Affair at Work

By Elyrc Caledon

Published on Nov 13, 2016



[Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities between actual events and the events in this story or the characters in this story are purely coincidental. This story may involve descriptions of unsafe sexual acts between men for the purpose of erotic fantasy and is not intended to condone such acts. If you are underage or homoerotic material is otherwise illegal in your area, please do not continue. Author retains copyright; do not duplicate this story without the express written consent by the author. Comments and suggestions are welcomed by the author at The author resides in the Phoenix, Arizona, metropolitan area.]

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It was near lunchtime and a long, boring afternoon at the office stretched in the hours ahead of me. I was arranging some of the work on my desk into orderly piles when a lithe figure darkened the doorway into my office. I felt a familiar tightening in my gut so I stalled by continuing to fiddle with the papers.


I huffed a little sigh and looked up with some resignation. I already knew what the topic of conversation would be.

Bert was regarding me with shining eyes, "Dude," he continued, "Did you see that dress Michelle is wearing today?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, I didn't notice anything," I lied.

Of course Bert knew I was lying--the dress Michelle was wearing today was outrageous and she ought to have been sent home to change into something more appropriate for the office--or simply let go, as I would have preferred. I had discovered a few months before that Michelle was stealing long-distance on the company's telephone plan. Bert & I both knew about it but Bert prevented me from reporting her and refused to report her himself.

Bert broke into a wide grin, "Those fucking tits of hers are practically popping out of that top!"

"Christ," I barked out, "Keep your voice down! Bert, you do realize her breasts are totally fake, right? You can see the ridges of the implants bulging out just below her collarbones."

"It doesn't matter man! Those are fantastic tits!"

I rolled my eyes again.

"Grab your bag man, today is a workout day."

I'd forgotten about that. Three days a week, Bert & I worked out together in a tiny gym facility located in the basement of the office building. I had been putting on weight of recent years, and Bert was determined that I should vanquish the few extra pounds by working out with him.

"Okay," I grabbed my gym bag which was stashed under my desk. Bert was insistent that I should lose about 5 more lbs. That, and the way he fussed at me about my clothes, how I had my hair cut, what kind of car I drove, all served to hint to me there was something between us that I couldn't quite put a name to.

As we rode the creaking elevator from the floor our office as at, down to the basement, I listened with only half an ear to Bert's chatter as I reflected on our rather odd relationship. On the face of it, we did not have much in common. I was the descendent of farmers in Oklahoma, with with plain looks, mousey dishwater blond hair and ordinary hazel eyes.

Bert on the other hand was dark and handsome, with flashing dark brown eyes fringed with almost impossibly long lashes for a man. Early on, I had half suspected Bert of wearing eye liner, but he wasn't.

We were both married at the time, we both had children and settled home lives. I was definitely bisexual, but I had firmly quashed any desires (or so I thought) for men and had made up my mind to live as a heterosexual. I felt I had made my decision and needed to abide by it in an honorable way. Bert, however, was under no such compuction.

I was influenced by other factors as well. I had suffered through a few bad sexual experiences with men in the past, prior to my marriage and I was determined not to repeat the mistakes I had made. Bert was attractive; although rather short in the leg, he more than made up for that as he was quite handsome. But his looks were not enough to entice me into acting on any desires.

Bert also was brash and charming. There was much Bert got away with I would never have dreamed of attempting, simply by reason of his good looks and his innate ability to charm people out of the last penny in their pockets.

And it seemed to me Bert was blessed with far more than an extra measure of plain good luck. Everything he touched seemed to turn to gold; with the sole exception of his marriage.

Bert had married a woman who, within a matter of months after their nuptials had joined an ultra-conservative church, via a meddlesome childhood friend's introduction and subsequent encouragement.

