Adventures of Pussyboi and His Clit

By Charlie Pussyboy

Published on Nov 17, 2021


Contains: Alpha/fag, sadism, small penis humiliation, consensual castration, feminization, numerous mentions of clit and pussy on a male

Introduction: Hi! Some of my stories are based on real sexual encounters, but this one is entirely fictional and fantasy only.

If you like this story and want to see more, please let me know! My email is If any pussyboys, daddies, fags, or alphas want to talk about fagclits, please do!

Daddy Mike asked me to come over one Friday. We had been playing around pretty regularly, and I was now used to staying entirely shaved for him. I wore panties, stockings, and miniskirts around his house and would often cook for him before serving his big cock and giving up my pussy to him. We had had a couple of what we called "wife weekends" where he treated me as such for a couple days. In public, I dressed and acted like a man, and he treated me as such. Behind closed doors with him, I was his slutty wife. I enjoyed this arrangement, and so did he.

But this time he told me that he had a surprise. I'd enjoyed his surprises before! Once he had pleasured my clit with a vibrator on camera for a Zoom room while a dozen men watched. Another time, he'd whored me out to a few of his friends. I'd loved every minute of it, so I was excited to see what he had in store for me!

I arrived at his house, and he let me in and led me up to the bedroom. He had a sling set up- he knew I loved having my pussy played with and fucked in a sling. And there was a handsome man there that I didn't recognize. He was tall, over six feet, and he had dark hair and piercing green eyes. Daddy Mike introduced us.

"Charlie, this is Dr. Brett."

"Hi, Dr. Brett." We shook hands. I wasn't in girl mode yet, and I liked to get a feel for strange men before I went there.

"Dr. Brett is a urologist." Daddy Mike continued, "He's also a daddy like me and has a wife like you."

I relaxed a bit and started to feel a little turned on. "Oh really?" I said. "That's very cool."

"Yes," said Dr. Brett. He went on. "Charlie, Daddy Mike asked me to come here today because of what he thinks could be a problem, and he wanted me to check you out and see what could be done about it."

I turned to Daddy Mike. "Problem?" I asked. "What problem?"

"Your testicles." Daddy Mike replied.

"What about them?"

Dr. Brett answered me. "Daddy Mike is concerned that they're vestigial. And that could cause some problems for you as you get older. To say nothing of the fact that the small amount of testosterone they produce isn't doing much for you now. Daddy Mike thinks it's... confusing you."

"Confusing me? What? What do you mean?" I felt a little anxious and embarrassed. I did have very small testicles- they were only a little bit bigger than a couple of marbles- but vestigial? And what could be done about that?

"It's all right, Charlie. Daddy Mike is worried that your boy side expresses itself a little too strongly and that combined with the female role you take sexually with him, you might be suffering from some stress. We're going to have a look at what's going on."

My mind was reeling, but I had to admit that Daddy Mike could be right. It was a little hard to keep these roles in play.

"Daddy," I turned to him. "Is that true?"

"I think so, baby" he said firmly but sweetly. "You swing back and forth between masculine and feminine, and I think you would be better off if we could reduce that."

Dr. Brett stepped in. "Charlie, why don't you take your clothes off and get in the sling so I can examine you?"

Somewhat in a trance, I slowly got naked and hoisted myself into the sling. Daddy Mike put my ankles in the cuffs and I lay there with my most intimate parts exposed.

Dr Brett put on gloves and began to examine me.

"You were right," he said to Daddy Mike, taking my tiny penis between his fingers. "This is a clitoris."

I squirmed a little in the sling.

"Stay still, baby." Daddy Mike said. He continued to Dr. Brett, "She and I both love her clit, and I want to make sure it stays fun for her."

"Of course," replied Dr. Brett. "Girls like this tend to get most of their pleasure and enjoyment from their pussies, but their clits can be a very important part of their sex lives."

He moved his fingers down to my tight little scrotum. "Now what do we have here?" he asked.

"This is where her problem is," Daddy Mike said. "You see how tight her sack is? And her testicles seem to go inside her most of the time."

