Alien Takeover

By William Benjamin

Published on Jul 24, 2023


Please do not reprint this story without my permission. Part of my motivation in publishing these stories is to meet others with similar tastes and ideas. I'm always looking to exchange hot story ideas and have just plain conversation with like minded people. So, please feel free to email me (William) at: (The "SF" stands for science fiction as I am a long time fan of sci fi). Also, I am looking to make friends who would enjoy watching a video together while chatting together.

At this point I have several other stories on Nifty, and the best way to find them is to enter "" in the search field. Again, if you like my stories, please write and let me know.

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PLEASE READ: I have decided that I am going to write these stories in an "intercalary" fashion. Meaning that every other chapter or maybe after a few chapters, I will work in a story that fits within the story arc but is independent from the others. As I go along I have ideas for new things to write about, but don't want to wait forever to introduce them into the narrative.

The story below is such a story. I'm taking a break from Matt and Scott to tell a separate story. After this, I will return to their narrative.

Alien Takeover - Part 4

Mick was driving on his way home from work. He was trying to decide whether he would make a stop at the new "pleasure automat". These places had sprung up around the country as if overnight, and were quickly becoming all the rage. It was modeled on what some of the best porn shops had been many years ago. They still had magazines and videos you could buy. Also, plenty of sex toys. But the real difference and what was scoring them tons of money were the pleasure booths in back.

Mick knew that he could always go to a regular bar and score the old fashioned way. He was quite a handsome specimen and was told so frequently by members of the fair sex. Mick was the oldest of 3 brothers. He was quite tall and broad shouldered. He had steely blue eyes and thick dark hair. He also had plenty of the dark hair on his chest as well. He was always popular at gay bars, but didn't like to go to them as he was always afraid of running into someone who knew her. As it was right now, he considered himself straight for the most part. But, disturbingly, the computer had discovered his kinky love of guys. And now every session was becoming more eye opening. He could handle being completely gay if that was what was in the cards for him. But, he wanted complete control over when and how people came to find out.

It used to be that there would be an arcade and you would go in and take a stall. They all had gloryholes and you would get plenty of chances to suck dick or have your dick sucked. The automats also had booths with glory holes. But it used extremely advanced technology. Each booth had a VR helmet that you would put on. The first session was analytical testing. The helmet would flash images before your eyes and also feed you different types of audio. It quickly learned everything there was to know about you by reading your brain activity. Not just turn ons and turn offs but it KNEW exactly what you wanted out of sex and what kinds of men really turned you on. That was one of the odd parts. Apparently, all men have a homosexual side to them, even if it is slightly small and unexplored. But these machines seemed capable of making men totally gay once it found the hinges into each man's latent sexual tendencies.

You had to open an account with the store in order for them to create a computer account for you that would keep all your information. You would charge a certain amount of money each time you came in to pay for that night's session. They also had package deals where you could save by buying in bulk. Mick had quickly become addicted to these sessions and was happy to buy a 10 trip bundle the last time he had been in here.

Mick had learned about this when a gay friend of his at work had told him all about it. His friend was blushing the whole time he talked about it, and would only say that the machines of the booth had really homed in on his kinks. Many of which he hadn't realized before these sessions. There was starting to be some debate about them, because they were so perfect at pleasuring men that many men were becoming more distant from their wives. Also, it seemed like there was a mass movement going on of men suddenly deciding they were gay after being straight all of their lives. Mick didn't care. He just wanted the blazing white hot pleasure the machines would provide him with tonight.

He soon pulled up to the parking lot of the automat. It was a large building, and had also been built near a highway that was frequented by truckers. Mick chuckled to himself as he thought of the number of gallons of cum the building sucked up in an hour. The booths elicited the maximum number of orgasms possible with every session. Once inside, you could see a few men at a time coming back from the booth area staggering a little bit and their eyes glazed over from all of the endorphins they had been forced to release. They were exhausted but every man seemed to exude contentment. Mick was getting really anxious now.

He sauntered up to the main counter behind a glass case of male sex toys. A whole new line of special fleshjacks were featured promising to provide more pleasure than any model in the past. The young man behind the register was cute, and Mick allowed himself to fantasize about him for a bit as he fished his membership card out of his wallet. He presented the card and the clerk smiled as he scanned the card and deducted a trip off the package. "Ready for some hot action tonight sir?"

Mick grinned, "Definitely. I'd welcome the chance of spending some time with you in a booth if that were allowed!"

The young man smiled back, "You're a handsome man, but no. Only one person per booth at a time. Those are the rules. Plus, automats are expected to have higher standards than the old adult bookstores. I have a strict code of conduct to adhere to." The man handed Mick back his card. "You're in booth A-26 tonight. Says here tonight you get to meet your guide. Some special programming has been uploaded to your VR helmet in anticipation of your visit tonight."

