After the Divorce

By Rufus Jones

Published on May 11, 2023


After the Divorce 4

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I walked along the dirt road from Tom's cottage feeling pretty low and not a little embarrassed. The night was almost cold and I shivered and I did not relish the thought of getting into my cold bed and alone. I realized I had been hoping that Tom would just invite me in and we would sleep together into the proverbial sunset. September was almost over and up here winter comes fast. At least I had the fireplace and the place, according to the previous owners, was good for the winter, so I wouldn't freeze. That was something.

Tom and...what was his name? Jake. They looked so comfortable together. And sexy. I also thought about the feel of two cocks in my mouth, the cum sliding down my was all so distracting. And new. So new I could hardly believe it. So new that Susan almost killed me when I told her.

I winced with shame as I entered my cottage. I had really fucked things up. This amazing woman who had been my best friend for so long...she hated me now. I could see the rage in her eyes when I told her. I had to tell her everything. For a while I just thought about telling her the marriage was over. But I knew that wasn't enough. I wanted to be living honestly for once. She was almost on fire with rage.

I sat on the sofa looking at the cold fireplace. Tears stared running down my face. Fuck. Why was everything so hard?

I slept really late. I just didn't want to get up. Finally, around lunchtime, I dragged my carcase our of bed and made coffee. There was always coffee. I sat at my kitchen table, not sure what to do. I would have to sell the cottage, I guess. There was going to be a divorce, obviously, and everything would have to be split in half.

I heard a knock at my door. I knew it was Tom. He was such a nice guy. I let him in and he hugged me and I found I was crying. He rubbed my back and made comforting noises.

We sat on the sofa for a long time. He built up the fire. He made more coffee. He fed me some lunch that he found in the fridge. He was like a big brother, I realized.

"So what now?" he finally asked.

"Fucked if I know. I've made a mess of so many things."

"Ok, right. But you've also taken a huge, brave step. Don't forget that."

I looked at him. I wanted to believe him, but right then I just felt guilty. "I know. It just doesn't feel that way."

"I get it. But it will pass, like everything does." He drank his coffee, looking at me thoughtfully. "Maybe you need to start dating." He saw the look on my face. "I know, I know, it's probably the last thing you want to do. But maybe it will remind you of why you set all this in motion in the first place."

He had a point. Deep down, I wished I could be dating him. But judging by what happened last night, I knew he was totally into Jake and I was happy for him. But it was true, maybe dating would help. At least it could take my mind off all this guilt. That was the hardest part.

Tom put his coffee down. He pulled out his phone and starting typing. "What are you doing?"

"I'm making a list of people I could invite here for a Thanksgiving do. It's not far away and that might give you an opportunity to meet some people. I have some single friends, you know." He smiled and kept typing. I felt a rush of gratitude. "You're amazing. I feel like you're taking care of me."

"Well I guess I am. You know, in the middle of my divorce, my friends were there for me. Jake and a couple of other really close friends helped a lot. I guess I'm paying if forward, or something."

"That sounds really nice. I can put up some people here and you've got, like two bedrooms?"

"Yeah. You have three, so everyone could stay and we could put people on the floor if necessary. We'll get a big ol' Turkey and lots of wine. It will be great. I've been wanting to celebrate the end of a really bad time for me, so why not you be part of it?"

Waves of gratitude went through me. I wanted to kiss him, but I knew that wasn't part of the bargain. I wish I had someone to sleep with. I hadn't slept alone in years. I hated it. I looked at him for a moment as he compiled his list. "You and're old friends?"

"For years. Since university."

"But now something's changed?'

"Yeah. Amazingly. I had no idea he was into me for so long. I guess because I was married he kept it to himself. But now. Wow. It feels so natural and wonderful..." He stopped and looked at me. "You probably don't want to hear about how happy I am, right?"

"Maybe. But it would be crappy to feel bad about your happiness. I am happy for you. You deserve it."

"That's very sweet." He smiled at me. Then he was all business again. "So, what are we going to eat?"

We spent the next could of weeks planning and shopping. I was good at pies, so I made a few and we had delegated other things. Jake was bringing a bunch of wine. I lost track of everyone else. I think there were about ten people coming. Our cottages were going to be packed.

On the Friday of Thanksgiving weekend, people started to arrive. Jake was first and he arrived on Friday morning, I guess to help out...and probably hang out with Tom. I heard his car and then there was silence from next door for a long time. I tried not to imagine what was happening over there. The taste of their cum lingered in my memory. Fuck.

