Alien Visit

By John Black

Published on May 4, 2018


Alien Visit

Chapter 5

Wednesday was another glorious day in southern California. I'd asked my secretary to call me as soon as the appraisals for the contents of the estate sale I'd completed this week became available. After I knew their recommendation, I'd call the gay couple to tell them what additional funds they'd need to have available at closing.

That left the day open for Pieter and I do as we chose. I thought I should take him on a provisions buying trip after we worked out at my in-home gym. But, he had other ideas that included breeding me twice in the shower, again in bed, and over the kitchen counter as I prepared waffle batter. I told him that we needed to let the batter rise for about 30 minutes before we'd cook it. He thought that would be a perfect time to eat his loads out of my ass from the bedroom and shower, fuck me senseless, suck me off, and breed me again. The man has a one-track mind and I love it!

After breakfast, I got talked into spending some time in the pool, swimming laps instead of working out. Of course, that led to several successful attempts to breed me again. I did my best to keep up, but I fucked him only twice. But, I did blow him twice, too.

Late in the morning, my business phone rang. My secretary informed me that the appraisals were in and the pictures for the new listing were finished. I needed to select the ones I wanted to be in the notebook I'd share with potential buyers. With a shower and a good scrubbing out of the way, I drove to the office.

"Good morning, Joan," I greeted her with a smile and then checked my watch to make sure it was still morning. "How is your world this morning?"

"Very good," she replied with a grin. "And you seem to be in an amazingly happy place this last week. Tell me you've met someone that rings your bells!"

I grinned, but didn't confirm or deny her skills at reading me. "Where are those pictures I need to wade through for the new listing?" She turned her monitor toward me and clicked through about 20 pictures. I selected twelve that I thought showed off the house exterior and interior nicely. "And what verbiage have you created for the narrative about the listing? You always do a much better job at that than I do." She beamed and handed me a printed series of pages that would go into the notebook with spaces for pictures. Joan knew what kind of pictures I usually included, so she'd done her usually spectacular job of describing the photos. On the last page, she listed the particulars that any buyer would want to know: price, property taxes, association fees, average utility bills, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, pool size, type, number, and size of appliances (indoors and outdoors), and tradesmen and women who serviced the home.

"Joan," I said sitting next to her desk, "I want you to take the real estate exam, so you can be an agent. I'm looking at buying a home in France and will probably be gone there a month at a time or more. I want you to keep the place running and help people who are looking to buy a home. Additionally, my friend Jennifer might be giving you leads on homes that her friends and acquaintances might be selling while I'm gone. Of course, I'll pay for the course and you'll get a boost in salary, plus commissions when you sell a property. How's that sound?"

She was stunned. "Uh, well, I never thought about it. Are you sure I can handle it?"

"You have amazing people skills and you're always organized and on top of what needs to be done. You'll be great!" I praised her. "Now, there are classes being taught at the local community colleges. Pick one that you like and we'll get you signed up for the next session."

"Uh, thank you, Mr. Carter. I'm overwhelmed by your generosity and faith in me," she gushed. "By the way, how long are the courses?"

"The last time I looked, you had to pass three 45-hour courses to get an agent's license. The community colleges may have a different group of classes. However, I also know that these classes can be taken on-line, so you take them at your leisure. Pick the type that you think fits your schedule and that of your family," I suggested. "I'll front you the money."

"I'll get right on it," she beamed. "But, I'll finish my work for you first, of course," she allowed. "This office is more important and so are you." She paused for a moment and then smiled again. "Whomever you've met has certainly turned your head. You've always been a generous man, but this is completely unexpected. I hope he treats you very well."

I smiled and continued to admit nothing. But, eventually, Joan was going to meet Pieter and I had to think about how I was going to finesse that without Pieter driving her crazy with his sexually provocative pheromones. I walked into my private office and called the gay couple with the appraisals for the contents of the house they'd bought. The total came to $952,447. I'd give them a final figure after I contacted the escrow company with all closing costs.

