After Nsync

By moc.loa@aoHIV

Published on Mar 7, 2000


Hello everybody! I'm back! Now it seems that I've been apologizing for my lateness with these chapters forever, but bear with me. My life right now is like roulette! I don't know what's gonna turn up! I thought it would be over once I got into college (Accepted by the University of St. Thomas in Houston, TX, with a scholarship that covers half of my tuition!) Psh! Then there's more scholarships and on top of that, financial aid! Then there are senior activities, social events, senior fundraisers, and PROM!!!

So as you can see... well, at the risk of sounding like a broken record... "I'll try to get out my next chapter as soon as possible."

Hey! Guess what? Backstreet Boys were just in Houston on the 28th and 29th of February and here's my review of their show:


Now, without a doubt, I love 'N SYNC to death! They'll always be #1 to me. BSB, in my opinion, aren't that great. With the exception of "I Want It That Way" they're vocals are kinda... blah, and they're not really as attractive. Not to mention their personalities don't really appeal to me that much, but as performers they definitely rocked H-Town! They're show made 'N SYNC's look like something out of a County Fair. (I'm hurting as I typed this.) I thought 'N SYNC gave the best show... I did go see it twice! Once outside and once inside, but after BSB's "Into the Millennium" tour... OMG!!! It's a must! You must see it! If you don't... you smell... that's it! J/K! (^_^) But if you can, it's something that you'll love.

Alright, enough with me using Nifty as a forum for my reviews... On with the story! All comments can be sent to < >

Okay... I have one other thing to say. Mariah Carey is a SILLY HO for canceling her tour date in Dallas! If I didn't lover her so much, I would make a voodoo doll of her and stick pins in her voice box! I was gonna fly to Dallas to see you Mariah!!! ( I know that possibility of her reading this is slim... but eh.)

(^_^) Disclaimer: This story is not meant to suggest anything about the celebrities mentioned. I have the utmost respect for the members of 'N SYNC, Mariah Carey, Brandy Norwood, Monica Arnold, their families, and so forth. Their private lives are theirs. This is merely fiction. Furthermore, it's set in the future y'all! Come on now!

Last time, on After 'N SYNC...

Well, it was inevitable, Lance dropped Danielle like a bad habit. He said, "no" and high tailed it onto an airplane bound for the island of Los Angeles. This left Danielle back at the altar to deal with Lance's friends. Luckily, her beating by Monica was postponed for another time when JC flung the R&B diva over his shoulder and carried her out of the chapel. But, that wasn't the end of it. Brandy felt Danielle was still in need of a major ass kicking. A huge fight ensued with Brandy coming out on top.

Back in L.A., Angel was finally gonna have all his sexual fantasies with Justin fulfilled; however, he was interrupted when Reginald Valmont, his dad showed up. He didn't recognize Justin in the dark room but was positive Angel was there. After cutting down his son's esteem and self-worth, he informed Angel that he was cutting him off, financially. Well, there goes the end of Angel's extravagant lifestyle. Oh, Angel swore revenge. With the mood ruined, Angel was willing to put his love fest with Justin on hold, probably 'til he gets a sober Justin in bed. Until then, Angel still has other ways of satisfying his needs.

After practically disowning his son, Reginald returns home for some R&R, only to find his mistress there waiting for him. Who could this woman be? None other than Mariah Carey Kirkpatrick, wife of Chris Kirkpatrick, mayor of the island of Los Angeles. It seems; however, that Reggie has other plans for Mariah. He asks her to leave Chris and run away with him. Mariah refuses and Reginald blows his top. He gives Mariah and ultimatum: Either run away with him, or he will blow the top off their relationship and destroy her marriage, career, and life altogether. He then leaves. Mariah comes down to only one resort. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Angel ends up getting some action from Dave and afterwards, asks Dave to show him how to fire a gun.

After a brief delay; JC, Monica, and Brandy are on their way home to Los Angeles. JC is still worried about Lance and what happened to him after the wedding fiasco. Monica consoles him and tells him that everything will turn out fine.

Lance arrives in Los Angeles and runs into Joey's foster son, Gavin , and his boyfriend Ricky. Lance had no clue who Gavin was, but he knew Lance immediately. Gavin convinces Lance to go to Crossroads to meet Joey. Lance agrees and the three head to the cafe. Joey and Lance rekindle the 'N SYNC flame and have a heart-felt conversation. But just as the conversation starts to get good, someone else from Lance's past comes walking into Crossroads.

Chapter 3: "Drastic Times, Drastic Measures"

By: Phil


"Hello Justin." Lance answered.

Justin lowered his sunglasses to get a better view. It was Lance! Suddenly for Justin, the rest of the world disappeared. He felt as if time had stopped and silence ensued. All he could see in front of him was Lance. It's been over ten years since they last met. Tears filled Justin's eyes. Lance was the most wonderful vision of love Justin had seen in a long time. He loved Lance.

Lance had a similar feeling. As he looked upon the man in front of him, all time stopped. Lance wanted to rush over and scoop Justin up and confess his love. Lance wanted to tell Justin everything: How he left his wedding because of his love for Justin; how he never stopped thinking about Justin everyday of his life; and how Justin completed him. He loved Justin.

"J-James..." Justin gasped. His lips began to tremble as tears flooded his eyes.

That was all Lance needed. He ran up to Justin and wrapped his arms around Justin's tight frame. "Hey Curly! I'm missed you!" Lance exclaimed as he began to get choked up on his tears.

"I missed you too Lance." Justin replied, trying his best to keep from sobbing.

Lance gently pulled away and looked Justin in the eyes. A tear finally escaped and glided down Justin's cheek. Lance ran his thumb over it to wipe it away. "You that happy to see me Justin?" Lance asked. Justin merely nodded. Lance pulled Justin into another hug and ran his hands through Justin's wavy hair.

