Alexi and Jana

By Lisa

Published on Jun 6, 2014


This story may contain very graphic sex scenes which is intended for persons of eighteen years or over. All comments, good or bad, are welcome and all will be answered. This story is the property of the author. If you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get permission from the author. Any reference to real people or places are purely coincidental.

Alexi and Jana 4

It must have been around one or two in the morning when I was awaken feeling Jana crawling out of bed, apparently going to the bathroom to pee. Feeling like I also need to go, I crawled out behind her, feeling a big cold wet spot against my ass when I slid over to the edge of the bed. Bending over I picked up the strap on and decided to wash it off while waiting for Jana to finish. As I stood at the sink cleaning the dildo, I couldn't help being transfixed at it in my hands. I think Jana noticed this and asked;

"What's up, looks like your obsessed over the dildo." As she tore off a piece of toilet paper to wipe herself.

"Oh, no... I was just amazed at the size of it and thinking it was completely buried deep inside of me and made me come so hard. If I weren't a little sore, I would say it never happened." Laying it down on the counter top.

Stepping around Jana, I sat down on the toilet and started to pee.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Sure, ask away." As she washed her hands.

"What did you really mean when you said that you may have found a use for the smaller dildo that goes with the belt?"

After drying her hands, she turn and leaned back against the counter, looked at me and with a smile on her lips.

"I wasn't sure how to ask you, or even if you would have been interested in doing it, but I would love to try anal sex with you. I had never done it before, have heard some people talking about it and what it has done for them. When you finger fucked my ass, well... it got me to thinking."

"How far up on your priority list is this for you?"

"It's not really, I mean... I'm sorry I even brought it up, I just...

"Good!" I said cutting her off. "But, only if you promise me that you'll have patience and go slow. If I say stop, you stop. No questions asked, Ok?"

"How did I ever get so lucky to meet a person like you."

Not knowing exactly what to say to her last comment, I just simply asked;

"Do you have any clean sheets we can use, I don't think either one of us wants to sleep in the wet spot the rest of the night."

Giggling a bit, "Yes, let me get them out and we can change them before going back to bed." As she turned to leave.

After changing the sheets, we climbed back into bed, pulling the blanket up over us, and me getting into what was now becoming my favorite position, spooning up behind Jana. A light kiss on the neck and "I love you", she pushed back against me, saying she loved me very much also.

Except for getting up in the middle of the night, it was one of the best night's sleep I had in a very long time. My internal alarm clock had gone off, waking me at five am. Sliding out of bed, I got up, peed, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I had found the sports bra she gave me yesterday, liking the way it supported me, and pulling out one of my t-shirts. I put on my socks and running shoes after putting on the shorts I had worn yesterday. I figured all I was going to do was run, so no need to dirty up clean clothes.

Looking over at Jana, she was sprawled out across the bed, still sound asleep. Reach down and pulling down the blanket, uncovering her, I kind of yelled out, wakie, wakie, time to get up. Looking over at the window, she could see that it was not quite daylight yet.

"What time is it, it's still the middle of the night." Try to find the blanket to cover herself with.

"No it's five AM, time for our morning run." Pulling the blanket back down.

"Girl, you're crazy. Refrigerators run, watches run, but this girl does not run." Again reaching for the blanket.

"Hey for a tough old cop, you need to be in better shape, besides, if you're going to be fucking me with your strap on every night, you need to build up your stamina." This of course did bring a smile to her lips.

"Tell you what, I'll take it easy and go slow, just for you, and once we get back, we'll take a shower and I'll let you do anything you want. Deal!"

"You mean that, anything I want to do?" This time, one eye opened looking at me.

"Yep, anything. Promise."

She quickly sat up and starting looking for clothes to put on. I went down stairs to see if there were any bottles of water in the house. Thinking that I saw a Waffle House about a mile and half up the road, it would be a good place to stop and maybe get a little breakfast. Ater putting a twenty in my pocket, I did find one water bottle near the sink. Refilling it, it would have to do for the both of us until we could get more.

It wasn't long before Jana came down the stairs, she was kind of slow, but she did come down. I was standing near the kitchen when she saw me with the water bottle in my hand. She started to reach for her fanny pack, but thought better of it, bouncing on her hip while she tried to run. We started out the back door, and once the door was closed, she stopped and was staring at the cars parked in the back yard.

"What's wrong?" Looking at her staring out at the cars.

"Oh nothing. It's just seeing your car parked there, is something I could get very use to seeing all the time."

Using the steps, I showed her how to stretch out her muscles to avoid any pulls or cramps. Once we were stretched out, we headed out at a slow jog, heading up the street towards the Waffle House. The morning air was not to crisp, but did feel good, especially after a block or two. Normally I run a eight or nine minute mile, but today it was going to be more like a seventeen minute mile.

After a bit, I could see the Waffle House coming into view and getting closer. I directed Jana across the street, and by the time we reached the Waffle House, she was ready to stop. I told her that I brought some money with me, so we could get a bite to eat, but it was going to have to be lite, since we were going to run back home.

"Tell me, who are you going to love after I drop dead over all this running." Giving me a playful slap on the arm.

"Oh stop your bitching, it's not going to kill you and after a couple of weeks doing this, you'll be thanking me for getting you in better shape."

After we walked into the nearly empty restaurant, I told Jana to go wash her face and I would order for the both of us. After sitting down, the waitress came over and I ordered us both a glass of juice, single scrambled egg with a side of grits.

By the time Jana came back out of the restroom, the waitress was sitting our glasses of juice on the table.

"What no coffee?" She asked while sitting down.

