Allans New College Freedom

By su.yellaVyssarG@nallA

Published on Jul 22, 2020


Allan's New College Freedom is a seven-part story, the first four parts are almost entirely true and the last three are mostly what I wish had happened. All characters were 18 years old at the time of these events. These stories are based on my own experiences and memories, but I have taken some artistic license in the telling. The names in all the "Allan's New..." stories are changed; location & unnecessary personal information has been changed or purposely omitted to protect people's identities.

My stories never mention protected sex. But in real life, Always use condoms and get tested regularly.

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This post contains Parts 2 & 3: Voyuristic Bliss and Farmboy Heaven


Allan's New College Roommate -- (2/7)

Voyuristic Bliss

While I was waiting for Kevin's return from the showers, I couldn't read because I couldn't get the images of Kevin out of my mind. I imagined touching him, rubbing my body all over his; his large spongy dick sliding down my throat; and I imagined seeing my shorter but thick dick slide gracefully into the warm, wet and magical sheath within his beautiful buns. I was eagerly anticipating seeing more of this farmboy beauty... and I was not disappointed! I tried to make everything appear exactly as it was when he left, I was even hard again due to my imaginings and anticipating the future possibilities of voyeuristic bliss.

When he came back into the room about 10 minutes later, he had the towel again wrapped around his middle but his hair and most of his body was still dripping wet as if he stepped out of the shower and walked immediately back to the room. He turned toward his dresser and looked at his wet hair in the mirror and proceeded to remove the towel.

Still turned away from me, he rubbed the towel over his face and then down his front, down to his pubic area, lingering there to gently dry his ample equipment. Holding two corners, he threw the towel over his head and slowly pulled it back and forth down his back, butt and then uppper legs.

Then he turned to his left toward me and lifted a leg putting his left foot on the end of his bed he dried that leg and then switched to the other leg. This gave me good opportunities to steal glimpses and if anything, his dick seemed even larger than before. But then he lifted the towel to his head, still turned toward his bed, and started to vigorously dry his hair. His whole body shook with the effort and his flaccid dick swayed and shimmied with his movements. I could safely stare at him while his head was covered by his towel.

I got a long look at his beautiful equipment and his butt almost in profile. As his dick moved to the shaking of his body, it seemed like it was getting harder, almost to the point where it would begin to rise with the pressure of inflation. In my mind I was cheering for it, "get harder, get harder". But then he was done with his hair and turned toward his dresser and put on a clean pair of his briefs.

-Womphhh- As the briefs went up over those beautiful buns, it was like the stage lights that seemed to display Kevin in all his glory suddenly extinguished and the house lights of cold reality came on. It was like a symphony has been playing and building toward climax. As the briefs were brought up the symphony suddenly halted in mid-phrase except for a lone violin too late screeching to a halt. So, I moved quickly to hide the fact that I was staring, among other things that might be discovered if I didn't take extra measures to hide them.

Kevin asked, "do you mind if I sleep in my underwear?" I answered him trying to be cool about it, "Sure, it's okay with me; I sleep in my underwear too." "It's getting late so I'm going to get in bed and read a few minutes, then go to sleep. If you want to stay up later, it's okay with me just turn off the overhead light." "Thanks," I responded, "but I'm going to brush my teeth then I will be ready for bed myself."

So I got up trying to hide my still hard dick with my book (while trying not to look like I was trying to hide anything), grabbed my tooth brush, paste, and a face towel, and moved quickly out the door only to realize that I also had to hide my excitement from everyone else on the third floor of the dorm. Luckily the bathroom was right across the hall and there wasn't anyone in there except for one person in a shower with the curtain pulled. I was able to get myself together before anyone else came in or the bather finished his shower, so I brushed my teeth and returned to the room.

I put away my stuff and started to take off my clothes. And perhaps it was my imagination, but I could have sworn that he was looking at me over his book just like I had. And come to think of it, I noticed that he seemed to glance at me a few times too many during his strip-tease. Could it be that he was just as interested in me as I was him, after all, I was much better looking than his previous roommate. But, no, he couldn't be as excited by me as I was by him. And, I couldn't afford to think like that, either. It could only lead to ruin at a Christian college in the south.

