All in Good Time

By Jack Santoro

Published on Dec 21, 2004


All in Good Time, Part 9 By

Note: This story is fiction, and given the plot, mainly science fiction or imaginative fiction. Time travel would be very nice if it were possible to do it as easily as described here, especially considering the benefits that this story describes.

Summary: I'd been selected for a secret government time travel project and traveled back to 1880 New York City, where I'd met a gay guy, Eric, and his friend, Danny. One of the benefits of being projected back in time was that I was physically as if I'd been born in 1850, without vaccination scars, appendectomy, and most importantly, without the circumcision scar I'd resented all my life. For the first time, I'd experienced sex the way it should be, with my fleshy cuff intact. Foreskins were the norm in 1880, and few males were without one.

A major drawback was that I was unvaccinated, and therefore vulnerable to the diseases, such as smallpox and syphilis, that were so prevalent at the time. Fortunately the people directing the time travel project had sent along a survival kit packed with extra money, modern medicines, such as antibiotics, and a pistol. I was so charmed by the 1880s that I was seriously considering staying there, evading any attempt to bring me back to my time, the early 21st Century.

I'd established myself quickly, buying a house in upper Manhattan, and had had Eric and Danny as guests, which had resulted in hot sex for us. It had been so exciting that we'd decided to get together the next weekend, again at my house because it offered privacy and amenities that Eric's rooming house did not.

Eric, Danny, and I had several exciting sexual encounters together in my new house. The last one involved Danny "docking" Eric, and saving the combined cream for Eric to savor later. That afternoon, we continued, Eric sucking the accumulated juices from Danny's prick, and then Danny and Eric used their tongues around my helmet together to bring me to orgasm. Finally, Danny and I worked on Eric, and I used my fingertips caressing his naked glans to make him erupt.

Danny promised to bring his friend Tommy along next time we met. Tommy had an exceptionally nippled foreskin, and Eric loved sucking it. The next Saturday, Tommy arrived and we had a tremendously arousing foursome.

Weeks later, Frank arrived on my scene, He was a gay FBI agent sent into the past to investigate and, if necessary, arrest me. He quickly decided to join me rather than return to the future where he'd revert to being circumcised and persecuted for being gay.

Shortly after Frank's arrival, we encountered another FBI tracker from the future, Matt, who had been surgically implanted with a chip to enable the project staff to monitor his location. Neither Matt nor his superiors at the project were aware that all surgery disappeared upon return to the past, and we were able to dispose of Matt quickly and easily, thus negating the threat. When we went to gather Matt's belongings from his hotel, we were followed by Terry, who had been pressed into service by the project as Matt's "gofer." Terry was eager to join us, as he was delighted that he'd regained his foreskin, which had been amputated without his knowledge or consent during surgery for a compound fracture when he was 13.

The characters so far:

Myself, Jack, age 30, six feet, brown hair and eyes, six inch erection, long foreskin, and tight sac.

Eric: My age, blond, blue eyes, erection 5 ¾", low-hangers, slender build. Eric has a passion for cock-cheese.

Danny, about my age and height, brown hair and eyes, erection about 7", long foreskin and loose sac.

Tommy, standing about 5'10", slender, with a long foreskin extending over an inch beyond the end of his red cherry head, forming a long nipple through which he was able to pee without splashing. Erect, he measured about 5 ½" and his sac was loose like the others. Frank, age 35, my height, over six inches hard, with low hangers, shapely helmet and long foreskin restored by time travel, as he's from my own time. Terry, age 25, 5'10", another time traveler. He had brown hair and eyes, and a 6" prick had with a very long time-restored foreskin that he treasured because his original one had been amputated when he was 13.

Part 9:

Saturday morning we got up early, as we were expecting Eric's arrival, and ate a quick breakfast. The night before Terry had docked both Frank and me, a tight fit in his narrow foreskin, which was barely able to stretch to accommodate our big helmets. We'd shot our copious loads into Terry's long hood, bathing is glans with the hot liquid, and then Frank had tied a string snugly around the end of Terry's foreskin to retain the liquids. We knew that this would be a tremendous turn-on for Eric, who had an addiction to foreskin secretions.

