African Exchange Student

By John Black

Published on Dec 8, 2014


African Exchange Student

Chapter 1

In the summer between my junior and senior years in high school, my parents hit me with the news that I was going to have a foreign exchange brother for the coming year. He would be living in my bedroom with me. To say I was unhappy would be grossly understating my reaction. I was livid! My life was going great, I thought, and now they did this to me. My two, younger brothers thought it was a cool idea, but they didn't have to share their bedrooms with this new kid.

The home my family lived in was one that was spacious, with twin master suites on the main floor and two more bedrooms plus a large family room upstairs. The upstairs bedrooms shared a "Jack and Jill" bathroom. The basement was finished into a party room with an adjoining full bath. As the eldest of the three boys, I got one of the master suites on the main floor. I would have gladly swapped with one of my brothers to avoid having to share my room. But, the foreign exchange student was my age, so it was only appropriate that he share with me. I was so screwed!

A few days after this delightful bit of news from my parents, they received a packet in the mail that told us all about my new "brother" from Africa. A picture of him was enclosed. At first glance, he seemed tall, very tall. I scanned through his biography and found that he played basketball in his school as the center and was goalie for the school's football team (soccer to the residents of the United States). He was 6'9" tall, weighed in about 205, and was very dark. I'm not throwing aspersions on his color. After all, my family is African-American, so I know about dark skin. The three boys in my family were all medium to light skinned. My parents are about the same shade with my dad a little darker. However, he has an older brother who is lighter than us and my mom has a sister who is about the same light shade. So, we boys come by it naturally.

I'm a basketball player at 6'4" tall and weigh about 225. I have a muscular body without having to do a lot of weight training to keep it that way. During the spring, I was on the track team and I ran the low hurdles, but not very well. I won a few meets, but generally lost to much faster and lighter boys. I had tried out for the football team in my first year at the junior high, but after a slight concussion, my parents put a stop to that career. I protested, but they were firm and implacable. "No son of mine is going to have his brains scrambled by that stupid game," my mom said. My brothers got the same ultimatum. My dad supported her, so we had no choice but to bend to their will. Considering what I'd seen happen to some professional football players, they were probably right, but I didn't have to like it.

Anyway, my African "brother" had included his skype address for me to contact him and give him the real word about what it would be like to live in the U.S. He wasn't sure he believed everything that he'd seen from the program for foreign exchange students. I knew he was probably right, so I looked up how much of a time difference there was between here and there. Because this was summer, I was always getting up early with the sun, so I called him on skype early one morning. The ten hour difference caught him at about five p.m. I'd sent an e-mail to him to let him know I'd be attempting the connection at that hour.

After three rings, he answered with the video conference enabled. His grinning countenance beamed back at me. I couldn't help but smile back at him. "Hello, Ubo," I said. Immediately, I noticed how tall he sat in his chair. But, I also noted how slender he is.

"Greetings from Africa, my brother," Ubo replied. "Thank you for skyping with me," he added in his educated, British accent with a slight African lilt. "It is good to finally meet you."

"And you," I said. "It isn't clear to me when you'll be coming to the States? Have you set a time, yet?"

"I have reservations to come in a week," Ubo revealed. "I fly out of here on June 30th and land in Amsterdam. I'll take the direct flight to Portland the next morning, so I should be there about 11:30 a.m. on the 1st of July. Is that okay?"

"Yes, that'll work for us," I revealed. "You are really 6'9" tall?"

"Yes. I am the runt of the litter," Ubo replied. "My younger brother is already over 7' tall."

"Geez! How did you both get so tall?"

"It is our Nilotic heritage. We are from the Watusi and Dinka tribes," Ubo revealed. "You know of Manute Bol?" I nodded. "He's of similar heritage and he is 7'7" tall. You see, I'm almost a whole foot shorter!" he laughed.

"Still, you'll be very tall here," I said. "Uh, I've been asked to ask you if you'd have a problem with sleeping with me in a California king bed. It has extra width and extra length for two tall guys like us. The twin beds aren't long enough to accommodate you."

