Adventures in House Sitting

By Kevin Sting

Published on Jun 6, 2023


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This and all other chapters of this story are the copyright of the author. (c) 2023. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real events or real people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

          • After Ernesto left, I returned to the den and checked Philip's email. There were a number of emails with project details that I filed away into folders for him to review when he returned, a few junk emails, some meeting and social invites I declined for him, and some travel details to iron out for his business trip to New York later in the summer. Thankfully no crises in the inbox and nothing worthy of disturbing Philip on his well-earned vacation.

My work for the day complete, I clapped the laptop shut and pulled out the pile of photos again. I was drawn back to the photo of Philip on the rooftop, relaxing in his JO afterglow, with the shadow of the naked male photographer looming over him. The composition was really interesting, but it was in black and white. I'd never tried doing a watercolor from a black and white photo, however it seemed like an interesting challenge for a warm afternoon.

I set up my easel out on the patio in the shade, arranged my paints, water and brushes, prepped a sheet of watercolor paper on my board, and propped it up on the easel. I clipped the photo of Philip to the edge of the board and then began to lightly sketch out composition in pencil on the paper. And then I dipped my brush in the water and set to work.

I stood naked at the easel for nearly two hours working on the painting. I thought I might feel limited by the black and white of the photo, but it was actually liberating. I was unencumbered by the need to match the subtle hues and tones of a color photograph, and instead created a vibrant and fantastical interpretation of the image. The forms and shading were spot on, but the color was far more expressive than anything I'd ever done before. I was rather pleased with myself as I made the last stroke with my wet brush. I looked down and saw that my cock had expanded to a full erection. I'd been so focused on the painting, that I hadn't realized my own state of arousal. The head was only partially covered by my foreskin and there was a bead of precum building at the slit.I reached down and scooped up the clear fluid with my thumb and then brought it to my mouth. I think I'd cum more in the last 3 days then I had in weeks. Yet I was still horny.I decided I'd hold off tending to my erection and focus on getting my painting gear cleaned up and put away. I set the board with the painting of Philip still attached on a console table in the den and brought my supplies back inside.

I let the dogs out into the yard to play while I swam for a bit in the late afternoon sunlight. Then I spread out on one of the chaise lounges under an umbrella, placed my hands behind my head and closed my eyes. I could hear the tinkling of the dogs' collars as they roamed around the yard sniffing and peeing, and I was aware of the birds chirping up in the trees at the edge of the yard. I'm not sure when I nodded off, but when I woke, the sun was noticeably lower in the sky. I peered at my phone, which I'd set on the table next to the chaise, and saw that it was nearly 6:30. Time to get some dinner for myself and the pups.

I filled the dogs' bowls and they hungrily began chomping at their kibble while I threw together a salad from the items Daisy had left in the refrigerator. I ate out on the patio, sipping a glass of wine and thumbing through an old Vanity Fair magazine. I was still naked.I thought I might take the dogs out for a walk after dinner, but I'd have to put on shorts and shoes to do that. And I'd realized that today could be the first time I'd ever spent an entire day without ever putting any clothes on. Since the dogs weren't accustomed to walks every day, I opted to just toss the ball around the yard with them a bit to give them a little exercise.

After that, I did some laps in the pool to get a little exercise myself. Then lay out on a chaise under the darkening sky until I was sufficiently dry.

Then I went inside to the family room, slid open the wall of glass doors that opened onto the back yard, and flipped the massive TV on. I poured myself another glass of the Chardonnay I'd had with dinner and then plopped down naked on the dark leather couch and watched 3 episodes of a British comedy show I'd heard was good.

While searching for something else to watch next, I realized that the TV could wirelessly connect to my laptop. So I grabbed it from the den, popped it open and connected to the TV. Now I could see my desktop up on the screen, which must've been at least 70 inches.

