Adventures in House Sitting

By Kevin Sting

Published on Sep 13, 2023


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This and all other chapters of this story are the copyright of the author. (c) 2023. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real events or real people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

          • I hustled back to the house, still naked and covered in Steve's and my cum. I grabbed my phone and sent him a text letting him know his socks were here and he could pick them up next time he came over to swim.

I lay down on the chaise and continued to savor the feeling of the cum all over my body. Eventually I fell asleep and woke to find myself in complete darkness in the yard. The exterior lights had automatically turned off. I checked my phone and saw it was just past 1:00 am.

I grabbed my phone, camera and clothes, walked back into the house, locked up and headed to the bedroom. I knew I should probably take a shower. But since Lucia was coming the next day, she'd be washing the sheets anyway. So I crawled into bed with some spots of cum still sticky on my chest and stomach.

The next morning, I woke up around 6:30 am, let the dogs outside and hopped in the shower. I had to scrub a little more than usual to clean up last night's cum.

Wrapping a towel around my waist, I made a quick pass through the house in preparation for Lucia's 8:00 am arrival.

I cleaned up the cum off the bathroom mirror, I moved the pizza box and beer bottles to their respective bins in the garage, I made sure the envelope of Philip's photos was locked securely in his desk drawer, and I packed my latest painting of him into my portfolio case and tucked it with my art supplies and camera into the den closet.

After eating a quick breakfast, I tidied up the bathroom, worked a bit of Philip's hair gel into my damp hair, and then pulled on a pair of jeans and a light blue polo. I decided to go commando again today.

I fed the dogs and gave them each a treat and then headed back to the den to pack my backpack. Just as I'd zipped my laptop into its compartment, I heard a quick knock and then the sound of the front door being unlocked.

"Buenos dias!" I heard Lucia's voice as she stepped inside.

"Buenos dias, Lucia," I said walking with my bag into the hallway. "Como esta usted?"

"Bien, bien! Y usted?" she responded with a smile.

"Bien tambien," I replied. There ended my Spanish fluency. But I somehow managed to communicate to her about Pablo's arrival later today. She agreed to do some focused cleaning on the guest house. I also let her know that I'd already fed the dogs, that there were plenty of Daisy-prepared meals in the freezer if she wanted one, that I'd be back by mid afternoon, and would see her again next Friday.

I gave her a wave goodbye as I headed out the garage to Philip's SUV, which he'd encouraged me to use during my stay. I backed out of the garage and managed to make a three-point turn past both Lucia's car and my own, and I headed down the driveway to the road.

It was an uneventful trip to the studio, although the traffic sucked, as usual.

After parking in Philip's dedicated spot in the garage, I made my way up to the office and got to work sorting through the pile of mail and packages that had arrived for him. More than half of it ended up in the recycling bin. The remainder was divided into piles: one of non-urgent items (including 3 unsolicited scripts) for him to review when he returned; another to be redirected to several of his junior executives at the studio; and a third that contained just a few items I knew he'd want me to scan and forward to him for review.

After that, I did a similar exercise with his email inbox and then tackled my own.

I was nearly done when one of the of the other assistants sent me an instant message asking if I wanted to meet her for lunch at the commissary. We agreed on 12:30, which gave me plenty of time to wrap up what I was doing.

We caught up on some studio gossip over chicken Caesar salads. And I shared my two encounters with the soap opera actor yesterday, but edited out the salacious parts about my nakedness.

"What'll you do if he asks you up to his house?" she asked me with wide eyes and then shoved a crouton into her mouth.

"I dunno," I said blushing. I hadn't really thought about that possibility. "Maybe go check it out for curiosity's sake."

"You definitely should! And take pictures so I can see!" she said laughing.

I chuckled as I imagined myself sipping martinis with him in his fabulous mansion. And then excusing myself to use the bathroom and instead sneaking throughout the house like a spy taking photos.

"I'll see what I can do," I laughed.

After lunch, I returned to my desk and scanned through the few emails and voicemails that had come through. By 2:00 pm, Philip's inbox, desk and office were as tidy as they could get. And I packed up my stuff to make the drive back to the house.

Although I was missing rush hour, the Friday traffic was still heavy. But I had to admit it was much more tolerable in Philip's BMW than it was in my old car with it's wimpy air conditioning.

When I made the turn into the driveway, I was relieved to see Lucia's car was no longer parked next to mine. She was nice enough, but I was growing to like my privacy and freedom at the house. I hit the garage door button and then pulled Philip's SUV into the empty spot next to Daisy's car.

