Alex in His Kilt

By Damian

Published on Nov 26, 2016


This is the conclusion of a story about Jay, a newly out Chicago businessman, and Alex, a Scottish tour guide, who first met as schoolboys and reunite in their mid 30s. Like most of my past stories, this is an in-depth romance story with a plot, a limited number of characters, and more emotions than physical sex. Warning - it builds slowly.

I'll make you a deal, gentle reader - I'll try to give you a good read and you send me your feedback and tell me what you think. Agreed?

No minors were harmed in the writing of this story, but if you are one please go find something else to do. Please do not reproduce this story in any form without the permission of the author.



End of Part 1

We were both exhausted after the 20-minute walk back in the nippy night air. This had been an even nicer day than our first one together, and I savored every moment of it as we drifted off to sleep nude in our separate but nearby beds.

I longed for one of us to abandon his and snuggle up together in the other, but Alex had made no move in that direction. I don't usually make the first move in such situations, and apparently neither did he.

Would either of us ever take the first step before our time ran out?

Part 2

When I opened my eyes at 6 the next morning, I was greeted with the very appealing sight of Alex strolling naked to the bathroom, with "hard" evidence of his morning arousal bobbing enticingly in front of him. But I didn't say anything, pretending instead to still be asleep.

He was in there a while - probably shaving, but maybe "taking care of business." I would've been glad to give him a hand, but my sexual shyness was still holding me back.

When he came back, he was no longer in a turgid condition...but I was. Rolling onto my back and propping my head up on my pillow, I said "Good morning" to him and asked what the attire of the day should be.

If he noticed the tent in my sheet - and I don't know how he could've missed it - he didn't say anything about it.

I was wondering if his reticence was from similar sexual shyness, or maybe just not wanting to come on to a "customer," if that was still an issue for him a full 48 hours after we had begun traveling together. Whatever it was, I wished he would get over it.

"Good morning to you, too, roommate," he said with a smile, while starting to dress. "Let's go back to long pants today, if you don't mind - the weather forecast is a little iffy. And, by the way, I have some interesting things to show you today."

You already have, I thought to myself, remembering the first "interesting thing" I saw when I woke up. He saw something similar when I finally crawled out of bed naked and headed to the bathroom, but - like me - he didn't say anything.

Did he just call me "roommate"? Could we up the ante a bit, Alex, I muttered silently.

Alex told me over breakfast that he had something to show me that was not on our planned itinerary. We drove a few miles, and he pulled into a parking lot. Beside it was a deep maroon-colored steam train called The Jacobite, awaiting its morning passengers. We were allowed to take a peek inside, and it was elegantly furnished with carpeting and upholstered high-back chairs. I'd never seen anything like it in the States.

He told me that it runs from Fort William 41 miles westward to the port of Mallaig, where we would later board a car ferry to the Isle of Skye, and that it had been featured in Harry Potter films as the Hogwarts Express. I had never seen any of those films, but I was impressed nonetheless.

We went a short distance to the ruins of Inverlochy Castle and watched from there to see The Jacobite go by on a nearby train bridge. Driving to Mallaig we saw the train tracks and bridges in several places and finally The Jacobite itself parked at its westernmost depot.

After lunch in Mallaig, we crossed the Sound of Sleat by ferry and found ourselves in one of my most anticipated sites - the beautiful Isle of Skye. Unfortunately, it was raining steadily by then.

I enjoyed a wee nip along the way at a Scotch whiskey sampling tavern, while Alex ordered a soft drink.

By the time we had reached our evening's destination - the charming town of Portree - the rain had stopped, and we walked from our B & B to a restaurant in the town center.

The room we were given had only one bed - a queen-size one - and I had to wonder if Alex had intentionally arranged that or whether it was all they had available. Whatever the reason, I was excited - but at the same time nervous - about it. I had made up my mind that tonight was going to tell me what I had longed to know for the past three days - whether there could be more to our friendship than what had transpired so far.