We'd watched Terry pee that morning, as Frank coached him on how to let his fluid out while retaining as much of the accumulated cheese and cream as possible:

"That's it, Terry, just skin back enough so that your slit shows," he prompted. "Keep your fingers around it so that the stuff doesn't leak out." Terry's flow began, gushing into the sink, while a couple of small drops of whitish secretion dripped from the bottom of the foreskin's rim. Once he'd finished, Terry brought his hood forward, where the overhang extended almost two inches beyond the bell shaped glans, and Frank tied the end with a string. He was careful not to tie it too tightly because he didn't want to cut off the circulation.

We didn't bother getting dressed because we'd just have to strip down when Eric arrived. Instead, we sat naked around the warm kitchen as the heat from the stove kept it toasty-warm. We drank coffee after breakfast, enjoying the rich flavor of the freshly ground beans. We had no Mr. Coffee, and so I'd had to make it in an old-fashioned porcelain type coffee brewer. The smell of the coffee was accentuated by the lovely masculine odor that wafted from the end of Terry's prick. Even though the end of his foreskin was tied off, moisture leaked through the thin pucker, to deliver the delicious scent.

Terry was still concerned over what had happened to Matt, the FBI tracker who had accompanied him on his trip back through the years.

"It sounds like one of those early cheap Hollywood films, Terry, but Matt had an unfortunate accident," Frank said to him. "I'm sure he won't be bothering us again."

A knock at the door interrupted our talk, and when I went to answer it I found Eric with another guy about his age, whom he introduced as Gary. They entered and stripped down immediately. My eyes were on Gary, whose muscular build showed that he was a manual laborer. When he dropped his underwear, my eyes feasted on a long-foreskinned prick with a generous bulge at the end just before the foreskin closed down in a thick pucker.

"I hope you don't mind my bringing Gary," Eric began. "I've known him a few years and we both love cock-cheese."

"Not at all," I answered. I then made the introductions, pointing out Terry as the one who had accumulated a lot of secretions under his hood. "The rest of us were careful not to wash because we know what you like, but Terry made a special effort. I think he's the champion cheese maker because he's got so much skin," I added. I noticed Gary looking acidly at Terry's prick, which was hanging down with the long tied-off foreskin dangling at the end. Eric noticed this as well, and said:

"Would it be okay if Gary got first crack at Terry's skin? I don't want to be selfish."

"I don't mind if it's okay with Terry," I replied. Terry nodded and Gary moved over to get to his knees in front of Terry's chair, while I got out extra cups and poured coffee for all.

"That's a really long skin," Gary said as he picked up Terry's prick between two fingers and observed how the foreskin overhang dangled vertically beyond the head. He brought the end close to his mouth and grasped the end of the string between two fingers, pulling slowly to undo the knot. As the string fell away, a large dollop of white slowly oozed from the end of Terry's fleshy tube onto Gary's tongue.

"He's been saving that up for a few days," Frank remarked to the group. The odors of chlorine, ammonia, and that special male perfume reached our nostrils, although we knew that Gary was getting the full force of the aroma. Gary rolled the mixture around on his tongue, swallowed, and then pushed his tongue into the end of Terry's fleshy tube.

"He doesn't want to waste a drop," Eric remarked, as he began gently stroking his swelling prick. We were all becoming aroused watching Gary handling Terry's generous foreskin and lapping at its precious contents. Sitting next to Frank, I reached for his manhood, sliding his foreskin in short jiggles over his swollen helmet. Eric pulled a chair over to sit next to me and I felt his fingers in my lap, first cupping my balls and then working their way up my shaft.

Gary's tongue was now deep inside Terry's hood, sampling the tasty creamy mixture, a combination of cheese, semen, and a few drops of urine, that had gathered during the last few days. Gary swallowed repeatedly, savoring every drop. We watched, fascinated, at the effect this was having on him. Gary's prick had become stiff, although he hadn't touched it at all. Now it stood at 90 degrees from his body, and the outline of his big helmet shaped head was clearly visible through the thick foreskin that covered it even with erection.

"Gary's dick's a lot like yours and mine," Frank observed.