I pulled up my photo library and flipped through the photos I'd taken that morning of Jerry. Then I pulled up the nude photos I'd taken of Philip to use for the portrait he'd commissioned to give to Daisy. It was pretty impressive to see his naked, hairy body up on the big screen. Because I'd taken the photos at such high resolution, I was able to zoom way in and see amazing details that I hadn't noticed before: The little scar at the base of his left thumb. The tiny freckle buried in his chest hair above one of his nipples. The 3 or 4 white hairs among the dark mass of his pubic hair. The distinct texture on the head of his penis. And the droplet of precum hanging at the end of his cock head!

I flipped through several of the photos to confirm that it wasn't just water from the pool. But it was very clear from the sequence that he was not wet, and that drop was most definitely precum.

So Philip had actually been at least a little aroused during our naked photo/painting session. He did say that he enjoyed being watched.

And now I was getting a little aroused myself. Actually, a lot aroused. I shucked back my foreskin and examined the head of my cock. It was so different from Philip's. My foreskin provided protection, so my head was much smoother than his.

I gave my cock a few slow strokes as I flipped through more of the photos of Philip. At one point during the shoot, the dogs had come out of the house and Philip had stepped out of the pool, turned and squatted to pet them. I'd captured the whole sequence without thinking.

I could see Philip's heavy scrotum hanging between his legs. And in one of the photos, he'd kind of bent over and squatted at the same time, which caused his furry ass cheeks to spread just a little. I zoomed in and I could just make out the puckered skin of his asshole amidst the dark hairs in the cleft.

Now my cock was even harder and oozing copious amounts of precum, which I rubbed over the head. I rubbed one hand over my stomach and chest. I tugged gently on one nipple and then the other.

And then my phone began to buzz next to me on the couch. I let go of my nipple and picked up the phone, only to see Philip's face. He was FaceTiming me!

I quickly flipped off the TV, clicked on the lamp next to me, held up the phone in front of my face and took a deep breath before tapping the button to answer his call.

"Bonjour Tyler!" Philip said, smiling at me from the screen. "I guess it's actually bonsoir where you are."

It was just after 10 pm here, so that meant it was just past 7 am in France.

"Hi Philip," I replied, smiling and trying to hold the phone so just my naked shoulders were in view.

"Sorry to bother you so late, buddy," he continued. I could see that Philip was also shirtless and appeared to be propped up in bed.

"Oh, it's not problem. Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yes, yes, we're having a wonderful time. Paris is beautiful, as always," Philip said. "Here, I'll show you the view from our room."

He rose from his bed and I could see some of the luxurious hotel room in the background. As Philip stepped outside onto the balcony, the morning sunlight illuminated his tan skin and I could hear the sounds of the city below him. He flipped the camera on his phone and a postcard worthy view of the Eiffel Tower came into view.

"Not too shabby, right?" he asked jokingly.

"Wow, I'm jealous," I said honestly. "I hope the room is as nice as the view."

"Oh yeah, our suite here is amazing. Let me show you," Philip said, turning back toward the room.

His camera was still facing forward, so I saw the French door framed by lush drapes as he stepped back inside. He panned around the bedroom. It was exactly what you'd expect of a high-end boutique hotel in Paris. The lush but unmade bed he'd just been laying in was framed by a couple of Louis the Something side tables. Opposite the bed was an ornate bureau with a huge flat-screen TV above it. And the walls were covered in deep blue patterned wallpaper. It was beautiful, but not really my taste.

He stepped into the bathroom and rotated around to show off the large claw foot tub, an enormous shower, a discrete toilet closet and two vanities with gilt-framed mirrors above them. I could see the reflection of Phillip, his arms holding his phone up in front of his hairy, bare chest.

"Very nice," I said.

"Wait'll you see the living room," he added, smiling at his reflection in the mirror. "They don't call this the Versailles suite for nothing."

Philip turned and walked back into the bedroom and then through a doorway next to the bureau. He stepped inside a spacious, airy living room with two long couches facing each other and framing a large set of French doors out onto the balcony. The most distinctive feature of the room was the mirror panels all around the room that extended from about chair-rail height all the way to the tall ceiling -- clearly an homage to the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles.

