Air Force Memories

By Greg Young

Published on Apr 21, 2004


Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don't have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!!

This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If Homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

This is a story of the 1950's, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society, as sex was fairly safe between males at that time. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken today with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily.

For obvious reasons the names have been changed, and also the chronology has been shortened in order to tighten the story up.

I wish to dedicate this to Garth Wells, my mentor, without him this story would never have been written. He is a great writer himself and has given me encouragement and help all through this, my first attempt at writing. I also want to acknowledge Pete Brown and Bill Smith whose stories have given me so much pleasure.

I also need to add my thanks to all those who have written and encouraged me.

I hope that you will find the following worthwhile.

Air Force Memories 22

The flight from Pusan to the K site was uneventful, Crane let me fly for part of the way and the day was clear and you could see forever, or so it seemed. There were patches of puffy clouds, which looked like huge cotton balls and were stark white against the brilliant blue of the sky.

Landing I was surprised to see several of my fellow officers there to welcome me home, they put my stuff in a jeep then Crane, Alex and I got into one jeep and the others got into a second one. I was touched to have them there to welcome me home. I still had a bandage on my face and would for a week or so, to protect the graft and the healing, but it was not large and did not interfere with my wearing my glasses. So I was able to get right back in the swing of things.

It was good be back, but there were things I missed from my hospital stay. The variety of foods, the spoiling I got by being bathed and shaved by the orderly and the treatment by everyone there. The only thing I did not miss was the boredom, and then too, now it had been almost two weeks since I had been involved in any sexual encounter and I was more than ready. Seeing Alex, my cock immediately rose to full mast and I had to keep reaching down to adjust it in my pants. I noticed others giving me looks and having half grins on their faces.

I got through the rest of the day and after dinner went over to the club, and it did not help any when Alex came in with his kilt swinging and sitting so that his cock and balls were in my line of sight. I noticed that his cock was a bit fuller than when just at rest and after while he had a steel hardon going. Well that now made two of us and how in the hell were we going to take care of it? Alex said that with the new recreation hut, the library was almost never used anymore and suggested we walk down there. He left and I soon followed.

Getting to the library we went in and then closed the door and placed a heavy table in front of it so it could not be easily opened and would give us some privacy. Somehow, neither one of us knew how it happened, but we managed to get our clothes off and we were naked. What a great feeling as we pressed our bodies to each other in full contact from head to toe.

We fell back on the couch in the room, breaking our kiss as we gave other body parts attention. I was the aggressive one tonight and was really giving Alex's ear, throat, then other ear my attention. Alex was squirming from the attention my kisses and nips were giving his body. He tried to return as much as he could, his lips reaching out to the spots he could make contact with, as his hands and fingers were roaming over my body as we ground our crotches together. We were both leaking precum which mixing with each other's caused our cocks to slide freely together, giving us the ultimate in sensations. I finally worked my way down to his chest, bathing his nipples with my salvia, pinching them and nipping them with my teeth before working my tongue down to his naval. When I stuck my tongue in his naval Alex bucked, and without any further play I dropped my mouth over his cock, ran my tongue around it and then took in my throat. Alex almost lost it, but was able to hold off his orgasm, and while his cock was deep in my throat I managed to wet a finger and tease Alex's asshole. He bucked his hips again, but I stayed with him and felt my finger break through his sphincter muscle and wiggle inside. I pulled it out; got two fingers wet and repeated the assault on his ass.

I continued my attention to his cock them pulled off suddenly and attacked his asshole with my mouth. It felt so good, and my tongue easily entered the hole, opening it more. I packed as much saliva in as I could using three fingers this time. Alex was moaning so loud that I hoped no one was in the darkroom on the other side of the wall or outside where they could hear him. I knew it was time to fuck him. I gathered precum from his cock and coated the outside of his ass, them spread my own precum around the head of my cock, retracting the foreskin and adding more saliva.

I pushed against Alex's opening and slid in without a problem, and as I was going slowly felt Alex start to push back against my cock. I wanted to hold back, but it had been too long, and while each of us felt the sensations our coupling was causing the other and didn't want it to end, there also was a pressure to achieve climax. Alex was leaking precum on my stomach as his cock slipped between our bodies; we were rushing towards the release we each needed. Alex was ahead of me and as his cock spit out the first volley of cum his sphincter gripped my cock triggering an orgasm that I felt in every nerve in my body. I slammed into Alex repeatedly, depositing my sperm as deep as I could push it. Our mouths were in overdrive searching for something to kiss; lips, shoulders, noses, ears, whatever was in easy access.