Since we had arrived in Portree rather late - due to the rain along the way - Alex and I decided to go eat first and shower afterward. After a simple meal in the town center, over which we rehashed our day and talked about alternatives for tomorrow, we walked back to the B & B. I wanted so much to hold his hand along the way, but of course I didn't.

We hadn't worn kilts that day because of the chilly, rainy weather, so I stripped off my long pants and shirt to get ready for my shower. This particular bathroom had a large walk-in shower, and I was tempted to ask Alex to join me. But he was busy answering his emails, so I didn't.

A few minutes later, as I was finishing washing my hair and had started to lather up my body, Alex strolled into the bathroom stark naked.

"I only had a couple of emails to answer tonight, Jay. Mind if I join you in there?" he asked.

Mind? Me? God, no!

"Hop on in, Alex, and I'll lather you up."

"Well, that's a deal I can't refuse," he said, with what looked to me like a bit of a wicked grin.

He opened the shower door and stood there so tantalizingly sexy that I wanted to...well, use your imagination. I offered to wash his hair, and he readily agreed. I'd never washed anyone else's hair before, but I found it to be rather erotic. So did my dick, which was soon poking out at a 90-degree angle, like his.

I was mesmerized by the sight of the shampoo suds flowing down his back and into the valley between his buns.

Once I had him all clean on top, I started in on his body - and what a body it was! It was absolutely perfect in every way, and it was a dream to run my bare soapy hands all over it. I washed his back side first and made sure my dick touched his hairless ass a time or two to signal to him how turned on I was getting.

He never flinched at all as I made sure with my hands that he got good and clean, taking my sweet time to do it right. I gave his shoulders and back a sensual massage as I washed them and then glided my hands downward over his well-formed buns and down both legs. I thought I could hear little hisses and moans from him over the sound of the cascading water.

"Okay, Alex, you can turn around now. I'm ready to do your front."

When he did, he was fully hard, as was I by now as well, and his hood had retracted, revealing his entire glans. I soaped up his chest, the front of his legs, and his feet, leaving only one area as-yet untouched.

"Here, too?" I asked, pointing to his 8-inch erect manhood and balls. Pleasure was written all over his face. His eyes were almost closed, but he nodded, giving me the green light to wash whatever my little heart desired. This was going along better than I had even hoped.

I cupped his low-hanging balls and washed them carefully with my right hand. My left hand was on the side of his chest, just under his right arm pit, where I could stroke his right nipple with my thumb as I steadied him from falling.

Just as I was starting to wash his fully engorged cock, I felt one hand on the back of my neck and another under my chin. He was drawing me toward him with one objective clearly in mind. Three days of pent-up sexual frustration melted away as I felt his lips on mine, kissing me like I'd never been kissed before. It was simply exquisite, and I responded in kind.

"Is this all right, Jay?" he finally asked as we broke momentarily. "I've been wanting to do this all week."

"No more than I have, Alex. No more than I have."

He hugged me tight to his body as the warm water cascaded over us and stroked my cock and balls tenderly.

"Soap me up, Alex."

He gave me the same no-rush cleansing of my body that I had given him while I simultaneously finished washing his cock. I was on the brink of coming, but I wanted to hold off and see what more would happen after we toweled off. But he wasn't through kissing me just yet.

Soon, however, the water turned cool, and we had to turn it off. We took turns drying each other, not missing a single square inch of skin. I smiled, took his hand, and pulled him into the bedroom.

I had always wanted to visit the Isle of Skye, but I never imagined in a million years what the highlight of it would be for me. The tour was great, but the tour leader was what I would remember the most. Alex. Magnificent Alex Duncan.

It was nearly midnight before we finally collapsed into deep sleep next to each other. Before then for nearly two hours the two of us took each other in every way that I imagined that two men could. I thought that the extended oral pleasures we'd given each other in the first hour in bed would satisfy us, but Alex had other ideas. And I loved every one of them.

