After the Divorce

By Rufus Jones

Published on May 6, 2023


After the Divorce 2

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Rick was gone the next morning. I didn't hear him leave and later, when I went for a walk, I noticed his car was gone. I hoped he was with his family figuring his life out.

Alone again, I felt relieved. I watched the days go by, reading and swimming. I spoke to my brother on the phone and we talked family stuff. I completed some projects around the cottage that I had been putting off: painting the bedroom, fixing some boards on the deck. The usual cottage stuff.

After a couple of weeks I realized I was getting lonely which is never a good thing with me. I sometimes make questionable decision. Like looking at a stupid app on my phone, hoping for someone to share the bed for a night. You know the drill.

I hooked up with a guy who lived nearby, also in a cottage. It's the thing to do these days, I guess. I didn't enjoy it very much. It was now September. The nights were getting cool, and the lake was almost too chilly to swim in. I had fires most nights and more often than not I was feeling sorry for myself.

So I called one of my oldest friends who I knew could help me out of this slump.

"Jake! How are you?" I tried to sound cheery, and hearty and all that shit.

"Hey Tom. What's going on?"

"Oh you know. I'm still at the wanna come up for the weekend?"

"This weekend...uh...sure. That would be cool. What should I bring?"

I thought a moment, feeling a bit guilty. What he didn't know is I've always had a bit of a thing for him, but because I was married never did anything about it. Was I inviting him under false pretenses? Maybe. But I also wanted some company, and company that wasn't a couple because at that moment in my life, that felt really bad. I didn't want to be a third wheel. Even in my own cottage.

"Oh just bring some wine. Maybe a nice steak. They're so hard to find up here."

"Will do. Hey Tom, what's the occasion? I mean it will be cool to hang out, but no one has seen you in weeks and now here you are."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I'm in a kind of slump now that the divorce is final. I think I just need some company. Is that cool?"

"That's cool. I'm happy to be there for you."

We hung up and I felt better knowing that soon I wouldn't be alone.

Friday night came and I was getting excited. I really had been alone too long. Humans are not meant to sit around and read books and look at trees all by themselves for more than a few days.

I heard his car drive in around seven and I could feel a wave of relief come over me. I ran out to the car, and, seeing Jake, I almost cried. I gave him a big hug and tried not to notice how amazing his body felt. He was slim, but taut and his hair had a lovely salf-and-pepper vibe.

I managed to talk. "How was the drive?"

"Oh you know, the usual Friday night mess...although because it's September it wasn't that bad." He opened the trunk and brought a knapsack and a liquor store bag.

It was so great not to be alone. We made dinner together: he made a salad and I manned the barbeque. With some wine and some easy talk, I felt my whole body relax and settle. I didn't realize I was that keyed up. The evening became chill so we headed inside and I lit a fire. My cottage is winterized so it gets nice a cozy when the fire is going against the chill of the outside. The loons were gone so the night was silent. Magical.

We sat on the sofa, trading stories about the past, about our friends and their relationships. We studiously didn't mention the end of mine, which was good since that would have been a drag.

At one point he got up and pulled some weed from his bag and rolled us a big joint. A little voice in the back of my head knew this could be trouble, but then again, maybe trouble was what I was up for. Especially since that whole thing with Rick. I wanted to forget it happened. I took a big drag and felt my body sink even further into the sofa. In a few minutes we were both baked. Like teenagers in someone's rec room. Ridiculous.

He looked at me at one point, a stupid grin on his face. "You ever wonder why you've never made a pass at me."

If I had been sober I would have been embarrassed. But instead I was all cocky. "You know, that's a good question." I felt all scholarly or something. "Maybe it's the fact I was, like, married. You think that had something to do with it?"

He laughed and put his hand on my leg. I was, of course, in my proverbial shorts. No underwear. "You aren't any more." He rubbed my leg very slowly.

"You know, that's a good point. I hadn't thought of that." I couldn't quite believe he beat me to it. I guess that suggests I wasn't the only one having thoughts. I let him rub my leg. Then I leaned over and we kissed. Really slowly, like you do when you're stoned. Savoring every second, every move of the tongue, every taste. It was kind of magic. In the pot-induced slow motion state I was in, I moved from his mouth to his neck, savouring his stubble, the line of his neck to his shoulder which seemed fascinating. He leaned his head back to give me better access, little moans coming from him. All the while his hand, which had moved up my leg, was exploring my shorts and my crazily hard cock just below the surface.

