Alexi and Jana

By Lisa

Published on May 28, 2014


This story may contain very graphic sex scenes which is intended for persons of eighteen years or over. All comments, good or bad, are welcome and all will be answered. This story is the property of the author. If you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get permission from the author. Any reference to real people or places are purely coincidental.

Alexi and Jana 2

As I laid there, I let my eyes take in the room. Lying next to me was the woman with the long black hair. She reminded me of the TV character Elvira. I could see Nancy laying on a settee across the room. My head throbbed something fierce, but I knew I needed to leave here as quickly as possible. Slowly I began to sit up, each movement causing bolts of pain in my skull. Pressing my lips tightly together to keep form making any sounds, I slowly sat up, shaking off the dizziness so that I could stand.

Slowly I stood, holding onto the nightstand for support until was finally on my feet. After a moment or two I finally got my equilibrium under control and slowly started making my way to the door. With each tiny step I took, it felt like a fist was being punching my lower stomach and groin. When I finally got to the door, I turned my head to make sure I was un-noticed, both seemed to be still sound asleep, but for how long I was not sure. I needed to use the bathroom, but decided to forgo it, just so I could get out of the house without any undue noises.

Once in the living room, I noticed my clothes and shoes lying in front of the sofa just as I had left them. Picking up my dress, I slipped it on, half way zipping it up. I reached down, grabbed my bra, panties and shoes. Picking up my purse, I stuffed my undergarments in it and walked barefooted to the front door. Steeping out into the hallway, I stopped long enough to put my shoes on, and started making my way to my car.

Just because I was in my car, I knew I still wasn't really safe. They could come bursting out the door any second and try and drag me back in. Shacking my head to try and clear it a little more, I started they car and began easing out the space and heading to the street. I started driving slowly down the street, by now you could see the light on the horizon as it was near daybreak. Seeing a motel on my right, I pulled into it and around the back to park.

Slowly I began to get a better handle on my senses, even though my head was still throbbing. Digging my bra out of my purse, I slipped the dress off my shoulders and started to put on my bra. It took me several minutes, but I finally got it into place and the straps of my dress back up on my shoulders and zipped up. Feeling a little better, I decided to go and try and find a restaurant, use the bathroom and maybe get myself something to eat, which might give me enough strength to make it home.

After driving another mile or two down the road, I spotted a Waffle House. Pulling into the nearly empty parking lot, I got out of my car and went in. Once inside, I immediately went into the restroom to pee and get myself straighten up. After peeing, and wiping myself, I looked and saw how red and swollen my lips were. I slipped on my panties, washed my face and combed out my hair. Feeling half way presentable, it was time I went out and got myself some coffee and maybe something to eat.

While I was eating my breakfast, I felt confident that I was finely safe. I was sure when they woke up they would have no idea what direction I would take. I knew no one at the bar knew who I really was, and I never did say where I worked or where I lived, so finding me was not going to be all that easy.

After I had gotten home, I stripped and took a long hot bath. After drying myself and my hair, I put on a nightgown, crawled into bed, and began crying, thinking all that I had been through. Later after all the tears had dried up, I laid there thinking about revenge. Since I really didn't want to spend the rest of my life in prison, killing them was out. Calling the police seemed like the next step, but what would I tell them. It all boiled down to my word against the two of them. Everyone did see me freely leave the club with Nancy, and as far as being drugged, I knew that would be a tough one to prove without some evidence.

Over the next several weeks, it was to work, then home for me. My soreness was gone and the humiliation began to fade from my memory. After having to stay late one night trying to catch up on some billing errors, I decided to stop on my way home to grab a bite to eat. As I sat in a booth, I had ordered some lasagna. Looking out the window, I saw a police car pull up to the side of the restaurant. Soon afterwards, another car pulled up alongside of it. My heart nearly stopped when out of the unmarked car was my mystery woman who I only knew as Jana. On her hip is what looked like a Glock and a badge on her belt beside it.