Abruptly, Bert's wife stopped wearing makeup, she stopped cutting her hair and stopped wearing anything other than plain and dull skirts or dresses. Within a few weeks, she changed from the vibrant and happy young bride Bert had married to a dowdy, colorless and faded woman of slovenly and uncaring dress who wore ugly shoes and carried herself with a particularly unattractive prim and self-righteous demeanor that was anathema to the fun- loving husband she had attached herself to.

By the time their children came along, Bert had given up trying to reason with his wife and now simply did what he could to avoid being in her company for any length of time. Bert had informed me that his wife had practically cut him off sexually--the only time she permitted intercourse was if she felt she was ovulating and therefore could become pregnant. Otherwise, he wasn't allowed to touch her as she had declared the only scriptual reason for sexual congress, or "rendering the marital due," as she put it, was reserved soley for the procreation of children.

So Bert had a lot of baggage to contend with, and he was chaffing at the restrictions his wife and her religion had imposed upon him. Bert smoked and he drank (often to excess, it has to be admitted) and to say that his wife was a huge disappointment to him was a understatement at the least.

Another reason I wanted to be careful to avoid any entanglements, was that Bert was my direct supervisor. I felt an instinctive caution, having learned from years of experience when to listen to that little voice of common sense and warning when I was on the verge of doing something that could lead to a lot of problems.

I was safe, I was happy--I lived in a nice home, drove a decent car, had a good job. I wanted things to stay that way.

With a bang, the elevator shuddered to a stop and we exited. The gym was small, tucked into on side of the massive basement of the building with consisting of a weight machine and three bikes. There was a TV screen up on one wall. Beside the gym, were two bathroom/locker rooms.

We changed quickly into our workout clothes; Bert & I had been nude around each other enough times now where I didn't have to fight my eyes to keep them at shoulder height or higher. Still, it could be a struggle not to ogle Bert's compact, well shaped body. I especially envied Bert's flat stomach and his thin flanks.

Bert's genitals were unremarkable, we both were of the "grower," type in public situations. The glans of his circumsized penis seemed a bit thicker than my own, otherwise, his scrotum drooped much as my own did with similar sized testicles.

We had a good workout, with Bert spurring me on to keep riding the bike longer than I would have done if I had been by myself, and he pushed me on the weight machine to lift more than I should have. My arms and shoulders were always left aching afterwards--and not always in a good way. I wasn't as strong as Bert.

Bert kept up a light-hearted banter throughout the hour we spent in the gym. We went to shower and he glanced over at me as we stepped under the showerheads.

"Dude, I think you've lost some weight!"

"You think so?" I absent mindedly replied. I didn't really care one way or the other, I didn't want get grossly obese, but neither did I see any point in starving myself all the time either.

"Yeah man, you have. And, by the way, it makes your dick look bigger."

"Bert!" I exclaimed, startled out of my private reverie, "Stop looking at me down there. Jeez, what is wrong with you?"

"What?" Bert laughingly said, "We both have dicks, we're both guys, who cares?

"Someone might hear you Bert," I remonstrated, "I don't want any tongues wagging around the office."

"You ever jerk off down here when you're by yourself?," Bert asked, giving his penis a suggestive tug and clearly not caring if anyone could hear or not.

"No!" I exclaimed, feeling shocked at the casual way Bert was fondling himself in front of me, and in such a public setting too. I turned away from him slightly and busied myself with rinsing off.

"I have man," Bert said in a lower, more conspiring tone, "Lots of times."

I adopted a more patronizing air, "Isn't that a bit juvenile?"

Bert didn't reply, and I finished and stepped out and started drying off.

Bert finished as well, and as we were dressing, he announced that he wanted me to go with him on a property inspection that afternoon.

I groaned, "Bert, I have so much to do."

"So what?" Bert replied, "You're supposed to be my backup, this is an important client and you need to be able to cover me while I'm out on vacation."

"Fine," I muttered. I hadn't felt like tackling all the crap on my desk anyway, and it would be there in the morning anyway. Nothing there was really urgent.

