Alien Visit

By John Black

Published on Jun 29, 2018


Alien Visit

Chapter 10

Pieter picked up the item I'd pointed to and smiled. "Well, this one is a security device. It prevents harm to the wearer from outside forces." It was about the size of a cellphone, but thinner and more square. I'm sure I looked puzzled. How could something that small prevent harm to the person wearing it? "I see you need an explanation on its function and range," he smiled. I nodded dumbly. "It constantly scans the area for threats. The range is up to 30 of your miles for larger objects. Small projectiles, hand-held weapons, and physical assault potentials can be detected at more than a mile. So it is effective against knives and bullets for instance at enough distance that the wearer can duck or dive out of the way. What it can't detect is weapons using enhanced laser light or charged particle accelerators. Those travel at the speed of light. Therefore, the warning would sound as the damage to your body commenced, far too late to do anything about it."

"Something that small can do all that? How is it powered that allows it to be so effective?" I blurted out. "How can it stop an assault?"

"The person wielding the assault weapon or rushing toward you is momentarily stunned by a series of pulses that render their voluntary muscles incapable of movement. The heart and lungs continue to function as does the brain. However, motion is halted." He paused for a moment, smiling. "On your planet, though, there is a side effect that can be most embarrassing, especially to a human." I gave him a puzzled look. "Let's say an alligator tried to attack you, or a dog, or a person," he began. "That animal would be rendered `frozen', except for the heart, lungs, and brain." I nodded, wondering why he was repeating himself. "But, his bowel and bladder controls would cease." I laughed at the mental picture of a person attempting an assault to suddenly freeze, but then wet his pants and soil himself.

"Now to answer your question about the power that works the device. It's very simple. Electro-magnetic radiation on this planet powers it, but any power source can be tapped, such as radio waves," Pieter explained. I gave him a blank look. "Your planet has an electro-magnetic field that the core generates because it's a spinning mass of liquid metal: Physics 101. As that's the most powerful energy on your planet, that's the source the device chooses to use. Even something as weak as cosmic rays can power it in space. But, there are better sources there. And all the devices I've shown you work on the same principle."

"So, you have to wear this to make it work to defend against attacks?" I wondered.

"It has to be nearby, but doesn't have to be worn. For instance, at night while I'm sleeping or engaging in more fun activities," he added, patting my ass, "it can be on a table or other surface within about 100 feet. So, I could place it anywhere in the house and it would protect both of us. As it is slaved to my bio-signature, it isn't something you can take with you for your protection. That's what I'm for," he grinned, adding some hand action to my crotch to match the groping my ass was getting.

I turned into him and he pulled me into his chest. We kissed for far too long, if I were going to get breakfast prepared, eaten, and then go to the office. I reluctantly pushed him away. "You're not making this easier. I have things to do that can't be postponed," I insisted. "I'm gonna prepare breakfast while you store these devices away where they can't be seen by anyone but us."

He tried to convince me that my breakfast and business duties could be delayed, but I persevered. Pieter headed for the master bedroom. He was probably going to store the devices somewhere in there or the master bath. I turned toward the refrigerator and extracted yogurt, chilled grapefruit segments, eggs, bacon, and orange juice. Croissants were sitting on the counter in sealed, plastic bags. I pulled two of them out and placed them in the toaster oven. I didn't turn it on. That should wait until the rest of breakfast was nearly ready.

I warmed the bacon in the microwave and made scrambled eggs. When the eggs were nearly done, I started the toaster oven. All the other items had been situated on the kitchen counter in front of two high stools. Pieter had returned a few moments ago and tried to distract me with nuzzles to my neck and more groping of my ass and dick. He very nearly succeeded.

But, I pulled away and plated up the bacon and eggs and then extracted the warm croissants from the toaster oven. "Bon Appétit," I smiled and toasted him with a glass of orange juice. We finished breakfast quickly, but as we were eating I'd been thinking that Pieter must be bored out of his mind with me gone most of the day, doing my real estate thing. I needed to get him interested in a hobby of some kind, besides endless, wonderful sex with me.

"When you are on your planet, what would you do to keep busy that you enjoy?" I asked.

"Fucking with you day and night," he beamed.

"You're impossible," I laughed. "What I meant was what would you do as work or a hobby? In fact, what do you do all day while I'm gone?"

"Some of the time, I cruise the internet and look for cooking lessons. But, most of the time, I'm doing more research on what's going on with your planet and what drives your species to wantonly trash it."