As Philip panned around the room to show it off, he simultaneously showed off the fact that he was completely naked and sporting a partial erection. Since there were mirrors on opposing walls, I could also take in view of his ass.

"Wow, the mirrors ARE amazing!" I said. "There's really nowhere to hide there, is there?"

Philip laughed and gave his cock a playful squeeze. "Nothing you haven't seen before, buddy."

"That's true," I said, feeling my cock beginning to firm up again.

"But I didn't call just to expose myself," he added with a grin, slightly emphasizing the word "just". "When Daisy was getting ready for dinner last night, she couldn't find that tennis bracelet I gave her a couple years ago. It's got the double row of diamonds."

"Oh yes, I remember it," I said, recalling that she wore it almost every time they had a dinner party.

"She was a little freaked out that she couldn't find it," he continued. "But I tried to reassure her that she'd probably just forgotten to pack it. Can you check her drawer in the dresser to see if it's there?"

"Oh of course," I said and rose from the couch and headed toward the bedroom. "Which drawer would it be in?"

"Top left, I think," Philip replied.

I flipped the light on in the bedroom and stood in front of the dresser. It was a simple Scandinavian piece with two rows of four small drawers above two rows of two deep drawers. I pulled open the top left drawer, which appeared to be filled with Daisy's underwear. Then I pulled open the second from the left, and it was filled with bras.

"So far, I'm just seeing Daisy's unmentionables," I said.

"Try the next row down," Philip said. "And can you flip the camera around so I can see."

"Sure," I said, tapping the icon to flip from the selfie camera to the front-facing one.

I pulled open the second row of two drawers on the left side, pointing my phone camera at the contents. One was filled with neatly folded t-shirts and camisoles and the other with some of her workout clothing.

"Hmm, maybe she meant her vanity, not the dresser," Philip said, his phone still pointed outward as he paced around the mirrored room, absentmindedly fondling his semi-erect penis. "Let's head into the bathroom and look there."

I proceeded into the bathroom and flipped the lights on, immediately regretting that move when I realized my own naked body -- including my now full erection -- was reflected in the mirrors.

Philip grinned sheepishly. "Looks like you're enjoying the house."

"Sorry," I said, blushing. "I was just watching some TV before bed."

"Whatever you were watching, it looks like it was entertaining," he laughed. "I'm glad you're taking advantage of the privacy there." He again fondled his cock.

I stepped over to Daisy's vanity area, pointed my phone's camera toward it and pulled open the top left drawer.

"That's it," Philip said. "The blue velvet case there near the back. Can you open that up?"

With my free hand, I managed to flip open the case. There was a matching blue sheet of fabric inside. When I lifted that up, Daisy's bracelet sparkled in the lights from the vanity.

"Thank god!" Philip said. "She'll be so relieved that she didn't lose it. Thank you, Tyler!"

"No problem," I said, replacing the fabric and snapping the case shut. I tucked the case back in the drawer and shut it, so Philip could see. "I'm glad the story has a happy ending."

"Definitely!" Philip laughed. "Speaking of happy endings..." He stopped in front of one of the mirrors and gripped his erection. "It kinda looks like we could both use one."

I blushed again as my phone and my gaze aimed toward my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

"Care to take care of these things together?" he asked, now stroking his hard cock.

"Um, sure, I guess," I said hesitantly.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable," he said. "But I figured since you'd seen me cum already, it'd be kinda fun to see you, too."

My cock throbbed at the prospect of jerking off with Philip. "Yeah, I guess I'm game." I was actually WAY more than game at this point. "Do you just want to do it here in front of the mirrors?"

"Yeah, that works," he replied squeezing his erection. He spat into his hand and then brought it to his cock. "There's some lube in my second drawer down there, if you need it."

I pulled open the drawer and saw the lube bottle. I pumped a couple times into my hand and then began to massage it into my erection.

"Thatta boy," Philip said with a grin. "Can you point the camera down at your cock for a minute. I wanna see you shuck that skin back and forth."

