
Published on Jan 29, 1996




Hi, my name is Alice, I'm 16 years old, I used to be a boy.

I used to have short hair, now my hair is blonde and reaches the middle of my back.

I used to wear pants, now I wear skirts and blouses.

I used to have a flat chest, now I have to wear a bra to hold my breasts.

I used to be able to pee standing up, now I must sit down and wipe my pussy afterwards.

You ask, "How come?". Well, that is a long story and the reason for my writing.

Two years ago, nothing like this had even crossed my mind. I lived with my parents in a nice middle class home in a nice middle class neighborhood.

I was no jock, but I played a little tennis and generally hung around with my friends.

Then, one day, my world shattered. I was called to the principal's office, to find my (wealthy) aunt waiting for me.

She explained that my parents had been just killed in a car accident, and she had come immediately over to pick me up and to be with me.

After the funeral, she explained that I would be going over to live with her at the end of the school year, but since there was only one month left of school, she would move into my parents' home and live with me until we could move back to her home after the last exams.

My aunt was my only other living relative and I was very pleased, through my sorrow, to learn that she cared so much for me.

All went well for the first few days, although, I kind of questioned why she asked that I spend all my non school hours at home. At the time, I did not even question the small pills that she started giving me (to help with my grief) morning and evening.

The week after I went back to school, I was a little sick to my stomach and told aunty (that is how she wanted to be called), and she gave me a little syroup to help with the nausea.

Later that week was when I began to notice little changes in me. At first, I was not too concerned and even thought they might be related to my grief.

The first one I remember was that my voice which had just begun to crack a month or so previously, now remained high and clear.

Then came an irritation on my nipples which were very sore and itchy.

After that, and the first thing which made me bring these to the attention of aunty, was a "different" feeling when I masturbated. I had just begun doing it about a year or so previously, but had already become a master at the craft.

The "different" feeling had to do with nothing coming out when I had the release, and also, it seemed that I could keep going several times when, before I could only do it once before resting.

It was very embarrassing to tell aunty of this, but I felt I had to, besides, she had already talked to me a little about sex and the differences between boys and girls.

When I explained what was happening, she told me that these things were normal, and that I probaby would feel several other changes, but that I shouldn't worry. She did ask me to take my shirt off and to show her my nipples. She took quite an interest in these and probed and poked quite a bit.

That night, she came to my bedroom as I had just gone to bed, and brought me a "girls'" nightie and told me to put it on to help with the irritation. She also rubbed a very nice-smelling cream on both of my nipples, this felt cool and nice, but actually did very little for my tenderness. The nightgown did help since the material was very soft and slippery as compared to my old pajamas.

A few days later, the tenderness spread to my penis, I remember not being able to manipulate it to masturbate, and then even to go to the bathroom, holding it was quite uncomfortable. When I reported this, aunty made me take my clothes off and had me replace my underpants with girls' panties. This made things better, but not altogether well. She then advised that I sit down to pee so that I would not have to touch myself while standing.

That evening she told me that she had an appointment with a doctor for me for the following day. The next day, I put on one of the new panties she had bought for me as well as a girl's vest which matched the material of the panties. I felt awkward having the doctor see me in girl's underwear, but she explained that the doctor had been the one to recomend using these.

When we arrived at the doctor's office, we saw a girl sitting very quietly with her mother, this girl was sewing something on a piece of cloth, and seemed very interested in what she was doing.

Then the nurse came out and called out for Pat, and the girl and her mom went in.

A little while later, the nurse came and called my name, and asked aunty and I to go into a small room, and asked aunty to undress me completely and to put a very light nightgown on me.

After a while, the nurse came in and started asking aunty some questions and asked me to get on a scale and after checking my weight and height, she brought out a tape measure and started taking measurements of every part of my body.

Afterwards, she asked me to lie down on a strange table and to relax.

I had just started to relax, when Dr Joyce came in. She was the prettiest woman I had ever seen, with beautiful green eyes and red hair. She was very nice right from the start and made me feel very much at ease.

She came over and helped me to take the nightgown off and started to take some of the measurements over again.

The most embarrassing one was when she took my small penis in her hand and started looking very closely at it, lifting it and bending it. But, as much as she handled it, nothing seemed to happen to it, even though it felt very nice. Then she started poking and feeling in my balls every once in a while letting out a small hmmm.