"The seller is leaving for France within two weeks and the buyers are moving in this Saturday," I told the escrow company manager. "This is a cash offer, so you are the ones holding up the transaction and closing."

"For that big of a transaction, closing will be two weeks from today. I'll move heaven and earth to make it happen. The recording of the sale can proceed after the closing and all signatures have been secured. Please have the seller designate a bank where he wants the proceeds of the sale to be deposited. And bring a deposit slip for that bank. There is additional paperwork that the banking regulators require of us, but that's on us, not on the buyer and seller," he finished.

I thanked him for his zeal to finish the deal quickly and hung up. "Joan," I said through my office door, "closing on the estate I just sold is two weeks from today at the escrow company we use all the time. If there is anything you need from the buyers or seller, get it from them tomorrow when the sales agreement documents will be signed."

"Yes, Sir!" she saluted and giggled.

What would I do without her, I asked myself. I'd probably have failed as a real estate agent and broker. I stole her from the office I used to work at as an agent. With my broker's license, I knew I could do this on my own, but only if I had good front office support and Joan was and is the best!

With a phone call to the seller, I advised him that closing would be in two weeks. And I asked again when he expected to travel to France again and when would he put the house on the market. He said that he was going to his apartment in New York City first. He hadn't planned on going to France for a couple more months. Well, I told a fib to the escrow manager, but I wasn't going to call him with a change in my client's schedule.

I reminded him of my interest in the property and hoped he'd hold off listing it until I was able to get away. He said that he was not in a great hurry to sell it, but he'd like to have the transaction finished before the end of the year. He showed me pictures of the house in France that he was thinking of selling. The grounds were beautifully done and maintained. The house looked to be well maintained.

"Having lived in a drafty, old chateau that was about 600 years old, we knew that we wanted modern construction or a complete remodel of an older house. So, when we decided on the south of France, we looked around for a home that would give us some privacy, yet would be spacious and near a town or village. This one is right at the edge of town. All the amenities are within walking distance. We knew we didn't want to be in a city, because of noise and pollution," he revealed. After paging through all the pictures, he pointed out, "The roof and exterior paint are two years old. The house was built about 500 years ago. Before we moved in, we added air-conditioning to the existing heating system. French electricity isn't cheap, but there is a cheap schedule that is the same each day, so you just schedule your times for heavy usage if you want."

"What do you think you'll want for it?" I asked.

"When you expressed interest in it, I asked my accountant what he thought it was worth. He said it isn't worth a million dollars. He thinks it will sell for about $800,000 or 680,000 Euros," he revealed. "The land is a big part of the cost. And I'm told that when one American sells to another, we don't have to involve the national or local governments, so the sale price is very close to the final price. All those taxes and stamps and special reviews are not necessary. But, you'll want to check on that. I know it was the case when we bought it 10 years ago. If that's still true and we don't have to involve the French and we do the transaction in dollars, you can have it for about $700,000. I've asked my accountant to contact an agent he knows there and get a final appraisal in dollars."

Right after he left, I got up and headed out the door. "You know how to reach me," I tossed over my shoulder. Joan waved and went back to work. I drove home and met Pieter in the kitchen. He was eating a peanut butter and blackberry jam sandwich, two in fact. "Let's shower up after you finish and we'll go grocery shopping. But, we need to get your pheromones under control to do that. You wanna fuck me to take the edge off or would that only make your scent more potent?"

"I'm good right now, although I'd never turn down a chance to breed you," he leered. "Let's hit the showers and then take off. If it turns out to be a bad idea, we'll learn from the experience." Well, it was a good plan, but reality changed it. We couldn't help ourselves and fucked each other in the shower. I even blew him just for good measure. We dried off and dressed in new clothes. I reminded Pieter that the clothes that were being altered should be ready this afternoon, so we'd go by the mall first and then hit the grocery store. I decided that we'd shop at Costco as the aisles were wider and the building more airy than a traditional store. Besides, that's where I usually shopped anyway.