I had a nap that afternoon and I went over to theirs around five. The place was all tidy and we had pooled our tables together so there seemed be enough room for meals, but we also knew that if it got too crowded, people could walk over to my place.

It was so nice not to be alone, I realized. Tom's friends were lovely and welcoming and that Friday we all had fun getting silly and a little stoned. I realized you don't have to be twenty to be silly and stoned. Who knew?

There was one fellow named Harry who I immediately noticed. He was dark and a little mysterious, with big green eyes and brown hair and a quirky smile. At one point he and I were smoking up on the deck, enjoying the quiet and the cool air. He took a drag off the joint and looked at me.

"Have you known Tom long?"

"Uh, no. Only for a about a month. We...I mean I, just bought that cottage." I pointed next door.

"We-I-mean-I. What an interesting idea. How exactly does that work?"

I could tell he was playing, but I felt awkward and silly. "Oh, it's a long story. Suffice it to say that right now it's just me."

"I sense a breakup story coming. What did he do to you?" He smiled wickedly at me.

I felt even more stupid. "Actually, a she. And it was me doing things. Like coming out." I inwardly cringed when I said the words.

"Right, well. It had to happen some time. What pushed you out of the closet?"

I really didn't want to be having this conversation but the pot made it hard for me to figure out how to extricate myself. I guess I had to answer. "Oh, you know. I had an experience with a guy. It changed everything."

"Why did you wait so long. I mean, it's not like you're old or anything, but still..."

"Right. It's true. It took me a long time. My marriage was really good in many ways. And we did have good sex...just not a lot of it. I guess I'm only partly gay, whatever that means."

"No I get it. We're all on some kind of spectrum, right? Mind you the though of sleeping with a woman makes me feel queasy, so there's that." He smiled again, more wickedly.

My head was spinning from all the THC running through my body. My beer was getting warm and I really had to pee. Too much going on at the same time. Finally I managed to speak. "I've got to find the washroom."

As I turned to go, he slipped his arm around my hips and leaned in, whispering in my ear. "When you come back -- which you will -- why don't we take a little walk?"

His breath was warm in my ear and as he talked his grip on my waist got a little stronger. I looked into his eyes. They were very green. I felt dizzy. "Sure, yeah....I'll be right back." I did know what words were, didn't I?

I went inside feeling excited and scared. When I came out the washroom, Tom was there, grinning at me. "I saw you talking to Harry. He's a cool dude..." and he didn't finish the sentence. Jake came up behind him, enclosing him in his arms. "Yeah, and he's also kind of a brat. But in a good way."

I wasn't sure what to make of this, so I just smiled and went back to the deck. When I got there, Harry was sitting on one of the wooden chairs, staring at the water. "Tom and Jake say you're a brat. Should I be worried."

"Oh those two. So much judgement!" and he laughed. "What do you think?"

I did think about it, for a moment. In answer, I summoned up some courage and sat in his lap.

"Well. That's saying a lot. Don't you think?" He put his arms around me.

"You said something about a walk?"

"I did, didn't I." He gently pushed me off him and grabbed my hand. We went down the stairs from the deck to a grove of cedars that was between the cottage and the dock. He led me to the dock and sat down at the end, pulling me with him.

He turned to me and our lips met in a series of sloppy, eager kisses. My whole body was buzzing as our tongues met, and my arms went around his waist, pulling him in. His mouth moved to my neck and, opening my shirt, to me nipples, which he sucked and did things with his tongue that caused sparks to fly behind my eyes. He pulled my shirt off, then pulled his own off. The air was quite cool, but it woke me up, my head clearing and my cock filling my pants in a way that was almost painful. I reached down and undid his jeans. "Stand up," I said quietly, almost afraid he would refuse.

He obliged me and once he was upright, I pulled his jeans down. He was wearing light coloured boxers but it was too dark to see clearly what colour they were. I decided I didn't care, and pulled them down. I could see the outline of his cock in the dim light, and the whole thing felt mysterious, like we were in another world. I guess I was in another world compared to the last twenty years.

I took hold of his cock in one hand and pulled it to my mouth. He groaned and put his hands on my head, pushing himself into me. He pushed so hard his balls came in contact with my face, which I loved. I pulled back and looked up at him. "I want you to cum in my mouth. That's my thing."

"Your thing, huh? Fine. Let's make a deal then. You fuck me, then I get to cum down your throat. How does that sound?"

