Air Force Memories

By Greg Young

Published on Feb 19, 2004


Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don't have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!!

This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If Homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

This is a story of the 1950's, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society, as sex was fairly safe between males at that time. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken today with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily.

For obvious reasons the names have been changed, and also the chronology has been shortened in order to tighten the story up.

I wish to dedicate this to Garth Wells, my mentor, without him this story would never have been written. He is a great writer himself and has given me encouragement and help all through this, my first attempt at writing. I also want to acknowledge Pete Brown and Bill Smith whose stories have given me so much pleasure.

I also need to add my thanks to all those who have written and encouraged me.

I hope that you will find the following worthwhile.

Air Force Memories 16

Sunday dawned hot, humid and with no sign of a breeze, I felt that I had made a mistake in saying I would go to church in ChinJu but I had promised Gene Woltz I would go with them. Our unit had undertaken two projects one for a Protestant Church in nearby Sunch'on and one to help repair and refurnish the Catholic school building in ChinJu. While I was not a Catholic I had been going to services there as had many Catholic friends and one had given me a missal when I came to Korea, since the service was in Latin I could follow it, while in the Protestant churches all was in Korean and so was mostly unintelligible to me. It had been several weeks since I had been to church and I felt it would not be a bad idea to go. There were eight of us in two jeeps and we left about 0900 so we would be there in time for the 1000 mass. By the time we had gone about 5 miles our uniforms looked as if we had worn them for a week and then slept in them, we were sad looking people when we went to church. It was even hotter when we came out and started back to the compound. By the time we reached the Nam River Bridge on the outskirts of town we were soaked with perspiration and the humidity.

The lead jeep pulled over to the side of the road and when we came along side they asked if we thought there would be time to take a swim in the river and try to cool off. We decided we could and still make it back for a late lunch. We pulled the jeeps off to a side road and parked them, then stripped off our sodden clothes and ran to the river, the water was not as cool as we had hoped, but rather lukewarm, but it did wash the sweat from our bodies. After playing in the river for a while we decided we best be getting on back, and climbed up to the jeeps. It was almost as if all of us had the same idea at the same time, as we all just climbed in the jeeps without dressing and started off home. We were probably breaking numerous regulations, but there was no one to see us and the flagmen we passed in the mountain pass were too far up to see that we were naked in the jeeps. It was still hot and humid, but the sweat on our bodies was partially dried by the movement of the jeep and we did not have clothes to get wet and stick to us, so other than having a little dust mixed with the sweat we did pretty good. As we came around the bend where we could see the village and the base we stopped and struggled into our clothes returning looking much more bedraggled than when we left. Almost by instinct we all went to areas, stripped and made for the showers. The water was not heated until 1600, but the cold water felt good to us and it got rid of the dirty sweat on our bodies, then we dressed and went to lunch. The water for the showers was hauled in by truck and put in large holding tanks with gas fired burners under them, most were for hot water, but several were left for cold, which was still warm in all the heat.

I told Gene if he saw Tony Michaels to tell him I would like to see him in the library about 1400. So after lunch I went back and changed into a tee shirt and a pair of shorts and went to the library to await Tony. When he appeared I told him I had been thinking about what he had told me and that it would probably be a good idea to warn Kestitus that anything they did with Nick Ford they should make sure that he was not physically harmed where it would require a trip to the hospital. I was particularly worried about him, if he was fucked and had not been fucked before, if the first fuckings were not partially gentle there could be damage to the anal area and the last thing we wanted was someone asking questions about what happened and why. I suggested he talk to Kestitus and they both go see Doc in the dispensary and explain the problem to him. I knew that Sgt. Strasser would give them good advice and help them with lubricants, I also suggested that they talk to Strasser about getting an enema kit and giving Ford a good cleaning before they began to fuck him. He thought this was a good idea as they were already going to make arrangements with the Korean barber to shave all of Ford's hair below the neck, and were thinking of having him also give Ford a buzz cut to cut off his wavy hair. I once again asked if he knew when this was going to take place and all he could say was that that tension was building, and soon would be thick enough to cut with a knife.