When they came in, they were seated on the other side of the restaurant from me. After what looked like placing their orders, I saw Jana rise and start walking towards me. When she got almost to the next booth from me, she spotted me and froze in her tracks. Both of us staring into each other's eyes. I could see her lip curl into a slight smile as she continued towards the restrooms. Being not sure if this was going to be a good decision or a bad one, I pulled out one of my business cards and wrote my cell number on it.

I got up and went into the restroom. One of the stall doors was closed, figuring she would be in that one. I stepped up to the sink and began washing my fingers, waiting for her to emerge. Hearing the toilet flush, I knew she was about to come out. Turning around, I held my breath as she stepped out, seeing me and again froze staring at me.

Clearing my throat, I apologized for startling her, but then tried to hand her my business card.

"I really need to talk to you. If you could find the time when your off duty, would you call me and we can meet somewhere, say for coffee or something so we can talk." She took my card, looking at it, then to me.

"Can you tell me what this is all about?" She asked.

"For me, it's personal. It really might not have anything to do with you, but if you'll meet with me, I'll explain everything, then you might or might not be able to help me. Would you at least meet with me?"

"Do you know the coffee shop on Fourth Street? She asked after what seemed like an eternity.

"Yes I do."

"Good, then meet me there at five tomorrow afternoon."

"Thank you." I said as I turned and walked out the door.

Trying to be normal, I sat back down at my booth. Not really hungry any longer, I sat there until Jana came out and went back to her seat. It appeared that she never gave me a second look as she walked past me. I quickly paid my bill and left shortly afterwards.

All that night, I had a very restless sleep, wondering if I was doing the right thing or burying myself deeper into the mess I felt I was in.

At four forty five the next afternoon, I found an empty table on the patio away from most everyone else and sat down with my coffee. I sat wondering if she was even going to show, when out the side door I saw her walking towards me carrying a cup of coffee. Wrapping both my hands around my cup, as she sat down we just looked at one another.

For the first time I was able to get a good look at my mystery woman. She was tall, probably around five foot ten or so, broad shoulders. Her breasts looked like they would be a good B cup. Her hips were flared nicely, and her thighs were firm looking, not to big, nor to skinny. Her hair was jet black and hung down around her shoulders. It was those eyes that always seemed to get to me. For some odd reason, I had a hard time turning away from them.

"I want to thank you for meeting with me. I know it seemed like a strange request from a stranger."

"Before I came here, I checked you out to see who and what kind of a person you are. Your boss, Barbara, is a very good friend of mine. We had gone to school together and been friends ever since. We were never lovers, but we were close. She told me all about you Gunny Sgt. Alexandra Bella. I hope you don't mind me checking you out, but it was kind of strange the way you had approached me." As she took a sip of her coffee to sturdy my reactions.

"No, you had every right to, and I do think I would have done the same if I were in your shoes. I only heard your name at the Purple Palace, but that is all I know of you." Letting my hands play with my cup.

After a little chuckle, "Alright, my friends call me Jana, my name is Janalee Dixon, and as you have surmised, I am a detective with the CPD. Now why don't you enlighten me as to why you wanted to meet with me."

Taking a deep breath and holding it for a second or two I started my story from the time I walked into the Purple Palace and ending it when I was driving myself home the next morning. Even though I had my head down mostly in shame, I did get a glimpse or two of Jana a couple times, and it appeared that she was trying very hard to control her emotions. The lines on her brow were deep and set, her lips pressed tightly together.

After another short pause, I continued telling her that I was not afraid of going to the police, but knew it would be a hopeless cause with no proof. It would be one of those I said, she said, and would be nearly impossible to be proven, even though I did walk out of the Palace freely on my own accord.

I was in the middle of saying that I didn't know what to do when my tears starting down my cheeks. I just sat there, watching my tear drops forming little puddles on the table before me, when I felt a hand lay on top of mine. She then handed me a napkin with her other hand to dry my eyes, Taking the napkin, I thanked her.

"Look, as you have said, there is little that can be done, especially without some proof, but if you'll give me a little time, I'd like to ask around if anyone else at the department has heard anything or knows of something like this happening before."

