All in Good Time

By Jack Santoro

Published on Dec 14, 2004


All in Good Time, Part 3 By

Note: This story is fiction, and given the plot, mainly science fiction or imaginative fiction. Time travel would be very nice if it were possible to do it as easily as described here, especially considering the benefits that this story describes.

Summary: I'd been selected for a secret government time travel project, as described in Part 1, and traveled back to 1880 New York City, where I'd met a gay guy, Eric, and his friend, Danny. One of the benefits of being projected back in time was that I was physically as if I'd been born in 1850, without vaccination scars, appendectomy, and most importantly, without the circumcision scar I'd resented all my life. For the first time, I'd experienced sex the way it should be, with all my anatomy intact. Also, foreskins were the norm in 1880, and few males were without one.

A major drawback, as I'd realized, was that I was unvaccinated, and therefore vulnerable to the diseases, such as smallpox and syphilis, that were so prevalent at the time. Fortunately the people directing the time travel project had sent along a survival kit packed with extra money, modern medicines, such as antibiotics, and a pistol, I'd retrieved it. I was so charmed by the 1880s that I was seriously considering staying there, evading any attempt to bring me back to my time, the early 21st Century.

I'd established myself quickly, buying a house in upper Manhattan, and had had Eric and Danny as guests, which had resulted in hot sex for us. It had been so exciting that we'd decided to get together the next weekend, again at my house because it offered privacy and amenities that Eric's rooming house did not.

Part 3:

They arrived Saturday morning, and we wasted no time undressing. Eric was about four inches shorter than my six feet, and slightly thinner. His foreskin was both shorter and thinner than mine, not quite covering the head, and his slit was clearly visible in the dime-sized opening at the end.

Danny was my height, six feet, and his prick was somewhat larger than mine soft and seven inches hard. His long foreskin extended beyond the bulging helmet head, forming a long nipple like mine. He produced a lot of smegma, which was what appealed to Eric.

I'd had my new foreskin only a few weeks, and was still getting used to it. I'd quickly learned that meticulous hygiene was both unnecessary and counter-productive, as my cock-cheese produced a rich masculine odor that I liked and that was appealing to both Eric and Danny. Already, the delicious smell filled the air, adding to our excitement and anticipation.

Eric was already half-hard when he began undressing, and his foreskin was already slipping back to uncover the purple mushroom at the end of his shaft. Fully hard, the hood just encased his rim. I saw that his glans was coated with white sebum, and I wondered which of us would have the privilege of licking it off the sensitive tip. Danny and I were beginning to swell, but our helmet-shaped heads were still fully covered by foreskin, and would remain so when we were fully hard.

Eric lightly touched the end of my long foreskin nipple with his fingertip, and I felt his warm fingertip lightly circling the edge of my foreskin orifice, sending messages of delight into its many nerve endings.

Do you think you have as much cheese as Danny today?" he asked. Danny was now slowly stripping back the hood from his precious head, eager to compare. I grasped Eric's shaft-skin, gently drawing the foreskin back to clear the rim, and as his foreskin melted back into the shaft saw that he had a thick ring of white lodged behind his corona. By now his prick had swelled to its full five and three-quarters inches.

"I hope so," I said. "I've been working on it. I didn't skin back to wash, and I saved up some of my spunk when I did self-abuse," I said with a snicker. "Self-abuse" was a common term for masturbation during the 19th Century, used by doctors and moralists who condemned the practice as unhealthy. Eric and Danny knew better, having spent many happy hours stroking their pricks, and they thrived on self-pleasure. Now my already tight scrotum became tighter as Eric excited me.

"Good. Let's see what you've got," he said as his expert fingers pushed my tight foreskin back slowly, stretching its nerve endings and making my glans swell.

"Looks like you've got a lot, maybe as much as me," Danny observed as my white-coated helmet came into view. Eric and I looked at Danny's helmet, which was the same shape but slightly longer than mine. Eric leaned forward and lapped at the front dome of my helmet, savoring the taste and aroma. He pushed my foreskin back farther to uncover the rim, and then applied more pressure to reveal the deep groove behind it, which was filled with my white creamy cheese.

"I bet you saved a lot of spunk," Danny said, inspecting my tip. I grasped his thick prick and began stroking his foreskin, slowly spreading his white secretions to form an even coat over the long glans. The mixture of aromas was intoxicating, and we arranged ourselves on the bed to get down to serious pleasure.

