After Nsync

By moc.loa@aoHIV

Published on Dec 4, 1999


Hello all! First I would like to wish everyone a "Happy Holidays!" Okay, now for those who have wondered where have I been for the past couple of months, I would like to explain. For those who have never read my story before, skip the next couple of paragraphs, or go straight to the story.

Okay, if you're reading this part of my open statement, then you care! First thing's first. I would like to give a heart felt "Thank you" to all of those who have sent me e-mail asking of my whereabouts and if I would continue writing "After 'N SYNC?" Well, obviously I have. But I've started over. See, I seriously didn't want to go back to this story because... well... I wasn't happy with the way the story was going. I wanted it to be about all of 'N SYNC, but really, a lot of the characters weren't as developed as I wanted. I didn't even touch the story for almost two months.

It wasn't until the e-mails came pouring in that I decided to start up again. But not from where I left off. No. I re-wrote the whole story. Some parts remained the same, but you'll notice a significant change as you read. Very significant. I took out some characters and added some. Some of the characters that stayed have new story lines, and some remained the same.

I hope you all enjoy this. I feel that this version of "After 'N SYNC" is by far superior to my other story, and I hope you feel that way also. Comments and suggestions can be sent to Happy reading!

(^_^) Disclaimer: This story is not meant to suggest anything about the celebrities mentioned. I have the utmost respect for the members of 'N SYNC, Mariah Carey, Brandy Norwood, Monica Arnold, their families, and so forth. Their private lives are theirs. This is merely fiction. Furthermore, it's set in the future y'all! Come on now!

Chapter 1: A New Beginning By: Phil

As the sun began to set over the Floridian horizon, a light sea breeze began to rustle the tall weeping willows surrounding the First Baptist Church of Orlando. A very traditional church. It's main chapel reached three stories high, with its steeple soaring three more stories above it. The front had two high double, oak doors that lead into the foyer. On either side of the door were two Roman columns, supporting the front of the church. The foyer was extravagantly ornate. Cool, pink marble floors with marble columns to match. Today, the foyer had been laced in orchids and lilies. They were strung over head the doorways and up the banisters of the two staircases, one on each side of the foyer, leading up to the balcony on the second story of the chapel.

From outside, luxury cars and limousines began to pull up as valets, dressed in white shirts with black vests and pants, scurried to park each one. No one paid any particular attention to the first few guest since they were just "nameless" family members, no one of great importance. All celebrities knew to arrive, as the old saying goes, "fashionably late." So it was no wonder that when a black, top-of-the-line BMW 7-series pulled up to the front of the building, everyone's head turned to see who would step out of it.

He was very handsome man, slim, with incredibly defined cheekbones. He had a sort of James Dean/Buddy Holly quality to him that attracted everyone's attention. Two of the valets hurried to the passenger side of the car and opened the door at the same time, allowing two very beautiful, ebony women to step out. Immediately the paparazzi went to work. The deafening sound of digital cameras charging up was enough to make anyone with celebrity status run for cover. Luckily, the paparazzi were confined to the streets and had to take their pictures by climbing over the walls. The two women frantically ran inside the church, for they were without make up and had arrived in casual street clothes. The man accompanying them was less concerned about the paparazzi and more concerned about the reason he had ventured back to Orlando.

He gave the paparazzi a few smiles for them to get frenzied over and proceeded into the church. As the doors close behind him, he could hear the paparazzi shout more and more names. It seemed like more famous people arrived.

The chapel was tastefully decorated with a white and baby blue theme. Ribbons streamed from floor to ceiling. Wicker arches, laced with freshly cut lilies and lilacs were placed going down the center aisle. Bouquets of flowers were also placed along the walls. In the middle of all of this was Diane Bass, mother of the groom, James Lance Bass. Diane had the job of wedding coordinator. "No! Those flowers go to the right of the altar!" She yelled towards the hired help. The two men promptly followed her directions and hurried to get out of her way. If anything, they've learned not to mess with the mother of the groom. "Alright then... flowers, decorations, groom's men, best m... best man? BEST MAN!"

"I'm right here." Diane quickly turned around to see a very lean, tall, and suave looking man resembling James Dean.

"Oh Joshua! Good, good... you're here. Can't start the wedding without the best man." JC smiled at Diane's comment. "Do you have the ring?" Diane asked with fear in her voice.

"It's right here Diane." JC replied as he patted his tux pocket. "Don't worry." JC assured.

Diane gave a sigh of relief and took a once over on JC, "My JC... you have not changed one bit. Still as handsome as ever." She laughed. Even though it's been years since they've last met, Diane could always get JC to blush with just the slightest compliment. "Okay... we have everyone on the groom's side now, how about the bride's side? Danielle's here... Stacy's getting ready in the back... Monica and Brandy?" Diane pondered out loud as she looked up at JC.

"Oh, they're in the back. They made a mad dash into the church before the paparazzi could get his camera to charge up." JC chuckled, along with Diane.

"I'm sure they looked fine without make up." Diane commented.

"That's what I said! Will you please go back there and tell them that natural beauty is just as good as beauty by Channel, Este Lauder, Lacome..."

"I will JC, but some other time. The wedding's going to start in a little more than an hour and..."

"Say no more Diane." JC interrupted. "I'll just go and check on your son." JC smiled.

"Alright. He's in his dressing room." Mrs. Bass directed as she glanced back down at her checklist.

"Thanks Mrs. B. See you in a few." Diane smiled and waved JC off.

Dear James,

Hey buddy! It's been awhile huh? First, I want to apologize to you. I want to apologize for not keeping in touch like we promised. You're my bro, now and forever. I love you... more than you could ever know. I'm sorry, but there are just some things that prevented me from ever answering your letters, e-mail, phone calls, etc. I hope you can forgive me for that. And for what else I am going to announce in this letter.

By that, I mean that I hope you forgive me for declining the invitation to your wedding with Danielle. I'm sorry. Lance... James... I'm sorry, that's all I can say. I wish you two all the happiness that God allows unto humanity and more. Live well James. I love you.

Your friend, brother, and more, Justin Randall Timberlake

A single tear fell from Lance's jade eyes, landing on the parchment containing Justin's decline on the invitation to his wedding. The teardrop soaked into the paper, causing the ink to smear and run off the edge. Lance clutched onto the letter with his hand, trying desperately to hold in the tears. He didn't want it to show how much Justin's refusal to come to his wedding had hurt him. He didn't want to show how much Justin meant to him, how much he loved him. Too late, the tears streamed down one after the other. "Not even a reason..." Lance sobbed as he thought about the man who he thought was the love of his life. "Justin..."

Lance's feet were now failing him. He rested his hand on the dresser to steady himself as he coped with the fact that the one person he wanted to be at his wedding was not attending. Justin has been in Lance's mind for the past couple of weeks. This day was to be the first day that he would have seen Justin in more that five years. Lance ran his fingers through his spiky, blond hair as he continued thinking. It would also be the last day he would see Justin as a single man. Lance steadied himself and slowly walked over to a plush armchair that was placed in a corner, on the opposite end of the groom's dressing room. During his walk, he reread Justin's letter over and over, taking every stroke of ink for all that it was worth. "Maybe it's for the best." Lance said to himself as he slowly lowered himself into the seat.

Lance looked up from Justin's letter to look at the room around him. His eye caught the attention of a gold platted clock hanging from the wall above the double doors leading out of the dressing room. "In one hour, I will be married to Danielle Fishel," Lance thought to himself as his eyes continued to wander around the groom's dressing room, "She's the only woman that made me forget about Justin, even in it was for only a brief moment. Danielle is special, she's my fiancé, and in one hour she'll be my wife." A small smile began to grow on face, but was quickly exiled as his fingers rubbed against the piece of parchment that he held in his grasp. "It's for the best Justin, for both of us. I wouldn't be able to handle giving myself over to a life with Danielle when the person I would like to hand myself over to sits in the audience watching us." Lance looks down to Justin's letter, letting the last tears of love for the 'N SYNCer known as "Shot" fall from his jade green eyes.