"No, that is ok, ask around if you want. In the back of my mind, I am starting to feel there is really not going to be any justice for what happened to me, and revenge would only mean I would be spending a long time in prison, and I do not look forward to doing that." Feeling her give my hand a slight squeeze.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" Looking her in the eyes, trying to read her.

"Sure, if it's to personal I just won't answer you." Giving me a little grin.

"Why were you staring at me at the Purple Palace. I mean it was kind of intense, and I admit, it did make me feel a little uneasy."

She looked at me, then lowered her head and pulled back her hand from mine. I really regretted her hand leaving mine, but then I saw that she was starting to turn a little red in the cheeks.

"It's ok, tell me." As I reached out and gave her hand a little squeeze.

"As she looked directly into my eyes; "Promise you won't laugh if I tell you?"

"No, I promise, now tell me."

"When you walked into the Purple Palace, I saw a woman who's beauty stood out more than anyone else I've ever met. Laugh if you must, but I fell in love with you the moment I first laid eyes on you. Christi, the one I was with, kept telling me to go and talk to you. But when you started talking to that other woman, I knew I'd never get a chance to know you."

As I sat looking at Jana, I could see the sadness in her eyes. I had no idea what I wanted to do at that moment. All my emotions seemed to flash before me in an instant.

"Are you hungry?"

"What?" She asked.

"I asked if you were hungry?" Making it clear what I was asking.

"Maybe a little, I haven't eaten since this morning. Why are you asking?"

"I might be taking a big chance here, but follow me home, I'll fix us a diner, nothing fancy mind you, but filling at least. We can sit and talk and maybe get to know one another and not worry about being disturbed. Can you do that?"

"Yes... but are you sure? I mean you don't really know me or anything especially what you have been just put through." Looking at me with skepticism.

"Tell you what, we each pour our own drinks, how's that?"

Watching her smile was almost like watching the sun rising on a beautiful morning...

"I think I would like that very much, shall we go?"

We each got into our own cars, she stay right on my bumper the whole trip, afraid she might lose me along that way. Once in my apartment, I showed her around my little apartment, not that there was much to see. She took a moment to stop and look at my wall, with the pictures of some of those that I had served with, and of some of the places I had been. I saw her lightly run her fingers over my Silver Star next to the plaque that was presented to me. After she had read the plaque she looked at me with those big dark eyes and smiled.

"One day, if it's not too painful, will you tell me how you earned it?

"Maybe one day, sometimes the memories are too much to bear, but maybe one day." Lowering my head and turning to head into the kitchen.

Once I was in the kitchen, looking through the cupboards for something to eat, Jana came in and sat at the table.

"I have a little confession to make, for the past twelve years, the Marines have been doing all my cooking, so I've only had what maybe seven or eight months to learn how to cook, just so your warned I'm not a great cook."

After a few good giggles, she stood and came to where I was standing...

"I'm not all that great either, but maybe between the two of us, we can fix something eatable, shall we give it a try?" Standing in front of me with that big grin on her face.

Going through the cupboards, panty and refrigerator, we found enough to fix ourselves something to eat. While cooking we talked about what we liked eating and some of the different things that we've tried and hated. I had told her that I was going to pick up some MRI's to fix for her so she would know how we ate out in the field.

During Diner, we talked about what colors we liked, the clothes we wished we had and didn't have. I told her about my running five miles almost every morning and going to a gym to work out a couple times a week to stay in shape. I had mentioned that I was a DI Instructor before I left the Marines, and if she wanted to join me in some defensive tactics sparing. With that question, I did get a raised eye brow as if telling me I was probably crazy for even asking that question. After a little kidding and some ribbing, she did finally agree that it might be good for her also to brush up on some defensive moves.

After the dishes were rinsed and put in the sink, I had made a pot of coffee. We went into the living room, where I put on some soft music so we could sit and talk and drink our coffee. As we sat and sipped our coffee, listening to the music, I turned towards her, tucking my leg up under me, my hand resting on the back of the sofa.

