Alien Visit

By John Black

Published on May 21, 2018


Alien Visit

Chapter 6

I asked Pieter what nefarious scheme he had in mind that would get him a passport. He gave me an enigmatic smile, but revealed nothing. On the computer in my home office, he checked for an office in Los Angeles that processed replacement passports. He found one not far away.

"Can you take me downtown on Monday to get my `replacement passport'?" he asked. "I think I can get one there."

"How can you get a replacement if you never had one?" I challenged.

"I have my ways," he smiled, again. I sighed. "Let me work on something first," he said. I left him to his task and walked out to the pool. After swimming a few laps, I relaxed in the shade. I guess I nodded off, because Pieter was sucking my dick when I came around again.

"Are you finished with your task on the computer?" I wondered. He nodded as he continued to suck my dick. "Take off your shorts. I need to suck your dick, too." He complied and we performed a delightful version of swallow the dick and sweet cream. Those pheromones of his had me jetting out my nutt in under a minute. He decided that his load would make both of us happier if he injected it up my ass. I wasn't going to contradict him.

After he bred me, I had to ask him again how he was going to get a replacement passport, if he never had one in the first place. Again, all I got was a smile. I pressed him again, wondering if what he was doing wasn't altogether legal. As an alien, I had no idea what addition powers of persuasion he had. Deciding not to ask again, I thought it would be better not to know.

"When we get there, I want you to take me to the State Department offices and drop me off about a block away," he instructed. "I'll call you when I'm ready to be picked up. It shouldn't take more than an hour." I shrugged. Not asking more questions was beginning to look like the best idea I'd had all year. "I'm not doing anything that'll get either of us in trouble," he asserted. "You'll have to trust me on this."

I rolled my eyes, but had no reason not to believe him. Pieter took my hand and smiled. "I need to be honest with you," he began. "I can't hide anything from you if I ever expect you to trust me. So, I'm going to tell you what I've done and what I'm going to do. First, you have to understand that by my standards, your computers and firewalls, I believe you call them, are primitive. It is supremely easy for me to manipulate them, including creating records that seem to have been there forever. So, I've created a birth certificate and a passport file in California."

"Who did you show as your parents? They can trace that, you know," I cautioned.

"I'm an orphan, left on the doorstep of a social services agency at the age of one day old," Pieter said matter-of-factly. "Parents, unknown. And the place of birth is where I was found: at the agency's doorstep on Worden Street in San Diego. They thought I looked like I had Dutch parentage, so they gave me that name. When it was entered, the clerk agreed to make it sound more Dutch by adding the article "van der" to the surname. That gives the record more authenticity, I think. Hacking (I believe you call it) into the passport system, I created a passport for me at the age of 18, when I reached my majority."

"You really think you won't get caught?" I challenged.

"I'm sure of it," he smiled again. "There is no trail for anyone to follow that could lead back to this computer. It would appear to anyone looking at the record and the placement in the system that it was entered appropriately. Your computers and software are primitive," he reminded me.

"I guess I have to trust you," I sighed. "If they hand you a replacement passport, I have to assume that all is well. Do you need money to pay for a new one?"

"Yes, they take cash. I need $110 for the application, with an additional $16 for expedited service that'll get it to your address in one to two days. There is another $35 `acceptance fee', whatever that is."

"And you're sure this is going to work?"

"Positive! And I'll pay you back."

Again, I sighed. I had no idea what he'd done or how he'd accomplished it, but he had skills that were likely far superior to humans. And I had no idea how he was going to pay me back, either.

On Saturday morning, I reminded Pieter that we had a dinner date with the new homeowners. I'd be home from the office about 4 p.m., so we could hit the road and drive over after I showered and changed. He suggested that I leave a little early, "so I can ravish you before we leave for dinner," he smiled.

"Sweet talker," I tossed over my shoulder as I left the house. Today was Joan's day off, so I had the office to myself. I worked the phones for a few hours, ate an early lunch at my desk, and closed the office at 3 p.m.

