All in Good Time

By Jack Santoro

Published on Dec 17, 2004


All in Good Time, Part 6 By

Note: This story is fiction, and given the plot, mainly science fiction or imaginative fiction. Time travel would be very nice if it were possible to do it as easily as described here, especially considering the benefits that this story describes.

Summary: I'd been selected for a secret government time travel project and traveled back to 1880 New York City, where I'd met a gay guy, Eric, and his friend, Danny. One of the benefits of being projected back in time was that I was physically as if I'd been born in 1850, without vaccination scars, appendectomy, and most importantly, without the circumcision scar I'd resented all my life. For the first time, I'd experienced sex the way it should be, with my fleshy cuff intact. Foreskins were the norm in 1880, and few males were without one.

A major drawback was that I was unvaccinated, and therefore vulnerable to the diseases, such as smallpox and syphilis, that were so prevalent at the time. Fortunately the people directing the time travel project had sent along a survival kit packed with extra money, modern medicines, such as antibiotics, and a pistol. I was so charmed by the 1880s that I was seriously considering staying there, evading any attempt to bring me back to my time, the early 21st Century.

I'd established myself quickly, buying a house in upper Manhattan, and had had Eric and Danny as guests, which had resulted in hot sex for us. It had been so exciting that we'd decided to get together the next weekend, again at my house because it offered privacy and amenities that Eric's rooming house did not.

Eric, Danny, and I had several exciting sexual encounters together in my new house. The last one involved Danny "docking" Eric, and saving the combined cream for Eric to savor later. That afternoon, we continued, Eric sucking the accumulated juices from Danny's prick, and then Danny and Eric used their tongues around my helmet together to bring me to orgasm. Finally, Danny and I worked on Eric, and I used my fingertips caressing his naked glans to make him erupt.

Danny promised to bring his friend Tommy along next time we met. Tommy had an exceptionally nippled foreskin, and Eric loved sucking it. The next Saturday, Tommy arrived and we had a tremendously arousing foursome.

The characters so far:

Myself, Jack, ago 30, six feet, brown hair and eyes, six inch erection, long foreskin, and tight sac.

Eric: My age, blond, blue eyes, erection 5 ¾", low-hangers, slender build.

Danny, about my age and height, brown hair and eyes, erection about 7", long foreskin and loose sac.

Tommy, standing about 5'10", slender, with a long foreskin extending over an inch beyond the end of his red cherry head, forming a long nipple through which he was able to pee without splashing. Erect, he measured about 5 ½" and his sac was loose like the others.

Part 6:

I'd had one or more of the guys over to my house each Saturday, and on each occasion we'd enjoyed terrific sex because we'd turned each other on so profoundly. Tommy, the newest guest in my house, had added variety with his extraordinary nippled foreskin and his ability to pee accurately through it, without splashing.

As the weeks wound their way into winter, I became more adapted to life in 1880. I spent the days wandering around Manhattan, carefully avoiding the rough neighborhoods because it was worth my life to go into one of them, even armed. The police didn't dare enter these except in formations known as "strong-arm squads," armed with nightsticks and ready for pitched battles. I even took the ferries to Long Island, and went out to communities such as Jamaica and Hempstead, which were small towns in the middle of farmland.

One day while walking in lower Manhattan, on Vesey Street, I was casually watching the people walking towards me on the sidewalk when I passed a man about my height, dressed on a topcoat open at the collar, and as I passed him I noted that his short collar seemed to be very white and unwrinkled. I walked on for a few feet, and then stopped short.

WHAT THE FUCK???? How come his shirt seemed as if it had just been washed and pressed with a lot of starch? All of the others were various shades of off-white, not bright white, and they were all somewhat soft and rumpled.

I turned quickly and started after him, trying to digest what I'd just seen, and understand its implications. Could it be he was from my own time, wearing a wash-and-wear shirt? As I drew up to him, I noticed that his pants had sharp creases, without the characteristic bagginess that was typical of clothing of the 1880s. I followed him for several bocks, wondering where he was going.

Several bocks later, he stopped and propped his foot up on a fire hydrant to tie his shoelace, and I saw the outline of a pair of handcuffs showing through his coat. Was he some sort of a cop? My anxiety level rose, as I realized that as I had not contacted the people in my own time through the message drop under a Central Park bench they surely were wondering what had happened to me and may have sent someone after me.

Why a cop, though? Then the answer came to me. I'd been in government employ, and I had, in effect, embezzled government funds for my own purposes, establishing myself in 1880 without any intention of returning.

I decided to take a chance. When my quarry had resumed walking, I caught up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Where's the World Trade Center?" I asked. I knew that the Twin Towers had been destroyed in the Airline Attack of September 11, 2001, and in any event someone from 1880 would never have heard of them. He turned around, pointing west, and said:

"They used to be..." He trailed off, a look of shock coming over his face. He stared at me hard, trying to see inside me.

"Who the fuck are you?" he asked.

"I might ask you the same thing," I responded. "I think we'd better go and have a quiet talk," I suggested. He hesitated, and when I took his elbow and led the way towards a nearby park, he walked with me. I found a bench in a remote corner of the park and we sat.

"Want to tell me who you are?" he asked.

"I think you know who I am," I replied. "I don't know who you are, though, and what you're doing here."

