All Bets Are Off

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Mar 16, 2013



All Bets Are Off

"I'll betcha that I can get any straight guy to have sex with me as long as he doesn't have to suck cock or take it in the ass." Bill Hauser's posture was exuding arrogance. His chin was slightly elevated, and he looked like he was defying anyone to doubt him. "If I suck him," he continued, "and let him fuck me, without asking him to return any favors, it'll be a sure thing. I'll bet I could even get some of them to reciprocate out of pure gratitude. After all, I'm that good."

His pal and sometime fuck buddy, Ron Karlin, threw back his head and laughed. "What makes you so certain?" he asked.

"Because I firmly believe that all men are born innately homosexual. It's religious and societal views on homosexuality that force men to hide their feelings. Some guys can't pretend, like you and me, but others go through life suppressing hidden desires, even condemning them."

"Nice theory," Ron sniggered, "but there's no proof of anything you're preaching."

"Bullshit! God can prove it."


"He gave men a prostate, didn't He? And when it's stimulated by a stiff prick, the guy being stimulated can have an orgasm. Women don't have a sex organ in their asses."

"Well, I'll give you this," Ron said sounding a little defeated. "It's something to think about."

"So are you gonna take my bet or not?"

"What does the winner get?"

"A dinner, a movie and a nice hot blow job."

"You're on, but I get to pick the straight guy, or all bets are off."

Bill laughed, "I hope you don't think you're frightening me. Choose your target, or I should say, 'my' target."

Bill and Ron were both lawyers. They worked for a fairly large firm in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The firm consisted of five senior partners, three junior partners, and fifteen associates with varying degrees of experience. Bill and Ron had been with the firm for almost two years. John McIntyre, another associate, had joined the firm a year after they did. The first time they saw him they both began to drool.

John had been a college jock. He stood six feet, two inches tall. His shoulders were broad, and his torso tapered down to a slim waist. Then, continuing to move downward, he began to expand outward again. He had the most delicious looking bubble butt either man had ever seen. His butt was always perfectly framed by his trousers, which were a wee bit tight in the rear. They could see his bulging muscles trying to rip through his shirts. His hair was a light brown and always looked tousled but not unkempt. His eyes were dark brown and very seductive thanks to extra long eye-lashes. He had a straight nose and a very square chin with a cleft. In short, he was one handsome dude.

Both Bill and Ron had ample chances to check John out in the men's room. They actually followed him in when he needed to go. Bill knew that he was cut, a good five inches flaccid and fairly hefty. He lusted for that cock to enter him?anywhere, so when Ron said, "John McIntyre" Bill actually grew light headed.

"You'll never seduce him," Ron stated assuredly. "He's all man, straight, macho, and married."

John had come to the firm right after his honeymoon. He spoke often about his gorgeous wife, and the two gay co-workers were deflated to learn of his sexual preference. No matter! It did not stop them from lusting after him?secretly, of course.

"You're on!" Bill said. He stuck out his hand for Ron to shake on their bet. "But I'll need some time."

"I'll give you six months," Ron said graciously."

Looking arrogant again, Bill said, "Thanks, but I won't need all that time."

All the associates were casually acquainted, but few were close friends, Ron and Bill being the exception. As a first step toward seducing John, Bill determined to bring him into the close friend category.

After that, whenever their schedules coincided, and they were both in the office, Bill asked John if he would like to go to lunch with him. Secretly John was flattered. He hadn't made any close friends in the firm, and he actually envied Bill and Ron's friendship. He accepted Bill's invitation immediately, but he was surprised when Ron did not go with them. Ron didn't mind eating alone at all. Even though he wished his friend well, (who wouldn't want to have sex with John McIntyre?) he didn't think Bill had a chance in hell of scoring with John.

During the very first lunch they had together, Bill learned a vital piece of information. He found out what fitness center John worked out at, and what nights of the week.

"Hey, I belong there too," Bill lied, "but I only work out on weekends. I wouldn't mind having muscles like yours. I'm going to switch to your nights, if you don't mind." With that, he felt John's biceps, and John obliged by flexing his muscles.

