Air Force Memories

By Greg Young

Published on Jan 19, 2004


Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don't have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!!

This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If Homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

This is a story of the 1950's, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society, as sex was fairly safe between males at that time. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken today with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily.

For obvious reasons the names have been changed, and also the chronology has been shortened in order to tighten the story up.

I wish to dedicate this to Garth Wells, my mentor, without him this story would never have been written. He is a great writer himself and has given me encouragement and help all through this, my first attempt at writing. I also want to acknowledge Pete Brown and Bill Smith whose stories have given me so much pleasure.

I hope that you will find the following worthwhile.

Air Force Memories 7

Breakfast, real eggs, some bacon and rye toast, am afraid the month here will spoil me on food, and then will have to return to our normal diet of powdered eggs, powdered milk, ham, and chicken, and powdered potatoes. But will enjoy the food while I can.

The work is not bad I have two excellent men a staff sergeant and an airman 1st class who really run the place and the Korean airmen are alert and have a pretty good command of the English language so it is not a chore to get the things inventoried, unpacked, stored and then repacked for shipment to the various sites.

Have found the gym, but not much to work out on, have joined the Koreans playing volleyball during the noon hour, after a quick lunch. The days meld into each other with their sameness. On Friday there was a knock on my office door and the sergeant entered saying I had a guest. I got up and walked to the door, just as General Park walked in closing the door behind him.

I looked at him in a daze as had not thought I would see him for the time I was gone, he smiled at me, walked over and through my shirt grabbed my nipples. "You are not using the suction cups are you?" he asked, I nodded no, and he brought his knee up into my crotch, causing pain and a great nauseous feeling in my stomach. He then said: 'When you day ends at 1700 a car will be here to pick you, take you to your quarters, where you will put the suction cups on your nipples. change into fatigues and shoes, nothing else, lock up and get back in the car. You will be taken to a house where you will meet some friends of mine and you will spend this weekend and each weekend you are here with them." With that he turned and left.

I was in shock, I had thought I was free of him for a while and what about his so called friends, what was I getting into, only time would tell and I dreaded it.

As I walked out the door at 1700 there was a car with a driver waiting, he knew where I lived, and drove there, waiting while I changed. I stripped, put the hated suction cups on my nipples and pulled on a fresh pair of fatigues, attached my insignia, slipped shoes on, went out locking up and got back into the car.

He drove in such a circular route I was sure we passed the same spot more than once. Did see a good deal of Pusan, and while it was not taken during the war had suffered significant damage. The city is wedged between the mountains and the sea, and is the most important port city. We finally ended up in a wooded area where there were several buildings, some of the old Korean style and some more like concrete bunkers. This did nothing to soothe my mind. Pulling to a stop by one of the concrete buildings he opened the door and motioned for me to enter the building. Upon entering I saw it was a combination dungeon, torture chamber and what have you. There were chains and ropes hanging from the ceiling, there were eyebolts imbedded in the floor, one wall held an array of whips, there was a Saint Andrews cross made of wood, a stock, a cot without a mattress just the wire mesh, a cabinet with an array of tit clamps, cock and ball stretchers, various weights, and some dildoes and butt plugs. I also noticed a small generator, which had wires running from it to clips. I was stunned. I had not heard four people come in behind me until they had me by my arms and began to strip my fatigues from me, then taking my shoes they placed my clothes in a box on a shelf, led me over to the St.Andrews cross and attached my wrists and ankles to the bars spread eagle me, then going to the cabinet they chose a cock spreader and separator, the spreader was wider than I had ever had and they pulled and tugged my balls down until they could snap it shut, then bring the separator up they pulled my balls apart until I thought they would burst through the skin. Then proceeded to hang a 5lb weight from the ball separator. I was in pain and nothing I could do about it.