"His slit's a lot different from yours," Eric said. "Wait till you see it." Eric's fingers were expertly stroking my prick, grasping it at the end with thumb on top of my ridge and two fingers under the head, massaging both my rim and hot spot with my foreskin as his fingers slid along my vee-groove. I reached for his prick with my left hand, grasping it the same way, certain that he'd enjoy this style of stroking as well. Eric's thin foreskin slid easily, as his cock-eye was already weeping, lubricating the head and hood copiously.

"Good thing Gary's got a long tongue," said Frank, who had been watching the scene with rapt attention. An air of excitement filled the kitchen, affecting us all. Both Frank and Gary's scrotums had already drawn up tightly against their bodies, and Eric's was contracting rapidly. Mine was normally tight.

Terry was the most affected of all, because of the attention Gary was lavishing on his prick. His balls were snug against his body as he slid his hips forward to offer his prick to Gary, whose tongue was circling his bell-shaped glans under the foreskin.

"Terry's dick's starting to jerk," Eric said.

"It's pretty sensitive, like yours," I replied. "He hasn't had it uncovered for days." Gary was working his tongue around inside Terry's hood, careful not to lose a drop of the precious mixture. However, his prick was dripping clear fluid onto the floor, an indication of his excitement.

"Now his tongue's really deep inside," Frank stated. "Terry's rim must be gettin' the full treatment. I could see that Gary was working his thick tongue around the rim of Terry's glans, circling it completely and withdrawing it slightly when he reached the underside to clear Terry's gee-string.

"I think I got it all," Gary said as he drew back, licking his lips.

"That must have tasted good," Eric said.

"It tasted like ripe cheese," countered Gary, who was now slowly pulled down on Terry's shaft skin. We watched as the thin fleshy shroud slipped backward and the front dome of Terry's head appeared, red and glossy. Gary tickled Terry's slit with his tongue-tip as he continued baring the head.

"The head's shaped like a bell," commented Eric as Terry's foreskin slid back behind the glans. "It's as red as Tommy's." Tommy was one of Eric's companions, with a cherry head under a very long foreskin.

"It's as sensitive as Tommy's," I added.

"Guys with long skins have really sensitive heads," Eric said. "You can tell because they're red, not purple like ours." Now Gary had Terr y's skin drawn back all the way, baring not only the rim but the groove behind it.

"I tasted his cheese, and now I want his spunk," Gary announced. We'd briefed Terry on the 19th Century terms we'd heard, and he didn't seem surprised at the words. Gary circled Terry's rim with his tongue-tip, and with the skin retracted we all watched its progress down one side and up the other, caressing both the corona and the groove behind it as terry sighed with delight.

"The tip's gettin' darker," Frank observed. "I don't know how long Terry can hold out." We could see the tension in Terry's body as his hands gripped the seat of his chair tightly.

"I'm gonna work on the bottom of the head," Gary announced as he paused momentarily. "With a hot dick-tip like this one, I'll make him spend fast." He bent forward again and we saw his tongue-tip slip under Terry's glans, vibrating as it strummed the tender gee-string.

Terry had been sighing but now his breathing became ragged as he began to grunt at the intense sensations. We saw the tension build in his body, and his chest heaved slightly.

"HUNH-HUNH-HUNH!" he began as each flick of Gary's tongue against his tight gee-string made his prick jerk. Now Terry's legs began trembling as the pent-up excitement sought an outlet. Gary pulled harder on the shaft skin, and we saw Terry's bell end dip down towards his balls as the gee-string tightened. Clear fluid oozed steadily from his distended slit down onto Gary's tongue. The glans was dark red, straining with the excitement, and now Terry's eyes closed.

"HUNH-HUNH-HUNHHH!" Terry grunted as the sensations in his naked tip peaked. His stomach muscles visibly contracted as he went over the edge, and we heard him bellow "HHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUNNNNNHHHH!" as a creamy white jet erupted from his slit to fall onto Gary's waiting tongue. Gary opened his mouth wider as Terry's straining red tip shot again, sending another rope of fluid into the back of his mouth. I felt Eric's fingers tighten on my prick as he became caught up in the excitement of Terry's orgasm. The chlorine odor of Terry's discharge hit our nostrils.

