Air Force Memories

By Greg Young

Published on Feb 1, 2004


Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don't have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!!

This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If Homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

This is a story of the 1950's, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society, as sex was fairly safe between males at that time. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken today with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily.

For obvious reasons the names have been changed, and also the chronology has been shortened in order to tighten the story up.

I wish to dedicate this to Garth Wells, my mentor, without him this story would never have been written. He is a great writer himself and has given me encouragement and help all through this, my first attempt at writing. I also want to acknowledge Pete Brown and Bill Smith whose stories have given me so much pleasure.

I also need to add my thanks to all those who have written and encouraged me.

I hope that you will find the following worthwhile.

Air Force Memories 11

Monday dawned hot and muggy, guess until fall I will have to get used to this weather. Each day was much like the same, work then to the gym and a good workout, until I felt I was getting back to the point I was before I left for Pusan.

Wednesday afternoon, brought changes, the majors were off to Japan for a meeting and all the captains were going to be gone for a couple of days on training missions with their Korean counterparts, which was going only to leave Col. Crane, Lt. Padgett, Lt. Holcomb and myself in the compound. Early Thursday Holcomb left in a half-ton to go to Masan to pick up some automotive parts for the motor pool and would not be back until late Friday. This left just Crane, Padgett and myself, the barracks seemed empty and quiet as Padgett's bed was half the building from mine and so we were isolated and of course the colonel had his own private room.

That evening I waited to shower till late as really wanted to let the hot water flow over me, and did not want to use up water that others might need, so it was about 2100 when I stripped, wrapped a towel around me, put on slip-on's and headed to the shower building.

It was empty and I went to the showerhead just around the partition, which I knew was the only one you could get a good steam from as the corner helped to build it up. It was not much steam and did not last long, but felt good, then adjusted the water and let the hot water flow over my body. I caressed my own body as the water washed over me and my hands wandered down to my cock and balls, I closed my eyes and imagined Alex with me as I stroked my cock into life. A voice shattered my reverie when I heard: "Would you like some help with that?" I opened my eyes and stared with shock at Col. Crane standing in front of me. I had not heard the door open and anyone come in, as had not really been listening as this late at night it was rare if ever anyone used the shower. He looked at me and informed me the door was now locked and reached over and grasped my cock which had wilted and began to coax it back to life, then he leaned in and grasping me by the neck pressed his lips to mine and began the process of deep kissing me. This always pressed my buttons and I could feel my cock become hard and press against him.

He stepped back and I got a good look at him he was about my height was a little overweight with love handles at his waist, but was sure without any junk food and the diet we had he would soon lose them, his cock appeared to be longer and wider than mine and his nipples were about the size of quarters with the nubs sticking proudly out.

He suggested that we shower and then go back to his room. He washed my back, spending time with my ass and between the cheeks and in washing out my hole, as well as reaching under my legs and washing my balls from the back. Then standing and giving me the soap and cloth turned so I could do his back, I followed his washing of me and did the same to me.

We finished our showers, dried off and wrapping our towels around us went back to the barracks. He told me to stop and pick up a pair of pants, and a shirt and leave my towel at my bed, he would open the door leading from his room to our bay and I could come in that way. I asked about Padgett and he said Padgett would be at the club until closing.

Following directions I was soon in his room and he took my clothes placing them aside and began his caressing of my body, with no hesitation as if we had done it before our mouths engaged and our arms encircled each other. We seemed to be having a contest as to who could vibrate his tongue against the other's the most. Our cocks were like two lances battling for space, standing upright; shoving against each other and leaking precum; both of us were trembling with desire.

Crane slowly moved me over to the bed and pushing me down so I was sitting and pushing me down lifted my legs up, I grabbed them with my hands as he dove down and began to rim my ass, then he worked his fingers into me loosening me up to take his cock. He then grabbed my hips and pressed his cockhead against my quivering asshole and entered into my waiting tunnel. He was slightly larger than what I was used to, but caused me no discomfort, and as his head hit my prostate I moaned aloud in happiness.