"Ahem..." Joey interrupted. Justin and Lance slowly pulled apart and looked at Joey. "I know it's been a while since you two have gotten together, but I'm trying to run a business here." Justin and Lance both looked around and saw that everyone in the cafe and bookstore was gawking at them.

"Okay... sorry." Lance apologized.

"Awwwwww..." came from random people in the cafe who were obviously enthralled with heartfelt reunions.

"Sorry." Justin apologized.

"Umm... I'll get those keys for you Justin." Joey said, feeling that Justin and Lance wanted some time alone.

Both Justin and Lance stood by the door looking over one another, top to bottom. "It's been a long time Lance." Justin said, breaking the silence.

"Over ten years J." Lance smiled. Justin almost melted at the sight of Lance's smile. He thought he had lost that smile, and it's owner, to Danielle the day before, but now it was right in front of him.

"So shouldn't you be in the south of France around now? With you wife?" It was hard for him to say because the possibility of Danielle coming out of the restroom was there. They could've just changed their honeymoon destination and came to Los Angeles.

"It's a long story Justin." Lance sighed.

"Here is the extra pair of keys Justin." Joey interrupted. Justin took the keys from Joey's hand and stuffed them in the pocket of his coat.

"Really?" Justin asked, looking at Lance.

"Really..." Lance replied.

"Tell me about it on the way to the Grind." Justin smiled as he nodded his head towards the nightclub across the street. Lance smiled and nodded.

"Sure." Lance replied with a half-hearted smile.

Justin opened the door for Lance and let him exit first. "Thanks for the keys Joey! You're always saving my ass!" Justin shouted.

"No prob!" Joey shouted back from behind the counter.

After Lance stepped out into the street, Justin followed and let the door close behind him.

Gavin and Ricky both plopped themselves on the counter and propped their heads up on their arms. "They're both so drop dead gorgeous!" Ricky sighed.

"Yeah." Gavin sighed, agreeing. "Wouldn't it be great if they were a couple?"

"That would be soooooo perfect!" Ricky cooed.

The two gave out a sigh as they watched Lance and Justin cross the street. After watching Lance and Justin go into The Grind, Gavin and Ricky straightened up and turned to Joey who was drying some ice cream bowls.

"Umm... Dad..." Gavin started.

"Yeah?" Joey asked, looking up from his bowl.

"About Lance and Justin... Well, Ricky and I were... Ummm..." Gavin struggled to get the words out. He didn't want to say the wrong things about such close friends of his dad.

"You two are wondering if Lance and Justin are, or rather, have ever been a couple, right?" Joey said with a smile. Gavin and Ricky both let out a sigh of relief and nodded. "Well," Joey began, "I've never seen them be anything more than close friends. But the way they connect, it's like... Well boys, to put it simply, it wouldn't surprise me if they were!" Joey chuckled.

A sappy sigh poured from Gavin and Ricky's mouths as they returned to work.

"Wow!" Lance exclaimed as he looked around the club. He was standing in the middle of the dance floor, which was in the shape of a huge gear. He did a quick spin around to look at everything. The club had a massive bar, stage, and a DJ both overlooking the crowd on top of a tall scaffolding.

Justin went behind the bar and bent down, under the bar. From there, he flipped a couple of switches. Suddenly, the dance floor began to spin slowly. Lance was caught a little off guard, but steadied himself. Justin had to giggle to himself as he saw Lance jump. Justin flipped another switch, which turned on the colored lights. Lance was in awe as the disco ball dropped from the ceiling and showered his body with stars.

Justin then took off from the bar and began to ascend the DJ tower. From up on the top, he popped in a CD from the oldies collection. "Oldie, but goodie." Justin said to himself as he blew the dust off the DJ's CD player, which just sat there and placed the CD in the slot. It didn't work. Justin looked behind the player and found that it was disconnected. "No one plays CDs anymore? Oh yeah, it's all MDs now." Justin said to himself. He fumbled with the wiring for a while and then pushed "play."

A soft voice came over the speakers. Lance instantly recognized the voice. "Janet?" He asked.

"Who else?" Justin yelled down.

like a moth to a flame

burned by the fire

my love is blind

can't you see my desire?

that's the way love goes

"How do you like it?" Justin asked as he climbed down.

"'Wow' wasn't enough for you?" Lance laughed as he walked up to Justin. Justin took Lance by the hand and walked him to the bar. He sat Lance down on a stool and bent over the bar and reached for a bottle of gin. He then reached under the counter and pulled out two chilled glasses and poured in the gin, straight. He handed Lance a glass and took one for himself.

"Cheers!" Lance toasted. Justin nodded and they both took a swig.

"So tell me why you're here with me, and not with Danielle?" Justin asked, placing his glass back down on the bar.

Lance wanted so bad to tell Justin that the reason he was here and not with the whore was because he loved him, but Lance held back. "Well," Lance began, "funny story... It turns out that Danielle has been cheating on me with Howie D. of the Backstreet Boys!" Lance chuckled as he took another sip of his gin.

Justin's jaw dropped to the ground as everything Lance had just said sunk in. "She what?!?!" Justin asked.

that's the way

that's the way

that's the way love goes

"Oh yeah, she's been doing the 'fuck 'n suck' with Howie for God knows how long!" Lance took another gulp and slammed his glass on the bar. "So I dropped her like a bad habit." Lance poured himself another glass and finished it in one gulp.

"So are you okay now James?"

"I'm fine Justin, just peachy." Lance poured himself another drink, but before he could gulp it down, Justin placed his hand over it and took the glass away.

"Don't drink to get rid of your sorrows. It just makes things worse." Just slid a couple seats down the bar and poured the gin into a drain. He then reached under the bar again and pulled Lance out a bottle of water. "Trust me, I know." Justin smiled as he handed Lance the water.

Lance popped the top and began to take a couple of swigs. "Thanks."

"No prob. God Lance! I wish I was there for you." Justin sighed.