"No, coffee will only make you hot and besides, you'll be wanting to stop and pee before we even get half way home."


"I'll be right back." Standing and heading to the restroom.

It didn't take to long for them to serve us our breakfast. We talked about what we might want to do the rest of the day. Neither of us could come up with any good suggestions, but I did mention that maybe we should take a little time to go to the grocery store to stock up on for the week. I told her that I really wasn't much into take-outs or going out to eat every night. We finally decided that maybe after our shower, we could take a little nap, then go to the mall, do some window shopping, and maybe take in a movie if anything good was playing. For the moment, that seemed like a good idea.

After our light breakfast, on the run back home, I began to notice the look of concentration on Jana's face. Not really saying anything I kind of attributed it to completing the run. Once we had reached the driveway, the look never went away. I then knew that something else was on her mind, and it wasn't the run. As we neared the back steps, I stopped and taking her arm, I turned her towards me.

"Ok, tell me, what's been on your mind since we left the restaurant, I know something is bothering you."

"Oh it's nothing." Trying to turn and walk away.

"Nothing my ass. Now tell me. It's ok, really." Trying to put her at ease a little.

"Well, if you must know smarty pants, I was trying to figure out how far anything goes. So there, are you happy now."

Take her hand in mine, I started to pull her over to the steps.

"Sit, let's talk." As we both sat down on the top step.

"First thing I want to say is that I am still a little sore from last night, so let's be somewhat limited on anything this morning, ok." She gave me a little nod telling me she understood.

"As for anything, let's just put it between one and ten, ten being no way in hell are we going there. If you bring up something and I tell you it's a nine or ten, then you need to think of an alternative. Anything else I might be game for unless I find I really can't handle it, and it's then moved to a ten." Pausing a moment to let her think on what I have just said.

"I've already told you two of my ten's, no spanking or paddles, and no humiliation. But if you think of or find something on the net or in a book, show me, and maybe we can try it. For me actually, fingers, tongues and dildo's is really all that I need, but if there is something more you can think of that just might spice things up a little, I'd like to see what it is and give it a try also."

"Can I tell you something and you not get upset or think badly of me?" As she looked at me hoping I would at least listen.

"Yes, please tell me. Help me to better understand you." Taking her hand in mine and bring it to my lips and kissing it.

"When I was a teenager, and after I really came to terms that I was a lesbian, I found my old man's stash of dirty magazines, Penthouse, Playboy, you know, those kind of books. Well, I got to reading the letters written in them, and some seemed really nasty, but some, maybe being a little kinky did get me to wonder and think about." I remained silent as she paused to collect her thoughts.

"Anyway, as you may already have guessed, I have had lovers in the past, just as you had. I had a few one night stands, and a few I've dated for a period of time. Over the years, I've even tried bringing up one or two of the things I had read about or fantasied about, and was always, put down and called a freak." I could see that she was having a hard time talking, but still remained silent to let her finish.

"One night with a girl I had been dating for a while, I tried to fuck her in the ass. She couldn't get out of the house and away from me fast enough. I just don't want to make the same mistake with you. I've fallen so much for you, I think I'd die if I ever lost you." As her eyes began to mist up.

Taking her face in my hands, I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, then on each eye, stopping on her forehead.

"Before the day is over, you're going to fuck my ass. I've never had anal intercourse before, so you're going to be my first. If I like it, you might be doing it often, hopefully not to your dismay. Besides, I might as well go to work with a sore pussy and ass tomorrow. Least it will give me something to remember you by." This of course brought a smile to her lips.

"You never know, I might hear of or read something, and come to you and ask you if we could try this or that, whatever it is." This also brought a bigger smile to her lips.

"Are you ok about all of this now. Are you still afraid to talk to me, or suggest anything to me?"

"No, but you did take a lot off my mind by talking to me."

"Can I tell you something else?"

"Sure what would that be?" Jana said looking at me.

"There might be times also, that maybe you, or I really don't want to make love, but just cuddle and hold one another. It's times that all we really want to be in someone's arms and to know your loved, not having to prove anything."

"You know, I would love doing that with you. Matter of fact, I'd like nothing better than to go upstairs right now and lay down and cuddle with you, would you mind doing that right now with me." She asked me.

Standing up, I reached down, taking her hand and helping her up, and started pulling her towards the door. Once inside, I kept pulling her towards the stairs. After we got to the bed room, I pulled my t-shirt off and shorts next. Reaching over I began undressing Jana, taking her shirt off while she started working on her shorts. I next removed my sports bra and panties. As I was getting into the bed, Jana had already began to remove her bra and panties.

After she had climbed into the bed, I moved up beside her, laying my head down on her shoulder, giving her neck a little kiss, wrapping my arm around her waist, holding her close.

"Lexi." Realizing she had given me a new nickname.

"Yes baby."

"Thank you."

"I love you Jana."

"Love you to baby."

I don't remember much after that, we both fell asleep, cuddled in each other's arms.

I was starting to have a weird dream. I could feel a wetness between my legs, like I had peed on myself, but it wasn't all that wet. Nice warm feelings began to radiate upwards through my body. As I started to slide my hands down towards my pelvis, I suddenly felt a lot of hair and it was moving. Fully waking up, I realized Jana was between my legs, eating my pussy. Her tongue was sliding up and down my slit, sinking into my pussy, then going down and rimming my ass. As her tongue was rimming my ass, I pushed down against it, moaning and pulling on the hair now clenched in my fists.

