Air Force Memories

By Greg Young

Published on Jan 15, 2004


Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don't have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!!

This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If Homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

This is a story of the 1950's, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society, as sex was fairly safe between males at that time. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken today with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily.

For obvious reasons the names have been changed, and also the chronology has been shortened in order to tighten the story up.

I wish to dedicate this to Garth Wells, my mentor, without him this story would never have been written. He is a great writer himself and has given me encouragement and help all through this, my first attempt at writing. I also want to acknowledge Pete Brown and Bill Smith whose stories have given me so much pleasure.

I hope that you will find the following worthwhile.

Air Force Memories 6

The general was not happy to hear of my TDY assignment, and the next time I saw him, he had me naked with clips and weights from my nipples, ball stretcher and separator on with weight hanging from the strap separating the balls. He forced me to bend over a chair arm and without lubricant shoved a dildoe up my ass. Then tying me there he got a bamboo cane and began to beat me on the ass, thighs and back. This was a flexible cane, and one while it hurt and left red marks, did not break or damage the skin. When he grew tired of this, he took off his pants and forced his cock into my mouth. He fucked my mouth hard, fast and deep, at times it was hard to catch my breath and not to gag. Finally he came in mouth, untied me from the chair, then tied my hands behind me and fastened me standing to the doorknob. He roughly removed the clips and weights from my nipples. Then taking up the cane began to beat me across the chest and hitting the sore and stretched out nipples as hard as he could. I could only squirm and moan in pain, not being satisfied he moved his strokes with the cane to my erect cock and captured balls. Each hit on my balls sent waves of pain coursing through my body, as I doubled over as far as I could in pain.

Tiring he untied the rope from the doorknob, replacing the nipple clips and weights, he took me over pushed me down on his desk, pulled out the dildoe, replacing it with his steel like cock. I let out a loud "ahhhhh" as he plunged into me; my ass was in extreme pain from his prodding. He began fucking me deep and long, his hard fucking motions were causing my chest to move back and forth on the surface of the desk, causing the nipple clamps to dig deeper into me. The weight on my balls was swinging down between my legs and I felt like every muscle in my body was on fire. After what seemed to me an eternity he came and brought his cock around to me to clean for him. Pulling me up he removed the clips and weights, the ball stretcher and separator and weights, but put the suction cups on my sore nipples. Then told me to dress and leave and he would see me tomorrow night. As I walked back my asshole was throbbing; my tits were in pain and my balls felt swollen.

As soon as I could I got to the showers and let the hot water wash over me and alleviate some of the aches and pains, dressed went up to the club to mingle for awhile as if nothing had happened and then to bed. Alex looked at me quizzically, but I just shook my head and he let things go. Busy day getting things ready to go, finally with trepidation I made my way over to Park. Knowing I would be gone in a few days I wondered what he had in store for me.

Arriving and being stripped, having the nipple clamps, ball stretcher and separator and weights attached, with an oversized dildoe shoved up my ass he grabbed my cock and pulling on it led me to the gym. I was not happy, he had changed the weight on my balls and this one was 10lb. It really pulled on the scrotum and banged against my thighs. Arriving at the gym I saw that there were some ropes hanging from the ceiling which had not been there before. Pushing me down on my stomach, and calling for Song-San he bound my arms behind me, and wrapped ropes around my chest and bound arms. Then taking my legs he bent them back and bound the lower and upper legs together. Taking the ropes he tied two to the bindings over my chest and arms and one each on the leg ropes. Then calling on some I had not seen, people took the ropes and began pulling them so I was raised off the floor, when I was about 3 feet off the floor the ropes were tied off. My legs were pulled far apart so that my asshole as easily available to anyone or anything. Park then added more weights to my nips, and attaching a cord around the glans he tied it off on the weight on my balls, painfully pulling my cock downward.

I could now swing freely back and forth, he had the others take off their clothes and told them to begin fucking me and having me suck them. He then left the room and the men left behind lost no time in sticking cocks in my mouth and ass. They could grab hold of the ropes and swing me back and forth, causing pain to the muscles and where the weights were.

Park came back and I could see he had brought several more with him. My mind flashed back to what Chris had gone through and I thought I shall never make it. I do not know where or how these people were trained, but just about at the point where I thought I would pass out, they stopped, released the ropes, lowering me to the floor. They undid the ropes binding me and as I stretched my legs and arms I howled in pain as muscles spasms occurred from the unnatural way they had been held.

