Adventures in House Sitting

By Kevin Sting

Published on Jul 8, 2023


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This and all other chapters of this story are the copyright of the author. (c) 2023. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real events or real people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

After jerking off with Philip over Facetime and then going for a late night swim, I rinsed off in the shower, cleaned my cum off the bathroom mirror and then crawled into bed just after midnight.

I set the alarm for 7:00 am, since I had to attend a 8:00 am Zoom meeting to take notes for Philip. And then a technician from the internet service provider was scheduled to come sometime between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm to upgrade the system at the house. So Thursday was going to be a much more work-focused day than my last few here at the house.

It seemed like I'd barely set my head down on the pillow when the alarm went off. I opened the French doors to the back yard to let the dogs outside and stepped out into the warm morning sun. It was too nice out not to take advantage of the outdoor shower, especially knowing I'd need to put clothes on for the day's appointments. So I walked across the yard, turned the shower on and stepped under the spray.

As I let the water run over my body, my pelvic muscles relaxed and a stream of pee emerged from under my foreskin. I took a couple steps to the side, out of the flow of the shower, and then I mimicked Ernesto's maneuver from the day before and aimed my urine stream up onto my stomach and chest. My pee was really warm in comparison to the cool water from the shower. As my flow subsided, I stepped back under the shower, shucked back my foreskin and proceeded to wash myself. Since I hadn't brought a towel outside, I simply laid out on one of the chaise lounges.

Sufficiently dry after just a few minutes in the morning sun, I walked back into the bedroom and grabbed a loose pair of gray shorts and a navy polo from my duffel bag and pulled them on. If couldn't be naked today, I could at least go commando!

I quickly fixed myself an iced coffee and grabbed some toast before settling in to Philip's desk chair just before 8:00 for the Zoom meeting.

After the meeting ended at around 8:45, I cleaned up the notes I'd captured and emailed them to Philip for his review when he returned -- or whenever he logged in to his work email. If Daisy had anything to do with it, it'd be the former; she wanted him to take a complete break from work. But my guess was that Philip would have reviewed and commented on my notes by Monday.

Since I still had an hour before the beginning of the window when the internet technician might arrive, I decided to take the dogs out for a walk before it got too hot.

I doffed my polo, slathered myself in sunscreen, put on my sunglasses, and saddled the dogs up. We walked down the long driveway and onto the narrow, hilly road.

Since it was past the morning rush, there weren't too many cars on the road. But every time I'd hear one coming, I'd pull the dogs into the nearest driveway to make way. After about 25 minutes, I was drenched in sweat. It was much more humid today than the last few days.

We reached a point in the road where it curved around the hill, with a sheer drop-off into the canyon below. The locals knew to slow down here, but Daisy and Philip had said there'd been a couple cars that drove off the edge over the years. As we just about made it to far side of the curve, I saw a small convertible approaching. It slowed down and the driver gave me a friendly wave from afar. As the car got closer, I realized it was fairly well known gay soap opera actor who lived in the canyon. He slowed down even more as he approached me, slide his sunglasses down and peered at me over their frames.

"Hot!" he said, giving me a big toothy smile as he slowed the car to a near-crawl.

"Yeah, it is pretty muggy this morning," I said, smiling back.

"That, too," he said. He gave me a wink and then reached down to his crotch and gave it a squeeze.

It then dawned on me that he wasn't commenting on the weather. I looked down at myself and realized that the sweat had soaked through the light grey fabric of my shorts and they were now plastered against my cock and balls. Blushing, I tried to pull the fabric away from my crotch.

"Aww, now you spoiled the view," he said with a smile. "You taking care of Laverne and Shirley for awhile?"

I nodded, still blushing.

"Well, then maybe I'll see you later, handsome," he said and gave me a little nod. And then he accelerated slightly and drove off behind me.

The dogs and I continued our sweaty walk for another 5 minutes or so before turning around to head back to the house.

As I approached the driveway, I could see a bright blue van coming up the hill. As I made my way up the driveway, it turned in after me. I think for the first time in history, a service person was showing up at the beginning of the time window they'd provided.