As her tongue went back up to my pussy, I felt her finger now rimming my ass. It felt wet and very smooth. As I relaxed, it slid easily into me. Slowly she began fucking my ass, going deeper and deeper with each slow thrust. Moving my head side to side, I began moan with each thrust, and her tongue now circling my clit. I soon felt her teeth on my clit, very lightly chewing on it. Her hand was now on my breast, her fingers pinching and pulling my nipple. Suddenly I felt her teeth starting to bite down on my clit. I was about to push her away, when a second finger was working its way into my ass. With two fingers in my ass, it was a little painful, but that soon disappeared when her lips and tongue went back to work my clit and pussy.

I started pumping my hips to the rhythm of her fingers in my ass. Just as I was about to move towards the crest of an orgasm, a third finger was slowly being added. Being stretched even more started to become a little more painful. Giving out a little grunt and pushing on her head a little, her fingers stopped moving, put still remain in me. After a minute or two when the pain eased off, I again began pumping my hips, indicating to her to continue.

All too soon, she pulled her fingers out of my ass, and rolled me over onto my stomach. I knew then that she was soon going to be fucking me in my ass. I silently prayed that she would be gentle and go slow. She apparently had planned this out while I was still asleep, because when she rolled me over, my hips were laying on top of a pillow. I felt her hands now on each of my ass checks, spreading them open. As I felt movement on the bed, I felt the dildo starting to press on my rosebud.

I knew I had to relax, and I guess she felt me do just that. As I relaxed myself as much as I could, she started to push it in me. After a little effort, the head did finely go in. I gave a little painful moan, which stopped her from going any deeper. After it had eased up a little I started moving, like I was trying to push myself back it her. Slowly she started easing it into me, going is a little, then stopping until I would move once more. After a time, I felt her press against me ass cheeks. I knew then that she was all the way in me. Once more she stopped until again I would press back to her.

Slowly she started moving it in and out. At first it was a little painful, but then the pain eased up and a warm glowing feeling began to spread through me. After a few minutes of her slowly pumping in and out of my ass, I looked over my shoulder.

"Honey, would you stop a minute, but don't pull it out."

"Sure hon, does it hurt?"

"No, not really, but keep it in me while I try and get up on my hands and knees, think you can do that.?"

"Sure, go slow, I'll help as much as I can." As she took ahold of my hips and began pulling my upwards.

Slowly I finally got up on my knees, my forearms and head were now being pressed down on the bed. With her between my legs, she once more started sliding it in and out of my ass. This time she had her hands on my hips, helping to pull me back onto her. I took my hand and reached down to rub my clit for some extra stimulation.

Moaning, I told her I loved what she was doing to me, and to fuck me harder. I soon heard and felt the slapping of her hips striking my ass.

"Harder baby, fuck me harder...." I cried, feeling so good now, I slipped a finger into my pussy while rubbing my clit with the palm of my hand.

Soon her hips seemed to be flying, each time you could hear the loud smack of her hips hitting my ass.

"I'm getting so close.... Yessss harder baby.... Ohhhhhhh." I cried as my orgasm hit me full force.

My body stiffened, but she never slowed down, pounding me just as hard, my orgasm seemed to be riding a large long wave, going on and on. Finally as it started to wane, I began to fall. Jana also fell with me, slamming the dildo deeper into my ass, causing the orgasm to flare up once more.

I lay panting from cumming so hard. Jana was laying on top of me, panting, trying to catch her breath, all the while the dildo was still deep in my ass.

"Oh God baby, that was so wonderful. It really was a different kind of cum, so intense, so fulfilling."

Slowly I felt it being pulled from my ass. With a sudden pop, it was free. I felt her get off the bed and walk towards the bathroom. A minute or two later, I heard water running in the sink, knowing she was washing it off. Soon afterwards, I felt her getting back into the bed and rolling me over once more.

"Was it good for you honey? I mean did I hurt you." Real concern in her voice, I had to tell her what I really felt.

"At first it did hurt some, but when you went slow and stopped every so often, I got used to it and then it really did start to feel very good." Which I emphasized the word 'very' so she knew I meant it.

"And if you're wondering, yes, I definitely want you to do it again, just not today, ok." Causing her to giggle a little.

"Ok! But you have to know, I love you so much, I don't know whether to cry or kiss you."

"A kiss right now would be nice." Putting my hand behind her neck, pulling her in for a kiss.

We soon got out of bed and headed into the bathroom for a much needed shower. While in the shower, she was taking extra time and care to clean off the extra lube around my now sore ass. When I looked over my shoulder, I could see that she was crying. Turning around, being a little concerned what might be wrong, I cupped her face in my hands.

"What's wrong baby, why are you crying?"

"Because, how did a dumb bitch like me end up with someone so wonderful as you."

"I think what you meant to say was, how did two dumb bitches end up with each other." Pulling her face to mine, so I could kiss away the tears.

"I really think that it's time for this dumb bitch." Pointing my finger at her. "To feed this dumb bitch." Pointing the finger at myself. "Because this bitch is hungry."

Without missing a beat, she backed up a little, somewhat spread her legs and pulled her lips apart like that was going to be my meal. I started to laugh so hard, she had to catch me to keep me from falling in the tub. We quickly finished our shower, getting out and once more drying each other off. We decided that going to the mall was one of our only choices, not having made and plans for the weekend.

We had decided to stop at a nice restaurant for lunch, not that we were looking for anything special, but you can only do a Waffle House so many times before it becomes a little too much. Once in the mall, going from store to store, looking at clothes, even trying some on, testing our likes and dislikes.