"Jana, you have no idea how much I have enjoyed this evening with you, and getting to know you. I have no idea what is going to happen next, and if this Nancy or the one I call Elvira approaches me again, I make no promises. My only concern is that I don't mix you up into all of this. I'll keep my cool, I'll even try and keep my head straight, but if either of them lays a hand on me, all promises are off. Can you understand what I am saying?"

Putting her coffee cup down on the coffee table in front of us, she turned, tucked her leg up under herself facing me.

"Yes I understand, but also understand this, I'll be right there, backing you up and making sure you don't cross over that line. This, what we have started between us, I have no idea how far it will go, or where it will go, but I don't intend on loosing you just when I've found you, can you understand that?"

Reaching out and taking her hand in mine and giving it a squeeze... "Yes, and I feel the same for you."

I sat, looking into her eyes, those big brown beautiful eyes, seeing them full of life. I felt her fingers holding onto my hand, her thumb caressing the back of my hand. She suddenly pulled her hand back and jumping up...

You know, it's getting late I do believe that we both have to get up early tomorrow for work. I got up following her over to where my pictures and trophies were, watching her pick up her gun and badge from the table, which I never saw her take off.

I walked behind her to the door. She reached out and put her hand on the door knob and paused. While standing there holding the door knob, I felt she wanted to say or ask something, but needed to gather her courage to do it.

"Alexi, will we see each other again?" Her voice sounding a little unsure and nervous.

I took her arm and started turning her towards me. When we were facing one another, I cupped her face in my hands and leaned in giving her lips a light soft kiss.

"Maybe, but if you call and ask me out, I just might agree to go out with you again."

Before I had a chance to react, she had me in a tight hug, holding on to me, as I was holding on to her just as tight.

She back off suddenly and opened the door, rushing out saying she would call me tomorrow, closing the door behind her. I stood there, my back against the door, thinking of the evening I had spent with Jana, when all of the sudden there was a loud knocking on the door, scaring the shit out of me.

Turning around I yanked the door open only to find Jana standing there hold a card in her hand towards me... "I forgot to give you my card with my phone number on it, sorry."

"I think that's not all you forgot, but thanks anyway." Giving her my best smile.

"What else did I forget?" As she cocked her head showing a little confusion as she looked at me.

"Don't I even get a goodnight kiss?"

Grabbing me by the lapels of my blouse, she pulled me in and gave me a full kiss on the lips while holding me tightly against her.

After she pulled back, she smiled and said; "Yeah, I kind of did forget that, didn't I?"

Turning, I watched as she walked down the hall towards the door with a little bounce in her step.

Stepping back into my apartment, I looked at the card she had given me, Det. Janalee Dixon. Below the name was her cell number and work number. Walking over to my purse, digging out my phone, I entered both numbers into it, then plugged it in to charge.

After I had finished cleaning the dishes and picking up in the living room, I decided to soak in the tub to easy any the tensions I was feeling. Sitting in the tub soaking, I went over the conversation I had with Jana. As hard as I had studied her, I felt that everything she had told me was sincere. We talked a lot of the things we liked and disliked, and so far I was really starting to like her... maybe too much too soon.

For the next two days, I had heard nothing from Jana, but I was kept pretty busy at the shop. We had gotten in ten new cars that needed to be refitted to be used as cab's and we had to strip out the old ones to be sold at auction. It was Thursday that I had to work late, and while going over the paper work I had heard a knock on my door. My night shift lead mechanic Joe stuck his head in and said that there was someone here looking for me. Curious as to who would be looking for me, I told him to show them in.

Just as I had cleared my desk of the papers I was going over, I looked up to see Jana standing in the doorway holding a large bag in her hands. Seeing her standing there with a smile on her lips, brighten my evening up. As I started to rise, she raised her hand as if to say stay.

"Sorry I didn't get a chance to call you, I've been pretty busy myself lately. I had picked us up a little food from my favorite Chinese restaurant. When I didn't see your car at the apartment, I took a chance and came over here. Is that ok with you?" As she sat the bag down on the desk.