"If you don't have a problem with it, I don't either," Ubo said. But, I saw something in his eyes that betrayed what he was thinking.

"Ubo, if this is a problem, you should speak up," I insisted. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed with me."

"I'm afraid that you won't want to sleep in the same bed with me."

"Why not?" I asked. "Whatever it is, I'm sure we can work it out."

"Uh, you see, I have desires for other men, not women," he blurted out.

I couldn't help myself. I laughed. "Ubo, you don't have a thing to worry about. I'm gay, too! The only thing you should be concerned about it how often we'll want to fuck."

A big smile spread over Ubo's face. "Seriously? You're gay, too!?"

"Yep," I confirmed. "But, you should know that I prefer riding bareback. But, I'll understand if you don't want to."

"I'm not understanding what you mean by bareback."

"That means I don't wear a condom when I fuck and I much prefer that the man that's fucking me doesn't wear one either. But, that's only if I know he's negative."

"You have nothing to worry about then, John. I'm negative and had to be tested before I enrolled in the program. I'll be tested again before I leave."

"I'll be sure to have my most recent negative test for you to see, too," I assured him.

"So, what is it that you like about men?" Ubo asked.

"Oh, their hard, tight bodies, their beautiful, deep butts and big dicks that ride my ass until they cum inside me are just a few of the things I love about men. I love that closeness that making love to a man brings. And they know how to make a man feel good in bed," I added.

"I can relate to all of that," Ubo grinned. "Do you have a boyfriend now?"

"Not a boyfriend, but someone that's a friend whom I fuck with regularly. How about you?"

"I have a friend also whom I play with. However, I can't fuck him because I'm too big," Ubo confided.

"Too big? Really?" I asked. "Is he too tight?"

"Let me show you what I mean," Ubo said. He got up from his chair and strode over to the door that was in the background. He flipped a lever. I assumed he was locking the door. He came back to the camera, but didn't sit down. Instead, he pulled down some baggy shorts. Out flopped a very big dick. Because he's so tall, it looked like it was about 6" long and quite thick with a well-defined cut head on it. I estimated his dick was closer to 8" when soft and looked like 6" because of his height. "You see, I'm big even when I'm soft."

"That's soft? Wow!!" I grinned. "So, uh, just how big does it get?"

"I've measured it with some help from my friend Ismail. It is over 12" long and very thick. It is the thick part that Ismail can't handle," Ubo sighed. He pulled up his shorts and sat down again. "So you see, my friend, I have a big dick."

"And I thought I had a big dick at 10"," I mused. "I'm very impressed. My friend Arliss has almost 10" that he fucks me with. He's a white boy who's extremely well hung."

"My friend Ismail is black, so he has a big dick like yours," Ubo revealed. "He's a Muslim, so he feels guilty sometimes when we fuck. But, he's not that observant, even though his parents are. My parents are Christian, but I'm not so much. What about you, John?"

"My family is Christian, too, but not the kind that must go to church every Sunday and preach hate like so many evangelical Christian churches do. As a kid, I went with them all the time, but I'm old enough now to make my own decisions about that kind of thing. My mom would like me to go, but my dad understands and doesn't force me to go with them anymore. My younger brothers are starting to pull away, too. I noticed how slender you are, Udo. How do you manage to hold your own as center on your basketball team? Don't you get knocked around a lot?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do. I'm tall enough that my teammates can pass the ball very high, out of the reach of the other players," he said. "But, my coach has been begging me to eat more and gain some weight. I eat like a pig all the time, but I can't seem to gain weight."

"Have you tried weight training?"

"I have tried some, but it didn't seem to help, either," Udo shrugged.

"When you get here, I'll work out with you and we can put some meat on those bones. They play pretty rough here sometimes, and I don't want to see you get hurt," I promised.

"Okay, but I don't know if it will work. It certainly hasn't here, yet."

"I think you just need the right kind of trainer and the right equipment," I suggested.

"I'm willing to try."