As the last tear ran down his porcelain skin, a knock emanates from his door, causing Lance's head to lift from it drooping position. "Who is it?" Lance frantically asks as he runs up to the mirror on the dresser.

"It's me, Josh, can I come in?" A smooth voice announces from the other side of the tastefully ornate double door that lead into Lance's dressing room.

"Umm... yeah... hold on for a minute alright?" Lance yells as he wipes his face with his hands, trying to rid the salty streams and flushed face that his tears had left behind.

"Lance? Are you okay in there?" JC asks from behind the door.

"Yeah. I'll let you in in a minute." Lance called out as he grabbed an antique pitcher that was sitting on the edge of his dresser, filled with cold water and poured it into the washbowl that it had been sitting in. Lance then grabbed a neatly folded towel that had been placed next to the pitcher and soaked it in the cold water. After a couple seconds of submersion in the cool water, he pulled the towel out and rung it dry. He then began to wipe his face, trying to cover up any indication that he had been crying.

"You're not getting cold feet in there are you Lance?" JC chuckled. The door to the groom's dressing room then opens. "Guess not." JC steps into the white room to find Lance starring into the mirror adjusting his tie. "So today's the day." JC states as he watches his long time friend placing a pin in his tie.

"Yes sir. Today is the day I become a married man." Lance agreed, as he took another glance into the mirror. He then looked back down to the counter to get his cufflinks when he noticed Justin's letter laying there, open. He quickly snatched it up from the table and folds the letter, carefully, as if it was the most valuable thing in the world to him, which, at the moment, it was.

JC smiled and turns to a long mirror on the wall adjacent to the one Lance was facing and began to straighten out his tux. "I can't believe it. First Justin and Britney, then Chris and Mariah, and now you and Danielle. Geeze, I better be careful or Monica's gonna get ideas." JC joked as he returned his attention to Lance. Lance quickly and carefully places the letter in his tux pocket next to his heart, hoping that JC didn't notice it.

"Huh?" Lance asked, drawing JC's attention away from Lance's actions.

"Well, look at that! You didn't even listen to what I said. Not even married and you already have Danielle on the brain. That's so sweet!" JC cooed.

"Yeah... Danielle." Lance comments sheepishly. "So, did you just get here?"

"Yup, Monica and I just pulled up to the chapel a few minutes ago." JC explained, sitting himself on the counter, facing Lance, who pulls a stool from under the makeup table and also sits down.

"How is the ever seductive Monica Arnold? Still as sassy and outspoken as ever?" Lance asks looking into JC's crystal blue eyes.

"She's still an 'Angel of Mine'. Always has been, always will be." JC smiles.

"By the way you said that, it sounds like you're ready to follow us down the aisle." Lance chuckled.

"Oh no...we're not there yet. Monica and I already had this discussion and agreed that it wasn't the right time for us right now. We're happy with loving each other the way we are right now." JC confessed as he takes another glance in the mirror to check his hair, as Lance smiles at JC and Monica's decision.

"You know what? I've been so busy in here, I haven't gotten to check outside, who's here?"

"Umm... Well, me and Monica..."

"Other than you two Josh."

"Your sister Stacy, Brian, Nick, Kevy Kev, AJ, your family, Danielle's family, my mom and dad, Chris' mom, Beverly, Lynn, Janet, Gloria, and a couple more people. It's a really small turn out." JC explained.

"We didn't want a big ceremony. Small and simple was the theme."

"Ah, I see. So you didn't want to include Justin, Chris, Mariah, and Joey in the theme?" JC asked, wondering where 'N SYNC was.

"Chris and Mariah cancelled. So did Justin and Joey."

"They WHAT?!?!"

"Chris and Mariah both had unbreakable schedules and told me weeks in advance. They did, however; say that they would pick up the tab for a month long honeymoon for Danielle and I in France. So it's all good." Lance smiled, still wishing that his long time friend and his business partner was there waiting in the pews. "Joey... It was strange, but he said that he had some personal, family issues to deal with. Not to mention his health didn't allow for him to travel here." Lance frowned. JC also shook his head in disappointment.

"I told him all that drinking would lead to his destruction." JC chastised.

"His friend's suicide didn't even help either," Lance added.

"Yeah, he did it a couple of days after his wife's death during her difficult pregnancy. That poor boy was still born and taken away before his father could see him. Three deaths are too much for anyone to handle, especially Joey. Now he's got to take care of the son his friend left behind." JC said as he shook his head.

"How is Gavin anyway? I heard that he's turning into a fine, strapping young man now." Lance asked.

"Oh yes, Gavin's got the perfect profile for living on the island of Los Angeles. He's aspiring to be in entertainment. Joey's got his hand full with that one, but... he's already a veteran of 'show biz'. He'll lead the way." JC smiled. "And Justin?"

Lance was about to breakdown again after hearing JC mention Justin's name, but miraculously, was able to maintain his composure. "Justin couldn't make it." Lance answered frankly.

"Any reason?" JC asked.

"No. No reason." Lance answered, returning his attention to the wedding, in hopes that busying himself will get his mind off Justin.

JC looked onto to Lance, thinking about Justin's strange reply. Then it hit him. "Britney..."

"Huh?" Lance asked.

"Huh?" JC asked back.

"Did you say something?" Lance asked.

"Did I say something?" JC asked back.

"You said something, and I didn't listen, was it important?" Lance asked.

"Oh... umm... I just asked... how... your life has been." JC covered. "You've been over here on the east coast while everyone else is over in LA."

"Well, I still manage artists, even though Free Lance Management merged with Mariah's Crave Records. Being co-President and CEO of the largest entertainment company in the world with Mariah is hard work!" Lance explained.

"I bet. So are the rumors true about you coming over to LA? I heard that Elenem Entertainment's music department is moving to the building across from Elenem's motion picture department."

"It's true. The building was just completed and we'll be fully up and operational by the time I get back from France if not sooner." Lance said as he finished fastening his cufflinks.

A light laugh started to come from JC causing Lance to turn towards him in wonder. "What?"

"Oh nothing, I'm just reminded of the corny way you and Mariah came up with 'Elenem.'" JC chuckled.

"Hey! We were tired and it was late. 'L' and 'M'... Elenem. I think it sounds sophisticated.

"Whatever man... you're company."

"That's right! Elenem... learn it, live it, love it." Lance smiled in confidence.

JC returned the smile, when something suddenly dawned on him. "Hey, with you moving to Los Angeles, that means that the gang will be back together again! You, me, Chris, Joey, and Justin!" JC said bright eyed. "Maybe we can start up 'N SYNC again? This time we'll be managing it ourselves and doing things our way."

"Oh no! We've all moved on from 'N SYNC. Not to mention that you've just released your second solo album... which, may I remind you, you have to get your plans for promotion into me. You know how I like to run things, and if you're gonna be on my label..."

"Yeah, yeah.... I've gotta get organized and get on the ball." JC continued. "Still bitchy Lance."

The two dear friends continued to talk, occasionally reminiscing, occasionally laughing, but always enjoying each other's company. As a moment of silence came between the two, it was quickly cut off by a tapping sound on the door.

"Who is it?" JC asked as Lance turned to the mirror to apply some make up to conceal his blemishes.

"It's me babe." A soulful voice answers. JC stands up from the plush chair that he had been sitting in and rushes to the door. As the door slowly opened, the most outstanding pair of ebony goddesses stepped into Lance's dressing room.

Monica Arnold was the first to enter. Her dark brown hair had been swept up into an elegant bun, held in place with a baby blue silk ribbon and a couple diamond-studded hairpins. Her face gave off a subtle brown glow as her ebony eyes and smile brightened up the room. A solitaire diamond necklace graced Monica's neck as a baby blue shawl hung on her arms and around her back. Her bride's maid dress was baby blue and flowing, defining Monica's perfectly trim figure.

