Allans New College Freedom

By su.yellaVyssarG@nallA

Published on Jul 17, 2020


Allan's New College Freedom is a seven-part story, the first four parts are almost entirely true and the last three are mostly what I wish had happened. All characters were 18 years old at the time of these events. These stories are based on my own experiences and memories, but I have taken some artistic license in the telling. The names in all the "Allan's New..." stories are changed; location & unnecessary personal information has been changed or purposely omitted to protect people's identities.

My stories never mention protected sex. But in real life, Always use condoms and get tested regularly.

If it is illegal to read this material where you live, then don't!

All rights reserved.


Allan's New College Roommate -- (1/7)

By: AllanNKnox

Arrival at College

I was an average student in high school, but in the summer before my senior year I decided I wanted to go to college to study music. So, I started applying myself and made much better grades that year. I also decided that I wanted to use college to start the process of living on my own, and going to school in my hometown where I would have to live at home was not conducive to those plans. I found a college sufficiently far from home, about 70 miles, that my parents were bound to like because it was a Christian college and was about the same cost as what was available at home.

So, that is how I ended up at a small church-supported Liberal Arts school in a rural area of a Southern state near its border with the state where I grew up. 1600 students, about 750 men, of which about 600 lived in two men's dorms and most of them were in their late teens and early twenties. So, there were an abundance of repressed male sexual tension on campus.

At 18 years old I was 6 feet tall and weighed 198 pounds; a little overweight, but overall I was average in appearance. And I was very excited to have some distance from my Parents even if it was only 70 miles away. But, don't get me wrong, I loved them and they were very good Parents. I just thought I was ready to start conquering the world.

When I first arrived on campus, I was assigned to the freshman men's dorm where I was placed in a really small 2-man room on the back corner of the roughly U-shaped building. There was no air conditioning, but we did have a window on two walls, so we got some flow through air. My roommate, Herman, was a crippled guy who walked with a pronounced limp often using crutches, a good bit overweight, and generally porcine in appearance, but he had a friend from home who assigned to a room the third floor and who made Herman look positively handsome by comparison.

About three weeks after the start of classes Herman had become increasingly depressed and had returned after a weekend at home with a tape filled with multiple copies of one very depressing song, which he played over and over. However, that Wednesday after supper he took a bath and got dressed up saying that he was going to the freshman women's dorm to see if he could meet some young women. Later, I was still studying when he came back in and took off his shirt and tie. He was very quiet.

While out, he met up with some evangelical students who were friendly with him and started showing him "the plan of salvation" or at least the first part of it, where they make you feel like the lowest worm on the face of the earth. After leading him to that place, then suddenly they said, "oh, look at the time, we'll be late for prayer meeting" and even though they asked Herman to go with them, they got up and left him to contemplate the miserable state of his life.

Herman came back to the room, put on his depressing tape, got out a razor blade and was threatening to end it all by cutting his wrists.

To make a long story short, I spent the next three hours trying to convince him not to end it all before getting other help. After that, neither of us were comfortable with each other, so the Resident Assistants worked a trade: his friend from the third floor would come down to live with him and I would move up to his friend's room. As it turned out, I got the best end of that deal, by far.

The new room was huge compared to the old one, had three large windows that looked out over the expansive front lawn of the dorm and its parking lot to one side. It was right across the hall from the shower room, and last but certainly not least, my new roommate, Kevin, was really nice looking, quietly friendly, and didn't mind changing things around a bit to accommodate me.

Kevin was a farm-boy raised on hard work, as far from city life as you could possibly get. He wasn't very articulate but seemed to have somewhat normal IQ that he somehow never learned to apply to his schoolwork. Kevin was my age, about 6'1" and 170 lbs. He had a lithe body, his arms and legs were all that I'd seen so far but his muscles were well defined, and he moved sleekly about the room like a cat. The hair on his head was naturally curly and dark red, as was the light to moderate hair that covered his forearms and lower legs; and he looked like he was a few weeks past needing a haircut which made him look mop-headed, showing off big dark red curls. His smile was nice, but he rarely smiled, and his face was average at best and lightly freckled, as was his shoulders and forearms, making him a bit homely in appearance. So, his only drawbacks were that he was not a complex thinker and had a slightly below average face. But I would shortly find out that what he lacked in these areas, he more than made up for in others.