"Hell, I don't mind at all. It'll be nice to have company. Actually I have dinner after my workout all by myself, so my wife doesn't have to keep dinner warm for me. It would be great if you joined me."

"Gee, John, that'll be my pleasure."

It occurred to Bill that if John went out to dinner after his workout, he must shower at the gym and not at home. After work that day, Bill stopped at the gym and joined up. That night, he packed a gym bag for everything he would need for his workout and the shower to follow.

The next day after work, he and John shared a cab to the fitness center. John reiterated how pleased he was to have company. Bill was terribly out of shape, but his youth rescued him. He was able to nearly keep up with John, and not poop out too early. What really kept him going was the thought of the shower to come. He was not going to be shy about exposing himself to his "prey."

Bill was not muscular, but he was six feet tall and very lean. He had ash blond hair, blue eyes, a pug nose and a solid chin. He was cut and about four inches flaccid. He grew to seven inches when aroused. When they entered the shower he was slightly plumped up in anticipation, so he was about the same size as John was when flaccid. Bill felt that they were good enough friends that he could ignore the every other shower-head rule. He stepped into the shower adjacent to John and was pleased to note that John didn't show any surprise or displeasure. He seemed, in fact, to have expected it.

There were two other men in the showers, so Bill was not shocked when John asked him to soap his back. As long as there were other people in the shower it was an innocent request.

The shock came later.

When Bill soaped John's back, he discreetly stopped at John's waist, but when John soaped Bill's back, he went all the way down to Bill's testicles and even soaped Bill's crack. Bill didn't know what to make of it so he decided to make nothing of it, and he just ignored the whole thing. Unfortunately he started to get hard, and John had to notice it.

They didn't have much to say to each other until they reached the restaurant and were seated. It was John who spoke first.

"This is so nice," he said, "having a boy's night out. I love my wife, but we haven't given each other much space since the wedding."

Bill was speechless. He was beginning to suspect that he might be the hunted and not the hunter. He told himself not to jump to conclusions based upon a few innuendos, so he muttered inanely, "I'm glad to be the one to help you out."

John smiled at him, and Bill thought he might cum in his pants. That made him bold. He determined to steer the conversation to sex.

"So tell me," he said, his voice falsely pleading, "What's married sex like? I mean getting it every day, whenever you want, without having to go on the prowl. I can tell you it's a battle for us single guys. I'm lucky to get laid once a week, and only after a lot of wining and dining."

"You're handing me a line," John said. "You mean a good looking gay guy like you only scores once a week."

Bill turned ashen. He and Ron were in the closet at work. How did he betray himself? Did Ron out him to win the bet? He had to ask.

"How did you know?" he asked simply.

"I'm not sure. Maybe it's a form of gaydar, but I've had my eye on you and Ron since I got to the firm. I just know you're both gay, but you're not a couple."

"You're very good. When I need a lawyer you're hired," Bill laughed. "It's Ok with you then, being friends with a gay dude?"

"It's very OK, especially if that friend is single and as handsome as you."

"What the fuck is happening?" Bill demanded to know. John's hand had somehow placed itself on Bill's knee under the table.

"I've got a secret too. I'll keep your secret, and if you promise to keep mine, I'll tell you."

"Promise," Bill mumbled meekly. "Talk."

John reached into his wallet and took out the picture of his wife, which was beginning to wear. "You've seen this picture before?" he asked.

"Only a million times."

"This woman lives with me, but we aren't married."

"That's hardly shocking news these days," Bill stated matter of factly.

"We have separate bedrooms."

Now Bill did look surprised. "I get the feeling that you are beating around the bush with me. What are you trying to say?"

"She's my beautiful sister. She's also my cover. Next year when she gets married, I intend to tell everyone that I'm divorcing her."

"Your cover???"

"Yes, my very handsome friend. I'm gay, and I have been lusting after you from the day we met." His hand squeezed Bill's knee. Bill didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he did know that he had to come clean also. He placed his hand on John's under the table.

"Promise not to hate me, but I have a confession to make also."

"There is no way I could hate you. Now, you talk."