Brandy Norwood followed her into Lance's dressing room wearing the same dress and jewelry. Her hair was in thin braids, curled and bouncy. She still possessed her picture perfect smile and exotic eyes that pulled you into them. She brought an air of elegance and enchantment where ever she went.

JC reached out and pulled Monica in a loving embrace. His strong arms wrapped themselves around Monica's body and held tight. "How long has it been since I've told you I loved you?" JC whispered into Monica's ear.

"Since I last saw you, but I wouldn't mind hearing it again." Monica suggested.

"I love you." JC smiled as he gazed into Monica's seductive eyes.

Monica returned the gaze and stared into JC's crystal blue eyes as her lips began to part. "I love you also Joshua Chasez." The two began to kiss passionately as Lance and Brandy stood watching, forgotten.

"So how have you been Brandy?" Lance asked the ebony diva, taking their attention off of Monica and her boyfriend JC.

"Oh, hey Lance! I've been great, but enough about me... today's your day. You're gonna be married in less than," Brandy pauses for a moment and turns her head to look at the gold platted clock, hanging above the door, before continuing, "20 minutes?!?! We've gotta get going! Lance, are you done?" Lance nodded his head, signifying that he was done. "Okay... Monica? Mon, hon... we've gotta get going."

"Umm... yeah... sure thing B... just give... me ummm... Mmm..." Monica was in too much bliss to stop JC from kissing her neck and lips to stop him. Brandy had to take the initiative and hurry them out before they're gonna miss the wedding.

"Alright you two! Don't make me turn the hose on you!" Brandy warned as Lance tried to keep in his laughter. Monica and JC both shot Brandy a wicked stare before releasing each other from their embrace.

The four friends proceeded to exit the room and head for the chapel when Lance stopped the group. "Hey, y'all go ahead, I just wanna take a quick peek at my bride."

"Lance hon, you do know that it's less than twenty minutes 'til show time right?" Monica asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not to mention, it's bad luck!" Brandy added, throwing in her two cents.

"Yeah, yeah... I know, just one last time as a single man... that's all." Lance pleaded. Monica slowly sighed as she then nodded her head.

"Three minutes... In three minutes I want to see that firm ass of yours on the altar." Monica warned.

"HEY!" JC shouted in disapproval as Lance blushed.

"Your ass is firm too Josh..." Monica said to satisfy her boyfriend before turning to Brandy and whispering, "Men..." Brandy snickered as she and Monica strolled arm in arm towards the chapel with JC in tow. Lance watched as the three left his sight before turning around and walking in the opposite direction.

As he walked down the long corridor, he was reminded of that phrase he's heard so many times in movies about convicts on death row, "DEAD MAN WALKING!" He could almost see the arms, with mirror in hand, sticking out of the walls to see the face of the man that was headed towards the end. "That's foolish!" Lance told himself, "Marrying Danielle is NOT a death sentence." He cleared his mind and filled it with happier thoughts of old times with 'N SYNC, the best days of his life.

As he slowed his pace down, a smile grew on Lance's face as he thought about the day the five of them shot "Tearin' Up My Heart." "That was probably the easiest video we've ever done." Lance thought to himself as he remembered just acting silly and jumping off of balconies and eating pizza. Then his mind shot back to when he and Justin spent hours rehearsing the three seconds they were up front together. "Punch, punch, punch, nod, spin left, spin right, round house." Lance said to himself. It seemed so easy now, but back then was a different story. Lance began to remember how he would always spin right when Justin spun left, and how he just couldn't seem to get the round house right. He always seemed to fall on his ass. When the choreographer gave up, Justin stepped in. Lance slowly began to reminisce about the hours Justin spent with Lance alone as he continued down the hall. That was where his love for Justin grew and flourished.

"Come on Lance, one more time and then that's it." A young, southern voice encouraged.

"Forget it Justin! I should just do what the choreographer says and let Joey come in front with you."

"NO! You're gonna get this right! You're gonna be up in the front with me! We're in this together and I'm gonna make sure you get these moves down even if I have to spend the rest of my life with you! Now come on." Lance continued down the hall as images of him and Justin, hot and sweaty, giving the dance routine one last try.

"Come on Lance, say the moves with me... GO!" The two of them began the routine, shouting out each move in unison. "PUNCH, PUNCH, PUNCH, NOD, SPIN LEFT, SPIN RIGHT, ROUND HOUSE!"

Justin immediately made a mad dash to turn off the music as Lance continued with the routine. As the music died down, so did Lance's dancing. Lance whipped the sweat off his brow before looking at Justin. As he turned his head, his eyes met with the most gorgeous pair of crystal blue eyes. So blue that they would make the Meditteranian jealous.

"You did it Lance!" Justin shouted in congratulations.

Lance could remember the next moments as if it were yesterday. Justin ran up to Lance and pulled him in a huge hug. The two of them were so happy, their movements so fast that they both collapsed on the floor. Justin laying on top of Lance. Their hot bodies breathing in unison. "See Lansten! I knew you had it in you!" Justin congratulated as he wiped the sweat from his brow with his hand. Lance was breathing too heavily to get in a word. All he could do was lay there, underneath Justin, starring into his sparkling eyes once more.

"I could have never done it without you Justin." Lance said with sincerity. The two remained still for the next few moments, staring deep into each other's eyes. Words were not necessary for they both knew what the other was thinking. As the seconds past, their faces came closer... lips, almost... almost touch ...


Too late. Lance walked right into a wall, knocking him out of his daydream. "That wasn't so smart... especially for a grown man." Lance said as he rubbed the area of impact. He stood up and straightened himself out. "You can't keep doing this to yourself. You are going to marry Danielle! Forget about what could have been with Justin! It's never going to happen!" Lance screamed in thought. He knew he was right. His mind was telling him what was right, but if it's right... then why won't his heart agree?

"Is someone out there?" He heard a familiar voice ask. Lance looked to his immediate right to see the door to Danielle's dressing room. Her voice brought him back to earth. Back to the white chapel in Orlando, back to Danielle, back to...

"No one's out there babe. Now come here. I've never done it in a church before."

Lance couldn't believe his ears! He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He approached the door and turned the knob, slowing cracking open the door. Inside, he could only see a mirror reflecting Danielle's image. Nothing else. A feeling of relief over came him for a moment, before he saw a pair of arms wrapping themselves around Danielle's waist. "How 'bout it Danielle? One last romp before you a married woman?" The voice suggested.

"Who said that this would be a 'last romp'?" Danielle answered with a cocked eyebrow and sinister smile. "Oh, Howie!" She moaned as her lover began kissing the nape of her neck.

It was true; he wasn't hearing things. A tear formed in Lance's eye as he witness the future he had planed, dying before it had a chance to start. Lance remained frozen, hurt... only able to muster out a frail, "No..."

The great island of Los Angeles glistened in the twilight. A shining beacon of prosperity and growth. Thrust into the ocean after the "Big One" of 2004, Los Angeles is now ran by the world's leading entertainment giants: Time Warner, Disney, Twenty-First Century Fox, Sony, and Elenem Entertainment. Over the years, "The Big Five" cooperated together to rebuild Los Angeles to its glory days. Hollywood and Vine, the famous intersection was rebuilt, and the famous "HOLLYWOODLAND" sign was re-erected. The residents of the island of Los Angeles ranged from the very rich to the insanely rich. It is where anyone, who is anyone resides. Especially those who have the money. Los Angeles is now, truly, the glamour capital of the world.

This night, the streets of Los Angeles were quite. It was just one of those lazy summer nights that were too hot to get fussy over anything. None of the production companies were open, Rodeo Drive was closed, none of the spas were open, and all of the island's residents were spending the weekend relaxing on the island's seventy-mile stretch of beach. Well... almost all of the residents...