"My name's Frank," he said. "I'm with the FBI and you must be the guy I'm looking for."

"I guess I am, but I don't know why you're looking for me. Also, what's with the handcuffs?" He looked surprised at my revelation. "When you bent over to tie your shoe, they showed through your coat."

"I'm with the FBI and I also carry a gun," he said. "Dr. Ellis and his crowd thought they needed a law enforcement officer to search for you. They weren't sure if you'd been in an accident or were deliberately avoiding them, and fucking up the project."

"I thought that might be it," I said. "We do have a lot to talk about. Maybe you'd better come with me to my place. We'll be able to talk there for as long as we want, and being there will answer a lot of questions." I stood and he followed me to a horse-drawn bus, which delivered us to my corner near Harlem. Once inside, we doffed our coats and I noticed he had a pistol in a shoulder holster, as I did. I asked:

"Is that one of the new Glocks they're issuing to FBI guys now?"

"Yep, it's a Glock Model 53. It fires the new .20 Glock cartridge. Goes through body armor." I'd heard of the .20 Glock, a .20 caliber solid round that fired at 2500 feet per second, with a pointed bullet that would cut through many substances, including soft body armor.

"Nice," I said. "I guess you know about my SIG."

"I've got one at home," he said. "It's a nice gun, but they make us carry these." Now I asked:

"Were you selected for your mission following the same criteria used in choosing me?"

"I guess so. I'm single, no living family, and gay. By the way, I have to use the bathroom."

"Just follow me," I said and led him to the bathroom and watched as he undid his fly buttons. "Go ahead. I'm curious about something." His eyes widened in surprise as I asked:

"Did you find anything different the first time you had to pee after you got here?" He looked shocked. "Don't worry. The same thing happened to me."

"My prick looks like I was never circumcised," he stuttered. He unbuttoned his fly and took it out. I saw one that looked remarkably like mine, with the bulge of a big helmet under a long tapering foreskin. I took out mine.

"You're not the only one," I explained. "I bet your vaccination scars vanished too."

"They did, now that you mention it." He looked slightly bemused at the unexpected turn of events.

"Well, go ahead and pee. We can talk after you've finished. I think you'll have to be careful how you aim it." He laughed.

"Yeah, I sure have to be careful. I wet my pants the first time. I'm not used to having a foreskin."

"You like it, though," I said as I left him alone. When he came out, we sat on the living room couch.

"I don't understand the mechanism," I said. "I just know that now that I'm here, I've go the same physical characteristics as if I'd been born in 1850. I'm 30 years old, but you probably already know that."

"I'm 35, and that means I would have been born in 1845. Tell me, how do you feel about being uncut now?" I could see a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

"I love it. My prick's much more sensitive and more fun to play with. I always hated having been cut, and now I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Would going back to our time mean that we'd be cut again?" he asked, a note of worry in his voice.

"I truly don't know. There have been some surprises coming back here, and I have no idea what to expect if we returned."

"Do you want to return?" he asked, cutting to the crux of the matter. His eyes bored into mine. I decided to be truthful:

"No, not at all. I like it back here. Are we on the same wavelength?" I stared at him intently.

"Maybe we are. At least, I can understand your reasons. I feel the same way you do about the foreskin business. I always hated being cut from the day I'd found out. That's why I asked about going back."

"Maybe you're in conflict with your duty as a cop," I suggested.

"Hell yeah I am!" he exclaimed. "I'm in a real dilemma now."

"Maybe it would help our frank discussion if we got naked," I said. "After all, we've got nothing to hide from each other." Frank nodded and began stripping down, and I eagerly followed suit. When our coats, pants, shirts, and underwear were piled on the couch I led him into the bedroom, where we studied each other. The emotional tension had several effects on us. It not only increased our heartbeats and respiration, but we were becoming aroused. As we sat on the bed Frank's prick grew to a full 6 ½" but the long thick foreskin still covered the head. Frank looked at mine, commenting:

"Hey, your foreskin stays over the head too, like mine." I reached out to grasp his long hood by the puckered end.

"You've got a nice prick," I said. "Bigger than mine, too."

"Yours is big enough," he replied. "I can retract my foreskin. Can you? It looks pretty tight."

"Try it and see," I urged. "I know you'll enjoy it." His hand reached for my prick, grasping it around the foreskin-covered head, and began to push the skin back. I felt the delicious tingling sensation of the contact with his fingertips and the stretching feeling as the nerve endings in my foreskin became taut with tension. My foreskin expanded under Frank's gentle urging, and within seconds it was poised on my flaring rim, stretched to the utmost.

"Yours goes back nice, and I love the smell," he said. "Want to try mine?" I was already holding it by the puckered tip, but now shifted my grip to push it over the swollen contours of his helmet. As it snapped down into the deep groove behind his flaring rim, I said:

"I like your smell, too. You smell like a real man, not like those deodorized cut models." I snapped his foreskin forward again, adding: "We ought to talk a bit more." He pulled my foreskin forward and we lay on our sides facing each other.

"Is it still rough for gay guys in the FBI?" I asked.

"Not as bad as it used to be, considering that Hoover himself was one, but it's still bad. It's like `Don't ask, don't tell' but I still have to put up with all sorts of shit. I can't bring anybody home with me if I want to make it with him because my apartment's bugged. I have to be careful what I say on the phone for the same reason. They even have a tap on my cell phone."

