Air Force Memories

By Greg Young

Published on Mar 29, 2004


Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don't have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!!

This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If Homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

This is a story of the 1950's, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society, as sex was fairly safe between males at that time. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken today with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily.

For obvious reasons the names have been changed, and also the chronology has been shortened in order to tighten the story up.

I wish to dedicate this to Garth Wells, my mentor, without him this story would never have been written. He is a great writer himself and has given me encouragement and help all through this, my first attempt at writing. I also want to acknowledge Pete Brown and Bill Smith whose stories have given me so much pleasure.

I also need to add my thanks to all those who have written and encouraged me.

I hope that you will find the following worthwhile.

Air Force Memories 20

I was still trying to figure out the general's strange behavior as I walked in the gate and really was not looking when I ran right into Colonel Crane and almost knocked him over.

I grabbed at him we both teetered for a moment until we gained our footing. He looked at me and said "Lt. Young you will pay for that, see me in may room in one hour and be naked when you knock on my door." God, after the session with the general and blowing two loads of cum I did not know if I had anything left to give anyone. I quickly got my towel and raced to the showers to get the sweat and smell of the session with the general off my body and to check for any stray stubble on my body, fortunately I did not find any. I wrapped the towel around me and went back to my bed where I read until it was time to walk out and around to the colonels door.

With all that had gone on I did not feel one bit self conscious about walking around the compound nude, in fact I think the majority of the men were beginning more comfortable naked than dressed. Clothes seemed so confining and only seemed to exacerbate the heat, humidity and sultriness of the air. It was not so much exhibitionism as being comfortable, and it seemed all of us were becoming quite comfortable with our bodies, at least I knew I was and no longer cared if I was dressed or not outside of working hours.

Knocking on the door, it was quickly opened and Crane reached down and grabbed my balls and pulled me in the room, closing the door behind him. I saw Alex standing by the bed, and knew I was in for it. Both Crane and Alex were nude sporting their great hardon's and looking at me with all sorts of evil in their eyes. Oh, God what has happened ran through my mind. Crane set me at ease when he said they had been looking forward to action with me for over a week, and could wait no longer. I relaxed somewhat, but was still a little apprehensive.

Crane pulled me over by my balls to his bed which had been placed in the center of the room and pushed me down on my back. He pressed his mouth to mine and began to kiss me as Alex began taking my toes into his mouth and sucking on them. This had never happened to be before and was beginning to send me into orbit, especially when Crane moved his mouth and hands to my already over sensitive nipples and began toying with them. As Crane moved down my body, Alex moved up, kissing and sucking on my legs, the back of the knees and as Crane stuck his tongue in my navel, Alex began to kiss my right thigh and gently tease the left one. By this time my cock was as hard as it had ever been and I was tossing on the bed in sexual frustration. Alex raised one leg and ran his tongue up my ass to kiss and suck at the rosebud of my asshole as Crane licked my balls. Then lowering my leg they each took one side of my cock and began to nibble and kiss their way from the ball sack to the head, and pulling the foreskin back ran their tongues around my swollen and sensitive head, causing me to hump the air for relief, they moved up and down the shaft of my cock and at times would kiss over it and then go back to their kissing and licking, at the same time they were pulling my ball sack down as far as they could which gave me both pain and pleasure. When I thought I would cum they stopped and moved back to what they had originally been doing only changing places, this time Alex worked my upper body and Crane administered to my legs, moving down one and then working on the foot while Alex was teasing my nipples, pits and navel. Crane finished sucking the toes of one foot and moved to the other and then began to work his way up my leg. Alex had now moved from one side to the other and was working his back and forth between my tits. When Crane reached the junction of my legs he raised them, dove his face and tongue into my ass and began his magic on my hole, then without warning he shoved his fat cock into my ass. Apparently there had been some sign between the two for as Crane's cock entered my ass, Alex pushed his cock into my mouth and to my throat, his balls were bouncing on my nose as he shot his cock in and out of my mouth. The two finally synchronized their movements so that as one cock went in the other came out.