We had been sitting side by side on the couch in the library while we talked and Tony had been busy with his hands, moving down to the hem of my tee shirt and bringing it up and over my head and off my arms, leaving my upper body bare, he had come to the meeting wearing only a pair of very worn shorts, so we soon were about dressed the same. His hand wandered over and cupped my cock and nuts and I lifted it up and put it back on his leg, so he moved it around my shoulders and the next thing I knew he was pulling me toward him and our mouths were mashed together. He nibbled and bit at my lips and then pushed his tongue into my mouth. We swapped spit and dueled with our tongues, his one hand roamed over my back and the other again found my crotch, this time I found my hands roaming over his body, pinching and pulling his nipples and sliding down the back of his shorts to reach the crack of his ass. I had decided that if this is how he wanted to play, fine, but this time I was the one who was going to do the fucking. I brought my hands to the sides of his shorts and pushed them down his legs and he shook them so they fell to the floor and he kicked them away. I broke our kiss and immediately swallowed his cock to the pubes, while pulling down on his low hanging nuts, my hands were busy on his ass, and one finger found his opening and slid in, to be followed by a second and then a third. He did not seem to be in any discomfort and I began to massage his prostate. His cock grew in my mouth and I could tell by the action of his nuts that he was about to come. I bit the head of his cock and pulled his nuts down as far as I could and gave them a good healthy squeeze. His cock deflated and he moaned at me to continue. I shed my shorts and lifting his legs rimmed his ass and got the hole good and wet as well as getting it pulsing. I shoved my cock into him with one deep thrust and he moaned and thrashed his head from side to side as I began a series of long and short thrusts up his anal canal. He was half sitting, half lying on the couch and I was standing so that I had his legs spread wide and could really work my cock in and out of him. I wanted this to last so slowed down, bent down and took his cock in my mouth, he was already hard and this caused his cock to turn into a steel rod in my mouth, I grabbed his nuts and pulled them down, then holding them down with one hand used the other to work on his tits. He finally was moaning "fuck me, fuck me, fuck me harder, just fuck me", so being a gentleman I complies with his wishes and used all the tricks I had learned and had used on me by the various people. It did me good to see that I could have someone under my control this way, as people had used me for so long, but it now looked like the tide might turn and I would at least have more of say about what went on.

I decided that Tony should cum first, so that the anal contractions would help set me off, so I redoubled my sucking efforts and also began to jack him off, it was a bit difficult to maintain his cock in my mouth, but since I was limber I could do it. I grasped his nipples with one hand, first the right then the left until they were hard, erect, swollen and red, and my tongue swirled around the head of his cock, finally with a yell he unloaded his jizz in my mouth and as I wanted the ass contractions helped send me over the edge and I sent a goodly amount of my seed up into his ass. We slumped down on the couch panting from our efforts and finally got our shorts on. Since it was still so hot I decided to leave the tee shirt off. We walked out into the blazing sun, and the air was so humid, you could almost feel it part as you walked through it. He said he would go find Kestitus and then see if Strasser were around and would let me know what happened. He said he was glad I had thought ahead so that we could avoid any repercussions. He said Ford deserved what he would get and that he would see that no physical damage was done that would not clear up within a day or two.

I went back to get my wallet and then went over to the club to have a cold one, I tucked my tee shirt in the back of my shorts in case I needed it when I got to the club, but going in the door could see that apparently no one was wearing a shirt, other than the bartender and his could barely be called a shirt. Most were wearing shorts, and a good share of those were their GI shorts, but in this heat no one was complaining, after all it was the airman's club and we officer's were there as guests so we could not really say much, plus the colonel had really relaxed the dress code on the compound until the heat broke.

I got my drink and was sitting at a table on the porch where I hoped in vain to get a breeze, when I noticed several of the men around one at the end of bar, from where I sat I could see he was standing and was bent over a bar stool, which I thought odd. Then with a slight shift in the people around him I could see that the man in back of him had his cock up the ass of the man over the stool. The others were shielding the action and if it had not been for the fact of where I was sitting I too would have been unaware of it. I watched fascinated that they would do this in the middle of the day and in the club, pretty soon I could see the fucker stiffen and he must have shot his load as he stepped back and then another took his place shoving a thick cock up the open ass in front of him. This went on until four people had fucked the guy, it was not someone I was familiar with and I made a mental note to ask the bartender sometime who it was. After the last fuck he pulled his shorts back into place and sat down, buying drinks for all those who had just used him and he had the most beatific look on his face, as if he had just been give all he wished for.

