All the Comforts of Home

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jan 15, 2012




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"Ah, all the comforts of home!" Nelson said as he rose from the water, diamond sparkles surrounding him as the beads of water flew from his sun-browned body in all directions. His body was the muscled hulk of a former football player who had joined the Army and now was death in both hands. "A tent over our heads for shelter, slop at the chow line three times a day for meals, and a muddy river to bathe in, and this is supposed to be our R&R after all these fucking months. You got to love the Army life!"

"At least we ain't getting shot at." Barker responded. "That's got to be worth something." They were part of the Fourth Army Group which had invaded this small island, taking it away from the Japs and paying for it in blood. Of the thousand or so men they had started with, only 300 were left and to those 300, the blood they had spilled and spilled from the Japs had bonded them closer than he'd ever been to any other man or woman since his mother or father.

Barker was a mirror of Nelson, except where Nelson's hair was a dirty blond color, his was dark brown to the point of just being shy of black. He had more hair on his chest than Nelson, too, by quite a lot, where Nelson had only a light dust between his breasts, Barker's was a thick thatch that held the water when he rose, leaving the hairs forming straight lines down his ample chest shelf and outlining the six-pack of his abs.

But Nelson wasn't having any of that. "We hope we ain't gonna get shot at." he corrected Barker. "Some of those Japs don't have the slightest idea of how to give up. There could be one now in those bushes over there." He pointed to a point slightly down the river.

A form moved out from the bushes Nelson pointed at and Barker jumped, then chuckled. "Herrick ain't no Jap sniper, last I saw. He's just bashful." That was true, Herrick was their radio officer and where they had joined the Army to flex their muscles, Herrick had joined to keep them in contact with the rest of the world. His body was smaller and thinner than the two hulks watching him, and maybe that was why he turned his head their way, then carefully turned his back to them as he waded deeper into the water.

"Damned if Herrick don't look just like a woman from the back." Nelson mused as the two watched their bashful comrade wade to hip level, then sit down in the river to cover himself up to shoulder-height.

"You been in the jungle too long." Barker laughed at his buddy.

"You damned right I have been." Nelson agreed. "Shit, man, we ever gonna get us any poontang? I joined the Army to get some poontang."

"Poor choice of careers for that." Barker answered. "Would have been better taking off to Hollywood for that." There had been a small native population on this island, but all of them had been gone by the time the Army had arrived. Somewhere in the jungle, perhaps, was a pile of their bleached bones, the two men hadn't looked for them. For now, the population of this island was US Army or the diminishing Japanese presence on the northern end.

"I just wanted to shoot the Japs, get drunk, and get laid." Nelson went on.

"Two out of three ain't bad." Barker pointed out. The Army winked at the men who cobbled together stills to let the men get their whistles wetted, as long as the dispensers kept the booze within certain bounds. Back of the line, it was drink all you want, and both men had greased their throats liberally before taking to the river to wash some of the grime and sweat off.

"Yeah, but I want me some tail, and right now, I wouldn't give a shit what the gal looked like." Nelson said.

"You'd fuck a Jap gal?"

"Damned right I would, even if her snatch went sideways."

"How about an old broad, like eighty years old."

"Yeah, I'd take that, too, right now. Been too fucking long."

A splash downstream caught Barker's attention, Herrick was standing up, getting out of the water, his brief bath ended. Again, the body with its thin arms, broad rounded hips and slender waist put Barker poignantly in mind of a naked woman. "Would you fuck a woman who looked like Herrick?" he asked.

"Don't tempt me, he looks damned good from this side." Nelson went on. "Of course, the other side ruins the picture."

"Flat chested." Barker nodded.

"And hung like a horse." Nelson added.

"Is he? Really? When have you seen him?"

"Walked up on him while he was taking a whizz a few weeks ago." Nelson explained. "He didn't see me at first and I got a good look at it. Hangs down to here." Nelson dipped his hand below the water to make a point nearly two thirds the way to his knee.

"Shit! Really?"

"You should check him out. Now's your chance, he'll probably lay down on his clothes over there until he gets dry. He's trying to pick up a bit of a tan, too, I think."

"Hell, yeah, I will." Barker started wading in Herrick's direction.

"But keep the hell quiet." Nelson advised, coming after him. "Or he'll cover himself faster'n a virgin bride when her new husband comes out of the bathroom naked."