"No, not at all... As a matter of fact, I'm starving to death. But if you're going to try and make me use those chop sticks they hand out, you're going to have to feed me, because I could never get use to them."

"Well, I'm not going to sit here and feed you while I starve, so you're going to have to learn on your own, but I will help teach you how to use them."

For the next ten minutes we both laughed and giggled with her trying to teach me how to hold and use chop sticks. I did get to the point I was finally getting some food into my mouth, but much more practice was needed, that I could see.

While we sat and ate our diner, Jana told me that she had asked around about the two women I had my encounter with. She had told me that I wasn't the first one they had done that to, and it seemed that if anyone did come forward, it was immediately rebuffed, especially without any proof. I told her I wonder how many women they have hurt beyond the point of healing, and that we had to find a way to stop them from doing it to any others.

Jana said that she was at a loss as to how to stop them, but did believe something needed to be done. She needed to think how it could be done. She had said that she did talk to Patty and Jo at the Purple Palace and they weren't very happy hearing what the two of them had done.

Having eaten and cleaned up my desk with the left overs put away for lunch tomorrow, we sat and made some small talk about nothing and everything. Jana said that she had to go back to the station and finish up on some paper work that needed to be turned in before the end of the day. I had asked her if she wanted to stop by the apartment, maybe have some coffee and relax a little. She said she would like nothing better, but thought it might be too late when she got done, but asked if I would like to join her tomorrow at the Palace.

Lowering my head, and biting my lower lip, I felt confused about going back there.

"You know babe's, you can't hide forever from those two. Hell, they probably won't show up. They really haven't been seen there since they were with you, maybe they are running a little scared. Come on, I want you to meet my ex-patrol partner and very best friend." Putting her hand on my arm...

"Why don't I swing by your place and pick you up, say at eight. I promise I won't leave you alone. Please say yes." Again giving my arm a little squeeze.

"Alright, if you promise not to abandon me, else I'll hunt you down with a vengeance."

"Deal, and I'll even leave cookie crumbs to make it easy for you to find me." Giving little giggles as she said it.

Getting up at five the next morning was a little hard, not getting a good night's sleep, thinking about going back to the Palace tonight. After my morning run I did feel a little better, working off some of my stress.

My day went rather quickly. There were few problems and no one seemed to keep coming to me asking me questions that they themselves could answer. As the day got later and later, did my anxiety begin to kick in about my upcoming date. Finely it was time to go home.

After a nice hot shower, I stood in my closet for a long time trying to decide what to wear, go bold, go sexy, be conservative. Then it hit me, every time I had seen Jana, she was always in a pant suit or jeans and blouse. Not that I had that many dress clothes, but I decided that I was going to dress as sexy as I could being the woman that I was. I was going to be her date, I wanted to be very feminine for her. I wanted to be hers.

At about five to eight, there was a knock on my door. Knowing who it was going to be, I opened the door, staying mostly behind it, trying to hide what I had on, wanting it to be a surprise for Jana. After she stepped into the apartment, I closed the door so that she could see what I was wearing. She turned and froze in place, her eyes were as big as saucers, her mouth gapped open, and if I were a betting person, she held her breath for a moment or two.

Standing there, wearing my 'A' line skirt that fit snuggly against my hips and thighs, showing off my well rounded ass, my white blouse with three quarter sleeves rolled up once. I had on my gold chain necklace with pennate and matching earrings. I had makeup on this time, not much, but just enough to bring out my eyes and cheeks, and a little gloss on my lips.

"I'm sorry, if this is too much or not what you were expecting, it'll only take a minute to go and change." Thinking maybe I had screwed up on my selection for the evening.

"Don't you dare! You look so beautiful, even more so now than the first time I saw you."

"Thank you, I just wanted to look pretty for you." Feeling my face beginning to blush.