"Lie down." A deep voice ordered. He was Angel Valmont. Tall, blond, handsome, and rich, being Vice-President for Elenem Entertainment, under James Lance Bass and Mariah Carey Kirkpatrick. As his young lover laid himself down on the bed, Angel proceeded in taking off his clothes. The young man watched, captivated by Angel's body. Not a single hair was visible on his glistening, sun-tanned chest and well-defined pectorals with their pinprick nipples.

"Okay, Angel," the youth said eagerly, with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Take off your clothes," Angel again ordered.

His young lover began to remove his T-shirt and shorts, almost stripper like, seducing Angel with his boyish beauty.

Angel's expression hardly changed but the sexy sparkle in his eyes gave a hint of his enjoyment at the prospect of being seduced by and attractive youth. After all, this boy was only eight-teen and pretty as any young girl, prettier really. But what form that seduction would take Angel had no idea. "It's time for a change," Angel thought. It was the first time he would be the seduced and thought that it would be a lark to try out. He didn't feel like working on this lazy summer night.

Having removed all his clothes, Angel took his place next to the young adult. "Take the lead." Angel said sternly. A glimmer appeared in the youth's eye as he changed positions. Crouching, the boy's naked body so slim compared to Angel's, he parted Angel's thick thighs and knelt between them, rubbing his palms over the smooth muscles, exploring their formidable fortitude. Angel's cock began to stir, slowly rising; almost to it's full potential.

His lover continued to keep his eyes locked into Angel's, mentally seducing his magnificent man, eager to glimpse a glimmer of excitement. A hint of heavy breathing. Something that would say his seduction was arousing, stimulating, desired!

The boy pulled out a condom, Angel jumped slightly as his lover's hand grasped his giant cock, clutching it tightly, his palm barely big enough to encircle its circumference. "I see someone's been eating their fill of spinach!" teased the youth, enjoying his newfound "power."

Angel didn't answer, only a hint of quickened breathing indicated that he was becoming increasingly aroused. Angel continued being submissive, knowing very well that he could take the initiative at any given point, but then again... it was one of those lazy summer days. Why work so hard? The boy, quick to sense Angel becoming turned on, bent his head over the manly meal, parted his lips and sank his mouth as far as possible down the shaft.

Angel almost stopped breathing, "He's pretty good for a first timer," Angel thought to himself as such was the sensation which swept from his groin to his gaping mouth as he watched his young lover's brunette head bobbing brilliantly over the bulbous head of his cock, bombarding his brain with sexual energy.

It was only a teaser. The boy had other plans; things he's seen in porno's. Things he wanted to try out during his first time. Enough things to keep Angel there all night!

He continued to suck the giant cock, occasionally pushing his tongue deep into the slit, surprised how large that was and how much he could sink into the soft opening. Whether Angel would speak, the youth wasn't sure. He hoped he would. A grunt. A sigh. A whisper from that deep, manly voice. Something to say that he was enjoying his seduction.

If he were to squeeze a sound from Angel's mouth, he decided, he would have to do something special. He sank his teeth into the flesh, just a nip. Angel squealed, his hands clutching the boy's head. The youth pushed his mouth further toward Angel's pubic hair as if Angel had forced his head down. The thickness of Angel's cock pushing his lips far apart. It was a clever ploy because Angel's hands remained in place, foraging in the mocha-colored strands, pushing the boy deeper and deeper onto his dick.

A sigh slipped from Angel's lips. He turned his head slightly to look at the clock sitting on his nightstand. It was close to nine. Angel knew that this, however much enjoyable it was, had to wrap up. He had things to do after all.

The boy, content with the way he worked his lover's cock, scrambled up the rigid torso and slammed his mouth with Angel's. Angel's tongue shot down the youth's throat, who sucked it furiously.

Tongues darted between mouths. Two in the boy's. Two in Angel's. All the while, the boy ran his palms over the blond spikes of Angel's hair.

Like a log under the boy's belly, Angel's cock rolled around as body rubbed body, cock rubbed cock. So huge was Angel's prick that it stretched from his lover's own pubics to a good two inches past his navel and was at least twice the size.

Placing his hand between their bodies, the boy levered Angel's penis from beneath his body and slipped it between his young thighs. The monster slid between the crease of the boy's buttocks, dribbling pre-cum between the cheeks.

The youth slid down Angel's tight body and unwrapped the condom around his man's rigid cock, licking his lips in anticipation. Seductively, leaving love bites as he went along, the boy moved up Angel's body and sat upright, his pert rounded buttocks pressing on Angel's bush of pubic hair, his legs straddling the solid stomach, knees bent into the mattress. Angel's cock right at his lover's wanting ass.

Straddling the giant cock, the boy placed the head of Angel's cock between the cheeks of his butt. Angel got the point and cupped his lover's backside in his palm, his hardened biceps easily lifting the torso. Carefully, he allowed the weight of his boy's own body to force the buttocks over his massive cock, taking the load when the entry became painful.

The boy's mouth was dry and he issued several sighs and gasps as he began to accept more and more of the thick prick. After each new fraction had entered his hole, Angel lifted the boy back to the head, and then lowered him again allowing another centimeter to penetrate.

The boy now fucking under his own steam, completely in control, Angel lying back and allowing his youth to seduce him, stimulate him, keeping an occasional stare at the clock. "Cum already," he thought.

Raising his bottom to the point of withdrawing, the boy then pushed hard into the base of the cock, his cheeks parting to their maximum width. "He seems to be enjoying this." Angel thought. Blissfully, the boy whimpered and sighed as he fucked Angel's cock. Deliberately he went deep, then returned to bouncing over the head, then half way down, then deep again. All the while, Angel grasped for the boy, desperately trying to wrap his thick forearms around the lad's slender waist, to clutch the hard-working buttocks so that he could fuck him properly. "Dammit boy!" Angel screamed mentally.

Unable to take the suspense of the ultimate pleasure any longer, Angel took control. He sat upright and grabbed his lover, turning him over. This caught his young lover by surprise, but he didn't seem to mind. This move actually sent the boy into a frenzy of sexual ecstasy. Angel was now in power. He laid down on his lover's body. He continued pumping down his lover's ass. The friction between their bodies sent the boy wild. He could feel the cum collecting in his balls. Both their breathing heavied.

"Angel! I'm... I'm..." The boy panted


Angel quickly stopped his thrust. He looked across to the other side of his room where his desk was located and noticed the light on his phone was ringing.


Angel pulled out of his lover's wanting ass and backed away. "I better get that." Angel said flatly.


"The phone's ringing... I better go get it." Angel smirked as he swaggered nude over to his desk. Angel's penthouse was lavishly decorated in an art deco style. With black and navy blue being the color theme. As Angel walked by the sliding glass door, leading out to his patio and it's magnificent view of the Pacific Ocean, a cold ocean breeze blew in sending shivers to run through Angel's naked body. The fluttering curtains lightly draped Angel in its sheer fabric, softy feeling the goose bumps on his skin, his tight ass, and his 9 inches of manhood. By the time he reached his desk, the phone had already rung five times. Reaching over to turn on his desk lamp with his right hand, his left hand reached for the phone. Angel sat down in his chair and pressed the talk button.

"Hello?" Angel asked.

"Hello Angel? This is Mariah."

"Oh, hey Mar..."

"WHERE ARE THE PRESS PHOTOS OF LANCE AND DANIELLE!?!?! I need to go over them and get them into "People" for next week's edition!"

"I don't know Mariah?"

"What do you mean you don't know? Dave from the graphics department told me he gave them to you to give to me."

"Oh, I gave them to that intern... Sarah."

"You gave engagement photos of Lance and Danielle to an intern? WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?!?!?!"

"Sorry Mariah... I'll call her to see if she still has them."

"No, I'll do it myself. Dammit Angel!

"I'm sorry Mariah..."

"Okay... it's fine. But I want to see you first thing tomorrow morning in my office!"

"Yes ma'am. Anything else?"