Finally the urgency was over; we gripped each other as if our lives depended on it, slowly calming and regaining breath, senses and a normal heart rate. I did not want this to end, two weeks without Alex had brought me to this peak, but I was spent, as we relaxed my cock slipped from his asshole and searching for each others mouths our bodies slid against each other make slick by Alex's copious discharge of cum.

We slid to the floor and lay facing each other so we could still kiss and caress each other, we kissed for a while our hands roving the body of the other, and then Alex maneuvered himself around so they could get into a 69 position, we began to lick the cum from each others bodies and to clean each others cocks. Then we moved on to licking each other's ball sacks and moving on back to the asshole, I loved the taste of Alex's ass and my cum which was leaking out around the edges of his opening. I could feel his tongue on my pucker as he kissed and rimmed me causing the hole to open up and flutter for him.

We moved back to each other's cocks and coated them saliva which mixed with the precum now coming out of two again steel hard and demanding cocks. Alex somehow managed to wet one finger with the mixture and worked into my ass. I bucked and it felt so good when he found my prostate. I followed his lead getting the same result and we got into a cadence that gave each of us awesome sensations we deep-throated each other, we hummed when we had the other's cock in our throat, it was marvelous.

We each had two fingers inside the other and had come close to orgasm several times, backing away to assault the other again with renewed energy. I finally realized that Alex had gone over the threshold and I was going to cum, I increased my efforts on Alex, hoping we would cum at the same time. I could feel his cock start to pulse as I felt the cum move up my tube and we lost our loads at the same time. We could hardly keep up with the flow as it gushed into our mouths. I thought what a wonderful taste. We moved around so we could share the loads with each other, we kissed and sucked and cleaned each others mouth savoring the taste of our own cum and the saliva of each other as we swallowed the result.

It took quite a while for the feeling of well being to wear off. We hung on to each other, kissing and rubbing our hands over each others body, murmuring lover, lover and enjoying the warm thoughts of each other.

Finally we broke apart, we needed to pee, so reluctantly we dressed, moved the table from the door and left the library. The scene of our most phenomenal reunion. Hand in hand we walked to the pissor and after peeing, kissed and hand in hand went up the hill and to our respective beds.

As I brushed my teeth, and stripped for bed I thought how nice it was to be home, but how I wished that Alex and I could sleep in the same bed and not be separated, not only into two beds but also by at least twelve feet of room. I climbed into bed and thinking of what just happened fell into a dreamless sleep.

That weekend brought another surprise to me, Padgett called me over to his bunk and pulled out a packet of photos and asked if I could name who the person in each photo was. Thinking this would be easy I took the photos and turned the first one over, it was just of a flaccid cock and balls, I turned over the others and they were all the same, pictures of flaccid cocks and balls. I looked at him with questions in my eyes and he said last weekend he had taken pictures of all the officers and had cropped them to just what I saw and now could I tell him who each set of cock and balls belonged to. I lay them out on his bunk and picked one up saying "Alex", then another saying "that's you", another I picked saying "Col. Crane", another as " Ed Castle", and another as "Dick Brock" then could not determine any other's. Padgett told me I could be right on the ones I had picked and now could I take the second set and match them with the first set. Handing me the new photos I saw they were of hard upstanding cocks and I just shook my head at the prospect of matching flaccid and hard cocks together. I finally asked him how he got them all of participate, and he said first if was just Brock, and Alex who were asleep on top of their bunks nude and he just took their pictures. Then Ed bet he could not get all the others to let him do the same. Never one to turn down a bet he said he could, and began to talk to the others telling them he would crop the photos so only the genitals were showing, once they knew this they began to agree, and when most of them let him it was hard for the others to say no. Then Col. Crane came in and when his was taken suggested they go one step further and have pictures of their hardons taken. Well, he was the commanding officer who was going to say no. So the pictures were taken and he developed and cropped them as promised and they were having fun determining which belonged to which person. He had jotted down the names as he took them and by checking negatives could determine who was who, but so far had not done so; they were having too much fun, trying to figure them out. It seemed only those of us who had savored some of the cocks could figure some out. More fun.

