All You Need Is a Little Love

By Ren

Published on Nov 28, 2007


This is the final one y'all so enjoy.

Okay this relationship was poppin I was loving it and the sex kept getting better nothing could take my eye of Lexy and hopefully nothing could take her eyes off me.

Then all of a sudden it seemed like girl was avoiding me I hadn't seen her properly for 2 days that might seem like not a lot but for me it was way too much.

"Jaydene where Lexy at," I asked. She looked at me for a second like she was debating within herself.

"I haven't seen her," she lied.

"Trigga I aint playin where is she!" I said loosing patience.

"Look, I didn't tell you but word is she aint feeling too good and she doesn't want you to know, sorry boo," she said walking away. I didn't care about class I didn't care about anything except finding my boo straight up.

I went straight to her crib her mom wasn't in and the door was open so I walked in, there Lexy was sitting on the couch, with a huge sweater on with seat pants. She turned and saw me and jumped off the couch.

"Hey baby," she said smiling nervously at me.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked walking over to her when I touched her she flinched. "What" I said, getting very worried.

"Nothing I just got a cold," she lied this girl could not lie especially not to me. Then I knew. I pulled her forward and kissed her, slowly sliding my tongue into her mouth and she sucked on it and massaged with her tongue. I had full control so I took of her sweat shirt and pulled out from the kiss. I looked at her body and saw bruises everywhere on her breast and a big purple one on her stomach and on her arms.

"What the fuck happened," I yelled involuntarily, I was shaking with anger she was obviously in pain.

"I fell down the stairs," she lied, which really got me mad

"It's a shame through everything you cant tell me the truth, so your telling me when you fell down the stairs a hand print bruise formed," I said in a sharp tone pointing to the bruise on her arm in the shape of a hand.

"That was me I held my arm too tight," she said building up on her lies.

"I'm going to give you one more chance to tell me what happened or I'm going to fuck up every gurl or dude with the hand size close matching to that, or even better I'll just leave you," I said walking toward the door.

"Wait...Jay don't go," Lexy mumbled, she was on the verge of tears. I stopped and walked over to her, I wanted to hug her but I was still mad at her for lying to me.

"Some girls beat the shit out of me two days ago," she simply said.

"WHAT! WHO?," now I knew I had to get my boxing gloves on ya dig.

"I don't know," she said.

"Come here baby," she walked over to me feebly. I held her close but gently and removed her sweater the second time but this time I had different intentions.

"2 days boo, I need you here and now," I whispered in her ear. Here body and her eyes were saying she wanted me but there was something about her demeanour. "What's wrong now," I asked getting a tiny bit frustrated. She sat on the couch and pulled off her sweat pants and opened her thighs, and I saw two huge purple bruises on her inner thighs, I was like goddamn this person didn't only beat her they molested her.

"I know but it didn't get that far a dude came and helped me out," she sighed

"You nearly got RAPED by a bunch of girls I didn't think there were that many gay girls in one place, oh shit I can't deal with this right now," I said walking out, I heard her calling after me but I couldn't let her see me cry after we'd agreed on no more crying.

We had gone weeks without and argument, I'm going to kill whoever told her I was "ill" I would have preferred to keep looking for me at school.

I wasn't ready to go out and look for her, but I refused to cry, I felt the tears welling up in my eyes but I held back I went to my room and feel into a troubled sleep.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, then I turned over and saw Jay in a white tank top which showed her athletic figure and a pair of pants that was hanging low showing of her sponge bob boxers which she was rocking and a belt that had Jay's name on it in shinning lettering, the she wore a NYC hat that matched her sneakers, she was looking like a very sexy stud, and her cornrows just made her even sexier. I sat up just to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Because girl looked fly.

She climbed on me and made me lean back as she leaned forward to kiss me.

"Baby I'm sorry," she whispered just before our lips touched, and engaged into some heavy duty kissing, I started to remove Jay's tank top.

"No, as much as I want to, your hurt and I don't think we should do it right now," Jay simply said, My mouth almost dropped, Jay never turned me down before and the bruises was the stupidest thing I ever heard. I grabbed Jay and flipped her onto her back and climbed on top of her, I took off my sweat shirt and then unclipped my bra, Jay was watching it all, then I bent over her and removed her tank top, and her sports bra, she looked like she was in a trance staring into my eyes, then she looked down to my body then snapped out of it.