I got in his lap, just turning and planting myself right on his bulging jeans. I squished myself into them as we kissed some more. His hands travelled my back, under my sweatshirt and I could feel every centimetre of the distance his hand travelled. I was stoned, did I say that?

He managed to slide my sweatshirt off and I raised my arms to help him. My bare chest felt a little cold. He leaned in and licked my chest, licked my nipples, sucked on them, then bit them, one after the other. It was my turn to throw my head back and gasp each time his teeth took a little bite. I realized I was undoing my shorts so I could get to my completely rigid dick that wanted attention.

I could feel the pressure in his jeans below me and I kind of wanted to torure him as his cock rubbed against my ass through the denim. I grabbed my dick now that it was exposed, and gave it a few pumps. Not too many because I was so on fire I was afraid of ending this too soon. He was still working on my nipples as I fisted my cock below him. He looked up at me at one point, chuckling.

"If I was twenty years younger, I would carry you to the bedroom and throw you down. But seeing as I'm not, why don't we go to the bedroom?"

I laughed and laughed. I was so...joyful. I hadn't felt this way in ages. I got off him and stood up. I decided the pretence was gone so I dropped my shorts and threw them across the room. I was completely naked and he was not. Which was really hot.

He pushed me to the bedroom and once there, pushed me on the bed. Who knew he was so...dominant? I lay there, my cock achingly wet and I just watched him. He undid his jeans and slid them down his legs. So slim, but so muscular at the same time. His underwear was just the idea of underwear because his dick was pushing them all out shape. He slid them down just below his balls, then slid his t-shirt off and threw it to the side. He was there, naked, except for the underwear just tucked below his very, very hard, and surprisingly long dick. I was kind of amazed. Why exactly had I waited so long? Oh right. Marriage.

He stood there for a moment, all hungry and hard, just stroking his cock a few times. "You want me in a condom?" His voice was rough and a bit desperate.

I hadn't thought of that. I knew I was safe. I was always safe. "What do you think?"

"I'm pretty safe. Really. But you're a friend and I want to feel..." He stopped, thoughts clearly running through his mind and his dick. A dribble of precum was dropping from him down toward the floor. He caught it and brought it to his mouth. That seemed to help him make a decision. "If you're safe, then I am. I want to fuck you so bad I can taste it." In the back of mind, I thought, you just did.

I smiled at him in response, and I managed to say, "Then what are you waiting for?"

He grinned like he was seventeen and got on the bed. He hiked my legs apart, tucking his arms under    my knees. I managed to reach to the bedside table and found the lube in the drawer and handed it to him. He smiled at me. "Why exactly did we wait so long to do this? You know I've wanted to do this for a long time."

I was a little shocked at what felt like a confession. Not like Rick. This was different. This was someone I had known for most of my adult life. Here he was now, his dick all wet and slimy with lube, sliding it into me and somehow we had never got ourselves to this moment in all those years. I stopped caring as he kept sliding into me slowly, powerfully. When he got to the base of his cock, he face was right above mine, his eyes boring into me as much as his cock was. He kissed me suddenly, hungrily at the same time he thrust forward, pushing my legs a bit higher, arching my back a little more. I could feel all of him in me and it was amazing. He slid out, then back in. I wrapped my arms around his torso and held him tightly. He was so lithe and strong. Who knew? I had always thought he was just skinny. But no, there was power concentrated in every muscle.

Still kissing, still playing with my tongue, he found a nice, but intense, rhythm. I moved my hands down to his ass, pusing him into me, feeling the smooth muscles of him, feeling the power of his hips as they drove his dick all the way into me, right to the core of me. I began to moan each time he thrust. I moaned into his mouth, then pushed him back so I could look at him.

My mind was racing. I didn't want to touch my cock because I was right on the edge, even if I could have reached it, since he was pressed so hard against me it was encased in our flesh. I could feel he was picking up speed and his breathing was getting a little ragged. He propped himself up on his arms above me, still staring into my face. The pot made me so aware -- or maybe it was just him: I could feel his pubic hair as it met my ass, I could feel the shape of his cock in me, and I could feel each breath he took as if it was mine. Okay, that was stoned.