"I really want this," Eric said as his lips locked around my rim, while his tongue caressed the vee-shaped cleft under my glans. Then he turned his head to run his tongue across the broad upper surface of my helmet while I sighed in delight. When I felt his tongue probing the groove behind my rim, I shuddered with sensation.

Danny wasn't left out of the action because he'd lain down so that his face was inches in front of Eric's prick, and now his lips had engulfed the cheesy purple mushroom fully, and I could only imagine what his tongue was doing inside, because Eric's body began shuddering as well.

"Your spunk tasted delicious, mixed with your piss and cheese." Eric had removed his mouth from my prick to speak, and now he held Danny's hot hard staff, stabilizing it for his eager mouth.

"Please, let me have a taste of him first," I said. Eric held Danny's prick for me to taste, and I licked across the blunt nose of his glans, wiping away the thick ripe mixture.

"You must have spunked inside your foreskin, like me," I commented.

"I did, while thinking of you guys the other night in bed," Danny replied. "I was lying there, holding my cock, and thinking of last weekend got me hard, and I felt I had to spend or I'd burst. I kept the skin over the head while I moved it up and down, and when my spunk shot out, I pinched the end of my skin shut, trapping it all. I fell asleep holding the end of my cock-skin, and when I woke up next morning most of it had congealed inside my skin. I lost a few drops on the sheets, though." As Danny was speaking, Danny's mouth was encasing his big-domed helmet, and his tongue was moving around inside, licking it clean.

"That was a nice tongue-bath," Eric said after he'd finished and removed his mouth. "I think I got it all."

"Now that we're all clean you can compare our pricks," I said, knowing their penchants for studying other guy's organs, which were as intense as mine.

"I like the big vein on the right side of yours," Eric said to me. "Mine has a couple of smaller veins on top."

"One of your veins divides right behind the head when you've got your skin forward," Danny said to Eric. "It forks as it goes into your skin."

"You've got a couple of big veins on top," Eric said as he pulled Danny's foreskin forward. "Then there's that big vein on the bottom where the piss comes out, and your spunk too. Jack's cock has that big vein underneath too."

Danny pulled my foreskin forward, saying:

"Both our skins cover the head all the way even when we're hard. Jack's has that little pucker in front, and mine's a little longer. Maybe I could take your cock inside my skin, to show Jack how we do it."

"That would be nice, Danny," Eric said enthusiastically. "Maybe you could keep my spunk inside your skin all week, and let it get nice and ripe." Danny shifted his position so that he was facing Eric on the bed. I made room for them by sitting on the edge.

"There's too much to keep in all week," Danny replied. "I could tie the end of my skin for a couple of hours, though." Eric pressed forward so that the front of his mushroom touched the end of Danny's foreskin, teasing the sensitive tissues. I could feel the tension building up in their bodies.

"Let me stretch it out so you can get it in," Danny said as he grasped the edges of his foreskin with thumbs and forefingers of both hands. He pulled outward, widening the orifice enough for Eric to slip his purple mushroom into it, and I could tell that they were now nose to nose, smooth heads sliding against each other.

"Now I'll lock it in place," Danny continued as he brought the end of his foreskin forward, stretching it to cover Eric's rim, and then he made a ring of the thumb and index finger of his right hand, clamping his foreskin's edge into the groove behind Eric's corona. Eric sighed, and began thrusting gently. The effect on me was electric. I stared, fascinated, at the outline of Eric's glans moving under Danny's foreskin, sliding along the top of Danny's glans. I knew that it was well-lubricated by both Eric's and Danny's copious output of lubricant, which leaked out along the edge of Danny's foreskin. I was caressing my prick as I watched, wondering if I'd feel that irresistible impulse to bring myself to orgasm.

"It feels so good, sliding inside you," Eric whispered, barely able to speak because he was assaulted by the erotic sensations. His clearly-defined mushroom was stretching Danny's foreskin as it moved, thrusting gently, glassy smooth tissues sliding against each other in a film of viscous lubricant.

"I like the way your tip stretches my skin, Eric. "I can feel the head of your cock sliding against mine." Eric's body was becoming visibly tenser, his stomach muscles tightening and his legs starting to tremble. Now he was thrusting silently, too awed and overwhelmed by the delicious sensations to speak.

