Adventures in House Sitting

By Kevin Sting

Published on Jul 10, 2023


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This and all other chapters of this story are the copyright of the author. (c) 2023. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real events or real people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

          • Back inside the house after the internet technician Chris left, I busied myself by feeding the dogs, fully unpacking the few clothes and toiletries I'd brought in my duffel bag (I would be here for a month, after all), and tidying up the house in general, since Daisy and Philip's housekeeper would be coming tomorrow morning.

I made myself lunch and ate it while I caught up on more work email. I had one more Zoom meeting in the middle of the afternoon, which required me to put my polo shirt back on again.

After the meeting was done, I noticed that I had two messages. One was from my roommate, Steve. He wanted to see a boxing match on a pay cable sports channel we didn't have at our apartment, and wondered if he could come watch it tonight if Philip and Daisy had the channel. I confirmed they did and texted him back saying he was welcome to come over.

"Sweet! I'll bring pizza and beer," he texted back. "Text me the address."

I replied with a thumbs up and then added, "Bring your swimsuit if you want to go for a swim, too."

"Sounds nice. But I'm coming straight from work. Maybe I can swim in my undies or ???" he replied.

Since he worked in the Valley and our apartment was in Hollywood, and the house was basically halfway in between, I realized it didn't make sense for him to go back to our place.

"We'll figure something out," I texted back, adding the address. "See you later."

"Thanks dude! CU around 7," Steve replied.

The second message was a lengthy one from Daisy. It started off with, "I hope this is okay, but..."

She went on to explain that the younger brother of a Spanish foreign exchange student they'd hosted about 15 years ago was going to be traveling from Madrid to Buenos Aires by way of LA. What was originally supposed to be a layover of a few hours at LAX on Friday night had turned into a two-day layover, due to some last-minute flight cancellations. Daisy wondered if I'd be okay if Pablo stayed in the guest house for a couple days over the weekend.

"Of course, that's no problem at all," I texted her back.

"Thank you Tyler!" she texted back, punctuating her message with praying hands and heart emojis. "I think you'll really like him. He came out for a visit with Juan 8 or 9 years ago. He's very smart and sweet."

"Do you need me to pick him up or arrange a car?" I asked.

"No, Pablo insisted he can take a taxi or Uber," she said.

I gave her the thumbs up and she replied that he'd probably be there in the late afternoon or early evening tomorrow.

"I'm going in to the studio tomorrow morning, but should be back well before then," I texted back. "I'll make sure Lucia cleans the guest house."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Daisy texted back and added the kissing face emoji.

Well so much for spending the weekend naked by the pool, I thought.

Around 6:45, I heard the sound of Steve's car pulling up the driveway. I met him at the front door and let him inside. He was still wearing his dress slacks and white work shirt, though he'd doffed his tie. He was carrying a pizza box and a 12-pack of his favorite beer.

"This place is sick, Tyler," he said, as I walked him through the house to the kitchen.

"Yeah, it is pretty nice," I replied. "Maybe one day when you're a rich and powerful attorney, you'll have a place like this, too."

"I hope so," he laughed. "Actually, I hope my place is even bigger!"

"Size queen," I said, jabbing him playfully in the side.

Steve laughed, setting the pizza and beer down on the counter. He was straight as an arrow, but very comfortable in his sexuality. He prided himself on being super gay friendly, and loved when my gay friends fawned over him.

"What time is the game on?" I asked. "Sorry, I mean the match?" I retrieved a bottle opener and popped open two of the beers for us and put the rest in the refrigerator.

Steve laughed. "It starts at 7:30, but they'll probably have 45 minutes of pre-match interviews and shit."

"Okay, do you want to eat in here or out by the pool?" I asked.

"By the pool sounds nice," he said.

I grabbed plates and we took the pizza and beers outside to the patio table where I'd had lunch the day before with Ernesto.

"This yard is amazing," Steve marveled. "It's like 'quiet' expensive. Like they're so rich that they don't have to show off that they're rich."

"Exactly," I laughed.

"It's still pretty hot out," he said, rolling up the sleeves on his shirt and unbuttoning the top few buttons.