"You won't hurt me, you could never hurt me," I said kissing her before she could protest or speak. She wrapped her arms round my waist and using her hands to grab my ass and gently squeeze, I moaned in her mouth and she moaned back sending vibrations down to my crotch. I moved from her lips down to her neck kissing, her all over then going down to her hard chocolate nipples, before I could get any further she pushed me away.

"I came here to talk to you," she said.

"Can't we talk later," I pleaded because I didn't wanna talk.

"No, we can't ignore what happened to you," she said to me, putting back on her sports bra and tank top.

"Why the fuck not! It has nothing to do with you," I yelled at her, I didn't wanna talk about it why couldn't she understand that.

"Yes it does," she said sizing me up.

"No its not, so get the fuck out my face and you know where the door is at," I said to her.

"Ha ha think your smart I just think your stupid, and I aint moving so what you goin do about that," she said to me.

"Man I don't wanna throw your cheap ass out so, ima tell you one more time get the fuck out," I yelled at her she was wasting my time, I wanted to go back to sleep and not be bothered with this bull shit.

"My cheap ass, don't even get me started," she replied I didn't know what she was implying by now she was getting personal I wasn't as rich as her so what. I grabbed her and pushed her on the floor and climbed on top of her, then I found myself on my back and her on top of me with her fist raised in the air.

"What you goin do, hit me, go on then, I've taken shit from everybody this week, you might as well add yours to it," I said in a cold voice trying not to show fear or sadness. She got off me real quick. "Yeah that's what I thought I said climbing in my bed covering myself and ignoring her presence, humming to myself.

"I'm sorry," she said in a low voice and the first thing that came to mind was WATEVER.

"Whatever, I've heard that so many times in my life, that I just don't give a fuck," I said not turning to her.

"You're my girlfriend, my everything, and so what happens to you affects me and I just wanna talk about what happened and know all the details, because I feel.... shit I know there's something you aint telling me," she said to me, she was right and it scared me as hell that she knew me so well.

"I don't want it to affect you and I don't wanna talk about it I've told you everything I feel like telling you," I replied, I then heard her sigh and get up off the bed and my door slam then the front door slam, and you know what I was still feeling like whatever, I was mad she didn't understand how I felt and that she's making a big deal out of nothing and wouldn't forget it when I said I want it forgotten, I was pissed and I was gonna make sure that she got that.

I waltzed into school the next day ready to take on the world. I walked over to Jaydene and Lexy who were silently arguing.

"Hey girl was'up," Jaydene said barging into Lexy, Lexy winced and I rushed to her aid giving Jaydene evils.

"Don't touch me," she growled shrugging me off. "We'll talk about this later," she said to Jaydene walking off to go join Shanice. SHANICE! Why hadn't it occurred to me before? I know for sure she couldn't have kept the whole story to herself and Lexy and Shanice were real close.

"Why is she tripping so much, I mean she's just a lil sick right," Jaydene said with a real confused look on her face.

"Naw, she wasn't sick, some bitches beat the crap outta her....and other stuff," I sighed.

"You wanna talk about it," Jaydene asked me.

"Umm honestly I don't want to talk about it with you, I wanna talk to her but she is seriously tripping, I know there's something she's not telling me but I don't know what," I moaned.

"Shanice might," Jaydene said to me, I looked at her and smiled because it only took her a second to figure it out.

"I know" I said. After classes I went in search for Shanice I went to her favourite spot under the oak and there she was, but she was Lexy and they were in deep conversation I went behind to go listen in the conversations, it wasn't my style but hey a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do.

"Look I think you should tell her," I heard Shanice say,

"Umm let me think should I say no or hell no," she said to Shanice.

"Stop being a smart ass this is serious, man Monique is back and she wants revenge," Shanice said, at the mention of Monique's name my ears started ringing, I should've guessed but why try fuck her that what I was thinking, but what was even heavier on my mind was why Lexy didn't wanna tell me.