"I want to feel your spunk shooting inside my skin, Eric. Any second now.." Eric's eyes were closing, and it was clear he was unable to resist the hot stimulation of being prick-head to head with Danny, especially as his mushroom was encased by Danny's tightly stretched hood.

"AAAHHHHHH!" we heard Eric cry out as his hips bucked and his jaw dropped. His mouth was wide open, neck muscles tense, as he cried out again. I knew that his prick was throbbing as it rapidly filled Danny's foreskin with its fluid.

Danny and I stared avidly at Eric and at his prick, the front end of which was concealed inside Danny's foreskin and discharging its loads. Danny's hood was distending as it filled with Eric's thick foamy fluid, and I saw a drop leak out from the edge of Danny's foreskin where he held it clamped around the neck or Eric's prick. Both their sacs were tight against their bodies, and I wondered if Eric's discharge would trigger Danny's orgasm. For my part, I consciously removed my stroking fingers from my prick because I knew that if I continued, I'd lose myself in the throes of orgasm any second.

Eric's body strained with the orgasm, and I knew that his cock-root was pounding with each discharge. His last thrust had been violent, and I was afraid that he'd tear Danny's precious hood with the blunt nose of his prick, but now he became utterly still, although still obviously enjoying his release.

"His tip just got sensitive," Danny explained to me. "He's still spunking. I can feel the head throbbing inside my skin, but he can't move right now."

"How are you doing?" I asked. "Are you gonna spend now?"

"No, I think I can wait til he's finished," Danny answered. His face was flushed like Eric's, and I knew he was on the edge.

Eric gasped a few more times, and then we saw his body begin to relax. He'd pumped all his semen into danny's foreskin and more was leaking from under the edge, despite Danny's tightly clamping fingers.

Now Eric began to lie back, pulling his softening penis from Danny's hood. Danny kept a tight grip on his foreskin, allowing only the slippery, white-coated head of Eric's penis to pull out. The odor of Eric's chlorine-scented discharge filled the air. Even without the bulk of Eric's glans, Danny's foreskin was distended, and I knew he was holding almost all Eric's load inside his hood.

"Wake up, Eric!" Danny exclaimed imperatively. "I've got your spunk in me and now I'm going to shoot mine." He held the end of his foreskin pinched tightly shut while he massaged the rim of his glans with the thumb of his other hand. His second and third fingers were sliding the bottom of his foreskin over the twin lobes under his glans, caressing his gee-string as well. Eric's eyes opened, and although he was obviously dazed, he watched as Danny brought himself to climax.

Danny's eyes closed as his body stiffened, and his legs straightened out on the bed. His back arched, and he began to gasp loudly as his sensations built. I knew he was masturbating himself with Eric's cream providing some of the lubrication, sharing the intimacy as we watched him open his mouth and throw his head back. Danny's face was flushed, and it was clear that any second he'd vault over the edge and release his load.

