Ali Baba Baths

Published on May 11, 2011


Ali Baba Baths 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to

I went home that night a bit dizzy and confused. I slept well and woke up relaxed and rested. My classes went well all day and after dinner, I returned to my room feeling good. On the walk home, I realized one element had been missing from my day, guilt. I had spent the previous night in sexual congress with men I barely knew and I was unable to feel guilt.

I wondered of my parents had failed to teach me the difference between right and wrong. I laughed to myself. My father had certainly been clear on the subject. He was a moral man who could sometimes border on the obsessive. I knew the difference between right and wrong. I just didn't know enough about sex to be able to tell the difference.

My father was not the sort of man who would actually mention sex, even in the most cursory way. I had no opinions or thoughts about sex, so it was hard for me to feel guilty about something about which I knew little or nothing. My experience the night before at the bath was so overwhelmingly pleasurable, and so unexpected, it was well beyond anything I could have imagined feeling. It seemed to me that if it felt that good, it could not have been bad.

I planned to walk directly home, but as I got nearer the baths' I decided to drop in. Omar was at the door and obviously glad to see me. "It is a quiet night here," he said. "It should be a good night to relax."

I took a shower bath and went to the steam room. After a good steam, I went to the pool and swam. To pool was small, perhaps 15 feet wide and thirty feet long, but I could swim. I enjoyed this greatly. Another man joined me, but he was polite and a good swimmer. When I took a rest, he talked with me.

"You must be Walter our new member," he said. "I am Gustav, one of the oldest members. I am glad you have joined our happy band." I shook hands. Gustav was tall and thin with a carefully groomed beard and blue eyes. While he was quite hairy, he seemed sleek and elegant, like a greyhound. Even naked he struck me as a man of fashion. His blue eyes twinkled and looked friendly; otherwise, he would have been one of those men who were too elegant to be approachable.

"Omar told me you had a good time here last night," he said. I blushed.

"I am afraid that may have given the wrong impression as to my character," I said. "I am a humble school teacher."

"I have heard you are a gifted school teacher," he said. "I have friends whose sons go to the Manhattan School. They are pleased that someone is trying to give their sons some knowledge of the modern world. As for the wrong impression, I rather hope everyone got the right impression. I think men who are able to let go of normal conventions and enjoy life can often be better men that those tied to tradition."

"Well to say I let go of normal conventions understates the case," I replied.

Gustav smiled. "I rather doubt that," he said with a twinkle in his beautiful blue eyes. "You gave pleasure and you took pleasure. That is a simple beneficial exchange. Several men told me they enjoyed your manly juices." Gustav put an arm around me while his other arm felt for my genitals. I was already partially erect.

"You took several other men's sperm," he observed. "I was much older when I first tasted the rich brew of a man's balls. I was much more timid that you apparently."

"Have you ever regretted that?"

"My timidity yes; my taste for man seed, no!" he replied. "I have a doctor friend who explained what it is. The ancients thought man juices were the divine seed, but in reality it is at the core of human existence."

"Is that not overstating the case?" I asked.

"Not one bit. It is only our modern prudishness that makes us over look it," Gustav explained. "If there were no cocks and no sperm there would be a human race. In our modern age, we hide the male organ and have banished it from conversation in any but the most vulgar situation. The ancients celebrated it as the creative organ. We blush at the very mention of a cock; the Greeks thought it was a normal ornament for a dinnerware."

"I guess you have a point there," I replied.

"Men are naturally fascinated by the cock," he continued. "We recognize both its generative power and the sheer pleasure a well stimulated cock gives its possessor. You are new to this understanding. Here at the baths we have been exploring the potential and opportunities for sexual enjoyment." He paused. "I would greatly like to be your guide, if you wish an experienced man to lead your explorations."

"I seemed to explore quite a lot last night," I replied.

Gustav smiled. "I heard that. Let me assure you, there is much left to explore. I enjoy helping young men. Their enthusiasm and pure joy at the pleasures of sexual intimacy excites me. Let me be direct and say my motives are not entirely pure. I like to be the first."

"The Ali Baba baths does not seem to be that intimate," I remarked. There is always an audience."

"I was uneasy about that when I first came here. Here there is a great brotherhood of the cock, a society of the Orgasm. Outside these walls, the cock is hidden and ignored. Inside, we all share the knowledge of its power and potential. We are brothers sharing our enjoyment, not lonely single men hoarding our gifts."

By then both he and I were fully erect. The conversation stopped. Gustav sat on the edge of the small pool and I ministered to his organ. Like Omar, Gustav drooled a sweet liquid that seemed to increase my interest in him. Several men came in and swam, but didn't object to our activity.