After that, she moved to my chest, and I was very surprised when she cupped the breast and a lot of flesh was accumulated in her hand. She gave a pleased exclamation.

Then she reached a shelf behind her and picked up a syringe and reassured me that she had the softest touch when she saw my scared expession. I needn't have worried, because, when I asked her when she was going to start, she told me that she had already finished.

After the shot, she stayed with us and started explaining some things which I did not understand and some which were a little startling. Like when she told aunty to throw out all my old underwear and pajamas and to go shopping for some more girl's undies, including some training bras.

When we left the doctor's office that afternoon, my aunt took me to the local mall and we went to my favorite department store and right up to the pre-teen girl's department. I felt a little out of place, but soon aunty had me feeling at ease showing me different designs and colors.

That night, I had a very pleasant dream, like when I used to have a wet dream, only this time, I did not wake up wet, I didn't even feel that my penis was hard, but it was a very nice feeling nevertheless.

The next morning, saturday, I voiced to aunty my misgivings at going dressed like this to school, with girl's underwear, but since it was only two weeks before school ended, she told me that she had gotten an ok for me to miss gym class, and that was the only chance of being discovered, other than going to the bathroom, and I would have to go to a stall to sit down anyway, and it would look like I was doing Number 2.

In order to make me feel more comfortable, she asked me to wear a very pretty dress around the house so that I wouldn't have the pants rubbing and making me feel uncomfortable. I must admit that it did make me feel very good not having the pants rubbing me, but it was a little strange having to watch how I sat, as aunty had taught me, so that I wouldn't show my nice new undies.

After this, whenever I was home, I would wear one of the nice dresses that aunty was buying me.

The irritation in my groin was getting a little better at this time, but I started to notice that my penis was now the size of a pencil eraser and would not get any bigger, no matter what I did. Also, when I touched my balls, I was shocked to find just the limp sack with nothing inside. At this point I ran to aunty who reasured me that all was going to be OK, and that we would be visiting the doctor again tomorrow.

For this visit, I was wearing a very pretty yellow set of panties and matching training bra which was quite full with my flesh. Again, I went searching for my missing balls only to find the limp sack and nothing else.

When we arrived at the doctors' office, we found Pat and her mother sitting in the waiting room, but this time we were called ahead of them.

When Dr Joyce came into the little room, she asked me to take off all my clothes, and when I was down to my panties and bra, she asked me to turn around and commented on how nice I looked, this made me feel very strange.

Dr Joyce then started telling me about what was happening to me. She called it something like Gender Reversal Hysteria and that it had to do with the grief I had unergone. She had known about it from the beginning when she had first spoken to aunty about me, and she was giving me some medicine to move the process along since it cannot be reversed. Then she told me that Pat, the girl outside was undergoing the same changes, only she was further advanced, I could not believe it, but she called Pat into the room and left us alone to talk.

Pat explained that she had suffered the loss of her sister and started describing the same symptoms that I had experienced. In her case, however, the doctor had already performed small surgery to change what was left of her penis into a girls' vagina. At this point, she raised her dress and lowered her panties and opened her legs so that I could take a close look, Boy! is this the way I am going to look? It really looks interesting with everything all tucked inside and nothing showing except a pretty little slit.

By the time school was over, my hair had grown quite long and aunty told me that we were going to a stylist that afternoon and would be undergoing some canges in my hair. When we arrived at the beauty shop, I was feeling strange because aunty had insisted that I wear a dress. The girls at the beauty shop were quite nice and did not make me feel out of place.

Marie, was assigned to me and we immediately became friends. She took me to a room at the back and asked me to take off my dress as she was going to give me a smock instead so it would not be ruined.

I remember standing there in my panties and training bra in front of Marie, the only other person beside my aunty and the nurse and doctor to see me in these new undies.

Making conversation, Marie told me that she knew about me and that I was going to love the chages happening to me. At this time, I really did not know what she was talking about, but it made me feel very good. Marie made me feel very much at ease at the Beauty Shop, she kept commenting on how full and long my hair was. This was the first time I noticed that my hair had indeed grown totally out of proportion for a boy.

When I was down to my panties and training bra, Marie suggested that I take them off since the smock she was going to give me was going to cover me in those places anyway, and there was no sense in possibly soiling such pretty undies.