"I got the marks to prove that, but I cant tell her remember the last time, all Monique did was threaten her and she started tripping what about when she finds out she's been acting on them threats she's gonna dump me I know it," Lex said and there was a slight crack in her voice.

"You don't know that honey, and you guys aint speaking isn't that kind of the same," Shanice said in a really soft voice.

"Yeah but I know she'll come round and respect what I want but if she dumps me again I don't know what I'm gonna do," she said finally crying. I had heard enough I walked away; I was in shock, Monique was back I thought we had seen last of that bitch oh shit so she fucked up Lex like that hey I had one more thing to find out why she wanted to fuck her. I jogged back to the tree to try to hear more.

"So what's up with you and Jaydene have you made your move yet," I heard Lex say, I almost gasped; Shanice had a thing for Jaydene why hadn't I noticed this was interesting.

"No...Every time I get close, she backs up and gives me a weird look, I don't think she's interested," I heard Shanice say in a low voice.

"Hey you get any information, from Shanice," Jaydene said to me.

"Kinda...forget that for a second I got a question to ask, how you feel about Shanice," I asked real casually.

"You've noticed damn am I that readable, I've wanted her since like forever, but I keep getting mixed signals, I don't wanna mess up what we have you know the whole friendship thing," Jaydene said quietly

"Hmm interesting well see you later I gotta go find someone," I said running of. Were to the tree to see if Shanice was there and there she was all by herself. I walked over and sat down next to her.

"Hey Sha was'up I gotta a question," I said.

"Shoot," she said looking at me.

"Why did Monique wanna fuck Lexy does she like want her now or something," I asked and watched in amusement as her eyes widened.

"I'm sorry I don't know what you is talking about," she lied.

"Don't play dumb, I over-heard your whole conversation, so just tell me and I'll give you some useful information about Jaydene," I said half smiling and waggling my eyebrows. She started to fidget uncomfortably; I took her hand and looked in her eyes. "Please," I pleaded in the sincerest tone I could muster.

"Iyt you didn't hear it from me okay, well basically it wasn't Monique it was one of her girls Loraine who wanted a taste and tried get in Lex's pants but some guy came and kicked there butts," Shanice told me.

"Wow thank God for that, umm yeah about Jaydene, girl make your move okay even if she back up keep going and take her there," I said laughing and her laughing back. "I'm going to find Lexy now," I said to her.

"Please don't dump her it would really break her," Shanice said grabbing my hand. I couldn't say anything because I didn't know what I was gonna do, I just gave her a sad smile and went off.

I just went into the library and sat down to think, everything in my life was on the rocks, my mom was still fighting of my grandparents who want us to move to Florida, and my relationship with Jay, she was being a real dick she just didn't get it and it drove me mad.

"Hey baby was'up" I heard Jay say as she sat down in front of me, smiling her all out sexy grin but I was still mad at her and I had to let it known. "Oh what you still mad, hmm I could just take you to my room and wipe the frown of your face," Jay said grinning; it took all I had not to smile.

"Yup I'm mad, and nope you aint getting none of this," I said getting up rubbing my hands down my body, just to torment her.

"Hmm did I tell how nice your ass look in them jeans, you had me thinking all day how you got'em on," she said staring at my ass, I almost smiled but I stopped myself.

"Look Jay, I'm not ready to forgive your insensitive ass so leave me alone and go bother someone else," I said to her.

"As much as I like to no girl in this world is half as fine or sexy as you and is not worth bothering, and you need to stop tripping, I no everything that went down," she said to me, I was scared, I was almost certain by now it was over, so I quickly got before I could hear her say it. "But I'm still here loving you wanting you, needing you, craving you like a crazy ass nigga, shit girl you've had me walking around horny for 3 mother fucking days and if you walk away swaying your fine ass like that I'ma have to grab you, lie you on this table IN THIS LIBRARY and have my way with you," I heard her say I turned around and saw her smiling, I smiled back cause I knew I still had her, she took my hand and kissed me full on in the library rubbing her tongue on my tongue and massaging my ass.

"Ahem," we both turned around and saw the librarian looking at us with a half smile but half angry look on her face.

