Alive in the Lights

By KD Stories

Published on Oct 14, 2015

The Final song-CH.5

This story is pure fiction and is not intended to imply anything This story contains sexual Contact between to underage males if this is illegal to read where You live then please hit the back button now!! Everything in this Story is made up, the names and people are fake: they are not Real! Please do not copy or paste this anywhere else, but please feel free to email

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message for everyone at the end! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Grey Alexander Holden Age: 16-Main Character Zeke Anthony Holden Age 15: Grey's half brother. Cameron Drake Age 16: Teen singer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Dad this is our third lunch this week!" I tell him.

"I know, I just want to spend time with you. Look you are about to go on your last tour! I wanted to be the first one to tell you, we added fifteen more dates on the tour. "

I snap my head up from my food, "Dad that's fifty tour dates."

He holds his hand out as if to calm me down. "I know, but we were able to get some really great sponsors for this tour, and we have pretty much an unlimited amount of money to make this the best tour of the decade. Plus we have a lot of special guests lined up and one of the sponsors wants to offer a meet and greet."

"Fifty dates that's it, no more. The meet and greet is fine, but I want the meet and greets to be reasonably priced. I won't have my fans having to pay two hundred dollars to meet me, also I want there to be a contest on every date for a fan to see me play side stage, and the meet and greet needs to include Cameron and Zeke." I tell my father.

He smiles, "I could not be more proud of my son. I will let the sponsors know your conditions. They shouldn't have a problem with it. Also since we added more shows, Zeke will not be on the first week of the tour. He gets in tonight and the tour starts in three days so I want him to rest."

"Zeke comes in tonight?" I ask.

"Yes, it will be late tonight, I am sure Janet would love for you and the rest of the boys to come over for dinner tomorrow. How is Kaiden doing?"

I shrug. "I don't know...he's just so much different than when we were together."


"He's so guarded now. I can see the old Kaiden in there, but it's like he won't let himself be happy."

My dad sighs, "Do you love him?"

"Yes." I say without even thinking about it.

My dad leans back in the chair, "Son tell him, make him listen. He's scared look what he's been through. All he ever wanted was to be accepted and loved. Obviously life is kicking him in the teeth, you are accepted and loved unconditionally. You have family he doesn't, he thought he had a boyfriend who did care for him and we see what happened there. Don't just tell him show him son, and I guarantee that the Kaiden you see hiding will come out."

"How do I even do this?" I ask.

"You will figure it out son. Look I have to be off I need to finish up the details of the tour. We have three days!" He says pulling me into a hug.

I walk out with him and there is a car waiting for me, the window rolls down and it's Tessa. "Afternoon stud!" she says winking at me.

"Hey good looking." I say getting in the front seat.

"When is the last time you were in the front seat of a car?"

"Too long, I want to get a car after I'm off tour." I tell her.

"We'll we can make that happen. Have you and Kaiden talked about what he plans to do after the tour?" She asks.

"No I haven't, mostly because I don't want to pressure him. If I have anything to do with it he will be staying with me." I tell her looking over at her.

"I think he will come around just give him time."

"How is motherhood?" I ask.

"It's good. I miss working, and I kind of get bored being around the house all day. So are you ready for the last tour?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Yeah I guess so. I'm just happy for what I have lined up next for myself. You know I am turning 18!"

"Damn I feel old. Yeah I am really excited for you as well. Are you going to miss it?"

I sigh, "Why is everyone acting like I am dying? My music will always be here I cannot say I will never make music again because it's what I do, it's who I am. I just want to do other things, get my life on track." I say.

"Are you telling me this or trying to convince yourself?" She asks.

"This is what I want." I tell her.

"You don't sound so sure anymore."

"Just what if things don't work out like I want them."

"What if they do? Grey that's what life is it's like a game of risk. If you don't do it you will never know how it would have turned out, and then you have to live with the what-ifs. You are smart, funny, charismatic and you can do anything you put your mind to."

I lean back into the seat, "Thanks. Tessa."

"So our lawyers have finally gotten rid of a huge problem."

"Victoria?" I ask.

She nods, "Yeah she finally agreed to a payout that will keep her mouth shut."

"How much did my mother get away with?" I ask.

"Three and a half million." She says.

"I hate her." I say.

"Grey she is your mother."

"No she is a monstrous money hungry bitch. She cared more about money than she ever did about me. What kind of mother black mails her son into paying a big payout so that she won't out him and every dirty secret?"

"At least you don't have to worry about her anymore."

"I am surprised she didn't ask for more." I say.

"Your father told her to take it or leave it."

"Can I ask you for a huge favor Tess?"


"Can you and Dan keep Nick busy later? I need the beach behind my house clear, and I need to be alone." I tell her.

"Grey I don't think you being without security is a good thing right now. Sales have hit an all-time high in anticipation of the tour and your album release. We had to haul over 15 people off the property this morning. Plus Cameron is doing a concert tonight, since his album has already been released."

"Oh shit I forgot about that I need to be there for him, I need a ride to LA. How are the numbers for his album?"

She smiles, "Already have a ride so you have until 4pm to get whatever you need done, and its number one on iTunes and number 2 on Billboard. It's trending over twitter and should hit number one on Billboard's punk, and alternative charts by tonight. "

I smile, "Good, call the label I want more advertising for Cam."

"Already on it, but there is something else we need to talk about." She says.

"How did I know you picking me up wasn't just out of love?"