"Has the script for the new Bond flick reached Christian Bale and Sarah Michelle Gellar yet?"

"Christian accepted the role as Bond, but Sarah turned the part down."

"Fuck! Just because she won 'Best Actress' three times in a row... now she's 'too good' to be a Bond girl?"

"I guess so ma'am. But rest assured, I got another girl lined up, and ready to do the job."


"Well, several... Natalie Portman said she'll do it, and so would Christina Aguilera."

"Get Christina... she's got an exotic look."

"Will do Mariah, anything else?"

"No, that's all. Remember! Tomorrow morning! First thing!"

"Yes ma'am... night."

"Good night." Angel hung up the phone. He took another look at his clock and decided that it was time for him to go. That is, until a pair of arms came around his shoulders.

"Come on Angel... let's finish what we had going." The brown haired teen asked, as he still remained on the floor with his legs spread apart, seductively stroking his cock.

"Are you still here?" Angel asked in disgust. Angel stood up from his chair and walked over to his closet. The boy followed.

"I'm gonna be here until you finish showing me how much you love me." The teen stated as he grabbed Angel from behind, gently rubbing his face on Angel's back.

"Me love you?" Angel busted into a wild fit of laughter. "When the fuck did I ever tell you I loved you? Never."

"What?!?! But what about all this! What about the time we spent together? What about... I GAVE MY VIRGINITY TO YOU ANGEL!!!!" The boy shouted as he began to back away from Angel in shock.

"Awwww... and it was good while it lasted. Thank you.... now get out." Angel commanded coldly.

"What?!?!?! Get out?" Tears were now filling up in the boy's eyes.

"Get out."

"But I don't have anywhere to go!" He pleaded to Angel. Angel just continued to get dressed.

"You can go back to your parents." Angel suggest as he buttoned up his blue, oxford dress shirt and tied his gold tie.

"Is that some sick joke?!?!?!" The boy yelled as tears began to stream down his face.

"Well, you don't have to go home but ya gotta get the hell outta here!" Angel announced as he slipped his pants on.

"A... Angel..." The boy was hurt. He actually thought that Angel loved him. Ignorance can really be bliss... But Angel's in his late 20s and he's only 17. It never would've worked.

"Look, I had fun, just like you. But face it hon. you're just another conquest for me. Another nameless face. Another notch on my belt. Vapor. Never to be heard from again. I guarantee that in two days... I won't even remember you." Angel explained frankly, knowing very well what kind of impact his words were having to the young man.

"W... why... why are you using me like this?"

"Correction. Used. Past tense. I'm done with you."

"You used me? Angel... h... how can you do this to me! How can you just throw me out of your life?" The teen tried his best to get his thoughts together, but no. He was too hurt.

"Like this." Angel picked the young man up by his arm and walked him over to the elevator.

"Nag... Angel! Let go! Put me down!!!" Angel pressed the down button and the doors opened. Angel threw the teen inside, leaving him there naked and sobbing. Angel then walked over to gather up the teen's clothes and tossed them into the elevator with also. The door started to close slowly, but Angel stretched out his arm to open the door again.

"Oh, don't think that you're going away empty handed. I know I got something out of this sorted affair, and you did too, but just because I'm such a nice guy..." Angel reached for his wallet, which he kept in a side table by the elevator door and pulled out a cash card with 200 credits on it. Holding it between his middle and index finger, he waved it in front of the boy, as he was getting dressed, still sobbing. "Here, consider this payment for a job well done. Not that well done, I mean, I didn't cum, but you need some kind of payment." Angel tossed the card on the weeping teen as he then closed the door and sent the boy down to the streets below.

Angel then casually walked back over to his phone. He pressed "#4" on his speed dial and waited for an answer. "Pacific Towers Security. State your complaint." A man answered on the other end.

"Yes, Security? This Angel Valmont from the 43rd floor penthouse. Yes. I had just come home when a hoodlum ran into the elevator from my penthouse, pushed me out, and went down with, I think a cash card containing 200 credits. Will you please have him arrested? I'm placing full charges for burglary and breaking and entering."

"Yes sir, there will be guards there when he comes out." The guard guaranteed.

"Thank you so much! I don't know how I would be able to sleep at night if it weren't for you and your comrades." Angel commented.

"We're just doing our jobs sir." The guard answered sheepishly.

"Well, know that I'm very grateful, thank you again."

"Our pleasure." Angel casually turned off the phone and finished dressing.

As Angel stepped out of his bathroom, he was dressed sharply from head to toe. Angel wore a navy blue suit, and bronze colored button-up shirt and a bronze tie. His black shoes were shined to mirror quality. Angel slowly strolled his way back over to his phone. He pressed #3 on his speed dial and waited for a person to answer.

"Hello?" A man asked from the other end.

"Charles? Have the Beemer out in front for me. I'll be down in ten minutes."

"Yes sir!" The valet replied.

Angel stepped into the elevator and pressed down. As the elevator doors opened up to the lobby, Angel was greeted with flashing red and blue lights coming from outside. Angel casually strolled though the lobby and out the front door.

"ANGEL!!! ANGEL!!!" A faint, but familiar voice called out in the distance as Angel continued towards his awaiting ride. "Officer, you don't understand! I didn't steal these cash cards! Angel Valmont gave them to me!"

"Sure thing... like Angel Valmont would give anything to something like you."

"I'm telling you the truth officer! I know Angel Valmont!"

"Who doesn't?" The officer pushed the young man into the police car as Angel watched his handy work unfold from behind the tinted glass of his sports car. Then, with an evil laughter, Angel sped off towards the city. Angel chuckled to himself for another five minutes, finding so much pleasure in the pain of another.

All the freaks that lurked in the shadows of the Island of Angels were out in full force that night, and all gathered in a single room for a horrifying ritual.

It was called Karaoke Night at The Grind.

Nestled on prime Sunset Boulevard real estate, The Grind was the place to be if you were one of the young, rich, and famous. In contrast to its Industrial theme, the club played nothing but pop and top forty music with the occasional re-mix of the fore-mentioned genre.

Justin Timberlake sat in his office over-looking the club. He tilted his chair forward to get a better view of the people dancing on the rotating dancefloor, shaped like a gear. He envied them. "Innocent," he thought. Taking a sip of tea that gave off a hint of Smirinoff, from a cup he held in his right hand he leaned back and sighed. "So young... so full of life..." Justin thought to himself as he watched another youth get onstage to embarrass himself.

Swiveling his chair around he placed his cup of tea onto his glass desk. "Close!" Justin yelled. Automatically, the blinds that opened up the window over-looking the club began to retract slowly, and the door leading to his office locked itself. "Today's the day. Today's the day I lose another love of mine. Today's the day I lose Lance to Danielle." Justin thought to himself. He raised his glass for a toast. "Here's to you and the your love Lance, too bad it wasn't me." A tear began to form in Justin's eyes. "If you only knew how much I loved you Lance... How much I want to be with you throughout your life... How much..." Justin was now sobbing uncontrollably. He took a final gulp of his tea and laid his head on his desk as he slowly felt the affect of his beverage. "Next time... one part vodka and two... two parts tea..." Justin slurred out as his eyelids began to close.

"Justin! Justin!!!"

It was cold. Very cold.

A freak storm had come across the island of Los Angeles.

"Justin!!!" A female voice called out.

Justin searched around frantically in the water.

Waves splashing his face.


From afar, he could make out a body, floating in the water, arms flailing rapidly.

Justin quickly swam towards the person with all his might.

A hand stuck out of the water.

Justin grabbed it.

Not tight enough.

The waves began to grow, tossing and turning everything in its path.

"Don't let go!!!" Justin yelled.

The hand griped his, but in vain.

A large wave hit.


Darkness... Justin splashed and splashed... looking for a sign... any sign...


All Justin could feel was cold.

It was cold... So very cold.

"Justin?" A female voice asked.

A column of light fell upon him.

He turned to see a hand.

"Justin?" The voice asked again.