"You can take it off if you want," I said, motioning at his shirt. "I'll try not jump you like I usually do."

Steve laughed again. He was really into going to the gym and took a lot of pride in his body. He was Korean American, nearly 6 feet tall and had an athletic build. We couldn't have been more different physically -- okay, maybe if he was really fat or hairy. But we'd hit it off in school when we were assigned dorm rooms next to each other. He had a gay uncle, so he felt kind of protective of me and stepped in the few times anyone tried to give me any homophobic crap.

"I will if you will," he said, batting his eyes with fake coyness.

I pulled my polo up off over my head and tossed it on the empty chair next to me. Steve smiled and unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and pulled it off.

"Much better," he said. Flexing his pecs playfully.

I'd asked him a few times over the course of our friendship if he'd ever be interested in posing for me -- nude or otherwise. His response was always, "Maybe when I'm a little more cut."

As we made a significant dent in the large combo pizza he brought and downed 2 beers each, we talked about his job at the law firm, his girlfriend Monica, and my job. I told him bits and pieces of the last few days here at the house, but spared some of the details. He was gay friendly, but I didn't want to push the boundaries too far by telling him how much sexual activity I'd engaged in at the house.

Steve looked at his watch and said, "Mind if I turn the TV on to see where they're at?"

"Go for it. I'll put the rest of the pizza away and grab a couple more beers," I said.

We walked into the kitchen and he proceeded on into the family room, turned the TV on and switched over to the sports channel. Returning to the kitchen, he took one of the beers from me.

"They've still got a 35-minute countdown to the start of the match," he said. "Mind if I take you up on that swim?"

"Sure," I said. "No offense, but you won't fit into my swim trunks or shorts. But I can dig out one of Philip's gym shorts."

Steve wrinkled his nose.

"Or you can swim in your underwear," I continued. "Or we could skinny dip."

"If you can keep your hands off me, I vote for option C," he said grinning.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I'll do my best."

I grabbed a couple towels from the hall closet and we walked back out to the patio.

Steve looked over at me and then unbuttoned and unzipped his slacks. He kicked off his work shoes and slipped his socks off, stowing them inside his shoes. And then he slid his slacks down revealing a pair of form-fitting black boxer briefs that hugged his muscled quads. He looked over at me again.

"Aren't you going to take your shorts off?" he asked.

"I'm going commando today, so I was just letting you catch up to me," I said.

"Ah," he said. Then he added with a grin, "We've been roommates now for almost 2 years, and I think this'll be the first time we've seen each other fully naked."

"I saw your bare ass that one time you came home drunk and then wandered into the bathroom in your jockstrap to puke," I said.

"Hopefully this won't emotionally scar you like that night," he laughed. "Okay, here goes nothing. Count of three." I nodded. "One, two, three!"

In unison, I slipped off my shorts and he slid his underwear off.

"Nice meat!" Steve said staring down at my crotch. "I'm feeling a little insubstantial over here."

I laughed. His cock was definitely smaller than mine. Just the circumcised head and an inch or so of the shaft poked out of his thick bush of black pubic hair. He gave it a few casual tugs to lengthen it a bit.

"You've got plenty there to keep Monica happy," I said. "And besides, you're bigger than me everywhere else. So it's only fair I get this one."

He laughed and continued to casually fluff himself.

"Let's hit the water," Steve said, motioning toward the pool. "If I'm drowning, I know where to find a flotation device," he added, nodding down at my crotch.

"Funny," I said.

As we walked towards the pool, I couldn't resist. I reached out and pushed Steve's smooth, perky butt and shoved him off balance into the pool.

"Bitch!" he said in a stereotypical queeny accent as he emerged from the water.

We swam and splashed each other for the next 20 minutes or so and then hoisted ourselves onto the edge of the pool. The sun was setting and the combination of orangey-pink and blue of the sunset bathed Steve's smooth chest in a warm light. His deep brown nipples were perky from the pool and the water clung to them.

I'd had a bit of a crush on Steve when we first met. But it quickly morphed into friendship. He had a girlfriend and asked if I was dating anyone. When I told him no, he matter-of-factly asked hypothetically if I were dating anyone would it be a girl or a guy. I confessed that it would be a guy, and he simply replied, "Cool."