Between the two of them they were driving me crazy wanting to explode my own cock, but they managed to be able to stop me by either pulling my ball sack down or one of them would suck my cock into his mouth and then begin biting, especially around the head. This caused me to deflate in a hurry. They took their time and then abruptly they both pulled out. They began to work my body over again and brought me to the peak then denying me the pleasure they changed places and as Alex fucked my ass, Crane fucked my face. This time they kept it up until they both came. Crane's cum tasted sweet and was hot and thick, and I could tell Alex was pumping his into me by the way his cock was throbbing in my ass. I cleaned Crane's cock and then Alex brought his up for me to get the remnants of his cum and my ass juice off. As I slowly sucked and licked his cock, Crane was sucking my balls into his mouth and rolling them with his tongue. Alex pulled his cock from my mouth and leaned down to kiss me deep and long as his hand slowly moved my foreskin up and down on my swollen cockhead.

They began to again kiss and lick at my cock, one on each side and to flick their tongues on the head, but never letting me get close to cumming, then just as I thought I could take no more they slowly jacked me off and my jizz spurted in hot spurts onto my face, chest, stomach and dripped down the cock shaft to me balls. I do not know how many spurts came, and was surprised after the workout the general had given me that I had anything left in my balls. The two of them now began to lick my body clean of the cum I had sprayed out, and I lay there exhausted from the sexual high I had been on.

But they were not through with me. After we had rested for a while and Crane had given us a scotch to drink they were ready for more. This time Alex fucked my face and Crane my ass until each shot another load into me. This took them about forty-five minutes as it was the second time for each, and by the time they shot, both my jaws and ass were sore from the pounding they had taken.

They then took turns, licking and sucking my ass to make me feel better, but this only inflamed me so that I wanted more, so to humor me they took turns sticking a finger or two or three up my ass and fucking me that way, they hit my prostate and before I knew it my cock was hard and throbbing again, I didn't know which one was playing with my ass as I shot another weak load of cum and it sort of just slid down my cock shaft. The fingers were withdrawn from my ass and Crane licked me clean. After this we rested for a while and then Crane decided we should take a shower, Alex and I got our towels and met Crane outside the barracks and the three of us walked over and down the stairs to the shower.

The showers were busy and there was a lot of steam, even with the heat we enjoyed the steam as it cleansed the pores of our bodies. Through the steam I could make out some of the men I had seen at Nick's party, and though I was never sure I thought I saw a couple of them fucking someone standing against the wall. The steam and the dim lights there made it hard to tell as we waited for some of them to leave. When four of them came out to dry off, we moved into the showers and found three heads together so that we could buddy up and do the backs of each other. I did not mind that, but they kept sticking fingers up my ass, as they knew the steam was obscuring much of what was going on. We finally turned the cold water on and rinsing went to dry off. We had only brought towels and ditty bags, so we walked naked back up the stairs. Then we returned to our quarters and I for one fell on my bed exhausted and hoped for a good nights rest.

The next few days were uneventful, I still worked out at the gym and one day asked Song-San about the prisoner, as I had noticed his room was empty. I was informed that he had been sent down into the base and given a room where he was forced to service the men stationed there and would be brought back once it had been determined that each man had used him at least once, as they had to sign a book when they went into his room. Until all had used him he would stay there, Song-San had heard that some were using other's names, so that they could keep him longer and when they tired of him would use their own names so he could be sent back to the general. It seemed he had given them some trouble at first, but by working on his balls and using electric shots through his nipples, cock, balls and ass, plus using the vise on his nuts and tightening it when he refused to suck it broke his resistance down. It appears that before he caved in they had used the vise several times until he passed out, and then released the jaws, they did not want to destroy his testicles, at least not now.

The general seemed busy with his aides and I did not see much of him, he came down to watch me work out on the rings a few times, smiled and said I was getting back to where I was and left. I was really in a quandary about his attitude toward me. There had not been a chance for me to get together again with Alex, but after my last sexual workout was glad of the time to recuperate.

On Saturday, it dawned hot and muggy, and right after breakfast three trucks pulled into the compound to load the people up going to the beach for the day. Some of the cooks were staying to fix a lunch to bring and then they would trade places with those there, who would come back to prepare dinner. Since Brock was still in his cast he and Padgett elected to stay and watch out for things, also we had to leave one communications person who could not be spared. Brock and Padgett were shown how to fire the heaters for the hot water for the showers and the drivers bringing in the water would bring lunch to us and change with some drivers at the beach. That way almost everyone would get at least a half-day at the beach.

Most of the men were in shorts when they climbed in the trucks, all of us had towels and most of us had deck shoes on. It was a hot dusty ride and we were glad to see the ocean.