Grabbing me by arms they took me over to the pommel horse and tied me to it then resumed their ravaging of my ass and mouth. They seemed to take delight in reaching around or down and pressing the nipple clamps even tighter or swinging the weights hanging from them, as well as with their knee to push the weight on my balls so it would swing back and forth. After I don't know how many men had me, Song-San came over, untied me and removed all the clips, straps and weights. My clothes had been brought down and after a lukewarm shower I dressed, but not before those damn suctions cups were applied to my irritated nipples. I did not have my watch and did not know what time it was, other than dark. As soon as I got back to my bunk, I grabbed a towel, my yukata and headed for the showers. I hoped there was hot water left, all I wanted to do was sit on the floor and let it wash over me. The compound was quiet as I made my way to the shower, undressed went in and turned on a couple of adjoining showerheads. Great joy, streams of hot water came out creating some steam, I stood savoring the feel of the warmth and dampness on my sore body, when I had worked up a sweat from the steam I turned off one shower, adjusting the other to a temperature I could endure I stepped under it and slowly sat down with my head on my knees.

Hearing a noise I looked up could not believe it. Alex, he must have heard me come in, he was naked and swiftly moved over to where I was sitting. He gently raised me and taking soap and wash cloth began to bathe my sore body. His touch was like a feather as he cleaned and massaged every part of me. I could not even articulate to myself the great rush of feeling I had at time for him. Finally, taking me the hand we went into the change area and he gently dried me, helped me into the yukata, and drying himself, put on his kilt, gathered my clothes up, leaned over and gently kissed me before taking my hand and walking back to the barracks. He went in with me, saw me to bed, put my clothes on my footlocker, went back out the door, and in a few minutes heard the door by his bed open and close. I remembered I still had some pain pills, so quietly got out of bed found them, took a couple and fell into a restless sleep.

Still a bit stiff and sore the next day I was pleased to hear that Park had been called to Seoul on business and probably would not be back before I left. Lt. Col. Sheffield called me into his quarters that night to inform me that he would be replaced while I was gone. It was time for him to be rotated. I felt a great sadness, as he had been a buffer and friend to me as much as he could. He told a Lt. Col. Howard Crane would be replacing him. He would meet with Crane in Taegu before he left, and inform him of my situation. He also was planning on meeting with the Unit Commander Col. Fellowes and giving him a rundown on what was going on with Park. In addition he was leaving a handwritten letter for Crane which explained more about what had happened. He doubted if things could be changed much, but at least he would hope Crane would look out for me. He surprised me as I was leaving by taking hold of me, giving me a bear hug and a kiss on the lips. As I left he said: "Don't forget me." Apparently I had struck a chord with him that we were never able to complete. He was indeed a remarkable man and leader.

Somehow MacGregor finagled so that he was the pilot to fly me to Pusan. He worked it so we would leave late on Friday, he would fly back Sunday and I would report to duty on Monday morning.

We had a beautiful flight over and he let me fly for most of the way, the Korean countryside is mountainous and beautiful with its peaks and valleys and at this time of year mostly green, but the water in rice paddies shimmering in the heat. Arriving at Pusan, we were driven to where I would be quartered. It was in a Quonset hut, but one, which had been partitioned off into rooms. My room was just large enough for the bed, a wardrobe, a desk and chair and maybe four feet of open space. Felt more like a cell than a room.

Since I had the use of a jeep and a driver, we asked the driver if he knew of a good Korean inn by the ocean where we might swim. Nodding his head we only hoped he knew what we had asked. We were driven for about an hour north of the city to a very nice inn located above some dunes on the ocean. He helped us get registered then making arrangements to pick us up on Sunday afternoon left us. We had a nice room with the mats and Korean mattress and quilts the sliding doors looked out over the ocean and we seemed to be in a detached annex. This we liked. Walking barefoot we went down to the ocean, and waded in the rippling waves, the water was a bit warmer than I had expected. There were some late afternoon bathers and most to them nude. It was the first time I had really had a chance to look at naked Koreans, and found that of course there is little difference. People the world over look the same nude, except for there skin color.

Walking back we made arrangements for dinner, and then moved to the bath to cleanse ourselves and soak in the hot pool.