He pulled me tight against him and started fucking me determinedly. I reached down and grabbed the edge of the bed to stop his thrusts from pushing me away from him and he took hold of my legs holding them apart. He was going in long thrusts pulling his mushroom head out and then all the way back in. My cock was throbbing and before I knew it spewed out great gobs of cum coating his chest and mine, and I guess my ass contractions must have sent him over as I could feel his cock really swell and pulse as he unloaded into me. He let his cock soften in me and then slide out, I rose and licked my cum from his body and cleaned his cock then he lapped my cum from my chest and where it had dripped down my shaft to my balls and pubes.

We then lay side by side on his narrow bed and he informed me that while he was married, he had never cheated on his wife with another woman, but being in the close proximity of so many men and seeing them nude always got to him and he did not consider that this was being unfaithful to his wife. I really did not understand his reasoning, but was not about to complain. He told me he was aware of my relations with Alex and just hoped that I would be able to be with him once in a while and to talk to Alex to see if he was agreeable to some threeways.

I was still in a state of shock, but had to realize in my own mind that he had given me a most satisfactory fuck if he had indeed fucked the cum out of me. We cuddled, kissed and just generally explored each other's bodies until I felt it time to leave. I got up and dressed, leaving by his outside door, walking up past the supply building and then cutting over in front of the mess and headquarters building to give the impression I was coming up from the library went back to the barracks and to bed.

My mind was in a turmoil, what was going on, why was I enjoying having sex with Alex and the colonel as much as I did, and why was it so demeaning with the general. I admit that I disliked his sadistic tendencies, but even when we were actually in the sex act it was not the same. I wondered what would happen to me when I left here and finally after my tour of duty was over discharged from the Air Force.

On Saturday, Alex and I took a jeep and drove down to the beach, we swam and played and since we were the only ones there had very satisfactory sex in a small cave which the sea had washed out of the cliff. I told him what had happened with Col. Crane, and he said he would think about and discuss it with the colonel, but for me not to worry about it, as everything would work out. I decided to believe him and enjoy him and bask in his attentions, as I knew the general was due to return Monday.

After my practice I went up to the general's office and he was waiting for me, knowing this I had not dressed, but just wore my jock up, carrying the rest of my clothes. Upon entering I removed my jock and stood at attention. He came over and ran his hands over my body, playing with my nipples and remarking on how he liked them. I remained silent as he did not know that I was only using the suction cups about 15 minutes a day now as I did not want them any larger than they now were.

He played with my cock and balls, then got a three inch ball stretcher put it on, took it off and getting a three and a half inch one pushed my balls to the limit and fastened it, it had a ball separator attached and when he fastened it he place a ten pound weight on my balls, pulling them further down, and causing my cock to point towards the floor. He grabbed some nipple clamps and placed them on me adding two-pound weights, now I was in pain, but he told me to remain standing at parade rest, with my legs apart and my chest out. He told me that he had a little entertainment planned for Wednesday night and that I would be a featured player in it, that he hoped to use it as a dress rehearsal for part of the festivities he was going to have when he hosted a group of ranking officers in two weeks. I could only listen and hope that he meant for me to give them a gymnastic exhibition.

He then went about some other business and after about an hour when my muscles were beginning to cramp and the weights were getting to me, he came over removed the weights and the nipple clamps. He made a phone call and then removed the ball stretcher and separator from me. I stifled moans as the blood had rushed back into my nipples and my balls began to return to normal. He dismissed me telling me to be there by 1900 on Wednesday.

When Wednesday came I hurried down to shower, and get the stubble off my body and dress eat and get over to the general's building. I went to the gym and Song-San told me I was to do a series of routines in the nude per the general's instructions. I disrobed and we waited. He soon came in accompanied by several other officers and some men I had never seen before, but Song-San told me they were special visitors.

I did the routines he had asked for and then they left after congratulating on my performance. I thought my time was up, but one of the officers remained and said he would escort me to the next phase of the entertainment.