I paused for a few seconds to collect my thoughts. I wanted to know more about his sexual deeds, but wasn't sure how hard I could press for details. "Uh, Ubo, I don't mean to embarrass you, but if you had a chance, would you prefer to fuck or get fucked?"

He thought about the question for a few moments and then replied, "Uh, probably, I'd like to fuck and go all the way in. I've never been able to do it, so I don't really know what it feels like. When I try to fuck Ismail, he lies on his stomach and I push my hard dick against his ass and between his legs. I rub against his beautiful ass cheeks and cum that way. A few times, I've been able to get the head inside him and cum, but that's pretty rare. And because I always spray a lot of cream, I clean him up by licking my sperm off of his legs and ass. Oh, I hope I didn't startle you with my kinky behavior."

I laughed. "Not at all, Ubo. I love eating ass! And I don't care when I do it, including after I've flooded Arliss' ass. I think that makes me kinkier than you."

"That's something I've always wanted to do. That's why I always tried to get at least the big head of my dick inside him and cum. I wanted to eat my sperm out of his ass," Ubo grinned.

"And because you were so open about showing yourself," I smiled as I rose from my chair, "it seems only fair that I show you what I have." I pushed down my basketball short and let my dick flop out. "It doesn't compare to yours, of course, but it gets the job done," I laughed and waved my dick at him.

He laughed with me and said, "thank you". So, I turned around and bent over. My big hands spread my ass melons and I backed up closer to the camera. I made my asshole wink at him as I pushed my hardening dick and full balls back between my legs. "This is what you'll get a chance to eat out and fuck as often as you like, Ubo," I promised.

"You have a beautiful ass, my brother," Ubo said. "Ismail has a nice ass, but you have the kind of ass that I've always wanted to play with. You're so muscular that it will make me cum too fast, though, I'm afraid." I turned back around and waved my hard dick at him one more time before I stuffed it back in my shorts. "And I really want you to fuck me with that big dick of yours, too. It looks like it would be a lot of fun to ride on and take many loads."

"I'm glad you like the idea. I do love to shoot my loads deep into a hungry manhole," I assured him. "I'm sure you'll have lots of loads for me, too."

"And you for me," Ubo hoped.

"I'm sure we'll negotiate something that will work for both of us," I promised with a big smile.

We talked more about what high school students were wearing here. He said that we'd have to do some clothes shopping before school started because he always had to wear a uniform at his school. "And I want to go food shopping with you. I hear the prices for food are very good and it is all so fresh. I've seen some television programs where the markets were all huge and loaded down with all kinds of food that we don't often see here."

"We have a lot of junk food here that you should stay away from like I do. Otherwise, you'll get fat instead of muscular," I warned.

"You'll have to show me what those are when I get there, John. I've very excited about coming to see you now that I know you so much better. This is going to be a great year for both of us," he smiled.

"That's my hope, too." We broke the connection shortly after that. He promised to send me an e-mail as soon as he was ready to leave. He'd probably send it from the airport and we could skype again while he waited to board the plane.

I knew that all of us couldn't go to the airport to meet Ubo's plane on July 1st, so I suggested that my brothers stay home. They could meet him a few minutes after we did. They weren't happy with the plan, but understood the issue about lack of room in Dad's car. Despite Dad's successful business, he drove a Chevy Volt and mom drove a Prius. They promised me a car of my own when I turned 18 next year and was ready to go off to college. At this point, I wasn't sure I wanted the responsibility and expense of a car, so I hadn't really thought about what I wanted to drive as my car. In the last two years, I drove which ever car was available. I didn't need it to go back and forth to school and my friend Arliss lived only a few blocks ago. Again, why did I need a car of my own?

As he had promised, he skyped me from his hometown airport. He was all smiles when the connection was made. "I'm so ready to get out of here and start the real chapters of my life," he said. "This is just the beginning of who I am."

"Do you have your earbuds with you? I have something to tell you that I don't think everyone else needs to hear," I added mysteriously. He rummaged through his carry-on bag and plugged in the earbuds. "All secure?" I asked. He nodded. "Are you wearing your basketball shorts?" He nodded again. "You may want to carry your bag in front of you as you board the plane."