"So it would seem," I admitted, "but some of us are trying to make it better, notwithstanding the Rolls-Royce Phantom that I drive. That's a gas guzzler, nearly without peer. I really should have refused the car and taken the cash. Then, I could have a bought a more environmentally friendly vehicle."

"It's never too late," Pieter preached. He was right, but I really didn't want to part with my fabulously sumptuous automobile. "Will you come home before you present the offers to Mr. Connor?" Pieter asked, changing the subject.

"Yes. Unless something unexpected happens, I'll be home for lunch. But, while at the office, I need to make sure that all the necessary paperwork is there and ready for signature, if Mr. Connor agrees to the terms," I said.

"Is there any reason why he shouldn't?" Pieter asked.

"A few sellers are weird, so anything can happen. But, I think he'll grab the deal with both hands and sign immediately," I hoped.

"And when the deal closes, what will you get out of it?" he pressed.

"Somewhere in the neighborhood of $200,000, less taxes, of course," I estimated. "I have to share the commission with the buyer's agent."

"Do I understand correctly that the figure you quoted is a lot of money?" Pieter asked.

"For nearly anyone, that's a lot of money. But, I do have office expenses, including Joan's salary. And I have my living expenses, which in this house aren't cheap. However, no matter how you figure it, I'm doing quite well."

He tried again to seduce me, but I resisted him. You have no idea how difficult that is. His pheromones were overwhelming me and I wanted him to pound and breed my ass over and over again. But, I needed to get to the office and get myself ready to present the offers. Pieter tried to close the sexual deal by pulling his big, hard dick out of his pants and waving it at me. He even pushed me to the floor and smeared precum across my lips. Desperately, I wanted to open my mouth and take him in. His potent pheromones begged me to suck him off. My brain countered with a more realistic desire to take that horsedick up my ass and ride it until Pieter nutted deep inside me.

But, my business phone rang just in time to halt his need to breed me and my need to be bred. Standing up fast, I grabbed my phone off the counter and answered it. Mr. Connor was asking if we could meet earlier as his meeting would end no later than 10:30 this morning at his house. I assured him that what he requested was fine with me.

When I disconnected, I pulled away from Pieter and told him of the change in plans. "But, that means I'll be home after I present the offers," I smiled. "And if he signs immediately as I think he will, I'll take the paperwork back to the office and Joan can get it filed and sent off to the title company for closing. She'll arrange the date of closing, too. Then, we'll have all afternoon to do whatever you like!"

"Do you have any idea what you just promised?" he asked with a most devilish leer.

"I know exactly what I said," I beamed back at him. "See ya later this afternoon! I need to preview the home in Malibu for Mr. Connor before he sees it to make sure that it fits his multiple criteria," I tossed over my shoulder as I bolted for the garage and left for the office. With all the sexual preliminaries we'd accomplished, I knew I probably reeked of his pheromones and at least some of mine. At least we hadn't completed the deed. But, it had been touch and go.

At the office, I breezed into my private office and found the needed documents on my desk. I ran through the verbiage, seeing nothing changed from the usual "boilerplate" language. The terms of the sale (price, including furniture), including suggested closing dates, were clear and as expected. Joan had put the two offers in separate folders and made one additional copy that Mr. Connor could keep. I made a call to the broker who had listed the house in Malibu and asked him if it would be available for a showing this afternoon. I hoped it would please Mr. Connor. Hopefully, he'd already looked at the pages from the listing I'd left with him to know if he were interested. If he signed the offer this morning, he may be anxious to see the Malibu home today. But, that depended on his schedule this afternoon and that of the listing agent.

The agent said that the house was unoccupied, but furnished. He was available this afternoon at our convenience. I told him I'd call him back, if Mr. Connor would be joining us. Otherwise, I'd preview the home with the agent without my buyer at 1:30 this afternoon.

I left for home in time to meet Mr. Connor at his home. I presented the two offers. He liked the higher offer and signed the agreement immediately. I asked him how soon he'd like to close. He said that this afternoon wasn't too soon. Of course, I laughed and told him that it usually takes a little longer than that. "Would 30 days be too long?" I wondered.

"Unless you can push the paper faster and get it done sooner, I guess I'll have to be happy with that," he sighed. "However, that would give me more time to find a new place. I liked what you found for me in Malibu and I think it might fit my needs. When would you be available to take me there?"

"I'm going there to preview it this afternoon," I revealed. "I could take you with me, if you think it might be a good choice."