Besides a couple of female friends in high school, he was one of the first people I ever came out to -- and certainly the first guy.

Because he was a political sciences major and I was in the college's school of art, we had no classes together and rarely encountered each other on campus. But we ate together a lot in the dining hall and I'd frequently be the third wheel going to the movies or for dinner with him and his girlfriend.

In our 4 years at college, we had never roomed together. So it was a little bit of a surprise when Steve asked if I wanted to move into an apartment with him after we graduated. He knew I was staying in LA, too. And probably figured I'd struggle to afford rent anywhere as I began my career as an aspiring artist and administrative temp.

He snagged an entry-level position at the law firm that had a reputation for helping to subsidize law school for promising staff members. So he'd been working his butt off during the time we lived together. That meant I didn't see him all that much. He'd come home late, watch Seinfeld reruns and go to bed. Then get up early, go to work and repeat the drill. On the weekends, he'd play video games shirtless all day or he'd have Monica over and they'd be holed up in his room alternately having sex and sleeping for hours.

It wasn't a bad roommate situation to be in. But, even so, I was relishing living on my own at Philip and Daisy's house, if only for a month.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Steve asked, running his hands through his thick pubic hair.

"Sorry, it's just that the quality of light is really cool on your skin," I said. "It'd make a beautiful painting."

"And you'd like to take pictures of me?" he said with a little smile.

I nodded.

"Okay, okay. I give in. Do you have your camera here?" he asked.

I smiled and nodded again.

"Go get it. But make it quick. I don't want to miss any of the fight because you're taking porno shots of me," he said.

I hopped up and grabbed one of the towels, wrapped it around my lower half and hurried into the house to grab my camera. Quickly returning, I ditched the towel and squatted down next to Steve.

"Damn dude, your dick and balls are like dangling on the pool deck," he said laughing as he looked over at me. "Now understand, these photos are for your artistic purposes only. If they end up on some OnlyFans page you've set up, I have powerful attorney friends and they will come after you," he said with a wink.

"I promise. Scouts honor," I said and started snapping away so as not to lose the light.

"I didn't realize you were a Girl Scout," he said.

I flipped him off. "Just shut up and look pretty," I said sarcastically.

I directed Steve in a few more poses -- sitting cross-legged and standing at different angles to capture the unique light. For the final photo, I had him turn toward the sunset and I zoomed way in on his pubic area. The combination of his olive skin and the black wiry pubic hair sprinkled with water droplets was kind of breathtaking.

"Hang on," Steve said, interrupting the shoot. He proceeded to tug on his ball sack and give his cock a few strokes.

"You don't need to get it hard," I said.

"I know. But if you're gonna get that close on the little guy, I need to plump him up a little bit," he said, tugging on his cock. "Besides, you've got one."

I looked down at my crotch and realized that I did indeed have a partial erection. My foreskin was straining against my cock head.

"Sorry," I said. "Occupational hazard."

Steve laughed. "No worries bro. Dick happens." He continued plumping himself until he'd reached a satisfactory state of tumescence. "Okay, I'm ready for my closeup."

His cock was now much fuller, a little less than 6 inches, but still resting against his balls and pointing downwards. It looked great and I snapped 4 or 5 shots of it.

"Okay, I think we're good," I said, lowering my camera. "Thank you!"

"Can I see?" Steve asked.

"Of course," I replied. I flipped the camera around so he could see the screen on the back. I scrolled through the 30 or 40 frames I'd captured.

"Damn, I do look good," he said.

"You really do," I agreed, realizing that my cock was still partially hard.

"Maybe I could crop one or two of those to send to Monica," he added.

"Sure, I'll put them all in a drop box folder for you," I said.

"Thanks bro!" he replied. He grabbed the other towel and dried what little pool water remained on his skin. "Now let's go watch the fight."

As we walked back into the house, with towels wrapped around our waists, Steve asked, "Is it okay if I stay like this?"

"Yes," I assured him. I shared that I'd spent much of the last few days naked.

"With a setup like this, I would, too," he said patting me gently on the back.