"Why is that?" he asked.

"Because I'm going to tell you in exquisite detail what I want you to do with that enormous dick of yours when I get you into my bedroom." I proceeded to explain in lurid detail how I was going to sit on his big dick and bounce up and down on it. It was going all the way up my tight, muscle ass and he was going to fuck me deep and cum gallons of his sperm into my hungry hole. Then, he was going to eat my hole out and share it in a deep kiss. He would go back to my ass several times to find more of his sperm to share with me as we kissed again and again.

He wiped sweat from his brow. "That was very, uh, graphic," he allowed, looking around him to see if anyone was watching him. His hand went to his crotch and squeezed his hard dick. He tilted his tablet down and showed me the enormous bulge and large wet spot that I'd created with my descriptive prose.

"That's only a small taste of what reality will be when you get here," I promised. "And after you pump that enormous load up my ass, I'm going to roll you on to your back, put your long legs on my broad, muscular shoulders, and slowly enter you with my tongue. I'm going to eat you out so good that you'll be begging me to fuck you. And when I do finally relent and press my 10" dick against your hole, you'll be so eager to take me that you'll back on to it and swallow it to the root. I'll fuck you in long, deep strokes, because you need to be fucked like that. Your ass is so hot that I'll probably explode deep inside you within a minute. You make me so horny!"

Ubo got up and moved to another seat, farther away from other people. "I nearly shot my load in my shorts. All my other clothes are packed in my suitcases. That would be a real problem if I creamed now. He showed me his bulging shorts again with an even wider wet spot.

"You really leak a lot of precum when you get hard," I observed.

"You have no idea!" he laughed.

"I do, too, but I don't think it is as much as you do. And, Ubo, I do love the taste of precum, so I'm going to suck you off many times. Unless, of course, it would be more fun to get you hard and leaking before you slide that horse dick up my ass and cum in my butt instead of down my throat," I leered.

"I'll probably be so horny that I'll cum in your mouth before I can pull out and shove my dick up your butt, John," he whispered. "We gotta end this conversation before I load my shorts," he added. "I can't get on the plane like this!" He panned down again and showed me the huge bulge and wet spot. "I'd love to show you my hard dick, but if I do, I'll spray my load all over the place. You'll see it tomorrow for sure."

"You'll be tired when you get here from the long trip, so I think mom will feed you and then you can shower and rest. But, you can't rest too long or you won't sleep well tomorrow night and that would delay getting used to our time zone," I cautioned. "That's not to say that I won't want to molest you before I let you sleep."

"Stop that!" he laughed. "I'm gonna burst if I keep letting you talk like that."

"I was going to suggest that you call me from Amsterdam and we can skype again from the privacy of your hotel room. But, I want you to save that big load for me and not waste it in a towel in your hotel," I suggested. "I want that huge load in my ass or down my throat tomorrow afternoon."

"They're starting to board," Ubo said. "I have business class tickets, so I'll be one of the first ones on. I look forward to seeing you in Portland, John, and taking care of our mutual needs," he smiled. He broke the connection as he rose from his chair at the international gate.

"That was satisfying and frustrating," I said to myself. "If he can hold out until tomorrow, so can I," I added resolutely. I'd already begged off a fuck session with Arliss for tonight. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back when he wanted me to fuck him or get fucked by him. This would be one VERY long night!

I woke up several times during the night, my hard dick urging me to blast off a load. But, I had to hold off for Ubo. I knew he wanted to suck me off as much as I wanted the contents of his heavy nut sack. And I wasn't picky about where he could deliver his cream. My mouth or my ass would be happy to get his African load of sperm.

At six a.m., I finally rolled out of bed and showered. I put on one of my saggy basketball shorts and a muscle shirt. I checked my dresser again to make sure I'd made room for Ubo's clothing and checked the closet for the same reason. Dad was already up and was in the kitchen. "Interested in some waffles this morning?" he asked. "With eggs, just like you like them?"