As I walked into the house, I could smell the compound aroma of cleaning products Lucia had used.

I ditched my backpack in the den and walked down the hall toward the bedroom. Everything was just a little bit tidier and shinier than the state I'd left it this morning.

In the bedroom, I slipped out of my jeans and polo and headed out into the back yard. I walked around the perimeter of the pool to the guest house and opened the door. The smell of the same cleaning products was cloying as it hung in the warm air. Despite it being over 90 degrees outside, I slid open the glass door in the living room to air it out and I turned the thermostat dial until the AC kicked in.

The kitchen and bathroom sparkled and the duvet cover on the bed was crisp and smooth. I wondered if Lucia had ironed it in place on the bed.

I headed back to the main house and filled a basket with some fruit, snacks and assorted beverages from the kitchen and then carted them back to the guest house. I arranged them artfully in the refrigerator, cabinets and counter. Pablo certainly wouldn't suffer from thirst or hunger on my watch.

I closed the slider and exited the guest house back into the yard. It was nearly 4:00. I wasn't sure exactly when Pablo might arrive, so I took a quick swim, rinsed off in the outdoor shower and then returned to the bedroom. I pulled on a pair of thin cotton shorts and a blue v-neck t-shirt.

I grabbed a bottle of sparkling water on my way to the den. Once there, I sat at the desk and fired up my laptop again to check email. There were only a few that had come in since I left the studio. After I finished those, I shut the laptop and officially considered the work week done.

I retrieved my portfolio from the closet and pulled out the watercolor I'd worked on a couple days earlier. I propped it against a large framed photo of Philip shaking hands with Barack Obama at a fundraiser a decade earlier. The color in my painting was so different from my typical more realistic approach. But it still had the same underlying compositional DNA.

I figured I might spend part of the weekend painting -- reinterpreting one or two other photos from the envelope Philip had left for me. My cock stirred a little at the prospect of perusing the stash of nude photos again.

It was now 5:30, which was officially within the time window when Pablo might arrive. I made my way back to the kitchen, poured myself a glass of wine and grabbed some grapes from the fruit bowl. I settled in to the couch in the family room, and flipped on the TV. It was still tuned to the sports channel that Steve and I had watched the boxing match naked the night before. I watched the tail end of tennis match between a sweaty French player and a sweaty Croatian. Definitely more my style than the boxing match, though I'd have liked to have seen a naked weigh-in of these athletes!

As I sipped my wine and nibbled grapes, the tennis match wrapped up and the programming shifted to highlights from an international track and field event in Australia. I was 3 heats into the qualifier rounds for the men's 4x400m relay when the doorbell rang. I muted the TV, adjusted my cock in my shorts, and made my way down the hall to the front door.

When I opened the door, Pablo gave me a quick smile, "Hello, I'm Pablo."

"I'm Tyler. Nice to meet you," I said, returning his smile and beckoning him inside.

Pablo was handsome: He looked to be in his late 20s and was tall and slim with light olive skin. Wisps of dark brown hair framed his face and swooped down over his forehead on one side. He had a scruffy beard and mustache surrounding soft, full lips. His eyes were even an darker shade of brown than his hair. And when he smiled, his thick eyebrows raised slightly above the tops of his stylish eyeglass frames.

Pablo was wearing a dark blue long-sleeved Henley t-shirt. All four of the buttons at the neck were open, revealing a bit of his chest hair. He had on a pair of gray joggers and black Adidas with no socks.

"Where is your luggage?" I asked, seeing only the large backpack he had slung over one shoulder. "It didn't make it onto my flight," he said, rolling his eyes a bit. "It got put on a flight to Dallas and then will get transferred to a flight from their to Buenos Aires."

"What a pain," I said as we walked down the hall toward the family room.

"Yes, it's quite inconvenient," he said. "My bag will likely arrive in Argentina before I do."

Pablo's English was excellent. But his words were sculpted by his Spanish accent. It was so different from the Mexican and Central American accents I'd become accustomed to from living in Los Angeles.

As he set his backpack down next to the couch, I offered him a glass of wine. We settled in to the family room for a few minutes chatting as the track meet continued to play silently on the TV.

He explained that all he had with him in his backpack was his laptop, Bose headphones, some work-related files, his notebook, a novel he was reading, some half-eaten snacks and a sweatshirt.