Bill told John all about his theory that all men are born homosexual, and about his bet with Ron. "I can't prove my theory now, and I don't want to. The thought of making love, or even having sex, with anyone else but you, doesn't sit well with me." John squeezed harder. "Will you come home with me tonight, please?" Bill pleaded.

John whipped out his cell phone and dialed a number. "Hi, Sis," he said. "You know that guy at work I keep telling you about? We're having dinner together, and then I'm going home with him, so I won't be home tonight. I'll come home early in the morning to put on fresh clothes for work. The wonderful thing is, I think he might feel the same way about me." John looked at Bill who was nodding and smiling.

"Yes," he continued, "you'll meet him as soon as we can arrange it. A double wedding? That's a little premature. Love ya." He hung up the phone and exchanged a smile with Bill.

They lay wrapped up playing sixty-nine in Bill's bed. Both were moaning and purring like kittens until they came, screaming. The bed was never messed because they both swallowed every drop of cum. Afterward they switched positions and now they were wrapped up, kissing each other with lots of tongue, and fondling their cocks. They both kept murmuring how happy they were and how much they loved each other.

"If someone had told me this morning that we would be making love tonight, I would not have believed him," John whispered in Bill's ear. "How would you feel about us fucking when we have recovered?"

"I would feel very positive about it," Bill whispered back.

Early in the morning, they showered together and John called for a cab to take him home to change. While they were waiting for the cab, they hatched a plan to tease Ron a little.

"I just thought of something awful," Bill said. "I won the bet, so Ron owes me a dinner, a movie and a blow job. I can't do that now."

"Technically you didn't win because I'm not straight."

"But I want him to think so, until we're ready to reveal all."

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. As long as you and I are together, I wouldn't mind a threesome."

That morning Bill engaged Ron in conversation at the water fountain. "How was dinner?" Ron asked.

"Awful, all he did was talk about his wonderful wife."

John came over out of nowhere and said, ""Thanks again, Bill, for what you did for me last night. I'll be forever grateful.''

"Would you like a repeat performance?" Bill smirked.

"You bet. How about next gym night? I actually feel like I'd like to try to reciprocate." John walked quickly away. Ron's mouth was hanging open.

"What was that all about?" Ron asked. "I thought he was so totally into his wife."

"Well, I got bold and asked him if she ever went down on him. I told him that I knew that most women wouldn't do that. He reluctantly admitted that it was the one thing missing from his love life, and he was really aching for a blow job. I simply offered to make his dream come true, no strings attached. The next thing I knew we were in my apartment, and he was gushing down my throat."

"I guess you were right. I owe you."

"I told John about my theory and about our bet. You know what he asked me to ask you? He said that since he was one half of the winning side, would you treat both of us to dinner, a movie and a blow job?"

Ron's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "You bet your fucking ass I'll blow that Adonis."

"Good, I'll let him know, and we'll set a date when he can get away from his ball and chain."

"How about your next work out night?"

"I'll ask him."

Instead of going to the gym, they went to dinner, and Ron picked up the check. They voted to forego the movie, and went directly to Bill's apartment where Ron went down on both of them simultaneously, switching back and forth, prolonging their orgasms as long as possible. Both men came in Ron's mouth and he swallowed everything with great delight.

After they recovered, John said, "Gee, Ron, I hate to leave you unsatisfied and with blue balls. Let me take care of that." He went down on Ron, who looked at Bill with great big question marks in his eyes. He couldn't say or question anything at that point, because he was cumming, and cumming like he never had before.

They were sitting around the living room naked and sipping sodas when Bill told Ron the truth. At the end he thanked Ron for dinner and informed him that John and he were going to be a couple, even if they had to stay in the closet at work.

"Well you really didn't prove your theory," Ron said.

"Right. I'm counting on you to prove it."

"Maybe! I'll give it a try."

After John's sister got married, Bill moved into John's house. John, Bill and Ron left the firm and started their own practice. It was a struggle at first, but they all came out of the lavender closet, and advertised in the gay press. It didn't take long for them to jump the hurdle of starting a new business, and to see the beginnings of a very successful partnership.

Ron never proved Bill's theory. Nevertheless, Bill still feels strongly that it's true.

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