"I'm here baby... I here..." Justin called out reaching for the hand.

It moved back.

He lunged forward, still in the cold water.

It moved back.

"Why Justin?" The voice asked again.

"Why what?" Justin asked as he continued lunging for the hand.

"Why did you let me drown?"

"I... I..."




Justin leapt up from his chair. Nothing. "It was only a nightmare," he thought to himself. A nightmare that has been appearing off and on in his sleep for the past three years. "I better just go home." Justin thought as he gathered his composure. "Shut down procedure!" Justin yelled. One at a time, everything in his room that used electricity to run began to go off. Before the light went off, Justin reached behind his door and grabbed his jacket. Within two minutes, the only light poured into the dark room was from the hallway. Justin took one last glance and closed the door.


The bright lights of the city gleamed at night. Shinning over everything, including Angel's BMW roadster as he drove by, top down. The wind whipped through his hair as he sped towards his destination. Glancing over to his dash, he noticed it was already 10:32 at night. "Shit!" He stepped on the gas and hurried to his destination, running three red lights.

Joey Fatone sang lightly to himself as he whipped the counter of his coffee house, The Crossroads, clean. It was more than a coffee house though. At Crossroads, you could get a cup of Joe, read a couple books from the bookstore, log onto the ever-expanding Internet, or just mingle with the colorful array of people that popped in. It was his baby. Right across the street from The Grind, the nightclub he owned with his friend, Justin.

Through out the years, Joey hasn't changed much. On the outside, he gained a few more pounds. He's lost the six pack he use to have during his days with 'N SYNC, but is still pretty stong. Joey's hair is back to it's original color, has been since the day 'N SYNC called it quits, and he still maintains a healthy looking goatee.

"...Ain't nothin' but a heart ache... Ain't nothin' but a mistake... Somethin' somethin' somethin'.... I want it that way..." Joey sang to himself. It was an old song; he knew that. And he also knew that if any of his customers heard him sing that classic song, that he barely remembered the words to, he'd feel really old. Joey finished off cleaning the counter and was about to turn around and put away the towel when the door swung open.

The light ringing of a bell drew everyone's attention to the couple that was coming in. The first person was a man in his mid-twenties. He was just wearing a plain, white T-shirt with blue jeans. His companion was a young man in his teens. This guy was dressed a little more contemporary in a ribbed, tight fitting, black sweater and gray twill pants. "Hey Joe!" The older man greeted as he came into the cafe.

"Hu-HEY! Dave! So how are things at Elenem? Mariah workin' your butt off?" Joey laughed.

"Actually, things have slowed down in every department, especially in Graphics. All I had to do this week was to do some tweaking on the Lance/Danielle engagement photos and send them down to the mailroom. It seems like things around Elenem have slowed down in anticipation of Lance coming here and bringing his part of the company with him." Dave informed as he took a seat at the counter. His young companion did so too. David Nicholas was the poster child for "tall, dark, and handsome" men. His tan skin making his blue eyes glimmer.

"Yeah, I know." Joey commented as he turned to throw the towel he had used to wipe the table in a plastic bin.

"How do you know?" Dave asked.

"Please... look around!" Dave, and the teen sitting next to him, spun around on their stools and glanced at everyone around them. "They all work for one of the Big Five. Every last one of them. I hear all and know all." Joey chuckled.

"Well, Mister Know-It-All... What's Time Warner up to?" Dave asked with a sly smile.

"Oh no! I remain neutral!" Joey laughed as he put up his hands in defense.

"I guess it's only fair." Dave chuckled, joining Joey.

Joey then turned to the young man that followed Dave into Crossroads. "So Ricky... I'm guessing you either want one of my special blend, frozen cappuccinos or... you want to see my adopted son." Joey smiled friendly.

"I came for the latter but I'd gladly take the former," Ricky giggled.

Ricky Nicholas was Dave's younger brother. A young man, just on the verge of eighteen. He had dark, black hair and an athletic build. His eyes dazzled with a blue so bright that it would rival that of Justin Timberlake's.

"I'll get him for you Rick, hold tight." Joey said as he slid Ricky a plastic cup filled to the brim with frozen cappuccino.

Joey strolled to the back storeroom where Gavin was doing inventory. He knocked on the door, trying hard not to interrupt Gavin as he counted bags, upon bags of coffee beans, baking ingredients, and what not. "Come in!" Gavin called out.

Joey opened the door to see a the body of his strapping, eighteen year old foster son. Gavin Spencer had ashy-brown hair, light brown eyes, and a body of swimmer. "Hey Gavin? How's it goin'?" Joey asked, peering into the room.

"Almost done Uncle Joe, just a check of what we're keeping in the refrigerator and I'm done." Gavin smiled. He, unlike most people, loved his job. He loved working for his uncle. In his eyes, Joey Fatone was the world. Joey was the one who brought him up after his family died and Gavin felt grateful for that. He also loved the fact that Joey was so cool about him being gay, sometimes even trying to find a suitable boyfriend for him; although, it always ended up as a disaster. "Did you want something Uncle Joe?"

"Yeah Gavin, I want you to take the rest of the night off. Your boyfriend's waitin' on you!" Joey smiled.

"Ricky? Well... tell him to wait just a few more minutes." Gavin asked as he opened the refrigerator door.

"Didn't you hear me boy!" Joey lovingly called out. He walked over to the refrigerator and pulled his nephew's head out of it. "Your man's outside; go! Have fun! I'll finish up when I close tonight." Joey insisted.

"Bu... but... but..."

"No 'Buts...' Go!" Joey yelled as he pushed Gavin out of the storeroom.

Ricky's eyes widened at the sight of his boyfriend appearing behind the counter. "Hey you!" He greeted as he watched Gavin circle around the counter and come out in front.

"Hey yourself." Gavin replied. He casually leaned forward and placed a small peck on Ricky's lips. A smile grew on both of their faces.

"So where are you two off to tonight?" Joey asked, stepping out from the back.

"Oh... just across the street." Gavin replied.

"The Grind? Again?" Joey asked?

"It's the only place worth going to Joey... It's the best!" Ricky commented.

"See... I knew I liked you for some reason Ricky!" Joey laughed.

"Well, speaking of which," Gavin turned to his boyfriend, "Let's go." The two strapping young men got themselves together and proceeded to exit.

"Later Joey!" Ricky called out.

"Bye Rick!" Joey answered.

"Later Uncle Joe." Gavin bid.

"See you later Gavin, and don't stay out too late okay?"

"I know, I know." Gavin chuckled.

Dave watched as his brother Ricky left with Gavin to go dance the night away, he too got off his stool and stretched.

"Don't tell me you're leaving too Dave." Joey sighed.

"Hey, it's been a long day." Dave smiled as he stretched.

"Oh alright... you take care now!" Dave waved good-bye as he walked out and Joey resumed his business. He was just about to take care of an order of cafe au late when the door to the coffee shop opened again. "Forget somethin' Dave?"

"No, just came." A voice answered.

Joey turned around recognizing the voice was not Dave's, but of another.

"Oh, it's you Angel." Joey greeting curtly, his mood obviously taking a turn for the worse. There was something Joey didn't like about Angel Valmont. Something about the tall, blond, Executive seemed wrong to Joey.

"Aww Joey, not happy to see me?" Angel asked sarcastically.

"What do you want Angel?" Joey asked harshly.

"No, no... I want to know how you are. Here. In this coffee shop, bookstore, etcetera... Quite the entrepreneur, aren't you?" Angel asked, looking around the cafe.

"Business is great, better than ever. It may not be some high rise, window office like yours, but it's a good job." Joey answered, rolling his eyes.

"I'm sure it is Joey. Gives you lots of free time huh?" Angel smiled, taking a seat at the cafe counter.

"Actually it does."

"So how are you spendin' this free time? Spendin' it with Remy? Or Martin? Jack? Daniel?" Angel asked with a wicked smile.

