Ali Baba Baths

Published on Sep 9, 2012


The Ali Baba Baths 15

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to

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I discovered several unexpected things about Lawrence as he coupled with Omar. I was sure Lawrence discovered many things about himself that were a surprise too. Clearly Omar's oversized cock was a perfect fit for Lawrence's ass. His hole welcomed the invader into his rectum. There was no hesitation and not a hint of discomfort or pain.

Lawrence was a dancer and an actor. He played the role of Ganymede to Omar's Zeus. While Lawrence wasn't enthusiastic about older men, to play the mythical role correctly he had to submit to the god's lusts. Once he understood the role, the sexual aspect of the pose fell into place.

Lawrence not only played the role, he loved it. Homer asked that his models play their mythological parts. Zeus had to be the lusty and domineering god. Homer felt Ganymede needed to be both submissive to the god's will and pleased the god selected him to meet his sexual needs. Art imitates life. Lawrence and Omar found the mythical roles attractive.

I am not sure that from a mythological point of view that Zeus was ever sexually satisfied. The king of the gods was always excited and always on the lookout for additional sexual playmates. I don't think his playmates ever fell in love with him, but most seemed to have enjoyed the experience.

It had been more than four months since Murad's death. Omar had been inactive sexually, sunk in a deep depression. After months in a sexual dessert, I assumed he would be a wild man, desperate to release all his pent up needs. Omar later told me Lawrence had Murad's ass. It was as if that part of his late lover had been reincarnated. "I never told Murad how much I loved him," Omar said. "We played a game and I was to fuck him as "punishment." I rarely fucked him as a lover. I fucked Lawrence as a lover. It was as if I was in Murad again. It was better in some ways."

The posing session was long and Homer wanted them to try different positions. Homer's sketches were a wonder. He sketched at great speed and was able to capture every mood and expression of sexual passion. When I saw the sketches, I realized they were sexually explicit and passionate, rather than pornographic. They expressed the glory of sex and sexual intercourse. I went home for dinner and then I met with Karl and we visited the bath. Blackie wanted to know how it went.

"Omar seems to have thrown off his depression and Lawrence seems to be comfortable with older men," I said. "Or at least he is comfortable with one older man!"

Blackie smiled. "Aldred is here," he said. "Tell him that. He is the one who thought Lawrence was the remedy for Omar's depression."

Windner was in the steam room with his friend Frank and Aldred was with his friend George, the fireman. Timothy, the wrestler was alone. It was a congenial group. I joined them. I was planning to pair with Tim. Unexpectedly, Frank sat with Aldred and George was fondling Tim. I sat next to Windner. I had known him for a while but we had not connected sexually before.

"Are you playing musical Chairs?" I asked. Windner look puzzled and then he smiled.

"Everyone likes a little variety some times," he replied. He leaned close to me and whispered. "I know it all fun here, but my relationship with Frank is more than that. I tend to be a possessive man. When George went to play with Tim, Aldred looked so lonely I told Frank to help him out." Frank was now sucking Aldred with considerable tenderness.

"I thought it might offend me, but it seems to have excited me instead," he continued. I looked at his crotch and saw he was fully erect. "I feel as if I am all ready to go to the ball, but I have no dancing partner." He looked at me and I knew what he wanted. Aldred began to moan as he shot off. Frank returned to Windner and all was well. I returned to my apartment un sucked and un fucked. I felt good about that. Resisting temptation was not my strong suit, but I had done it.

Several days later, Lawrence came to the baths with a stagehand bruiser named Fred, and another dancer, Igor. Fred was the most common, common-man I had ever met. Strong as a bull, he did the heavy lifting behind the scenes of the opera. He seemed completely uninterested in culture in any manifestation. Lawrence told me that when you needed a Rhine maiden to float in the water, Fred was on the other end of the rope holding her in the air.