I hesitated for a moment. I hadn't thought about that possibility. "Well...remember that I just ended my marriage to a woman?"

"Yeah. I get it. You've never fucked anyone. I'm a good teacher, so relax. Now as much as being out here with you sucking me off, it is kinda cold. Why don't we head next door and find ourselves a bed?"

"Right. Good idea."

We collected our clothes and he put his pants back on and, carrying our shirts, we headed to my cottage. I took us to my bedroom where we shed our clothes completely. It seemed like the right thing to do.

"You got any lube? I mean, if you haven't done this before..."

"Tom gave me some for the occasion."

"Such a thoughtful fellow."

I laughed and pulled it out of my dresser. "How do you want this?"

"How...oh, you mean, like on my back, or on all fours?"

"Something like that."

"What do you imagine you'd like?

Again, I thought it. I wanted him on all fours. That seemed kind of exciting. I tried to sound in control. "On all fours."

"Interesting choice." He took the lube from me and poured a big dollop onto his hand and began to slick up my dick. It felt amazing, and I had to make sure I didn't come too quickly it was so intense. Then he poured some more and reached under to his ass and spent some time slathering himself. I could see his fingers disappearing and he moaned softly. Then he turned around, presenting me with his asshole. It was almost too much, but I slid forward and positioned my cock at his hole. "How careful do I have to be."

"Good question. Not. Just go for it."

I was a little stunned by his immediate, intense reaction. He was really into this. I pushed forward and my cock slid into him smoothly and our bodies met when I bottomed out. "Is this ok?"

"More than. You can fuck as much as you want."

I decided to take him at his word because the feelings I was experiencing as I pulled my cock out and then back in were causing my nerves to tingle all over, staring in my balls and the head of my dick, which I pushed in, getting a nice groove going and his moans of pleasure helped me. I could tell he was fisting his cock below me. "Make sure you save that for my mouth."

"Don't you worry. It's all yours."

The feelings were wild as I kept going, sliding and thrusting, my cock slippery with lube, his ass feeling soft and enveloping. I gasped a few times as I slowed down, then sped up. I knew I wasn't going to last long at this rate. "I'm really close...this is so fucking sexy."

"Do what you need to do. We have all night."

I hadn't thought of this until that moment, that there would be more. The thought pushed me over the edge, and I could feel my body emptying into his, as I gasped and my hips went a little crazy. Before I had even finished, he slid off me and turned and stood up, his cock rigid and wet. He looked down at me with that wicked grin.

"You going to take all this? You want your mouth full?"

I could hardly think I was still so turned on. "Yeah. Do it."

He stepped forward and his cock just slid into my mouth. He grabbed the side of my face and began to really go for it, pushing forward with his hips and then sliding out, his balls hitting my chin. Even though I had just cum, I was getting really excited and I sucked him down frantically. He seemed to get it and pushed that much harder, that much deeper. A few more deeper, more insistent pushes and he moaned above me, "Get ready..."

Just as he pushed forward one more time, I could feel spurts of cum hitting the back of the throat and he held my head still while he emptied himself into my mouth. He was watching me the whole time, still grinning, but now sweaty and his hair was messy and I was enjoying the salty-sweet tang of cum on my lips. When the spurts subsided, he pulled his cock out of my mouth and jacked the last few drops onto my tongue.

He sat down, still breathing heavily. "You do like cum, that's for sure." He chuckled and ran his finger under my bottom lip. "You missed some." And he gave me the finger to lick off, which I did.

He put his arms around me and we settled into the bed, under the duvet. It felt so warm and safe there with him. Despite his sharp tongue, he was amazingly gentle and affectionate. He snuggled into the bed, his dick slipping into my ass crack in a way that felt quite safe.

We dozed for a while. I have no idea how long. At one point I woke up and it was silent, the way that part of world can be after the birds have gone, when there's no wind and no people. I guess there were people, but I imagined they were all asleep.

I got up and went to the washroom, my bladder way too full. When I came back, he was awake, lying there with his arms behind his head.

"How are you?"

I thought for a moment. "Really good. And you?"

"I feel great. It's so nice up here. I've always been a little envious of Tom and this little oasis."

"Yeah, it is. I'm afraid I might have to sell it. The divorce and all."

"Right. That. I hope it turns out for you." He leaned forward and kissed me softly. He turned on his side then, and wrapped his arms around me, nice and warm. I lay like this with him for a while, but I couldn't sleep. Too much pot, too much excitement. Too much everything, I guess. He was clearly asleep because I could hear him snoring.