While in this position General Park entered with some other officers, he said: "These are my dear friends and comrades who I am willing to entrust you to, while you are here." My heart sank they if anything looked to me to be more barbaric than even Park. He began introducing them to me: "Colonel Chi Do Sang, Colonel Kim Chung Do, Major Kim Hyung Oh and Major Hih Soo Nyung." They came over and ran their hands over my body, playing with my balls, lifting the weight and dropping it, and fingering my mouth and ass hole. They thumped on the suction cups causing pain to the nipples. After having their fun, they sat down in some chairs and one of the majors went to the door and spoke to someone outside. In a few minutes two captains entered. They were rather nice looking and seemed to be well built under their uniforms. There was rapid chatter in Korean and the two captains blanched, and shook their heads and spoke in a rapid chatter. Colonel Chi (I think) spoke to them and as if he had a bell to summon them six Korean Military Police entered the room. Chi spoke rapidly to them and two each grabbed the captains while the third member of each group took a knife and cut the clothes from the two officers. They were then positioned where ropes from the ceiling could be fastened by cuffs around their wrists and were lifted from the floor. Nipple clamps with a connecting chain were placed on their nipples, a cock spreader and separator was fastened around their balls and chains running from each nipple clamp were attached to a ring at the base of the ball separator, pulling the nipples. Then 10lb weights were hung from the ball separator and more weights hung from their nipples. The two writhed in their agony and screamed until a gag was place in their mouths, and the large dildoes were pressed up their anuses.

Going over to the whips two of the MP's picked up long whips and standing back began to methodically lash the two, first on the back and then on the front, even hitting their bound cock and balls, soon welts began to appear and then the skin broke on them and blood seeped down their bodies. Chi clapped his hands and the whipping stopped, the MP's picked up buckets of water and threw the water on the two to wash away the blood. I supposed by the twisting that the water was salt water and it added to their discomfort, the two bathed them in the water until the bleeding stopped and the water ran clear in the drain in the floor.

Before undoing them from the ceiling, fine copper wires were wound around their balls, a copper tube was inserted into the urethra, and copper wire wound around the base of their nipples where the clamps pulled them out. Clips then attached these copper wires and the tube to the wires leading to the box in the corner. They were brought down the dildoes in the ass were removed and they were placed on their hands and knees facing away from each other. A large long two-headed dildoe with a wide circular collar in the middle was inserted just into the anal opening. A chain was attached to each ring at the base of the ball separator where the chains from the nipples and the weight hung. From what I could determine they were told to back up to each other, driving the huge dildoe further up their own and the other's ass. When they seemed reluctant a switch was thrown on the box and a jolt of electricity gave them an added incentive. They began to slowly back up, if it was not fast enough for the watchers they were treated to another jolt, until they were scrambling to get the dildoe in. When they reached the center and the circle they were then told to pull apart, and as they did the dildoe slowly came free, finally dropping to the floor, now the chain connecting their balls to each other was almost taut. A bowl was placed about two feet in front of them and they apparently were told to crawl to the bowl and using only their mouth drink from it. They began to move, the chain connecting them tightened pull their balls and nipples down even more. You could see the sweat begin to shine on their bodies as they strained to move forward. But one could not move forward unless the other moved back, and apparently neither was going to do that. You could see the skin between the cock and the ball sack stretch, and the pressure put on the balls causing them to go from a nice round shape to flattened ones. Even through the gags you could hear the screams of the two men as they struggled to move forward. Once again to give them added incentive the electric charges were used, but to little or no avail, if one slipped a little he fought to regain his advantage. Finally tiring of watching one of the officers called an MP over whispered to him and the MP getting another went over to the cabinet an each getting a ping pong paddle came back and began to spank the two men's asses. When they were a bright red they moved down and with the paddles beat the bound and stretched balls. I do not think any gag in the world could have stifled the screams of the two being tortured. The two were then lifted up, the wires, tubes, chains, clamps, separator and stretcher, and weights removed. They sagged in the arms of the men holding them. Chi nodded and the MP's stuck their nightsticks up the asses of the two and frog-marched from the room.