We were having so much fun teasing one another, and talking about the other people we saw in the stores, we actually forgot about the movie. In a couple of the smaller boutiques, we did try on a few clothes, and in one sport shop I did buy a few new sports bra's, liking the way Jana's felt when I wore hers. Once while in the kitchen and appliance section in one of the stores, Jana made a comment how nice it would be to have a newer modern stove in our kitchen. I had said that it really would be nice but had to turn away. When she mentioned 'our' home I had to bite my lip, trying to keep my composure. I did however, reach over and take her hand giving it a little squeeze not caring who saw me doing it.

With all of our playful antic's, it was soon almost three thirty. We were sitting in the food court, quenching our thirst with a smoothie.

"We have three things that we need to do before we go home." Saying this while I put my hand on top of hers.

"Oh yeah. And what might they be?" Arching her eyebrows at me.

"We need to eat, I need to go into the shop, and we also need to buy some groceries before going home."

"So do you want to go and get something to eat, then go into your shop?" As she took a sip of her smoothie.

"No, let's go to the shop, let me check things out, then get something to eat, that way when we go and get groceries, it would be with full stomach's keeping us from buying everything we see.?

"That sounds like a plan, if you're ready, let's go." Standing and reaching out and taking my hand in hers.

We walked back through the mall, hand in hand. I saw a few people look at us with maybe a little disgust in their eyes, but I would really say that we did get a lot more smiles and winks from others that passed us.

It took us probably thirty five minutes to make the drive over there. I didn't talk much, just sitting back and enjoying the scenery and the nice quite ride.

Once at the shop, I got out, dragging Jana with me. She really didn't want to actually go in, but I made her do it anyway. Once inside, we had met Joe, my swing shift lead mechanic. He was an older black man, as sweet as you would want to meet. When I first started, he kept referring to me as 'Missy Bella'. When I tried to get him to just call me Alexi, he would just smile and walk away. I soon gave up on changing him. Most everyone else just referred to me as Gunny, knowing that just mustard out of the Marines. I introduced him to Jana, then taking her into my office.

I had told her that he likes working the swing shift on Sundays, giving his wife a chance to be with her folks and not having to drag him along. He said all they wanted to do was sit and gossip about the neighbors.

After checking the roosters, checking on what cars needed major repairs, and if there were enough to cover those in the shop. I also did a quick search of inventory to make sure we had the parts on hand to fix the cars, if not I could order them online to be delivered first thing in the morning without causing too much of a delay. Having done all this, I had turned out the lights, and asked Jana if she would like a nickel tour of the place. Grinning and nodding her head I took her around, stopping every now and then to introduce her to some of the people working here.

I had one female working in the shop as a tire changer. She was what I called a perfect ninety six. Thirty two, thirty two, thirty two, strong as an ox and as tough as nails. She had always ignored me, as just another pansy sissy, but when she saw me dragging Jana around by the hand, I believe I saw something a little different in her eyes. I had never paid that much attention to her, since she was always flirting with the guys, but now think that she was maybe a little bi also.

Once back in the car, heading to a restaurant, I started telling Jana about when I first started. I told her how I had gotten rid of the slackers and what I called pot heads. I said that I only had trouble with one good ole boy red neck. He acted as if no woman was going to be telling him what needed to be done and when it was to be done. One evening with everyone standing around, I finally told him to get the job done or get out. He had said I had no business telling him what to do, and that I was only a pretend boss, collecting brownie points.

I turned and looked at one of the guys standing around watching all this, saying this asshole had two minutes to get his ass out the door or we're both going to the hospital, him and me, with my foot deeply planted in his ass. When I turned and squared off with him firmly planting my feet on the ground, balling my hands into tight little fists, he looked around not seeing any help from anyone else lowered his head and walked out the door. Since then, I've never had any trouble with any of the rest of the men.

Jana did say that she thought that she might have recognized one or two of them, but was really glad to see that maybe they got their lives straightened out and are doing good for themselves.

Pulling into a nice little steak house, the idea of a good steak seemed to wet my appetite even more. All through dinner, we both talked about the experiences we had encountered at our jobs. Listening to Jana talking about her job, seemed a lot more interesting, being new to me learning the differences from what you hear and see on TV and what really goes on. Both of us not thinking that we both really didn't need the extra calories by having desert, skipped it all together.

Grocery shopping was a whole different matter. One of the first isles Jana headed for was the frozen TV dinners. I would only let her get one or two, but just for emergencies. Her next isle was the soup isle. Again I told her that we were going to start eating healthy, and it started right now. All I got form her was a little smile. I did talk her into getting a small roast, some pork chops, more eggs and bacon. We got some syrup for waffles or pancakes, and fresh vegetables. I did however pick up a lot of fruit, thinking this would be good to snack on instead of junk food. The last things we got was a case Bud Lite and a case of bottled water to take on our runs.

After getting home and putting all the grocery's away, I opened a bottle of juice and poured us both a glass. Sitting at the table, I looked over at Jana, seeing if I could tell just how tired she really was.

"What!" Looking at me like I was gauging her up for something.

"Oh I was just wondering if you had anything special you wanted to do the rest of the evening."

Looking at me, I could see in her eyes what she really wanted to say, but felt maybe tonight was not the night to ask it.

"You know, we could go to the gym, get a little workout in, or go up and take a shower, come back down and finish watching that movie we started to watch or...." Letting my words hang in the air while I took a sip of my juice.

"Or what." She asked looking at me.

"Or we could go up and take that shower, go to bed and I could make love to you the rest of the night." Smiling at her, knowing that is what she really wanted to do.

"I just thought you would be a little sore to do anything."