They'd had plenty of practice in wading through water noiselessly. They made it to Herrick's feet, which were dangling in the water, without rousing him in any way. Peering carefully around the edge of the bush which still concealed the upper half of his body, Barker got himself an eyeful and then turned to Nelson, finger to his lips in the immortal "shhh!" signal, and gestured with his eyes.

Nelson slid up next to him, so close that his body was pressed against Barker's, cock pushing on Barker's thigh but that was only so Nelson could see what Barker had seen.

Herrick was masturbating, his head looking sideways at the bush. Barker's wish to see Herrick's prong was granted with a vengeance, he had just goggled at it in full fury and under powered manipulation, Herrick's hand making rapid up-and-down pumps at his dong as he stared at the, under it!

Barker looked to where Herrick was looking. Ah, ha! The last syllable of that slipped out of his mouth, a soft sound. "Hah!"

Enough to alert Herrick to his audience. He looked down at the two men peering at him around the edge of the bush and gave a "Yawp!" sound and his hands went down to push against, cover his rampant erection.

"Enjoying the show, Herrick?" Barker asked him.

"Shouldn't he be asking you that?" Nelson corrected him.

Barker shook his head. "You saw him looking to the side. You didn't notice where he was looking?"

Nelson looked at Herrick, then over at the men back where they'd come from. A half dozen naked male bodies laughing and splashing each other in heedless, happy abandon, letting the water spray as they chased each other, wrestled each other, slapping each other's backs, even a playful grope at each other's crotch now and then. "God damn!" he said, but he said not in strong profanity, but a soft, slow sort of wonder. Go-o-od da-a-amn!

"Watching your buddies naked while you jerk your pud." Barker confirmed. "Kind of a queer thing for you to be doing, ain't it?"

"I...I didn't mean nothing by it." Herrick whined and his resolve evaporated. "You won't tell anyone, will you? Huh, will you, huh, will you?"

Herrick had been with them from the first landing on the island. He'd been their lifeline, the guy who finagled supplies they needed by bargaining with other units, the guy who'd called in support when they'd needed it desperately. He was as much a part of the unit as any of them. "Hell, no, I'm not going to tell anyone." Barker stated firmly. "We fucking need you, man!"

"Damned straight!" Nelson confirmed. "You want to watch us naked, go right ahead and watch!"

"Pump your pud all you want to." Barker agreed. "Least we can do."

"Oh, God, thanks, guys, thanks!" Herrick babbled gratefully. "Anything I can do for you two, you just let me know, and I'll get it for you."

"We don't need anything..." Barker began

Nelson interrupted, "Now that you mention it, there is something we could sure use."

"Sure, man, anything, you name it."

"I was just telling Barker here how this place has a big piece missing in terms of the comforts a man deserves and expects from his R&R."

"A really big piece." Barker agreed, seeing where Nelson was going.

"We got a substitute for the hotel rooms we ought to get, with the tents." Nelson went on. "We got the chow line to substitute for the decent food. We got hooch to substitute for good sipping whiskey. But the girls on Hotel Row, that we ain't got. We need a substitute for the gals."

"We need it bad." Barker put in.

"You want to...." Herrick's eyes got wide. "You want to fuck me?"

"Way you were watching the guys and whacking your pud, I figure you'd love it."

"Tell us we're wrong and we'll go away." Nelson offered.

"Are we wrong?"

"No." came the slow answer.

"That's what I thought." Barker said. He caught hold of both of Herrick's legs and lifted them up and wide. The pink tuckerhole between the crevice was displayed by the motion, a wrinkle between two moons. "And there it is, our substitute pussy."

"All the comforts of home." Nelson agreed.

Barker considered his erection, compared it to the waiting asshole. "But how we going to slick this thing up so it'll fit in?"

"I got some soap." Herrick offered, holding up the bar. "It ought to slick you up pretty good."

"Lather up the old bunghole, huh?" Barker snickered.

"You want me to rub it on you, buddy?" Nelson offered.

"Hell, yeah." Barker agreed. "I'll work on stretching out this asshole. It's going to need stretching before I try to ram this in."

Herrick gasped when Barker leaned over and his tongue probed at the tender entrance. The anus was freshly washed and tasted sweet on Barker's tongue-tip. He jammed his tongue into that nexus, felt the shudder of delight that raced through Herrick's body as Barker's strong jabs pleasured his butthole.