We had a good dinner, and both of us are getting pretty proficient at using chopsticks, which made us very proud. We took turns picking up tidbits and feeding them to each other, we had tea and sake and had a very enjoyable time. The best was yet to come. The maid came in and made up the bed, we left a small light burning and removed our clothes, I gloried in his masculine nakedness, his face, he body, his magnificent cock hanging loose over his low hanging balls. He looked as if he should have been a model for a Greek sculpture by Praxiteles or for Michelangelo, as he stood there in the flickering light.

Like two magnets seeking each other our bodies clashed together, our lips touching, and Alex opening his mouth slightly to trace his tongue over my lips. I tried to mirror his actions as our arms were wrapping themselves around each other and hands were rubbing each other's backs and buttocks.

We continued exploring each other's mouth and lips, Alex kissed my nose and finding my right nipple, ran his finger around it and stroking and pulling it erect, he then moved to the left nipple and repeated his actions, all the time giving me kisses on my nose, eyelids and ears.

Once again our mouths met and it felt like we were about to swallow each other's tongues. I groaned and could feel pre-cum leaking from my cock, my cock seemed to be harder than it ever had been before and I was experiencing sensations and feelings I had never dreamed existed. I had thought sex with Alex before was the epitome, but this was surpassing anything we had before. Could it be because for the first time we were alone and had no fear of discovery or interruption? Whatever it was I could only savor the moment and hope it continued.

He took his hands and just held my face looking at me with this incredible and loving smile. Love for this man welled up inside me and I moved my face closer so I could press my lips to his, but he stopped me and having me stick out my tongue, he did the same and we laved each other's tongues for the longest time, before he leaned over and gently nipped and kissed first my lower lip and than the upper, finally bringing his mouth down to crush on mine as we dove our tongues into each other's mouth in a frenzy.

His mouth left mine and attacked my neck just below my right earlobe. His tongue swirling and stabbing at my neck, his mouth sucking, I leaned my head to the left to open my neck to his attentions, and to show him how much I wanted him to continue, so the incredible sensations I was feeling would continue. He worked and moved along the underside of by jaw, towards my throat, licking, sucking and rubbing with his mouth, at first slow and then with more heated passion.

He stopped, I felt lost, and I looked at him and started to work on his neck as he had on mine. He opened his neck to my hungry ministrations and low, sexy moans began coming from his mouth. I caressed his back with my hands loving the feeling of the silky smooth skin and muscle ripple beneath my hands. I had almost finished with the expanse of his neck when he pulled back, bent over and started licking one of my nipples. His tongue swirled around the flesh of my nipple, while his mouth sucked on it gently and his teeth made little nips on the growing nub which sent shocks to be my cock. Each time he nipped I could feel my cock pulse and pre-cum oozed out and down to my balls. His mouth left my chest and bending down with one hand grasped my cock. He knelt and licked the pre-cum from my body and began to lick the head of my cock, making sure he got every bit of liquid coming out. He took my cock into his mouth and gently sucked, the workings of his mouth and tongue were more than I could bear, and I pulled his head off my cock and pulled him to his feet.

Kneeling I looked at his cock with its dark purple head looking like a plum as pre-cum leaked over it. I ran my tongue over the shiny surface, tasting him and sucking him into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around the head, hoping I was giving him as much pleasure as he had me. He pulled me up and embracing me moved over to the bed on the floor.

He pushed my down, so I was laying on my back, head on the pillow, then laid down on top me, covering my body from head to toe with his. He spread my legs with his knees and settled between them. He placed his lips on mine in a hungry passion. I was running my hands from his shoulders to his butt, feeling the wonderful muscled body above me. He ground his crotch into mine; the movement of his body was jacking our cocks, our stomachs getting slick with our juices. He spread my legs further apart, moved his mouth to my right nipple and gripped the nub between his teeth, slowly applying pressure. The pain was exquisite and when it grew to such intensity I was arching my back, he released the nub and continued to lick the swollen flesh. He moved to the other nipple, doing the same thing. My knees began to bend and my legs rise on their own accord. He slid further down my body, sucking and kissing my navel and then engulfing my cock with his mouth. He sucked my cock fully into his mouth and into his throat, and with those muscles squeezed the head. I couldn't believe how wonderful he was making me feel.