"I have too much going on at my office to take more time out of today. How about tomorrow?" he volunteered after checking his schedule on his phone. Say about 2 p.m.?"

"I'll check with the broker to make sure that 2 p.m. tomorrow would work for him," I agreed. "But, if the house isn't what the listing purports, I'll let you know after I view it today. I'll call you with additional information on closing later this afternoon and I'll let you know if I think the place in Malibu meets your criteria."

Mr. Connor dropped me off at my house and continued on to his office. I pulled Pieter into the master bedroom and forced myself upon him. There was no struggle of any kind, except getting our clothes off fast enough before we fucked each other crazy. After an hour of ceaseless fucking, rimming, felching, and blowing, we showered and made lunch. I left immediately after lunch for my appointment in Malibu.

The broker showed me through the house, explaining the high points that I already knew. We spent some time in the gardens that were well manicured and maintained. The more I viewed this home, the more convinced I was that this suited Mr. Connor down to the ground. I asked the broker why the home was vacant. He said that the owner was transferred to Germany to head up the European operations for his company. That happened nearly a year ago.

Without putting too fine of a point on it, the owner was motivated to sell and was flexible on the price. Also, the furniture was included in the price. I wasn't sure that Mr. Connor would like the furniture style, but that was his call, not mine. The style was a little over-the-top to my way of thinking and too feminine.

With an agreement with the broker to walk Mr. Connor though the house tomorrow, I left and headed for the office. I gave the signed documents to Joan and asked her to expedite the closing with the title company as best she could. I called the new buyer and asked him if he would like to move in sooner than closing and rent the home or did he want to wait until after closing. He said that he was in no rush, but closing sooner rather than later was his preference.

While I had him on the phone, I asked him if he had a realtor already lined up to sell his current home. He said that he didn't, but now that he was definitely moving, he needed one. I offered my services and he pounced. I arranged to meet with him at his current residence this evening to sign the contract. After I hung up, I called my appraiser friend and asked him to accompany me tomorrow to appraise the home of the new buyer and to appraise the home in Malibu. I thought the Malibu place was fairly valued, but I wasn't absolutely confident of my reasoning.

Tonight, I'd ask the new owner if he would allow me to show an appraiser though his current place tomorrow. "I'll have a key, so I can let us in. Is there a particular time that you'd like us to do that?" He had no preference. "The boys are in school and I'm in back-to-back meetings all day long. Do what you need to do." I told him that the appraiser would have the answer for us the following day and we'd revisit the asking price for his home then.

I told Joan I was headed for home and would visit the new client this evening. I took a standard listing contract with me for the new owner to sign. I gave Joan the address and asked her to check on other listings in the area as well as the legal description and property tax evaluation. She waved me out the door, knowing full well how to do her job without me reminding her.

At home, Pieter couldn't keep his hands off me. I helped him ravish me as much as he wanted. Finally, after nearly two hours of pounding each other into the mattress, we showered and ate dinner. I checked to see how terrible the traffic was between here and the new client's home. It didn't look promising, so I allowed another 30 minutes to make the commute. Even with my best planning, I arrived 15 minutes late. I did call him while I was stuck in traffic and revealed that I'd be late.

The new client, Mr. Montgomery, signed the document for me to list his house. We left the price blank, but I told him that I guessed his home would list for around ten million dollars, give or take. He seemed pleased with that number. He also told me that everyone would be gone during the day tomorrow, so I was free to bring the appraiser along at any time.

"Are your children and wife excited about the new house? I know that Devon and David were," I asked.

"That's all they've talked about. And there is no wife. She died shortly after the twins were born," I sighed. "I haven't seen the need to remarry. For the boys, I probably should have so they'd have a mother figure in their lives, but they have their grandmothers and aunts to fill in the void and they've done an amazing job. Nothing gets past those women," he laughed.

"In the brief time I had to chat with them, they seem to be very together young men," I smiled, without revealing what I really thought of their amazing sexual skills.

"When do you think we'll close?" he asked.

"I have my assistant working on it now with the title company. We have a good relationship with them and they've worked wonders. The last home we closed on was just over a week," I revealed.

"A week!" he said startled. "That's much too soon. I've gotta get rid of this house as well. I sure don't want to pay two mortgages."

"I just might have a buyer or two in mind who might be interested," I said.

"Bring them over as soon as you can," he insisted.