At the clothing store, we picked up Pieter's new clothes after he tried them on to be sure that the alterations fit him. The clerk that sold us Pieter's new wardrobe wasn't there, but a gay man was and he nearly climbed Pieter's frame to get him to fuck the gay clerk. Pieter acted innocent of any understanding when the guy came on to him so hard. I stood guard outside the changing room to be sure that Pieter didn't get accosted while trying on the altered clothes.

After a hasty retreat with altered clothing in hand, we drove off to the nearest Costco. I showed my membership card after we'd secured a shopping cart. Pieter drove it while I checked my list of items I needed to buy. The samples people were out in force, so I took several for a taste. Pieter liked all of the offered samples, after he touched them. We bought three of the packages that represented the samples. I thought they'd be good for a light dinner in the future. With Pieter around, I knew that there wouldn't be any left-overs.

At home, we put all the purchases away, including his new clothes. Pieter changed into swimming trunks, but I opted to go native. When he noticed I didn't have anything on, he tossed his swim suit back into the house and joined me in the pool. After swimming a few laps, he reclined on a chaise lounge to catch some rays. I asked him if he burned easily in our sun and he said he wasn't sure.

I went into the house and brought back an assortment of sun blockers. One of them, he was allergic to. I have no idea why he was, but he stuck his finger in the pool to wash it off and then ran into the house to use soap and water to completely get rid of the offending substance. Back by the pool, I offered to slather the non-offending sun block on him in places that he couldn't reach. I spent a delicious amount of time on his broad shoulders, back, and especially his ass.

One thing led to another and we ended up fucking on the chaise lounge for the next hour. The more we fucked, the thicker his sexual pheromones permeated the air. I couldn't get enough of his ass and dick and he mentioned the same fault when he was working me over. This was the kind of afternoon I loved to spend. Usually, it was alone, but this was so much better.

Pieter made dinner that night and ate most of it. The man has a bottomless pit for a stomach. His appetite is enormous. And I haven't noticed him gaining any weight. I should be so lucky.

Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m., the gay couple strolled into my office to sign the offer they'd made on the estate. Joan recorded their IDs and promised that she'd send a copy of the final document signed by the seller after he arrived this afternoon. The earnest money check for $100,000 was also recorded and would be sent off to the escrow company with the signed paperwork.

In my office after the signatures were gathered, they asked me if I'd like to have dinner with them at their new home on Saturday night. "This isn't a house warming. So don't bring anything. We want to thank you in a very tangible way for finding us the perfect home. And bring a friend," Steve added. "Any diet restrictions or food allergies?" he asked. I told them no seafood of any kind and no chocolate. They had no problem with either. "Would six be a good time to start with adult beverages and dinner at seven?" he wondered. I agreed to his proposal.

At 2:00 p.m., the seller arrived and went through the same signature and ID check. Joan gave him a copy of the finished paperwork and promised to send it on to the escrow company by messenger this afternoon. He also turned over a set of keys to the house, a gate pass, and a garage door opener. Further, he stated that additional keys and openers were sitting on the kitchen counter, ready for the new owners.

He dallied in my office for a few minutes to show me pictures he had on his i-pad of the house and grounds in France once more. He was trying to hook me into buying the place, and it was working. I was very taken by the beauty of the place. Again, I mentioned my interest and he said he'd certainly give me right of first refusal when he put it up for sale.

After he left, I called my attorney and asked him if he had anyone in his firm or had a contact in France who could walk me through the process to buy property there. Further, I wondered if an agent was necessary if this was a private transaction between a buyer and seller who had already agreed upon a price and occupancy date. He said he'd have to call me back. Further, I said that both parties were Americans, if that made a difference.