We piled out of the trucks, which were left to be guarded by six Korean MP's, two to a truck, which the colonel had talked the general into loaning us.

Most of us stripped down to swim in the ocean; however, we had some newcomer's who still did not feel that comfortable, so they kept their swimwear on. Someone got a flag football game going and the first one was between the officers and airmen. They had thought this out as they brought twine to be tied around your waist and colored cloth to be tucked in on each side. Red for the officer's and blue for the airmen. The airmen beat us quite handily. Even though looking at all the men, we all looked fit, as no one was fat or flabby it was apparent that the airmen were in much better shape. Later they played again two airmen teams and the score was quite close. Colonel Crane in talking to some of us said maybe he ought to get a physical training program set up for the officer's, which elicited groans from all.

It was enjoyable swimming and watching so many bronzed healthy bodies cavorting without a care in the world on the sand and in the ocean, they were young and exuberant and enjoyed each other. Several time one would tackle another and they would roll in the sand and then run into the surf to wash and continue their horseplay.

The cooks brought us a good lunch and many of us just dozed after eating. There was a breeze coming from the ocean and it was the most comfortable many us had been for a long time.

Finally it was time to return, and I was surprised to see few of the men putting any clothes back, on most of them including all of the officers just grabbed their towels and shorts and climbed back up to the trucks and got in, most used their towels and shorts to put on the benches as they were hot from sitting in the sun all day.

Since everyone wanted to hit the showers the colonel set up a rotation, having the men go by their barracks and to even things out he started with #2, followed by 4, 1 & 3 with the officers going last. He suggested that the men give the ones in the shower a half-hour before going down for their turn, and since it was just 1630 there was plenty of time to shower and still eat as dinner would not be served until 1800.

As I went in the barracks I stopped to talk to Dick Brock, and could not help but notice that his nipples were red and puffy and his cock looked used, I looked over at Joe Padgett and he was much in the same condition and both of them had hickeys on their bodies. So I asked if they had been busy, they said not really, as there was nothing to do, I told them they had best straighten up their beds as both of them looked well used and walked on down to get stuff ready to go to the shower. Finally at 1800 the officers filed down to shower, the airmen were on their way to eat and paid no notice to the file of naked men going to get clean.

There was still plenty of hot water and we had a good bit of steam in the showers and then began to wash, men were washing each other's backs and getting all the sand off, and in some cases doing a good job on the ass crack. Alex and I washed each other and he said he felt some stubble so told me to stay as the other's were leaving and then proceeded to shave me. It did not take long, but he wanted to make sure he got it all and began to run his tongue over my shaved body and ended up sucking me, as he shoved fingers in and out of my ass. I was bucking and moaning and it did not take me long to come, he bent me over and quickly shoved his cock into my ass and began pumping furiously, I soon felt his cock swell as he sent his cum into me, he stayed until his cock softened, then we rinsed off again and made our way back to the barracks to dress for dinner. When we reached the mess hall everyone else was well into their dinner and a couple of them smiled and winked at us as we came in. I really did not care, as it seemed good to have an encounter with Alex, even if it was quick.

Most of us went over to the club after eating, we played bridge for a while and then someone put some good dance music on and pretty soon some of the airmen began dancing with each other and before long some came over where the officers were sitting and asked some of us to dance. It was quite formal, they would bow and offer their arm to us if we accepted, which under the circumstances we did, there were a few waltzes and it felt odd to dance a waltz with a man, especially some who held you tight and rubbed their crotches into yours. There were erections popping up all over the place, the sexual tension was beginning to get high, so the colonel had the music changed to jitterbug and the active dancing managed to get things back to normal.

Around 2200 most of us officers staggered off to bed, leaving the club still going in full swing, and the men enjoying themselves. I stripped and fell into bed exhausted from the day.

Sunday was quiet day, spent most of it writing letters and getting caught up on some of the things I had been neglecting. Finally got to finish one of the oils I had started nice scene of a lake and trees in autumn. Almost made wish I had done a winter scene what with all the heat. Felt rather lethargic in the late afternoon, so just spent the rest of the day lounging around. Guess the heat, sun and activity of the previous day was getting tome.