I grabbed two more beers and we plopped down on the leather sofa in front of the TV. A sports journalist was profiling one of the boxers. As he talked about his humble upbringing in Korea, footage of his childhood home in Korea was spliced together with a montage of him training at the gym. Then they transitioned to interviews with each of the boxers where they basically talked trash about each other through translators.

The coverage then showed each of them getting weighed in before the fight. The Korean boxer, wearing only a towel, walked up on stage, stepped on the scale with his back to the audience of reporters, and then pulled off the towel and handed it to his coach. Fully naked, he stood for a moment as an official read the precise weight off the scale. The boxer raised his arms in victory. Securing the towel back around his waist, he turned to audience and raised his arms once again as photographers snapped dozens of photos of him.

The process was repeated with the competing boxer -- an Eastern European with far too few vowels in his name. Then both boxers, still in just their towels, stood on stage, facing each other just inches apart as the photographers snapped away.

"If I'd known boxing was so homoerotic, I'd have started watching it much sooner," I said.

Steve laughed. Then he stood up, facing away from me and mimicked the boxers' routine -- dropping the towel and then striking the victory pose. I laughed at his antics.

When his routine was finished, Steve wrapped the towel around his butt and sat back down on the couch, not bothering to cover his crotch.

Without turning his head at me, he said, "I assume you're cool if I watch the match like this."

"You'll get no objections from me," I said, settling back against the arm of the couch and sipping my beer.

I could detect a little half grin on Steve's face as he took a swig from his own bottle.

The fight lasted about 45 minutes including a break in the middle for the boxers to rest.

Despite the naked weigh-in, boxing had absolutely no appeal to me. I cringed every time a punch landed on one of boxer's faces sending sweat, spit and/or blood flying.

Steve, on the other hand, loved it. Each time the Korean boxer scored a blow, he would lean forward on the edge of his seat punching at the air. When the opponent landed a punch, Steve would fall back against the couch and pull his legs up as if to protect himself. Each time he did that, I was treated to the sight of his testicles protruding from between his meaty thighs.

When the Korean boxer was eventually declared the winner, Steve rose to his feet -- still completely naked -- and raised his arms and turned towards me, as if he himself had just won. His raised arms revealed thick patches of hair in his armpits that matched his pubes.

"That was fucking awesome!" Steve said, still standing. I could see he was actually sweating.

"Do you want to jump in the pool again?" I asked. "You're looking kinda sweaty."

"Yeah, sounds good, Tyler," he said.

We swam for an hour or so under the darkening sky. The pool light came on automatically, and the ripples distorted Steve's naked body as he swam under the water. I grabbed my camera again and captured some shots that were reminiscent of a David Hockney painting.

Eventually, Steve and I ended up sitting on the top step at the shallow end. Our butts and calves were submerged, but our thighs were above water. Our cocks bobbed up and down like buoys.

"This is super nice," Steve said. "Thanks again."

"No problem," I said. "You're welcome to come back again sometime while I'm here."

"I will definitely take you up on that, Tyler," he said. "And now I kinda feel like we've broken a little bit of a barrier. So like, I can walk to the bathroom or grab a beer naked now when we're both at the apartment."

"Yeah, sure," I said, slightly puzzled by his introspection. "You can be naked whenever you want."

"Thanks bro," he said, and patted me on the back. "I should probably get dressed and head to the apartment."

"You good to drive, Steve?" I asked.

"Totally, but thanks for asking," he said. "I've got a few extra pounds on you to absorb the beer." He rubbed his abs with his hand.

I laughed.

"Can I ask you a weird question?" Steve said, shifting his hand down onto his thigh.

"Shoot," I said.

"Do you think my dick really is enough?" he said, looking down at his crotch and then over at me. "I mean Monica's never said anything, but I always sort of wonder when I see the guys with massive cocks in porn."

I smiled at his vulnerability. "Your cock is more than enough. I think I've seen a lot more dick than you have in real life and very few look anything like the elephant trunks some of those guys sport in porn."

He looked down at his cock again.

"And on top of that," I continued. "Your penis looks great. It's nicely proportioned. Great ball to shaft ratio. No strange angles. Some people might prefer some manscaping, though I prefer the natural look myself."