"I am still a little sore, but you could never get tired of your tongue and fingers in me. Besides, I just might bend you over the foot of the bed and fuck your pussy and ass half the night away." Finishing off the rest of my juice.

I could see Jana sit and look at me with wonder... She tipped her glass and finished off her juice. Setting the glass back down on the table, she stood and walked over to the doorway and turned off the lights. Turning she asked; "Well aren't you coming?"

Picking up her glass and putting both of our glasses in the sink, I went out trying to catch her as she had already gotten to the stairs going up them.

Once in the bedroom, I stopped her from taking off her clothes. Placing her hands to her sides, I indicated that I wanted her to keep them there. Kneeling before her, I reached up and started undoing the belt she had on, unsnapping her jeans, slowly pulling down the zipper. Lifting one leg, I removed her shoe and sock, then doing the same to the other.

Pulling down her jeans until they were at her knees, I stopped, looking up at her mini boxer briefs. I took both hands and began rubbing them on her legs, working them high until I had them on her panties. I rubbed across the bottom of her stomach, and back down across her abdomen. Slowly circling my hands behind her, I caressed each ass check, giving each one a nice little squeeze. When my hands returned to the front of her panties, I heard a little moan escape her lips.

I slid my hands down to her jeans and finished pulling them down, lifting a leg, pulling it free. After completely removing the jeans, I laid my head on her abdomen, my hands going up her sides to her back. Feeling the coolness of her skin, I reached high until I felt her bra strap. Unhooking it, I slowly came to the front of her where my hands went under her now loosened bra and cupped each breast in my hands, kneading her breasts, I let my thumbs slid across each nipple, feeling them beginning to harden. Giving each nipple a little pull and squeeze, another moan escaped her lips as her hands now covered mine.

Pulling my hands free, I slid them down to her panties. Hooking my fingers into her waist band, I began to pull them down. Little by little, as her skin was being exposed, I would kiss her, and using my lips to nibble on the spots I have kissed. After her panties dropped to her ankles, I lifted each leg, completely removing them from her.

Placing my hands on her ass, I pulled her to me, pressing my lips to her mound. I slid my tongue down her cleft, going between her lips. She had put her hands to the top of my head, trying to push me back a little while telling me to stop until she could wash up.

Not listening to her, I pressed in harder, trying to push my tongue in deep. I heard a long moan then felt her legs spread slightly. Her hands now pulling rather than push me away. As I tilted my head up for a better access to her pussy, I could see her hands, now on her own breasts, her eyes closed and moans and coo's coming from her lips.

With the bed already at her back, I pushed lightly, making her sit down on the edge of the bed. Before any more objections could be raised, I lifted her knees, and dove straight into her pussy, coating my entire face with her juices, pulling her lips apart, I slide my tongue from the bottom of her pussy, all the way to her clit. I got a taste of her juices, a little of her sweat, and also a faint hint of her urine.

None of this bothering me, I began to lick and tongue fuck her pussy in earnest. All I heard from Jana were was a barrage of constant moans and ahhhh's. As I was licking and sucking on her pussy, I started to remove my own clothes. I did have to pause a moment to remove my shirt, but returned quickly, trying to get my lover off.

By now I had removed all my clothing and was kneeling before my lover, making sweet love to her. Every now and then I would hear my name being called and faint gurgling noises I could not make out. At times it sounded like she was actually talking to me in a foreign language.

I inserted a finger into her pussy. As her juices lubricated it I started pushing it in and out of her pussy faster. When I knew she was relaxed enough, I slowly slipped in a second, then third finger. I felt the walls of her pussy really starting to clamp down on my fingers. I knew that it wouldn't be long before she was going to cum, and cum hard, but I didn't want her to cum this way, I wanted her to experience something different from me.

When I pulled my fingers out and lifted my head, I heard a long, "nnnnnooooooo" coming from her lips.

"Hold on a minute baby, be right back." Quickly jumping up and getting the strap on and dildo's from the bathroom sink.

As quick as I could, I was again kneeling, licking her pussy. I reached over and retrieved the tube of gel she had left on the floor last night. Putting a good amount in my hand I began to coat the dildo with the gel. Once I had it well coated. While lightly licking around her clit, just to keep her levels high, I started to slide my well lubricated fingers into her pussy once more. I had used my four fingers, slowly sliding them into her very wet tight pussy.

Slowly I started working my hand in, not going to deep, nor going too fast. By now her fingers were entangled in my hair, pulling me, trying to guide my lips and tongue over her clit. Feeling she was now ready, I stood, pulling my hair from her fingers, though a little painful I knew I had her near her peak, ready to be fucked by me. Not really having done anything like this, I figured that if a man can do it, I could do it better.

Placing the head of the flesh colored dildo to the entrance of her pussy, I slowly push on it until the head entered into her pussy.

"Oh God baby... ohhhh..."

Taking her hands in mine, I held them as I wait a moment for her to adjust. I felt her squeeze my hand once, feeling she was ready, I pushed a little more into her, pausing once more. I kept this up for a few more minutes until I had the entire nine inches inside of her.

Thank goodness she had one of those high beds, allowing me to almost stand flat footed while pressed against her pussy. Slowly I started rocking my hips side to side, then up and down. I'd slowly pull it out an inch or two and slide it back in rocking once more side to side.

Letting go of her hands I began rubbing her stomach and abdomen, not hard, but firmly with gentle strokes. I started sliding in and out of her, slowly but steadily. Each time I would slide a little farther out, and push it back in a little harder.