That evening at the club Alex and I were sitting on the porch when we saw 1st Sgt. Rice come in. Alex watched him go to the bar and after getting his drink caught his eye and waved him over. While Rice was coming over Alex rearranged the way he was sitting so that his kilt would fully expose his cock and balls, since he was sitting facing the screened windows those in back of us could not see what he had done, but he left a seat next to the windows for Rice to sit in which would give him a clear view of Alex's cock and balls. Alex made it worse after Rice sat down and then Alex kicked off a shoe and with his bare feet was rubbing his foot up and down my bare leg, as I was I wearing shorts.

Rice looked as if he had been poured into his clothes, he wore a light colored polo shirt, which could have been painted on him, and you could see his nipples pushing out the material and also see some of the definition of his chest. He looked as if he had been poured into the tight pants he wore and you could tell he had nothing on under them was there was no underwear line, but you could see the outline of his cock on the left and his balls on the right. Alex was asking him how he was settling in and how things were going for him all the time making sure he was getting a good view of Alex's cock which now was beginning to grow in size. As we were finishing our drinks Alex gave me some script and asked me to go get refills, as I reached over for the script he looked at Rice and nodded twice. So I knew that Alex wanted me to get us single drinks and Rice a double. We were all drinking scotch and I asked the airman at the bar to put extra ice in two glasses and to put a double shot in one glass regular in the two with extra ice and then add the water. The glasses looked to hold about the same and I hoped that Rice would not see that his was a darker color than ours was. We finished those and Alex had me get refills again, Rice wanted to but Alex said no it was to be his treat. I felt Alex had something in mind, but did not know what. When I got back with the fresh drinks Alex had maneuvered the talk around to sex. Rice was just saying it had been a wasteland except for one time he caught someone in the pissor nude had sneaked up and fucked him good. Now I knew who it was that had fucked me that night. Rice said being 1st Sgt. put him in an awkward position as far as the enlisted men were concerned, there were no comparable ranks he could tie in with, and so it looked like a long dry spell. Rice was getting pretty smashed and when he went to get new drinks I told Alex about the night Rice raped me. Alex smiled and said he had a plan. Rice returned with the drinks and we continued our talks, I watched as Alex's cock grew, and he rubbed his foot up and down my leg causing my cock to bulge against my pant leg, and could see that Rice's cock was having trouble expanding in the tight pants he had on, but it was making a real respectable bulge in the upper leg.

Alex suggested that maybe we all needed to go to the showers and see if there was enough hot water to get some steam and then take a cold shower to sober up. Rice agreed and we made arrangements to meet at the showers in ten minutes, we helped Rice up and out of the club and when he started to stagger toward his building Alex made a quick decision. He told me to get Rice and help him to the showers he wanted to talk to Kestitas a minute and then he would grab towels for all of us and meet up at the shower building. I quickly caught up with Rice and told him that we should just go to the showers that Capt. MacGregor was going to get the things we needed, and would meet us there, and Rice groggily agreed. I helped him over to and down the steps to the showers and finally got him inside. I was pleased to find the building empty. I sat Rice on a bench and proceeded to undress him, I took of his shoes, he wore not sox, raised the polo shirt over his head, exposing the black furry hair on his chest and armpits, and then undoing his pants got him to raise up so I could pull them off. As we thought he wore no underwear and his cock sprang out of the opening of his pants, and slapped his belly. He still was keeping his cock and balls shaved, but that was about it. I had just finished undressing him when Alex came in with towels; something wrapped in a towel and his ditty bag. Alex and I quickly undressed and then helped Rice into the shower room itself. Alex had brought some lengths of rope with him and before Rice knew what was going on Alex had tied his wrists together and raised his arms above his head. Using one of the hangers in the ceiling Alex tossed the rope up and pulled so that Rice was standing on his toes with his body stretched out before us.

Opening his bag Alex removed some shaving cream and a razor and putting the cream in Rice's armpits soon had the hair from them shorn off. Next he put cream on Rice's ass in the ass crack and up to the balls and shaved all the hair from there. Rice was cursing at Alex, but Alex told him to hold still or he might lose something, and that kept him quiet. Without any cream Alex also removed some of the hair around Rice's nipples so they stood out and were easily assessable.