Steve smiled and laughed.

"If you're penis was attached to a single, gay body, I'd be all over it," I added.

Steve snorted. "I bet you say that to all the girls." He pulled me into a headlock and mock shoved my head towards his crotch. He stopped short so I was basically nuzzling his chest.

"If you keep me like this much longer," I said, choking slightly. "I will be forced to suck your nipple."

Steve released me and rubbed my back.

We both stood up and dried ourselves off with our towels.

"Thanks again, Tyler. This has been fun," Steve said. He extended his arms, inviting me in for a hug.

"Are we really doing this?" I asked.

"100 percent!" he said. "I want full-body, naked, skin-to-skin contact."

He pulled me in for a bear hug and we were indeed in full contact -- nearly chest-to-chest and cock-to-cock if not for our height differences. After several seconds he released me and we walked over to the table where he'd left his clothes. He pulled his underwear back on and reluctantly slipped into his slacks, socks and shoes. He didn't bother putting his shirt back on, but slung it over his shoulder.

I walked him to the gate and watched him climb into his car and then head down the driveway.

Still naked, I lay down on one of the chaises. "That was interesting," I thought to myself. As I reflected on the evening, I could feel my cock firming up once again. I reached over and grabbed my camera and scanned through the photos I'd taken. As I stopped on one of Steve's cock in the twilight, I began stroking my own. I was already oozing lots of precum, so I knew I wouldn't last long.

The sound of the gate unlatching startled me. "Sorry, I forgot my phone," Steve said.

"Ohh," I moaned, as I felt my body pass the point of no return. My hand still on my cock, it began to shoot volley after volley of warm cum onto my stomach.

Now standing next to me, Steve said with a slight tone of awe, "Dude, did you just cum?"

"Um, yeah, sorry," I said, turning 50 shades of red.

"That's fucking cool," he said smiling. "I've never seen another guy cum -- well, aside from in porn."

"Um, okay," I said, not knowing exactly how to respond. "Do you need help finding your phone?" I could feel the cum start to dribble down one side of my stomach.

"No, it's just over there on the table," Steve said. "Were you looking at the pictures of me?"

Setting the incriminating evidence down on the table next to me, I slowly responded, "Yes."

"That's really cool!" he said. He stood there shirtless in his dress pants looking down at me. "Is it okay if I cum, too?"

"You wanna cum?" I asked.

"Yeah. Don't get the wrong idea, but the idea of you jerking off to my pictures... well, it's kinda hot," he said.

"Okay," I said.

"Like, okay, I can cum?" he asked.

"Uh, sure, I guess so," I said, my face still completely flushed with embarrassment. "Do you want to lay down here?"

"No," Steve said as he unfastened his pants for the second time tonight. "I'll just do it right here. Can I cum ON you?"

I nodded up at him. He kicked off his shoes and slid his pants and underwear off simultaneously, stepping out of them and kicking them out of the way.

"Fuck, I feel stupid in just socks on," he said, and then pulled them off so he was as naked as I was. His cock was fully erect now. He gave it a couple rough strokes. "I need some lube."

"There's some in the house or...." I nodded down at the puddle of cum on my stomach.

Without missing a beat, Steve swiped his hand against my cum-drenched stomach and then clenched it around his cock and began to pump.

"Fuck, it's still warm," he said through his breath. He began pumping in earnest now; his chest muscles danced with every stroke. He threw one leg over the chaise and did a slight squat over me, his quads tensing.

I didn't know exactly where to look. I wanted to stare up at my beautiful naked friend jerking off over me, but I felt a bit like a peeping Tom.

"Do you want to watch me?" Steve said as if reading my thoughts.

I nodded.

"Do you want to take a picture of me doing this?" he asked in a low growl, his words punctuated by a little spritz of saliva.

I nodded again. And then I reached for my camera and began snapping shots of him hovering over me. In some, Steve filled the frame, and in others, the lower half of my body was visible in the foreground.

Steve reached down for another dose of my lube. The lights from the pool twinkled in the cum on my stomach and on his cock. I snapped a few more shots.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum, Tyler," Steve moaned.