Alex came in about that time and got a drink and joined me, as he sat down his kilt dropped over his legs leaving his crotch exposed and his cock and balls were right in front of me. I could not help myself, I reached over and fondled them, then dropping my empty glass, bent down to get it and swiftly gave his growing cock a kiss, as I got my glass I pulled his kilt over to at least partially cover his growing erection, and he just smiled at me and winked, saying "We need to get together." Lordy I had just come with Tony and now Alex was wanting a go around, but I guess this time I could be the one to take up my ass, as was not sure if I was up to a second fuck so soon, but maybe if I could stall for a while I could be the one doing the fucking again.

We had another scotch and then I suggested we go take a shower and see if we could cool down, we went down to the showers and stripped, went in and turned the water on cool and just stood there letting it run down our bodies. Alex stepped behind me and with his hands rubbed the water down my back and over my ass taking the sweat with it, I returned the favor and then facing each other we ran our hands over the others body using the water to cleanse the sweat from our bodies. We again stood and just let the water run over us cooling and refreshing both of us. We did not need towels as the weather was so hot we air dried in no time, and without even dressing, but carrying our clothes we walked over to the library.

Throwing our clothes on a chair we fell into each other's arms, Alex's arms went around my neck pulling my face and mouth to meet him in a deep kiss. My arms ranged up and down his back, and hit and squashed his ass cheeks. Breaking the kiss I dove for his right nipple and was sucking and biting on it while I twisted and pinched his left one. He began to moan and to thrust his pelvis into me. I slid down, kissing and tonguing his navel before moving down to the junction of his legs, I deliberately avoided his cock and balls and went for the tender part on the inside of his upper thighs, licking and sucking on both sides as well as going for the perineum. I slid my tongue up his ass crack and moistened the slot as well as paying close attention to the rosebud of his ass opening. Moving back to his thighs I moistened a finger and shoved it in his ass opening, he grunted and I immediately moved my mouth to his balls. By opening my mouth very wide I was able to pull both of his nuts into my mouth at the same time, and then I could clamp down and chew on the nut sack above the nuts and below the cock. I swished the nuts back and forth in my mouth and tongued them, while I reached up and jacked his cock. By this time Alex was moaning and tossing his head back and forth and pushing his pelvis up into the air, fucking the air so to speak.

Pulling my mouth from his balls I moved up and planted my mouth on his, kissing him deeply and moving my tongue back and forth in his mouth, all the while playing with his tits. He grabbed my neck and pulled me even closer as we kissed long and hard.

Breaking the kiss I pushed him down on the floor, and kneeling between his legs lifted them and shoved my cock deep into his ass. He was not expecting his and yelped in pain and surprise, as I was anything but gentle with him. Something I had learned from his expert teachings. I alternated between slow even strokes pulling my cock out to the entrance of his ass and then gently pushing it back in, on other strokes it was fast and furious and a couple of times my cock slipped out and would hit his ass crack before slipping back into his hot love channel.

Each time I felt like I might come, I stopped, pulled out and began to deep throat Alex's cock, he was throbbing with passion and telling me to fuck him and then saying suck me, so I once again alternated between the two pleasurable tasks. Finally my cock was getting a bit tender from its workout, so I went ahead and finished my fuck, but not before I had taken his cock in my hand and jacked him off, catching his cum in my hand so I could lick it up and also to feed some back to him. When his ass muscles clenched and clamped as his cum spurted out it was enough to send me over the edge and with a might shove I drove my cock as far into him as I could and could feel my cum spurt into his ass.

We lay entwined and he gently cleaned my cock with his mouth and tongue, then we kissed and caressed each other until it became apparent our cocks were going hard again. With this we rose dressed and made our way back to the barracks, as hot and sweating as we had been before our showers, however, it had made for good loving as the sweat allowed us to slip and slide over each others bodies giving us each and erotic feeling we had never experienced before, the is was about the only good thing I could say for the weather.