It was clear that he had the expertise in man-on-man sex that I hadn't had the chance to fully experience before. Thanks to him, I was learning fast. There would be no more sexual shyness on the part of either of us after tonight!

An added benefit for me was to experience for the first time what it was like to play with a man's foreskin. As I manipulated it in many different ways, I could tell that I was giving him a great deal of pleasure. It almost made me wish I had one, too. But I had no complaints about my own level of pleasure in our first sexual experience - it was beyond incredible!

We woke up the next morning still holding each other and in no hurry to get dressed. But time was running out in the breakfast room, so we reluctantly got out of bed, took another joint shower, slipped on our kilts and other garments, and went down for a bite to eat.

I noticed the other guests - all apparently straight couples - were giving us curious glances, but I couldn't have cared less. I was still in a state of complete and utter sexual satisfaction, and the grin on Alex's face told me that he likely felt the same.

I had wanted to see more of the Isle of Skye, but Alex persuaded me that we should head back to the mainland so we wouldn't be rushed on our way to our next overnight destination - Inverness. The route back took us over a bridge to the town of Kyle of Lochalsh.

Shortly after, Alex turned off on a narrow side road that took us to the top of a hill with a stunning panoramic view of the surrounding countryside. An ancient castle was situated on a small island in a lake far below us.

As Alex was pointing out the sights, I snuggled up against him and held him tight. No one else was in sight for miles around. After a while he turned and kissed me.

Wasn't there a song from the 1950s about this sort of thing? Oh, yes! Its name escaped me at that rarefied moment, but it went something like "Once on a high and windy hill, two lovers kissed in the morning mist and the world stood still." I had thought it was pretty corny when I first heard it as a kid, but now it was spot-on as to how I was feeling.

Finally breaking the kiss, Alex sighed with pleasure and then knelt down in front of me. Raising the front of my kilt seductively, he brought me to yet another mind-blowing climax when I thought I had nothing left in me from the night before. I returned the favor, and we were once again on our way.

We drove for a long time along Loch Ness, looking in vain for its fabled monster. The only one we saw was on the shore, made of concrete -- something for the tourists to take pictures of themselves next to.

I dozed off for a bit with my head on Alex's shoulder and his arm on my thigh and woke up as we entered the Highlands' largest city - Inverness. I was pleasantly surprised by its beauty and setting on the River Ness. It was a classy-looking place, in my mind.

We hadn't stopped for lunch that day, so we had an early dinner at an upscale recently renovated restaurant next to the river, The Mustard Seed, where I ordered a traditional Scottish meal for the first time - haggis, neeps, and tatties. I asked Alex what it was made of, and he told me he thought it might be best not discussed. So I didn't pursue it, but I did think it was tasty.

We were at our B & B by 7 p.m., and once again, to my delight, it contained only one bed - not that we would have thought of using a second one. We again washed each other lovingly in the shower and then made the most of the bed, engaging in every erotic activity we'd enjoyed the night before - and then some.

Just after he turned the light out, Alex said, "Jay...I think we need to talk."

Oh-oh, here it comes, I thought. I knew that we had only one more day to be together, but I had been denying it in my mind and just enjoying the ride. Now the inevitability of the week's end was going to rear its ugly head.

"I know, Alex. It's time to face reality, isn't it?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so. I've had an awesome time with you this week - but we have lives to go back to after tomorrow. And they're about 4,000 miles apart, aren't they?"

"Yes, I guess they are. I can't tell you how great it's been for me to reconnect with you after all these years. I just hate to see the week end."

"Well, let's try to enjoy tomorrow and then talk some more. I usually end these tours by 5 on Friday afternoon, but I'd like it a lot if you could stay with me at my place for at least another overnight. Can you? I don't have another tour to do until Monday morning, and I'm not ready to say goodbye to you just yet."