"How do you manage, then?"

"I can only meet guys face to face, after I make sure I'm not being tailed. Then we go to a motel or to his place. If they ever caught me at it, like a smoking gun, I'd be through."

"That's pretty hypocritical, isn't it, bashing you about that and then choosing you to come back to get me?" I knew the obvious answer and was not surprised when he said:

"Shit, yeah! They choose me for this way-out project because I'm gay but they'd fuck me in a minute if they could."

"I can see why you don't want to go back."

"You been able to make it with a guy since you've been here?" he asked.

"Have I? I really have!" I knew he was listening intently. "The really good part is all the guys are uncut."

"That's terrific," he said. "Back in 2020 I was always interested in finding an uncut guy, but most guys were cut like we were."

"In that way it's paradise here," I said. "I've seen all types of foreskins, long, short, tight, loose, nipples, anything you want. If you really want, I can introduce you and you'll meet a couple of guys I know you'll like."

"I can see how this time seems like paradise. You don't have to worry about terrorists nuking New York, like they did at Kennedy Airport."

"It's not all good news, I've got to tell you. Did they send a survival kit back with you?"

"Yes they did. It's got all sorts of things in it, drugs, extra ammo, money, you name it."

"You'll need the penicillin. Syphilis is common in this time. Millions have it, rich and poor. It's incurable and much more contagious than AIDS. You'll have to take penicillin to avoid coming down with it."

"Well, at least I've got that covered," he said, fingering his prick nervously. "The kit has antibiotics."

"Got much money? You'll need some here."

"A couple of thou. That should go a long way in this time."

"They want me for embezzling, don't they?" I asked.

"Yeah, you stole government property, technically, but that's a crock of shit. The money was printed at the government printing office, perfect replicas of the bills of this era, but when you get down to it, it's counterfeit. It was printed by the government, but not this government. It's all counterfeit."

"Well, you can stay with me for now, while you're deciding what to do. Just don't try to take me back, understand?"

"I do understand," he said with sudden tenderness. "I don't really want to go back either." He leaned towards me to plant a dry kiss on my lips. I kissed him back, and we were quickly in a clinch, hugging desperately, our crotches pressed together. I felt our pricks hardening between us.

"We both need relief," I said. "This is nature's tranquilizer." I reached between us and grasped his prick, gently sliding his foreskin over his turgid helmet. We drew apart so that he could get to mine.

"I really like playing with foreskins, especially one that's not my own," he said. "I like the way it feels when you touch mine."

"I like the way you're sliding mine, up and down the head. It feels so good because it's natural."

"It's really a new sensation for me. I've been back only a week but I've jacked myself at least three times a day."

"Did they do you as a baby?" I asked.

"Yeah, almost every kid got cut when I was born. The doctors were brainwashing parents, saying the boy had to look like dad, match the other kids in the locker room, or some shit like that."

"Well, now you look, feel, and smell like a real man," I said.

"I like your cock as much as you like mine. I love to compare cocks." He looked down at my prick as he eased the foreskin off the head. I skinned him back gently as well.

"Yours is a lot like mine, only a bit longer," I pointed out. "You've got the same helmet shape, the flaring rim, and a big vein down your right side." I felt his prick twitch in my hand as I spoke.

"I like the helmet shape," he said. "I like the round nose and the sexy way the rim flares. Yours is perfect."

"Your balls are looser than mine," I said. "Mine have always been a bit tight."

"Your foreskin's a bit tighter than mine. I love the way it hugs your head."

"We've got the same teardrop shaped slit," I pointed out. "That's a bit unusual."

"Yeah, you're right. I haven't seen many guys whose slits swelled up that way when they got hard." I was now sliding his foreskin in long, easy strokes, not using too much pressure because I didn't want to pump him to orgasm too quickly. His fingers were still exploring my prick, now tickling the pouting lips of my slit. A large drop of clear fluid appeared in his teardrop hole.

"I think you juice more than I do," I said. "That's nice."

"I always juice a lot when I get hot," he replied. "That was very nice back then, when I needed a lot of lube to stroke my cut cock, but now it runs down over my skin and I sometimes lose my grip because my cock's too wet."

"I had to use artificial lube back then. I liked Astroglide."

"Well, now you can use some of mine. Your skin needs a little lube." He pushed my foreskin all the way back, and eased forward so that our tips touched. He moved my big helmet around his, coating it with a film of his clear lubricant.

"Your rim's got the same little bumps mine has," he observed as he continued to move my glans around the circumference of his.

"Yeah, they're the receptors, the nerve endings," I answered. I think both our rims are very sensitive, right?"

"I know sure as shit mine is," he replied. "I love the way you were stroking my skin over it." I'd stopped while he was coating my head with his fluid. Now I resumed my gentle stroking.

"Looks like you need to come," I said. "Your prick feels so hot in my hand."

"I want to see you come," he said. I really enjoy seeing an uncut cock shooting."

"They call it `spunking' in this time," I replied. "You'll get used to the lingo. Anyway, I want to see you come too." Now our breathing had become deeper as our excitement mounted.

"I just love a cock with a big head," he said. "Maybe it's because mine is that way."