Rice wanted to know what was going on and so Alex told him that I was the one he had raped in the pissor and that this was now payback time, and to make sure he did not repeat the performance again. That we were going to use him and fuck to our hearts content and that he had locked the door to the showers when he came in and put an out of order sign on the door so we would not be disturbed.

Alex turned on some showers and we showered and then directed the water on Rice as we thoroughly washed his body, and made sure we washed out his ass hole by sticking soapy fingers up it and moving them around. He was still groggy from drink but knew what was going on.

After cleaning Rice I dropped to my knees and began to nibble and suck on his cock and balls as Alex began licking his smooth ass. Alex's stiffening cock rose up from his crotch as he knelt behind the roped up stud, and he prepared Rice's ass for fucking. He deposited warm saliva into the ass crack and then pushed it into the asshole with his tongue. I was kissing the hard flesh of his flat stomach and nuzzling my nose into the black belly hair between his navel and his trimmed pubic hair. The ridges of his abdominal muscles stood out as he tensed under the dual onslaughts on his body. Raising one hand I began to pinch and pull at one of his brown nipples as I continued to lick hotly at his cock.

Rice's body heaved under our assault and he threw his head back, biting his lower lip. I continued to lick around his balls, causing his cock to respond with a continuous swelling. I was pleased when I felt the hardening cock pulse against my head. I gave the balls one last lick, and then ran my tongue up the shaft of his cock. Rice moaned in bliss when he felt my lips clamp over his cock-knob. I began to suck greedily and his cock jerked with excitement. He lunged his hips forward fucking the head of his cock into the tightness of my throat.

Alex was satisfied that he had sufficiently lubed Rice's asshole with saliva and he stood up and guided the tip of his cock between the man's buns, pressing his cock head into the wet ass crack. Rice stopped his lurching; Alex pressed forward, parting the resisting sphincter with his thick cockhead and the impalement of Rice's ass began.

"Ohhhhh, shit" Rice rasped as he felt Alex's cock fucking into his ass. In the next instant, Alex's rough fuck thrust drove his cock deeply into Rice. Alex grasped the man's waist and began to fuck him brutally; sending jolts of burning pain through his loins.

"Aaiiieee" Rice shrieked as Alex's fucking plundered his asshole. He hung his head, closed his eyes and ceased his struggles. He realized that when he relaxed the cock furiously plunging in and out of his ass caused more pleasure than pain. That combined with the sucking on his cock made the fucking begin to feel good. There was still pain but the pain was a pleasurable pain. He could not believe he was deriving such pleasure from such a brutal fucking. He was helpless to control the sensations flooding his body. He couldn't help but enjoy the hot friction of the cock ramming in and out of his ass. He began to moan as he gyrated his ass on Alex's cock. I continued to suck him and to pull and pinch on both of his nipples, and then taking one hand down reached between his thighs and found where Alex's cock was fucking in and out of his ass. I pushed a couple of fingers up inside his ass alongside Alex's plunging cock stretching his sphincter even more. I added more fingers until he cried out to stop and I could tell his sphincter muscle was stretched to its limit.

Alex told me to loose the rope so we could lower him down, I undid it and Alex keeping his arms around Rice's chest sank to the floor and stretched out with Rice on top of him. I knew what Alex had in mind as he moved his legs into a wide "V" while still staying embedded in Rice. I knelt between Alex's legs; raised Rice's up and began to punch my cock into Rice's ass alongside of Alex's. I knew from the finger stretching that Rice could take us both and even though he moaned I finally got my cock full inserted alongside Alex's and began to fuck for all I was worth. Alex had some maneuverability and was moving his cock in out of Rice and we soon got a rhythm going and soon I felt the cum spurting out of my cock bathing both cocks in liquid heat then Alex let loose and we both continued to fuck Rice as our combined loads of cum began to seep out of his ass onto our balls.