I set my alarm and quickly jumped into bed to conceal my still full (but, by this time, not hard) dick and turned out my light. About two minutes later, Kevin did the same. But I didn't sleep. I tossed about trying to get comfortable and finally did, but my dick was hard again with the images of Kevin's nude body and huge cock bouncing around inside my head. I wanted so badly to beat off again. But I was afraid that my movements would tell in the squeaks these old all-metal beds always made when you moved around.

All this time Kevin had not moved much and was very quiet over on his side of the room. After what seemed like a very long time, I had almost fallen asleep but aroused again by a rhythmic sound coming from Kevin's bed. Yes, it had to be... Kevin was beating his meat and on every stroke his bed made a little squeak. After a few minutes of this I heard the squeaking stop and a subdued and prolonged sigh of expelled breath. After almost a minute, I heard him move again in the bed, then silence. "Shit," I thought "here I am hard again and now I know he can hear me if I try to get myself off."

So, in frustration, I just laid there and tried to calm myself... it was no use. I just had to get my nut, or I'd die. But I had to be quieter than Kevin had, and I didn't want to mess up the bed sheets, but getting up was out of the question, that would waken Kevin for sure. So I reached, as quietly as possible for a sock I knew was laying on the floor and thought, "that'll do nicely in a pinch for a cum-rag." It didn't take long for me to get off but every time the bed started to squeak, I'd change my rhythm to make it stop (I guess understanding music and rhythm was worth something). After spending my load a second time that evening, I went fast to sleep.

Allan's New College Roommate -- (3/7)

Farm-boy Heaven

Kevin and I hit it off really well as roommates. Neither of us were too nosy about the other's business and just seemed to understand each other instinctually. We decided to post our class schedules on the back of our door so we would know when not to expect the other to be in the room. My reason for this was to know when it would be safer to have a more leisurely wank, and I suspected that it was his main reason as well.

He continued his nightly shower routine, and each time it sent me into farm-boy heaven. I was greatly disappointed whenever some campus or music department activity kept me out late enough to miss it. Due to his nonchalance about nudity, I stopped caring if he saw me naked, but I didn't go out of my way to be naked around him, I guess old habits die hard.

Even though there were plenty of times during the week when I had class and he didn't, I continued to catch him beating off occasionally late at night. Maybe he had activities that weren't on his schedule or possibly those almost daily occasions were just not enough? There was only one or two other times that I needed late night relief with him in the room until I came up with the idea that I could go to the bathroom and do it there.

Risky, you say? Not really. On a school night everyone went to bed around 11 or midnight, so after that, it was reasonable to expect that you wouldn't be bothered unless someone woke up and needed to take a piss. Besides on those few occasions, a quick wank was all that was needed. Besides, I did it while sitting on the toilet with my briefs at my knees. That way, if I heard someone coming, I could put my dick down between my legs and hide it from their view.

The bathroom being just across the hall from my room was not as much of a voyeuristic dream as you might imagine. If I had the room to myself for a while or if my roommate went home for the weekend, I could sit reading in my room with the door open and catch a glimpse of guys as they went in and out of the bathroom. Most guys walked to the showers in a robe with a towel over their shoulder and a change of underwear and toiletries in their hands. But occasionally one would walk by in only his tight briefs and on very rare occasions, nude. Most of the time I'd just watch who went in and if he looked interesting, I might try to time a visit to take a piss so that I got to see him as he was drying off. If someone interesting was the only one showering at the time, that made it easier. I was good about being discrete. Only once did anyone say anything about seeing me in there too often and I promptly put him on my mental no-peep list.

After a few weeks we had established a routine in most areas of our lives that overlapped. For example, both of us went home every other weekend and fell into going home alternate weekends. So, it was unusual when both of us went home or stayed on campus the same weekend.