Many of us waited to eat late, as we wanted to shower before dressing for dinner. While we could get away with most anything for lunch the colonel as insistent that everyone was dressed for dinner. Most of us kept one uniform for dinner, put it on after showering, then taking it off immediately after eating, this way we could keep in presentable for about three days. Our summer cotton uniforms were taking a beating at the laundry and most of us were wearing fatigue pants and tee shirts to work inside, with the jackets handy in case someone came in, we could throw it on in a hurry. I had told my men who were working inside the Quonset huts, that as far as I was concerned when they were in the back behind the partitions and there was little if any air movement they could strip to their underwear or go naked as far as I was concerned, just to be presentable when they were in the front where people could see them. We were still trying to present a good front, but it was difficult as the heat, humidity and occasional warm rains just made things worse. It was getting common to see the men lounging around after work naked and no one taking any notice of it. Even in our barracks the other officers from major down were stripping as soon as they could and would only throw on something if they were going over to the club. Being so far removed from civilization, in the middle of god knows how many Korean military and more or less confined into our own little compound we turned into a world of our own. One which I am sure none of us ever thought we would inhabit.

At dinner I sat across from Col. Crane and we chatted about what else the weather. We all were having a time coping with it and he could tell tension was running high with the men, but was at a loss as to what to do. We were too far away from the other bases for them to be of any real help, and he was just hoping for the best, he was trying to get enough movies so we could have one at least every other night, and hoped that would help. I did not want to discourage him, but felt nothing right now would help. In my mind I was afraid things would go on until the blow up with Ford, and hopefully things then would calm down a little. Crane said he had decided to give the dildoes back to me that evening and requested that Alex and I come to see him at 2000. Wondering why he wanted both of us, I told him I would tell Alex and we would be there, just then Alex came in and the arrangements were made.

After eating and as soon as I could I made it back to strip out of my clothes, and tried to cool off, I grabbed a towel and soap and went down to the showers, me and a whole slew of others had the same idea. One of them suggested we turn all the heads on full hot and get a good room full of steam, then go into the steam and when it dissipated we could take cool to cold showers and maybe that would help all of us. We all washed then turned the showers on full hot, working our way out so that no one was caught by the hot water. We were all jammed up in the changing room and were cock to ass, cock to cock and erections were popping up all over. I felt a cock at my ass door and wiggled my ass back so that the cock slipped in my crack, by moving around we were able to get the head of it in my asshole and then he grabbed my around the waist and pulled me back on his cock. It was a big one and was painful for me, also the man was very hairy as I could feel the hair on his chest, stomach, pubes and legs against me, and could see the hair on the arms around me. I twisted my head and gulped in surprise when I saw that it was Kestitius Landsbergis, I could remember seeing his cock and knew I was in for a deep fucking by a thick and long cock. He was surprisingly gentle with me and just slowly moved his hips moving his cock in and out, and then either pushing or pulling on me to maintain the same movement. After a few minutes the fuck became a pleasure and he had me moaning, he turned my head so he could kiss me, as he did not want the moans to be heard. I thought this odd, he did not want moans heard, but did not mind those jammed in with us seeing him kiss me and play with my nipples. I had no doubt that the men knew exactly what was going on. Just as I felt his cock swell and get even bigger in me as he blew his cum up my ass they decided the steam was ready, the men moved into the steamy depths of the room, leaving us there as he finished his fuck of me. Turning me around, he informed me had been wanting to do that ever since he first saw me naked. I could feel myself blushing as I grabbed his cock and pulled him into the steam. We could see bodies in different positions in the steam, but could not really make out what was happening, as the steam began to lift I could see that many of the men had taken advantage of it to either suck or fuck a buddy and that many of them were finishing up as the last of the steam floated out. We turned the showerheads on cold, but it was tepid from sitting in the sun all day and we all rinsed off, once again people pairing up to wipe water and sweat off of a friends back, Kestitus did me and I jumped when he jammed two fingers up my ass, he just laughed and pulling them out sucked on them as he turned around for me to wipe his back. It was hairy and the hair felt like silk as I wiped him down, I could not resist after what he did and pushed two fingers up his ass, he wiggled back so I shoved two more in, and all that was out was my thumb, he wiggled some more and I shoved my whole hand into his ass. This was a new experience for me, and I was amazed at how soft and velvet like the ass lining was, and how he easily took my hand into him. I pulled it out and he grabbed it and licked it winking at me. I latter found out he had been used by the Nazi's when they occupied Lithuania, and was glad to get out when the Russians came, but he also knew that he would always prefer men to women and with the way the Nazi men had used him he could take about anything. This coming from a man who was only a few years older than I was, since he left Lithuania in 1944, it meant he was used by the Nazi's from the time he was about thirteen until he was sixteen, which is too young to have to learn all about man sex and the torture they used on him to gain his acceptance of what they wanted to do to him. He told me his father was also a very good-looking man and he also had been forced to prostitute himself to the Nazi SS for the sake of the rest of the family. The war destroyed much more than I thought possible when I heard of how the Nazi SS used the civilian population of occupied countries to satisfy their sexual needs.