Terry groaned loudly in joyful agony as his third stream poured from his slit, slamming through the lips and shooting into Gary's waiting mouth. I felt a tickle deep in my cock-root and knew that the vicarious thrill of watching the orgasm was reaching me, too. I normally seep very little natural lube, but this time I was very aroused by the display.

Terry's face was flushed and his entire body shuddered as his prick poured its fourth load into Gary's mouth. Now Gary stopped flicking his tongue and just held Terry's prick with the skin still tightly drawn back, waiting for the rest of the discharges.

Shorter streams of cream poured from Terry's slit as he finished draining himself. His loud groans subsided, and the gushes became a slow dribble. Gary's fingers relented on Terry's shaft, and the bell head came up to its normal position. Gary slipped a finger of his left hand behind Terry's tight sac, pressing in to milk the liquid forward. Now he concentrated on the shaft, pressing two fingers into the underside and allowing the foreskin to slip forward almost to the end of the glans. His tongue lapped the precious drops oozing from the slit, and when he'd gotten it all he drew the long foreskin forward over the softening head.

There was a pool of clear liquid on the floor under where Gary had knelt, evidence of his acute arousal. He turned to Eric and me, his rock-hard erection pointing at us.

Gary's really ready for it now," Eric said as he released my prick. He got up and Gary took his chair. Eric knelt between his outstretched legs.

"I'd better do him," Eric explained to me. "I know exactly what he needs. He's a little different from you." Eric's fingers grasped Gary's prick around the big bulge in his foreskin and slowly drew it back to reveal a big purple helmet, somewhat like mine and Frank's. Gary's prick was a bit over six niches to the end of the glans, and the flaring rim stood out above the bunched foreskin collar behind it. The odor of wet foreskin and glans hit my nostrils, and I inhaled deeply of his rich masculine scent.

"Look at his slit," Eric said, and I directed my eyes to the front dome of Gary's helmet. Gary had the longest slit I'd ever seen, beginning in the very center of the dome and running down almost to the vee-groove, over half and inch in length. "When he spends, you'll see that he doesn't squirt like the rest of us, it just pours out."

"Gary likes it when I stick my finger inside," Eric explained as he steadied Gary's prick with his left hand and inserted his little finger to the first joint into Gary's well-lubricated slit. The lips distended as Eric pushed his finger inside, probing for the nerve endings.

"Can I cup his balls?" I asked, wanting to help.

"Go ahead, he'll like it, won't you, Gary?" Eric answered, and Gary nodded assent. I slipped my fingers under the tight sac and clasped it gently. Meanwhile, Eric shifted his grip, bringing his thumb onto Gary's flaring rim at the top and pressing two fingers into the vee-groove under the head. Gary's swollen glans was well-lubricated, and Eric began a slight back and forth movement, massaging the rim and the gee-string. Gary shuddered with a deep sigh of satisfaction at the dual sensations.

"He likes it this way because I'm squeezing his hot spot, with my pinkly inside and my fingers outside." Eric continued gently caressing Gary's tender tip, which quickly turned darker as he sighed in delight. Clear ooze emerged between Eric's finger and the distended lips of the slit, and Eric massaged the lubricant into the bottom of the head, working it into the vee-groove and the sensitive strip of flesh it contained.

I noticed that Terry had roused himself from his torpor and was watching the scene avidly, as was Frank to my right. I'd let go of Frank's prick to turn my attention to Gary, and Frank was slowly massaging his hood over the engorged head, revealing about half of it with each backstroke.

Gary's breathing deepened and he gripped the sides of the chair seat as tension mounted in his body. I slowly and gently kneaded his balls to add to his sensations as Eric continued to massage his flaring rim and gee-string. Now Eric twisted his pinkly slightly inside Gary's hole, and Gary shuddered hard. His legs stiffened and he slid slightly forward on the chair, offering his prick and balls for stimulation.

"Hunnnhhh," he moaned as the sensations took over his consciousness. I saw his jaw clench and his stomach muscles ripple with tension.

"Just try to relax," I murmured, as Eric pulled back harder on Gary's skin. I noticed a few flecks of white on the back face of his corona as it came into view, and the sharp odor from his prick intensified.