"AH-AH-AH-AH!" he exclaimed as his hips bucked, and I knew he was shooting a hot stream into his already distended foreskin to mix with Eric's. His foreskin swelled even more as a drop escaped from the tip, and his fingers strummed his corona and gee-string through the fleshy hood. His back arched, and I knew he was shooting again as his cries of joyful agony assaulted our ears. Now Danny's flying fingers stopped moving, and we knew that he, too, had become super-sensitive in the glans. His eyes were still screwed shut, his head still back, but his grunts became softer. I could see his shaft throb as he held his prick only by the end of his ballooning foreskin. Danny became still, and a couple of minutes later he opened his eyes. "That really shook me," he said weakly. "I felt Eric's cock throbbing against mine when he spunked, and his hot juices filled my skin. I felt it running all over the head, even behind my rim. Eric was barely conscious, almost overwhelmed by his need for sleep, utterly exhausted by the force of his orgasm. Now Danny spoke to me: "Can you get me a piece of string? I want to tie the end of my skin to keep our spunk inside me." I got up and went into the kitchen, returning with a foot of string. I was conscious of two pairs of eyes fixed on my hard prick as it swayed from side to side as I walked. Danny took it from me and wrapped it around the end of his distended hood, securing it with a bow knot for easy removal. "Now I'll have something for Eric to suck on when he wakes up," he said, and we watched as Eric slipped into a restful sleep, a satisfied smile on his face. Now I began stroking my foreskin again, slowly, wanting to make the build-up last as long as I could before blsting off into orgasm. "Going to do yourself?" Danny asked. "I can help if you want me to. I'm not all that knocked out." I waved him away, and lay down between him and Eric's still form. Danny eased himself down so that his face rested on my thigh, watching avidly as I stroked my foreskin in long slow strokes, covering and uncovering my swollen tip. I felt the urge building up inside me, a need to go faster and bring on the pleasurable sensations, but I resisted. I knew my newly sensitive helmet needed little stimulation, and I slowed my strokes even further to prolong the delicious anticipation. "Your tip's so hard and shiny," Danny commented, his face inches from my swollen prick. I slowed and shortened my stroking, now just lightly bumping my corona, and then drawing my foreskin back to stretch its nerve endings tightly as my glans ached for release. "My rim's tickling," I whispered to keep him current on my state. "You're leaking a couple of drops," he said from his vantage point, eyes fixed on my prick. My eyes closed. "Any second..." I whispered. I felt the tickle in my corona change to a hot tingle that spread all over my helmet as I continued to stretch my foreskin back hard and bump my rim on the forward stroke. My body tightened suddenly, and I felt a hot spark of sensation shoot down my shaft to trigger my orgasm. My cock-root convulsed as I let out a loud cry of agonized joy, and I felt the first torrent of cream spilling into my tube. The hot lava burned its way up my shaft to erupt from my orifice as my glans throbbed powerfully. A second hot jolt of sensation filled my cock-root in another spasm as the second discharge poured into my urethra, rushing up my prick to slam through the lips of my slit. I was grunting and gasping uncontrollably, totally lost in the fury or my orgasm. I bumped my rim again and another spasm filled my cock-root, sending a third flood of sperm to erupt from my tip. Now I pulled back hard on my shaft-skin, as even the light bumps against my corona had become superfluous, and felt another torrent of cream shoot from my straining prick. A weaker jet followed, and another. I felt that I was only dribbling now, although I didn't see the flow. My spasms became weaker until they subsided, and I felt only a steady hot ooze tickling the inside of my urethra.

When I opened my eyes I saw Danny peering down at me. He'd apparently sat up after I'd come, and was patiently waiting for me to recover from my daze.

"That was something to see," he began. "I was right there, inches away, when your cock began to spunk. I saw that big purple tip get darker and then start to spit. I wanted to put my mouth on it, but maybe you were too sensitive." He clasped my hand in his, and we lay still for quite a few minutes.

"I can get up now," I said eventually. We both got up, and he followed me into the bathroom, where I sat on the toilet.

"I just have to pee," I explained, and he reached between my spread thighs and grasped the end of my hood, which I'd pushed forward as my prick had softened. The cream was still dripping down my stomach into my pubic hair.

"Go ahead," Danny said. "I want to watch your skin stretch." He held the end of my foreskin, pinching tightly, as I relaxed my sphincter. I felt and saw my hood distend with the flow, and then he relaxed his grip to allow a thick gush to fall into the toilet. He tightened his grip and we watched my foreskin fill again with fluid.

"I did this a lot when I was a kid," he said. "I had a tight skin and couldn't get it back off the head. A friend showed me how to do this and told me it would stretch my skin. I wanted to be able to pull it back like the other boys, and so I did this every time I peed." He let the flow from my foreskin empty itself before pinching it again.

"That fells good," I said. "I can feel it running around the head, behind the rim, into the groove,"

"You can imagine how it felt when Eric's spunk poured into my skin," he said.

"How long are you gonna keep it tied up?" I asked.

"I didn't drink much this morning," he replied. "I won't have to pee for a couple of hours at least. That'll give Eric a lot of time to sleep."

I'd drained myself, and stood up to walk to the sink, where I drew my foreskin back all the way and ran warm water over my helmet, rinsing way the accumulated juices and urine.

"Maybe you should have saved it for Eric," he said. "Well, anyway he'll have a hot time sucking it from my cock."

We went back into the bedroom where we waited for Eric to awaken. We sat side by side on the couch, clasping hands in a moment of prolonged tenderness.

The End of Part 3

Next: Chapter 4

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