"It probably wouldn't have helped anyway. From the way I see things, she would've still been sleeping around, regardless if you were there or not." Lance explained. He took another sip of his water and swished it around in his mouth for awhile, rinsing out the taste of gin. He didn't really like drinking that much anyways.

"I know, but I just wish I was there to comfort you. But I bet JC did that." Justin concluded. He bent over the bar and got another bottle of water for himself. He set his glass of gin aside and un-screwed the top of the bottle of water.

"JC tried but I didn't stay long enough." Lance sighed.

"You left?"

"Yeah, by the time I drove out of the parking lot, I saw all of the BSB chasing Howie into the parking lot. I'm sure he's lynched by now." Justin wasn't sure, but he could swear he heard a chuckle come from Lance.

"James?" Justin asked. Lance looked up and looked Justin in the eyes, "Did you love her?" Lance was thrown back. That was the same question he had asked himself repeatedly that day.

Lance took a deep breath and replied, "No."

Justin was just about to ask Lance who he did love but decided to leave Lance with his thoughts. A moment of silence passed. Justin sat in his stool and watched Lance run his finger on the rim of his bottle over and over. He hated watching Lance mope like this and decided to lighten things up.

"Well, then I wish I would've been there to chase after you. I would've never let you go." Justin smiled. Lance looked up and he too smiled.

"I'd have a head start." Lance said.

"I'd trace you."

"I'd block your trace."

"I'd track you down by your plane ticket."

"I didn't fly until the next morning."

"I'd sleep at the airport."

"Only you Justin...." Lance laughed.

"Hey, I care about you." Justin replied sincerely as he placed his hand on Lance's thigh. Lance's smile; however, quickly disappeared. He let out a long sigh and took another sip of his water. "James?" Justin asked.

"Didn't care about me enough to keep in touch." Lance said sadly as he turned away from Justin, making Justin's hand slid off his thigh.

"I'm sorry about that James, I really am." Justin placed his hand on Lance's shoulder and scooted closer. He gently squeezed and kneaded Lance's tense muscles in his hand.

"I guess it was as much my fault as it was yours. I could've easily have picked up the phone and dialed your number." A tear began to form in Lance's eyes as he looked a Justin. Justin saw this and took the opportunity to return the favor that Lance did earlier. With his thumb, Justin caught the tear as it barely crept out of Lance's eyes. Lance simply smiled.

"Look, it's okay. The most important thing is that we're both here now. Together." Their faces slowly began to come closer. Each one was a little uneasy with what was happening. Justin took one glance at Lance's green eyes and fell in. He saw no sign to stop what they were about to do. He wanted this so bad, for so long.

Lance too looked into Justin's eyes and felt the same emotions, but then remembered that Justin was a married man. Lance turned his head and pulled back.

that's the way love goes...

Justin sensed this and opened his eyes. He leaned back in his stool and looked at Lance. "He's so withdrawn." Justin thought to himself. He again reached behind the counter and brought up the same bottle of gin. As he poured, Lance turned to him with a half-hearted smile.

"So where's Britney?"

Justin stopped pouring. The bottle fell out of his hand and landed on the ground.


that's the way love goes...

Angel felt good as he got into his sports car. He had just got a call from his father's law firm asking him to come by for some "important business." Angel had no idea what this business could be, but was severely hoping it was the representation proposal he had been begging his dad to take.

For months now, Angel insisted that his father strike up a deal with Elenem Entertainment to become their permanite law firm. One that would have Reginald's lawyers represents Elenem in every judicial situation.

It was what Angel wanted most, because it would get him in good with Mariah and Lance. As he sat in his car, he wondered why his dad sounded so nice on the phone when asking him to come to the office. Angel concluded that his father was probably drunk last night and really didn't mean anything he said. "This must be his way of apologizing." Angel concluded as he sped off towards the business district.

As Angel drove down Rodeo Drive, he noticed a navy blue suit that caught his eye. "Wow," Angel thought to himself, "That looks so professional." Angel pulled over to the side of the street. Angel thought that if he was going to be a pitchman, he'd better look the part. Impression is everything. As Angel tried the suit on, he took a look at the price tag. "Four thousand credits." Angel contemplated his purchase. "If dad is reconsidering my business proposal... then that means he wouldn't really cut me off. He probably just said that because he was mad at someone down at the office."

Angel pulled out his credit card and paid for the suit. He decided to wear it out. That would save him some time and break the suit in all at once.

Angel pulled up to a tall gray building. People were going in and out like ants out of their mound. Angel floated up to his dad's office, enthralled that everything was finally going his way. As the door opened, the receptionist greeted him.

"Hello Maurine." Angel greeted with his irritable smile. Maurine simply looked down as she saw Angel enter. Her sallow expression took something away from Angel's high as he watched her point to the boardroom.

Angel entered the room. The mood hit Angel like a ton of bricks. As he entered, everyone's eyes fell upon him. There were about ten of them, all dressed in drab, gray power suits. Bloodthirsty savages, known only as lawyers. These men and women were the top lawyers of the West Coast, some of the world. Their icy stares penetrated him and made him feel insecure and naked. The only comforting look came from his Aunt Olivia, who sat next to Reginald.

Aunt Olivia had always treated Angel as her own son when Reginald neglected him. She was like Angel's mother and was always there for him. She was the one Angel took refuge in as these other vultures worked their evil magic on him.

"Bad juju..." Angel whispered to himself as he stood at the end of the table, trying to avoid the stares.

"Angel, my boy!" A robust southern accent exclaimed. "Welcome!" Angel's eyes turned up to see a large chair spin towards him at the head of the table.

"Dad, I'm glad you called me, because this is the perfect time for you and Elenem to..."

"What the hell are you talking about boy?!?" Reginald interrupted.

"Well, isn't that the reason you called me down here?"

"Not even in your dreams would I associate this firm with that company! The reason I called you down here is because..."

"Don't do this Reginald." Olivia warned. Reginald merely looked at her and turned his attention back to Angel.