The pace was picking up and each time he bottomed out in me the bed creaked and I began to gasp a little. The intensity was almost too much and I could barely see him any more as the sensations were taking me over. Faster and then a little faster he went. There was sweat on his brow, and it dripped from his hair onto me. I leaned forward and licked it off his neck. Our mouths met again and he was really going now, his hips getting into it. He was breathing into my mouth, and I could feel his body begin to tense and he felt a little frantic. He leaned back somehow and looked at me, his body working really hard and I just took him in. It felt like each stroke was filling my entire body. He shut his eyes and his mouth opened and then his whole body tensed and he gasped and froze. I could imagine cum pouring into me. After a second he starting pumping again and everything was very slippery all of a sudden. I liked the idea that he had filled me with cum.

He leaned back, with a gasp and I could now reach my cock which felt like it was glowing. I jerked it a few times, but I hardly needed to bother since I was coming almost the second I touched myself. Big streaks of it shot out and hit my chin, my neck, all over. I hadn't cum like that since I was a teenger. I gasped and he leaned down and our mouths met again more gently, more seriously. He licked my cum off my chin and kissed me again. My brain had shut off somewhere between the living room and the bed so all I could do was feel.

He kissed me once more, then slowly, amazingly, pulled his cock out of me, then rolled on to his back beside me. I could feel his cum slipping out of my ass on to the bed. I turned my head and just looked at him in a kind of amazement. Someone I knew so well yet I didn't know this. The version of him with me and me with him. I had always had a little torch for him, but I really had never stopped to articulate why. I was getting an idea now. I leaned in and kissed his neck. He wrapped his arm around me, tucking me into him. I always felt I was more of a top, but being fucked by him? Well that could change my mind. We drifted into sleep.

We got up early. It didn't seem possible to have more sex, so we just made breakfast and coffee and sat outside in the cool morning. As I sipped my coffee, watching him admire the trees and the lake, I was thinking about waking next to him, smelling him, smelling us. He had been snoring very softly and it fascinated me. I love sleeping with people. I mean really sleep. Or at least watching them sleep. We looked at each other on the deck. I finally said, "I didn't expect you to be in my bed this morning. Or last night, as a matter of fact."

He smiled. "I kind of hoped it would happen, if you really want to know."

"Huh. It sounds like you've been waiting or something."

"I don't know about that, but I have always wondered what you and I might be like together. Now I'm getting an idea."

"Me too." I smiled at him and sipped my coffee. Life was so fucked up, right? Six months ago I was at the beginning of a tortured divorce with bad behaviour all around. Now I was sitting here on this perfect autumn morning with someone I had known so long, but was getting to know in a whole new way.

We spent the day reading, taking a walk. A few times I had the urge to take him to bed, but something held me back. It wasn't reluctance, but...restraint. I guess I was saving up for the evening.

When the sun set, and dinner done, we had a scotch by the fire. It was so nice. Just simple. In bed we took our time and our kisses were softer and more careful. Our cocks came together and we just rubbed against each other. I was just about to get under the blanket and suck him when, with a shock, I heard a voice.

"Oh...fuck...shit...damn. Sorry..." and then footsteps running back into the kitchen. I knew who it was, of course. For some stupid reason he thought he could just barge in. I jumped out of bed and went into the living room. The fire had died down and he sat on the sofa, looking really uncomfortable. He looked up at me.

"Tom...I'm so sorry. I hadn't imagined you would be...that you were...I don't know what I imagined."

I stood there. I somehow couldn't be mad at him. He was such a kid. That was it. It was like he just didn't know how to be an adult. The comparison, I suddenly realized, was very stark. In my bedroom was an adult, from head to toe. Here on my sofa was a child.

"Everything all right?" Jake had come out of the bedroom. We were both completely naked.

Rick looked at us both for a second. He was really embarrassed. "I should go. I'm so sorry."

"What brings you back?" I don't know why I felt compelled to ask him this.

"I...wanted to talk to you. I wanted to tell you. Susan and I broke up."

Right, of course. He was all proud and wanted to share. Fuck.

"Well that's a big step. Congratulations, I guess." I turned to Jake. "This is Jake, but the way." I didn't really need to explain anything else. Jake smiled at me. Then he was just staring at Rick, who got up to go. I could tell, however, that he was a bit distracted by two naked men standing in front of him. "I'm sorry to interrupt you," he finally said. I could tell he was staring at my dick. And at Jake's. I started feeling both annoyed and a little aroused.

"Oh well. You caught us a bad moment. Or is that a good moment? What do you think?" I looked at Jake, raising my eyebrows. Jake caught my meaning right away. He turned to Rick.

"Maybe this is a good moment." He stepped toward me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. We were standing next to each other. Our cocks were getting hard again. Rick looked uncomfortable, but he was also staring at our cocks very intently, then into our faces as if asking permission.