When I left, I called Drake and told him that his buyer didn't have the winning offer for the Connor house, but I did have another home that's coming on the market tomorrow. Further, I offered to send him pictures and the appraisal for the home tomorrow morning. I hoped he'd share it with his client.

After I hung up with Drake, I called Brandon (the client who fired his former realtor and hired me at the Connor home). After preliminary greetings, I wanted to confirm with him what he wanted in a new home and what he specifically didn't want. I already knew that he was in the $12 million range, but I wanted to know if he would go higher or if that was the top. He assured me that for the right house, he could go to $15 million. "But, it has to be pretty close to perfect," he asserted. "It has to be at least 4000 square feet, four bedrooms minimum with a private bath for each bedroom. A couple of extra guest bathrooms will be required for parties and other functions at the home. I don't need a lot of land, but I do need a pool with grounds that would accommodate maybe 50 people. The kitchen needs to be modern. Mediterranean is too dark and the new style of lines, angles, and stark contours are a non-starter for me. Something European appeals to me, whether that's English, French, or Tuscan without the dark appointments inside and out should fit the bill."

"Do you have a particular area that you'd like to be in or areas you don't want to look in? Do you care about gated communities?"

"I have no preference on gated communities. I don't want to be near major roads. I have offices near Pasadena, so something nearby that's less than a 30 minute commute would be ideal," he allowed.

"That helps a great deal," I replied. "Let me check on some listing in that general area and give you a call back. Is there any particular time you'd like me to try to reach you?"

"My afternoons are generally lighter than the mornings. But, in any case, call when you think you've found a good one and leave a message. I'll get back to you as soon as I'm free," he said.

With the call completed, I started the Phantom and headed for home. This had been a very busy day and I needed to unwind with my favorite sex addict. And Pieter did NOT disappoint!

He greeted me at the door in his birthday suit, a big smile, and a very hard, enormous dick. My clothes came off and littered a trail to the master bedroom. Pieter pushed me on to the bed on my back and immediately pushed his face into my ass. I moaned with pleasure when his horsedick completely disappeared up my love tunnel. He leaned in and kissed me, taking a big hit of pheromones. His dick jerked hard inside me. I thought he was going to nutt, but he resisted by holding me tightly against his groin.

"I almost lost my load," he breathed in a whisper. "I've been waiting all afternoon for you. My dick and balls hurt from lack of action."

"Then, let's fix that problem," I smiled up at him. "Dump your nutt inside me. Don't hold back. You know you're good for several more good fucks up my ass."

He smiled and kissed me again, but he didn't move his dick. "I want this to last long enough that you'll enjoy it, too."

"Just being with you makes me happy. The fact that your huge dick is deep in my ass is the frosting on my cakes, although I prefer that the frosting gets sprayed in my ass, not on it," I smirked. I didn't see the point of Pieter holding back on his nutt. I needed him to climax as much as he did. Besides, in his current state of need, he'd probably fuck and breed me twice without withdrawing. I worked my ass muscles to get him to fire a load into me. Pieter begged me to stop, but I wasn't listening. I needed some quality breeding from him.

"Gonna cream!" he shouted. I'd already felt his dick jerk hard rapidly. I knew his balls were unloading deep inside me. I wiggled my ass to give him maximum pleasure as he pounded me mercilessly, just the way I loved it when I was getting bred.

His climax peaked, but he didn't stop pumping my ass. This was his usual manner to get maximum pleasure out of a good fuck and nutt. And I loved it. Usually, this led to a second climax that added more of his creamy jizz to my love tunnel. What's not to love about that, especially when you're a hungry bottom like I am?

In this particular case, I wasn't disappointed. His hips pumped and smacked against my eager ass, increasing in speed as he drew closer to his second climax. The more sperm he shot into me, the happier I was. But, there was a price to pay for all that stimulation of his big dick against my prostate. Without even touching my dick, I knew I was within seconds of hitting my own climax. I warned Pieter of my impending explosion. His flexible spine allowed him to capture my throbbing dick with his lips and suck me to a shattering conclusion. Immediately after I hit my climax peak, he added a second load of nutt to my deep tunnel.

We kissed and kissed after he released my wilting dick. But, his hips continue their pumping of my ass. Eventually, his dick wilted and he withdrew. But, that wasn't the end of our lovemaking. Pieter's face found my asshole again and ate me out for several minutes. My dick grew hard as his tongue attempted to lick out every drop of his double load.