"Here." Reginald pulled out a sheet of paper from a stack and passed it down the row. The sheet passed from hand to hand as Angel kept his eye on it. When it finally reached Angel, he began to read it.

"What is this?" Angel asked as his eyes skimmed the page.

"It's a sepia." Reginald answered.

"What?!?! What for?" Angel asked, totally shocked.


"What did I embezzle?" Angel furiously asked.

"I told you I had cut you off, yet to still proceed to spend my money."

"I thought..."

"No. I checked my account this morning and I find over two thousand credits missing and charged to Gucci." Angel was speechless. He couldn't believe his father was suing him. "You're going to rot in jail Angel."


"I'll see you in court Monday morning... son." Angel couldn't hold himself up anymore. As he collapsed on his legs, the rest of the people cleared out of the conference room, following Reginald. Only Angel's Aunt Olivia stayed behind. After a few moments of weeping, Angel felt a pair of arms wrapped around him. He looked up to see a loving, middle-aged woman on the ground next to him.

"Why is he doing this to me Aunt Olivia? Does he hate me that much?" Angel sobbed as tears flowed down his cheeks. It has been a long time since this much distress had taken over him. It's been a long time since anyone had made him cry, but leave it to Reginald to break Angel down.

"Angel, after your mother died, you're father grew heartless." Olivia knew it was a weak excuse for Reginald, but it was the best he could come up with.

"That still doesn't... What did I do?" Angel cried out.

"I'll have a talk with him Angel. And if he still wants to go through with this, then I'll be your attorney. I'm just as good as your father. We'll beat him." Olivia consolidated.

"Thanks Aunt Olivia, but I just want an explanation."

"Well, I can't give you one honey. You'll have to go to your father for that one." It broke Olivia's heart to see Angel in so much anguish. She had always considered Angel her son, due to the fact that she spent more time raising him than anybody, especially his father.

"The man is evil!" Olivia had nothing more to say. She knew Angel was right, Reginald has gone too far. He was evil. No father in their right mind would do this to their son. Something had to be done.

"We'll pull through Angel, don't worry." With that, Olivia stood up and walked out the room, not before letting out one last sigh of sympathy.

As Angel remained on the floor, he realized what he must do. "After tonight, there will be nothing to worry about."

As Olivia closed the door behind her, he walked over to her desk and plopped into her seat. She sat there and thought about Angel's situation. Drastic measures must be taken to save Angel's life, because if he falls, then there will be no telling to where, or who, Reginald will strike next. "The devil must be stopped."

Olivia reaches down and pulls out a drawer to her desk to take out her purse. As she reached inside, she pulls out a small gun. "Drastic times call for drastic measures."

Mariah sat on a bench at Palmero Harbor, looking out to the horizon. Her mood was calm and benevolent. Her long wavy hair, whipping back and forth from the strong ocean winds. From the distance, she could see a ferry come over the horizon. It was the daily ferry from the mainland. The one she and Chris had been anticipating for the past two weeks.

On the opposite end of bench, Chris sat reading his news tablet. It was a interesting article that Chris had just downloaded on the electronic tablet that was no larger than a cutting board.

"Chris? The ferry's coming." Mariah softly commented.

Chris simply looked up and then returned his attention back to his e-news. "It's about a half an hour before they come here and dock." Chris emotionlessly said.

Mariah gave out a soft sigh before looking back out to the horizon. "What happened to us?" she wondered. "We use to be so in love."

She was right. To her, it seemed like a lifetime ago that she had first met Chris at the Blockbuster Entertainment Awards. She intimidated everyone that night. Mariah was up for a special award that night and everyone thought that her "diva" side would be full blown, but Chris didn't. When people would get out of her way, talk as little as possible to her, and only refer to her as Ms. Carey. Chris, on a dare from Justin, came to her dressing room and knocked on her door.

As Chris stepped inside, he found Mariah crying. At that time, she had just finalized her divorce with Tommy Matola, and had a fight with Derek Jetter. It was not the Mariah Chris was use to seeing. Not the strong woman that commanded millions of people worldwide. This Mariah was vulnerable. This Mariah was... beautiful. Chris spent the rest of the evening with Mariah. Listening to everything she had to say. After the awards, he didn't go back to the hotel with the other guys, but opted to go with Mariah to the airport. That was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Even after her rough break-up with Luis Miguel, Chris was the first person Mariah called. That night, Chris, flew from Munich, Germany, where 'N SYNC had just given a concert earlier, and arrived at Mariah's New York penthouse. That moment was still prevalent in Mariah's memory.


"Chris! What are you doing here?"

"You sounded so... I don't know... I just thought you could use a friend right about now."

"You don't know how happy I am to see you."

"So... tell me what happened."

"I already told you on the phone."

"You told me you broke up with Luis, now tell me why."

"I couldn't handle it anymore Chris. I couldn't... wait... aren't you suppose to be in Germany right now?"

"Never mind that Mariah, tell me..."

"No! Oh my God! I didn't mean to drag you back... you need to get back with 'N SYNC!"

"No Mariah! You need someone right now, and I so happened to be here."

"No, you so happened to be in Germany."

"Well, okay, so I took a short flight."

"Munich to New York is not a short flight Chris."

"I know, but you're worth it."


"I love you Mariah..."

It was more that she had prepared herself for. From that day, she also knew that she loved him. There was no denying it any longer. He was the one. He was the only one. A year later, Mariah and Chris wedded.

It was paradise. Mariah and Chris were the ultimate couple. Flying around the world, touring with 'N SYNC. It was the happiest time of their lives. Even after the cataclysm that destroyed most of the world, they pulled through. They finally decided to settle on the newly formed, Island of Los Angeles. There they would start a new life. Mariah and Lance had gone into business for each other and Chris, believing that he could make a better Los Angeles, ran for mayor and won.

That's when paradise found became paradise lost.

"I'm getting some coffee." Chris said as he got up.