"I feel the same way you do," I said. "You've got a really handsome prick, head, skin, and all."

"We've both got straight shafts, he added. "I think that's nice too."

"Do you get sleepy after you've come?" I asked.

"Not usually," he answered. "I often jack myself to sleep, but right now I'm too excited to sleep."

"Good, then. I'll do you first and then you can do me." I pushed him flat on the bed and straddled his legs.

"Now I'll stroke your prick with my right hand and cup your balls with the other." Frank was still holding on to my prick.

"Will it bother you if I keep my hand on yours? It's very exciting to feel your cock while you're jacking mine." His fingers clasped my prick and moved the skin gently as he spoke.

"No, it won't bother me at all," I reassured him. "Just don't make me come while I'm doing you. I'm getting very excited doing this to you."

"Feels so good,' he said.

"I know it feels good for you. I can feel your balls getting tight against your body."

"Yeah, they tighten up when I'm hot, and you're making me really hot." Now I was taking long, sweeping strokes up and down Frank's prick, covering and uncovering the big helmet each time.

"I bet it's hot for you when I bump your foreskin up over your rim," I said.

"Very hot" he replied. "You're really lighting my fire."

"And you're lighting mine. Do you groan when you're coming?"

"Yeah, I get pretty loud," he replied. "How about you?"

"Me, too," I said as I continued to stroke Frank's handsome prick, wondering how far he'd shoot when he came. "I can feel the head's gettin' bigger," I added.

"My head always swells more when I get close. Does yours?"

"Mine swells and gets darker purple, like yours is gettin'."

"Mine gets really sensitive while I'm coming," he warned. "Stop stroking when that happens.

"Mine too," I said. "I'll know when you're gettin' super-sensitive and I'll just hold your prick."

"That hot feeling's building up inside me, and in my cock too. The rim's starting to tickle." Now Frank's breathing was deeper yet, and he began to moan lightly.

"It's really reaching you isn't it?" I increased my pace to bring him closer to the brink.

"Yeah, ooohhhh..." He moaned. Oooohhhh..."

"Just try to relax, Frank. I'll try to keep you on the edge as long as I can." I felt his legs tighten up between mine. His moaning grew louder.

"Just relax," I coached him. "Just concentrate on how good your prick feels and let me do the rest." His glans was dark purple, and I felt its hardness through the gliding foreskin. His legs began trembling and he moaned even louder. "Now I'm gonna slow down, `cause I want to keep you near the edge as long as I can. Just relax." His only reply was to moan louder.

"Just feel it building up in your tip," I said as I stroked him very slowly. "You'll feel the tickle get stronger and then it'll become a hot tingle. That's when I'll stroke you right over the edge." My clasping fingers were hardly moving, just enough for him to feel the delicious anticipation. His eyes closed and his jaw tightened.

I felt a sudden hard throb in his shaft and head, and began stroking him hard as a thick white jet erupted from his slit. It shot two feet into the air as he cried out in agonized ecstasy. My fingers were now whipping his long foreskin up and down his big helmet, and I felt the throbs as he shot again.

Frank's face was red with the effort of orgasm, and I pounded another torrent of sperm from his tortured prick, ruthlessly snapping the long foreskin over his rim. I felt that he might be getting too sensitive any moment, and now I snapped it back into the deep groove behind the dark purple rim as he shot again. His cries of helpless rapture filled the room as he continued to shoot. I studied the big purple helmet as it gushed again, noting that the stream that distended the lips of his slit was not as powerful as the first.

Frank writhed on the bed as his orgasm played itself out, his moans subsiding as he began to relax. His hardness began subsiding between my fingers that were still holding his foreskin tightly back. I watched the purple-tipped instrument of beauty slowly shrink, the tight skin developing wrinkles as the core of his prick deflated.

His eyes opened and he stared at me wordlessly, still dazed by the after-shock of the orgasm that had just wracked his body with intense sensations. I smiled. He smiled back, still saying nothing. Finally he whispered weakly:

"That was terrific. You knew just how to handle my cock. You're really good. I couldn't give myself a come like that even with my new foreskin."

"Well, Frank, you've only had your new foreskin a week. I've been here with my new hood three months and have handled three other guy's pricks, all uncut." Frank's penis was almost completely limp now, the foreskin a thick ring of flesh behind the thick corona. I eased it forward, watching as it slid downhill to engulf the helmet completely.

"That means you've become an expert, Jack. I really was in seventh heaven when you used those magic fingers on me." Frank propped himself up on an elbow, reaching for my prick. I was still hard although he'd let go when his orgasm had begun. "Maybe I can do the same for you now. I'd really love to feel your cock throb and see it shoot."

"I know what you mean Frank. When you started coming, I almost came myself because it was so hot to watch and feel you. You shot all over yourself and the sheet." I lay back on the bed.

"Got any Kleenex?" he asked. "Maybe they didn't make Kleenex back in 1880."

"You're right. No paper towels, either. Don't worry, though, we can clean up afterward and I'll wash the sheet." I felt his gentle fingers begin sliding my foreskin up and down the contours of my swollen helmet.

"Wash by hand, or do you have a washing machine?"

"They haven't been invented yet. I've got a big washtub." Frank grasped my tight sac with his other hand, slowly stretching the wrinkled skin down towards my knees.