"Not in the library ladies, we don't want to traumatize the young freshman," she said giggling and walking off. We looked at each other and laughed and left the library holding hands to go meet home girl.

"Wow you got it bad Jaydene," I said to her, she'd just finish telling me about her and Shanice.

"Look who's talking you be running after Lex like a love sick puppy, that girl has got you wrapped round her little finger," she said to me giggling, I couldn't argue with that.

"Anyway what go do about thus mother fucker Loraine and Monique," I said to Jaydene.

"Well my cousin Renelle is coming from Philly come weekend and you know how she be and then we can take care of business," Jaydene told me.

"Damn straight and the Loraine chick is mine I'ma teach that bitch what happens when they put their hands on something that aint theirs," I growled.

"Whatever you want," Jaydene said smiling.

It was Friday, the day before the big showdown went down and I was chilling with my baby.

"So you wanna meet up tomorrow," Lexy asked as we sat watching the movie in her room.

"Umm wow I really want to but I can't I have plans tomorrow," I said to her in the casualest voice I could do.

"No you don't," she said to me.

"Yeah I do, it was a late thing but Jaydene's cousin Renelle is coming from Philly and..... and we umm going....bowling, that's right we going bowling and it's only for studs so you can't come," I said teasing her and sticking my tongue out at her.

"You really can't lie to me, something going down, Shanice told me but she doesn't know what she just told me Jaydene mentioned something," she said to me and I was like can't Jaydene ever keep a secret.

"Baby do you trust me," I asked with all sincerity.

"Yeah I trust you but"

"Then it's all good aint nothing to worry about we just going to handle some business nothing major or real big," I said in all honesty so technically I wasn't lying I just wasn't telling her the whole truth. She still looked at me worried. "Come on boo don't look like that, let me put a smile on your face," I said bending down slowly kissing her and she responded readily, I manoeuvred so I was on top and she wrapped her arms round my neck, I kissed her slowly and with up most passion and love I just let it pour from m because all didn't go well tomorrow lawd knows what could happen and I might not see her again.

"What's wrong," she asked me.

"Nothing," I said to her

"I just think..."

"Don't think baby just feel," I said interrupting her with a kiss which I believe took her breath away. I slowly moved down her neck kissing biting and sucking on one spot and leaving a hickey nice, big and red.

I felt what she just did but didn't have the breath to complain. Then she started to take of my clothes really slowly the look in her eyes showed something was down as she looked at my body and had a little smile in the corner of her mouth and she touched my stomach lightly before proceeding to take of my Denim pants and panties, then I sat up and pulled off her clothes, she gently pushed me back on my back and kissed and licked down my neck. Sighing and breathing deeply down to my breast and licking my already hard nipples, and sucking them hard making me moan involuntarily she kissed down my stomach and then went straight to pussy she was moving so fast I couldn't keep up. Then I felt to fingers go into me sharply it was like a quick flash of serious pleasure I almost came, she started fucking me with her fingers really fast it was like whoa, I started moaning really loudly and I felt my orgasm building and then she stopped.

"No don't stop please don't stop," I moaned.

"I stop when I want to," she said kissing me lightly; it was such a turn on the way she was taking control. "Baby do you trust me," she said softly. All I could do was nod because I was so fucking turned on, it took all I had not to grab her and make her cum a million times. Then she moved off the bed all together. It was dark so I couldn't see well.

Then I looked up and saw her body she was so sexy and beautiful and I looked lower I saw the 7inches strapped to, it was so hot, I reached out for her to come closer and she did she crawled onto the bed between my open legs. She rubbed her hand down my chest tweaking my nipples as she went along. She used one hand to rub the tip of the dildo over my dripping wet pussy. Then I felt my lips open as she pushed it inside me slowly. I grabbed the sheets with my hands and pushed back against her until I felt completely and absolutely full. She waited a while so I could get use to it. "Mmm," I moaned and then she pulled back and as quickly as the emptiness came it was full again and she was hitting just the right spot. She was going at a slow pace and it felt good, but I wanted more.