"I was hoping that you would like my selection. During my time in the Marines, I always wore fatigues, which aren't very flattering, but tonight I wanted to feel like a woman, and since I'm your date this evening, your woman."

For a moment there, I thought I could see her eyes beginning to mist up, but before I could really tell, she turned and opened the door. Grabbing my purse off the table next to the door, we were on our way.

As we were walking down the hall towards the parking lot, I felt her take my hand in hers. Turning my hand over, I interlaced my fingers in hers and giving her a little squeeze.

On the drive over, she told me about Christi. They were partners while they both were on patrol. It was during this time they got to really know one another. Christi was as straight as they come, and had no reservations with Jana being a lesbian. She was dating a fellow officer, and because they were a couple, they had to work different shifts. Since she hated being alone on her weekends, she often came to the club with Jana just to get out of the house. Her boyfriend Chris, knew all about Jana, and welcomed her accompanying Christi, keeping an eye on her.

It didn't take to long for us to get to the club. After we parked, she motioned for me to stay a moment. Leaning over she gave me a kiss on my cheek, then jumped out of the car, running around to open my door.

Once inside of the Purple Palace, Jo was there to greet us, as she greets everyone who enters. This time she stopped us, standing in front of me, I could see the look in her eyes like she was having trouble forming the words she wanted to say to me.

"Honey, I've heard what happened to you the last time you were here, and I promise you, as far as Patty and I are concerned, they will never step foot in here again."

Reaching out and putting my hand on her arm; "Jo, thank you for your words of kindness, but I have been formulating a plan, after I talk to Jana about it, I might need for you and Patty to give us a little leeway with it, do you think that might be possible?

It took only a second, but a big toothy smile was all over her face, and a hint of a gleam in her eyes.

"Anything... you just tell me if I need to do anything."

"I promise, you'll know all about it before it happens." Giving her arm a little squeeze.

As Jo stepped aside, Jana took my hand and started leading me over to the booth where I had first saw her. Already sitting there was Christi, with a bright smile on her lips.

I slid into the booth sitting between Christi and Jana. From what I could see of Christi, she appeared to be maybe four or five inches shorter than Jana or myself. She had on a loose fitted blouse and could see that she was at least a C cup or maybe a small D cup. She had short red hair and freckles across her nose and forehead.

"Christi, I want you to meet the very lovely Alexi, Alexi, meet Christi."

I started to put my hand out to shake hers, but before I knew it she had her arms wrapped around my neck hugging me in a death grip.

As the waitress came over to our table, I ordered my usual, Bud Light. It was then decided that what we needed was three glasses and a picture of beer. Christi then piped up telling the waitress the tab was on her tonight and there were going to be no arguments about it.

We sat, and talked about past experiences and stories of the things we had done. I really got to see Jana letting her guard down, and her laugh was becoming very contagious. Christi on the other hand, was also doing her fair share of giggling and laughing.

During the evening, Jana and I got up and danced to a few song, including a couple slow ones. Christi even got me on the dance floor for a couple fast ones. Once when Jana had returned from the restroom, Christi grabbed my hand saying she wanted me to accompany her to the restroom with her. Not that I minded, but I let her drag me along behind her.

Once in the restroom, she went onto one of the stalls and I the other. We both emerged about the same time, going to the sink to was our hands. Once done, she stood in front of the door, blocking it. Her face had a very serious look on it.

"Alexi, I like you very much, but Jana in my best friend, better than any I ever had. I want you to promise me you won't hurt her. She has a heart of gold, and even if she acts like she is tougher than nails, she is a teddy bear on the inside."

Putting my hands on her shoulders; "Christi, I promise you I would never do anything to hurt Jana in anyway. My feelings for her grow stronger each passing moment. I can only hope she feels the same as I do." As I slowly slid my hands from her shoulders to my sides.

I watched as a smile spread across her lips, her eyes sparkling...

"You're a keeper, you know that?" Turning to open the door and grabbing my hand dragging me back to the table.

After we had returned, it wasn't long that Christi said that she had to cut the night short, because she had to get up early to do some running around. That had left Jana and I alone for the rest of the evening.