The next week went by rapidly, as the material for the new Quonset hut arrived and I had to make arrangements with some local Koreans to level the ground and pour the cement foundation. I was happy to have our houseboy as an interpreter, while I had learned enough of the language to get by I was far from being able to give the needed directions for getting the building up. Once the cement floor had been laid and the framework in place they were able to rapidly put the metal siding on and by the end of the week we had our new recreation building. Though it was empty we had a building.

Then next Tuesday a cargo plane landed and we were pleased to see two pool tables had been sent to us. This improved the morale of the men no end, now that they had something else to do other than volleyball, horseshoes and some who played badminton. Also, it would give them something to do in the winter months. The colonel also said that even though it was early he would appreciate it if the men would write home and ask for some clothing and toy donations so we could give the children of the village a nice Christmas. It sounded like a good idea and many of us wrote explaining what we wanted and why. I was gratified to hear from my mother that her ladies group would make that their project for the rest of the year and asked when and how the goods should be sent.

When I gave this information to the colonel he said he would write with the information and put out a bulletin that anyone who got a favorable reply to see him and he would send further information. This relieved the rest of us of the hassle of getting the stuff here.

I had not been able to get up to the gym while the building was going on, and was glad when I finally could get up there and work out, not only on gaining back my muscles, but to work on gymnastic routines. I did not want to get rusty and stiff. On my to get some water from a fountain, I passed the room where the prisoner had been held and saw that he was back. He looked not much worse for wear one of his guards spoke English so I asked about him. I was informed he had been the base whore for as many as wanted him and that he had complained about sore jaws and a sore ass, so to help him out they lined up more for him to suck and fuck, figured the more use the less the pain. He was also forced to keep up his physical training and made to run at least five miles a day, with weights hanging from his cock and balls. I could see where the ball separator was now wider and his nuts were hanging lower. They had put rings in his scrotum where he had been nailed to the block and when he was spread eagle on the cross they would attach weights to the rings stretching his scrotum down so his balls could be pressed further down. He had been misbehaving since being brought back so to punish him they were using leather whips to hit his balls, one on the left and one on the right, as well as one in back using a leather cat-o-nine tails whip up between his legs. They also would alternate hitting his chest and back. He was screaming and writhing, and since they had put clips on his tits with a chain and weights and weights on his balls, each time he moved it caused the weights to swing. They had used the rings in his scrotum to attach the chains for weights and this did not seem to interfere with the paddling going on as the whips went between the chains. When they tired of this they picked up some of the long needles and began to insert the needles into his testicles. I watched as the first one went in and heard his scream of pain, as they put a needle in the other testicle he writhed and screamed again. Then the two picked up the needles and each taking a testicle began to insert needles, I could not watch any longer and ran for the gym, showered dressed and went home. I was at least glad the general had some new playthings as he was leaving me fairly much alone.

I had now been here almost four full months and my life was completely different than I had ever thought it would be. I had been placed in an all-male environment, the indigenous people were off limits to us, except for those cleared to work in our compound, the language was completely different and none of us had any language raining before being assigned here. The nearest place where you might find English-speaking women was over an hours flight time if we had been able to go there. I had become one who was very comfortable and satisfied to be running around nude along with quite a few of the other men. Other than in the showers at school and at the pool I had never been much around naked men, and now I found myself enjoying watching them and the play of their muscles as they moved around doing various activities. Also, I had become aware of the very large differences in the sizes of cocks and balls on men. They ran the gamut of from average, to a few which were really oversized looking, especially on those who had shaved their cock and balls. This always made them seem more prominent. Also, I had learned the size of the person did not determine the size of the cock.

I had become rather good at sucking cock and learned to like the taste and texture of cum as it was spurted into my mouth. I had learned to take cocks up my ass and had even been double fucked at times. I had gone through some (to me) extreme torture at the hands of General Park and his associates, but found that some of the things they did to me only served to make my cock more rigid and heightened my sexual awareness and needs. The biggest change in me had been my falling in love with Alex MacGregor a Scot several years older than I was, and who it seemed returned my love. We tried to find times and places where we could be alone and suck and fuck to our heart's content, but it was becoming harder and harder to find such a place. Alex was teaching me it was about a toss up between being a top or a bottom as he was most versatile and was teaching me to be the same.

I had learned of man's sadistic nature in watching the actions of General Park and also in the way that Nick Ford was made into a minion of Kestitus, but in this case I thought it was for the good. Ford had gone from being an arrogant ass, into one of the more friendly men in the compound. He was well on the way to becoming a worthwhile person.