Igor was 24 but looked like he was 13 or 14. I found out he was particularly good at acrobatic dances, and was much in demand for Russian style ballets. He could literally fly through the air. He looked very delicate, but was most athletic. Igor was also exceptionally effeminate. One doesn't associate the athletic with being effeminate, but that described Igor. Igor's real name was Lewis Smith, but Russian dancers were in great demand so he became Russian.

Fred was a black bear, a bit smaller than Blackie, but they had the same physique. His cock head barely peeked out of his pubic hair, and that was only the tip of his foreskin. His balls were lost in the bush. Igor shaved himself hairless, but he possessed a long white snake dangling from his loins, flanked by low hangers.

Lawrence brought them over to me. Fred was the stagehand he had mentioned to me. Igor was Fred's other conquest. We talked a little and then Blackie entered the room. Fred was a loud, brash man. When such men appeared, Roscoe would take the front desk and Blackie would visit the baths, just to make sure all was well. He had a way of explaining the rules that was memorable. That was only rarely necessary, but he liked to make sure the big men knew there was a bigger man nearby.

He came over to us and welcomed the new men to the bath. Blackie wasn't shy and he was naked. Since we were sitting, his oversized genitals were at eye level. Lawrence was impressed as were his companions.

"Is that thing for real?" Fred blurted out.

"It's real and it's in tip-top working order," Blackie said.

"What can you do with it?" Fred asked. "It looks too big for daily use!"

Blackie smiled. "I never shove it where it's not wanted, but you'd be surprised at how many men want it."

"Do they change their mind once you are in?" Lawrence asked.

"A few do, but most are good sports," Blackie answered. "Most also are repeat customers. I love a tight hole, but you would be surprised to know how many men like to be filled to overflowing." He was still soft, but Igor leaned forward. He took the tip of the foreskin into his mouth and sucked it in. Fred looked shocked.

Blackie smiled again. "You could say this is a friendly place. Some of our standards are less strict than at other baths," he said. "As long as you remember that no is no, you will have a good time here."

"I feel like a dwarf in the land of the giants," Fred muttered. I think he was thinking out loud. He hadn't meant to say that. We were all erect by then and Fred's cock was holding back.

Blackie told Fred to stand up on the bench so he could get a look. I don't think Fred wanted that, but men always obeyed Blackie. "I've never seen a cock, someone didn't want," he said as he swallowed Fred's tool. Fred was shocked a second time, but he got use to it quickly.

A little later, things calmed down and Blackie stropped sucking Fred. Igor pulled off Blackie. Conversation resumed. "If was a Dutchman and had a leak in the dyke, I would get Fred to plug it with his cock," Blackie said. "He's nice and juicy too. A cock that lubricates itself is a good thing."

"It is good," Igor said.

Blackie looked at him like a horse trainer looking at a possible purchase. "Damn, there is more to you than meets the eye," he said.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that," Igor whispered. "It's private."

"Don't worry about that," Blackie said. "Eventually nothing is that private at the Ali Baba Baths. Everyone knows just about everything, about your sexual desires, that is."

"I don't know if I like that," Lawrence said.

"Most of us are use to hiding our sex lives and afraid to let anyone know what we like and enjoy. Here we all share the same tastes," I said.

"There is no need to hold back or hide anything. We're all naked here," Blackie added. "You may try to hide something, but it can't stay hidden for long. You can try to hide your interests and eventually everyone will know it, or you tell everyone and everyone will know it."

"This is a men's bath," I added. "Most men are curious about other men's sexual tastes. Somewhere in the baths is another man who shares that interest." Igor was sitting between Blackie and Fred. Omar entered the room and Lawrence went to him like an iron filing to a magnet. Apparently, he wasn't hiding his attraction to Omar.

I am a poor judge of what person another man will find attractive. Fred leaned over Igor to whisper to Blackie. "Does everyone here enjoy man play?" he asked as he glanced at the couple on the other side of the room.

"They sure do," Blackie replied. "I would hate for you to think I am a libertine, but I have played with every man in the room. Everyone likes to meet new men too."