I nodded my agreement and sat at the kitchen nook. My brothers joined me a few minutes later. Dad asked them the same question and got the same answer. Mom joined us a few minutes later. "It's always nice to have my men wait on me," she smiled.

And before you ask, yeah, I've seen my dad naked. He has a good body and a nice dick for an "old" guy in his late 30's. And I think his dick is about as big as mine when he's hard. I've only seen dick prints in his pants, never the real deal raw.

My brothers seem to be exercising the family gene for big dicks, too. Both of them are nicely hung and will probably be as big as I am when they reach 17.

It was going to be hot today, so I took another shower before we went to the airport. We waited in the international arrivals area at least 20 minutes before he cleared immigration and customs. Ubo would be easy to spot because he's so tall. "There he is," my dad smiled. The three of us waved at him from a distance. I could see his big smile from more than 100 feet away. And he did tower over everyone. And he looked tired, despite the smile. Ten hours on a plane and changing many time zones will do that to you.

My dad and I shook hands with him and mom gave him a kiss on the cheek when he bent down. "Your luggage should be along right away," I said to Ubo. "Dad, why don't you and Mom go get the car and meet us on the upper level." I looked over at the baggage carousels and saw that the one for the Amsterdam flight was designated, but no luggage had arrived. "And from the looks of things, take your time. The luggage hasn't starting coming out yet." My parents departed as Ubo and I walked over to the carousel.

"I could use a quick trip to the men's room," Ubo whispered in my ear. "Care to join me?" he smiled.

"I'm sure I could use a few minutes in there," I agreed.

We peed next to each other and, of course, I had to look. He was holding a BIG, black dick with a nice fireman's helmet head on it. Just looking at his flaccid dick made mine get hard. He looked over the partition and grinned. I nodded over my shoulder toward the unoccupied handicapped stall. He beamed his agreement.

In the large stall, I pushed him down on to the toilet and shoved my dick into his face. He hungrily sucked my 10" dick into his mouth. He didn't try to swallow it, just pleasure it. After not pounding out a load for more than a day and because he was so expert at sucking my dick, I blasted out a load in less than a minute. He swallowed every drop and kept sucking on me until I started to soften.

"I like your cum," Ubo smiled, "and you cum more than Ismail does. Do you always squirt out so much?" I nodded and then urged him to switch places with me. After I sat down, he pulled out his big, hard dick and pushed it between my lips. It was HUGE! I could get my lips stretched around it, but there was no way I could get that horse dick down my throat. So, I expertly sucked and licked at his thick, long dick, teasing the big head with my tongue and gently massaging his heavy nut sack. I bobbed back and forth on his hard phallus, making him quietly moan with pleasure. Could I take his monster up my ass, I wondered. I was certainly going to try!

"I'm very close," he whispered. Evidently, that meant he was going to unload immediately. I instantly tasted a fire hose of cum spray into my mouth. I sucked harder and swallowed. More African sperm jetted into my eager mouth. Again, I swallowed. And then again. This big man could really deliver! His dick continued to jerk and I kept swallowing more sperm. It was a minute later that I felt his dick start to soften, but I could taste more of his load leaking into my mouth. "I leak for a while," he whispered. "If we have the time, please keep sucking my dick. I don't want to leave a big wet spot in my pants for your parents to see." I wasn't going to say "no" to his suggestion that I drink more of his delicious man juices.

A minute later, he said he thought that he was done leaking. He pulled up his pants while I pulled up my shorts, and went back out to baggage claim. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a small, plastic container that had breath freshener on gel strips. I handed him one and said, "Just so both of us don't have cum breath when we get in the car." He laughed, but took one. "And I love how your nutt tastes and there is so much of it. Do you always spray so much when you nutt?" He nodded and said that it didn't seem to make any difference in quantity whether it was one day or three days.