"Turn around," I begged. "I need some ass-to-face action." Pieter complied and sat squarely on my mouth. As my tongue spread his ass lips, my dick jerked menacingly. Part of the reason for that was his heady pheromones were making me crazy. Besides, I was eating his ass and he was sucking my dick. "If you keep doing that, I'll deliver another load into your mouth," I warned.

He pulled off and turned around. "Your next load goes where it's most needed," he smiled, as he sank slowly on to the full length of my dark, 10" phallus. "My balls insisted that I fuck you the minute you got home, but now my ass needs your big dick and as much jizz as you can pound into me." He rolled his ass to make my dick happy. "I love breeding you," he whispered with his eyes closed, "but, getting your dark monster to breed me is just as good. I'm so glad that you're more versatile than you were with Marshawn."

"It's all about the partner," I allowed. "He was much more of a top than you are. He loved my big dick breeding him, but he had this macho thing going on that pushed him to top me most of the time. I didn't mind at all. You know he had a big dick and knew how to use it. And I loved every inch of it. And I love being a hungry bottom."

Pieter slowly impaled himself on my upright organ. He squeezed it with his ass muscles, stroking it with his deep tunnel as he rose and fell slowly over my groin. Just by watching his face, you knew he loved a big, hard dick in his ass. He'd be the first one to tell you that getting fucked was wonderful, but taking a big load was even better. And with his skillful actions massaging my dick with his internal muscles, he was about to receive what he loved better than any fuck I could deliver.

With a final shove, I unloaded a massive stream of jizz inside him. My hips were thrusting upward in a frenzy of motion. And he took me hungrily. All that sperm squirting into him filled him, but not enough to satisfy is need to be bred. He'd need several more of my loads to satisfy that need. With his pheromones racing through my system, he was certain to get his wish.

For nearly 90 minutes, we fucked and felched each other as often as we could get hard. Pieter was always the winner for frequency of topping. I was very happy with that, being the eager bottom that I'd always been. But, with his ass sitting on my face, his pheromones always got me hard and he got another load.

It was nearly midnight when we finally slept.

The next morning, we fucked in bed and again in the shower: our usual routine to begin our day. Pieter fixed breakfast for us while I tried to find a home that Brandon would like. Not finding what I wanted within the first ten minutes of searching, I called Joan and told her that I'd be late getting into the office, but I'd have pictures for a new listing. However, I wanted her to hold off making a brochure until after two potential buyers had seen the house. There was no point in printing an expensive booklet, if the house were sold before the printer could complete the printing. However, in case neither client proved interested, Joan should go ahead and create a mock-up of the brochure, just in case.

With a final confirming call to the appraiser, I finished breakfast, grabbed my camera and headed for the McDonald home. I had a key, so I let myself in. Cruising through all the rooms to be sure that it wasn't cluttered, I began taking pictures. About 20 minutes later, the doorbell rang. I checked my watch. It should be the appraiser, and it was. He walked around the inside, took measurements, and then walked around the outside, taking more measurements. He could get the official property description from the county.

"I'll send you my report by the end of the day," he smiled as he turned to leave. "And the bill I'll send to Joan?" I nodded. He knew that Joan was the gatekeeper for all issues dealing with my office's money. "What's your opinion as to the value?" I told him that I thought it was in the neighborhood of ten million dollars, give or take.

"Would you like me to send over some comparables?" I asked.

He thought for a moment. "It wouldn't hurt and would add more data points to my research as well. Thanks for the offer."

"I'll send them via e-mail," I promised. I knew of at least two recent sales in nearby neighborhoods, but I'd augment that with some additional research in other non-gated subdivisions.

I locked up the house and drove to the office. Joan was waiting for me with the mail, pointing out bills that needed to be paid, and a description that she'd pulled off the county's website. I handed her the memory stick that had the pictures on it from the McDonald house. "These should give you a better idea of what the interior and exterior look like. I took a few extra of the front and back of the house. You can decide which ones show the house off to its best advantage." She nodded, took the memory stick from me, and returned to the mock-up.

At my desk, I looked for more houses that had the same general description as the McDonald house. Location seemed to be the determining factor on the price for similar homes. They ranged from eight to twelve million dollars with the high end having a better view, perhaps a large lot, and in a more prestigious neighborhood. It'll be interesting to see what the appraiser comes up with, I thought.

Drake called confirming my afternoon appointment with him and his client. I called Brandon and told him that I'd sent him an e-mail about a house I'd just listed with a general description and a couple of pictures.