The van parked near the side of the garage and the driver's side door popped open. The dogs barked playfully as a man in his mid-40s popped out. He was well over 6 feet tall, with close cropped dark hair and a beer gut slightly straining against the fabric of his grey polo shirt.

"Mornin'! I'm Chris," he said with a smile. "I'm here to upgrade the WiFi router."

"Hi, good morning," I said. "I'm Tyler. Let me get the dogs settled outside and I'll show you where the equipment is. Follow me."

I walked in through the back gate and let the dogs loose, and then proceeded in through the den to show Chris to the tech closet in the hall between the den and the garage.

"Really nice place you've got here," Chris said, taking in the furnishings in the den.

"Yeah, it really is," I added. "But I'm just house sitting for my boss."

"Ah, that makes sense," Chris laughed. "The office style looks a bit mature for a young guy like you." His gaze turned to the painting of Philip that I'd been working on. "That's really cool. Did you do that?"

"Yes, thanks," I said, blushing a little. "It doesn't pay the bills -- at least not yet. But it's a passion."

"You're definitely talented," he said raising an eyebrow.

"Thank you." I walked through the doorway to the hall and motioned towards the closet. "All the gear is in here. I'll open the garage for you so you can come in and out."

"Thanks, Tyler," he said, pulling open the closet door.

I opened the door to the garage and then hit the switch to open the garage door. Sunlight flooded the garage and a wave of humid warmth rolled in.

"It's getting really hot out there," I said. "I'm just going to grab a towel and some water. Can I get you anything?"

"No thanks, I'm good," Chris replied. "I'll just grab my tools and then see what we're working with here."

I walked down the hall to the bedroom and into the bathroom, flipping the light on and grabbing a towel from a shelf near the vanity. I splashed some water on my face and then blotted my face with the towel. I gazed at myself in the mirror. My chest was dripping with sweat and was flushed. I mopped what sweat I could with the towel.

The front of my shorts was still soaked. Anyone curious wouldn't have needed to ask whether I was circumcised or not as the damp fabric still clung to the head of my penis. I turned sideways and could see that the back of the shorts was far more indecent. The wet shorts were plastered to my ass.

I kicked off my shoes and shucked the shorts, tossing them on the counter. I used the towel to wipe the sweat on my crotch and ass and then walked back into the bedroom to retrieve a dry pair. As I pulled on a pair of short, but currently opaque, navy blue athletic shorts, I heard Chris call out.

"Hey Tyler..."

I walked back down the hall toward him. "What's up?"

"The wiring on this box is pretty old, so I'm going to need to swap it out," he began. "It looks like it goes up into the attic space, so I'll need access to that."

"Ah, got it," I said. "There's a hatch with ladder in the garage. Let me just back the SUV out so you can get to it."

"Thanks!" he said.

I grabbed the keys to the BMW and then proceeded to pull it out of the garage and into the driveway. The warm leather clung to my bare back and legs.

"There's a step ladder over there," I said, motioning to the wall in front of Daisy's car.

"No need," Chris said, extending a long arm up to the ceiling and pulling the handle down on the attic hatch.

"Must be nice!" I said.

Chris laughed. "I guess the height has it's advantages. But I wish my stomach looked like yours." He patted his belly playfully.

I laughed self-consciously.

"Let me know if there's anything else you need," I said.

"Will do," he replied as he pulled down the extending ladder to the attic. "I'll let you know before I disconnect the current box."

"Thanks," I said.

I grabbed myself a glass of water and then headed back into the den to check my work email and Philip's one more time before Chris disconnected the WiFi. I settled in to his leather chair, flipped open my laptop and set to work.

Chris came in and out from the garage several times over the next 30 minutes or so. I could hear him climb up the creaky ladder and then the sound of him crawling around the attic space above me. At one point, it was clear he was conversing with someone else on his mobile phone.

He returned from the garage once more and stepped into the doorway to the den.

"Can I bug you for a minute?" he asked with a bit of a sigh. I looked up and could see that he was now red faced and drenched in sweat. His once light polo shirt was now stained dark in his armpits, down the middle of his chest and over his stomach.

"Sure. Do you want some water or something?" I said, rising from the chair.

"Yeah, that'd be great," Chris replied.