Mick seemed a bit quizzical, "I know at this point that the computers that interface with the helmet have every scrap of information imaginable. I hope my guide is a hunky avatar to interact with."

"I'm sure it will be sir. Enjoy yourself tonight!"

Mick nodded and headed back towards his assigned booth. He pulled out his membership card and slid it into the receptacle next to the door to identify himself and open the portal. The door quickly slid open and a green light let him know he could remove his card. He pulled it out and stepped inside. The door slid closed behind him. The room was bathed in a red light that Mick oddly felt was making him hornier. It was like the lighting added to the sense of breaking the rules and getting down to pure sex.

There was a small bench at the back of the booth, and a VR helmet was on a stand. Mick started to disrobe knowing from past experience that stripping would be the first thing the helmet would have him do anyways. This way he could at least see what he was doing before the helmet took over his senses. As he proceeded he was finely left with the jockstrap he had been wearing all day. The front was stained with still moist precum from his thinking about this on the way over. He pulled them down and his 7" cock sprang free already at half mast. He adjusted his balls which were enormous and swung pendulously between his legs. The scrotum was loose from all the heat he had generated and he rubbed his balls a little encouraging them down farther in the sack and to separate slightly. His balls felt good in his hands and he loved the feel of their weighty heft. He was even more proud of his balls than he was of his chiseled penis.

He took the helmet off its stand and slowly slid it down over his head. There was a logo before his eyes that showed the logo of the manufacturer. It said "Conquest Industries". The name had worried his at first, but if he was being conquered with overwhelming pleasure sessions then he was prepared for it.

At first all he saw was darkness and it was absolutely quiet within the realm portrayed to his senses. He heard a familiar deep voice speak to him. "Hey Mick, today's the big day. Are you ready to see me?"

Mick licked his lips with anticipation. He wondered if the computers could sense him holding his breath. The helmet had trained him in a way that he would always receive pleasure if he showed submission. "Yes sir. I am dying to meet you!"

His view suddenly brightened, and he saw a spotlight illuminating a circular patch on a stage which felt very close. "You will be rewarded for your submission" he heard the voice say. Suddenly a young man who was extremely muscular stepped into the light. He was dressed in light blue scrubs. The crotch of the scrubs showed a bulge that pointed toward his right hip and was so big it was obscene in its size. His avatar wore a lab coat, but had no shirt on. His 6-pack abs were gorgeous. The skin looked like the softest rubber over layers of steely muscle underneath. The nipples were pink and a little larger than typically found. It was exactly the thing Mick liked. It was like his avatar had been designed to elicit the maximum response from him.

The broad muscular shoulders and an incredibly handsome young face topped it all off. The man had a grainy and pure black 5 o'clock shadow. His eyes were steely blue, and his hair was more blonde than dark colored in spiky highlights. The man's jaw was firmly chiseled and square. Dark eyebrows provided the final perfect contrast.

Mick was instantly so smitten with the image that his stomach tied up in knots. He wanted to belong to this man! If only it was something that could happen in real life, and not just a simulation. No matter how realistic it all seemed.

His avatar said, "You may call me Jason. I intentionally picked one of your favorite names based on people you have known in the past. Over the past few weeks I have been sifting through your brain forwards and backwards. I know everything that turns you on. Especially your secret medical fetish that you try so hard to hide. That is why I have taken the guise of a young doctor. A young doctor who is very skilled in teaching you about your anatomy, and showing you ways your multiple orifices can be invaded to reach you in intimate ways you have never dreamed or heard of. We shall begin with your absolute favorite activity. I will jack you off, and you will hold your load until I tell you that you can release it. If you fail me in this simple challenge, you will be punished in very intimate and demeaning ways." Jason then grinned and gave Mick a truly evil look -- virtually daring him to fuck it up.

Mick knelt on the floor and told Jason, "Sir, I promise not to fuck this up! Please show me what you can do!"

"How's this for starters?" Jason pulled Mick's face so it was buried in the bulge covering the huge cock and balls within. Jason said, "Take some good long whiffs of that boy!"

Jason was the only one Mick could imagine calling him a "boy", yet he thrilled to the word and desperately wanted to be this younger male's boy. As instructed, Mick started inhaling deeply through his nose. He knew it was all simulated and that the smell he thought was coming from his master was probably signals induced directly into his brain. But, he honestly couldn't tell the difference! Jason's scent was a mix of manly odors. It was musky and spicy in a way that totally turned him on. There was also a faint fernlike odor that healthy young men tended to exude. Finally, there was a slight bleach smell coming from a patch of precum that was towards Jason's right hip.