One of these men emerged from the pool fully erect. He came over to us and fed Gustav his cock. This increased the flow of Gustav's cock juices. The man began to moan and he shot his load of man seed into Gustav's willing mouth. This caused a most dramatic increase in Gustav's juice flow. I was getting late and we left for home. Gustav said he owed me an orgasm and he would deliver it to me at another time, if that were acceptable to me. I said it was.

It was now the weekend, but I went to school in the morning. There were games and the school like its teachers to be present and rooting for our students. I got to eat in the school commons that helped my financial problems. My maiden Aunt Bessie mailed me a dollar on Friday. This provided some extra cash for the weekend, but it arrived in the afternoon mail. Our school football team played an archrival on this day, so the students were excited.

I was surprised to see Gustav there with the family of one of our students. We pretended not to recognize each other. It was an exciting game that we won, so it was good day for the students.

I returned home by the baths and stopped in. The day had turned cold, and I was chilled. The baths were quiet. I was in the steam room warming up when Gustav arrived and joined me. "It was a good game!" he said.

"Indeed it was," I replied. "I think we were out matched, but the team rallied and did well. It got cold by the end of the game."

"That is why I am here!" Gustav said. "Saturday and Sundays are good days here at the baths. During the week, many married men are in attendance. On the weekend, attendance is mostly confirmed bachelors. Most tend to be enthusiastic."

"I think the men here are enthusiastic anyway!"

"That may well be," Gustav said. He leaned closer to me. "Most activities here are oral, as you have noticed. More intense pleasures are allowed today and tomorrow." I didn't know what he was talking about, but I was curious and I assumed I would find out soon enough.

Gustav slipped to the floor and began to lick my organ. He licked my cock and balls in a most delicate and arousing way. He asked me to put my legs on the bench and spread them wide. This made it easier for him to lick my balls. Gustav's tongue wandered and licked my hole too. This was unexpectedly titillating.

I wasn't sure I wanted him to know how titillated I was, but when you are a naked man, there is no way to hide your excitement. Murad, Omar's assistant, came by with a bottle of oil. Gustav put some on his fingers and toyed with my ass hole as his tongue massaged my penis. Eventually his finger slipped into my ass. I wasn't sure about this at all, but it felt so good, I was unable to complain.

Murad coated Gustav's cock with oil and I realized what Gustav wanted. I wasn't at all sure about that, but his cock head was on the dark side of my sphincter before I had a chance to complain. His cock head began rubbing something in my ass, and I was his.

I had not visualized or even conceived that a man could shove his most private organ into another man's behind, but once Gustav was in me it was too late to complain. I all too obviously loved it. I had no idea why it felt so good, but the sensations were heavenly. I relaxed and Gustav slid the rest of the organ into me.

I later realized I was being fucked, but this was more of a gentle massage than what I visualized as a crude act. Gustav's cock was quite long, but thin. I will say his cock head seemed to feel larger in my ass than when I sucked it the day earlier. He pulled out. "Lie on the bench in the middle of the room," he said. "It is at a better height for our explorations."

I relocated and soon had my legs on his shoulders as he re entered. "This is lovely," Gustav said. "I'm I the first?"

"Oh yes," I replied. "I didn't know you could do this."

"You are a wonder," he replied. "You are easy, open and firm; my cock fits like a glove." He gave a hard thrust and I moaned in pleasure.

"It seems undignified," I remarked.

He laughed, "I would guess that 90% of the men in the club felt the same way the first time. A friend, Robert, told me he now thought of it as entertaining friends on the back porch. There is no need to be dressed in ones finest, no need to put on airs. It is just friends enjoying your company. By the way, your cock looks magnificent. Murad, would you lubricate it? Use one of the scented oils."

Murad did as he asked; three men came in the room and greeted us. "Gustav, is this a new member?" one asked.

"Yes indeed, this is Walter, this is his maiden voyage," Gustav replied,

"You are a lucky man, Walter. I am Bannister. I was one of the original members of this fine establishment. New members are such a joy."

Bannister was a tall man with a big gut, but his had impressive equipment hanging below. His cock was at my eye level. I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out; he moved his organ in reach.

"I like a friendly man," he said as I sucked his cock into my mouth. He was completely soft, but a mouthful.

"Walter is beautifully endowed," the man with Bannister said. "I have an itch he could scratch."

With Gustav in my ass and Bannister's organ enlarging in my mouth, I didn't pay much attention to the other man. The inside of Bannister's foreskin was filled with the sweet cock juices I liked. His cock head was large and tender. Bannister was most demonstrative and was soon erect.

I glanced at the other man. He had straddled my cock and impaled himself on my cock. He moaned as my entire cock vanished in his ass.

"Louis, you should ask permission before you do that," Bannister said in a tone of disapproval.