Finally I decided to be the top again. "Get on your knees. But first, get naked."

He looked embarrassed but at the same time, he slipped his sweatshirt off, his pants and underwear. His dick was rigid.

He got on his knees in front of us. He took a cock in each hand, giving them both a few strokes. He then licked both of us a few times, back and forth. Jake moaned and then leaned over and kissed me. I whispered, "We don't have to do this."

"I want to. It's really sexy," and he kissed me again.

Rick began to suck us both, taking one of us down, licking the head, exploring each dicks with his tonuge, then sucking one down, then the other. He spent a while doing this, slowly, almost methodically. It was very hot, I realized. I felt really turned on and I kissed Jake intensely. Rick tried to suck us both at the same time, cramming the ends of our cocks in his mouth. He seemed a little crazed, I thought. I realized I was getting impatient. I wanted to go to bed. With Jake.

I pushed Rick back and started to jack myself. Jake did the same thing. We were both pumping our dicks very close to his face. Rick looked up at us, almost pleading, it seemed. We were both into this, and I could tell I wasn't going to hold out very long, so I directed traffic again. "Open your mouth." He did. I turned to Jake and said, "Do what I do." I positioned the head of my cock on Rick's bottom lip. Jake laughed. "You're dirty. I like this side of you." He did the same. We started jacking our cocks a little faster, but keeping the heads right on Rick's bottom lip. It took some coordination, but we managed it. Little streams of preum flowed onto his lip and into his mouth. I was having trouble thinking again, and I also wanted this to be done, so I didn't hold back. I turned to Jake and said, "Are    you close. Let me know when you're ready to go." He nodded as if he was working out a hard math problem. I could get used to that face in my bed.

I was so close I had to slow myself, but luckily Jake finally gasped, "OK!" and with that we both jacked a little faster and with a blaze through the end of my dick I began to unload into Rick's mouth, spurting right to the back of his throat. Jake was right behind me, shooting huge dollops on to Rick's tongue. He was moaning and swallowing as our cocks emptied themselves into his mouth. It was nowhere near as amazing as the night before, but it sure was amazing to watch this guy swallow all we had to give him. Jake seemed to be capable of producing a lot.

As the spurtes subsided, Rick leaned in and sucked us clean. I noticed he was still jacking his dick. "Cum into your hand." It didn't take long and he deposited a surprising amount with a grunt. "You know what to do with that, right?" He brought his hand to his mouth and licked it all in, again with moan. When there was nothing left, I leaned down and kissed Rick and then said, "You need to go home now." He looked a bit disappointed, but looking at Jake I think he understood. And in that moment something was confirmed. Something had started the night before with Jake and I really wanted to see it through.

Rick collected his clothes and dressed. Once he was back together he smiled at us. "You two have a good night."

I smiled. I still liked the guy, but I knew that was the end of our shenanigans. He went out into the night. I could hear his footsteps on the driveway. I realized I felt a little sad for him. He had some tough times ahead -- I certainly knew what that was like -- and I knew I could -- and would - help him through it. But now all I wanted was to see what could happen with Jake.

We got back in bed and snuggled together. It was chilly.

"That was...unexpected." He laughed into my ear.

"Right? I should tell you about him some time. He's got a bit of an...obsession. With cum. You may have noticed...?"

"Yeah, it was pretty obvious. You much together?"

"Only a couple of times. I sent him away to deal with his marriage. To a woman, but the way."

"Shit! That's tough. So I guess he's ended his marriage?"

"Sounds like. He's going to need a friend in the next while, I guess." I felt another pang for him. "On the other hand, I'm finding I'm...well, I want to spend way more time with you. Is that cool?"

He smiled broadly. "That's very cool." And he kissed me.

He fucked me again in the middle of the night, surprising me awake with his cock sliding into me. That was intense and amazing. The next day he had to get going, so I fed him lunch and walked him to his car. "That was really great having you here, Jake. Really really nice."

"Yeah, it was. Can I...?"

"You mean come back next weekend? Why yes, that would be swell." I laughed and we kissed. It seemed to easy, so clear. We had known each other for so long that there was an ease, a whole bunch of things that didn't need to be said. He drove off and he waved out the window before ascending the hill. I stood for a while, listening to a blue jay and the wind in the cedars, and I was struck at the difference two days can make to someone's life.

And I realized I didn't just mean me, as I thought of Rick next door whose life was, I assumed, kind of a mess. I knew what that was like so I went over and we talked for a long time.

Next: Chapter 4

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