Mick said in barely a whisper, "I wish this moment could go on forever!" Jason tenderly stroked Mick's hair and looked upon him with gentleness. "Don't worry Mick. If everything goes the way I think it will, you'll be seeing more of me than you think in the future. For now, just keep breathing me in.

Mick did just that. And his body's reaction was palpable. He felt pleasure coupled with horniness coursing through him. He could not get enough of Jason's dick. He wanted to lick on it through the scrubs, but was afraid Jason might stop him or pull away.

"You're dying to be closer to it, aren't you?", Jason asked.

Mick's voice was now trembling a little. "Yes, please sir."

Jason said, "Then swear on it. Do you promise to always obey me no matter what I ask? If I let you worship this phallus, do you promise your unwavering love and service to it?"

Mick looked up into Jason's eyes. The steely gaze skewered him to the core. "Yes Jason, it would be enough just to be this close to it. But to actually touch it, taste it, feel it. I would give anything!"

Jason smiled and nodded, "That's what I thought!" With that he untied the waistband and slowly let the front slide down. Gradually exposing his dick a tiny bit at a time.

Jason said, "You're not allowed to pull my dick free. Keep kissing it and licking on it through the cloth, and let it slowly work its own way out. I want you kept in suspense for as long as possible!"

Mick said in a diminutive tone, "Yes sir." Mick gladly kept kissing and licking on the giant member. He especially concentrated on the head, and it rewarded him with more leaking precum. Jason was moaning and swaying with pleasure. It filled Mick with pride to be able to make him feel that way.

The more Mick worked over the cock the more he was struck by how rubbery and hard it felt to him. For some reason he felt like he wanted to nibble on it. Not just nibble but actually chew on it a bit. But, he worried about hurting Jason.

Jason, of course, sensed his thoughts. "Go ahead Mick. Chew on it as much as you want. Experience it to the utmost limits. I want it burned in your mind and for you to worship it with everything you have."

Mick was overjoyed and began nibbling on it. Especially chewing lightly on the meaty glans. Jason's scrubs which had been gradually slipping down further finally gave way as the hard thick cock suddenly straightened and slapped Mick across the cheek. Finally! Now Mick could envelop the giant head and take all of it into his mouth. It had a heavy coating of precum on it, and Mick savored the bitter and salty taste of it.

Jason ran his fingers through Mick's hair. Then he said, "I can tell how aroused you are. Tonight I'm going to give you the most stimulating and teasing hand job you've ever gotten. Are you ready Mick?"

Mick suddenly realized how overwhelmed he felt with horniness. His balls were filled to the max and throbbing. He said, "Oh yes Jason! Please! Caress me down there!"

The cameras changed views and Mick saw himself kneeling in the booth as if Jason were actually there. Jason said, "Place your genitals into the glory hole. And make sure you press up against the wall as tightly as you can!"

Mick felt disembodied as he clumsily climbed to his feet. He staggered over to the glory hole and placed his cock and balls through it. As Jason had requested, he arched his hips and pressed himself through the hold as hard as he could.

Jason said, "Good boy!"

What happened next took Mick totally by surprise. An iris, like that of a camera shutter, suddenly snapped closed grasping his genitals so tightly that he could not move an inch. There was just barely enough space that it wasn't hurting him.

Mick's jaw dropped within the helmet. "What's going on? What are you doing?"

The view shifted back to the avatar of Jason. "There's a lot to explain Mick. You know how you always see that logo in the beginning for Conquest Industries? It's not a joke. Currently, my race of aliens is conquering your planet. Human males are valuable to us. My race consists entirely of males. We love all forms of masculine species. Human males are especially passionate and we enjoy having sex with you and watching you have sex with each other."

Jason continued, "Also, human males have valuable resources for us. Your semen is nutritious to us. Semen also contains particular proteins that are necessary for fueling the engines of our ships. And our technology is powered by masculine energy that we drain from living males and convert to a pure source of power. Your semen is rich in the proteins that we need. Think of it as Hi-Test gasoline. And you are a walking dynamo of male energy. When measuring units of masculine energy, we use part of your metric system for making the mathematical conversions. A typical human male produces about 100 M-Ergs or Mergs of energy. You produce about 1000 Mergs a day. We will modify your body to greatly increase your production. Eventually you will produce about 5000 Mergs a day. You will also produce massive quantities of semen. I will need to harvest from you on a daily basis from now on. So, from here out, you are may slave and when I am done with you, you will thrill to my voice and unconditionally obey any request from me."