"I felt like I was just dissolving when you made me come," he added. "I was really out of it." His warm fingers slid my hood down all the way, baring my swollen corona. "I'm gonna hit those receptors in your rim just like you did mine."

"Your fingers feel so good around my prick," I said. "I don't know how much I can hold out." I was becoming very excited, and Frank had noticed it.

"I can see how excited you are. Your tip's gotten darker, and the rim's really flaring out. I can feel the head getting harder through your foreskin and the big vein on your shaft's really standing out." He lightly bumped my tight ring of skin against my corona. "Your rim's really stiff and swollen now. Before, there was some give." His fingers continued to tug at my scrotum, adding to my excitement.

"That's really hot, Frank. Just go nice and slow so I can enjoy the build-up." His fingers continued to bump my foreskin collar against my rim while his other hand tugged at my sac.

"Getting' that tickling feeling in the head yet?" he asked.

"Right around the rim, where you're hitting it."

"You just had some lube," he said, and I felt the slight tickle as a drop of fluid filled the lips of my orifice. Frank sat up and straddled my legs.

"I want to feel the tension in your body when you come," he said. "I love to make a guy shoot and feel his body straining against mine."

"I think you're an expert too," I said.

"I've made a lot of guys come, and cut guys tighten up just like natural guys. Some get pretty loud when they start shooting."

"Natural guys feel the orgasm more," I reminded him.

"Don't I know it," he answered. "My orgasms have been more intense since I got my foreskin back. The sensations are a lot sharper. I know yours are too."

"They are, Frank. Before, lightly bumping my rim wouldn't have gotten me this hot. Now my tip's starting to ache because I really need release."

"I can feel your legs tightening up too," he said. "Do your eyes close when you come? Do you get loud and vocal?"

"I do both," I replied. "When I come, it really hits me, like an express train. I just let myself go."

"I'm glad to hear it," he said. "I like to enjoy the show with a guy who's really loud and I can hear him coming too."

"I can't keep my eyes open," I said as I began withdrawing into myself, my attention dominated by the sheer power of the sensations in my prick.

"Gettin' that hot tingle?" he asked, but I was unable to answer. My rim was hot and tingly, my sac was tightly stretched, and I knew I was on the brink. I'd begun moaning, and now as the sensations peaked I howled.

"HUNNNHHH!" I cried out as I felt my cock-root go into hot spasms, ejecting the first torrent of hot cream into my prick-tube. My legs were trembling and my fists were clenched as I dissolved into orgasm. My mind went on "HOLD" and I became just a mass of reflexes, overwhelmed by the sensations.

I cried out again as the second agonizing spasm of my climax tore through me. I felt the hot lava sear its way up my prick and slam through the lips of my slit. My mouth was wide open, and my yells of joyful agony filled the room. My entire body shuddered as the third torrent burned its way up my urethra, and I stopped counting.

Later, I felt my orgasm taper off as my pulses became weaker and my jets dwindled to seeping. A heavy daze settled over me, and I felt exhausted. Minutes later I opened my eyes as I heard Frank say:

"Man, that was a sight! I felt every throb in both your cock and balls. I felt the strain in your body while you were coming. You shot all over yourself and the sheet too."

"You did a terrific job of making me come," I replied. "You said you weren't experienced with foreskins, but you really knew how to work mine. You drained me completely. I just relaxed and let you do the work, and I really creamed a lot."

"I got something out of it too. Remember how I told you I love to feel a guy's cock throb in my fingers when I whack him? Yours really throbbed, and watching the come shoot out of that big purple helmet was a terrific thrill."

We got up and Frank helped me wash the sheets and hang them out to dry on the clothesline I'd rigged in my back yard.

"No washing machine, no dryer, no Kleenex, no paper towels. You'll have to get used to doing without a lot of things back here," I said.

"I noticed that. No TV, no strings of commercials, no phone, no goddamned telemarketers calling you while you're eating, no junk mail, etc. I could get used to that real easy."

"No fuckin' cell phones ringing at inconvenient times, that's something else you'll have to learn to live with," I said.

"Yeah, and all those guys with foreskins too. I think I could live with that really well," Frank added.

"Want to meet a couple of them?" I asked. "I know Tommy's coming Saturday, and maybe Eric too, if he can get off work. You could be here when they come. I'm sure they won't mind. Meanwhile, move out of your hotel and in with me."

"I'll do just that. I'm 99 percent committed to staying here with you anyway." Frank returned later with his baggage and we slept together for the first time that night, curling up against each other and feeling each other's warmth.

Saturday morning we were both naked when there was a knock at the door. It was Tommy. I introduced him to Frank and asked about Eric.

"Eric's gonna come by a little later," he said. "Meanwhile, can I use your bathroom?" he asked while stripping off his clothes. "I've gotta pee real bad." He waved us to follow him and we did. Frank stared at Tommy's tremendous overhang with fascination.

"You know how I usually pee with the skin forward," he said as he nimbly pulled back on his tremendous overhang. "This time I'm gonna skin back just enough to clear the hole. I've got a lot of cheese built up inside for Eric and if I peed the usual way I'd just flush out some of it." He aimed into the toilet and started his flow, which emerged in a neat stream as mine had when I didn't have a foreskin. I noticed that the lips of his slit pouted as the yellow stream poured through them.