We went to a part of the building I had not been in before and entered a room, which was fairly large with theatre seating and a stage at the far end. I was told to go up on the stage and stand at the edge, right in the middle. Soon the people began to file in and take seats in the front rows. The general told me to go to a table which I had noticed at the back of the stage to pick up a wide steel cock ring, come back to the edge of the stage and put it on. I pulled first one ball and then the other through the ring and bending my cock, which fortunately was soft, was able to pull it through as well. This made my cock and balls bulge out in front of me.

The stage was equipped like a dungeon with padded tables, stocks, slings, and chains hanging from the ceiling and eyebolts in the floor. One wall had whips, chains, belts and other equipment covering it. The table where I had picked up the cock ring was covered with dildoes, butt plugs, clothespins, tit clamps, ball harnesses and spreaders, as well as ankle and wrist restraints. I noticed that his aide-de-camp had come out on the stage with me and that he also was naked. I wondered what was going on. The general said: "You are the main show, my aide will help you. You will use whatever he gives you and at times I will direct you, but first turn around and show the audience your ass." When I had done so and turned the aide handed me a ball harness and I pulled my scrotum through the harness attaching it around my nuts. It had chains hanging from it and now I was handed two five-pound weights to attach to the chains. The aide then told me to spread my legs and pulling the weights back let them go so they swung back and forth between my legs. He then handed me some tit clamps, I noticed they had jagged teeth and most reluctantly attached them to the teats of my nipples, writhing as the pain hit me, causing the weights to swing even more. The aide then adjusted the screws of the clamps so that they pinched to their maximum. The audience clapped in approval as my cock began to get hard.

A tall stool was placed next to me and I was instructed to sit on it. As I sat my weighted balls stretched over the edge of the stool. I was given an ankle restraint, which I attached to my left ankle, next came a 2-pound weight, which I had to add to the chain on the ball harness, pulling them down even more. I was then given a restraint for the right ankle which I carefully put on so as not to fall off the stool. I was given a restraint for my right wrist and while I was putting it on, to the great amusement of my audience the aide placed the other wrist restrain over my upright cock, I retrieved it and put it on wrist where it belonged. The aide now grabbed my arms and pulling my wrists behind my back connected them. He reached around and was rubbing his thumb over the crown of my cock. I was left there for a while and then was released and moved over to the table, facing the table with my back and ass to the audience I was handed a series of dildoes, each one larger than the other and told to fuck myself with them. This went on until I felt my asshole must be stretched wide open. But the worst was yet to come. I was told to get up on the table and a large very fat butt plug and some lube were put between my legs, and I was told to sit on the plug. I appealed to Park: "Please sir, it will tear me apart." Only to be told to take my time, use as much lube as I needed but to give them a good show and get it completely inside me. I struggled, I started and stopped, bit by bit I fucked myself on the plug, my face was contorting in pain, the weights on my balls were banging on the surface of the table. I finally took a final great plunge and screamed as my body weight forced the plug inside me. I was gasping and my chest heaving, I had never had anything so large in me, not even when I had been double fucked. The effort to sit on and insert the plug had been exhausting and I was unaware of the situation and the audience, but the aide soon brought me back to reality as he came over and ran his hands over my body. I began to feel the sensations invading my body in addition to the throbbing of my rectal muscles. The aide pulled on the chain connecting the nipple clamps, causing me to notice the pain in my nipples; he then took the weights between my legs and pulled them upward reviving the dull ache in my balls and the stretching of my scrotum. I then became aware of the cheering audience and in spite of my pain felt that I had accomplished something, and felt as if I had done my best.

But Park wanted more. The aid pulled me up and to my feet, I was afraid the plug would shoot out and embarrass me, but it soon became apparent that it would take as much to get it out as it took to get it in. I was helped down off the table and staggered a bit as the weights were swinging between my legs. I was led over to a padded incline bench. It was an adjustable bench, and as I sat down I realized that nearly my full body weight was shoving that damn plug inside me. My wrists were pulled back and with a simple link connected to behind the bench. This strained my pectoral muscles and pushed my clamped tits forward even though I was leaning back against the bench. The seat was so narrow that my weighted balls hung free between my thighs.