His luggage was just coming out of the hole in the wall when we got back to the baggage carousel. Ubo got a lot of curious and admiring glances. I could see many of the people were wondering if he played basketball for one of the local universities. Of course, they had no idea of his age. We grabbed his two large suitcases and headed up the escalator to meet the car.

As we walked out of the terminal, Dad drove up. "I hope you haven't been circling too many times, Dad," I said as he got out of the car and popped open the trunk.

"Nope, this is only the second time through. We took our time, knowing that it can take a while for international customs to clear the luggage," he replied. "Ubo, you should sit in front with me. There's more headroom there for a young man of your height." I sat in back with Mom while we drove away and headed for home. My parents asked all kinds of questions about his flight in business class and the hotel where he'd stayed at Schiphol airport. We had stayed at the same hotel last year when we went to Europe.

"Everything here is so green for July," Ubo said as he stared out the window of the car. "You must love that."

"We pay the price with some rainy weather," Mom replied. "But, we think it's worth it."

"And you must be hungry," my dad interjected. "Mom's got something planned for lunch that I think you'll like. You didn't mention that you had any allergies to any kind of foods, nor any that you really don't like."

"I'm not a good friend of most fish," Ubo replied. "It is so strong tasting."

"I'm with ya there, brutha!" I said clapping him on the shoulder. "I'm not a fan of most seafood, either. And there are some of the more bizarre vegetables I'm not into, either."

"Like what?" Ubo wondered.

"I don't like cooked cabbage or Brussel sprouts, but I love them raw," I said. "Have you ever tried them?"

"Cabbage, yes, but Brussel sprouts I've never heard of," he observed.

"Mom and Dad like them, but we boys don't," I said.

"That's because your brothers look to you for leadership in just about everything," my Dad pointed out. "If you like it, they like it. If you don't, they don't." That may be the case, I thought, but they wouldn't think so highly of me if they knew I was gay. However, right now they thought the sun rose and set on my ass. I was their hero, which isn't easy to live up to.

Mom made turkey sandwiches with a side of cole slaw and a choice of beverage. We were all hungry and demolished lunch in no time. My brothers had joined us after introductions. They asked all kinds of questions about living in African and his flight to Portland. Clearly, they were quite taken by our exotic, new brother.

After lunch, I suggested that Ubo might want to wash off all that jet fuel smell that travelers get. And a hot shower would relax and invigorate him for the rest of the day. I had in mind that he should stay awake as long as possible so he could acclimate to the new time zone. However, based on my past experience, I knew he'd be pretty trashed by eight o'clock tonight. We'd send him to bed early so he could get a full night's sleep.

Ubo and I went to my bedroom. I shut and locked the door behind us. His two suitcases and carry-on bag were sitting on the bed. "Let's unpack your stuff now and get your suitcases out of the way," I suggested. "Then, you'll be ready for your shower."

"I like your air conditioned house," Ubo observed. "It feels good after so many hot days in Africa." We unpacked his luggage and stored his suitcases on the upper shelves of my walk-in closet. Most of his clothing we were able to hang up with room to spare. And there were adequate drawers for items that didn't need to be hung up, like his underwear, socks, shorts, etc.

It had taken us half an hour to put everything away. Ubo turned and kissed me gently on the lips. "Time for that shower, I think," he smiled devilishly. "You should show me how the shower controls work." I could see his mind working. He wanted me in the shower with him and I was a willing co-conspirator.

He pulled off his clothes slowly, teasing me with his slow reveals. I ripped off my clothes before he could finish undressing, exposing my hard dick. He grinned when I waved it at him and then bent over and licked the leaking tip. "I need to get you in that shower," I groaned, "and then back out here. I want to eat out that perfect ass of yours so bad!"

"Perhaps, we can find a way that both of us can eat some ass, before we rejoin your family," he suggested. "But, I think we can't take too much time or they'll wonder what we're doing taking so long."

"Good point," I agreed. "I think that means we'll have to delay a good fuck until this evening or tomorrow morning. But, that certainly doesn't preclude us from swallowing another cream load from each other."

The big grin on his face told me of his eager agreement.

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Next: Chapter 2

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