"Baby go faster and harder," I whispered, I saw her smile as she increased her pace pumping into me faster and faster and harder, before I knew I was moaning out load because I could not control it the feeling it was amazing and sow as her stamina, I started meeting her strokes, I could feel myself shaking as indescribable pleasure took over my body I knew I was coming, and my moans got louder and more frantic and she kept with her never slowing fast pace, and then my orgasm ripped through me and then I felt the fake cock pop from my soaked pussy and Jay collapse beside me breathing really hard.

"That was fucking amazing," she whispered kissing me. I was only half conscious but I smiled before falling asleep thinking I would pay her back tomorrow.

I woke up and turned expecting to see my baby but she wasn't there, I looked at the clock it was 10 in the morning I had slept real late. I sat up and rubbed my eyes wondering where the hell Jay went, then my phone rang and I stumbled to go pick it up hoping it would be her. Cause on the real yesterday was probably the best night ever we had.

"Hello," I said down the phone.

"Look there is a whole load of shit going down our girls have gone an done the stupidest thing on earth, look Jay and Jaydene don got themselves into some shit with Monique and there crew and take me seriously when I say lives are at stake," I heard Shanice say and I was going crazy.

"I'll be round your crib in 30," I replied slamming the phone down. I couldn't believe Jay she had gone and done the worst, I knew there was something different last night. She knew she could die. I ran my hands through my very curly hair, the grabbed my towel and went into the shower. I took the quickest one in history and I was cruising to Shanice's crib. She opened the door, her eyes were red and I knew she had been crying.

I felt bad for kid but I didn't have time, I dragged her by the hand and pulled her out the door.

"What are we gonna do, I can' stand this worrying," she said almost breaking down in tears. I wanted to cry to but I didn't have time to show weakness.

"Look honey don't you dare start crying you're angry right at them for lying to us well honey so am I and I'm going to find there stupid asses and tell them," I growled and her lights sparked up and I knew I had her.

We pulled up in the parking lot of a run down JC Penny and as we pulled up so did Monique and 2 other girls.

"Whoa, you've gone all studded up nice," she said smiling.

"Really you think so thank you Lexy found it sexy too, it make our sex life more exciting to," I said back shoving the fact that me and Lexy where having an amazing sex life and she was getting none.

"Whatever, Loraine you take her I'll take this bitch on the left," Monique growled in a not so low voice.

"Wait! Hold up! Hold up! You're Loraine, thank you Jesus, I've been wanting to me you so I can kick you're mother fucking ass thinking you can put you're hand on my girl," I yelled at her and it was on, fist were flying, Jaydene had everything pretty much under control me on the other hand was struggling, she was fucking strong. Her fist hit my gut and I hit the ground. Leg swept the bitch so she came, tumbling after. I jumped up and kicked her in the stomach channelling all my anger into it. Then I felt a strong pair of hands grab me and throw to the ground.

"Fucking bitch thinking you can dump me and throw it in my face," I heard Monique growl as she kicked me in my stomach a shot of pain overtook my body and her foot made contact with my gut, I squeezed my eyes shot then opened them wide. I looked for Jaydene and I saw she was occupied her and Lorraine throwing fists. All this fighting was so un-lady like. I grabbed Monique's leg before she could get the second kick in. She fell to the floor her hands saving her before some serious damage was done, I climbed on to of her and punched the lil nigga square in the face.

"You going leave me and Lex the fuck alone huh," I growled as I punched her.

"fuck...yes get off me," she growled and I did I stood up and stretched and turned around to Jaydene who had just knocked Loraine the fuck out. She walked over to me and gave me a high five.

"You two are so fucking dead," I heard an angry Latino chick growl at me, I turned and saw Lex and Shanice looking at are like they were ready to kill.

Then all of the sudden the pain of being beaten up so bad kicked, I always did have delayed reactions, and I fell to my knees and doubled over in pain.

"Jay, Baby!" I heard Lex scream then the sounds of fast footsteps was the last thing I heard before I passed out or died whichever came first.


Just playing haha. No I woke up in the hospital getting smother with kisses from Lexy and my mom giving me and ear bashing and how I'm grounded for life. Lol. But you gotta admit I was pretty stupid. But I was good cause in the end I had what I need a little love.

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