Mariah kept her eyes fixed on the incoming ferry. A tear slowly fell down her cheek as she thought about how much love her marriage to Chris use to have.

The months that followed his election in office were the worst. He was never home, and when he was home, he didn't have time to spend with her. She would constantly sit down for dinner in the Mayor's mansion for dinner, alone. It was worse than her marriage to Tommy Matola. That was the reason she found comfort in another man. That's why she went to Reginald Valmont, the biggest mistake of her life.

The ferry whistle blew with force, knocking Mariah back into reality. It had finally pulled up to the dock. Mariah watched as the crew readied the gangplank to let the passengers off. Suddenly, her cell phone began to ring. Mariah dug it out of her purse and turned it on.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Mariah? This is Reginald. Have you come to a decision?"

"Have I what? You said three days!" Mariah said, hysterically. Tears began to come down her face.

"I changed my mind!" Reginald laughed.

"You son of a bitch!" Mariah screamed.

"What's your answer Mariah?"

"It's still 'NO!' I will never go with you!" Mariah sobbed, tears flowing down her cheek.

"You do realize what kind of situation you're putting yourself into, right?"

"I'm willing to risk it you sadistic maniac!"

"So be it bitch!"

Mariah turned off her cell phone and threw it into the water. Her life was over. As she looked up, she saw the people come off the ferry. "Have you seen her yet?" Chris called from afar.

Mariah quickly wiped away her tears and turned around. "No Chris, not yet."

"Mariah!!! Chris!!!" A small voice shouted from the large crowed gathered around the base of the gangplank. Chris and Mariah turned to see a young woman, 17, with golden brown hair and a lot of baggage.

"TAYLOR!!!" Chris shouted as he ran to scoop up his youngest sister. Mariah followed.

Taylor gave Chris a big hug before turning to Mariah and doing the same thing. "Hi Taylor, how have you been?" Mariah asked as she took off her sunglasses.

"Nervous... tired... nervous and tired." Taylor laughed. "I'm excited about moving here and going to UCLA, but then I'm nervous about the whole thing too."

"And where does the 'tired' fit into all that?" Chris asked as he flung one of Taylor's duffel bags over his shoulder and picked up two of the five suitcases she brought with her.

"Oh, that's due to the trip over here and the packing that I did." Taylor laughed.

Taylor bent down and picked up two suitcases, and Mariah picked up what was left. The three went to an awaiting limo and road off.

The ride home was a quite one. Chris poured a glass of brandy for Mariah and himself and sat back in his seat. Taylor sat on the opposite end of the limo, her body positioned towards Chris and Mariah, but her head looking out the window. Chris liked having his sister around, it would give his mansion a warmer feeling to have family over.

Mariah watched as she saw a smile grow on her husband's face. She slowly moved her hand towards his, but Chris moved it away without even looking at Mariah. The smile quickly disappeared. Mariah scooted away from Chris and turned towards the window. She re-filled her glass to the brim and watched the world pass by through her window. A tear slowly rolled down her face as she thought about how crazy her life had become. She wanted out, but she wasn't about to kill herself. She wanted to be rid of her problems the only way she knew how. She knew that if she wanted to at least keep what was good in her life, she'd have to kill Reginald.

Business was slowing down at Crossroads. It was around dinnertime, when most people are at home with their families. Things don't start to pick up again until around eight, when people begin to go out and enjoy the evening.

"What's taking Gavin so long?" Joey asked himself. "Ricky, will you go to the back room and check on my son?"

Ricky nodded and took off his apron. Rolling it up into a ball, he threw it under the counter and headed towards the back.

He slowly opened the door to the storeroom to see Gavin balancing himself on a stack of boxes, going for a jar on the top shelf. The stack looked wobbly and Ricky knew that it wasn't going to hold. Gavin didn't even see Ricky as he came in. All his attention was focused on getting the jar of maraschino cherries that his dad, Joey asked for.

It was a big jar, and, as Ricky foresaw, the stack of boxes gave way and collapsed as Gavin took the jar in his arms. Working on instinct, Ricky ran under Gavin and caught his boyfriend in his arms. The two fell onto the floor, Gavin with the jar of cherries in his arms, and Ricky with Gavin and the jar in his.

"Whoa!" Gavin exclaimed. "Thanks Rick!"

"Ow, I think I bust my bootie..." Ricky laughed as he rubbed his hand over this tight rear.

"Awwwwww... poor baby." Gavin laughed as he placed the jar on the ground and stood up. He turned around and extended his hand out to Ricky. Has he helped his boyfriend up, he said, "Do you want me to kiss it and make it all better?"

A wicked smile grew on Ricky's face as he smiled and said, "Please."

"Oh my! Dirty boy!" Gavin laughed as he leaned in to give Ricky a soft kiss. Ricky wanted more. As Gavin drew his head back, Ricky leaned forward and kept his lips on Gavin. The two simultaneously moved back and hit a wall. Their kissing began to get a lot more serious.

Ricky parted his mouth to let Gavin slip his tongue in, and Gavin did the same.

"We... Rick... R... Not now... please..." Gavin pleaded between kisses. Ricky persisted. His hands were now running up Gavin's back, under his shirt. Ricky then moved to Gavin's neck and nibbled a little at his nape, before moving to behind Gavin's ear. Gavin began to give into Ricky's actions and let out a soft moan as he hands squeezed Ricky's supple ass through the shorts he was wearing.

Gavin began to kneed the flesh in his palms as Ricky traced his tongue down to Gavin's collarbone. The feeling was increadible for Gavin.

"Tonight Gavin... I want to make love to you tonight." Ricky pleaded between kisses. Gavin's eyes flew open. The suggestion had come up many times during their relationship, but this was the first time Ricky had asked Gavin the question since they graduated from high school. Gavin slowly closed his eyes as Ricky moved back to his lips.

The touch was electric. Ricky knew what Gavin liked. "Yes." Gavin whispered. Ricky stopped. He looked Gavin dead in his eyes.