H slipped his hands under my ass lifting it up to his face and using his thumbs to spread my cheeks. I grabbed my legs with my hands and held them back and wide for him. I watched as he bent his head and his tongue thrust out between his lips to move into my ass crack. Pleasurable shock ran through my body as he washed my hole and surrounding area with his tongue. I could feel him putting more and more saliva on and around my quivering opening. Soon, he stiffened his tongue and began to probe the opening like a small finger. The heat of his mouth, the slickness of his salvia had helped relax my hole and his tongue started to slip through. He spread my ass checks wider and with his lips closed like suction over my hole, and his tongue probing I was thrashing around on the bed. Taking this as a sign of passion he took his right hand and began to massage my hole. He inserted a finger into me, and as it continued to slide in and out I could feel the ring of my ass clamp down on it. He was using twisting motion at the same time, widening and circle and opening the anal ring. I felt a second finger slip in to join the first and he kept up this sweet torture until he had four fingers up my chute. I panicked was he going to shove his whole hand into me?

The twisting of his hand with the in and out motion was stretching my hole wider than I thought possible, but was creating an incredible feeling. "Fuck me, Fuck me" I cried. He removed his fingers, giving me an empty loneliness, which made me wish he had stopped, He then began inching toward m on his knees, and leveraging my ass on his thighs, placed the head of his cock at my asshole. He inched closing making positive that his cock head was lodged in my quivering opening. I felt a pressure, followed by a slight pain, but the stretching done by his hand made his entrance into me easy. I could feel my rectal passage expand to accommodate him, and pulling his head down gave he a deep kiss. He began a circular motion with his cock, widening me and moving his throbbing cock around inside me. He lifted my legs and placed them on his shoulders. I felt him pulling slowly from inside me, out to the head and then back inside till I could feel his balls on my ass. After doing this for a few minutes while my head was tossing and turning, he pulled completely out of me. I cried out "NO!", but he had immediately shoved back into me hitting my prostate and sending waves of pleasure through me. He continued to tease me by completely withdrawing and then sinking in one long stroke all the way into me. After a while he sank into me all the way and held it there. Lifting me up a little more and letting my legs go around his waist, so my ass was sticking up more he began to fuck me again. His balls would hit my ass and his cock my prostate as he increased the speed of his fuck. He found a wonderful rhythm as his pounding my ass a little harder every few strokes. He was driving me crazy with lust as my heat thrashed about and deep moans were coming from my throat. I began to feel the beginnings of an orgasm myself, and he must have sensed this as he ground his crotch into me as if to get even more of himself in my channel. Gently kissing me, he stayed still inside me and I could feel the sensations of coming leaving me. He then began fucking me slowly at first and then speeding up. His cock was pounding into me, stabbing into from different angles as I once again approached a climax. I knew I was about to cum, he was literally fucking the cum out of me. With a cry, I began to cum, the first shot flew up over my head, and the next shots hit his chest and dripped down on me. My asshole was squeezing his cock and I guess the added pressure caused him to cum. He threw his head back and slammed his cock full force all the way into me, and I could feel his cock expand as he shot his cum deep inside me. Spasms shuddered through both our bodies, and then started to a slow fuck again. He was using my tightening ass to milk the last from his cock as I could feel it softening and begin to slip out of me. He lowered himself down on me and my legs slipped from their grip around his waist, as my cum smeared both of us we kissed deeply, I caressed his back and butt as our breathing began to return to normal. Alex then rolled off me onto his side and using his free hand turned me so that my back was pressed against him, and his arms were holding me close. He kissed the back of my neck and then lying there contentedly, we fell asleep. I was awakened in the morning with by a subtle pressure on my asshole, as I became more awake I could feel Alex entering into me, and I became wide awake as his cock was fully entered and his balls were crushed against my ass. We were still lying side by side and I turned my head to give him a kiss. We held it as long as we could then disengaging he rolled me over on my stomach and began the alternation strokes of fucking me by pulling his cock out and slowly pushing it in. The sensations of last night were returning to my body and I raised up, pushing my ass up, wanting more and more of him in me.