Both showings went well, but I didn't get any excitement out of either of the potential buyers. Late in the afternoon, I called Joan and told her to go ahead with the printing of the brochure. As I hung up from that call, the appraiser sent an e-mail that determined the McDonald house should sell for around $10.5 million. Now, it was up to Mr. McDonald to decide what price he wanted to get. He could go low and hope that would get more buyers interested or he could go for the appraised value and reap more profit.

If he wanted out from under the mortgage of his current home, he should go for the lower price. That market is just as thin for buyers as the market he'd moved on with his offer on the Connor place. I called him and let him know the appraisers valuation. I cautioned him about setting the price so the house would sell soon, and reminded him that he didn't want to pay two mortgages. He decided to set the price at $10.2 million, including the furnishings. Before I went to Malibu with Brandon, I stopped by Mr. McDonald's office and had him sign the listing with the pricing and a copy of the appraisers report.

I had polite "no thank you" from the two potential buyers of the McDonald place in my e-mail account later in the morning. So, I confirmed with Joan that printing the brochure was the right call. She had also sent the listing to the internet site that lists all area properties for sale.

In the afternoon, I went with Brandon to the house in Malibu. He was clearly impressed and interested. The listing agent reminded us that the home could be sold with or without furnishings. Brandon nodded, but had already whispered to me that very little of what was in the house appealed to him. I acknowledged his decision, not surprised at all. "Keep in mind that you'll have to furnish the place," I reminded him. "And that won't be cheap for a home of this size." He nodded again like it wasn't an issue for him. He was moving up from a $12.4 million home to one that is listed for $25.9 million. It must be nice to have the kind of money that another million dollars to furnish it wasn't a concern, I sighed to myself.

Back in the Phantom, I asked him about his degree of interest. "I'm very interested, but considering it has been on the market for a year, I think we can get a better price," he said. I nodded agreement. "What's your experience about low-balling the price?"

"That would depend on the seller," I allowed, "but it has been on the market for a while. I asked my appraiser friend of his opinion and he said that it was fairly priced. However, the comparables were sparse, so it could be a couple of million dollars either direction."

"I think I'll offer $24 million, then, and he can keep the furniture," Mr. Connor said decisively. "Write it up and see that their reaction is."

"You'll get a counter offer, I'm sure," I cautioned. "How much are you willing to negotiate?"

"I think we should just say that is my best and final offer," he smiled knowingly. "He's had this house and the mortgage for a year without the benefit of living in it. I think he'll jump at the chance to get rid of it."

"The broker told me that there was one other offer shortly after the home hit the market, but it was rejected," I revealed. "I'm sure he's kicking himself in hindsight."

Mr. Connor laughed. "I'm sure he is. And if it has been nearly a year since any interest was expressed in the house, I'm sure he's hungry. By the way, how old are the roof and the electrical and plumbing systems?"

"The owner says that all were upgraded in a light remodel done two years ago," I responded.

I took him back to the office and filled out the paperwork for the offer. I included Mr. Connor's words that the offer was his best and final offer. Then, I e-mailed the offer to the broker and asked for a response within 48 hours. I promised to send the official offer by messenger, if he needed it. And now we wait, I sighed.

With Mr. McDonald's house on the market, I needed to get the word out to friends in the business. I attached a copy of the mock-up brochure to the e-mail and included a short message. Not expecting any responses today, I chatted with Joan about her real estate classes. She was all smiles and enthusiastic about what she was learning. She rattled on and on about how much she looked forward to being a real estate agent in my office and thanked me again for giving her the opportunity. I assured her that the reasoning was selfish on my part, but I was happy that she was looking forward to her new duties.

At home, I drove into the garage and parked the Phantom. I'd been thinking that I really needed to unload this albatross. It was very comfortable and a dream to drive, but I also thought that it conveyed the wrong message: "This guy has too much money and is going to get even more out of you!" Consequently, I resolved to get rid of the car as soon as I could to someone who loved it enough to own it. I thought about Mr. Connor and his bulging bank account and decided to ask him if he were interested. Otherwise, I'd seek out someone at the local Rolls Royce agency about selling the car to them.

Pieter greeted me in his usual manner: his birthday suit and a hard dick. He's so predictable! And so am I. I followed that perfect ass into the master bedroom and helped him deflower me again and again. Of course, it would be rude of me not to return the favor as often as he needed me to top him.

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Next: Chapter 11

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