"That's a beautiful head," Frank observed. "He's got a thick rim like us and his slit's really big." Frank, like me, appreciated the masculine beauty of a shapely cock-head.

"I can feel the rim getting harder," Eric said to us. I noticed that the sheen of Gary's helmet had turned into a high gloss, proof that it was utterly distended. His breathing was becoming ragged, and he was gasping.

Hunh-hunh-hunh," Gary huffed, grunting softly as the sensations mounted.

"How are you doing?" I asked as I shifted my hold on his sac, now grasping the skin at the bottom.

"Hunh, okay," he grunted, nodding his head.

"I'm gonna tug on the skin of your balls," I explained, wanting him to know what I was doing. "It's gonna make you feel good."

I saw Gary closing his eyes, surrendering to the waves of sensation, and knew that he'd be loosing his sperm within seconds. Eric's fingers continued their maddening stimulation of Gary's corona and frenulum, with his little finger massaging it from the inside as well.

"Gonna keep your finger in there when he spunks?" Frank asked.

"That's right. His tube's gonna stretch when he spends, and that's gonna make him really howl loud." Eric's prognostication sounded very interesting, and I was eager to see Gary descend into orgasm, overwhelmed by the massive sensations. I was now tugging gently at the skin of his sac, adding fuel to the fire, and waiting momentarily for the explosion. I felt a throb in the skin as Gary threw his head back.

"HUNH! HUNH! HUUUUNNNNH!" he howled as the first shock of orgasm hit him. His helmet jerked visibly in Eric's fingers and he lifted his hips from the chair. A slight ooze of cream seeped from between Eric's finger and the lips of his slit. Gary's body jerked again, and I leaned close and saw the pulse that was visible in the tube under his shaft. His hard cries filled the room, howls of agony mixed with ecstasy, as a third contraction gripped him and poured more fluid into his distended tube.

"He's gettin' sensitive, now watch," Eric said as he released Gary's prick and withdrew his finger. A thick gush of chlorine-scented cream poured from the long slit, and Eric caught most of it in his palm. Gary's prick, now standing alone, jerked upward as it shot again, the rush of cream distending the slit as it poured slowly through its lips. Eric brought his palm up to his mouth, tasting Gary's ejaculate, as he put his other palm under the head to catch the rest.

Gary continued to howl, although the pressure in his prick had been released and the stream was running free. His gushes were weaker, though, and soon slowed to a dribble. His helmet was still dark purple, but the lips of his slit were reddish, still gaping from the fluid that continued seeping between them. Now Eric leaned forward and his tongue swiped up along the drooling slit, bringing a loud cry from Gary.

"He's really sensitive," Eric said, "but I couldn't let that spunk go to waste." Gary's prick was still jerking up and down slightly with the weakening contractions in his cock-root, and soon was still.

"Damn, I nearly spunked watching that," Frank commented. "He didn't shoot jets, but what a heavy load." His excitement was clearly visible in the clear viscous fluid that was pouring from his foreskin-covered head and running down his shaft and fingers. I noticed a drop leaking from my foreskin pucker, ready to fall to the floor, and I quickly jacked my foreskin a couple of times to spread it evenly over my helmet.

"That was beautiful," Terry said. He'd been watching from his chair, and had appreciated the spectacle. His prick was now limp, and his scrotum had relaxed. Frank, on the other hand, was very hot, and Eric noted this:

"I think you need to spend next," he said, crawling over to Frank's chair. He gently clasped Frank's prick at the end, slowly uncovering the big purple helmet, and I smelled the familiar male odor from his newly bared glans.

"It feels good when I go slowly, doesn't it?" Eric asked. "I know how good it feels when the skin stretches over the big end." Frank moaned, and a thin spurt of clear lube erupted from the teardrop shaped hole at the end, running down the glans and over his retracted skin ring. It continued down over Eric's fingers. I knew Frank needed the sensations, and I reached between his spread thighs and cupped his now tight sac.

"I'm gonna try to go slow with him," Eric explained. "It's nice to spend fast, but the longer it takes, the harder it is when he finally spends. I'll work him up slowly." He changed his grip, holding Frank's staff with his left hand while using his right index finger to trace the contour of the flaring rim.