I offered to throw his clothes in the washing machine later that night or the next morning, and he nodded gratefully.

"You don't have anything to unpack, but would you like to check out the guest house? Or are you hungry?" I asked.

"I'm almost always hungry," he laughed.

I listed off a few restaurants in the area and asked if there was any particular type of food he was craving.

Pablo grinned sheepishly. "Can we go to the In-N-Out?"

"Of course," I said. "There's one just down the hill in Sherman Oaks."

"Thank you!" he said, smiling. "I remember having it when I was here with my brother."

"We can go whenever you're ready," I said. "Do you need to use the bathroom first?"

Pablo shook his head as he tossed back the last of his wine.

"It's still pretty warm outside. Do you want me to grab you a t-shirt?" I asked. "Philip has a drawer full."

"Yes, please," he said. "I'm a little warm in this shirt."

I made my way to the bedroom and selected a soft, heather grey v-neck, and then returned to the family room.

"How's this?" I asked.

"Perfect, thank you," Pablo said with a smile.

He set his glasses on the coffee table and then pulled his Henley off over his head, exposing his damp, furry armpits. As he tossed his shirt to the couch, I got a little whiff of his aroma. I could definitely tell that he'd been sweating, but it wasn't at all unpleasant.

I could see that Pablo had the type of slim, fit build that looked like he didn't need to do much exercise to maintain. His chest was covered in a band of dark hair. It thinned out a bit over his stomach and then concentrated again as it trailed down into his pants.

As he stood there shirtless, the dogs sleepily emerged from the bedroom to greet him.

"This is Laverne and Shirley," I said motioning to them as they sniffed at his shoes and pants.

"Hello, hello," Pablo said playfully as he squatted down to pet them.

With his back to me, I could see a small patch of the same dark hair at the base of his spine. It narrowed and darkened as it proceeded into the top of his ass crack, which was visible as both his pants and underwear had slid down slightly.

After a couple minutes of petting, the dogs sauntered off to the kitchen to check out their dinner.

Pablo stood up and smiled at me. "I love dogs, but I should probably wash my hands now."

I nodded and motioned him towards the bathroom back down the hall.

Returning to the family room, he took the clean t-shirt from me and pulled it on over his head. It was a little loose on him, but fit his long trunk better than any of my shirts would. The v-neck left a nice patch of his chest hair exposed.

"Ahhh, much better," he said, smoothing the fabric over his stomach. "I'm ready to go."

In Philip's SUV, on the drive over the hill to In-N-Out, Pablo told me about his work in Madrid and the research project he'd be doing in Buenos Aires. And he probed me about my work with Philip and my life prior to that.

"You are gay, no?" he asked matter-of-factly as we were stopped at a traffic light.

"Yes," I replied.

"This must be why Daisy said we would have so much in common even though we seem to have nothing in common," he said looking over at me. He winked and smiled at me and we both laughed.

Inside the brightly-lit restaurant, we both enjoyed our Double-Doubles (Animal Style, of course) and fries as our conversation continued.

Pablo explained that he had a boyfriend, Mateo, back in Madrid, that they didn't live together yet, and that they occasionally played with other guys -- sometimes together and sometimes solo.

"Sometimes Mateo just likes to watch while I have sex with someone else," Pablo explained, dipping a fry into his ketchup. "Do you find that strange?"

"Not at all," I said honestly. "My view on relationships and sex used to be pretty traditional, but that was mostly because that's all I really knew about. But moving out here broadened my perspectives quite a bit. People are all different and we should be free to express ourselves however we want as long as we're not hurting anyone or forcing anything on anyone else."

"Exactly," he said, nodding his head and smiling. "So do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, not at the moment," I replied. "I've dated here and there since I moved out here, but nothing serious."

"And do you have a lot of sex?" Pablo asked. Though the question was blunt, his delivery was low-key and not at all salacious.

I smiled, thinking about it. "I went through a bit of a dry spell for awhile," I answered. "But over the last few days, I've actually had quite a bit."

One of Pablo's eyebrows raised above his glasses and he gave a slightly wicked grin. "I would like to here more about this."

As we finished eating our food, I gave Pablo the highlights of the last few days. I definitely went into more depth than I had with my coworker and my straight roommate Steve, but I kept a few details to myself.

"It sounds like you've had quite a fun week," Pablo said with a smile.

"Yes, it has been," I smiled back, finishing my Coke. "Shall we head back to house now?"

We rose from the table, discarded our trash and headed out to the car.