I called the gay couple who had bought the estate and told them that keys to the house, the gate pass, and a garage door opener were waiting for them. They could pick them up tomorrow at my office or I could deliver them tomorrow to their hotel. They opted for coming by the office tomorrow afternoon. I would hold on to my keys and gate pass for the estate until the deal was closed and then hand them over.

With Joan handling the last details, I motored on home and changed out of my suit. As I strolled through the house toward the bedroom, Pieter called from the pool and asked me to join him. I tore off my clothes as quickly as I could and jumped in. He swam over to me and planted a big kiss on me. Then, he lifted me up and put me on the edge of the pool. His face went directly to my crotch and started sucking my dick. I was already hard, so he lapped up the precum that was oozing from the piss slit. "I love how you taste," he moaned, and went back to his work. A moment later, he pushed me on to my back and stuck his tongue up my ass. "But, I love the taste of your ass better, especially when I can taste my cream from this morning."

"You have the rest of the evening to stop that," I sighed with pleasure to Pieter.

"It isn't possible to eat your ass all night," Pieter countered. "I need to breed you or I'll be seeding the pool instead. That's pointless, don't you think?" he chuckled. "But, there will be time later to eat your ass and blow you, I'm sure," he allowed.

"You're so thoughtful," I deadpanned. "But, I see your point. Getting bred is the whole point of sex," I agreed. "And you can start at any point," I smiled over my dick and nuts. And he did breed me and felch me, with pauses for me to do the same for him.

Friday morning, I took Pieter to the estate that I'd just sold. I explained why this estate was priced as it was and why it was more valuable than the home that Pieter and I shared. He said he understood that there was a pricing difference, but was still unsure why certain characteristics were more valuable, such as a view. The size of the house and the property it sat on were easy for him to grasp, but he still struggled with the intangibles. "Humans find intangibles hard to quantify, but they know what they like or dislike when they see it," I tried again. "Some people want absolute quiet and don't want to be near any major roads. Others don't care. Some want privacy without having to put up fences, but others don't care. And many people in this price range don't want to be near their neighbors and prefer lots of shrubbery, trees, and other foliage to block any view of their home."

As we walked away, Pieter shrugged. "I guess like beauty, it's all in the eye of the beholder," he sighed.

"Very good observation," I complimented him. "You've learned a lot about us when you can use some of our language images to make a point."

As we drove home, Pieter asked, "How did you and Marshawn meet? What convinced both of you that you wanted the relationship that developed?"

"I can tell you how we met, but why we got together on a permanent basis is harder to explain. Humans and their emotions are complicated. Psychologists have been pondering that for ages," I pointed out. Pieter nodded, so I continued. "We met at a party. One of my friends in high school had an older brother who was in college with Marshawn. We'd just graduated and the college boys were having a party celebrating the end of their junior year. You know what the junior year is?" Pieter nodded. "Okay, so we thought that we'd be laughed at because we were just high school students, but his older brother reminded us that we were big men, even though we were young. We agreed to go, but if it got ugly because they figured out we were barely legal, we'd leave.

"We get to the party and it's in a nice, big home in the Hollywood Hills. To get a drink, we had to show ID, but we were 18, so it wasn't a problem. I'm not much of a drinker, nor was my friend, so we stayed with soft drinks and water. The food and appetizers were great, so we made pigs of ourselves there. We hung out together for a while, but as I checked out the rest of the party guests, there was one guy who kept giving me a look. My friend mentioned that he thought the guy was hot and was definitely interested in me. So, I walked over to the guy and introduced myself. He had this devastating smile that melted my heart and head. I wanted this man, but wasn't sure he was gay. The kind of attention he was giving me and ignoring the women there confirmed that he played on my team.

"He pulled me into a corner of the large dining room and said he'd like to get to know me better. He said it with his big right hand on my ass. I told him that I'd love to know him better, but he should know that I like to bottom, rather than top. He asked me if I were exclusively bottom and I replied that I did like to top the right guy, but most of the time, my big dick seemed to talk louder than my stated preference, so I fucked more guys than fucked me. However, if the right guy came along and wanted to fuck me a lot and occasionally flip, I could get used to that in a big way.