After watching this I was in a state of near panic. However, in English so I would know General Park informed the rest that while they could use and abuse me under no circumstances was there to be anything done which would do permanent damage, leave scars or make me unable to resume my duties each Monday morning. In fact whatever was done must stop by Sunday morning and I would be returned to my room. He continued: "If in fact I find any marks on his body, disfiguration or any sign he has been harmed externally or internally, the treatment given the two which you have just seen will be as child's play to what I will have done to you." He then spoke to me: "I have left instructions that you are to wear the suction cups for at least an hour each day, also I am having some equipment sent to the gym so you may keep in shape. I regret I must leave tonight, but know you are in good hands." Apparently Park did not consider the treatment being given my nipples and balls to be anything, which harmed me externally, left a mark or were disfiguring. I think I disagreed with him, but he was the one who initiated what was being done. Odd the different workings of the oriental and occidental minds.

They took me down from the cross, removed the weight from my balls and leading me over to the cot had me lie down on the wire webbing. One man rolled under the cot, worked my cock and balls through the webbing and hung a heavier weight on my balls. Crawling up, he reached up removed the suction cups from my nipples and saying something one of them pressed my chest down, he reached up pulled my nipples and put a clamp on each one, and then attached a chain which ran from one to the other which was taut with the webbing and would not allow me to raise up. Then he attached weights to each of the nipple clamps. Taking my arms them brought them down my sides and raising my lower legs so they bent at the knee attached cuffs and chains so I could not move my arms with out pulling my lower legs down and I could not move my legs, except to bring them down against the upper legs, as there was no way I could raise up to let my arms go back further. They then worked a butt plug in my ass and when sure it would not come out they then seemed satisfied with their work I heard them walk to the door, turn out the light and leave me in darkness.

How long I was alone I do not know, it seemed forever, my legs began to cramp and I could feel the steel webbing of the cot imbedding itself in my torso. My nipples, cock and balls were in agony, and all I could do was moan. I did not hear the door open, but a dim light came on and the next thing I knew someone was working the plug from my ass. Then feeling the bed sag a little someone got between my legs and roughly shoved their cock up my ass. The hard fucking I was being given caused my body to move and the weights on my nipples and balls to freely swing back and forth, causing extra pain. Another replaced the first cock, then another, then another, so I figured the four I had been given to were using me. After the last brutal fuck I hoped that was it, wrong. I heard some rapid Korean and more lights came on and to my dismay and horror I saw about a dozen naked men with hard upstanding cocks awaiting to use me. They were turning my ass over to some of their aides. I endured one fucking after another, and was just glad that the way I was fastened to the cot that my mouth was unavailable to them.

Finally they were through using me, and four of them stayed as the others left. My legs and arms were undone and though my leg muscles were cramped, it was a relief to be able to get them straight again, one of them crawled under the cot, removed the weights, then the chain between the nipple clamps, and worked my genitals back up through the webbing. Lifting me up they supported me as we left the room, one of them stopped to pick some items up, but I could not see what.

It was dark outside the building, and I was helped to one of the smaller Korean type buildings, inside I found a bed made up. They removed the clamps from my nipples, putting the damn suction cups back on, cuffed my hands behind me, and using a padded ankle restraint and chain fastened me to an eyebolt in the wall. They pushed me down on the bed threw some covers over me and left me turning off the light.

I lay there in pain and could only think how different this weekend was from the previous one, how one could go from having the ultimate in a sexual experience to the absolute opposite. I clung to the memories of my time with the MacGregor, as I cried myself to sleep.

The next morning a man putting a chain on my ball separator awakened me, and I was pulled to my feet, the ankle chain and pad were removed, as were the handcuffs. It was good to be able to swing my arms. I was led to a building where food was being served, everyone being dressed but me, and was given some breakfast to eat. I eagerly ate as I had not eaten since lunch the day before. After eating I was led by the ball chain back to the building I had been in yesterday. On the way I noticed the two captains from yesterday being spread-eagled outside on some iron crossbars and their legs were pulled to the uprights holding the horizontal bars, they looked the worse for wear, their balls seemed swollen, and I could see bruises and cuts all over their bodies. It looked like they had been worked over even more severely after being led from the room last night. I wondered what they had done; causing them to be punished this way.