"Lexi.... Oh my darling... ohhhhhh yessssssss"

I was now pulling almost all of it out, leaving maybe an inch or two inside of her, and pushing it back in to the faint sound of my thighs slapping hers. I soon began to feel her muscles tightening up, her body becoming stiff. Pushing her legs higher up onto her, I reached out and cupped her breasts, punching, twisting and pulling on her nipples. I almost couldn't believe how hard they felt between my fingers.

By now, her head was turning side to side, her eyes shut tightly, a constant moaning coming from deep in her throat. Her nostrils flared, gasping for breath. Suddenly, she froze up, arching her hips into the air. Still kneading and pinching her nipples, I never slowed down fucking her. I felt I knew what she needed, and was going to give it to her.

Just as she was about to start to relax, I stepped up my pace, driving it in harder and faster. In no time it felt like my hips were a blur, pumping the dildo into her pussy. I put my thumb over her clit and began rubbing it vigorously. That was all that it took to send her back over the edge again. As the spasms over took her body, she shuddered and shook while the only thing she could do was nearly scream, "Leeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxxxxiiiiiiiiii."

While totally passed out, when I pulled the dildo from her pussy, I could see that her hole still remained open, being able to peer deep inside of her. Quickly removing the dildo, I grabbed the smaller one and attached it to the belt. Putting the tube of jell at the end of the bed, I lifted and positioned Jana up on the bed on her hands and knees, ok, her arms and knees. I got up behind her, seeing her little brown rosebud looking back at me, slightly opened being in the position that she was in, lubing up the dildo really good, I took a little more on my fingers and began smearing it around her asshole. Slowly I pushed some inside of her. Adding a little more lube to my finger, I pushed a little more into her, making sure she was well lubed.

I got behind her, knowing that she was totally relaxed, entering her should not be a problem. I slowly slid the dildo into her ass until I was pressed up against her. I just stayed there, totally still, not moving at all.

Slowly she began to respond. When she tried to move, I knew she felt her ass being stuffed full with the dildo.

"No Lexi, I can't take any more, you're going to kill me."

"Shhhh, it will be alright. Feel how full you are, in a minute, you're not going to want me to stop. I know, that is how I felt last night." As I rubbed my hands over and across her well rounded ass cheeks.

Slowly I began rocking. Not really moving in or out, but just rocking back and forth. I felt her hips starting to push back against me. Very slowly at first, but gradually her thrust back towards me began to increase.

"You ok baby, am I hurting you at all?"

"No, it's starting to feel really good. Just go slow. Let me get a little more use to it being so deep in me." As she moaned a little, not of pain, but from the pleasure she was starting to feel.

Ever so slowly, I started flexing my hips, causing the dildo to begin to move in and out of her ass. After a moment or two, she grunted, pushing back hard against me.

"Harder baby, do it a little harder please." I knew now that she was really starting to get into it.

I increased my movements, pulling a little farther out, and sliding back in, filling her completely. I steadily began to go a little fast. Remembering yesterday when she was doing this to me, how it felt and how much I began to enjoy it.

Moaning and grabbing onto the sheets, she started bucking back at me harder. I reciprocated and started fucking her a little harder. I soon had set up a steady rhythm, Jana was now continually moaning and grunting.

"Baby, take your hand and rub your clity, make it feel good."

She had moved her hand and began rubbing her clit. This brought more and louder moans. Again her body began to spasm and shake. Not wanting to push it too far, I let her ride it out, gently pulling from her ass.

I quickly stood and pulled the strap on from my waist, and dropped it to the floor. Crawling back up on the bed, pulling her into my arms, I starting kissing her face and neck, whispering how much I loved her and needed her.

Returning my kiss, she then put her arms around me, holding me tight. It wasn't very long afterwards she was sound asleep. I gently got up, and picked up the strap on and dildo and took them into the bathroom to clean them up. After they were clean, I took a warm wash cloth, went to my baby and started to wipe the excess gel from her pussy and ass. Once she was clean I put the washcloth in the bathroom, turned out all the lights and went back to bed.

Around five thirty in the morning, I began to wake. Jana was still hugging me tightly, her leg laying over the top of my legs. Feeling like I really needed to pee, I tried to untangle myself from her, but woke her in doing so.

"No, don't go." Holding me a little tighter.

"It's ok baby, I just need to pee, I'll be right back." As she slowly started to release her grip on me.

As I sat there peeing, Jana came staggering into the bathroom.

"Hurry, I need to go too."

"Ok, one second." As I tore some paper off to wipe myself with.

I got up from the toilet and before I could really step away, Jana was already starting to sit down, before you knew it, she was peeing hard into the bowl. Kneeling down before her, I rested my forearms across the top of her legs.

"Are you ok, I didn't hurt you last night did I." Feeling some real concern towards her.

Her fingertips, lightly caressing the side of my face, like she was drawing lines outlining my cheeks and lips.

"You know, last night you took me where no one ever has come close to. I'm so afraid that I am going to wake up and find that this is all but a dream."

Kissing her finger as it traced over my lips, "It's no dream. I felt the same way you do now, and soon realized, it was all true."

She had leaned over giving me a kiss on my forehead.

Tell you what, why don't I go down and put a pot of coffee on while you jump in the shower. I don't think me getting in with you would be a good idea. Neither one of us might make it into work this morning.

"Yeah, and plus how sore I am, I don't think I could really handle it anyway." We both giggled on that comment.

Pushing myself up, I left her to shower as I went down to make the coffee.

After we both had showered, while standing in the bedroom she was pulling out some clothes she was about to wear. I walked over, picking up the mini boxer brief's she had on yesterday, and started to put them on.