"That's not too hard for you, is it?" he asked Frank.

"No, I don't think you'll have me spending too soon," Frank replied. "Just take it nice and easy." Frank's prick was very hard, the veins standing out on his shaft, and the straining head was already dark purple. Eric removes his finger and after a few seconds, lightly touched the gee-string, following it down from the apex of the vee-groove to where it blended into the foreskin.

"I'll stop again," he said. "I don't want him to get too hot. He's already almost there, with that big head so swollen. It's really hard where I touched it." Now he wiped his fingertip across Frank's clearly defined teardrop orifice, making Frank shudder in response, and paused again. Another clear drop oozed from the distended hole.

"Ahhhhh," sighed Frank, awestruck by the delicate sensations. I knew how he felt, his attention withdrawing from the outside world and focusing on the delicious sensations in his prick. I kept my fingers cupping his balls, without moving, because I didn't want to add to his excitement. I did press my fingertips lightly into the skin behind his sac, so that I'd feel the pulses when he began to come.

Eric kept his grip on the shaft, exerting just enough tension to keep the glans bare for his gaze and touch, avoiding tension on the gee-string, which would propel Frank over the edge very quickly at this stage. Now he worked his finger around the thick fleshy ring behind the rim, caressing its nerve endings in light, teasing touches. Frank moaned softly, and his prick twitched slightly. Eric paused again.

"I can keep him here for a long time," he said. "If I don't let him spend he'll get soft after awhile."

"Are you going to let him get soft, and then start again?" I asked.

"No, I don't think so. He wouldn't spend any harder if I did that. I'm just gonna keep him hard, ready to spunk, for a few more minutes."

"You've really got him leaking," Terry commented, as he'd been avidly watching Eric's technique.

"He's also got a little cheese behind the rim, and you know how I like that," Eric said as he bowed his head and licked the flaring rim down one side. Now he paused for a few seconds and slipped his tongue under the head, licking the sides of the vee-shaped groove to catch all the flavor. Frank's prick twitched again.

"I'll get it all, one step at a time," he said, pausing. After a few seconds, he worked his tongue up the other side, and probed deeply into the groove behind the flaring purple rim.

"Frank's really excited," I said as his prick twitched again.

"The head's so swollen the back side of his rim's almost black," Eric commented. "I could make him spend right now, but I'll give him another couple of minutes." Now he flicked his tongue across Frank's teardrop hole, licking away the large clear drop that had appeared to fill the orifice. Again, Frank's prick twitched in response. I felt the mild throb in the skin behind his sac.

"I like the taste of his cheese and also his juice," Eric said as he licked again at the straining glans, this time caressing the broad upper surface.

"You're pretty excited too," I said, pointing to the drips of fluid on the floor. Eric's prick had been leaking steadily, and there were two pools of liquid, one in front of Frank and the other in front of Gary, who was recovering from the shock to his system and watching Eric's technique.

"He'll probably squirt a lot," Gary said, "since his hole's smaller than mine. I never saw one that shape before."

"You'll see another when I do Jack," Eric commented. "Their dicks are almost twins."

"Want me to make you spend when Frank does?" I asked. "I think I can make you start just when he finishes." Eric's prick was hard and obviously straining, and I knew he was ready.

"That would be nice, but make sure you don't make me spend too fast," he replied. "I've got to make sure Frank goes first." I reached down and grasped Eric's prick by the end, sliding the thin foreskin in short jiggles over his rim. His foreskin was fairly short, and came only half-way up the head now that he was hard. More juice flowed from Eric's slit, and my fingers were slipping over his foreskin.

I felt Gary's thumb and index fingers clasping my helmet through my covering skin, giving it short squeezes.

"That feel good?" he asked.

"That feels wonderful," I said as my cock-root contract in reflex to every squeeze. Gary paused.

"I'll be careful, now," he said. "I don't want to make you spunk before they're finished.

"Frank's eyes just closed," Eric said. "I think he's ready." He resumed the light, teasing touches with his fingertip, caressing the high flaring rim down each side, and then flicking his fingertip against the gee-string. Frank's cock-root throbbed lightly and he moaned. His face was flushed both from the excitement and the effort of staying relaxed, which he knew would prolong his build-up. Eric paused again.