When I walked into the house, Pieter greeted me with a smile and a very hard, precum-dripping dick and no clothes. "See something you like, Mister?" he grinned.

"Oh, yeah. I see much that I like," I whispered hoarsely. He helped me off with my clothes, which we left in a pile on the floor of the kitchen. Pieter bent me over the kitchen counter and fucked me senseless. I didn't object.

When he finished breeding me, I gathered up my clothes and disposed of them appropriately. It was time to shower and get ready, I told him. He joined me in the shower and we spent the next hour fucking, drying off, fucking in bed, showering again, and fucking again. I glanced at the clock and saw that we still had a few minutes before we had to leave for dinner.

"What are we supposed to wear?" Pieter asked again.

"Casual, they said," I replied. "I don't think that means pool clothes, but something that you'd wear on your day off." I had to laugh at the characterization. Pieter always had the day off. I could see from the smile he was giving me that his idea of casual was no clothes at all. "Okay, let me be a little more specific." I suggested that he try to find something that would fit him that looked like what I'd laid out for me to wear. He looked my clothes over and opted for the board shorts that he'd bought. He'd first smiled impishly and put on the same board shorts that he'd had on when he'd arrived at my doorstep. His dick was even more prominent than on that eventful day.

I shook my head, but smiled. "I think the shorts you bought would be a better idea. We don't want them getting the wrong idea. Besides, they've been together for nearly 40 years. We don't want to be home wreckers! You'll notice that I'm wearing baggy clothes. I don't want you checking out my ass and getting a bricked dick. Besides being embarrassing, it'll kick start your pheromones."

With one last felch of each other and another fuck, we showered again, dressed and left for the new homeowners place.

"What are their names again?" Pieter asked. "Steve and Ryan?"

"Correct," I replied.

"And how am I being introduced? I don't want to say something out of turn," he suggested.

"I could say that you're my best friend, which would be true," I smiled over at him.

"Friend with benefits? Isn't that the current term?" Pieter smiled back.

"Uh, we'll let them draw their own conclusion," I offered.

"And when they ask where I live, I'll say what?" he pressed.

"Okay, ya got me. I think we need to put a label on it that'll satisfy their inquiring minds," I sighed. "Do you have a suggestion?"

"Fuck buddy?" he laughed. "Okay, not so funny," he added when he saw me scowl. "New boyfriend?"

"And that leaves the obvious follow-up questions: how long have you been together, and how did you meet?" I observed.

"There is the possibility that we tell them the truth, or at least the truth I told you when I first appeared at your doorstep," Pieter suggested.

"And you're originally from San Diego and an orphan, right?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"If it comes to that," Pieter shrugged. "We could always change the subject?"

"I think that's the best idea, if we start rolling down that rabbit hole," I agreed.

I pulled up into the new homeowner's driveway after passing through the gate and parked. As we walked up the sidewalk to the front door, it opened and Steve and Ryan met us with smiles. After introductions, Steve said, "We're so pleased that you accepted our invitation to dinner. We don't know a soul around here and thought dinner with you would be good place to start," he laughed. "What could we get you to drink? We have a fully stocked bar."

"Prosecco is our drink of choice, if you have it," Pieter answered.

"Our favorite," Ryan beamed. "We're getting too old or our systems are rebelling when it comes to the hard stuff. We now prefer wines and bubbly."

With glasses in hand, we toasted to their new home and hoped for a successful, rapid closing.

"Dinner smells wonderful," I noted. Pieter nodded enthusiastically.

"Simple fare tonight," Ryan said. "It's just pot roast with vegetables and a salad. And I've made a wonderful dessert without chocolate, just for you Pieter," he smiled at Pieter. "And dinner should be ready in another hour. That'll give us time to get to know you better."

"Before I forget," I said drawing an envelope out of a pocket. "This is for you as a thank you for buying this house."