"I'd love that, Alex. Thanks. I was going to take the train from Glasgow down to the Lake District in England tomorrow, but I can be a little flexible. It's just that I have some lodging arrangements to consider."

"I'll take every minute that you'll give me this weekend, as long as I can get my laundry done and my bills paid."

I rolled him over on his back and lay myself down the whole length of his body, resting my head on his chest. He stroked my hair with one hand and the back of my neck with the other. I don't remember ever feeling so content. If I could relive only two moments in my life, it would be the kiss (and more) on the hill that morning, and this one.

"Do you have any idea how handsome and sexy you are, Jay?"

"I'm glad you think so, Alex. I feel exactly the same way about you."

His right nipple got hard as I stroked it with my index finger and then gently sucked on it. He stroked my ears as I did so, and it wasn't long before we were both starting to get hard again down below. But the need for sleep won out.

The next day, Friday, was to be our longest day on the road - about 170 miles. I can't say I remember that much about it, as my mind was more on the driver than the route.

We passed a strikingly white castle that Alex said was built for the Duke of Atholl, whose name elicited a chuckle from me. We stopped in Stirling and briefly toured the stately Stirling Castle, overlooking a battlefield that Alex told me was of great significance in Scottish history.

Shortly after that, we were back in Glasgow, and Alex took me to his bachelor pad for the evening. We celebrated the end of our 5-day tour with beer and pizza - not exactly Scottish, I guess, but it sure hit the spot. Then it was shower time and off to bed. Sexually sated from the two nights before, and again that very morning, we agreed to hold off on that activity until the next day. But we kissed and snuggled as we went to dreamland.

On Saturday we lounged in bed for a while before stirring. Alex had set the coffee pot to come on at 8, and the aroma finally stimulated us to get up and partake of it.

As we sat at his breakfast table, he put his hand over on mine, looked me in the eye, and said, "Jay, I love you. There's no doubt about it -- you've turned my world upside down this week, and I don't know how I'm ever going to live without you now."

"I love you, too, Alex. You're simply amazing, and all I want now is to stay together like this. I just don't see a good way to do that. I've got a great job in Chicago, and you've got an established business here."

"I know -- it's a dilemma that I've thought about for days now. This is my home, and this is my country, and I can't just uproot and move, any more than you can. But I'm going to miss you when you leave - more than you can imagine."

"Yes, I can imagine it, Alex, because I feel the same way."

We spent the rest of the day and night laughing, crying, holding each other, doing our laundry, catching up with the news, cooking dinner together, and finally once again giving each other all the sexual pleasure we could.

Leaving him the next morning was the hardest thing I've ever done. We didn't want to say goodbye at the train station, so we did it in his apartment while I waited for a taxi. I invited him to come to Chicago when his touring season was over, and he said he most definitely would. He said I'd always be welcome to come back to Glasgow.

The cabbie honked, we hugged and kissed one last time, and then - as difficult as it was - I had to turn and walk away.

That was five years ago now. I didn't stay long in England. Touring without Alex was no fun at all, and the rainy weather didn't make things any better. I cut it short and took an express train to London and flew back to Chicago, with a lump in my throat the size of Loch Ness.

Alex and I stayed in touch any way we could - email, phone, Skype, etc. He came to see me in Chicago that November, after his last tour of the fall, and stayed until Christmas, when he felt the need to return to his family of origin for the holidays.

I went back to Glasgow in the early spring, just before his tours resumed, and stayed a week with him. The days we spent together were blissful.

We've repeated that same schedule every year since. Alex makes enough in the warm seasons to be able to take a couple of months to be with me in Chicago, and I have a job that allows me to go to Scotland and be with him once or twice a year. We are deeply in love but know that our circumstances require us to have a long-distance relationship for now.

Our hope is that someday one of us can make a permanent move to be with the other. It'll probably be Alex, when his parents have passed, but who knows? He always said I looked pretty good in that kilt he gave me, so maybe a move to Scotland is in my future.


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