"I'll keep touching him like this until he starts to spend," he explained to me. "Then I'll wrap my fingers around his tip and give him a couple of jerks to make sure he spends properly. I knew his tip gets too sensitive like ours do, so then I'll stop, but I'll keep his skin pulled tight."

"When he starts, I'll pull your skin back and work on the head," I said. "That should start you off too."

"Do that," Eric agreed. "Now I'll start working him up so that he spends." He ran a fingertip around the rim again, down one side, and then tapped it against Frank's vee-groove. Now he tapped it against Frank's teardrop hole, and we heard Frank begin to moan.

"Ah-ah-ah," he moaned, the volume rising as Eric kept tapping his glans in different spots. Now Eric swept his fingers down to the vee-groove and pressed harder as he strummed it side to side.

"AH-HAH-HAH!" Frank yelped, and I felt the hard throb of his cock-root in my fingertips. The first jet erupted from his straining glans straight into Eric's waiting mouth as Eric formed a ring with his thumb and forefinger and began to stroke the glans hard.

Eric's fingers came up to bump the rim when Frank cried out again and his prick sent another hot jet into Eric's mouth. Now Eric's fingers were twisting around Frank's rim, adding to the sensations, and I gripped Eric's prick tightly to force the hood back.

"HAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Frank cried, torn between agony and ecstasy as his prick throbbed again, sending another hot jet into Eric's mouth. Eric's eyes closed and his lips kissed the front dome of Frank's helmet as his prick exploded. Eric moaned loudly as my fingers encircled his glans, stroking and twisting hard, to heighten his orgasm. He kept his mouth closed, just sucking in Frank's juice.

Fortunately, Eric had let go of me as his climax had begun wracking his body, or he would have drawn the orgasm from me, as the sight, feel, and sounds of two hot men getting their rocks off at the same time was very arousing. Eric's prick kept shooting, his hot throbbing glans slippery in my fingers. I inhaled deeply of the delicious musk and chlorine aroma, finding it so highly erotic that my prick twitched a couple of times.

Frank's prick was still twitching hard, dumping his load into Eric's mouth. His face was flushed and he was moaning loudly, but less frantically as before. The hot fury of Eric's orgasm was still in full swing, and Terry slid over to lie on the floor and catch Eric's ejaculations in his open mouth.

Frank's spasms began to taper off, and a few seconds later Eric's jets became dribbles. It was becoming quiet in the kitchen now that their loads were mostly discharged, and they became still, exhausted by the hard contractions that had wracked their bodies.

Frank was the first to open his eyes, and seemed surprised that Eric's lips were still wrapped around his softening helmet. He said weakly:

"That was hot! I still can't believe it."

"That long build-up made it hotter for your," I said. "Your body had lots of time to get ready, and by the time Eric let you cream, you really needed to unload." Terry looked up at me, puzzled by the unfamiliar expression I'd just used.

"We spent some time in the New Mexico Territory," I explained. "They use different words for some things out there."

"Did you see Billy the Kid?" Terry asked, a look of interest in his eyes.

"No, we were in Santa Fe, far from Lincoln, where Billy got into trouble," I replied.

Eric was now rousing himself, and looked up a me. He smiled, and I knew he was looking forward to doing me next.

"Jack, you've been hard for almost an hour now. You look like you need some help." His fingers closed around my prick, sliding my foreskin back and forth in short light strokes.

"That feels good," I said. "Your fingers always feel good around my prick." He sat in front of me, and I spread my legs to give him full access.

"I want to see your big head," he said as he slowly pushed the foreskin down off the swollen helmet while Frank and Terry watched. Gary was off to the side, also watching.

"You're nice and wet, Jack, but not wet enough for what I want to do." He reached down to dip his fingertips into the pools of cool sperm on the tile floor and brought them up to my bare head, gently massaging the thick liquid into the sensitive surface.

"I'll use a light touch, like I did on Frank. That did it for him, and I think it'll work on you." His fingertips ran lightly around my rim, producing a light tickle as they caressed the sensitive nerve endings.

"I'm just gonna hold your skin back, to let me touch the whole head," he said as he maintained his hold on the thick fleshy collar that encircled my corona.