Steve read the contents of the letter. "You really shouldn't have done this," he smiled. "This is very generous, but we can certainly afford it."

"You will after the first year," I laughed.

"What is it?" Ryan wondered.

"A year of free grounds and pool maintenance paid for by B. J.," Steve revealed.

"That is very generous," Ryan agreed.

"B. J. told me that you were living in a hotel before you bought this house," Pieter said. "Where did you live before that?"

"We met in college," Steve replied. "It was lust at first sight," he laughed. "I couldn't get enough of this guy."

"And I was immediately smitten by Steve," Ryan agreed. "We were disgustingly open about it. And this was back in the day when you didn't do that sort of thing. It was 1980, so we were sort of discrete, but not really. I'm sure we scandalized a lot of people with our open displays of affection, but then we got a dorm room together and everything was good after that."

"What kind of work do you do?" Pieter asked. He was in full researcher mode now.

"I got a master's degree in botany, but after a couple of years working in the field, I discovered I didn't really enjoy it," Ryan said. "Steve encouraged me to follow my dream, which was cooking. So, I went to culinary school and started working as a chef. I found the work very rewarding."

"And I got a business degree to work in my father's car dealership with my brother," Steve revealed. "When our father passed away, we took over and ran it for several years. Eventually, we were bought out by a car group. They asked us to stay for a year. And after the year was up, I retired from peddling cars. By then, Ryan was ready to get away from the restaurant business and get a real life with real hours. And then we hit the jackpot!"

"What does that mean?" Pieter asked.

"We won the lottery," Ryan volunteered. "A whole lot of money fell into our hands all at once."

"But, before we turned in the winning ticket, we researched which States didn't have an income tax," Steve added. "And so we moved to Tennessee and cashed in. After paying the Feds, we stuck most of the money into income-producing, tax-exempt bonds, but held out several million to fulfill our dream of living in California. It became abundantly clear that living in Tennessee wasn't a long-term option. So, we decided that we'd start looking for houses in the late spring in California and abandon the Tennessee rental that we lived in. It was month-to-month rent anyway."

"What about your furniture?" I asked.

"We had very little furniture in Seattle that we wanted to take with us to Tennessee, so the rental there was furnished," Ryan revealed. "It wasn't exactly Ikea, but it wasn't the good stuff like we have here. And the weather, compared to Seattle was ghastly. That's not to say that Seattle's cloudy, rainy weather was ideal, but we don't like snow in the winter and high humidity in the summer."

"And that's why we always looked to California as our real retirement," Steve added. "What about you?" he asked Pieter.

"There really isn't much to tell. I was born in San Diego, probably, and abandoned at the age of about a day. I was given a name by the social services agency where I was abandoned," Pieter lied smoothly.

"So very sad to not know who your parents are? And you, B. J.?" Steve turned to me.

"Born in Los Angeles where I went to high school. I decided not to go to college. I met my future husband at a party. As it turns out, he was on track to become a professional basketball player. So, when he signed on, he got a signing bonus, and bought our house. He passed away suddenly two years ago. Because of mortgage insurance, I own the house clear and free."

"Damn!" Ryan sighed. "Both of you have really sad pasts."

"Well, I think that depends on your perspective," I countered. "I miss Marshawn every day, but then Pieter walked into my life and I'm a very happy man, again."

"How did you meet?" Steve asked.

Pieter laughed. "I showed up on his doorstep unannounced, hoping he could help me find a home to purchase as I'd been told that he was one of the best brokers. It became clear that I should live with him instead of getting my own house within the first few hours of knowing him."

"Just like the two of you, it was lust at first sight," I smiled.

We talked about relationships for the next few minutes with Pieter doing most of the inquiries. He does love to know how humans get into relationships and keep them fresh and long-lived.

Ryan checked on dinner a couple of times and then announced that it was ready. We went into the dining room and commenced eating. Of course, Pieter loved everything and had seconds on all the items, except for the roast, of which he had thirds.