"We'll wait for you in the kitchen," I said, leading Frank out of the bathroom. In the kitchen, Frank said:

"Man, that skin was really long. I've never seen one like it. Bet your as it wouldn't have lasted in our time."

"I know. Even if he escaped being cut at birth, the first time a doctor saw that long tube he'd cut it off."

"That's how my dad got cut, years before I was born. He had a long one like that, he told me, and when he was getting his appendix out when he was ten, the doctor saw that skin and just cut it off. He told my grandparents he'd done it as a freebie because the skin was much too long and he'd have to have it taken care of sooner or later. They bought the story because people respected doctors in those days and didn't question them."

"You were done as a baby, right?" I asked Frank.

"Yeah, when I was born my dad didn't argue with the doctor. He figured I might as well get it done then, before I was old enough to remember." A moment Later Tommy came in and sat in the center chair.

"I'm gonna make some spunk for Eric so he'll have a nice load of cheese and other stuff when he gets here. Got a piece of string? I wanna tie it up like last time." I cut a foot of string from a ball I kept in a kitchen drawer and sat on Tommy's left.

"I guess you want me to hold the end of your foreskin while you come, don't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's right," he answered. "First, let's see how much cheese I already got." He peeled back the long hood to expose his white-coated cherry while Frank's eyes stood out on sticks, and the intoxicating odor of his smegma filled the air. Frank and I inhaled deeply, enjoying the rich aroma.

"His tip's deep red and round," I said. "That's why he calls it his cherry."

"Smells nice," Frank said.

"Glad you like it, Tommy answered. "Maybe you'd like to do me while Jack holds my skin shut so the spunk don't leak out." Frank lost no time wrapping his fingers around Tommy's rapidly lengthening shaft. I grasped the long nipple end of his foreskin and held it shut with just enough pressure to prevent the jets from shooting out of it. Tommy's stretched out foreskin extended beyond the end of his 5 ½" erection.

"Here's how you do it," Tommy instructed. "For this, put your thump on top of the head, right on the rim, and two fingers underneath."

"That way you'll be working his rim and the other two fingers will be underneath in his groove, rubbing his gee-string," I added. "You'll be hitting the two most sensitive spots on his cherry." Frank held Tommy's erect prick the way Tommy had instructed and began jiggling the skin up and down in short strokes.

"I'm really hot this morning, guys," Tommy said. "It won't take long to make me spend." His breathing was already deeper, and as I grasped his scrotum with my other hand I felt it tighten against his body.

"Your skin's so thin I can really feel the cherry inside," Frank said as he worked Tommy's foreskin enthusiastically over the round head. "It's getting harder even now." Tommy was breathing hard now, fired up by both of us attending to his rampant prick. He slid down in his chair, thrusting his hips out as he spread his legs.

"Your balls are really tight," I commented. "You weren't kidding about being hot."

"I am..." Tommy's voice trailed off as he began to grunt.

"His tip's very sensitive but you won't have to stop when he begins to spend," I told Frank. "All his seed's gonna stay inside his foreskin. You'll see it balloon out. With all the liquid inside, there won't be much friction on his cherry." I tugged gently downward on his sac, adding to his sensations.

"I'm getting' hot too," Frank said. "So are you." Although we hadn't touched our pricks, they were becoming erect from the excitement of handling Tommy's prick, with its extraordinary foreskin. I felt the excitement building deep inside my body as well.

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" Tommy grunted as his excitement approached the moment of release.

"Feeling the tingle yet?" Frank asked, and Tommy's only answer was to grunt louder. I could feel the tension building in his body as my fingers pressed into the flesh behind his sac.

"His eyes just closed," I commented to Frank, whose fingers were strumming the swollen rim of Tommy's cherry and the sensitive gee-string through the foreskin.

I heard Tommy wail in the moment of release as I felt a hard pulse behind his sac. My fingers holding his foreskin shut felt the impact of his ejaculation as Tommy howled helplessly, completely wrapped up in the mind-numbing sensations of his orgasm. Tommy's body jerked as his urethra pulsed again, and his legs twitched uncontrollably. He threw his head back as another spasm wracked his body, enraptured in the blissful agony of his biological storm.

"See how his foreskin's ballooning?" I asked Frank as Tommy's fleshy sheath filled with fluid.

"I see it," replied Frank as his fingers flew over Tommy's hard, throbbing prick, nurturing his orgasm, fueling the fire inside him. Tommy's face was red, and his hands gripped the sides of the seat.

"It's almost over, I think," I said as Frank continued to stroke the throbbing prick between his fingers, totally spellbound. Tommy's pulses became weaker, and soon they ceased. He began to relax as he stopped grunting and his breathing returned to normal.

"Tie that string around the end of his foreskin while I hold it," I instructed Frank. "A simple knot will do perfectly. Don't make it too tight." Frank wrapped the string around Tommy's fleshy tube right behind my thumb and forefinger and tied it. I let go of Tommy's prick and his sac, and we watched the engorged organ begin to shrink.

After a minute or two Tommy roused himself from his daze and opened his eyes, saying:

"Eric's gonna enjoy sucking the cheese from my skin this morning. He might even make me spend again."