We left the shower area, and dried off and walked up the steps to the main part of the compound where we parted ways, I went on to my area and stretched out for a nap. The next thing I knew Alex was shaking me, and telling me it was time to see Col. Crane. I got up threw on some shorts, as Alex had his kilt on and we walked out and around to the colonels door. He had us come in and said he had a request of us, he wanted to try something. He asked us to strip and lie on the floor so that our cock were next to each other, he did some arranging with our legs and got our cocks so they were together, then he leaned down and began to suck them until he got them hard, he stripped off his pants and told us to hold our cocks together, then standing over us he began to lower his ass down onto our cocks. He reached under and taking our cocks in one hand guided them to his asshole. He hesitated a moment and then pushed down hard on our cocks, his ass muscles did not want to give way and the pressure on our cock heads was fierce, he raised up and slammed his ass down and the sphincter gave way allowing our cock heads to slip in, he sighed and then bending his legs brought his ass cheeks all the way down on our cocks. Using his legs he pumped up and down on our cocks and twisted from side to side, our cocks were getting a workout, and he was taking his time about it. He went all the way down and rested, telling us he had used the dildoes until he could get the two larger ones in his ass at once and had placed them there after dinner leaving them there until just before we came over, so his ass muscles would be stretched out for a double fucking. For a man who was new to man to man sex he had taken to double fucking like a duck to water, he really enjoyed it. I could not understand why, as when I had been double fucked it had really stretched my ass lining and made me quite uncomfortable, not only then but the next day also, but each man to his own taste, and he really seemed to be enjoying the fucking he was giving himself on our cocks. After what seemed a long time I could feel Alex's cock swell next to mine and could feel his cum lubricating my cock, I had already cum several times that day, so was taking me longer than usual, but finally I could feel my balls tighten and as the colonel came down I pushed my hips up so that I would be deeply imbedded in him when I came. All doing this the colonel had maintained a steel hard erection and showed no signs of Cummins. When our cocks had soften and slipped out of his ass, he rose and told Alex he would like to fuck him. Alex raised his legs and the colonel moved in to rim Alex's asshole and when he had it slicked up he drove his cock into Alex very slowly, when it was in all the way he began the motions of slowly bringing it in and out and then speeded up, he must have been hitting Alex's prostate and Alex's cock rose to full staff again, and began to leak ProComm. The colonel speeded up his actions and then with a mighty shove went all the way into Alex and stayed as his cock spewed out its load into Alex's ass. As the colonel's cock subsided and slid out of Alex the colonel dropped his head to Alex's cock and proceeded to suck him off.

We all lay exhausted and panting on the floor and as we regained our senses we kissed and fondled each other. Finally noticing that it was after 2300, Alex and I left, the colonel gave me the dildoes to return to General Park, and I told him I would be going up the hill right after breakfast, while it was still cool, wanted to work out for a while in the gym and would be back by 1000. The colonel gave me his blessing, Alex and I carried our clothes back as the barracks was dark, I went in my door and feel on the bed, and in a few minutes could hear the door Alex used close and the next thing I knew the houseboy was waking me up with the water for my morning shave and teeth brushing. It had been so hot I had slept on top of the sheets and awoke with a raging hard on, I felt a little bad about until the houseboy pointed to those he had yet to wake up and I saw that most were in the same way. We had a roomful of waving hard cocks as the workweek began


Next: Chapter 18

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