They asked if we wanted after-dinner drinks, but I declined. "I'm driving," I said. Likewise, Pieter said that he didn't need any more alcohol. An hour later, Ryan said it was time for dessert, something special for Pieter.

He brought out a cheesecake, but it wasn't a baked one. I was curious how he'd made it if he hadn't baked it. "It's a cheesecake that's more of an icebox cheesecake. It requires refrigeration to set up and doesn't contain eggs."

"How do you make it then?" Pieter wondered.

"Very simple," Ryan smiled. "It involves whipping cream, cream cheese, gelatin, and lemon curd, sugar, and a few other minor ingredients. The crust is made of lemon sandwich cookies instead of the traditional graham crackers. It's so simple to make."

He served pieces of cheesecake on plates with silver forks. "My great-grandmother's silver set was willed to me by my grandmother. I don't know who in the family I'll give it to when the times comes."

"This is amazing!" Pieter said after the first bite. "You say it's easy to make?" Ryan nodded. "Then, I must have the recipe!" Ryan said that he'd make a copy of it and send the recipe along with most of the cheesecake home with us. Pieter wolfed down two pieces and was offered a third. Of course, he took it.

We thanked them for their hospitality and dinner. As we drove away from their new home, Pieter said, "I thought that went really well. They are very nice people who know how to cook amazing food. And I didn't have more than a couple of quick twitches from my dick."

"I detected only one episode of your pheromones, but it dissipated quickly. I don't think they noticed, because they were far enough away," I observed. "Congratulations!"

"I did try, but I'm not always successful as you know," he smiled over at me. "But, now that it's just the two of us, I think you can figure out what comes next."

"I know what I want to come next and that's your monster horsedick breeding my ass," I reached over and squeezed his crotch. "You're already driving me crazy."

"You'd better open some windows, then, because I'm not even attempting to hold back. I know what I want and I'm gonna get me some the minute we get home," he promised.

The car windows went down, but I drove as fast as I dared to get home. I wanted him up my ass as much as he wanted to make a big, creamy deposit deep inside me. As we neared the house, I was boned up and it was starting to hurt. If that man didn't satisfy me soon, I was going to nutt in my pants.

"That was a magnificent dinner," Pieter beamed again when we got inside the house. "But, what I need now is a special dessert. Ryan's lemon cheesecake was astonishing, but your ass is the best set of cakes I've ever had the pleasure of breeding." He pulled me into the master bedroom and quickly helped me out of my clothes as he pulled his off at the same time.

Pieter pushed me on to the bed and immediately sat on my face. He knew that I loved rimming him, but with his sex pheromones saturating my senses, I knew I had to nutt and soon. He leaned over and sucked my dick between his lips. I groaned with pleasure. He went down farther on me, making my dick jump and drool. My nuts were boiling and there was no point in holding back. I couldn't stop if I'd wanted to.

"Here it comes!" I mumbled as my tongue tried to reach even deeper up his hole than I already was. I could still taste my loads from earlier in the afternoon. "Take it. TAKE IT!" I bellowed. Pieter sucked greedily on my firing dick, swallowing frequently to contain all my jizz.

With my climax on the down slope, I resumed eating out his ass. But, Pieter had removed his mouth from my dick and had zeroed in on my asshole. He was sniffing and licking and sniffing again. My legs were trapped under his armpits, so my ass was raised higher than the bed. He licked deeper and sniffed more and more. He rolled me over on to my face and buried his face between my ass cheeks. Resuming his eating, he moaned with pleasure.

A moment later, he was on me, his dick sliding effortlessly up my love tunnel. I wanted him inside me and wanted his load even more. He slid on top of me and nuzzled my ears, sniffing again and again.