Dr Brett probed his gloved fingers gently in my groin. "This used to happen to my wife," he explained. "Girls with bodies like this want the testicles to be ovaries, so they draw them up inside them, and that can cause complications."

"What kind of complications?" I asked.

"Well, blood supply can be cut off for one,' Dr Brett said. "And that can lead to infections. It also looks like your hormonal production is at risk, although I suspect normal testosterone has never been a thing for you." He pointed at my clit and winked.

"But I work out a lot," I pointed out. "And I'm pretty built."

"Oh, you don't need a lot of testosterone for that," Dr. Brett said. "There are plenty of female body builders."

He had a point there, I conceded to myself.

"Does her clitoris get hard?" Dr Brett asked Daddy Mike.

"Yes, but it takes a lot of stimulation."

"And can she squirt?"

"She can," Daddy Mike answered. "But only with something in her pussy. And her squirts are very thin and clear."

I listened to all this with increasing understanding and acceptance. My tiny little testicles were...

"... giving out." Dr Brett finished my thought out loud. "But we have to make sure."

He turned to me. "Charlie," he said gently. "Can you rub your clitoris for us?"

"I... I think so," I stammered.

I took my soft little clit in my fingers, and began to rub it. Dr. Brett and Daddy Mike watched me Intently.

"See how she pushes it inside her?" Daddy Mike said to Dr Brett.

"It's a nearly automatic response for these girls." Dr Brett explained. "My wife does it. It's the only way they can get stimulation. Male masturbation isn't really satisfying for them."

I kept rubbing my soft little clit and despite the medical aspect of this, I began to get turned on by the tingling in my clit and these two men watching me. I began to softly whisper and coo.

"See that?" Daddy Mike said to Dr. Brett as I played with my clit. "Her testicles have gone up inside her completely."

"They have," Dr Brett agreed. "And her scrotum has gotten extremely tight. It almost looks like a vulva."

"Now this is where I would expect her clit to be hard. Charlie, please stop rubbing."

I stopped, and my soft clitty jiggled free.

"Yes," said Dr. Brett. "Her clitoris has barely responded. Charlie, how does it feel when you rub your clit?"

"It feels sooooo good, Dr Brett!"

"So it has strong sensation. That's good." Dr Brett stepped forward. "Charlie, I'm going to stimulate your pussy, and in a minute, I'm going to ask you to rub your clit again, OK?"

I glanced over at Daddy Mike, who nodded at me.

"OK, Dr Brett!"

Dr Brett lubed up his fingers and turned to Daddy Mike. "I'm going to do some heavy g-spot stimulation. It should make her squirt quickly."

Dr Brett put his finger into my pussy, and I gasped. "Rub your clit, Charlie," he ordered.

I stated rubbing my clit. Dr Brett's finger quickly found my g-spot. He rubbed his fingers over it in firm, circular motions, and my pussy clamped down involuntarily.

"Oooooooh!" I moaned loudly. "Dr Brett, that feels so gooooood in my pussy!"

"Keep rubbing, Charlie."

The tingling in my clit got stronger and stronger until it was almost unbearable. I kept rubbing and moaned louder and louder. The pleasure from my pussy came in waves and more powerful. I felt Dr Brett slide another finger inside and the intensity coming from my g-spot doubled. The sling rattled as I squirmed and squealed.

"OK, Charlie. Stop rubbing for a second."

I obeyed. Dr Brett kept his fingers in my cunt but stopped rubbing my spot. My pussy kept twitching on his hand

"OK, Mike," Dr Brett said. "Look at this. Her pussy is fully responsive, and her clitoris has gotten hard and wet, but it's taken quite a bit of pussy stimulation. Is that as big as it gets?"

"Yes," said Daddy Mike.

"This is definitely less than four inches. You really do have a clit, don't you?" Dr Brett smiled at me. "OK," he said. "Now start rubbing again."

I began to rub my now hard clit again. I could still push it inside, but Dr Brett told me to rub the sensitive underside to maximize my squirt.

"My cliiiiiiitttyyyyyyy!" I squealed and Dr Brett started playing with my g-spot. "My pusssssssyyyyyy!"