I made coffee and we sat waiting for Eric. Frank and I were still excited, but the urgency wasn't great, and we tacitly decided to wait for the next scene. When I heard a knock at the door, I let Eric inside. "Tommy's already here," I said. He undressed in the living room and we went into the kitchen, where I introduced him to Frank. Eric's prick was already partly swollen, and when he saw Tommy's tied-off foreskin it jumped. Eric dropped to his knees before Tommy, deftly removing the knotted string as he put his mouth of Tommy's ballooning foreskin. His face became blissful as the liquids flowed into his mouth, and he swallowed hard several times. "Now he's gonna slip his tongue inside Tommy's foreskin," I explained to Frank. "He's gonna reach in there and lick every little bit." Tommy's hood had deflated and was now hugging the head, with its long nipple still extending over an inch beyond the glans. Eric pushed in his tongue, and we saw the long nipple distend.

"I think his tongue's reached the tip of his cherry," Frank noted. "I bet Tommy's enjoying feeling that tongue tickling his slit."

"Oh, I am," added Tommy. "I really get hot feeling Eric's tongue inside my skin."

"Eric's really hot too," commented Frank. "He doesn't have as much skin as the rest of us. It's already pulled back to the rim." Eric's foreskin was ready to snap back all the way. He leaned forward, reaching for Eric's 5 ¾" erection, with the short foreskin poised on Eric's corona. He gave a slight pull and the hood snapped down into the groove behind the head. Tommy slipped off his chair and got into a "69" position with Eric on the floor, grasping his shaft and jiggling the fleshy collar behind the head. Although the autumn days were cool, my kitchen stove had warmed the tiles enough for comfort.

We watched Eric and Tommy exciting each other. Frank stood close to me, close enough for our pricks to touch. The contact felt like an electric spark between us, and my prick twitched.

"Let me hold them together," I said, and I grasped both our pricks and rubbed the end of our foreskin puckers together. This was exciting Frank as much as it did me, and although our erections had lagged slightly, they firmed up almost instantly.

"I can feel the shape of your helmet through the skin," I said to Frank.

"Let me feel yours," he said, insinuating his hand between our stomachs and clasping my prick. He worked his way up to the head as I removed my hand and now I felt his warm fingers gently feeling the contours of my swollen glans. On the floor, I saw Eric working on Tommy's prick, pushing his tongue deeper inside the hood, as Tommy's prick swelled under the hot stimulation.

"Tommy's really stroking Eric's prick now," I said to Frank, nodding my head down towards the floor.

"I think they're both gonna come," Frank whispered to me. "Let's join them. I want to feel your cock shooting against mine." He bared my helmet, pushing back on my shaft-skin until the hood rode over my flaring rim and snapped down into the deep groove behind it. I pushed Frank's foreskin back, letting the helmet stand free, and pressed my prick forward.

"Ohhh, your tip feels so warm against mine," he said.

"You're really juicing now. I can feel how it makes our heads slide together." Frank repeated his actions of the other day, bringing his helmet around and around mine, coating my head with his lubricant as his glans circled mine.

Eric was tonguing Tommy's cherry inside its protective hood, while Tommy's fingers expertly flicked Eric's foreskin up and over the rim, fueling Eric's fire.

"Let me hold both our cocks," said Frank as he pushed himself closer to me. I removed my hand and let his warm fingers encircle both our pricks, holding them together end to end. The heavy coating of lube softened the delicious hot friction as the domes of our helmets rubbed against each other and Frank's fingers caressed the rims.

Tommy had begun to moan on the floor, and we both looked down to see his face reddening as Eric's tongue caressed his cherry under the thin hood. Now Eric's fingers stripped back the long foreskin and Eric's lips engulfed the hard red head.

"That's really beautiful to watch," Frank whispered in my ear as he hugged me close to him. Tommy's eyes were closed now as Eric' worked his tongue and lips over the hot hard cherry.

"Any moment," I said. Eric wasn't as close as Tommy was, but I thought that he'd be spurting pretty soon. Now Tommy's hips bucked as he let out a sharp cry of joyful agony, and we watched Eric's Adam's apple bob as he swallowed Tommy's eruption. Tommy was grunting loudly as the hot sensations raged within him, and his hips thrust forward again, driving his prick deeper into Eric's mouth.

"I felt your tip throb against mine," I whispered to Frank.

"I'm almost coming, but I think I can hold off a few seconds," he replied. "Our heads are so swollen and hard." Tommy's orgasm was running its course, filling Eric's mouth with sperm, but now Tommy's hips had stopped bucking, although his eyes were still screwed shut tightly and his face was red. The mind-numbing fire within him had slowed the movements of his fingers along Eric's prick, keeping him poised on the edge.

Tommy opened his eyes as his body relaxed, saying:

"Man you made me spunk again." Eric was wordless, and Tommy began attacking Eric's prick with a fury that made Eric howl and close his eyes tightly. Eric's purple mushroom was glistening as Tommy's fingers bumped the foreskin over its rim and continued onward, caressing the naked glans and its many nerve endings.

"He's digging his finger into the groove under the head," Frank observed to me as we watched the erotic spectacle.

"OOWWWW!" Eric howled as the fury of his orgasm overtook him. He threw his head back as his prick spat a thick creamy rope into Tommy's face. Tommy opened his mouth as he kept stroking Eric's shaft and naked mushroom, sending messages of joy into Eric's convulsing cock-root.