"I'm happy to hear that you like to swim naked," he said. "I was going to ask if we could go for a swim when we get back, but of course my swim trunks are somewhere between Dallas and Buenos Aires right now. So it won't be a problem to swim nude?"

"Not at all," I said. "But I'm happy to take you shopping tomorrow, if you'd like to get some other clothes or anything else."

"Thank you," he replied. "I might want to get a pair of shorts and another t-shirt or something. And I should get a gift for Mateo. But I'm mostly looking forward to spending time in the pool."

"Yes, that's been one of the nicest things about staying here," I added. "But you can go nude as much as you want at the house, not just in the pool. I've hardly had to wear any of the clothes I brought since I started staying at the house."

"Thank you. That sounds nice," Pablo said.

We left the brightly-lit commercial area and headed up the hill into the darker residential streets. The warm summer air felt nice after being in the air-conditioned restaurant, so we had the windows down.

"Would you mind if I take my shirt off?" Pablo asked.

"Not at all," I said. "Make yourself comfortable."

He pulled the t-shirt off and set it on the console between us. "That feels good." He rubbed his left hand down over his bare stomach and then extended his hand and set it on the back of my headrest. As I turned to check for cross traffic, I could see the dark patch of hair in his armpit.

For the next couple minutes, I wasn't quite sure whether he planned to take anything else off. But he seemed satisfied riding shirtless through the dark and winding streets of the Hollywood Hills.

I turned into Philip and Daisy's long, curved driveway and hit the garage door button. We made our way into the house and I poured us each another glass of wine. Pablo grabbed his backpack and we walked out past the illuminated pool to the guest house. I gave him a quick tour of the compact kitchen and the spacious living room.

"This is wonderful," Pablo said. "I think they must have built this after my brother and I stayed here. We shared a room in the main house."

I showed him the large bedroom and then walked him into the bathroom. I pulled open the drawers and cabinets to survey the available toiletries, since Pablo had none of his own. There was plenty of shampoo, conditioner and soap.

"No toothpaste, dental floss or toothbrushes in here," I said. "We can grab some for you from the house."

"Perfect," he said.

"And there doesn't seem to be any deodorant either," I added.

Pablo grinned. "I'm probably contributing to a European stereotype, but I don't wear deodorant. My boyfriend likes the natural smell." He lifted his arm and sniffed one of his damp, hairy armpits. "I hope it doesn't bother you."

"Not at all," I laughed. "You smell good. It's very... manly." I could see myself blushing in the bathroom mirror.

"Good," Pablo gave a huge smile. He raised both arms and gave each pit another playful sniff and then rubbed his hands over his chest.

As we walked back into the living room, I offered to throw Pablo's clothes in the wash.

"Thank you.," he said, pulling his phone, wallet and some random receipts from his pockets.

He kicked his shoes off, unbuttoned and unzipped his joggers and then pulled them off. He was wearing light grey bikini style briefs that hung low in the front, revealing an inch or so of his dark pubic hair. Without missing a beat, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband, slid the briefs down and stepped out of them.

Pablo's soft cock extended about 4 inches from his nest of dark pubic hair. Not surprisingly, he was uncircumcised, like me. His foreskin extended well over the head of his penis and tapered to a narrow opening. His balls hung heavy in their sack in the warm night air.

He rolled his pants and underwear together.

"There's no rush to wash them tonight. It's fine to wait if you're doing other laundry tomorrow or Sunday," he said.

"Okay, I can throw them in with my clothes over the weekend," I said, taking the bundle from him. "Do you want me to wash your sweatshirt, too?"

"Oh yes, please," he said, walking over to his backpack on the coffee table. He pulled the sweatshirt out and handed it to me.

"I'll take these into the house and grab the toothbrush and stuff for you," I said as we walked out of the guest house and back into the yard. "Why don't you go relax in the pool."

"Thank you, Tyler," Pablo said, rubbing my shoulder. "You'll take your clothes off and join me in the pool, yes?"

"Of course," I said, smiling. "Now enjoy the pool."

Pablo walked toward the pool, setting his wine down on one of the tables, and began descending the steps at the shallow end. I set my wine next to his and then walked inside. I grabbed Pablo's shirt from the couch and deposited it with all his other clothes in the laundry room. And then I walked back down the hall to the guest bath, rummaging through the drawers until I found a new toothbrush, tube of toothpaste and pack of dental floss.