Rice had not cum during this time and his cock was slightly deflated, as I pulled out of him Alex rolled him over and removed his cock for the gaping asshole. He rolled Rice back onto his back and beckoning to me we began to lick and suck on Rice's cock and balls. Before too long his cock was steel hard and Alex stood and then squatted over Rice and had me hold Rice's cock so he could sit on it. Rice looked at him in amazement and Alex said "We have repaid you for what you did to Greg, but that does not mean we cannot be friends, and now I want you to fuck me with that cock of yours." Alex lay on Rice and then turned over so Rice was on top; Alex threw his legs around Rice's waist and told him to fuck the hell out of me. Rice was like a madman as he fucked Alex fast and furious, using long strokes, short strokes and strokes which twisted in the anal cannel. Alex had a look of pain on his face, which soon turned to pleasure as Rice continued to pound his ass. Finally Rice came and lay exhausted on top of Alex. After a while they recovered and sitting up Rice said, "What happens now?" Alex told him that we would all be the best of friends but that Rice needed someone and that he thought he knew whom it could be. However, he also said that if he heard of any more non-consensual sex happening he would come looking for him and what had happened tonight would be child's play compared as to what would then happen. He told Rice to meet us at the club the next afternoon and he would let him know if everything were going to work out the way that would satisfy everyone.

The three of us showered and took turns washing each other's bodies, it was a sensual time for all of us, but all good things must come to an end so we dressed and left to go to bed for the night.

The next morning I went into ChinJu with some others to attend church and when we got back Alex called me to one side and told me after lunch to go to the motor pool and get a jeep, come back up and pick up Col. Crane, get a couple of sheets, and then drive down to the operations building where he would meet us with Rice. Crane and I had only been waiting a few minutes in the ops building when Alex showed up with Rice. I was surprised to see that Alex had blindfolded Rice. Alex motioned for me to get in the back and then he helped Rice in next to me. Taking the driver's seat he drove us off down the runway toward the ocean. We had never used this area much before as it was not good for swimming, but was secluded and an area where we would be undisturbed.

Arriving at a spot hidden from the runway and the buildings, Alex parked the jeep, pointed to the sheets and when I handed them to him he spread them out on the sand a short distance from the jeep. Then he motioned for Crane and me to get out of the jeep, and whispered to us to get undressed. He went over to the jeep, got Rice out and brought him over close to the sheets. He then proceeded to strip Rice's clothes from him, still leaving him blindfolded and told him not to touch the blindfold. By this time Crane and I were nude and Alex soon joined us. He took Crane and me over to one side and whispered instructions to us then we walked back and Alex brought Rice onto the sheets, and pushed him down on his back. Kneeling and spreading Rice's legs Alex began to suck and nip on Rice's cock and balls, Crane and I lifted his arms and began to lick and nibble at his armpits and then moved down to his upstanding nipples. We all ran our hands over his muscled body as we continued to minister to him with our mouths. Rice's body undulated under the assault of three hot tongues and he moaned in ecstasy as he tossed his head back and forth. Alex raised his legs and assaulted his ass crack and asshole working saliva into the hole and licking and tonguing it until the rosebud began to open up. Reaching over to some things he had brought he grabbed a tube of lube and tossed it to Crane indicating he should lube up his cock for entering the ass of Rice. Crane applied the lube liberally than tossed it to Alex who lubed up the ass hole. Crane moved between Rice's legs and with one swift punch imbedded his cock all the way to the root in Rice's ass. Rice screamed out in pain, but as Crane lowered his body onto Rice Alex pulled Rice's legs down and helped them to roll over, now Crane was on the bottom and Rice on top. Alex then moved between their legs and lubing up his own cock began to press it into Rice along side of Crane's cock.

"Awww!!" Rice wailed pitifully. "God nooooo!!"