"We talked and laughed for nearly two hours. But, after all that drinking of non-alcoholic beverages, he said he had to hit the bathroom and drain his kidneys. I had the same problem. I was surprised when he asked me if I needed to go, too. I nodded that I did and he said that both of us could use the bathroom at the same time. I'm not pee-shy and I really wanted to see his dick, so I agreed.

"He whipped out his big, black dick and so did I. I knew he had to have a big dick, but I was surprised how big it was. It had to be at least 8" long and really thick and it had an enormous head on it. I wondered how he could ever hide that big head in any kind of pants or shorts. I made a mental note to ask him later about it.

"Meanwhile, I stared at his big dick as he let go a big stream of piss to match mine. When we finished, he looked me in the eye and told me I was the most handsome man he'd ever met and that he wanted to get personal with me. After he said that, he reached for my dick and stroked it. I stroked his dick, too. Both of us got really hard within seconds. He went down on his knees and sucked my hard dick into his mouth. I don't know why I shot my load so quickly, but it was certainly less than 10 seconds later that Marshawn was swallowing my cream.

"When I stopped firing, he wanted to keep sucking me, but I pulled away, and went down on him. He was eager to get off as well, so he nutted in my mouth in less than a minute. With both of us standing, we kissed like we'd been lovers for years.

"He said he wanted my ass to get to know his hard dick. In the blink of an eye, he leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips, again. Marshawn said that he liked tall, muscular black men and he thought I was the hottest man he'd ever seen. Then, he asked me if I'd go back to the dorm with him and I immediately said yes. I did wonder about his roommate, but he said that the roommate had finished his exams and was already on his way home.

"I asked if he had condoms that fit our big dicks and he smiled and said that he did. I confessed that I didn't bring any with me as I didn't think I'd score tonight. He allowed that I would score no matter where I went."

"I can vouch for that," Pieter interrupted. "Watching you from space for three years convinced me that you're the best of the nearly 3,000 people I watched. And then he took you back to his place and you got to know each other much better?"

"Oh, yeah. Marshawn was a great lover. He really knew how to prepare me for his horsedick. I think he was about as big as your monster. So, we showered at the dorm and then ate each other out for several minutes. Finally, he slipped on a condom and lubed up my ass. You know what an eager bottom I am, so I helped him direct his monster up my hole. I'd never had one that big before, but I really wanted him, so I tried to relax. It did sting at first, but I got over it soon. He leaned down and kissed me while he slowly fucked me. No one had ever made love to me before and this felt so good.

"He took me slowly, fucking me with deep, long strokes as we kissed. I couldn't get enough of this guy. My hands were on his ass, urging him to go faster and fuck me harder, but he kept his measured pace. Even though he tried to hold back, he couldn't. Marshawn loaded the condom with his jizz less than two minutes after he'd entered me. He told me that he only wished that we'd done the deed bareback, so he could eat his load out of my ass and rim my perfect ass, again."

"I can attest to that," Pieter smiled. "You do have the best ass for fucking and eating."

I smiled at his compliment. "Anyway, he left his big dick in my ass for a couple more minutes after he shot his load. When he pulled out, he pulled off the condom. I grabbed it before he could toss it away. Biting off the end, I guzzled down the content and said that I loved the taste his cum. And I hoped that we could bareback soon so he could fuck me and eat me out and then kiss me so I can taste his cream.

"We compared approximate last dates that we'd been tested and agreed that we needed to test again, soon. That was when he offered to let me fuck his round, hard ass. I told him that I'd love to, but only if he really wanted me to. He said that few men have ever tapped his ass, but he wanted me to do it. So, with a condom on my dick, I mounted him slowly. He asked me to take it easy on him because no one my size had ever been up his ass. Inspired by his `virginity', I pumped out a load less than two minutes later. He took my filled condom and drank the contents just like I had."