Jason said, "You have already experienced a bit of it tonight. You want me and my cock so badly even now. You will truly worship it and be enslaved to it from now on. I am designed to be the pinnacle of everything you have ever wanted in a man. You have a passion for medical scenes, and I will be the doctor that owns you. It is now time for me to make some modifications to your testicles so you will be more easily leashed. That is why I have trapped you by your genitals. I will need you to remain motionless for the procedure, so I will strap your body thoroughly to the wall. Plus, I know how much bondage with leather straps turns you on. Both seeing it and feeling it."

Mick gulped. He had known that the computers had been analyzing him, but was taken aback by how well they knew him now and could predict him. But what did Jason mean he was going to strap him to the wall? Mick made the next only move he could think of. He tried to remove the helmet, but received a painful electric jolt to his hands when he touched the helmet

Jason said, "Do not try to remove the helmet before I order you to! I have total control of you right now, and you will be released only when I am good and ready!"

Mick had one further question to ask, "What about the room? How long is it booked? Surely, there must be a time limit on this?"

Jason replied, "Not tonight. There are no further bookings on this room until I am finished with you. And afterwards you will be escorted out of the building so that you can't warn anyone else, or try to contact help. We own you completely from here on out."

Mick let out a sigh of frustration. What could he do? There were no further options available to him.

The cameras shifted back to the booth. The front door opened to the booth, and Mick was stunned by what he saw. It was Jason! Jason entered the booth in live flesh and blood. He stopped for a second to kiss Mick on the back of the neck. Mick swooned for a second. He wore the same scrubs and lab coat that Mick had seen him with on the video. Jason tapped the wall in a few places and parts of the wall seemed to open slightly and a length of leather strap hung from each hole.

Jason began strapping Mick tightly against the wall. First, each wrist was secured above Mick's head and to the side in a classic frisking pose. Then a length of strap went around Mick's torso. Another was cinched around his waist, right over the small of his back. Then, Jason kicked Mick's legs apart and tightened down straps over each thigh. Finally, straps were tightened over each angle. Jason stepped back and looked pleased, "That looks about right. Should keep you from moving at all during the procedure."

Instead of leaving, Jason made sure the door was closed tight, and then sat down on the back bench. He pulled out his gorgeous dick and started stroking it slowly. Mick was riveted by the sight, and suddenly his perception turned back to the avatar version of Jason.

"In real life I'll have worked up a load for you to swallow when this is done. You'll deserve a reward."

Mick said, "I don't get it. How can you be real? Were you modeled after the real Jason?"

Jason smiled and shook his head "no". Jason said, "Our race is made up of shapeshifters. We can model ourselves off of real life people. But, a computer can also design a form for us, and we can take that form right down to the cellular level. Our knowledge of microbiology and cellular genetics far exceeds yours. I will not age in this form. I will always be perfect. Though I may pack on some more muscle if that turns you on. You will also be altered at the cellular level. You will be redesigned to produce to the maximum. A side benefit of this will be restoring you back to your youth, as this is when you were the most productive. You will be much younger when we are finished with you, and you will not age."

Jason said, "Enough questions for now. It is time to begin fitting you with a control unit. Most of those we take, we turn into complete cyborgs and give their penises intelligence to control them. They are also fitted with heavy duty control boxes. In this case I will stay with you and be your master always, so lighter technology is all that is required." Jason showed him a device that was made entirely of solid gold. It had a cage that fit around each testicle, and there were two necks in the form of a 'V' coming down from a tight cockring. The V was comprised of two necks about 90 degrees apart that looked very tightly fitting and were a bit long. Mick understood that all of the testicular connections would go through the neck of each V keeping each ball cool enough to produce more sperm and semen. The V would make each ball's connection to the body vulnerable so that the wearer would be very careful of his balls. The top of the V connected to two concentric rings. One that circled the ballsac and one that went around the base of the penis. Mick had no doubt this device could generate great amounts of pain for the wearer and would also be capable of making him aroused on command.

Jason touched a button on the other side of the wall, and a platform came up from the floor with several robotic devices on it. The robotics would put the ringed device on him. Mick was quite scared.

Jason said to him, "Don't worry. Fitting you won't be as traumatic as you think. But the types of sensation this device can inflict range from quite pleasant to unbearably painful. It should bring your will into line quickly. Here we go......."

(I am stopping here. I apologize for to my readers for how long it takes me to get the new chapters written up. Even though things are well planned out in my mind, I have other projects that will require my attention. It could be a short while before Parts 5 and 6 come out. Once I have finished Mick's story, I will return to the main story arc and pick up again with Matt and Scott's stories.)

Next: Chapter 5

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