"What's with all the sniffing?" I finally asked as his dick moved in and out of my hungry hole. He hadn't stopped fucking me, so I thought a little conversation wouldn't divert him from what both of us needed badly. He continued nuzzling my neck and ears. He even turned my head and sniffed and nuzzled the other side of my face. With a strangled cry, his dick fired hard up my hole. I could feel his male juices blast deeply into me. I raised my ass and met each thrust, hoping to get his cream deeper than ever.

When his climax ended, he rolled me over again and kissed me. But, again, what's with the sniffing thing going on? I noticed he spent some time inhaling around my mouth and neck. So, I asked him again what was going on with this new behavior.

"I'm testing a theory," he admitted.

"What theory?" I wondered.

"That you're emitting pheromones that are stronger than I've ever experienced with you before," he slowly suggested. "I noticed this morning when we were carrying on that there was something about you that was causing me to want to fuck you more than usual. And it is especially strong this evening. I don't know if that is due to the time of day, lack of sex for several hours, or just the natural progression of stronger pheromone production."


"Yeah," I smiled as he kissed me again. "It seems especially strong around your groin area, behind your ears, and around your mouth. However, it's the groin where your pheromones are at their peak."

"And this is a sudden development?" I pressed.

"Oh, yes, very recent," he allowed. "It may have been building for several days, but it really hit me today."

"Is it because of you?" I asked.

"I have no idea" he shrugged. "It could be because my pheromones have ramped up yours, or my pheromones have been internalized to your systems and you are merely parroting them back to me. And due to your different chemistry, your scent isn't mine. Yours has a more masculine, primitive element to it. And didn't you say that the last time you fucked Jennifer that she was totally into you and wanted endless hot sex that caused her to climax almost continuously?" I nodded. "I initially thought that we hadn't scrubbed you down well enough to dissipate my pheromones, but I think it's more likely that you were already beginning to manufacture your own."

"Do you suppose it will have an impact on her that you feared that your pheromones would cause her to ovulate and get pregnant? But, next time she's with me, that'll be a danger?" I wondered aloud.

"Isn't she beyond her child bearing year?" Pieter asked.

"I know she told me that she's post-menopausal, but I'm not sure that she couldn't still ovulate," I admitted.

"I'm sure she'll call again and want another romp in the sack with you," Pieter sighed. "And that's gonna be a problem. You did say that she knows you're gay?" I nodded. "Okay, I think you have to tell her that you have a new boyfriend and it wouldn't be right to fuck around when you have a relationship going with him that you don't want to damage."

"You're so smart!" I told him. "That's a great idea. I've wanted to cut it off with her, anyway. She's a good person, but I'm not into her, even though I can perform with her. I know that she'll understand about the new situation we have here. She'll be okay with it, because to continue with her would be like what her ex-husband did to her."

"I think you should call her tomorrow morning and tell her and not wait until she calls you and begs for some of this," he smiled, stroking my awakened dick. "We need to put this to some use," he smiled. "I haven't been bred since this afternoon."

I did my "duty" with him. We fucked and felched for the next two hours. Exhausted, but well sated, we slept the sleep of the innocents.

Pieter made breakfast for us the next morning, after breeding me in the shower. Of course, I did my best to impregnate him, too. He was becoming a passable cook, but still needed guidance with timing and ingredient selection. But, he was learning fast.

I called Joan and told her that I'd be in later in the morning, as I had some personal errands to run first. She said she'd take care of anything that came in while I was gone. And I knew she would.

Leaving Pieter at the curb a block away from the Federal Building, I cruised into Brentwood, Holmby Hills, and Beverly Hills, just to get a feel for what was on the market. However, in this very expensive area of Los Angeles, for-sale signs in your front yard were considered tacky. It was up to the agents and brokers to know what was available and have already pre-screened worthy clients. I parked under a shade tree and checked my on-line source for palatial homes for sale in the immediate area. However, more than half of the listings were behind walls, gates, and high hedges.