"No Angel... I've stopped drinking." Joey said, tolerantly.

"That's right!" Angel exclaims sarcastically, "Doctor's orders right? And we all know that Joseph Fatone is the epitome of health. Aren't you due for another heart attack? Or is it another dose of cirrhosis of the liver?" Angel watched in glee as he witnessed Joey's face redden, "Face it Joey. You're a drunk. You've always been a drunk. And you'll die because you're a drunk!"

"Mother... Get the FUCK out of my coffee house!!! Get out or I'll kick you out." Joey shouted in anger. Angel knew the exact buttons to push to piss Joey off, and he loved it. Angel didn't have anything against Joey, as a person. Not really. He just didn't like the fact that Joey was so close to Justin Timberlake. Since the day 'N SYNC parted ways, Joey and Justin stayed close, even going into business with one another. Angel didn't like this. He wanted Justin all to himself.

That's why he came to this area of the island at 10:30 pm. on the dot. A few weeks ago, Justin was involved in a car collision and had his license suspended. Angel was the first person to volunteer to take Justin to, and from work. This arrangement is the foundation of Angel's ever-continuing plan to make Justin his.

"Fine! Fine!" Angel sighed, raising his hands in defense.


"Sorry ladies and gents, I have officially been kicked out. It seems like our host would like some privacy with his Seagram's. Adieu Joey. Have fun." Angel politely answered, making the tipsy motion with his hand at his mouth.

Angel turned around and walked out of the cafe a little disappointed that he didn't get to see the one person he rushed over here to see.

Just then, the crowd over at The Grind parted like the Red Sea. From behind the velvet rope, Angel could see a very handsome man. Tall, chiseled, sexy, with blond, curly hair. He was wearing a royal blue silk shirt; unbuttoned at the top to reveal a defined cleavage, under a gray blazer, with gray slacks and black shoes. It was Justin. Justin Timberlake... not walking too well. Angel rushed across the busy street just in time to catch Justin before he fell and made a fool of himself.

"Whoa there neighbor..." Angel commented as he caught Justin in his arms.

"Hu.. Hey Angel... watcha doin' here?" Justin asked, finally feeling the full effects of his tea.

"Just hangin' around the Strip, but now it looks like I'll be taking you home." Angel answered, smelling the liquor of Justin's breath. "Jesus Justin! You're about as bad as Joey!"

Angel swung Justin's arm around his body and steadily walked him to his Beemer, which was parked adjacent to Crossroads.

"Nah! I'm fine..." Justin wobbled as he walked, his legs not propping his body up properly, "I'm cool... cool as ice! Yeah... ice... is it cold here?" Angel held his arm tightly around Justin's tight body.

"I'm sure ya are, but... let's get you back to your place." Angel smiled, getting an inkling of things to come.

"But the night's..." Angel threw Justin into the passenger seat of his car. Angel then got into the drivers side. Reaching into his pocket, Angel pulled out his set of keys. As he fired up the ignition, he began to hear a quite whimpering coming from the passenger seat.

"Hey J. Are you okay?" Angel asked with concern as he placed his hand on Justin's knee.

"I TRIED TO SAVE HER ANGEL!!! I TRIED SO HARD!!!" Justin sobbed, placing his face in his hands as the tears started to flow from his crystal blue eyes.

"I know... I believe you Justin. It wasn't your fault." Angel comforted, rubbing his hand back and forth across Justin's tight thighs. "What are you doing Angel?" He thought to himself. "Justin's hurting! If you really love him, now would not be the time to seduce him!" Angel regained his composure, removing his hand from Justin's thighs. He then reached over Justin's shoulders and pulled the safety belt over him. After doing the same to himself, Angel backed out of his parking spot, switched to first gear, and made his way back to Pacific Towers on the well-to-do north side of the island, the place where both he and Justin lived.

During the ride home, Justin turned his head away from Angel and cried himself to sleep. It was a fifteen-minute drive. Hopefully, he wouldn't get another nightmare. Hopefully...

Lance could barely stand as he made his way back to the front of the chapel. His world had been shattered thanks to his bride-to-be's philandering. "How could you?" He whispered out, his voice weak from swallowing his tears. His couldn't believe this! Lance began to feel his legs becoming weak and took a seat against the wall of the hallway. He pulled his legs up, and rested his elbows on his knees. With face in hands, Lance began to reflect on his life with Danielle thus far. "Is it really worth going through with?" He asked himself. "How long has she been doing this with Howie and... God knows how many others?"

Suddenly he heard the tapping of heels on tile coming from around the corner. He decided to not let this sorted affair get to the other attendants of his wedding until he could decide whether to just excuse this incident as a one time thing or call off the wedding. Lance quickly jumped to his feet and re-adjusted his tux. He ran his hands over his face to wipe away any stray tears that might have escaped his green eyes.

Looking up, he saw a tall, fair skinned woman in a bride's maid dress with long, wavy, blond hair. "James! There you are!" The woman frantically exclaimed, obviously ended a heated search for the groom.

"Hey Stacy." Lance greeted his sister, trying to hide the sorrow in his voice.

"James, what are you doing here?" Stacy questioned. "You're suppose to be out there."

"I... I..." Lance tried to explain, but nothing came out.

"Oh... uh huh... I get it. You, dear brother, are having cold feet, aren't ya?" Stacy concluded, pointing at Lance.

"I... I..."

"James," Stacy began with a sympathetic tone, "I had the same problem at my wedding. It's no biggie! Take a deep breath, swallow, and march yourself to the altar." Stacy demanded lovingly.

Lance did as his older sister instructed, trying hard to not just tell her to go back and check on Danielle. Still, he hadn't decided, so it was out of the question. Or so he thought.

"Now that's a good groom. Go stand by your best man, JC while I go fetch Howie."

"The only man I want to be on an altar with me is Justin," Lance mumbled, "Wait... Howie?!?" Lance knew that he couldn't let his sister go back there. "Stacy!" He shouted.

"Huh?" Stacy asked, turning around.

"Walk with me to the altar." Lance asked, distracting his sister.

"What about Howie?"

"I'm sure he'll come once he hears Cannon in D play." Lance reassured.

"Yeah, he came with Danielle to every rehearsal. Plus I'm sure Danielle would find him and bring him out." Stacy commented. Lance remained mute, suppressing his anger and sorrow. "But Lance, don't you want this day to be perfect? Howie sliding in might not go unnoticed."

"It's fine." Lance reassured, knowing very well that "perfect" was the last word he would use to describe this day.

As the elevator doors of the Pacific Towers, luxury apartment building opened. Angel intimately helps Justin back home, which was right across from his own. Justin was still in a stupor thanks in part to his "special brew."

The two of them stood before Justin's door as he fumbled in his pocket for a key card. "Want some help there, Justin?" Angel asked, reaching down into Justin's pocket. It was one of those deep trouser pockets. As his hand searched around, it grazed the length of Justin's penis. Angel's eyes brightened to his discovery. Although flaccid, it was at least three inches beyond the length of his fist, which delighted Angel very much.

"Found it!" Justin exclaimed with a smile. "It was in my coat pocket." He explained.

"Oh," Angel responded, taking his hand out of Justin's pocket. With Justin's arm around his shoulder, Angel eased Justin down the steps leading into the loft's living room.

Much like Justin himself, his apartment was very sleek and stylish. Gold accented the entire room, which was painted a cream color.

Justin took his arm off of Angel and began to walk towards the sofa. Flinging himself upon it, he grabbed a near by remote and pushed power. Expecting the television to turn on, Angel was shocked to see a fire burning in the fireplace. Justin stretched out on the sofa, kicking off his shoes. "Have a seat Angel!" Justin invited.

"Sure thing." Angel made himself comfortable on what was left of the sofa Justin was laying on. Moments with nothing said. Angel glanced over to see Justin hissing as he rubbed his neck. "What's wrong Justin?" Angel asked in concern.