We were in an odd situation; we could come and go as we pleased within the limits of the job and availability of transportation. But were limited to only a few villages and some towns, most of which had suffered heavily during the war. The closest one, which had not suffered, was ChinHai where Sygmon Rhee had his summer home, but it was a long dusty ride and not much to see once you got there. So our entertainment was homegrown, with luck we would occasionally get a movie, so far we had not had a visit from a chaplain, we did have a fair library and an excellent dark room, areas for volleyball, horseshoes and badminton, and that was it. So we turned to each other, there were a lot of chess, bridge and other card games going. I know that the airmen had developed a new kind of poker, as I never saw much money change hands but could see a rather stricken look on the loser and grins on the faces of the others.

Letters from home meant a great deal and I always tried to answer them quickly so I could get some more. I did get a couple of care packages, and enjoyed the cookies and even the popcorn, which was packed around them to keep them fresh.

We all were on an edge, and it was becoming apparent how thin the veneer of civilization was once men were left up to their own devices on how to entertain and comport themselves without the constraints we had grown up with being present. You could see men trying to maintain a benign attitude but the baser instincts were beginning to show more and more. Colonel Crane could see this and even though everyone was to get a R&R after being there for six months he began to scheme on how he could get some of our men to Japan for a day or two every so often, finally he hit on getting planes checked and serviced and getting supplies we could not readily find in Korea, so he set up a schedule for the enlisted men to go to Japan, three or four for a weekend or three days about every two weeks. To make it fair he held a lottery of names and this seemed to satisfy all. It would take some time and he also got the roster set up for the R&R so each man would know when he would go. Lucky me I get to go in October, during the fall rains in Japan. Oh well maybe things will change it will still be over a month until I go.

Back in the compound I worked on another oil and wondered if this damnable heat would ever break, I swear I was sweating out more water than I was taking in, even though I was always after water, it did not seem to do much good. Besides to make the water drinkable they had to purify it and the only way it really ever tasted good was in coffee, a drink or if it had been boiled and then cooled. I noticed that the pissors in the compound were not being used as much as before and just hoped we all would be all right.

The end of August was drawing near and the heat seemed to get worse. Then headquarters decided they needed an up to date inventory of what supplies we had on hand. Sgt. Jones and Cpl. Ross and I were doing the supply building, which was an annex of hell. The Quonset hut facing east and west, had a door at each end, two windows in the front where the office was and one in the back inside the cage we keep guns and ammo. The east door also had a barred door on the outside as it was next to the guns and ammo room. So we could open that door and leave the barred one locked, but we never did seem to get much of a breeze. We worked about an hour at a time then got out of the hot box and rested before going back in. It was so hot that we started out in underwear which soon became soaked, so we discarded them and just worked naked, that way the sweat rolled off us, but collected in our sox and we wore shoes and sox, since the floor was rather warm.

About the third day of this we heard the bell in the front office ring, and since I was down on the floor said I would go see what it was. I grabbed a towel and wiped some of the sweat off, and put it around my waist as I went to up the Dutch door to see who was there.

I noticed by his stripes he was a Master Sergeant and assumed that he must be our new First Sergeant since the old one had rotated home the week before and we had not seen his replacement. This man looked to be in his mid to late thirties, about six ft. with coal black hair, deep blue eyes, and a face almost too pretty to belong to a man. I asked how we could help him and looking at me with disdain informed me he was the new First Sergeant James Rice and he would like to talk to whoever was in charge. I got a kick out of this and extending my hand said: "Welcome, I am Lt. Greg Young, and I suppose you are here to pick up your bedding and other things we furnish." He got a shocked look on his face and stammered that yes he would like to get what he needed. I decided to really give him a welcome, and loosening my towel let it fall to the floor and kicked it aside, then opened the lower part of the door and asked him to come with me.