She smacks me, "Shut up!"

"Okay hit me with what you've got."

"Well, you know the label donates to high school music programs and one of them held a competition for a hang out with Grey day."

"Why wasn't I aware of this?" I ask.

"Well, we brought it up and your father agreed to it."

"It should have been brought to me!" I snap.

"Grey Alexander Holden! You do not snap at me, I will slap your ass." Tessa says angrily.

"Sorry it's just frustrating not being able to control things." I tell her.

"Well if you would shut up and listen to me I would tell you. You have the choice to just do a meet and greet with the contestant after the show and go to dinner, or you can spend the day with the contestant up until the concert."

"Which concert?"

"The first one in LA. "

"Who is the contestant?"

"This is where I think you will understand why your father chose to do this. The contest was rigged, but for a good cause. You have a super fan, but he's on a scholarship to a private school in LA because he is really smart, but he comes from a "low-income" home. We have done some digging and the boy is the sweetest ever, he is a super fan of you and his home life is honestly hell. The mother has been in and out of rehab the father is MIA. The grandmother lives with them but she isn't in the best shape so the school thought the kid needed something to be happy about. On top of everything else he is bullied at school even though they do stop it when they can."

I feel like a complete ass for even getting upset, now that I have heard the whole story. "Well have him here at the house the morning of the show and he can ride with Kaiden, Cam and myself. He can watch the concert from side stage if he wants, and we will have pizza in my dressing room after." I tell her.

Tessa just smiles at me. "You make me so proud."

We pull up to the gate of my house and the gate is filled with paparazzi, "Fuck." I say.

Tessa just looks at me, and a car pulls into the gate behind us. "I look and see Kaiden getting out of the car. "Where has he been?"

"He asked Dan to take him for some things. "Look I know you wanted beach time but there is too much going on outside for that right now. I will tell Nick to give you some privacy but please don't leave the property. "Tessa says.

I give her a hug and watch Kaiden walk into the house with a lot of shopping bags. I wave to Dan and watch them leave. I walk into the house, and he is walking up the stairs. "Hey." I say.

"Hey." He says giving me a small smile.

"Want to join me outside by the pool?"

He thinks it over, "yeah."

(Kaiden's POV)

I put down the bags inside the guest room I am staying in, and make my way back downstairs and out the back door. I see Grey standing looking out into the yard. "What's up?"

"Hey!" he says giving me that smile, and I can't help but smile right back.

"How was your day?" I ask.

"Good, so you up for a trip to LA later to go watch Cameron's album release concert?"

"Yeah sounds good." I say without thinking.

He looks at me quizzically, "really?"

"Yeah I like Cameron he isn't as bad as the media made him out to be."

"Yeah he is my best friend." He says.

"I got a really cool HD video recorder today!" I say extremely happy about it.

"Awesome! Is that something you really like? Photography and stuff?"

I blush, "yeah it actually is that's why I was so shocked when they told me the job details, because it's like a dream come true."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" he asks.

"Cause we never discussed things like that, and you never asked." I say regretting the words instantly.

I can see the hurt flicker across his face, "your right and I am really sorry for that."

I shrug, "Don't worry about it man."

He moves closer to me, "No it's a big deal."

"Grey it isn't." I reassure him.

I take a step back and he grabs my arm lightly. "Grey." I tell him.

"Just hear me out." He says.

I gulp, "okay."

"I am sorry, from the bottom of my heart and I will never forgive myself for abandoning you, but I can't keep seeing you so lifeless, so hollow. I see the old Kaiden in you, but you won't let him out at all. I want you Kaid. There is no one else for me. I love you! I know I hurt you, and you aren't ready for a relationship and I am okay with that! This is me pouring my heart out to you, and if you decide to not reciprocate I understand I deserve it. When I was kidnapped and beaten the only thing that kept me strong was the thought of you. I wasn't aware of what was even happening because I would let my mind be consumed by thoughts of you. Your beautiful eyes, your smile, the sound of your voice and that angelic laugh. The way you look when you're confused I love you and it's what kept me alive. It's what keeps me going. I will do anything for you, I hired a tutor to get you to finish high school while we are on tour. I want to know that you love photography, I want to know your every thought. I want to hear that laugh, I want you to be mine. I want the last thought on your mind to be how happy you are to be with me, and how lucky that Grey Holden is to have you." He says almost in tears.

I don't know what to even say, I just look at him. I pull him towards me, and he hugs me. I crush my face into his chest. I can't help but cry, "I don't want to be scared anymore and I don't want to be worried about getting hurt." I whisper to him.

"I will protect you from anything and everything! I won't ever let anything hurt you again, and if I do you can hit me!" He says into my ear.

I look up into his blue eyes, and I kiss him. I can tell this shocks him, and he finally kisses me back. He cups my face in his hands, and looks at me again. "I fucking love you so much Kaiden."

"I'm not ready to love again Grey you have to understand that." I tell him.

"I am okay with that, we can take this slow. I just need to know that you don't hate me." He says.

"I don't hate you I never could, and I'm not mad anymore."

He kisses my cheek, "I love you."

I blush again, "You need to shower." I say giggling.

He furrows his brow, "So do you! Oh shit we need to get ready the car will be here soon to take us to LA!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you to my Editor your freaking amazing!! I hope you have all enjoyed this chapter.....with that I will finally tell you there are 5 more chapters left of the story before it comes to an end. Any predictions on what's going to happen?

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