"Are you sure?" Ricky asked.

"I love you Richard Nicholas." Gavin answered lovingly as he gazed into Ricky's rich brown eyes.

"I love you too Gavin Spencer Fatone." Ricky smiled, returning the gaze.

Ricky leaned in for another kiss. As their lips touched, a small tear began to fall from Ricky's eyes. It was the happiest he's been in a long time.

"RICKY? GAVIN?" Joey shouted from the front.

"Ugh... Another time then." Ricky sighed.

"Another time." Ricky turned around and was about to open the door when he felt Gavin grab his hand. Ricky stopped in his place and turn to see what was the matter. Gavin drew him in and looked him in the eyes.

"Tonight... Midnight, meet me at the Plaza tonight." Gavin whispered, his eyes gleaming with passion.

Ricky gently rubbed the top of his boyfriend's hand, and nodded his head. "I'll be there." He replied.

"Go to the front and as for a room reserved under my name."


A smile grew on Gavin's face as he lovingly said, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Gavin let go of Ricky's hand and watched him as he left the storeroom. Gavin stood there in silence for a few moments planning what was going to happen that evening. This would be the first time that he and Ricky made love and he wanted it to be perfect.

"Gavin!" Joey called.

Gavin returned to reality and quickly got back his composure. He quickly straightened his clothes and hair, and turned off the light to the storeroom as he exited.

"Oh my God! I'm so clumsy!" Justin scolded himself. He quickly bent down to salvage what was left of the bottle.

"What happened Justin?" Lance asked as he bent down, following Justin's lead.

"Nothing... I must've just lost my grip." Justin's explained. With his hand, Justin began to pick up the larger pieces of glass off the floor along with Lance.

"Are you sure?" Lance asked in concern. Lance kept a vigilant watch over Justin as he picked up the shards. Lance knew something was wrong with Justin. The way he was moving and stuttering. Then it hit him how much things have changed. There was something missing in Justin's soul. A hole of some sorts, and emptiness. Lance had a knack for finding these things out, but every time Lance would make eye contact, Justin would quickly look away.

"Y... y... yeah. I'm fine." Justin replied, standing up from the mess. He then grabbed Lance's arm and pulled him up too. "Listen Lance, you don't have to do this. I can get someone else to clean this up."

Lance quickly took Justin by the arm. "Justin! Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine!"

"No you're not! You're shaking! Look at you!"

"I said I'm FINE!" Justin shouted, his body trembling. He slowly walked back to the bar and steadied himself with a stool. Lance followed and stood next to him.

"Justin what's wrong!" Lance asked in concern, placing a hand on Justin's shoulder. It pained him to see the person that he loved so much suffer like this.

Justin quickly turned his head and Lance and shrugged off Lance's hand. Standing up from the barstool, he got in Lance's face and shouted, "NOTHING'S WRONG JAMES! NOW GET OUT OF MY FACE!"

Lance stood back in shock. He didn't know what to make of the situation. I just seemed as if Justin had just freaked out. Tears began to well up in Lance's eyes. He wanted to help Justin, but couldn't.

"I want to help you Justin! Fuck!" Lance turned away in frustration. The tears began to flow. Normally, he would just walk away from this kind of situation, but his feelings for Justin made him stay, made him care, and made him love. "...But I can't help if... if you don't let me in." This would be the first time in a long time that Lance had cried. But, this has been the first time, in a long time, that he had loved.

Justin stayed mute. Not even looking back, Lance replied to the silence, "If that's the way you feel Justin, then I'll leave you alone."

He slowly turned around and began to walk out of the club. "What's wrong with him?" Lance thought as he slowly opened the door. As he began to step out of the club, a hand landed on his shoulder. He turned to see a melancholy Justin by his side. The sadness he saw in Justin's eyes was unbearable.

"James, I'm sorry about... that. It's just that..." Justin tearfully replied. He too had been crying.

"What?" Lance asked, turning to Justin.

"...Things haven't been running to smooth for me recently. It's been hard." Justin confessed.

"I understand." Lance replied to Justin, even though in reality, he didn't.

"I'll call you."

"Fine. I'm staying with Joey until I get a permanent residence here." Lance replied coldly.

"Permanent residence?" Justin asked with curiosity.

"I'm moving in Justin." Lance replied, turning his body around to face Justin.

"Good. Gives us more time." Justin smiled.

"Yeah." A smile also cracked on Lance.



"Breakfast tomorrow?" Justin nervously asked. He wanted to make up for shouting at Lance and this was the best way he could think of. He'd always loved it when he and Lance would sneak out of the hotel room to go down and get breakfast in the "real word," like a Deny's, and not have to worry about the others or management while they were a group. "It'd be like old times James."

"Sure. Where at?"

"My penthouse. I'll call you later tonight with the directions."

"Alright. Good night Justin Timberlake." Lance leaned forward and hugged Justin.

"G'nite James."

Justin and Lance let go and Lance watched as Justin went back into the club.

It was already twilight when Lance left The Grind. As he stood at the door to The Grind, he could see the sun disappear behind the horizon. It was gorgeous! The perfect end to a perfect day. He was finally reunited with the one he loved. Now all he had to do was let that love bloom.

"Quite a charmer, isn't he?" A familiar voice asked from behind.

Lance quickly turned around to see who it was. There stood a person about his height with shimmering brown hair, a little thinner than he was, and a smile that seemed so familiar to him.

"Huh? Who are you? What do you mean?"

"Don't get involved with him Lance." The man replied.

"Do I know you?" Lance watched as the man looked up. Gazing into his eyes, Lance immediately recognized who it was. He could hear the crowd yelling, the dancers chattering and... Chris Rock. Before he knew it, a voice came over the opera house. It called random names of the dancers, including the name of

"TJ?" Lance asked.

"Hello Lance. Long time no see."