As his fucking grew in intensity, I pushed back even harder with my ass to get as much of him inside of as was possible. He must have enjoyed my participation as soon he was moaning with pleasure and with a cry he plunged into me as though trying to get this cock and both balls inside me, and I could feel his cock spasming as he unloaded his sperm into my receptive channel. His cock softened and slipped from me, and he gently turned me over and with a swoop his mouth had enveloped by cock to the root. He sucked and laved my cock, and then moved to my balls, laving them and then taking them one at time into his mouth, and rolling his tongue over them, all of a sudden he opened his mouth wide and both of my balls were engulfed in his warm moist cavern, as he sucked and played his tongue over them. Releasing them he went down on my cock again and the touch and nibbles of his tongue and mouth on my cock head was causing my balls to draw up and in a few moments great spurts of cum were spurting from me into his waiting mouth. As the final spurts came he let my cock slide from his mouth and with a satisfied expression on his face leaned down and covering my lips with his forced my mouth open so he could exchange my cum with me, finally satiated for the time being, he leaned back and said: 'Laddie, tha tis th wa ta begin a morning, wih a go fuck an suck."

We walked to the bath, bathed, dressed and ate, then went out to hike along the dunes and into the forested land above the ocean. We walked either hand in hand or with arms entwined around each other's waist. We saw people down on the beach but none where we were; we savored the time alone and just being together, with a gentle kiss becoming a passionate one every so often. I felt besotted, but also knew this interlude would soon end, and that left me with a pang of regret and loneliness. I knew that when our tours of duty were over the possibility of our being together was slim, and made up my mind to enjoy every moment I could with Alex, and savor it for memories of a perfect time when two men were in tune with each other and could only think of giving each other pleasure.

Alex's face was closed and serious at times, but I did not want to know his thoughts, we walked, rambled and then returned to the inn for lunch. After lunch, we went to our room stripped and wrapping towels around us went down to the beach. Since most of the bathers were nude, it not bother us to be so, and most of them were men. We swam, sunned and played the afternoon away, all too soon it was becoming dusk, and time for us to return to the inn. Stopping for clean clothes we went to the bath, it was empty so we had a great time sloshing the water over each other and then soaping down each other making soap swirls on each bodies, pushing soaping fingers up each other's asses and in general having a great time. We finally rinsed and got into the hot pool, as we lay there I could feel Alex's foot slide up and down my inner leg and finally this toes were playing with my cock and balls, and the next thing was a periscope rising out of the water as I became erect, he laughed and reached over to kiss the head. Not wanting to stop, but not wanting to be caught we got out dried dressed and went to dinner.

We requested the room to be made ready for the night while we were eating, and upon returning to the room began undressing each other, removing ties, undoing buttons, pulling shirts from pants, tee shirts over heads and then the slow movements of undoing belts and pants and pushing pants and underwear down, then we each removed our sox, pants and underwear and stood facing each other, we came together in a kiss.

Our two cocks sparred with each other between our bodies, their heads rubbing together and spreading the pre-cum leaking from them over our cocks and lower bellies. The pressure and pulsing of Alex's cock was getting to me, and breaking the contact of our bodies I slid down and took his cock in my mouth. I loved the feel of the rounded hardness and head sliding over my tongue, and opened my mouth and throat to get as much as I could.

I was moving slowly sliding my mouth and tongue over this glorious cock. Every two or three strokes he ejected some more pre-cum tantalizing my taste buds and mixing with my saliva. After a while Alex grew tired of standing, reaching down he pulled me up into his arms and deep kissed me as he maneuvered us to the bed. I pushed him over on his back and raising his legs was able to look at what I desired. I pulled his ass checks apart and could see his almost smooth hole, surrounded by only a few reddish blond hairs. I licked my tongue up and down the crevice between his cheeks, paying special attention to the area around the hole and the hole itself.

I was rock hard and placing myself between his legs put the tip of my cock at his doorway of delight. With one push I was half way in. It was delicious the way his flesh crept around the hardness of my cock, as he pushed back to allow me full access. I slowly began to pull out, stopped after only an inch or two, and then reversed directions sliding deeply in. Alex moaned softly as I began a rhythm of about half way out, then back slow. I wanted to give him the joy he had given me, but it was getting harder and harder to restrain my movements. Moving at a steady pace I began to fuck Alex. Strong clenches of muscle alternated with velvet pressure as my cock moved in and out.