I waited to see what would happen next and was really surprised. Four naked men came in grabbed the generals aide-de-camp, I could see the shock on his face as they dragged him over to where chains were hanging from the ceiling and putting wrist restraints on him fastened him to the chains and hoisted him until his feet were barely touching the ground. Then spreading his legs they secured him to eyebolts in the floor. They moved over to the table and picked up several items, came back to him and place nipple clamps on him with heavy weights and a ball harness with what I could tell were two ten-pound weights. I wondered what he had done to deserve this. General Park spoke up and said: "Now you will see what happens when someone is slow in getting things done for me." He motioned to the four and they got a large tub of lube and one of them began to massage the asshole of the aide working first one then two fingers in, after a while he stuck a third finger in and then a fourth. With a nod from the general he then was trying to force his whole hand up the ass. Another was adding additional weights to the tits and balls of the aide as he screamed and writhed in his bounds, making the weights swing causing more pain. When the one working on his ass had his whole hand in Park told him to keep shoving it in until he could feel the prostate and then to massage it, and to twist his hand and arm back and forth.

They now took a rope and attached it to the ball harness and ran it through an eyebolt on the floor, releasing some of the tension in the chains holding his wrists up they forced him by pulling on the rope to squat to take the strain off his balls. This meant he could stand up to release the strain on his thighs but would stretch his balls murderously. The one who had his fist up the ass withdrew it and picked up a whip as did the other three and he was flogged all over his body. Then the rope from his balls was removed and attached to his ankles. I this position he was raised into the air, so hat he had to keep control of his aching thighs and legs to prevent damage to his testicles while the flogging focused on his buttocks, tits and cock. He was suffering and even I felt sorry for him.

Suddenly Park clapped his hands, the stage went dark, and I could see the audience leaving. When everyone had gone, the four who had captured the aide, first came over and released me, removing the ankle and wrist restraints, then the weights, and the tit clamps and ball harness. I groaned as blood rushed into areas, which had been denied for so long. One of them had me kneel over the padded bench and said: "Let's get rid of this monster, you push and I will pull and we will find something better to go inside of you.

He rubbed my back and thighs, palmed and squeezed my buttocks, reaching from time to time between my legs to squeeze my cock. Finally keeping one hand on my cock he grasped the base of the plug, but instead of pulling it out, he twisted it first clockwise then counter-clockwise, over and over tugging slightly each time. I began to moan. He continued to twist and turn and tug at the plug while stroking my cock. "Feels good, doesn't it , Lieutenant?" I could only moan in pleasure. He then coached me to push out while he pulled and after a minute or two the plug came free and was dropped into a nearby pail. He rubbed my ass cheeks and then helped me to stand and, holding onto my cock led me into another room where he proceeded to fuck my sore ass. I never did see who released the aide-de-camp, but was sure he had learned a lesson the hard way. I painfully made my way back to the gym, used their shower and then sat in a hot pool, which did held to assuage my aching ass. I finally dressed and made my way home, wondering how I could get out of the general's command performance. I thought I would do almost anything to miss it as was afraid tonight might be mild compared to what he may have in mind.

The next day I worked out gingerly, as I was still sore and stiff, Song-San worked salves and lotions into my body and asshole, which did much to relieve my nagging pains, and told me my ass would return to normal and that no harm had been done, but not to make a practice of such things. I could only stare at him, did he think I wanted these things to happen, or did he just not want to acknowledge what was being done to me. I surmised I would never know. On my way out I saw the general's aide-de-camp, who gave me a faint smile, but I could see that he still wore the aiguillette and insignia showing he was an aide to a general. I just hoped he was now out of trouble, but knew he was in for something at the future planned festivities. God, how could I get out of them? I continued to practice my gymnastics, but did not see the general, for which I was most happy.

Had a pleasant weekend, a bunch of us went swimming and it was interesting to see that several of the men had shaved their cock and balls, when I asked why, they said it was nicer in the heat and humidity, as the sweat just rolled off and did not collect in the hairs, also it was best to go without underwear to catch the sweat in all this humidity, will be interesting to see if this becomes a general practice. The shaving really makes the cock and balls seem bigger and those who have done it, seem to be walking with their genitals thrust out just a wee bit.