"Wait. Those are dirty, I wore them all day yesterday, let me get you a clean pair."

"No. I want these. They have your smell on them, plus a little of your juices. I want to feel like I'm actually apart of you every step I take."

She stood, looking at me like maybe I was a little crazy, but then she quickly yanked off hers, threw them back into the drawer, picked up the ones I had on, and put them on.

"Two can play this same game. Besides, I know sitting or walking will also remind me everything we did." Turning to find a bra.

For the next two and half weeks, things went very smoothly. I only stayed at the apartment one night during the whole time, and that was because Jana said that she was probably going to work most of the night. I knew if I stayed there, I would wake her in the morning when I got up to run and go to work. When she didn't get to bed to late, I also got her up to run. She began to get better. She was not as fast as I was, but you could see steady improvements.

While inspecting the vehicles that were to be taken to auction, one of the mini vans, driven by an older driver, appeared to be in pretty good shape. I pulled it aside, deciding that I was going to purchase it for myself. My car, although being my baby, did only get about five miles per gallon. Gas money was really starting to dig deep in my pockets.

Later that night when I saw Joe coming in, I brought him into my office explaining what I wanted. I had told him, if he wanted to make some extra cash, on his days off, or just come in early, and fix up the old van. I would pay him for doing it for me, all he needed to do, was leave me a list of parts that he needed and I would purchase them out of my own pocket. I told him also I wanted it painted, and if he knew someone that could do a good job. Nodding his head, he just looked at me and smiled.

I came home one evening, and after walking into the kitchen, a woman was sitting there with Jana. I really had no idea who this woman was, and immediately started conjuring up all kinds of wild thoughts, she was dumping me, an old girlfriend came back to claim my Jana.

Jana stood... "Sandy, I want you to meet my wife, this is Alexi." Turning, I gave Jana my biggest smile, knowing she was going to get a lot more later.

I stuck out my hand to shake her hand, standing, she took my hand giving me a firm shake. Looking around I said, "Jana may be my man of the house, but lacks in any real manners,

"Can I get you something to drink, some sweet tea or juice?" Looking over I could see Jana rolling her eyes.

"Some sweet tea would be good." As she started to sit back down.

"Alexi, the same thing that happened to you, has also happened to Sandy. Sandy, as I had told you earlier, the two women you described, did the same thing to Alexi. If you would, why don't you tell her what happened to you."

Holding up my hand, as if telling her not to speak.

"Sandy. I know how you must feel, being there myself. You don't have to say anything, Jana can tell me later without embarrassing yourself in front of me."

"No, that is alright. I starting to learn, by talking about it, I really am starting to learn how to deal with it. If it's ok with you, I would like to tell you." Letting her head drop a little after saying what she did.

"Only if you're sure, take your time and tell me."

For the next half hour, Sandy related to the both of us the events she went through for the entire weekend. Her first night was a lot like what I had experienced, but on the following day, things did seem to get a little worse, the humiliation and torture they had put her through.

By the time she was done telling her story, I could feel the anger seething within me. My knuckles were white, balled up in a fist in my lap. I could only imagine what my facial expressions showed. Glancing at Jana, I think she was even a little frightful.

After she had finished talking, there was a deafening silence in the room. Slowly getting to my feet, I walked over to Sandy, pulling her to her feet, I wrapped her in my arms, holding her tightly to me. Almost at the same moment, we both started crying. After a couple minutes of us crying on each other's shoulders, I felt Jana by my side, somehow finding a box of tissues handing each one of us a handful.

After getting our crying under control, I turned to Sandy, "If you like we have a bathroom just down the hall, if you would like to go and freshen up."

Nodding her head, she walked out of the kitchen and headed down the hall way. I turned to Jana and fell into her arms, "Hold me baby." Hold me she did.

As I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, we pulled apart. When Sandy turned the corner into the kitchen, I took her by the hand and led her over to the chair she was sitting in. Once she was seated, I sat down and asked her...

"When are you supposed to meet up with them again."

"I suppose to meet them at the Purple Palace this coming Saturday night around nine PM. I'm also supposed to wear a little skimpy outfit they gave me." She sat calmly saying all this looking back and forth between Jana and myself.

"I hate to ask you this, but would you be willing to wear that skimpy outfit one time? We don't want to tip off anything before we put our plan into action. Bring a change of clothing with you, so you can throw the skimpy outfit in the trash once we accomplished our mission."

"But why." She asked.

I went into detail what my plan was, explaining that it was very doubtful the law would actually do much if anything due to the lack of proof. I had told her, me standing up making the accusations, was one thing, but if someone else also stood up saying basically the same thing, maybe we can put enough humiliation on them in a crowded bar, letting everyone one know who and what they are up to putting them out of business doing the same thing to anyone else.

The more I talked, the bigger Sandy's smile got. Looking over at Jana.

"We have three days, think that is enough time to get everything in place?"

"Come hell or high water, your damn right we can."

By Saturday night, we felt everything was in place. Walking into the Purple Palace, we knew immediately that Patty and Jo got the word out that something big was going down and to be there to see it. The place was packed. As we walked in, Jo gave me a wink, letting me know everything was set. A little before nine, Sandy walked in, carrying a large purse with her. She was wearing the skimpy outfit, and I had to admit, she did look very good in it. Not that I wanted her, but it did turn me on somewhat.

I was standing at the bar, pulling Sandy in alongside of me. I knew Jana was near, even though I couldn't see her, no way was she going to be very far from either Sandy or myself.

Right on cue, a few minutes after nine, they both came walking in the door. Behind the one I called Elvira, was the girl with the collar around her neck being led in by a leash. Nancy must have spotted Sandy right away since she started walking over to the both of us.