I called Jennifer and gave her the bad news about future trysts together. She was very understanding and wished me the best with my new boyfriend. I didn't ask her if this change in our fuck buddy relationship would curtail calls from her about real estate prospects. She did thank me for two years of the best sex she'd ever had. So, I decided that we were still friends.

I glanced at my watch and noticed that nearly an hour had elapsed since I'd dropped Pieter off. Deciding that I might as well head back that direction, I arrived about ten minutes later than the approximate time that Pieter had suggested, and idled at the curb in a waiting zone. Wondering if he was in trouble, I began to fret. Just as I'd decided that we were both going to prison for the rest of our lives, I spotted him in front of the Federal building with a cell phone in hand. My phone rang and I smiled.

"Ready for a pickup, Sir," he intoned. I laughed and headed for him. I was less than a block away. In the car, he said, "No troubles. But, there was a substantial line of people waiting, so it took longer than I'd anticipated. I guess Monday isn't the best day for rapid service. But, we'll see the passport in a day or two. And here's your change," he added passing me a few bills and some coins.

"I'm pleased to see that everything worked out," I sighed. "I'm still worried though."

"Rest easy," he smiled back at me. "I'm sure this will not be a problem." He leaned over and kissed me. He smiled and said, "Your pheromones are working overtime."

"Just seeing you is enough to make my dick hard. And it seems that it cranks up my sexual scent, too," I agreed. "Let's get back home for a quickie before I have to get to work."

It wasn't exactly a quickie, but we did fuck and felch each other twice. Before I headed for the office, I called Joan. "You have two brokers interested in the property you just listed in your neighborhood," she said. "And three more wanted to view it tomorrow. I told them you'd call them back after you arranged for the current owner to be gone."

"Well, done," I beamed. "Give me the names and phone numbers, please." She complied. I called all five of the interested brokers after I'd arranged with the current home owner to be gone this afternoon and tomorrow morning. I told the brokers to drive to the residence in question and I'd meet them there at the appropriate hour. The gate to the community was unmanned most of the time, but there was a code that visitors could use once in conjunction with their license plate tags. The system would lock them out after one use, unless reauthorized by a resident of the community.

I showered and made myself presentable. As the house in question was only three blocks away, I walked over and waited for the agents to arrive. Both of the appointments this afternoon were prompt. I knew one of the women, but not the other. I greeted both of them with a handshake and then kept as much distance as I could without appearing rude. As brilliant as my plan was, both of them came on to me as we toured the house. I wondered if they were detecting my newly increased pheromones or they were merely hot for some black dick from a tall, muscled black man. In either case, I worked at getting as much detail about their clients as I could while keeping them at bay.

Back at my own house, I asked how Pieter controlled his hormones from overwhelming those nearby. He said it was a mental game that he played that tried to picture the people he was near as fat, ugly trolls with bad breath. Generally, it worked. But, if they were men who were a type that he liked, there was little hope that he'd be able to control much of anything. Of course, he was trying to tell me this as he was fucking my brains out at poolside.

"How did the showings go today?" he asked after he'd bred me. While he listened to my tale of trying to keep the women away from me, he sucked me off. "And tomorrow you have more women?"

"Tomorrow, I have two men and one woman," I revealed. "I know one of the men. He's gay and very hot. We've fucked before, but it wasn't something that we repeated after that one time. He has a husband, or did then. And he felt really guilt about fucking around with me. But, not guilty enough to stop fucking my black ass or taking my big, black dick up his ass."

Pieter laughed. "I know exactly how he feels," he smiled. He pulled me into a doggie style position and ate my ass out. After a good five minutes had passed, he started fucking me again. His big dick always felt so good in my ass. I backed into every thrust, hoping to get a deep deposit as good as the first one at the pool this afternoon.

I talked to Joan again, but she told me that it had been quiet and there was no reason for me to come into the office. I told her that I'd try to get in tomorrow afternoon. She laughed and said she'd expect me when she saw me walking through the door to my real estate office.

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Next: Chapter 7

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