Since Fred had enjoyed the ballet dancers, I didn't expect him to go over to Windner and Frank. They shifted so Fred could sit between them. The former officer put his arm around Fred's shoulders. Fred got hard immediately.

Gustav entered the steam room and came over to us. He clearly was interested in the ballet dancer. For a while, I thought Gustav and Blackie were in a competition to see who would get into the young man's ass. I think they actually were testing the waters. Blackie was big and they wanted to find out Igor's limitations and experience.

"I've never seen you here before," Gustav said. "Is this your first visit?" By this time, Fred was deeply involved with Frank and Windner. "I hope our ways don't shock you."

"It is a surprise, but a pleasant surprise," Igor replied. "It's very exciting."

"I can tell," Gustav said as he looked at Igor's erect cock. "You are a beautiful man, but I must admit, your manly organ is quite lovely. I didn't expect it given your delicate features. I'm I right in thinking you played the faun in the opera two weeks ago?"

"You saw it?" Igor asked.

"You were both graceful and supremely athletic. You were a joy to watch," Gustav said. Igor glowed in pleasure at the compliment.

"Igor is a good cock man," Blackie said. "He took more of mine than most men can manage."

"I'm new to this," Igor said. "Fred introduced me to man play two weeks ago. It was very hurried in a closet at the opera house. It is very different here."

"This is a good place to experiment and explore," Gustav said. "You are a beautiful man. Everyone would be pleased to help you."

"I don't know what is expected or acceptable," Igor said. "I am unsure."

"That depends on how adventurous you are, my boy!" Blackie explained. "You can do as much or as little as you wish. We all have the same equipment, but how you use it is up to you. You tell me what you want, and we can do it."

"I would be too embarrassed to do that. What would you like to do with me?" Igor asked. "Tell me what you would like, even if you think I wouldn't do it. I don't know what is possible."

There was a brief period of silence. "Well, I'm willing to be frank," Gustav said. "I would like to suck your cock and balls until you are all hot and bothered. When you shoot, I want to suck up your man juices and take every drop. I want to milk you like a prize cow until your balls are empty."

Igor smiled. "What about you Blackie?" he asked.

"Well I have a plan for Igor," Blackie said. "I would like to skewer Igor on my cock. Since he is a beautiful, small man, I would carry him around the Baths like a figurehead on a ship. I'm sure every bump would force my cock deeper. I would offer his cock to every man who is here and give them a chance to sample his impressive cock and his cock ooze!"

"Have you ever done anything like that?" I asked.

"I've never had a man who was light enough for me to carry easily, yet had an ass capable of taking my organ," Blackie explained. I glanced at Igor and saw his cock was rock hard and it twitched when Blackie mentioned skewering him.

"Why would you think Igor meets your requirements?" I asked. "You've just met him?"

"I'm a good judge of men. If he can take Fred, he can take me," Blackie said, "I'm just longer than Fred. Now I do have one worry. If my cock goes in too deep it might pop out of his mouth!" Everyone laughed. I glanced at Igor again. He was laughing, but I had the feeling he was willing to take the risk. He looked at Blackie's organ with frank admiration.

I have never said no to a man with a big cock. When I am being completely honest with myself, I rarely say no to a man with a cock. I am open-minded. I had a feeling, that Blackie's organ captivated Igor.

It was my turn to suggest a fantasy. "My needs are very simple. I would love to sit on his cock and play with him until he has an orgasm," I said. "After he gives my prostate a sperm bath, I would like to have my friend use Igor's cream as a lubricant, and then make his own deposit."

"Well, I'd like to make my own deposit!" Blackie said. There was more laughter. "You'd be nice and open. I think it would fit!"

"I would be honored," I said.

"I suspect Walter wouldn't object to any club members' seed," Gustav added, "He is a generous and open minded man. He is also accommodating." Igor's cock twitched again. I think he was willing to be open-minded too. We talked a little longer and I had to go home. I had early classes the next morning.

The schedule at school for the rest of the week was demanding and I didn't get back to the baths until Saturday evening. The bath was quiet that night with only a few men. I showered and entered the steam room. I was alone until Igor joined me.