As I stood totally naked in front of Marie, she kept commenting on how pretty I looked and that I would be so much better off being a girl. This kind of talk still scared me, because I still saw myself as a boy and kept hoping for a solution to my problem.

She had me hop onto a table similar to the one at Dr.Joyce's office and had me place my feet on the stirrups. She then opened them and with them, my legs and started placing some cream in the area.

At the same time a wash basin was placed behind my head and she started washing my hair and placing some lotions on it.

After a while she took me to a chair and facing me away from any mirrors, started working on my hair, snipping and combing.

At the end of the morning, she turned my chair to face the mirror and, I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a very pretty girl staring at me from the mirror. Her hair was a golden blond and her face was very lightly made up.

She then had me standup and take my smock off and staring at me from between my legs was not the light patch of very dark hair and the penis sticking out of it, but a patch of golden blond hair matching my head and there was nothing at all sticking out, as a matterof fact, I had to do a lot of digging to find my now miniscule penis and the empty sack behind it.

Marie then went with me to the dressing room and explained that what had been used was a new type of hair dye, actually a hair color changer, because it not only changed the color of the hairs, but also the follices so that the new hair growing out would be blond, I was now a blond forever. My hair, she explained was left pretty much straight, because it was so full that it would look much better straight, the only thing she would do would be touch it up so that it grew evenly.

After getting dressed, there was no more disguising that I was anything but a girl, so aunty decided we would go celebrate by having my ears pierced at a jewelry and having permanent rings placed in the holes.

At the store, aunty selected a beautiful set of diamond studs and we went to the back room where I was told to sit at this chair while the attendant went to get a device that looked very much like a gun. Fist, she rubbed some ice on one ear lobe, then placed the ear lobe in the gun and, when I heard a hiss, I felt a little sting (not too bad), then she placed the stud into the hole and put some liquid in the backing of the stud and proceeded to place it on the stud. The procedure was repeated with the other ear, then aunty told me that in order for me not to lose the earrings, they had used a new process of chemically welding the backing of the stud to it, so that I would never be able to take these earrings off.

This announcement was quite startling, because I still harbored hopes of being able to return to my (normal) self, but little by little, all these steps were taking me away froom my boyhood into my newfound girlhood. That evening as I was getting myself ready for bed, I stood in front of the mirror and as I started undressing, I surveyed all that had happened or was being done to me.

On the outside, there was absolutely no trace of my former gender, I could really pass anywhere for a girl, as a matter of fact, I think I would not be able to pass for a boy.

I took my top off and I could see the swelling breast tissue under my pretty training bra. I took this off and closely surveyed the damage: These were definitely the breasts of a young girl, this was no male chest, I could not go to the beach without a top any more. My nipples were very hard and still quite sore and sensitive. The breasts were very small, but very conical in shape, and the areolas were very light pink. No vestige of my male nipples could be seen.

Then came my pleated skirt, and there I stood in nothing but a pretty yellow pair of panties. I opened my legs a bit and could not discern anything between them, as a matter of fact, the crotch of my panties was quite flat and stretched. I could feel myself getting turned on by the sight, however, there was no movement or growth in that area.

When I took my panties off, I saw a small triangle of very soft downy hair a beautiful golden color, matching my new gold head of hair perfectly.

I ran my fingers through the downy hair and after a bit of digging, found a little lump the size of a pencil eraser where there once had proudly stood a penis. Looking further back, I came across the little sack that once had held my balls, this now stood completely empty, and had shrivelled so that I had to pull at it to even be able to recognize it as what it once had been.

Getting close to the mirror, I could see my face and how soft it had gotten. I was too young to have started growing a beard, but even the peach fuzz that had once delighted me with its growth had now disappeared.

My now golden hair covered my ears a little, but I could see through it the shiny little specks of my newly installed permanent ear rings, these were to be my constant reminders of the complete effemination that had taken place in my body.

I was still standing in front of the mirror staring and surveying the damage, when aunty wandered into the bedroom. She looked at me standing naked in front of the mirror and smiled, then she came to me and handed me my tiny little pills to take. Then she brought me my soft silken nightie and helped me put it on.

Then she took me to my bed and started talking soothingly to me.

Since the school year was over, all that was left of my male clothes was going to be packed away and given to the Salvation Army tomorrow morning on our way to her house. Our old house had been sold at a profit, and the proceeds of the sale together with the insurance settlement had been placed aside for me to have at the time I became 21 years old.