"I couldn't help myself," Louis replied, "He is too beautiful." Louis was a rather small, blond bearded man. His ass was very hot, tight a welcoming. He was still for a few moments, and then began to bounce on my cock. Even in the steam-filled room, I could see he was erect and excited.

Man sex is self-limiting, Gustav began to thrust hard, and then he filled me with his seed. This induced me to shoot off, and Bannister filled my mouth with his man seed. It was over, I thought. I all but fell asleep after we pulled apart. I was exhausted. Several men came and went as I dozed off in a post orgasmic haze.

"Hey mister, would you be willing to help of a couple of hard working stone masons?" a man asked from the mist. I opened my eyes and there was a black bearded giant looking me in the eye. I must have looked confused.

"Leave the man alone, he's been sleeping," a voice with a strong Scottish accent said.

"Ask and ye shall receive," Blackbeard replied.

"What do you want?" I asked. I was still groggy.

""Well I was hoping to shove my cock up your arse, but I'll take what I can get," he said. "My name is Edmund, but everyone calls me Blackie. Fergus, my pal, is a sucker mostly."

"Well that sounds good to me," I said. That was not what I intended to say. I planned to say; maybe we could do something another time. Somehow, it came out differently.

"Blackie, show him your tool!" Fergus demanded, "It's not fair to fucking a guy without showing it first." Blackie flopped a large, soft cock on my mouth. It must have been six or seven inches soft.

"It's bigger when it's hard," Blackie said. "I take my time, don't worry."

Instead of telling him maybe another time, I sucked his foreskin into my mouth and sent my tongue exploring for his cock head. Somehow, Blackie interpreted that as my agreement. He wasn't exactly gentle, but that was more due to the scale of his cock than anything else was.

Blackie got it in and then relaxed. He became quite loquacious, moving his cock only enough to maintain his erection. He greeted friends and chatted. I was in an ungainly position, impaled on his cock with me legs on his shoulder. Oddly, his little cock thrusts were enough to keep me erect too. The men visiting the steam room didn't comment on my situation.

After a while, Blackie said he needed more lubricant. Fergus said he had some. Blackie quickly pulled out of my ass. Fergus slipped is cock in my vacated ass; he made a hand dozen thrusts, climaxed and pulled out once his ejaculations stopped. Blackie was back in my ass as soon as Fergus vacated it.

Fergus looked small compared to his pal, Blackie, but his cock seemed to be larger than I thought when he was in my ass. Blackie's cock was much more comfortable on his second entrance. I don't know if that was because I was getting use to him, or if Fergus' semen better lubricated me.

At first Blackie's cock was just a large, inanimate object in my ass. As I got use to it, it seemed more excited, and it seemed to probe into more pleasurable places. He began to take deeper thrusts. Many of these winded men, but I seemed to be increasingly excited.

He pulled out a second time and a man I didn't know took his place. He was as thick as Blackie, but not as long. He short off quickly, and Blackie returned. After another half hour, Blackie shot off in an impressive way. By then the steam room was all but empty. I was exhausted. I think I almost fell asleep again.

Omar woke me up. "Are you all right? This has been a big night for you?"

"I am fine," I replied. "I may be sore tomorrow morning."

"Gustav said you took it well, but I when Blackie said how nice you were I got worried," Omar said, "He is a big boy. Let me take a look." I was still on the bench in the middle of the steam room. He raised my legs and looked at my hole.

"You are a little puffy, but there is no problem otherwise," Omar said. He pushed my legs back, spreading my anus. He worked a finger in my ass. "Does that hurt?" he asked.

""Not at all," I said.

"It's juicy in there. Is that Blackie's sperm I'm feeling?" Omar asked.

"It could be," I said, "Gustav, Fergus and a man I didn't know all made a deposit before Blackie. Blackie got very vigorous before he shot off. He joke he was making man butter."

Omar laughed. "Did you get to shoot off after all of this?" I shook my head. A second are two later o felt his organ entering my bloated home. "Well, I will take care of that!" he said. Omar was well endowed and his cock was thick and bulbous shaped. He knew exactly what he was doing. A minute later, I had a spectacular orgasm. As he fucked me, Murad came in the room and he was at my cock the second I began to ejaculate. He took every drop.

My ejaculations inspired Omar and I felt his sperm ticking the lining of my ass. "That was wonderful!" he moaned. When he pulled out, Murad went to my ass and licked it.

"Relax Walter," Omar said. "Let the man juices flow out, Murad loves it!" I didn't think I could do that, but Omar pinched my tits and I lost concentration. Murad gobbled up the man seed drooling form my ass.

"Does Murad want to fuck me?" I asked.

"It is sweet of you to offer, but Murad couldn't be any happier than he is now," Omar said. "You are a beautiful man and kind too. I rested for another ten minutes and went home for a good night's sleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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