"God help me," Rice moaned as he realized his sphincter muscle was giving and allowing Alex's huge cock to enter his anal area. At the same time he realized his cock was getting hard and straining between his body and Crane's. Alex reached his hands down between Rice and Crane and began to play with their nipples as I leaned over and began to pull and pinch on Alex's nipples. Alex stepped up his fucking pace, and Rice was moaning in what I could not tell was pain or pleasure as he whipped his head back and forth. Crane stopped that by putting his mouth on Rice's and deeply kissing him. Alex was furiously pumping in and out of Rice's ass and then with a deep push imbedded himself all the way and stayed there. I reached down to Alex's balls and could feel them contract as he sent his cum surging into Rice's ass. As his cock softened he pulled out and helped Crane and Rice to turn so Crane was on top, and then Crane lifting up began to fuck Rice with all his power, it was not long until we could tell Crane was ready to explode as he punched into Rice and dropping down began to kiss him. When he had spent his load he pulled his cock out, and they sat Crane up and then first Alex then Crane pressed their cocks into Rice's mouth for cleaning. In spite of all Rice had been through he still had not shot and his cock was bobbing about in the air. Crane reached out and took the blindfold from Rice, Rice blanched when he saw Crane, but Crane just smiled and said "Your turn", as he lay down and raised his legs giving Rice a clean shot at his asshole. Rice looked at Alex who nodded and then moved over to begin pushing his cock into Crane, Crane moved to adjust his body and pushed back onto Rice, getting more and more cock up his ass, and then Rice began the dance of fucking and gave Crane a good ride. Since I was the only who had not come Alex came over and taking my cock in his hand led me over to Rice and spreading his ass helped me put my cock in his hole. It was still loose from the double fucking, but he bucked as he realized that a cock was up his ass as he was fucking someone else. I let him do the work and as he fucked in my cock fucked out and as he fucked out my cock went it. When he came and collapsed on Crane then I took over and whipped my hips back and forth fucking him until I felt the cum rush up and out of my heated cock.

We both withdrew our cocks for the asses we had been fucking then turning to each other licked each others cock clean of the cum and ass juices still remaining.

Alex and I looked over at Rice and Crane, and decided to take a walk along the shoreline; we wound arms around each other so we could play with the others ass and slowly walked along the beach. Soon we were out of sight of Rice and Crane and we sat down and wrapping our arms around each other began to deeply kiss, our tongues clashed against each other and our hands roamed the each other's body. Nipples were pulled, cocks and balls were fondled and fingers found their way up ass holes as we soon found ourselves writhing on the hard packed sand. We began to suck on each other but while we could bring each other to erection we had spent our loads and were just content to nurse on each others cock, occasionally dropping down to lave and suck on the balls of the other or to gently tongue up to the ass hole and suck and kiss it, then back to kissing again savoring the taste of our own bodies on the tongue of the other.

Finally we stood walked to surf and bathed to get the sand from our bodies and with fingers in each others ass holes walked back. We saw that Crane and Rice must have recovered as they were locked in a 69 and you could see their bodies begin to buck, they both must have come just as we got there as the next thing we knew they were locked in a kiss, which looked as if they were sharing cum with each other. Breaking the kiss they looked as us, grinned and began to fondle each other again. Alex said he thought we had best be getting back. He told Crane he was sure he could find a lot of reasons for him and his first sergeant to be alone, or for him to visit him at night. And told Rice that now he would not have to worry about finding someone, they were suited to each other and should make each other happy, they just grinned at us. We got dressed, grabbed the sheets, and got in the jeep to go back. This time I was in front with Alex, Crane and Rice in the back and as I looked back they had each other's cocks out fondling them and kissing. When we got close to where people might see what was going on, Alex stopped the jeep, turned and told them to get presentable as we would soon be back. Alex then had Rice drive and drop us off at the compound and for him to return the jeep to the motor pool, as he got out Crane told Rice when he got back from the motor pool he was to come and see him.

We walked back to the barracks and Crane told us to come into his quarters for a minute, when we got there he thanked Alex for getting him and Rice together, they seemed to be most compatible and really enjoyed sex with each other, and he kissed us both before we left. On the walk around to our door Alex said that both Crane and Rice should be better men now that some of the tension each was feeling was gone.

We rested for a while, then after eating, I was too tired to go to the club, so decided to go back and go to bed. I slept for a while and then was awakened with someone sucking on my cock, I tried to sit up, but the mouth moved from my cock and I heard Alex say, shush, no one is here but us and the lights are out, just enjoy it, and he returned to sucking and tonguing my cock then balls and ass until I was squirming with the need to come, then he plunged his mouth down over my cock until his nose was at my pubes and began to suck for all he was worth, it did not take long until a shot a load of protein rich cum into his mouth, he gently cleaned me off, and then surprised me by getting on the bed and lifting my legs plunged his hard cock into my ass, I yelped in pain and he began long hard strokes up my ass. He must have been ready as it only took a few minutes until I felt his cock expand as he pushed it in as far as he could. I could feel it pulse as the cum spurt out into my ass. He lay there for a few minutes, then kissing me got up, and licked my ass hole to make sure no cum leaked out and left me. I fell asleep and had a wonderful night dreaming of the man who could take away all my pain and bring me only joy.


Next: Chapter 24

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