I grabbed a couple towels from the hall closet and kicked off my shoes before making my way back out by the pool. Pablo was swimming underwater, his naked body illuminated by the pool light. As I set his toiletries down on the table by his wine and the towels on the chaise next to it, he bobbed up out of the water in the shallow end.

"Time to take your clothes off and join me, Tyler," he said, brushing his wet hair back out of his eyes.

I pulled my shirt off over my head and dropped it on the chaise. Then I unfastened my shorts, took them off and placed them with my shirt.

"No underwear. Very nice," he said, smiling.

"No underwear is nice. No clothes is even better!" I said, gesturing down at myself.

"You're uncircumcised, like me. Is that common for Canadian boys?" he asked as he looked uninhibitedly at my cock.

"It's much more common now among younger guys," I said. "My dad was cut. I'm lucky that he and my mum decided to follow more modern medical guidance rather than trying to make me look just like him."

"Yes, you're very lucky," Pablo said. I could see that he was handling his own cock under the water. "Circumcision is common here in the US, right?"

"A lot more so, yes. I like all kinds of penises and certainly don't have a problem if a guy is cut," I said, running my finger under my foreskin. "But I'd really miss having this. It's fun to play with."

"Yes, indeed," Pablo said, laughing. "If you came to Spain, your cock would fit right in. Your pubic hair, maybe not so much." He winked at me.

"Not too many gingers in Spain?" I laughed.

He laughed and shook his head. "It's beautiful, though. You're beautiful."

"Thank you," I said, blushing. "You look pretty good yourself."

All the focus on my cock was starting to have an effect on me. I could feel the tingling in my groin that happens right before it begins to get hard. So I decided it was time to join Pablo in the pool.

We swam for 10 or 15 minutes and then sat on the steps in the shallow end sipping our wine and chatting for another half hour.

"This is incredible out here," Pablo said, looking up at the sky at one point.

"Yes, it's wonderful in this kind of weather," I said nodding. "The view is amazing, too."

I stood and motioned Pablo to the far end of the yard where a low plexiglass fence separated us from the canyon below. From downtown LA through Mid City to West Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Santa Monica, the lights extended across the LA basin making it look like some kind of artificial Milky Way.

"Wow," Pablo said. "I should take a couple pictures for Mateo." He grabbed his phone from the poolside table and brought it over to the edge of the yard.

He struggled a bit trying capture a shot that didn't blur the lights. So I helped him adjust a couple settings on the camera app and then showed him how to take a breath and hold the camera steady against his chest as he took the shot. He was able to get a longer exposure with minimal motion. He pulled up the shot he'd just taken and marveled at the improved results.

"Would you like me to take a photo with you in it?" I asked.

"Yes please," Pablo said, handing me the phone again.

I made a couple more adjustments.

"Do you want your whole body or just your face?" I asked, as I framed him up.

"Maybe one of each. One to send Mateo and one for my mother," he said with a grin.

"I'll take several," I said laughing, and proceeded to snap multiple shots -- first just his head and shoulders with the city lights behind, then widened to include his bare chest and stomach, and finally a set that extended all the way down to his exposed cock and thighs. I handed the phone back to Pablo.

"These are amazing! Thank you Tyler," he said and pulled me in for a hug. His soft cock pressed against my hip bone. "Mateo will love these. It's too early there to call him now, but I'll send them to him tonight. Then maybe tomorrow morning I can FaceTime him and introduce you."

"Cool. I'd love to meet him," I said honestly. As we headed back over towards the pool I added, "You must be exhausted by now. Are you ready to get some sleep?"

"Yes, I think so," he replied.

"Sleep in as late as you want. There are drinks and snacks in your the guest house kitchen. But I'll leave the door to the kitchen in the main house unlocked in case you're up early and want some breakfast," I said. "Help yourself to whatever you can find."

"Thank you. And thank you again for the photos -- and for dinner," Pablo said, pulling me in for another hug. He held this one for a few seconds longer than the previous one. He gave my back a couple gentle strokes and I swear I could feel his cock pulsing against my stomach. He pulled away and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"Sleep well," I said smiling.

"I know I will," he said with a sleepy grin. "Goodnight Tyler."

Pablo grabbed the toiletries off the table, and I watched his furry butt as he walked back toward the guest house. As I gathered my clothes and walked back toward the main house, I licked my lips to taste the kiss he'd planted on me -- and my cock began to harden.

The next couple days were shaping up to be a little more interesting than I'd imagined.

Next: Chapter 13

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