I slid out of bed and walked softly down the stairs to the living room. I couldn't remember if anyone was sleeping in the living room or not. I moved around the sofa and discovered someone was. In fact two someones. They were in sleeping bags and in the half light from the night-light I had in the kitchen, I could see they were in sleeping bags on the floor. One of them was lying there with the bag half open and most of his body was exposed, including his cock which was just lying there all innocent. Men look so vulnerable when they're dicks are soft. I was still a little stoned, I guess. I sat down on the sofa a few feet from him. I thought I was being quiet, but apparently not so much, because he raised his head.


"Hi. I've forgotten your name, I'm sorry."

"No worries. Steve. You're Rick, right? You were sitting at the other end of the table so we didn't get a chance to talk."

A voice came from behind Steve. "You two going to talk all night?"

"Sorry, Max. It just kind of happened."

Max sat up. They both were nude. I watched them for a moment. "Are you two a couple?"

Steve looked at Max and grinned. "Sometimes..." and he laughed. I could barely make out Max's face in the gloom. "I'm not sure what that means."

"Who knows." Max leaned forward and tried to see me more clearly. "You're not wearing any clothes either. Just sitting there. Huh."

I felt a bit self-conscious, but my dick had other thoughts because it began to get hard. Was I a sex fiend?

Steve got up from his sleeping bag. He was hard. It was kind of a shock. Was this just some sort of overnight erection or was he getting as hot as I was? There was only one way to find out. "Some other part of you woke up, I see."

"Yeah. About that. You want to help out?" I could hear the smile in his voice.

Max got up and stood beside him and I could see the outlines of both of them in the gloom. Steve was funning his hands up and down his. With that confirmation, I got on my knees as if ordained by some deity and started sucking Max's very thick cock. He moaned and started exploring my hair with his hands. It tasted salty and musky and there was an amazing smell coming off his groin. As I took him down, I felt another cock pressing at the side of my mouth. I looked up at them and could see that they were kissing and I could hear the liquid noises of their mouths. I tried to cram both cocks in my mouth as I had with Tom and Jake, but Max was too thick so I just managed the heads.

I decided to alternate, and I took one down while I stroked the other, then changed position. They tasted so different and their cocks were different shapes and lengths. Steve was pouring precum into my mouth and onto my hand and Max hardly produced any. I couldn't quite believe this was happening.

Steve started to moan a bit and pushed me down further on his cock and all of a sudden I felt splash of cum hitting my tongue as it burst out of his cock. I swallowed and kept going. Max seemed to be right behind, because he stuffed his cock head into my mouth just as he started pouring into my mouth, far more than Steve, it just kept coming and I couldn't swallow fast enough and felt it running down my chin. I felt both ecstatic and slutty at the same time. It was as if I had been saving this up for years and now I was getting it out of my system. I sucked the last drops from Max's cock, then Steve's. My own cock was blazing below me but I didn't want to come on the floor so I left it. I stood up and kissed both of them. "There's something I need to do," and I turned and ran back upstairs.

Harry was still asleep but he woke when I got in bed. I kissed him hard and he leaned back and was looking at me. "What have you been up to?"

"Oh, not much...but I really want to fuck you again. Is that cool?"

"My what a teenager you are. Well if you must. This time I want to be on my back."

I obliged him and, with his help, I lubed myself up and really started to go for it. He was surprised but he seemed to be as into it as I was. I leaned in and kissed him and I knew I couldn't hold out for very long I was already so wound up by what happened downstairs. I drove myself into him a few more times and that was it. I almost blacked out I came so hard into him.

"What on earth has gotten into you...oh. Wait. I knew I could taste something in your mouth. You've been a busy boy downstairs."

I could barely look at him. My post orgasm mind was relatively calm, so I answered. "Yeah. Max and Steve were in the living room and...well...I kind of. Well you know."

"Gracious. You are a man unleashed. It's kind of impressive. I will have to talk to those two boys and see how it was." I didn't say anything, feeling suddenly uncomfortable. He put his hand on my cheek and said, "I'm just joking. Relax. Those two can take care of themselves. Now come here."

He wrapped me in his arms again and tucked me into him, enclosing me in his warmth. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck which was almost hypnotic. It was a nice feeling after all I had been through. This time I could sleep and the last thing I remember was the warmth of his body against mine.

Next: Chapter 5

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