It was him! It was TJ! One of Britney's dancers before she retired from show business to start a family with Justin. Then it another memory struck Lance. TJ was also one of Britney's best friends, and secretly desired the songstress. He remembered hearing from JC that TJ proposed to Britney several times, and was turned down each time. When he heard about Justin marrying Britney, he was never the same. As Lance reached out to shake TJ's hand, he readied himself. Whatever TJ had to say about Justin could be biased.

"Likewise. So what's this about Justin?" Lance asked as he shook TJ's hand.

A frown formed on TJ's face. He retracted his hand and sighed. "Take a walk with me Lance." He said. Lance nodded and followed TJ towards the shore.

As they walked, Lance noticed how busy the street began to get. People began to appear out of nowhere and crowd the streets. Lance did his best to keep up with TJ.

The two remained silent as Lance followed TJ down the shore to what seemed like a marina. TJ finally stopped at a ship called the "Baby Jean."

Lance ran to catch up with TJ and bent down and rested when he got to where TJ stood. Breathing heavily, Lance asked, "So what's the deal?"

"I see it in your eyes Lance. You love him don't you?" TJ asked.

"I... How? I... yes. But I won't come between him and Britney so don't even ask." Lance stated in the case that TJ propose that they work together to break up Justin and Britney's marriage.

"That won't be a problem." TJ painfully replied.

"What's that suppose to mean." Lance asked, looking at TJ funny.

TJ sighed and placed his hand on the side of Justin's yacht, running his fingers over "Baby Jean."

"Do you know where the name of this ship came from?" TJ asked.

Lance shrugged his shoulders. TJ continued, "It's a nickname of Britney's. This is Justin's yacht." Tear formed in TJ's eyes as spoke. Lance knew no good can come from this. "Four years ago, this island was hit with the worst storm it had ever seen. Justin and Britney got into some argument. He stormed out of their house and headed down towards the marina. Britney followed him. The fighting continued as Justin un hitched his yacht. Somehow, the two were on the boat and started to sail out. That was the last anyone has heard of Britney. They found Justin shipwrecked on the beach the next morning moaning something about Britney. When the Coast Guard salvaged his ship, there was no trace of her."

"So what happened to her?" Lance asked, fearing what he was about to hear.

"No one knows... for sure. Some say he tried to save her, but failed. Others say that their fight got so bad that she jumped off the ship and swam away, never to be heard from again. Then, there is what I know in my heart."TJ sighed.

"What would that be?" Lance asked, preparing himself for the worst.

"Justin killed her." TJ answered. His words hit Lance like a ton of bricks. There was so much faith in his words that it scared him.

"No way! Justin is not a murderer!" Lance shouted back in disbelief.

"There's no other way of explaining it Lance. They got into a huge argument. Justin got angry and killed her while on the boat."

"He would never kill somebody! Didn't you say it capsized?"

"Then he let her drown."

"But... has he been convicted?" Lance fearfully asked.

"No... but I know he did it. I can feel it."

"What makes you so special?"

"Because I loved her. I loved her more than Justin could have ever loved her. I cared about her a lot Lance, and then I lost her." TJ was on the brink of tears.

"I sorry." Lance apologized.

"I'll manage, but I'm warning you Lance. Stay away from Justin Timberlake! He's not the guy you knew." TJ warned, walking away.

"I... I... I don't believe that." Lance quietly stated to himself.

"Things change Lance. It's been a long time." TJ called out from a distance.

"He didn't kill anyone!!!" Lance yelled back. "He... he didn't."

Ricky was elated as he walked the boardwalk. He had spent the whole time thinking about Gavin and what they were going to do this evening. He had only been walking up the coastline for about twenty minutes, it takes that long to get to the Plaza from his loft that he shared with his brother, but the anticipation of embracing Gavin for the first time made the trek seem endless.

As he neared the hotel. The crowds along the beach began to trickle away. Only a few stragglers were left. Surfers; out to get that final "big one", couples walking hand in hand as the ocean mist spray them gently. Ricky casually glanced down at the watch to see what time it was.

"12:05" he said to himself. "I'd better hurry."

Picking up his pace, quickly arrived at the Plaza hotel before the quarter. He slowly walked to the front counter and asked the receptionist for a room reserved by Gavin Spencer.

"Why yes! You must be his brother Ricky?" The woman asked.

A little distraught at the mention that he was Gavin's brother, Ricky nodded his head.

"My, what a handsome family you come from! Do you have an older brother?" The woman giggled.

Ricky shyly shook his head and smiled, "Sorry, just me and Gavin."

"Oh well." She jokingly sighed. "Will you please looking his way?"

Ricky looked towards the direction that the woman implied and was flashed by a red light across the eyes from a light pen the woman was holding in her hand.

"Retinal scan completed." The computer replied in a monotone voice.

"Okay, we're done! You're brother is waiting for you in suite 2000." The receptionist smiled.

"Thank you." Ricky politely answered and rushed to the elevator.

"Should I expect your parents?" The woman called out from the counter.

"No! They're at home! We're on vacation!" Ricky shouted back as he stepped into the elevator.

As the elevator went up the to the top floor, Ricky began to get anxious. Tonight he was going to embrace Gavin like he never had before. Standing there, he could feel Gavin's breath on his neck, the soft touch of Gavin's hand on his body, and the smell of Gavin's skin. Ricky became overwhelmed. His hand began to sweat and then, the elevator stopped. The door opened and Ricky stepped out.

He followed the room signs to find Gavin's room and stopped short of entering.

He stood on the outside, reclaiming his composure. "Act cool Ricky! This is Gavin, the love of your life, not the AP exam... don't freak out."

Taking a deep breath, Ricky extended his hand and knocked on the door.

There was no reply.

"Gav?" Ricky called out. Still, no reply.

Ricky then walked over to a device that looks like a camera lens on the wall, next to the door. A flash of light, similar to the one the receptionist down stairs did, lit in Ricky's face.

"Retinal scan accepted." The computer replied in the same monotone voice.