"How long before you were barebacking with him?" Pieter wondered.

"The next weekend," I smiled. "During the summer, he shared an apartment with another guy, but the roommate had a woman that he was fucking almost every night, so he was rarely at the apartment. I spent a lot of nights with Marshawn, taking load after load from that satyr. He knew how to fuck better than any man I'd ever been with. He was so gentle for such a big man and always made sure that I got off, too."

"Did you fuck him that much?" Pieter asked.

"Probably once a day," I responded. "But, he would suck me off at least once, if not more times, a day. I loved getting fucked by him so much that I rarely blew him. But, he always kissed me and shared his load after he'd eaten me out. That was good enough for me. I think you've probably figured that out, too."

Pieter smiled. "Yeah, you're very good at sex," he smirked. "You are the perfect, black man with a superb body and huge dick. And that delicious ass makes my dick hard just by looking at it."

We were now home. Pieter took me by the hand and led me into the master bedroom. He helped me shed my clothes and then sucked my dick as I stood next to the bed. A minute later, he turned me around and ate my ass out. I bent over so he could get his tongue deeper between my twin, chocolate globes. Several minutes passed as he continued to tongue my hole.

Suddenly, my dick started to tingle. I flipped on my back and bellowed that I was going to nutt. Pieter grabbed my dick and stroked it vigorously as his lips closed over the head. A second later, I was filling his greedy mouth with my man juices. When he pulled off my spent dick, he shoved his tongue up my manhole, lubing it with my cream. His dick followed quickly and sank to the hilt.

"I love your ass," he moaned, as he set up a slow rhythm. My hands on his thrusting glutes urged him to go faster and deeper, but he held back and to his established rhythm. However, that didn't last long. Having sucked down my load and the kisses that we were sharing, he had no choice in the matter. My randy ass tunnel clinched the deal.

With a shout, Pieter climaxed a huge load inside me. I could feel his dick jerk and spray as he bred me. This is why I'm a bottom, I thought. I love the feel of a big dick and a big load up my hole. His pounding hips nailed my ass to the bed. His need to breed continued after his climax ended and neither of us cared. I loved his monster in me and he liked fucking.

When we uncoupled, Pieter blew me and I nutted less than 30 seconds later. After we caught our breath, he asked, "So, when did you and Marshawn start living together?"

"Under the terms of his athletic scholarship and because he wasn't married, he had to live in the campus housing with the other jocks," I began. "And because I graduated from high school, I needed to move out of my parent's place and find my own accommodations. I got a job right away at a department store in the athletics equipment and clothing department. It didn't pay all that well, but it was enough to pay for my apartment and food. Marshawn and I got together nearly every night at my place or his and fucked our brains out. We were together on every weekend that I wasn't working and when he wasn't practicing or at a game.

"I didn't even know he was a basketball player until I'd known him about a week. It made no difference to me, but he was totally focused on a future career in the NBA. He'd already been scouted and knew he'd get drafted in the third or fourth rounds. Players from the basketball dynasty universities always got taken on the first and second rounds. But, he thought he could prove that he was a better player and get into the starting line-up within the first or second season.

"He was surprised when he went in the second round. The team wanted him badly and saw a great deal of potential in him. So, they signed him to a three-year contract with a signing bonus. With part of that signing bonus, he bought this house. He included me in the house search, because he wanted us to be happy together, not just him. His financial advisor said that he should put most of the bonus aside into safe investments and get a mortgage for the balance of the sale price. The advisor also told him that it would be money well-spent if he got mortgage insurance. So, when Marshawn died, the house note was paid off. I own it clear and free."

"When did you get started in real estate?" Pieter wondered.

"When I was working at the department store, two of the people who worked with me were taking classes to get their agent license. They said it was easy and they already had an office interested in them. The real estate offices they had in mind said that they needed young people to get into the profession to attract young buyers to the office. I knew I didn't want to be a sales clerk for the rest of my life and I didn't want to be Marshawn's kept bitch, so I decided to take a chance. My fellow sales people at the store said that I was very good with people and was an excellent salesman. I didn't think I was that good at it, but I took their advice anyway.