Taking one of his ankles in each hand I pulled his legs further apart and pushed back. This rolled him higher, and I began taking longer fuller strokes, pulling almost all the way out then back as deep as I could. Alex would squeeze his ass tight, causing me to push even harder. I fucked the ass in front of me with deep, strong and penetrating strokes I finally could go on no longer and when Alex once again clenched his ass muscles, I burst like a fountain deep inside of him, I felt as if would shoot all of myself into that warm moist cavern. My body shook as the almost unendurable severity of my orgasm took place.

Collapsing on Alex's body, I felt his legs lower alongside of me as I gulped great gusts of breath into my heaving lungs. He wrapped his arms around me and held me until my breathing had returned to normal and my cock had slipped from his warm lovers' embrace.

Looking up at smiling and me he said: "Tha wa wonderful, Ta." Looking down I replied: "No it is I who should be thanking you."

He turned me over on my back and gently began to lick the juices from my cock, seeming to savor each and every taste he had. Then pushing my legs up made an assault on my hole and when he had it sufficiently open did a repeat on me of the night before, and caused me to come again as he pounded my prostate and gave me almost unbearable sensations throughout my body, as he not only fucked me, but assaulted my nipples, mouth, neck and ears, until I was thrashing and moaning with ecstasy.

With a final lunge and a bite on my right nipple I could feel his steel shaft pulse and quiver within me as he unloaded his essence into my body. Never again would I be the same, from here on out a part of Alex would always be with me no matter how far apart we are.

He gently lay on me, and I kissed his face and then his lips, pushing my tongue against his teeth until he opened up and we fought a duel with our tongues. We continued to devour each other until his cock grew soft and slipped from me, leaving me feeling deserted and empty. Returning his favor I moved down and gently licked and cleaned his cock head and shaft, then feeling frisky nibbled at his balls until he pulled me up and wrapping his arms around me we fell asleep.

I was awakened the next morning with the delicious feeling of having my left nipple sucked and the right one being rubbed and twisted by Alex's thumb and finger. I put my hands down and pulled his head up so I could kiss him and run my hands over his back and buttocks. I knew what I wanted, and upon breaking the kiss flipped around so that my head was at his cock, and I began to lick and caress the plum colored head with my tongue. Trying to put my tongue into his slit, and finally enveloping his cockhead in my mouth. Much as I wanted him up my ass I wanted to taste and have his cum in my mouth, throat and stomach. I moved down and began to work on his balls, as I felt his mouth place tiny kisses and nips on the head of my cock and the shaft itself, he moved from there to my balls laving and sucking them, then on to the perineum and finally to my ass opening. Much as I wanted him to take me, I was determined that this would be what I would have to remember him by, until we met again, his wonderful taste and smell.

We teased and sucked each other and fingers entered into assholes and probed and twisted and hit prostates and we finally exploded into each other's mouths. Nectar of the gods and it would have to last me for almost a month. I savored the moment and regretted that we had to go bathe, dress and leave this little inn. It had been the happiest hours of my life, and I hoped that they would be repeated.

After breakfast, the driver appeared and we paid our bill and were taken back to the base. This was more like a regular base with all the various establishments. I had the driver drop us off at my quarters, and told him to meet us at the Officers Club about 1400, to take Alex to the airstrip, then Alex would be back at our K site about 1600, he had some supplies which were being loaded and were the reason for the layover, or what he used as an excuse. The Officers Club was a nice building, and we went into the dining room, which was a treat. Tables set with linen and silver, not the field type mess we were used to. Since it was warm the windows were open and we were made aware of the horrible positioning of the dining room. It was on a slight knoll, and on three sides were rice paddies with their attendant fertilization, and the sweet sickening smell of excrement assailed our nostrils. While they had a decent menu, being on the sea and able to get supplies in regularly by ship, with the smell all I wanted was a salad. I learned when going to eat to sit as far as possible from the windows and it was bearable. We finished lunch, went to the lounge and talked until time for the driver to pick Alex up, I waved goodbye to him and walked back to my room, opened the high windows and tried to get some circulation and air in the tiny stifling room. Then set off to find the library where I found some books I had wanted to read, checked them out, went to my room stripped and read.

Had a good dinner for a change, steak that I had not seen for two months and some baked potatoes. Had a restless night, room too warm and not much air, plus I kept having dreams of Alex and would wake to find myself alone. Must get used to it.

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