The door to their room unlocked and Ricky slowly turned the handle.

Inside was darkness. "Gavin?" Ricky asked, but no reply came.

Ricky stepped further into the room and saw that there was some light. A single candle on the nightstand weakly lit the bed. The aroma was intoxicating. Ricky loved the smell of vanilla.

Suddenly, a pair of hands came from behind and wrapped around Ricky's waist, followed by a pair of lips on his neck. He recognized the kisses as Gavin's immediately and threw his head back in rapture. Ricky reached back to feel his lover's body, only to find that Gavin was already undressed.

Gavin's hands made short work of the buttons on Ricky's oxford shirt and hand him completely topless within the minute.

The two slowly collapsed on the bed and held each other in a loving embrace. Ricky gazed into Gavin's eyes as he returned the favor.

After their moment of silence, Gavin began his gentle, meaningful lovemaking by placing kisses selectively onto Ricky's torso.

Facing each other, Gavin wrapped his legs around Ricky's slim waist and Ricky entered him. Gavin let out a small gasp as Ricky slid into him. With deep and deliberate movements, Ricky made love to Gavin, varying the speed and depth to coincide with the cries of pleasure emitting from Gavin's exited body.

"Don't come before me," pleaded Gavin, then darted his tongue to the back of Ricky's throat, then into his ear.

"I won't," gasped Ricky, holding back the bounty of cum creeping from his balls to the bulging head buried in Gavin's backside.

Gavin, sensing that that was an almost impossible request, with Ricky being so close to climax, drove his tongue deep into Ricky once more.

"I'm ready Ricky!" Gavin cried out, "I'm ready!"

Grasping Gavin's cock, Ricky pumped the proud prick, pressing against his abs, maintaining the sensational rhythm, causing their brains to explode in sexual ecstasy. With a flurry of swift hand movements and even deeper thrusts, Gavin yelped in delight as a deluge of cum was driven from his cock and between their steaming bodies.

"That was wonderful!" cried Ricky, and locked their bodies together, rubbing Gavin's cream over both their bodies as his own lake of cum ladled into the luscious bottom of his loving boyfriend.

"We'll make love again? Before the night is through?" urged Gavin.

Another brief silence felt unbearably long.

Ricky looked deep into Gavin's love-filled blue eyes, not wanting to ruin the moment with words. Hugging Gavin's body, Ricky leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Gavin's forehead indicating that they would make love again before the night is over.

Gavin never felt so loved in his life. The tears were unmistakable but he dare not open his eyes lest he wanted to go back into reality. The reality that says that he and Ricky would not be able to stay like this forever and would have to get up sometime.

Suddenly, a loud fight next door woke the lovers from their slumber. "What's going on over there?" Ricky asked.

"I don't know, but I'm gonna go check it out." Gavin announced.

"No, you stay, I'm closer to the door." Ricky protested. He got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom where a pair of complementary robes hung. As he wrapped the robe around his body, the fight in the room next door seemed to be escalading. The shouting became increasingly coherent and the walls began to rumble, as if someone was being thrown against it.

"Be careful Rick." Gavin urged. Ricky took a look back at his boyfriend on their bed and headed towards the door. Just as he turned the handle, a loud bang made him jump back, followed by several others.

"What the fuck was that!?!?!" Gavin asked jumping out of bed.

"STAY THERE!" Ricky shouted back.

Gavin froze in place. Ricky slowly opened the door and stepped out into the hall. Suddenly, he was thrown back into the room. "RICK!!!" Gavin screamed in terror, fearing that the love of his life had been a victim of the shots he heard earlier. He rushed to Ricky's side and rubbed his hands over his boyfriend's body, looking for any sign of blood. There was none.

"What? Someone... someone knocked me down..." Ricky moaned, grabbing his head.

"Thank God you're safe!" Gavin exclaimed.

"I'm fine." Ricky smiled.

"As I see." Gavin then turned his attention to the door that still laid ajar. He slowly stood and walked towards it. Peering outside, he saw no sign of the assailant that had knocked down Ricky. "He must have knock him down while running away," Gavin thought to himself.

Looking next door, he saw that it was wide open. He slowly walked into the dark room and called out, "Light!" to brighten up the room. As the amount of illumination slowly increased, a body began to reveal itself on the carpet, lying in a pool of blood.

Recovering from the slight shock of seeing a dead body, Gavin knelt down to see who it was. The face threw him back.

Running back into his room, Gavin was hysterical. Ricky rushed to Gavin's side and held him in place. Tear streamed down Gavin's face as Ricky tried to calm his boyfriend down, while at the same time trying to make sense out of the babble Gavin was spewing out.

"GAVIN!!! Slow down! Take deep breaths and tell me what you saw!!!" Ricky shouted.

Gavin nodded and began taking in air, his tears still flowing down. "It... it's... Reginald Valmont... He... he's been... murdered!"

To be continued...

Whew! It's finally done and out there! Again, I'm sorry it took so long to get out, but like I said, I try my best to get these stories out to y'all ASAP, but my schedule doesn't allow me to do it. Things will change during the spring though.

Well! It seemed that someone has offed the "Devil of Los Angeles." My first "Who done it?" type story! Can you guess who it is? The killer won't be revealed for a while, but you can send me e-mails guessing who it is and why you think it's that person. The winner will get to chose a storyline and have input on what happens to the characters in that storyline. You tell me what you want, and I write it. ( I need help on what to do with Monica & JC.)

Remember! This is an ongoing contest and clues will be revealed as the story progresses so don't jump the gun! (LOL... Jump the GUN! Get it? GUN!!! okay... bad pun.)

Anyways, the next story is festering in my mind and will probably get STARTED this weekend, after I send in my financial aid form. (Which was due on March 1st, but that's okay...)

Please send all comments, criticisms, and contest submissions to

Thanks for reading, and good luck with the ongoing investigation on the murder of Reginald Valmont, Phil

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