"Well, shall we finish off the rest of this picture?" She had asked me.

"No, let's not. Take me home please." Causing a look of panic in her eyes.

Feeling I needed to put things more at ease, I then added; "I want to be alone with you, unless you'd rather not."

It didn't take her long before she started sliding out of the booth and reaching out for my hand. As we were walking towards the door, Jo got up off her stool to meet us. I stopped, pulled on Jo's arm, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Not saying anything I then took Jana's hand in mine and proceeded out the door, hearing Jo yelling to hurry back.

Once in the car, just as Jana was about to put they key in the ignition, I put my hand on hers, stopping her.

"I want to tell you a little story, maybe a fantasy I've always had, would you like to hear it?" I was looking down at my hands as my fingers played with the hem of my skirt.

"Sure babes, please tell me."

"When I was about fourteen or fifteen, I knew then that women turned me on. I always had a thing for them. Looking and yearning, wondering what it would be like making love to them. There was no love in the home I grew up in, love was a word that was only found in a dictionary. When I was old enough I left my drunken stoned parents and joined the Marines. I wanted to make it my career, doing twenty or thirty years. Well, you know how that all ended. Yes, I had dated men, but it was only because the policies of the armed forces that made me."

I paused for a moment to finish collecting my thoughts....

"Anyway, I've always had this fantasy of finding love, finding a woman who would love me as much as I could love her. Someone with the patience to put up with some of my quirkiness as I would put up with hers. Someone, no matter how far or how long we were apart, we would only wait for the other. I know that no two dreams will ever be the same. but maybe you can understand what I am saying, but if this is not what you really want, either from me, or from life itself, then maybe you should take me back to my apartment. If it is, would you take me to your home?"

Finally looking up at Jana for the first time, in dim light from the parking lot security lights, I could see tears streaking down from both eyes. Reaching up with both hands, using my thumbs, I wiped the tears from her,

"I'm sorry if I said the wrong things. I just need for it to be said."

By this time, the tears were in full force. She had reached out and pulled me to her, laying her head on my shoulder, letting her tears run down onto my neck and shoulder. Finally after a moment, she pulled back, wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks.

"Who said two dreams can't be the same. I've always had that same dream, just never been able to find someone with the same dream I could share it with." After hugging me a second time, her fingers digging into my shoulders.

"I'd love to take you to my home, but I have to warn you, it's a mess, I'm a messy person, but if you're willing, and if you're really sure about this, I'd like nothing better than to take you home with me."

"Other than being drugged, if you'll have patience with me, I'm still kind of new at this." Leaning in and giving her a little kiss on the cheek.

"Then let's go, I want this to be the first day for the rest of our lives."

Once Jana had the car started and out of the parking lot, I slid over, resting my hand on her thigh. I could see the smile on her face as I did this.

"Not now, but one day, would you tell me about when you were growing up. As sad as it might be, it is still apart you what makes who you are."

"Yes, one day soon, but not today." As I patted her leg a couple times.

After a moment of silence... "I'd like to hear about your past also, and your family."

"Of course, and probably like yours not very pretty."

Shortly afterwards, we pulled up in front of a colonial two story home. As we parked I could see the wrap around porch with the columns all in front of the home. We slowly pulled alongside of the home, making our way to the back of the house to a free standing garage.

"Do you rent a room here, or...

"No, my aunt left it to me much to the dismay of the rest of my family when she passed a few years ago."

"That story you're also going to have to tell me one day." Giving her my widest grin.

"You know, on second thought, maybe we should go back to your apartment that is..."

"No, unless you got rats crawling all over the counters and roaches hanging from the ceiling, we're going in." Hold my breath hoping what I said was not really true.

"No, I have an exterminator that comes by once a month to make sure none of that is in the house. Come on, we might as well get this over with." Opening her door and getting out.

As we approached the back of the house, a light came on over the back door, lighting the up the stairs. After she opened the screen door and unlocked the door, she turned to me, looking, trying to read my face...