"Fancy seeing you here. I forgot your name, what was it again?" Saying as she got to us.

Not even tempted to answer her, I turn towards Patty and winked at her, letting her know I was in full control of myself.

Nancy had by then turned to Sandy saying, "Come my dear, you need to come and join us."

"No, she is staying right here with me. It's you that needs to leave." I said trying to control my anger.

"Nonsense, come with me." As she reached and put her hand on Sandy's arm.

She never saw my hand come up and grab her hand holding onto Sandy. Wrapping my hand around hers, my fingers on the back of her hand, my thumb pushing her forefinger backwards towards her wrist. I supposed going to the gym every week had some benefits, not realizing my own strength, when I pushed on her finger, it snapped sounding like a stick of celery being broke in two.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Miss Elvira hurriedly approaching. Just as she was about to raise her arm, using the heel of my palm, I struck her in the center of her chest, just above her breasts. She immediately dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

I could see a flash of anger in her eyes as she was about to get off the floor. Letting go of Nancy's hand, I stepped over, placing my foot on Miss Elvira chest. The two inch heel of my pumps was on top of one of her enormous breasts. With a little force, I pushed her back to the floor, her head hitting the hard floor, sounding like a melon being dropped.

"Don't bother trying to get up because the next time you hit the floor, it's really going to hurt for a long time."

Again, out of the corner of my eye, I saw two what I would call, hard core dykes approaching.

"Hey, you can't do that to our friend."

As I started to turn and square off in front of them, Jana seemed to appear from nowhere.

"Ladies, I'm not about to interfere with what you think you want to do, but let me just say this. I know for a fact that this little lady here has sent three grown men to the hospital using only her bare hands. Now I will do this for you, I will call an ambulance for the both of you when she is finished."

They both looked at one another, and not saying a word to each other, turned and headed towards the door.

Reaching down, I slid my hand up the back of Nancy's head under her hair. My fingers were spread slightly. When my hand was at the back of her head, I clenched my hand into a fist around her hair. This is what we termed as a hair hold, and I knew it was very painful.

Squeezing my fist a little tighter, I got a loud, "eeeeeeeeeiiiiiii" from Nancy.

Turning her head a little, making her look up at me, "There will be no more coming in here, picking up unsuspected women and talking them home, drugging them just so you can have sex with them. If there was any way I could prove it happened, I'd make sure you were arrested, and I would be the first to testify. Do I make myself clear?" Giving her hair another little twist, causing a scream of pain.

"It's all Monica's fault. She told me no one would dare say anything for fear of embarrassment."

"I don't care whose idea it was, it all ends here tonight. Everyone here has heard what you had to say, and word will spread. No matter where you go in this city, people will know who and what you both are. My advice, get out of town, and fast." Pushing Nancy away causing her to fall on her elbows.

Jo had by now joined us, reaching down, grabbing both women by the hair and started dragging them across the floor towards the door. You could hear her telling them that they both were eighty sixed and if they ever showed up again, they would not like what happens next.

I walked over to the blond girl, standing there looking very frighten. I started to reach up to the collar when she flinched a little. I just nodded my head and this time my fingers went to the buckle of the collar. Taking it from around her neck, I held it in my hand.

"You can take this collar and follow them out that door and be a dumb ass twit for as long as they keep you around, or.... You can hold your head high, and maybe find someone who respects you for who you are."

She just stood there, the corner of her mouth twitched a few times, but nothing came from her lips. A woman came up to us, and draped a coat over her shoulders.

"Come on Suzi, it's time I take you home, we have a lot to talk and a lot of making up to do."

As she started to turn Suzi towards the door, she turned to me saying, "I'll take care of her, this will never happen to her again."

I just nodded my head, hoping all was going to go well for the both of them. By now Jo was making her way back to me.

"Dam girl, those were some moves, just don't ever get pissed at me, ok?"

Leaning in, kissing her on the cheek, "Never Jo, your too good a friend." I could see her face starting to blush.

I caught a glimpse of Sandy heading towards the bathrooms, her giant purse in hand thinking that she was going to change out of the skimpy outfit. Looking around I could not find Jana anywhere, but knew that she was not far away.

I turned and started walking towards what I now called our little booth. As I got closer, I noticed three women sitting in the booth. When I was about to turn and walk away, all three raised their hands in the air.

"No... here, it's all yours." As they scrambled to get up.

When they walked past me, all three were smiling, letting me know they weren't forced to get up.

After I had sat down, I could feel my hands starting to shake as my adrenaline came down. A moment or two later, Jana slid in beside me.

"You ok honey, everything alright?"

"Just hold me please until I stop shaking." As her arms went around me holding me tightly against her.

"I'm so proud of you, you were wonderful." Kissing me on my forehead.

The waitress appeared, sitting down three glasses and a pitcher of beer. Just as I was really starting to calm down, Sandy came up to the table, sitting down beside Jana.

"Jana... Alexi... I... I really don't know how to thank the both of you for what you have done."

I was about to say that no thanks were needed when she continued...

"I know that this will not erase the memories, but it did give me some closure. Maybe now I can pick up the pieces and hopefully start moving on with my life."

Jana took her other arm and wrapped around Sandy, drawing her in for a hug, while I took Sandy's hand in mine holding it tightly. With Jana hugging the both of us, I think we were all a little relieved that it was finally over. As we started to sit up, I noticed a very beautiful young Asian girl coming up to our table.

To be continued..... new friends, or new problems....

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Next: Chapter 5

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