"Good girl, Charlie," Dr Brett encouraged me. "Let's see your clitty squirt."

I rubbed harder and faster on my wet clit. It felt so good!

"My! My... my clitty!"

"Good girl, Charlie! Show us how you squirt!"

"My clitty! It's gonna squirt! I'm maaaaaking squuuiiirrrrties!" The pleasure welled up from my pussy and shot out of my clit!

"Good girl! Make your clitty squirties!" Dr Brett smiled as my clit shot a thin rope of liquid. He took his fingers out of my pussy and I quietly whined at the sudden feeling of emptiness. But I lay in the sling, chains rattling in time with my shaking legs.

"Her orgasms are very strong, aren't they?" Daddy Mike asked.

"Yes, they are," Dr Brett agreed. "Too bad I can't say the same for this ejaculate."

They both leaned forward and examined the little puddle on my lower stomach.

"Very low volume," Dr Brett said to Daddy Mike. "And do you see how thin it is? It's sticky but clover to water. And it's very clear. I'd be surprised if she's making many sperm cells."

"What's the verdict, Brett?" Daddy Mike asked.

"She has extremely low testicular function and low testosterone. Testicles are well below average in size. Given the potential risks to her future health..." He trailed off.

"What's going on?" I asked. "What should we do?"

"Remove them," Dr Brett said flatly. "They're certainly not doing much for you, and I think you'd be happier and better adjusted without them."

"But..." I was at a loss for words but less surprised than I would have thought.

"I removed my wife's testicles a year ago." Dr Brett said. "And she hasn't been happier, and hers were actually bigger than yours!"

I blushed.

"You'll love being castrated," he went on. "Your clit will shrink but it and your pussy will remain sensitive. And you won't be as distracted or confused by the small amounts of testosterone that you do make! You'll make a much better wife and slut for real men without those little reminders of your failed manhood between your legs."

I thought for a few seconds and then I heard myself say, "Yes. Please castrate me, Dr Brett."

"Good girl!" Daddy Mike and Dr Brett both beamed.

"Where are we doing this," I asked.

"Right here, of course. This sling gives me perfect access to your little nuts, and we can do this under a local.'

I had already shaved, so all Dr Brett had to do was clean the area. He put a sterile pad under me on the sling and gave me a mild sedative.

Then he got between my legs and went to work.

"First, let's get this clitoris out of the way," he said. "If it was larger, I'd tape it to your tummy, but we can just push it in and tape it inside you." I felt a little pressure as he taped my clit down.

"Now it's time to numb you up." Dr Brett injected my scrotum and groin with local anesthetic. In a few moments, I felt tingly and numb.

"Mike, why don't you hold her hand while I do this?" Dr Brett said as he pulled my helpless, tiny testicles forward and gently tied off my scrotum.

Daddy Mike stood beside me, and held my hand. "You're such a good girl for doing this."

"Thank you, daddy!" I smiled at him.

I heard Dr Brett pull out a scalpel and felt a gentle sensation on my sack. There was pressure and a sudden pierce of dull pain. I gasped.

"That's one."

Then a few seconds later, the same pressure and pain.

"That's two."

I sighed with relief. Dr Brett stitched me up and cleaned me off.

I was a little woozy from the sedative as they pulled me out of the sling. I got on my feet unsteadily and looked in the mirror at my swollen, empty scrotum. It didn't look much different, I thought to myself.

"Who wants to do the honors?" Dr Brett asked.

"Honors?" I replied.

"Yes, who's going to dispose of these balls?"

"Let Charlie do it," said Daddy Mike.

They led me into the bathroom. Dr Brett opened some gauze, and I heard two little plops as he dropped what had been my testicles into the toilet.

"Say 'bye bye, balls!'" Daddy Mike said.

"Bye bye, balls!" I flushed and watched them disappear down the drain.

Dr Brett gave me and Daddy Mike our aftercare instructions. No clitty or pussy play for two weeks! But after that, he said, "Maybe my wife and I can come over and we can show you how to have fun without those things!"

Daddy Mike and I grinned. I said that I couldn't wait.

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