chance."

"I'd lick every one of their cocks," Harold boasted. "For king and country."

"What a brave little soldier," Tad smiled. "How about some rifle practice?"

Again, Harold lept eagerly to slurp Tad's enormous member in his mouth. I rapidly understood why Harold had so little trouble with my own prick. His handling of Tad's was the most graceful performance I'd ever seen. He started by focusing simply on the enormous blunt head. With his hand, he pulled back Tad's veined foreskin. Harold then placed his soft, sweet lips around just the tip of Tad's cock. He gently sucked and slobbered all over it, all the while tugging at Tad's heavy nutsack. He removed Tad's cock from his mouth and with a careful tongue, licked the piss slit where beads of precum were beginning to form. Tad began to moan and rock back and forth on his heels. Harold turned around to look at me, but still did not take his hands off of Tad.

"Well?" he asked, smirking at me. "What are you waiting for?"

Without hesitation, I rushed to participate. I fell to my knees alongside Harold, and joined him in slurping up and down Tad's throbbing penis. Meanwhile, my hands explored Harold's own turgid member. His was a long slender rod, embarrassingly longer than my own, but it still fell short of Tad's great cock. Blond pubes, nearly invisible in their soft, gossamer-like appearance crowned the base, and heavy balls were tucked neatly underneath.

Harold was busy licking up and down Tad's shaft, peeling back the foreskin so he could attend to the tender cockhead, so I decided to focus my efforts on Tad's gigantic testicles. They hung low and heavy beneath his enormous cock. I carefully sucked one into my mouth, gently moving it around with my tongue. Tad expressed his appreciation for my efforts with a hefty grunt and a firm hand on the back of my head, pushing my further into the muskiness of his crotch. I spat out the first testicle and moved on to the second, again slurping it into my mouth and sucking hard on the golf ball-sized organ. I released it from my lips, only to pop both testicles in my mouth at the same time. I sucked hard and long, Tad sighed in ecstasy and I felt Harold fondling my own dick, which leaked precum like a faucet. It was a perfect trifecta of lust.

Suddenly, Harold released Tad's penis from his lips. The heavy pole, propelled by desire but restrained by Harold's talented mouth, jumped upwards, and in doing so, slapped me in the face, leaving a creamy trail of precum on my cheek. Harold was quick to lick it away. Then he bit my earlobe.

"Alright," he spoke low and lustfully. "I want you to fuck me now."

Immediately, I rushed to accommodate him, turning my attention to the boy's pink hole, while Tad held the line steady at the front with Harold still slobbering on his glorious cock. I leaned in close to Harold's ass taking a whiff of his sweet muskiness. I then grabbed each cheek in my hands, and spread him open wide. I gazed critically at the puckered hole until Harold spat out Tad's cock and yelled at me: "What are you waiting for, Lewis? Get to it!" I leaned in and licked slowly and carefully, then licked again, harder and harder, my muscular tongue probing Harold's sweet, tight hole. My careful ministrations elicited a loud moan from Harold, who begged me to please fuck him hard and fast. Not one to rush things, I rubbed my finger around the hot opening before pushing it in. Harold's ass greedily swallowed it, so I added a second finger, then a third. I twisted them around and around, stretching and pulling at Harold's hole, but it didn't take long until he was begging for more. I gave his quivering hole one last long kiss before retreating to my bunk and collecting the dildo Harold had discovered earlier, along with a bottle of lubricant. Squirting the lube on the dildo, I positioned it in line with Harold's ass, and gently shoved it in place. He squealed loudly as the cool rod took its place. I let him adjust a bit before wiggling it about, inciting further cries of pleasure. I slowly withdrew the wooden rod, then thrust it in again slowly. Harold's round ass eagerly swallowed it, and the boy withdrew Tad's cock from his mouth only for a moment to croon and beg me to go faster and harder. That I did, removing nearly the entire phallus from Harold's pulsing hole, and then pushing the rod, slick with lube and Harold's own excitement, back inside the boy. He moaned again. Faster and faster, in and out, I thrust the dildo. Harold was squirming under the pleasure, his long, beautiful penis dripped precum. Finally, I got tired of just Harold having all the fun, and very suddenly pulled the entire phallus from his rectum. I grabbed the lube bottle again and opening it, spread an ample amount on my rapidly hardening prick.

Harold, noting the sudden emptiness, turned back to cajole me into replacing the dildo, but Tad grabbed his hair and pulled him back to focus on his own cock. Harold winced at the pain, but I noticed an extra-large glob of precum lurch out at the motion. Hmmm, slightly kinkier than expected perhaps? They were cousins, after all. Who knew how long they'd been fucking? The kinds of experiments they had tried?

"Focus on mine, boy," growled Tad, interrupting my reverie. "He'll satisfy you soon enough."

Harold groaned, and I lined my blunt cockhead up with his puckering hole. The pulsing pinkness made me so horny. This was the most fun I'd had in a while. Not able to stand waiting any longer, I grabbed the boy's asscheeks and brutally thrust myself inside of him.

The boy let out a terrific moan as I slowly eased my thick cock inside him. Despite years of abuse from Tad's eight-incher, the boy's hole was still virginally tight. His ass clutched my dick desperately, and the heat and tightness alone nearly made me cum. I thrust in deeper, skillfully angling the motion to hit the parts of him that had made every other one of my bottoms howl in pleasure, and caused some of them to cum instantly. Harold, being more experienced than most, restrained himself from cumming, but did cry in such throes of ecstasy that Tad glanced over at me and smirked.

"Well Mr. Simon," he chuckled. "You've certainly got some magic touch; he's never moaned for me quite like that. I will admit; I'm a little jealous."

I stared back into those baby blue eyes, and laughed. "Don't be."

I leaned forward, and placed my lips on Tad's mouth. He returned the kiss with gusto, forcing his tongue inside my mouth and nibbling at my lips. The passionate kiss sparked a fire in Harold, so excited was he to be servicing both of us at once. In just another moment, the boy crowed so loud, I thought he'd wake the entire train. His rock hard dick lurched, as cum spurted out with each one of my thrusts inside his burning asshole. I moaned loudly as Harold's spasming rectum grasped my cock, inciting me to shoot my load deep inside the boy. Tad was not to be left out of our pleasures, and it wasn't long before he too sprayed Harold's face with a load of semen proportional to the size of his massive balls and cock.

We lay there, sweaty, panting, and naked on the rich, oriental rug that furnished the floor of the compartment. I smiled, knowing it was going to be quite a long journey to Istanbul, but nevertheless, a rather enjoyable one.

I hope you enjoyed my story and that it kept you well-entertained. I have about 5 or 6 chapters planned in total, including this one. That's ambitious and I might not even make it that far, but if there is enough interest and support, I can and will. I also have many ideas for prequels, sequels and spin-offs, so if you're interested, let me know and I'd be thrilled to write them all. Please send questions, comments, support, criticisms and encouragement to

Until next time, happy jacking!

Next: Chapter 2

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