"The kitchen's just this way," I said, motioning him down the hallway.

"I'll try not to touch anything," he laughed.

Once in the kitchen, I got a glass from the cabinet and filled it with ice and water for him. He downed the glass quickly and I refilled it once again. This time he sipped it slowly.

He tried to mop the sweat off his brow with the back of his arm, but it did little good since his hairy forearm was glistening with sweat, as well. Finally, he lifted the front of his shirt and mopped his brow with it. I caught sight of his hairy belly and lower chest. As he rubbed his face with his shirt, one of his rosy pink nipples came into view. Lowering his shirt, he sipped the water once again.

"That's better," he said. "So the wiring is in kind of a tricky spot in the attic. It's really tight up there -- a little too tight for a big guy like me." He rubbed his sweaty belly with his free hand and gave me a wink.

"Is it something I can help you with?" I asked. I was at least half a foot and probably 60 or 70 lbs lighter than him.

"Thanks, that's really nice of you to offer," Chris replied. "But the area where the wiring comes through has a bunch of blown in insulation. I'm gonna need to come back with protective coveralls and one of my guys who's a bit more slender. I don't even want to venture back there dressed like this, let alone have you go back there half naked."

"Ah, okay," I said, suddenly conscious again of my state of dress, or undress rather. "So when would you be able to come back?"

"Looking at the schedule, I think the earliest we could get back here is near the end of the day on Monday," Chris said, sipping more of his water. "Is that okay? I'm really sorry for the inconvenience."

I assured him that it wasn't a problem, especially since the current router was still working and he hadn't disconnected it yet.

Chris said he'd close everything back up and asked if he could borrow a broom and dustpan to clean up some of the insulation that'd fallen from the attic access. I stepped out into the garage and showed him where the broom was kept in a cabinet. He pulled a dust mask from his pocket.

"Do you mind if I take my shirt off while I sweep up out here? It's pretty freakin' hot," he asked.

"No, not at all," I said. "Make yourself comfortable."

"Thanks!" he said and pulled his polo off over his head. He had nice pecs covered in matted fur and his armpits were similarly hairy. When he turned around to set his shirt on the cabinet, I could see a light dusting of sun freckles across his shoulder and a tuft of dark hair in the middle of his back, just above his waistband. Turning back to grab the broom, he looked down at his sweaty torso. "Like I said, I'd kill to have your stomach!"

"You look great," I said without thinking. And then, as he pulled the dust mask over his face, I retreated back into the house.

A few minutes later, Chris came back into the house and began to gather his tools. He was still shirtless and still drenched in sweat.

"Do you want to rinse off or jump in the pool?" I asked.

He looked up at me and smiled. "That's so tempting. But I've got 3 more jobs to get to today. Can I take a rain check if it's hot on Monday?"

"Absolutely," I said. "Do you want a bottled water for the road?"

"That'd be great!" he said, zipping up his tool bag. "Mind if I use your bathroom quick?"

I nodded and motioned across the hall to the bathroom. As he stepped inside, I went to the kitchen to grab his water. Returning down the hall, I realized he hadn't closed the bathroom door. So I was treated to the reflection of him shaking off the last drops of pee from his short, meaty circumcised cock and then tucking it back into his underwear. He flushed the toilet and then looked up at me in the mirror as he washed his hands.

"Oh, sorry," he said, with a grin. "Didn't mean to flash you there."

"Not a problem," I assured him as I extended the water bottle to him.

"Thanks. We should be back here Monday -- probably 3:30 or 4:00," Chris said. "Can I text you at the number on the account in case there are any delays?"

"No, that's my boss' wife's number. Let me give you mine," I said. After giving him my contact info, Chris grabbed his tool bag and walked out into the garage. I followed him out as he walked to put it in his van.

"Don't forget your shirt," I said, grabbing the sweat-soaked polo from the cabinet and handing it to him.

"Thanks, Tyler. See you Monday," he said and climbed into the driver's seat without putting it back on.

As he backed out and drove down the driveway, I pulled the SUV back into the garage and then hit the button to close the garage door. I was suddenly looking forward to Monday afternoon.

Next: Chapter 11

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