"Are you sure you want to come in with me tonight?" Her eyes almost begging me to say yes.

"Only if you're sure yourself, yes I want to."

"Then never let it be said I didn't warn you that I was a messy person." Grabbing my hand and pulling me inside while turning on the lights to the kitchen area.

There were a few dirty dishes piled up in the sink, and odd and end things sitting on the counter, but nothing all that bad so far. She took me for a tour though out the down stairs showing me each room. All the rooms had tall ceilings, the floors were all wood, looked like either oak or maple flooring. Along the walls, almost waist high were lattice boards, with a wood trim on the top. Each of the rooms had crown molding, which looked as if it were real wood and not the fake stuff you see in most homes now.

When we got to the living room, I did see a few articles of clothing lying about, a tee shirt here, bras and a couple of sweats shirts. Nothing all that bad.

Sitting down on the sofa, next to one another, she half turned to me...

"See I told you it was a mess." While saying this, she was looking down at her shoes.

Reaching over and lifting her chin up to look at me... "It's not all that bad, nothing that a little TLC can't cure, besides, DI Bella is back at Parris Island, so don't worry."

In a soft whisper I almost missed... "Thank you." As she leaned in and gave me a kiss.

Sitting beside her, I balled my hands into a fist, digging my nails into the palms of my hands. I started hitting the top of my knee, trying to reach deep inside of myself for the courage of what I was about to ask of her. Before I could form the words in my throat to say them, she placed her hands on top of mine.

"What Alexi, is there something wrong?"

"No... Yes... I mean..." Biting my lower lip. "I want to make love to you, but I'm afraid that once we do, you'll not want me anymore. I'm scared." Leaning in and laying my head on her shoulder.

"Alexi, I'm just as nervous and scared as you are. I fear the same things you do this moment. Tell you what, do you want to just lay down and cuddle for the rest of the night?"

"Can we do it in your bed?"

"Yes, if that is what you really want."

Standing she reached down and pulled me to my feet. When we got to the bottom of the steps, she asked me to wait a moment while she locked the back door and turned off the kitchen light. When she returned, she turned off the living room light and turned on the light at the top of the stairs. When we got to the top of the stairs, it looked like there was a bathroom, and off to the left I could see that it led to a bedroom.

"Wait, if you don't mind, I need to use the bathroom first."

"No go ahead, I'll find us something to wear while you're doing that."

Once I was in the bathroom and finished peeing, I got up, washed my hands and looked into the mirror. I almost didn't recognize the face staring back at me. There was a twinkle in the eyes, up turned lips forming a smile. I can't remember the last time I had seen this happy looking face. I unbuttoned my blouse, taking it off and laying over the edge of the tub. Next I removed my bra, rubbing under the breasts where the strap had been, wondering if she would like these breasts or not. My areola's were about the size of half dollar, slightly on the pink side, and darker nipples that were now standing hard and pointing.

I kicked my shoes off and slid them over at the side of the tub. I then unzipped my skirt, and slid it and my panties down at the same time. After stepping out of my skirt and panties, I laid them down on top of the rest of my clothes. Standing naked, I looked once more at myself, and almost in a whisper to myself; 'Tonight is the first of a life time of many more nights.'

Opening the door, I noticed the hall light was out. I turned off the bath light and started walking towards the bedroom, lit by a small light on the night stand next to the bed. Walking barefooted down the hallway, my steps were silent. When I got to the doorway, I saw Jana bending over going through a dresser drawer looking for something. She must have felt my presence, she stood and turned towards me, frozen with a wide eyed stare. I slowly walked to her, took the nightgowns from her hands and tossed them towards the open drawer.

I cupped her face in my hands, caressing her cheeks with my thumbs. Looking into her eyes, I could see her passion getting stronger and stronger.

"What..." She started to say as I silenced her with a kiss.

To be continued..... Has Alexi found her soul mate....

Your thoughts and constructive criticism is always welcome. Please have a little patience for me to get the next part finished for you.

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Next: Chapter 3

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