Monday, Dick Brock asked me if I would like to go with him. He was going to fly to Pusan to pick up some things, then up to Taegu for the mail and back. Sounded like a good trip so said I would love to go. Instead of one of the trainers we took a cub and could sit side by side in the cockpit, and it had more storage room. We had an uneventful flight, Dick let me fly for a couple of the legs and after we passed ChinJu on the way home and it was becoming bumping did he take over. About two miles out we began to hit some real turbulence and he asked the tower what it was like at the field and would he be able to land, they said it was gusting, but should be ok, and that they were scanning the sky for us with binoculars and soon said they had us in sight. Dick turned the plane for the straight approach for landing and calling the tower said we were coming in, they answered they had us on visual and would watch us in. Dick started to say something to me and that was the last I remembered.

Later I was informed of the following: The tower said it looked as if a giant hand had just slammed the plane into the ground, and they called for a fire engine and ambulance to race to the end of the runway and out to where they thought we were.

Then they informed Col. Crane of what had happened and he came down to the flight line to be there when they brought us in . It seems the plane had gone down and flipped onto the right side, pinning me in, my glasses had shattered and pieces of glass were in my face and around my eyes, some of the framework had gouged into me, and I was out of it. Dick was also unconscious and both of us were hanging upside down in the plane. They got Dick out easily, but had to use a winch to pull the plane up some so they could pry open my door and get me out. They put us in the ambulance and back to the base.

Our medic did the best he could, but Dick had a broken arm and maybe a concussion, and he did not feel confident in taking care of injuries and he felt for sure I had a concussion.

Colonel Crane got one of the small passenger planes and he and Major Castle flew Dick and me to the hospital in Pusan. Alex came along to hold me up in the seat, and the medic came sitting with Dick.

The next thing I remembered after Dick starting to say something to me was waking up in complete darkness and not being able to move my hands. I realized they were strapped down and started to shout out. I head Alex's voice say: "Quiet laddie, all wi be well." Then they explained what had happened, and that the doctors had removed the splinters of glass from my forehead and face around my eyes, and patched up a couple of bad places on my right cheek. They had to bandage both eyes for the time being, and had put the restraints on me as they did not me to claw at the bandages when I woke up.

I found out that I had been there two days and they had kept me sedated while they worked on me. Dick had his arm put in a cast and was to fly back with Col. Crane, Major Castle and the medic latter today. Col. Crane wanted to talk to me before he left, but that Alex would stay on for a few more days. Latter in the day Col. Crane, Major Castle and a doctor came in to talk to me, the doctor said things were looking good and that it appeared no major damage had been done, that they could not repair. I was to stay there for several more days while they monitored the healing of what they had done, and do some more reconstructive surgery. Then I could go back and would have to return a couple more times to have more work done on the right cheek.

Col. Crane and Major Castle were most solicitous in wanting to know if there was anything I wanted or needed. Being groggy and partly out of it I could only say turn back the clock and not have this happen. Then I asked about my clothes and personal items I might need. Col. Crane said Alex was buying any personal items I might need and he would take the flight suit and underwear I was wearing back with them and send over clean clothes when the plane came to take Alex back. I might be there a few days after Alex left but they would see I had the things I needed. They asked where the copy of my prescription for my glasses could be found so they could get it over and then new glasses could be obtained for me. I told them where to look and thanked them. Then squeezing my hands Crane and Castle took their leave of me.

As lay there, I thought be careful what you wish for. I knew now I would not be part of Park's entertainment, but at such a price. I would lose all I had been able to regain as far as my gymnastics were concerned, and would I ever be able to get back to them. In spite of what the doctor said I wondered what I looked like and if my eyes were truly ok, in the darkness I could imagine all kinds of things, and could feel tears roll down my cheeks. At least I could still cry. A nurse must have come by as I heard a soft voice saying it would be all right, and felt a prick in my arm, I felt as if I were floating on clouds and drifted off into a deep slumber.

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