"I don't think Jack's gonna last long," Frank said. "Look at how swollen the head is." Eric's expert fingers moved sideways over the broad upper surface of my helmet, sending thrills into the nerve endings.

"I'll make sure he does," Eric said as he paused. "I'm in no hurry, and I think he's patient enough to wait."

"Do what you want, Eric," I said. "I know I'm in good hands. Frank's fingers eased under my scrotum, cupping me, and I tried to relax and enjoy the ride. Now Eric's fingers gently probed the vee-groove under my glans, lightly caressing my gee-string, and I felt my prick twitch in response.

"That did something to you," he said. "Now I'll give you a rest for a few seconds." He removed his fingers, but still held my prick behind the neck to keep the foreskin drawn back, perhaps having forgotten that it locks behind the high ridge.

"Feel that?" Frank said as he began to knead my sac gently, and I felt my balls sliding in their sac, heightening my sensations.

"Now let's see about that hole," Eric said as he swiped a fingertip across my teardrop shaped orifice. "Feels good, doesn't it?"

I nodded, and he swiped his finger across my hole again, and again my prick twitched.

"The head's so shiny," commented Gary.

"I can feel it gettin' harder when I touch it," Eric responded, sweeping several fingertips across the broad upper surface.

"Try to stay relaxed, Jack," said Frank, and I felt the tension building inexorably in my body. I spread my legs farther, and involuntarily slid my hips forward, unconsciously offering my prick and balls to Eric and Frank to touch as they desired.

"The head's really hard now, and I think it just got darker," Eric commented. I felt the tension building, and a feeling of helplessness came over me. I wwas all theirs, and enjoying it.

"Let's stop for a second while I tell you what I'm gonna do next," Eric said. "I'm still holding on to your dick, but I'll be pulling the skin back so I can get at the back of your rim. I know you're real sensitive there, like me and Frank." His fingers tightened slightly as they moved down my shaft, dragging my thick fleshy collar with them. I moaned at the delicious stretchy sensation, and saw Eric smile up me in satisfaction.

"That tip looks beautiful," commented Gary, who was watching avidly as Eric delicately manipulated my prick. "The hole's so different from mine. It's also got those little bumps around the rim." Now Eric's finger lightly caressed the back face of my corona, hitting the protruding nerve endings Gary had mentioned. I gripped the side of the seat at his touch.

"Now we're ready for the last step, Jack. "I'm gonna make you spunk right now." His fingers pressed harder around my rim, his thumb flicking over the flare on top to send hot sparks of sensation stabbing deep into my helmet. The tickling feeling was changing into the familiar hot tingle, and my eyes closed as I withdrew from the world.

"He's close, real close," Frank murmured as I became totally absorbed in the hot sensations in my prick. Eric's fingers caressed my straining glans in broad strokes, constantly moving now.

"UNNNHHHH," I moaned, still trying to stay relaxed, but Eric's insistent fingers wouldn't let me relax as they danced over my straining glans, and suddenly my world exploded.

"HUNNNNHHH!" I heard myself howl as the heavy pounding began deep inside me, my cock-root contracting to expel the first hot jet. The fluid squirted into my tube, and seared its way up the channel to erupt from the distended lips of my meatus.

I threw my head back and howled again in joyful agony as the second spasm wracked me, sending another gush of hot lava up my prick. Eric's fingers continued their maddening torture of my hot hard helmet, and I felt myself dissolving as the rush of sensations overwhelmed me. I floated away on a cloud of sensations emanating from my prick and groin.

I remember coming out of my daze and opening my eyes to see Eric, Frank, Terry, and Gary looking down at me. Eric bent forward to plant a kiss on my lips.

"You really spunked this time," he said.

"Your tip was like a firehose nozzle," Gary added.

"You shot three feet into the air," Frank added. "Eric was almost drowning trying to drink it."

"I felt your tip throbbing so hard..." Eric said.

"I felt each pulse behind your balls," Frank added.

I slowly came out of my stupor, feeling the relaxation creeping over my body, a feeling of blissful satisfaction, contentment, and joy at having shared such an experience with four hot guys.

The End of Part 9

Next: Chapter 10

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