Upon entering the torture chamber, I was secured in the stocks, with nipple camps on and weights attached, as well as a 10lb weight on the ball stretcher and separator, and my guards left, leaving me to wonder what would happen to me next.

After a while, I don't know how long, the door opened, and the four men Park had entrusted me to came in.

The removed me from the stocks and placed me on a padded bench tying my arms and legs to the bench legs. My balls and ball weight hung over the edge of the bench and it narrowed at the chest to allow the nipple weights to swing free. They then removed their clothes and while one fucked me another forced his cock into my mouth, after all four had each come both in my ass and in my mouth they dressed, chattering something in Korean. Soon afterwards the door opened and about 25 men came in and removing their clothes came over and one by one either fucked me or made me suck him off. Some worked together with one in my ass and one in my mouth. I don't know how many times each of them used me, but my mouth and ass were becoming extremely sensitive and sore. When they finished, and after a while the door opened and the four MP's from last night brought the two captains in. They looked the worse for wear and seemed to have gotten a slight sunburn. They each were washed off with salt water again and then given several bottles of water to drink. When they resisted drinking the guards grabbed their nuts and crushed them until they gulped the water down. Speaking to them, one lay on his back on the floor and the other lay on top of him with his head in the others crotch. The guards took the top mans arms and using restraints secured his arms to the bottom ones ankles. Then reversing the procedure secured his ankles to the bottoms wrists; taking some rope they first inserted the penis of one each in the other's mouth and tied them so they could not release the cocks from their mouths. Then pulling down some chains from the ceiling they attached them to the arm/ankle restraints and pulled them up about four feet from the floor, the also took a couple of broad webbing's and attaching them to chains placed them under the bottom man just above his buttocks and below his shoulders which helped relieve the pain in the arms and legs.

I could surmise what would happen. They had been overloaded with water and would soon need to piss, and the only place the piss could go was in the other mans mouth, so they would be exchanging their piss back and forth. The four MP's now came over to me and took turns having me suck them off and then fucking me. When they were finished, the took me from the bench and moved me to the St. Andrews cross, and fastened me again on it. Then going to the cabinet they came back with some items and began to tell me about them. One was an egg shaped metal device with two wires attached, one short, one long. I was told it would be placed in my ass so that it rested on the prostate, and the man walked behind me and kneeling began to work into me getting it placed just right. They then showed me some fine copper wire and began to wrap some around each ball and around the base of the nipples where they had been pulled out. The short wire from the egg was attached to the wire going around my balls, and another wire connected my nipples and then was attached to a long wire. The long wires were then attached to the generator, giving them a circuit.

The generator was switched on; it was a small black box, not much bigger than a toaster, with several dials and switches. The MP flipped a switch and twisted a couple of dials and I felt a small surge of electricity between my balls and ass and my balls and nipples. I began to moan as my cock began swelling up, and become fully erect and steel hard. I began to sweat and whispered please please let me come, as I felt a great need to relieve my nuts of their load. They smiled and said see the electricity can give great pleasure and if we keep it at this level you soon will have a great orgasm, or we can give pain and they hit another dial and I thrashed against my bindings screaming, my hard cock went soft and flopped about as my pelvis jerked in reaction to the overpowering pain. The generator was switched off, and I was allowed to regain a regular breathing pattern and the pain subsided. They switched it on to the first setting, and again the pleasant feelings began to flow from ass to balls to nipples and my cock rose up proud and tall. Telling me they would now leave, but that the dials were set so that before I reached the peak of an orgasm the machine would stop for a while and then begin, and that the periods of electricity flowing through me and the periods of none, would be intermittent and no pattern would be followed. Leaving me with my own brand of torture, having to look at the two hanging captains, they walked out.

For what seemed hours the electrical currents bringing me to the point of ejaculation and then stopping tormented me, and I could see the throats of the two captains convulsing as they swallowed the piss coming from the other one. Occasionally, one could not swallow fast enough and some of the urine escaped his mouth and dripped down around his chin.