We dropped our gym bags back upstairs at the office and then got into Bert's small pickup. He always drove like a maniac and I prepared myself for an afternoon of terror, at least one or two near-death experiences as well as possible motion sickness brought on by several unnecessarily violent lane changes and turns.

I didn't pay much attention to where we were going at first, but after a while I recognized the well-to-do Scottsdale neighborhood we were in and I realized we were nearing the home of Bert's father, who was divorced and lived alone.

Sure enough, we pulled into the driveway of Bert's father's home.

"Why are we here?" I asked, "Your dad is out of town."

"Yeah, I just thought I'd check the place out and make sure everything is okay," Bert replied.

"I'll just sit here then," I said.

"No dude, come on in, there's some stuff I want to show you."

Sighing a little, I got out and followed Bert into the spacious home. It was a nice home, I had seen it several times before, but it was plainly a huge bachelor's pad. There wasn't a bit of style or taste anywhere. Bert's father had never remarried, and had been living alone for over 30 years or so and it showed.

Bert walked around, checking the windows & patio doors to make sure everything was locked up. We went out to his father's work garage, where he worked on antique cars as a hobby, and checked out a recent acquisition, some old rust bucket Bert's father had found in some obscure barn somewhere in Kansas. I knew that by the same time next year, the car would have been completely restored and ready to be sold at some fabulous price.

We headed back into the house, and I started heading towards the front door when Bert told me to come back, he wanted to show me something. He was in his father's den, a room with a leather couch, piles of junk and a dusty TV in a corner.

"My dad has an awesome video collection," Bert said proudly, pulling open a sliding cabinet door on a shelf unit which revealed the lurid titles of a tolerably extensive collection of porn. "Here, check this one out," and he handed me a DVD that had a picture of several half naked blond women on it.

"Ew," I cringed as I glanced at the cover and hurriedly handed it back to Bert, "So you're telling me your old man, past the age of 75, sits in here and jerks off watching this shit? That's just gross!" and I looked at the leather couch with disfavor, half expecting to see the traces of semen on some of the surfaces.

"My old man doesn't have time for women," Bert said, as he sifted through some of the titles on the shelves, "And that's good for me, 'cause I'll get all his money when he finally kicks the bucket, and there won't be any greedy bitch in the way grabbing all his shit for herself."

"There!" Bert exclaimed, "This is the one I was looking for, there's a girl on here who I swear looks exactly like Michelle, you gotta see these tits!"

"Bert!, we're supposed to be working!"

"It won't take long, come on, sit down."

I carefully inspected the seats on the couch; they looked clean enough. I sat down hesitantly and prepared myself to be bored and to fake some interest in whatever it was that Bert was hell-bent on my seeing.

Bert started the DVD, then sat on the couch beside me holding a controller and started the player. There were the usual vapid scenes, horrible dialoge and even worse acting, all of which was completely uninteresting to me. The men on the video looked unnatural, big brutes who looked as if they had been abusing their bodies with steriods for decades.

"Look, there is she is!" Bert said excitedly, "Doesn't she look just like Michelle?"

I had to admit there was some passing resemblence, and I said something to that effect.

"Look at that guy pounding her pussy, he's so fucking lucky," Bert said, "He's got a really big cock too, wish mine was that big," and he reached down to the front of his slacks and adjusted himself.

"Size isn't everything," I murmurred, trying not to look at Bart's hand as he then began a not so subtle massage of his penis through the front of his trousers.

The DVD played on, while the actors kept on, the woman had her legs in the air and was crying out with the thrusts of her partner in what seemed to me an entirely fake performance. She was simply making noises for the sake of the camera crew.

Bert on the other hand was becoming completely aroused, I kept glancing at his crotch and the hard outline of his erection was clearly visible.

Bert caught my eye, and grinned, that shameless, shit-eating grin he was so well known for and that always got him his way.