The first evening after moving in, I was lying on my bed reading when he announced that he was going to take a shower. I really didn't expect to see much because most guys would walk to the showers in their underwear carrying clean ones with them. I thought that this would be a good chance to see the shape of him in his underwear and possibly see an outline of his dick to gage just how big it might be. So I positioned myself propped up on my bed so that I could get a good look at him over my book affording me the chance to simply look down if he looked my way.

After getting a towel and his toiletries bag ready and putting them on the bed to the left of his dresser, he started undressing. He was standing facing his dresser, looking at himself in a mirror on the wall behind it, and he was turned away from me at about a 75-degree angle, so that I saw his back with him turned slightly to his left from my prospective, a good angle for photographs, mental and otherwise. He got down to his tighty-whitey briefs and I thought "now he will grab his things and head to the showers", and I was looking forward to seeing how his nicely shaped butt would move in his briefs. When suddenly, he reached for the waistband with both thumbs and took his briefs down in one swift move.

After tossing the briefs into his hamper he stood for a moment looking at his face in the mirror. Long, slow-motion moments went by for me as I beheld a most perfect set of buns; not to mention the rest of him. There was not a single blemish on his body, what little acne he had was only on his face. This guy might have been a simple country boy with a not-very-handsome face, but he had a body to die for. Perfectly shaped buns that were almost hairless and had dimples to either side of the top of his crack. His legs were statuesque with a moderate amount of dark red hair to match the sun-bleached mop on his head. His muscles were toned and beautifully shaped probably from years of farm work.

He turned to his left to get his towel and toiletries off the bed, and what that turn revealed was even more spectacularly beautiful than the backside. It was a good thing I had that book in front of my face and the sheet of my bed draped over my midsection because my jaw dropped open and my boner went to a painfully full level when I saw what hung between his legs.

I swear to you, it seemed HUGE. It wasn't erect, but relaxed and extended like he had been playing with himself or thinking erotic thoughts. It had to be at least 6" long and thick, and it wasn't even hard. He was either circumsized or did not have much foreskin. The shaft appeared to be an even thickness its entire length with a larger, perfectly shaped crown at the end. It was nestled in a curly red pubic bush and hung over a scrotum that appeared to have two golfball sized nuts in it. He was nearly hairless except for the hair on his legs, forearms, and a moderate patch of hair in the middle of his chest that dwindled down to a light treasure trail that almost disappeared as it swirled around his high belly button before continuing on down to his pubes. He had the faintest hint of a six-pack, like it had developed naturally instead of being produced by workouts in a gym.

I was a mess. A mass of emotions and thoughts coursed through my body and mind.

Lust. Desire. The thought of how lucky I was and how I got the better end of the room-switch. I knew I was gay but hadn't really dealt with it yet, and after all, I was attending a religious college, so I knew I had to keep it quiet and under control. I would have to watch myself so I wouldn't give myself away and I would somehow have to deal with the probability that I'd never get to touch him. But I was going to have a roommate with an awesome body that apparently didn't mind showing it off and, believe me, I was determined to enjoy every minute.

When he wrapped the towel around his middle and walked out, I was almost relieved, literally... I was hard and excited almost to the point of cumming. So after giving him a couple of minutes to make sure he wouldn't come back for something he forgot, I grabbed the almost dry towel from my bath earlier, opening my pants and taking my throbbing dick in hand, I jerked it the few strokes that it took to push me over the edge and came buckets. But I was so afraid that he might return early that I hurriedly cleaned up myself, threw the towel in my hamper, fixed my clothing and went back to reading my book... or trying to read. I was nervously waiting for Kevin's return from the showers with the hope of seeing more of his beautiful body.

  • END of PART 1, Part 2 coming soon...

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Next: Chapter 2: Allans New College Freedom 2 3

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