As I stayed spread-eagled on the cross I began to wonder what this place was, was it where they brought some of their men for disciplinary actions which were not proscribed in the regulations? Was it just a place for them to enjoy their sadistic pleasures or what?

I decided it must be the former when late in the day a young man was brought in, stripped of his clothes and hung upside down by his ankles and then various whips and paddles were used on him paying particular attention to his genitals, nipples and ass region. His body would swing back and forth with the blows and his screams were loud, until he became from his yelling. His body was covered with welts and the skin was broken in several places. They did something with the ropes so his legs were pulled far apart and then with a whip took turns seeing who could hit his asshole the most time, each time the whip hit him he would buck and twist, but when it hit directly on the hole he practically turned somersaults in the air.

Finally tiring of whipping him, they reversed him and hung him from his wrists and then began to pummel him with their fists, his chest, his back, even his arms and legs. They took special pleasure it bring their knees up and squashing his balls or kicking him in the balls. They began to get red and swell. Leaving him hanging by his wrists they attached nipple clamps with weights on him and put a ball stretcher and separator on him forcing his sore balls down and out. Going to the cabinet they found a 15lb weight, which they then attached to his balls, he could only moan in pain as he swung back and forth. They checked on the two captains, undoing their heads so they could force more water into them and then replacing the dicks in each other's mouth securing them again. Coming over and making some changes on the settings of the generator transformer regulating the current into my body they left us to our torments. Time seemed endless until two of the MP's came in and turned off the transformer. They removed the wires from around my nipples and balls, and pulled the oval from my ass. Then removing the nipple weights and clamps and the ball harness and weights they released me from the cross. I fell to the floor as the blood rushed back into all the clamped and bound areas causing me pain.

The two lifted me up and half walking half being carried I was taken from the room. The first stop was at a latrine where they shoved a tube up my ass and gave me an enema, filling me with water until cramps hit me in force. They let me shit the water out and then repeated the operation until clear water ran from my ass. My ass and anal canal were sore and tender and any touching caused me to shiver in pain.

Our next stop was at a bathhouse and they removed and put their clothes in baskets, taking me to be washed and scrubbed by them. Then washing themselves they led to the pool. I felt their hands on my body, reaching and touching and groping and twisting my cock, balls, and nipples. I could feel fingers at my asshole and then felt them push inside me and stretch the hole open. I was moaning in pain, but my cock betrayed me and rose up proud and straight. They smiled at me as one of them began stroking my cock with his wet fist and said: "We want you to use that beautiful cock on us, but first you must show us your cock sucking abilities." We stayed in the hot pool for a while and they continued playing with my body. Since I knew they spoke some English I became bold and asked: "What is going on with the captains and the young man?' I did not know what kind of response I would get, but they began telling me that the captains and been selling material to a black-marketer and had sold some items which were on a list never to hit the black-market. They had been caught and brought here for training and at the end of the training period would be broken to recruit class and assigned back where they originally were, only this time instead of being in charge they would be the lowest and could be used and abused by all those they had once had control of. The young man was the son of the man they sold the goods to. He resisted being drafted and so was being given a sample of what would happen if he did not obey. They told me that tonight he would be given to one of the barracks for the men to sexually and physically use as they saw fit, and they would see what his attitude was in the morning. I was also informed he had a brother two years older who was at the present in Japan, but that men had been sent to bring him home and soon he would join his younger brothers in the pleasures they could devise.

By this time they had finished with the pool so we exited and dried ourselves with their miniscule towels.