My name was being changed by a lawyer friend of hers to Alice, and my birth certificate as well as school records would show nothing but my new name and gender.

That night, I did not sleep too well, considering it was my last night as myself. I kept thinking of what would happen and how it was going to happen, and all other implications that would come from my changing from Allan to Alice in every possible way.

When I thought of my sex life, both past and future, I started to get some of the old feelings back in my groin area, but when I touched down there, I could not feel any enlargement in my old penis, possibly a hardness but totally without any enlargement. This was intriguing, but felt very pleasurable and the feeling of release I felt at the appropriate time equalled or bettered the feelings I had back when... The next morning, I woke up as Allan for the last time. I took off my nightgown and packed it in the suitcase that aunty had packed the previous day.

I then went to the bathroom and sat down to pee, I was now getting used to it and seldom stood in front of the toilet unthinkingly any more.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I put on my panties and bra, is it just my idea or are my breasts growing yet faster?

As I stood in my bra and panties, auntie came in and told me to hurry up, that we had a long and busy day ahead of us, she then hugged me and told me that I looked very pretty. For some reason, this made me feel very good.

Once dressed in a pretty pastel pink dress, and my hair combed, I finished packing the rest of my things into a box, there would be no more playing with my guns or baseball or any of the other boy toys that I had accumulated during my life, these would now go to some poor boy somewhere. From now on, aunty explained, I would be playing with dolls and playing house etc.

Going over all the rooms in the house to say goodbye, I felt like I was now burying myself after I had just buried my parents. There would be no more Allan, it would be Alice from now on. But I was really beginning to get used to the idea and liking it.

What would my old friends think of what was happening to me?

One last look and we were on our way, Allan had disappeared, Alice had just been born.

Our first stop was at the grocery store parking lot holding the Salvation Army drop off station, aunty helped me to carry the boxes over and to place them inside. Now I was really a girl, I had nothing at all to fall back on.

After this, we stopped for the scheduled appointment with the doctor. While waiting outside, a lady with a child came in, the child looked like a boy, but on closer inspecton, I could detect some signs of differences.

Just then the nurse called for Alice, and I went in to the examining room. By now, I knew the routine, take everything off and put on the silky gown and lie down on the strange table with my feet in the stirrups.

When the doctor walked in, she complimented me on how my looks were improving and on how the changes to my body were really an improvement.

Before giving me my shot, she pulled up the gown and examined me. First, the breasts, she said that now I should probably be wearing a 32A bra and that it probably wasn't going to stop there. She took my tender tissue in her hand and kind of massaged, she said she was feeling for lumps, and told me that I should be doing this monthly from now on.

She then moved to my groin area,and told me that it was coming right along, saying something about the "chemical castration" had almost been finished.

She also said that my penis was now technically a clitoris, that it would never grow even though it would get hard if stimulated.

She then gave me my shot and as I was getting dressed, told me that there was another boy going through the transition that Pat and I had been going through, she then smiled and said that the boy was out in the waiting room and would I mind speaking to him/her to reassure her. I agreed.

After I finished getting dressed, I went to see this new girl in another examining room.

The doctor introduced her as Lydia and then suggested leaving us alone for a little while to get acquainted.

As we sat there, I noticed that Lydia was a little withdrawn and shy, so I decided to tell her my story in the hopes that she would do the same. She did, but her story turned out to be a bit different than mine.

Apparently, her dad had died about four years ago, and she was left with her mother and three older siters. Being the only male in the family presented some problems, so the sisters decided to make him into one of them. The mother agreed, because she was very weak willed and the sisters had gotten away with anything they wanted.

At first, the conversion consisted of the sisters dressing him as one of them whenever he was at home. The outfis were very realistic, and they kept commenting on how good 'she' looked.

Then came the pills (the same ones I was taking) and from then things started changing very quickly to the point that they brought him to this doctor to accomplish the final changes.

The fact that Lydia had been taking the same pills as I, made me a bit suspicious, so I decided to ask aunty about this some time in the future.

Lydia asked me how it felt, and I had to agree that it really felt very good, I even showed her my new titties and let her touch and feel them.

Saying good bye and god luck to her, I joined my aunt and the doctor in her office, just in time to say good bye.

(To be continued)


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