I did as my boss requested pointing my iPhone down at my erection as I stroked it, pushing the foreskin back and forth over the head of my cock.

"Fuck, that's hot," Philip said, his voice low. "I always wish I hadn't been cut."

"Your cock is pretty sexy just as it is," I said, surprised as my thought tumbled right out of my mouth.

"So you like my meat! I wasn't quite sure the other day when you watched me jack off," he said.

"I wasn't quite sure what to do at first when I saw you stroking it," I said honestly.

"Sorry about that," Philip added, still stroking his erection. "I didn't mean to put you in a MeToo position."

I laughed. "I appreciate your concern. But I don't think it qualifies as a MeToo moment when I find it so fucking hot."

"Well I'm glad to hear that," he said. "And I'm glad that you don't mind a little naked bro-bonding."

I held my cock steady for a moment and pointed my iPhone back down at it to show Philip the precum building at my slit. "I thought bro-bonding was all about football and drinking beer and barbecuing. If this is what it's all about, I've been missing out."

Philip laughed out loud. He stepped closer to one of the mirrors and pointed his phone down towards his cock, which he was now stroking faster with his free hand.

"I think I'm getting pretty close, Tyler," Philip said, a little breathless. "How about you?"

"Yeah, I could cum soon, too," I replied.

"Nice. I'm gonna shoot all over this mirror for you," he said, grabbing his cock by the base and squeezing it so his cock head flared up. "Can you shoot on the full length mirror there?"

"Of course," I said, shifting from the vanity over to the full-length mirror near the entrance to the closet. I tapped the head of my erection against the mirror a few times, which left a small snail trail of precum on it.

"Fuck that's hot," Philip grumbled. "I'm gonna cum!" The muscles in his legs, chest and arms tensed up as he stroked harder. And then he let out a moan and his cock erupted. Shot after shot hit the antique glass mirror and begin to slide downward as gravity took effect.

My own cock began to spurt forth onto the mirror. Three, four, five, six volleys hit the glass.

"Wow! Nice load, buddy," Philip said. He still held his softening cock in his hand. The head was red and slick from his spit and cum.

"Thanks," I said. "You didn't do so bad there yourself."

Philip smiled and ran his fingers against his semen on the mirror.

"Are you going to clean that up before Daisy gets back?" I asked, realizing that I'd need to do some glass cleaning myself so Philip and Daisy's housekeeper Lucia wouldn't have to clean up my mess when she came on Friday.

Philip laughed and ran his hand across his hairy chest. "Housekeeping should be here shortly to clean the room."

"Don't you need to shower and put some clothes on before they arrive?" I asked.

"Nah. The housekeeping staff -- who've been both male and female -- haven't batted an eyelash when I've been sitting around naked," he said. "They make pleasantries while they clean. And then I give them a big tip. You gotta love France!"

"Vive la France," I said sardonically.

"Indeed!" Philip laughed again. "I should let you go, Tyler. You should probably go take a dip in the pool -- you're looking a little hot."

I looked at myself in the mirror. My face and chest were completely flushed.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea," I replied. "A moonlight swim sounds nice."

"Enjoy the water, buddy. And thanks for being game for this," he said, gesturing vaguely towards his crotch. "This was fun."

"It was fun," I said honestly. "I've been enjoying lots of different kinds of fun lately, thanks to you."

Philip raised an eyebrow. "I can't wait to hear all about that when I'm back. Now go dunk that Scottish cock of yours in the pool."

"Whatever you say, boss," I said. "Have fun today. Say hi to Daisy for me."

"I will. And she's gonna be so relieved she didn't lose her bracelet," he added. "Have a good night, handsome."

I hung up the Facetime call and set my phone down on the counter. I took one last look at myself naked in the full length mirror before heading out the door to the pool.

As I dove into the warm water, I thought to myself that this wasn't at all what I'd expected this extended house sitting gig was going to be like. But it sure was fun. And I still had 4 weeks to go.

Next: Chapter 10

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