I switched my camera to video mode and set it on the table next to me. I had no idea what would be in frame, but I didn't care. I tucked my hands behind my head. "Yeah, cum for me Steve."

"Oh fuck," Steve moaned. He pumped his hard cock with one hand and tugged at one of his nipples with the other. "I'm gonna cum. Oh, I'm gonna cum."

And then he erupted all over me. I don't think I'd ever seen anyone cum that much. I had cum on my chest, cum on my face, cum on my hair, cum in my armpits, cum on my stomach on top of my cum.

"Oh my god," Steve said, as the eruption subsided. "That was fucking incredible." He shook the last droplets of cum from his dick, opened his eyes and looked down at me. "Oh shit, Tyler. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be," I said, grinning up at him through the one eye that didn't have cum on it. "That was the best cum shower I think I've ever had." I reached over with one hand and switched the camera off.

"Fuck, Monica would kill me if I ever did that to her," he laughed. "But damn that was hot."

"Yup. Could you do me a favor?" I asked.

"Oh sure. You want a towel?" Steve asked.

"No, no," I said. "Can you take a couple pictures of me with my camera? I'm dying to see what I look like right now."

Steve laughed out loud. "It's pretty fucking funny actually." He grabbed my camera, figured out how to turn it on and proceeded to take 4 or 5 shots of me. He turned the camera screen towards me. "See what a perverted little cum whore looks like?" He winked at me.

I laughed at the absurd image of myself, smiling and covered in cum. I licked at a glob of his semen on my lower lip. "You even taste good," I said.

"Really? Monica never wants to take it in her mouth. She says it's nasty," he said.

"She's missing out," I said. "You should taste it."

"Nah," he said.

"C'mon. Haven't you ever tasted your own cum?" I teased him.

Steve smiled and grasped his cock. He squeezed the head until one last glob of white jizz oozed from the slit. He paused for a minute and then brought it to his tongue and licked it off.

"You need to try more than that," I said and ran my fingers through a large puddle on my chest. "Here."

Hesitating for just a moment, Steve bent down and licked at the cum on my fingers.

"Pretty tasty, right?" I said.

He nodded.

"Do you want that towel now?" he asked.

"Nope, I'm gonna wear this and enjoy it for a little while longer," I said smiling.

"You really are a fucking pervert," Steve smiled at me. "I should get going now." He stepped back over to one side of the chaise, retrieved his underwear and pulled it on. He grabbed his pants, but paused. "Fuck it, I'm just gonna drive home like this."

"Don't forget your phone this time," I said.

He retrieved his phone from the table and held his pants and shoes against himself with his other arm. He looked over at me and smiled again. "I hope I didn't make it weird with us now."

"Not at all," I said earnestly. "We just had fun. That's all."

"Awesome. It was really fun -- all of it," he said.

"Hey Steve," I said as he turned to head toward the gate once again. "If you ever find yourself with blue balls and need somewhere to unload like this again, all you have to do is ask."

Steve laughed again and squeezed at his cock through his underwear. "I will definitely take you up on that offer sometime, Tyler. 100 percent! Goodnight buddy."

"Goodnight Steve," I replied as he headed out the gate.

I lay there for a few seconds savoring the feeling of all the cum beginning to liquefy on my body. I looked down and realized that Steve's socks were under the chaise next to me.

"Not again," I thought. I sat up, grabbed the socks and made a beeline for the gate, thinking I might catch Steve partway down the driveway. Naked and dripping cum, I hustled down the curve of the driveway -- the part concealed from the street. Not seeing his car, I ventured the short distance further to the street, figuring it was relatively safe at this hour. But Steve's car was nowhere in sight.

Standing at the end of the driveway, I was suddenly illuminated by headlights coming the opposite direction.

The car slowed as it approached me. It was the same convertible I'd seen this morning on my walk.

"Everything okay," the soap opera actor asked taking in the absurd sight of me.

"Yup, my friend just forgot his socks," I stammered.

"Pity," he said, raising his eyebrow at me. "But I have to say, I like this outfit even better than what you had on this morning. Sleep well, sweety." And with that, he continued on down the road.

Next: Chapter 12

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