Then it was his turn to grunt, for Nelson's hand, loaded with soap, was stroking it up and down his prick. He was already hot and throbbing and the hand was gripping him tightly and sliding rapidly up and down. "Ah, ah, shit!" he groaned. "Fuck, Nelson, stroke my damned pud! Faster, damn it, faster!"

"Don't blow your wad that fast." Nelson advised. "Save it for Herrick's ass."

"Yeah, fuck, yeah!" Barker moaned. Nelson let go and he jammed his cock at Herrick's butt.

There was a moment of resistance, then Herrick grunted and suddenly the way was clear. With only minor catches along the way, Barker's prong slid into Herrick's ass, slicked by the soap and warmed by the heat of Herrick's ass as it went inside.

"Gah, that's a tight butt." Barker grunted as he felt the tightness constrict upon him. "Damn, man, you squeeze me any tighter, I'm gonna shoot it without moving!"

He grimaced, gritted his teeth, and began to hunch back and forth. The ass clung to him like glue but the motions caused the muscles of Herrick's butt to slowly loosen.

Now it was just right. "Aw, yeah, now you got me going! Just hold me like that while I finish fucking you. Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!"

"Aw, fuck, that's so hot!" Nelson oozed from behind him. "You got his cock leaking like a sonuvabitch! I bet he creams just from you fucking him!"

"Shit, I'm so fucking close, I'm going blow!" Barker gasped. "Can't hold out!"

"Go ahead, fill him full of your jizz!" Nelson breathed from behind him. Nelson's crank was rubbing on Barker's ass, sticky juices pouring out of it onto Barker's flesh. Barker had a flash of that prod sliding over and into his butt and the sudden rush of that fantasy pushed him over the edge.

"Ah, God, I'm coming, fuck, yeah, AH, AH, HUH, GUH, UH, UH, UH!" he squirted his jizz into Herrick's ass, the hot steamy load splashed back over his cock and made the ass-tunnel a scalding hot cauldron into which he was pouring his seed.

Herrick moaned and shuddered, and Barker wondered at first if he was coming, but there was no load gushing out, even as he finished blowing his spunk into that hot butt and hung gasping over Herrick's pale, smooth body.

"God, man, God!" he moaned. "Fuck, but that was good!"

"Me, now, let me, let me! I want to feel your jizz on my cock when I stick it in, fuck yeah!" Nelson almost shoved Barker over in his eagerness to get at the freshly-plowed ass. His cock was already smeared with soap and the head was red-angry from Nelson's horny rubbing at Barker's ass.

He got that red globe up against Herrick's ass and he shoved it in hard. Herrick grunted and a squirp of Barker's jizz flew up and arced away from the two bodies, flying free. Barker saw the white meteor, saw the way Herrick shivered and knew that the radioman was about to cream, right now. Herrick's huge prong was waggling as Nelson plowed his ass, and it looked so damned big, so damned fat and luscious and....

Barker lunged over and took that dong into his mouth. Herrick's eyes grew wide as he saw the beefy soldier suck in his prod and he moaned, and hot salty squibs flooded into Barker's mouth.

Barker sucked the milky man-juices down blissfully, yeah, shit, yeah, hot and creamy and he was drinking it all.

"Fuck, man!" Nelson heaved. "You freaking drank his come!"

"Hell, yeah!" Barker said as he let go of the now-spent rod, and licked his lips. "Damned good, too!"

"God, you, oh, oh, AH, AH-GAH-HAH!" And Nelson's face flushed bright red and he exploded into Herrick, pulled out and squirted over Herrick, spraying Barker's face which was still low over Herrick's body, creamed, finished, and was gasping.

Barker took the time while Nelson recovered to lap the spent love-juices off Herrick's body, savoring the thick, manly flavor of it

"Ah, Barker, I can't believe you did that!" Nelson heaved when he caught his breath.

"Got caught up in the moment." Barker reached down with his finger and scooped the final pearl off Nelson's glans and lifted it to his lips. "Fucking good, man, fucking good!"

Nelson laughed and shoved Barker hard, pushing him back into the river. He followed, as did Herrick and the three indulged in some plain old horseplay, dunking each other and relaxing for the first time since they'd landed on this Jap-infested island.

"Hey there!" came a voice after a time. The three looked up to see Captain Carver standing over them, dressed as always in clean, fresh fatigues. "You three are enjoying your R&R, I see."

"You better believe it." Barker agreed.

"All the comforts of home." Nelson added.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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