"It's my neck again. The pain's back." Justin answered, still rubbing his neck. The "pains" were a result of Justin's car collision. It's not serious though, only an irritation.

"Here, let me loosen you up." Angel offered. "Get on your stomach." Justin agreed and did as he was told, but after he took off his shirt. Angel watched with desire as he watched the blue shirt come off the object of his desire. Angel almost lost his composure as Justin revealed his rock hard pecs with pinprick nipples and rock hard abs. As Justin turn around, Angel continued to watch as Justin's back muscles flexed and relax. Angel slowly moved up Justin's body, straddling his hips. Slowly, Angel reached for Justin's shoulders. With ample pressure, Angel began to work on Justin's tight neck and shoulder muscles.

As Angel rubbed his upper body, Justin gave off several moans of pleasure. "You have hands of magic Angel!" Justin complemented as he followed with another moan. Angel was no doubt rock hard by now. His cock giving off the impression of a tent in his pants. Fearing that Justin would feel his cock spring up, Angel slowly lifted himself from Justin's body, still keeping a firm grip on his shoulders.

The two continued for several minutes more. Justin, in a state of bliss as Angel remained in his state of torture. Angel stared intensely at Justin's backside. His curly blond hair, tight back muscles, and ass. The temptation was too great. Having this moaning Adonis in front of him, drunken of bliss was too much. Angel slowly bent down gently kissed Justin on his back. His lips pressing ever so softly.

Slowly, his kisses began to get more intense. Angel stopped massaging Justin and focused on his kissing. He moved down to the small of his back and back up to Justin's neck. "More Angel... Give me some more!" Justin moaned, turning his head to kiss Angel.

Justin turned his body to lay on his back as Angel stood and took off his shirt. He laid back down upon Justin and began licking down his cleavage. Then sucking and giving small bites on his nipples. Justin grabbed Angel's head, running his fingers though the blond, spiky hair. "Make.. Angel..." Justin moaned, too overcome with pleasure to get a sentence out.

Angel; however, knew what Justin wanted and reached down to Justin's belt buckle. Angel's mouth began to water with delight in anticipation of what he was to receive. Angel slowly slid down the zipper, revealing a patch of Justin's light brown pubic hair and the head of the most gorgeous cock he had ever scene. Angel stuck out his tongue, hoping to pick up the first drop of pre-cum when...



A string ensemble, perched upon the upper balcony began to play Cannon in D Minor, by Bach as Lance took his place beside the minister. In the foyer, every bride's maid was arm in arm with her assigned groomsman. Monica, Maid of Honor, arm in arm with Joshua Chasez, the Best Man. Stacy with her husband, and Brandy with... with...

"WHERE'S HOWIE?!?!?!" Brandy screamed feverishly. "He's already Justin's replacement, and he can't even show up on time? The damn music's started!" Brandy yelled.

Slowly, the doors leading into main chapel began to open. Brandy was getting tense. She stepped further back, avoiding the eyes of the congregation. Monica was the first one to go; still feeling worried about her best friend and the missing Howie. Before leaving, Monica whispered to Brandy, "If he's still not here when it's your turn... girl, the show must go on." Brandy nodded.

Stacy and her husband were the next couple to go. It was almost time for her and Howie to go, minus Howie. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps rung through out the hallway. From afar, Brandy to see Howie running frantically to her. He was still tucking in his shirt by the time he reached her. Brandy angrily took his arm and the two took their places at the door. As she and Howie followed the others in kissing each other at the altar, before taking their places on stage, Brandy pulled Howie's ear to her mouth. "You do know you're gonna hear from me after the ceremony, don't you?" A small sense of fear over came him as he took his place next to JC.

The string ensemble softly ended their piece to let the organ player come in with the traditional wedding march. In unison, the entire congregation stood from their seat. The large, ornate oak doors leading into the main chapel again opened. Stepping down the isle, Danielle wore a stunning white dress with a huge train. Lance stood in pain, trying to hide it the best he could, as he watched Danielle approach the altar.

"Don't you think the white dress is a bit of a stretch?" Brandy whispered to Monica, who snickered in response, until the two caught Lance looking their way. They regained their composure and apologized to Lance.

"Don't be." He mouthed back.

Monica and Brandy looked at each other in confusion as Danielle took her place next to Lance.

In unison, the entire congregation took their seat. All eyes were now focused on Lance and Danielle. The minister presiding over them was a stout, old man with a paternal like quality.

"Dearly beloved," he began, "We are gathered here this glorious day to witness the marriage of James Lance Bass to Danielle Fischelle." Lance began to sweat. It was now or never. Could he trust Danielle and let her affair go as an isolated incident? Or should he stop the wedding now before it gets too late. "If there are any present how feels as though these two should not be wed, let them speak now, or forever hold your peace." Heads nonchalantly turned, looking around the chapel to see if any one had any objections to this union. Lance took in a deep breath, trying to muster up the courage to denounce this false union. "James Bass and Danielle..." The minister began his sermon.

"Damn!" Lance mentally cursed himself for not saying something.

As the minister continued, Lance was in a daze, not letting a single thing absorb into his mind. He was too worried about what his future would hold. Danielle was un-faithful! There was no reason on God's green earth, why he should let this continue. She would only hurt him again.... Lance was in torment. "I wish Justin was here." Lance thought to himself. "Justin would know what to do. He always has the right answers." A tear began to form in his eyes as memories of Justin filled his head. "Justin! Where are you? Don't you know I love you? Don't you know I need you? Justin..." Lance wanted to scream. He wanted to denounce Danielle for what she's done to him, with Howie.

"Danielle, do you take James? For richer or poorer? In sickness and health? 'Till death do you part?" With eyes beaming, Danielle answered,


"James, do you take Danielle? For richer or poorer? In sickness and health? 'Till death do you part?" Lance looked around feverishly. He looked at his sister, Brandy, and Monica. Turning to JC for support, all he got was a facial expression urging him to answer "yes." He then looked to his brother-in-law and received the same expression. Then he glanced to Howie, standing as if he had done nothing wrong. "That' s Justin's spot you bastard!" Lance scolded mentally.

"Lance hon?" Lance turned to see Danielle tapping his arm. "Aren't you going to answer?" Lance could only mumble, nothing particularly making a complete word. "Lance? Don't you love me?" Danielle asked.

"I... I..." The words would not form for him.

"I love you."

"James?" the minister asked, "Your reply?"

"I... I..."

To be continued...

Well, there you go. The first chapter. I really hope you liked it. If you read the older version of "After 'N SYNC," you probably noticed that I basically cropped that whole series and placed bits and pieces of it into this one, really long chapter. If you didn't read the older version... well, I hoped you like it too. I know It's a bit of a stretch to write about 'N SYNC's future, but hey. I have artistic license and I'm running with it until my legs fall off! Hehehe... Send all comments to

Also, my senior year of high school has been really hectic, so this story will be on a monthly installment, hopefully one things start to smooth out, that time length will ease up.

Oh, if JM is reading this. Feel free to do one of your reviews. LOL

The following statement is just FYI. It might make some people hate me, but for some strange reason, I want this to be known... I think its "Big-headed Syndrome." Don't get all, "Oh, so what? Does he want a prize for it now or something?" To quote Janet Jackson... "Everyone has the need to feel special..." I guess I'm writing this as my need to feel special.

During my absence, I also noticed a few "future stories." Well, good luck to them all, they're all very good, especially "All Grown Up." Kudos to the author of that story. But still... not to toot my own horn... Well why not? Artistic license, right? Plus "Big-headedness" is second nature for me. It's a bad habit, but it's me. Anyways... I was the first person to write about the future, thank you!

I'm fully aware of how conceited that must have sound so DEAL! LOL lighten up! Sense of humor much? It's the holidays. I know most of y'all are just ready to get the hell out of that building called school just like me.

Peace be with you! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and the rest of it. (^_^) Phil

Next: Chapter 2

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