He stepped inside and I closed the door and started toward the middle of the building, which was the hottest, but where most of the bedding was kept. I called out to my Sgt. and Cpl. Informing them that the new first was here to pick up supplies. The crawled down from the upper shelves where they had been counting and began to pull off the supplies he needed. I took him over to where the pillows were kept and told him to pick out one he would like. Usually we would have the man wait in the office while we got things, but he got off on a bad start with me, and I was glad to see that his uniform was getting large damp spots on it, also of interest was that there seemed to be a bulge that was getting bigger in his crotch as he watched all the naked men move around and every so often when having to bend and get something from a low shelf a glimpse of a twinkling ass hole would be seen. We finally had everything for him and noticing the time told Smith and Ross to take a break out of the heat. I told Sgt. Rice that Headquarters wanted an inventory and we were doing our best to get it to them, but in this heat could only work so long at one time and that it was much more comfortable to work nude than have clinging wet clothes on. He did not say much, but think he agreed as his clothes showed a lot of damp spots. After he signed for his goods and was leaving he asked where the showers were. I told him how to get there but that there would be no hot water until 1600. He looked dismayed as he looked down at his sweat-streaked uniform and the bulge in his crotch. If he had been nicer when he came in I could have sympathized with him, but also realizing I should stay on good terms with the First Sergeant I told him that if he did not mind just warm water I was sure the sun had heated the water up from cold to warm. He really looked grateful and I told him that the three of us were going down and if he wanted help to get settled we would be glad to be of service. To my surprise he took us up on it. We helped him carry his stuff to his bunk, I found the houseboy to get his bed made and to make sure his things were unpacked and hung up.

I told him that such service was not always available but that we liked to help get newcomers settled in. The three of us went to our bunks to get fresh towels and I told Sgt. Rice we would meet him at the showers. We got there first and I noticed he had worn his uniform and was taking it off and hanging it up but did not see any fresh clothes with him. He came into the showers and I guess we all gave each other the once over. Sgt. Rice had curly black hair on his chest and going down to his pubes. I was surprised to see that his cock and balls looked shaved, and that the hair above his cock was trimmed. He had a nice looking uncircumcised cock and large low hanging balls; I could not help but notice his cock was somewhat enlarged. When he bent over I could see his ass had no hair there either.

When he came into the shower room his cock was about at a 45-degree angle, but being good airmen we made no comments. We washed up got rid of the sweat, then just let the warmish water pour over us. Turning off the water I decided I would just air-dry, thought it might be cooler than toweling off. I wrapped my towel around my waist as did Smith and Ross and we began to leave. Sgt. Rice hollered at us to wait, and he tied his towel on and grabbed his clothes and as we walked back up the stair, he asked about getting laundry done. I told him how and to just give his clothes to the houseboy and he would take them down, let you know how much and would pick them up for you. He thanked us and went to his barracks and we went back to Hells annex for more inventory. The showers had helped, but we still had a few more hours to go.

That night at the club I related the days adventure to Alex, and said I hoped I had not made an adversary of the First Sergeant. He said he did not think I had to worry, and not long after that Sgt. Rice came in and surprised me by going to the bar and then bringing three drinks over to our table, he had gotten one for himself and found out what Alex and I were drinking and brought us refills. He thanked me for helping him get settled in and hoped that we would have a good working relationship. I thanked him and we told him some of the peculiarities of our place. I told him that I was sure that Lt. Padgett would clue him in as soon as he had time, and would probably do so in the morning as they liked people to get settled before hitting them with everything. I bought the next round and after Alex had gotten us another we all called it a night. Rice asked if Alex and I were a couple and without blushing I replied "yes". He nodded and I could hear him say under his breath as he left, "lucky sod", but did not know who he was referring to.

Walking back to the barracks, I asked Alex if he thought it would be appropriate for the colonel to be coupled with his First Sgt. Alex replied he didn't know, but when the time was right would approach the colonel. I told Alex of Sgt. Rice's attributes and felt that he could serve the colonel well, and that I also thought Rice needed someone, but that it would not be right for him to get tied up with an enlisted man under him. We both agreed it was something to mull over and see if a solution could be found. We wandered over to a gun emplacement and dropping into it, I soon had Alex's cock from under his kilt and in my mouth, when it was nice and hard and throbbing I stood up dropped my pants and leaned over the gun mount so Alex could mount me. He eased his cock into my hole and began his wonderful in and out movements. I was squirming but had to be careful because of the gun mount and he soon had me moaning low and steady as his cock massaged my prostate. I could feel his cock swell and throb as he shot his sweet cum into my ass, this triggered me and I shot onto the gun mount where my cum slid down to the ground. As he pulled out I turned and kissed him, first nibbling on his lower lip and then by pushing my tongue into his mouth. We embraced for some time then straightening our clothes, climbed out of the emplacement and on to bed.


Next: Chapter 22

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