Eric cried out again as he felt the tightness of Tommy's lips engulfing his sensitive mushroom, and his hips bucked hard. Tommy swallowed quickly, and then again, as Eric pumped another hot load into his mouth. Eric's moans filled the room, and it was hard not to release our orgasms as we listened to the cries of excitement and watched Eric's hot climax.

"I think it's almost over," Frank said as I felt his fingers tighten on our pricks. He bucked his hips, driving his hard dome into mine as he worked his fingers around our helmets.

"I can't hold out any more, Frank," I said as my eyes closed. "Finish us off!" Frank cried out as I felt his helmet's dome throb hard against mine. An instant after the throb I felt my orifice being distended by a hot liquid jet driving into it, plunging half-way down my shaft and triggering my orgasm. Our holes had been perfectly aligned for one magic moment, and Frank has shot his load right down my hole. I cried out as I felt the first hard convulsion in my cock-root, and a split-second later a torrent of cream surged up my prick, driving Frank's juice before it, and splashed out the end of my helmet onto his.

Frank howled loudly and I felt his hot torrent splashing onto the front dome of my helmet. My next jet boiled up out of my cock-root in counterpoint to his rhythm, coating the front of his cock-head, and flowing onto his fingers.

We held on to each other tightly, as the sensations and contractions were so intense our knees almost buckled. Our pricks continued to shoot, wetting each other thoroughly, and the excess dripped onto the tiled floor.

"Nice show, guys," I heard a voice say as Frank and I finished. I opened my eyes to see Eric and Tommy looking up at us. As they sat, ours pricks were at about their eye level, and they were getting a good show. Frank and I had finished shooting, and we watched and felt our pricks subsiding as we continued to stand facing each other.

"You really came hard," Frank said to me, provoking a puzzled look from Tommy, who had been listening intently. I recalled that "came" was not a 19th Century term.

"You know what happened, Frank?" I asked. "When you shot, our heads were lined up just right, and your stream shot right down my hole."

"That's terrific," he said. "That must have felt really hot."

"It did," I confirmed. "Feeling your hot stream driving down inside my prick made me start to spunk right then."

"It must have happened because your hole opens up into a teardrop shape, like mine," he said. "If you'd had just a slit the jet wouldn't have gone in."

"I think you're right," I replied. "Anyway, it was hot for me." I wanted to say it felt as good as docking, but Tommy and Eric had already heard one anachronistic term this morning.

We took turns in the bathroom, as there was not enough space for all four of us in the shower, and in any event Tommy and Eric were used to baths. They shared the big tub, as they were physically smaller than Frank and me, and while Frank and I cleaned up the kitchen we thought we heard grunts and groans coming from the bathroom. It was possible that Eric was having his second orgasm of the day and Tommy his third, as they turned each other on so perfectly.

After they'd left, Frank and I climbed into bed to rest and to talk.

"I was wondering," I said. "We had terrific orgasms this morning, with our pricks tip to tip. Maybe we should try to dock one of these days."

"I know I'd love that," he said. "I can think of one problem, though."

"I know, we've both got long foreskins but also big tips. I don't think there's room inside mine for two big helmets."

"Have you ever docked?" he asked.

"No, I haven't had my foreskin that long. I'm sure you haven't either."

"No, not even back then, before I came here. There weren't many guys with foreskins back then, and then the few I'd made it with told me that my tip was too big to fit inside their hoods."

"The same thing happened to me back then," I added. "I did meet some uncut guys, but not one with a long enough foreskin to take me."

"We'll have lots of time to work out something," Frank said. That suggested that he had already decided to remain in 1880. I wanted to hear him say it, though.

"Now that you've met a couple of my foreskin buddies, what do you think?" I asked.

"It's pretty clear. I don't want to go back to the 21st Century. It's hell there." Frank shook his head as he said this.

"Well, staying here won't be a problem. I've got enough room. You can sleep with me, if you want, or use the other bedroom."

"With you!" he said emphatically. "However, what about our supply of antibiotics? It won't last forever, no matter how careful we are. These drugs get outdated, anyway, and they're no good after a few years."

"You brought a good supply with you, I know," I said.

"Hell, yeah! Besides the kit they gave me I stuffed a few vials in my pockets before going through the time portal. I didn't know what to expect here."

"We still have the expiration dates to worry about," I said. "Until then, we're safe against anything these guys may have caught. Do you really think they might have something?"

"No, I don't. I looked at them pretty carefully and I didn't see any sores on their pricks. Remember, I even skinned them back, and I would have seen it if it were on the glans or the inside of the foreskin."

"Why worry, then?" he asked.

"Because even if they don't have anything now, they might catch something in the future. Also, syphilis has a dormant stage, with no sores or other symptoms. The only sure way to tell is a blood test, and that hasn't been invented yet."

"I think I understand what you're getting at," Frank said reflectively.

"You're right. I think that you and I are gonna have to be monogamous, sooner or later. That's the only safe way."

"Well, I can tell you right now, I won't have any problem being monogamous with a hot guy like you," he said.

"I feel the same way, Frank. You and I click very well together, and I can't think of anyone else I'd want for a life partner." I hugged him close to me, planting a dry kiss on his lips.

The End of Part 6

Next: Chapter 7

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