All for Terry (A Long Wait

By Olando Reez

Published on Aug 15, 2021


This is the continuing story of the utterly beautiful Terry.

I was going through some old boxes of things and found some adult magazines I used to have. I hadn't seen them in years. As I went through them I saw a wrapped package and there were a few more in there. But these were covered in plastic. The guy in the cover of them, I had actually met a few times. Before I knew who he was of course. But I always thought he was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen.

As I mentioned, I had actually met him a few times. It turns that we had worked in the same building. And it wasn't until sometime later that I found he was the guy in my magazines. This story is for him. A kind of 'What if' story about a guy I wanted for many years, but fate never made that fantasy come true.

This is for Terry. Where ever he may be.

Enjoy.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All for Terry (Chapter 42) The Big Move...

... Well happiness did seem to find me finally. I was with Terry. And I was the most content I had been in all my life. After those few days with him at his place, and some months of dating him officially Terry suggested that we make this more a permanent thing. He asked me to move in with him.

"I mean you are here all the time now" he said "And I know its a bit if a drive" "But I really don't want you to go"

I smiled as he held my hand in his. I was so glad he asked me. Not really expecting him to want me to move in with him and permanently invade in home. I was afraid that after a while he might change his mind though. It was one thing being there now and then. But every day.

"Are you sure" I asked him. "I don't want to mess anything up"

He pulled me into his arms and held me tightly. I was almost near soft tears as I felt his hold on me. And I did ask him to make sure that it was what he wanted. Telling him of my concerns. "Of course I want you here baby" he said again "I love you" "And we belong together"

Then he lifted my head in his hand and kissed me.again a soft and loving kiss. Then he said that I was his and he was mine. And that we should be together always. So I agreed to move in and was shortly there after out if my own place. Getting rid of much of my furniture or storing others. I woke up each morning to his face and that body. My head laying on his beautiful chest as I arose to dawn or the alarm. Then kissing my man as I headed off to work. And regardless of my day at work I always came home to Terry. To the new place and into his loving arms. And we would make love often. I would feel his gorgeous body on me and his organ in me. Grunting ourselves into passionate orgasm.

"I love you so much Terry" I would say often

It was something I wanted to say as much as I could. That way he knew.

A few years passed and all was perfect it seemed. We went in many trips together. Just to get away from work and the hectic rush of the big city. Mexico, Europe and other locales. Terry and I. And I was truly as happy as I could ever care to be or ever hoped I would be. I was with the most perfect man in the world after all. I would recall each trip together in my head after. Little things that made me smile. Like when in the Caribbean once. He and I on the beach. On the gorgeous white sands and turquoise waters. How I would lay there and get sun. Letting my perfect man go out into the water. His utterly magnificent body on display for those who would gaze at him. I recalled how some gay guys down a bit from us stared at the beauty that was my man. I would look at them as they gawked at his stunning form. He would disappear into the waves for a bit. My eyes would stay on him as he moved in the water

"Me Terry" I sighed "I am the luckiest man" "He loves me. And I love him more than the world."

I watched as Terry finished. Rising up out of the waves as he headed back up to me. His broad shoulders and gorgeous chest coming out of the water. How the wet hairs of his beautiful body glistened in the sun. The blonde fur seeming darker from the dampness. The wet shorts clinging to his lower body and perfect thighs The gays eyes all wide with their lust for him as they saw him head back up the beach. My eyes looking at him with awe of his sheer beauty. I knew he was coming to me as the eyes were on him. Then this God perfect man would reach me and lower himself down to me. I would touch his body and kiss his lips as again eyes were glued to us. Then I would turn to look at the voyeurs some yards away. Smiling at them and winking. My head screaming out to them. 'He is mine!'.

"He is my lover. My beloved" I said to myself "Terry is that man I always wished I could be with"

I had ove course moved in with him after 10 months together. And a few years in we moved from his high rise condo to a family home. He knew that it was inconvenient for me as I had to park in guest spaces for so long, then have to go in through the front if the building and then get to the elevators there to then move down the corridors of the building to get home each night. And not to mention that since I had moved in with him my commute to work had grown quite a bit. I had mentioned how I wanted gardens and a place for maybe a dog. And he realized that this apartment life he lived should change for him as well. So it was decided to look for a place that was a home and with a shorter commute for me.

"Look at this" I said when I saw 'the house' "I love this kitchen" "Me too"

I was modern like we both like so the it was nice and new. The house had a nice sized yard too. So an over was made and we signed a few months later. We made love on the balcony that evening of the signing. I sat on him as we kissed. Feeling him deep inside me again. The love and passion between us the greatest I had ever felt.

"I love you so much" he said to me as I moved on him. ""O love you too Terry." I said "Always"

The move was quick and easy. And we were in the house and I was out in the yard. Making beds with rises and other flowering plants and bushes. It was while out there one day that he came up behind me with a surprise. He called out to me from the back patio to let me know he was home. I call back to him to let him know where I was.

"I have something for you" he said as he stepped outside.

I looked to see his hands were behind him. He came closer to me as I was still there kneeling in the garden beds. Looking around to see what he had brought me. But of course he kept it behind his back so I could not see.

"What is it?" I asked him?" "Let me see".

I got up and moved towards him. He smiled and just told me to get. I noticed his hands were twitching behind him as he held whatever it was that the had for me. I told him he knew I hated guessing games. Be he insisted. So I did guess. Thinking he had flowers for me of something romantic. But he just nodded his head as I was wrong each time. So I went for his arm and tried to reach around him. Telling him I wanted to see.

"Okay then" he came back "Then you will have to close your eyes" "Really?" I huffed back "Really" "Ughnn. Okay."

So I did. I closed my eyes and let out my hands for him. Then there was a pause and silence from him. I heard birds nearby chirping and felt a light breeze at my neck. Then Terry said to open my eyes as I had not felt him place anything in my hand. So I did. There before me in his hands was an puppy. An adorable golden retriever puppy. My heart skipped a beat and I looked at the beautiful dog. My wyes started to water as I was instantly in love with it. He saw my face as it lit up and he smiled softly. I took the puppy into my arms and cradled it like a child. Saying silly almost baby talk to it.

"Out my goodness" I said "Hi there little one" "Hi little buger" "Oh my gosh Terry. He is so beautiful"

I started to cry as I held the little pup. It licked at my face as I pulled it to him. And I laughed I moved to Terry and kissed him. Thanking him for the puppy.

"Well we did say we were going to get a dog." He replied "And I remembered you saying how much you loved these." "So all you have to do is name him"

I kissed Terry some more as the little pup was smooshed between us. It protested and I pulled back some. So I said sorry to it and pulled up high above me. I looked at his little face and pondered a name. Then looked at Terry and ask him to name the dog. Since he chose it, I figured he should name it. He took the dig back in his hands and picked it up now. He looked back at me and I could see his face as he looked at the dog. He too pondered a name for him. Then he just said 'Goldie'. It was perfect and it stuck. We now had the dog I wanted to have with our family home. And things could not have been better... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 51

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