"Dude, I really need to jerk off," Bart said, unzipping his pants as he did so, "It's been like a week since I got off. You wanna jerk with me?"

My penis was hard in spite of myself, and it was pressing against my pants, but I shook my head no, "Bert, this is kind of weird."

"No it's not man, it's cool. I've jerked off with school buddies before, it doesn't mean we're puffers."

By now I was really hard, and I was feeling the need to get off as well. I didn't want to shoot off in my pants either, as the mess would be hard to explain to my wife so I needed to be careful.

Bert was playing with his penis now, then he stood up, and unceremoniously stripped out of his clothes.

Bert settled back onto the couch, still avidly watching the TV screen, with his erection jutting up into the air. He looked over at me with a sort of mild irritation, "Dude, it's okay. Shuck those clothes off, and let's bust our nuts and get on with the afternoon with clear heads."

Unable to hold out any longer, I have to admit I caved. I stood and quickly undressed, not looking at Bert while I did so. Bert kept his eyes on the screen, though he did look over at me when I sat down.

"Your dick is about the size of mine," Bert commented, "But I think my balls are bigger."

"I wouldn't know" I muttered, feeling my face flush a little. I allowed myself to glance at Bert's crotch as he seemed so open about examining me and my privates so thoroughly. His penis had reddened and was standing tall as he stroked it. It was much different than the way it appeared in the locker room.

"Man, I need to slow down," and Bert's movements stopped. "I don't want to cum yet."

"I don't know if I can," I said, "I'm too nervous to be honest."

"Here, I'll help you," Bert said and reached over and started stroking my penis.

I gasped at the unexpected contact and instinctively tried to pull Bert's hand off of me, but he brushed my hand away and continued.

"Fuck yeah, you've got a nice dick," he said.

I let my hand drop and let my head fall back against the coach cushions. It all felt a bit surreal.

"I don't wanna just jerk off," Bert said, "I need to fuck somethin'," and then he looked me in the eyes. "I want to fuck you, I'm not that big and I won't hurt you."

"Bert!" I gasped, "I don't think that's a good idea," I groaned as his hand clamped firmly around me.

"It'll be okay," Bert insisted, "We won't tell anyone," and then he left off stroking me and went out to the kitchen, returning with a bottle of olive oil.

"This is all I could find for lube, here, rub some on your hole."

I tried to think of a way to protest, to stop what was happening, but by now I was so aroused I couldn't even think coherently. I did as Bert told me, and rubbed some of the oil around the tight opening to my anal canal.

"Turn over," Bert ordered. I got up on the couch cushion on my knees, and leaned forward on the back of the couch. I felt the blunt head of his penis press against me, then he withdrew it and applied some oil. When he pressed against me again, he slipped inside.

I gasped with the pain of an unexpected cramp. Bert stayed still. When he felt me relax, he slid the remainder of his length inside of me.

"Fuck yeah dude," Bert said quietly, "This feels so fuckin' hot."

He began to thrust, cautiously at first, then with more authority. I began to stroke my penis in time with his thrusts. After the initial discomfort faded, his invading penis felt good. After a few minutes of steady thrusting, I felt the urge to ejaculate approaching and groaned deeply as my semen spurted out onto the cushion underneath me. Bert stiffened as I tightened around him, and I felt his penis pulse as his seed flowered deep inside of me, once, twice, three, four times. His penis moved back and forth in the new slickness.

"Dude," Bert said breathlessly, "I'm not gay man, but we have GOT to do this again sometime. Your ass is fantastic!," and he slid out of me.

I was completely drained, and turned around and sat down, heedless of the stickiness under my thighs.

We got dressed, and assured each other that what had happened was okay, and that we weren't going to tell anyone.

And thus began our affair, which I have never regretted. Bert aways initiates the contact, I always follow his lead. I have no idea where it may lead one day. For the time being, I simply enjoy the time we spend together.

~ Finis ~

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