"And your first real estate job came soon?" Pieter pressed.

"Yeah, right before I took the final exam for my real estate agent license, I interviewed with several offices that I knew were focused on high-end properties. None of them offered a salary, but the commission rates were excellent. All I needed now was a list of rich people who were looking for a new home. I didn't know anyone in that category, except for Marshawn. I thought that I'd start with his teammates and the head office people. I added the people in our gated community to my growing list. Marshawn fronted me the money to get a classy brochure printed of the market I was working in. Initially, there wasn't any action, but I got a listing from a family in our community and that put me in the good graces of the brokers at my office. Additionally, I spent time on the phone with their list of contacts and the homes that were offered for sale. But, I didn't restrict my universe of homes to what our firm listed. I knew people in the LA basin were more than willing to move several miles to get the right property and views."

"And where does Jennifer figure into your sales history?"

"She was one of my first sales. She was thinking about selling the house that she and her ex-husband lived in, because it had so many bad memories of her ex-husband. Jennifer liked the house and the location, but wanted a different one. Luckily for both of us, there was a house on the next block that overlooked the ocean and was still in her gated community. So I listed her old home and sold her a new one. That was a very big payday."

"So, when did you start servicing her?" he laughed.

"Right after she moved into her new house, she offered to help me find new listings and home buyers who were in her economic and social circle," I smiled. "And she got right to the point after she said that. She said that she always wanted to get bedded by a muscular, black man. I knew I was gay and so did she. But, she told me this was strictly fucking, no strings attached. I turned her down. I couldn't do this to Marshawn." Pieter raised his eyebrows in a questioning gesture. "Yeah, so after Marshawn died, she offered again. I wasn't getting any from the men I knew, so I let her seduce me. She loved how I fucked and especially liked my big dick. I got my nutt, so we were both happy. We don't make a regular thing of it. She only did the booty call thing when she had someone on the line for me to sell a house for or list one. Well, generally," I allowed. "She sometimes calls when she really needs to get laid, and you know how easy I am when it comes to sex."

"How long have you been in real estate, then?"

"Uh, about eight years," I thought out loud. "The last three years have been the best though."

"And you really have done well enough that you can afford to pay cash for a home in France?"

"I'll have to sell some stocks and use funds I'd been putting aside for my retirement, but that's many years away and I think this home in France will be what I want for my future as well as an investment. I've not travelled much, but I've always thought France would be a good place for a vacation home. I know there are other places much closer, but I love the French wines and cuisine."

"If you have the address of the house in France, we can look it up on Google Earth," Pieter suggested. "Or so I've been told by you."

"You're right. I should have thought of that. Would you like to see what the place looks like before we go there?" I asked. He nodded enthusiastically. We looked it up and it was in a beautiful location, right at the edge of the town. The grounds were enormous and beautifully landscaped and maintained. The house from the street view didn't show much, because of a tall hedge and gate at the entrance. I repeated to Pieter all the particulars that the owner of the French home had told me.

"So, when are we going?" he asked excitedly.

"The owner is headed to New York City for a couple of month before he goes to France, again. And I want to sell this new listing before we go," I replied. "So, I think it'll be fall before we could get away. Meanwhile, how are we going to get you to France? You have no passport and no real way to get one without a birth certificate."

"Do you have a passport?" he asked. I nodded. "Show it to me." I did. He pondered for a few moments. "I might be able to come up with something," he muttered. "Let me look at the passport for The Netherlands. That may be easier for me to copy." He went to the internet and found a picture of a Dutch passport. It wasn't a very good picture, but he said he'd keep looking until he found one he could use.

"How can you do that without the correct paper and seals?" I challenged.

"I have my ways," he grinned.

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Next: Chapter 6

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