"You decided to come back to the bath," I said.

"I had a heavy rehearsal schedule," Igor said. "I'd have been here the next day if I could."

"I was afraid our conversation was too vulgar for your tastes," I said.

"I didn't know you could do those things," he said.

"Did Fred teach you all you knew?" I asked.

"For years I dreamed and thought about men and I wanted to be near them," Igor said. "I didn't have enough nerve to do anything. Fred had enough nerve to both of us. He seems like a crude man, but he is quite gentle. Many of the dancers have had their first introduction to the joys of man sex from Fred. Sometimes it is best from a stranger. It avoids the embarrassment of learning from someone who is your true love." As we talked, Blackie entered the room and sat next to Igor.

"Have you chosen any one of our fantasies?" Blackie asked of Igor.

"I want to try them all," Igor said.

"Well, Walter's here and I'm here," Blackie said. "We could at least do part of it. Walter wants you to fuck him. I get to do it next."

"Do I have any choice in this matter?" I asked.

Blackie looked at me and burst out laughing. "Of course you do!" he exclaimed. "But I know what your answer would be so I was just speeding thing up a bit."

"How do you know my answer?"

"You never say no!" Blackie said

"I could say no," I said.

"I guess you could," he admitted. "Tonight isn't going to the first time, is it?"

I was thinking about saying no just to prove I could, but then I was worried I would offend Igor. That was my official reason. The real reason was my ass. It wanted some attention. I knew my cock had a mind of its own, I hadn't realized my ass had its own desires.

Blackie bent over to suck Igor's cock. When it was spit lubricated I straddled him and sat on it. Igor moaned as the organ slipped into my ass. It was one of those times when a cock hits all the perfect places in my ass. It was intensely pleasurable, but the pleasure was just short of that needed to induce an orgasm.

I was much bigger and heavier than Igor and he asked if he could take me doggy style. I was willing and it was just as good. Igor discovered the joys of being a top. His natural athletic ability made it easy for him.

We had been the only ones in the steam room but several men entered the space as we played. I was too preoccupied to notice who they were. Igor began to thrust at furious rate and he filled my ass with his steamy cream. When he pulled out, I expected Blackie to take his place. Someone took his place, but it wasn't Blackie.

Blackie had returned to the front desk, and Roscoe was showing two new members around the place. I became a part of their introduction to the Ali Baba baths. One of them took Igor's place and met my prostate and after a brief, but intense interlude, he pulled out and his friend replaced him. after he climaxed, we met.

The new men were a Greek importer named Aristotle and an Armenian rug merchant named Gregory. Both men were heavily bearded, fierce looking men who looked like Mr. Darwin's missing link. They looked like my image of pirates or bandits.

We talked briefly, and I realized they were rather jolly men, cheerful and outgoing. Gregory spoke English with a pronounced French accent. He owned a large shop in Paris. Aristotle had an English accent. He imported olives to England and was expanding his business to the United States. Both men found me and my ass attractive.

Aristotle and Gregory were experienced men, fully aware of the potential in man-to-man sex. These men were excited to find me and the Ali Baba baths. They were use to one-on one sex, and had never used semen as a lubricant before. They joined the baths and I came to know them well. They were both married and had families back in Europe. Their sons ran their businesses at home; Aristotle and Gregory took care of the foreign trade. Foreign trade was much more profitable than the home operations, so they managed most of the profit.

Mistresses were too complicated for them, but there were many young men who were willing to accommodate them in order to get out of poverty. This worked out well for all concerned. The Ali Baba Bath was a revelation for them. Here sex was both free and without entanglements. Aristotle was in his sixties and Gregory in his fifties now. Younger men tended to be more demanding. Since I was both young and not demanding, I met their needs.

Both men seemed to have an inexhaustible need for sexual release, but they were playful rather than aggressive. I was a teacher and thus was a high status person in their view. My sperm filled ass was an attraction too, especially for Aristotle.

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