The larger MP put his hand on my shoulders and pushed me down so my mouth was level with his cock, I took it in my hands, fingered his balls and kissed the tip of his penis running my tongue over the slit. I could feel his cock swell in my mouth as he moved his pelvis back and forth, the head of his cock hit the back of my mouth and slid down my throat, I moved my head back and forth, he moved his pelvis and I could feel his cock begin to swell as he pulled it out of my throat and shot into my mouth. His seed seemed to have a taste of the garlic they love so well. I licked his shaft clean and then was pulled to the other cock, which was standing straight up, it was bigger than the first and really caused my mouth to stretch, but I got it in and we began the dance to get him to cum. He shot more than the first man and his cum was thick and tasty. When he had been cleaned, he turned around and bent over telling me to suck his asshole, I licked my tongue up and down his crack, placed my mouth over his hole and tongued it while trying to create suction. I could feel the whole begin to open. He then said: "Now fuck me." I was only too happy to oblige after my torment with the electricity; my balls seemed to be too full of cum. I shoved my cock up his ass and fucked him for all I was worth. His ass felt like silk, like velvet it surrounded my cock and loved it, he worked his ass muscles and it seemed in no time my cock was spurting its load into him. I pulled out and he made me lick his ass clean of any cum and ass juice that might be there, and then the other one was bending over to have his ass rimmed. I did the same to him and since was cock was still hard had no problem in shoving it into him. It took longer for me to come this time and he was moaning in pleasure by the time I did cum. I had to clean his ass, and then turning he had me suck him off again. This caused the first one to become hard and so I got to suck a second load from him also.

They dressed and then took me to an other building, where they informed me I would soon be joined by Col. Chi, Col. Kim, Major Kim and Major Hih. They left me and I surveyed the room. There was a large gray wrestling mat on the floor, a stock in one corner, two tables, one padded one not. Soon two of the officers came in and taking me over to the stocks and I was secured in it. They walked around me and started to poke and prod me, rubbing my thighs and buttocks, fingering my tender ass, squeezing my sore balls and cock, and chatted waiting for the other two.

One of them decided he wanted to fuck while in the stocks, he moved behind me and roughly shoved his rod up my ass and began a brutal assault on my ass, the other three took advantage of me by squeezing my nipples, slapping my balls and rubbing their hard shafts on my body.

The cock in my ass was being pulled and pushed in with no rhythm at all, I could feel it hit spots all over inside me and occasionally hit the prostate. The next man wanted to be sucked off, which after the two MP's was no chore at all. The next one wanted me to fuck him so the moved me over to the padded table and had me lie back on it, face up. The man straddled me and having one of the others hold my cock straight up pointed at his hole he sank down on it. Facing me he humped up and down and reached down to grab and twist my nipples, after some minutes he cried out and ejaculated all over my chest and face. As the spurts ended he pulled off of me and made me clean his cock. My cock was still hard and I was yearning to come, but all this was for their pleasure not mine. Seeing this one of them went to the door, and calling in a young man had him strip, lie down by me and commanded us to suck each other until we came. We sucked each other, and I was given his jizz minutes before he was able to coax a load from my sore and overworked balls, but at least I got some relief. The others dressed, the MP's came in and took me to a room where there was a decent cot with a mattress and clean sheets and blankets. I thought I would get a good rest, but found out otherwise. Wrist and ankle restraints were put on me and a harness was placed on my balls. Pushed down on my stomach, my wrists were pulled behind me and connected to my balls by a short rope. My legs were bent slightly, each ankle was then separately connected by rope to my balls. If I tried to move either my arms or legs I would pull and strain my balls. Tossing the blanket over me they left the room. With these added tortures and the memories of the day flooding my mind, I felt the tears roll down my cheeks and I tried to sleep, but as sleep tried to come my arms and legs changed position causing extreme discomfort to my balls, so it was a fitful sleep with little actual rest. I was pleased when I saw that the room was getting lighter, which meant the sun was coming up, and hopefully I would soon be released from my bondage.

After what seemed forever the two MP's came in and removed my bonds allowing me stand, they had my clothes with them and I was allowed to put on my fatigues and shoes. Then they took me to eat breakfast.

After eating a car was called to take me to my quarters. As the MP's put me in the car, they smiled and said: "See you next Friday." With a heavy heart I was taken back, after again being blindfolded.

Upon reaching my quarters, I threw off my clothes, and climbed into bed falling at last into a deep and uninterrupted sleep.

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