For some reason that I don't remember now, our routine was broken on one particular weekend and neither of us went home. On Saturday I ran around with some friends that had a car on campus and got back in time eat supper in the Student Center that stayed open later than the Cafeteria.

When I got back to the room, Kevin wasn't there and from the tale-tell signs he had already taken his shower before going out. I thought, "O well, maybe tomorrow evening." I never tired of gazing on that beautiful body defined by farm work and good country cooking. Little did I know that I wouldn't have to wait that long.

I caught up on my studies, listened to some music and watched some TV while waiting and hoping that Kevin would return. Talking to Kevin was difficult because he simply wasn't very talkative, nor was he wordy when he did talk. But being in our room with no pressure to be in class the next day, I was hoping to get him talking and hoping to turn the conversation to sex in order to feel him out on the subject. At least that was the plan, if I didn't chicken out. Up to then he had acted and talked straight but the way I would occasionally catch him looking at me when I was in my underwear or naked, the way he would seem to try catching me looking at him during his nightly strip shows seemed to indicate that he might be open to some sex play, and this would be a good opportunity to check it out.

But it was close to one o'clock and he still wasn't back, so I gave up and went to bed. Not three minutes later, he was opening the door and trying to be quiet so he wouldn't wake me. So, I spoke up and said "you can turn on a light, I just went to bed a few minutes ago and I wasn't very sleepy anyway" it seemed to startle him a bit but he turned on his lamp and started to disrobe.

As Kevin took off his clothes, I asked him "You don't look like you had a very good time tonight, what happened?" And he answered "We went down to Mountainview (just across the state line where alcohol is legal at 18 back then) and hit all three bars. All they had was lousy music, lousy beer and the only people in the joints were older men who drank and smoked too much. We barely stayed long enough for one drink in any of them. I need a bath, I smell like cigarettes and bad beer." and with that, he took off his underwear, grabbed his toiletries bag and a towel without bothering to wrap it around himself and he just walked out toward the bathroom.

To say the least, I was hard, and I was still hard when he came back in drying himself as he walked. It seemed a bit strange to me then, but he was nearly hard but seemed not to care if anyone saw him. He closed the door and locked it for the night, then finished drying himself, threw on his briefs and jumped into bed turning off his light.

For the longest time we both laid there. I could tell that he was not resting enough to go to sleep and I certainly couldn't with my hard-on still going strong. So, I said quietly, "are you asleep?" "No, can't settle down enough." "I'm not sleepy either, feel like talking?" "Sure, what about?" "I don't know... What about what happened to you this evening. Surely, it didn't take you all evening to have a beer at three bars?" "Well... we stopped by a package store and bought a 6-Pack then came back to one of my friend's apartment and drank them." "Anything else?" I prompted. "Then we caught the Midnight Matinee at the Long Theater." It was an "adult" matinee showing X-rated, soft-core straight porn. "Oh! How was that?" "Damn frustrating is what it was. Ya' get all hot and bothered and can't do anything about it with so many people around." "Well, if you want to 'do something about it' now, don't let me stop you. Go right ahead... heck, I just might join you."

By this time our eyes had adjusted to the dark and even with the shades drawn, there was some light coming in through the windows from the parking lot lamps outside. I could just make out him lying on his back with his sheet pulled up to his mid-chest and both arms under it. I could see him lift the sheet and reach for his dick to start a gentle and slow beat, up and down, up and down... Of course, I was laying on my side toward him, watching him and stroking my own.

Then I got an Idea. I asked, "How often do you beat off? For me it is 5 or 6 times a week." He said, "Like last week when I got out of my 5th period class early and came back to the room?" I answered with embarrassment, "Yeah, you caught me." "Thought so. Sorry I interrupted." "That's okay. I remember a few times waking up in the middle of the night and hearing your bed squeaking." "I woke you up?" he asked. "No, you weren't that loud." "Why didn't you say something about it before now?" "I didn't want to embarrass you or ruin your fun."

This conversation was getting to be fun and stimulating for me; and it sure didn't deter him any as he was still stroking his meat. This and the fact that he was not put off by our talking about masturbation emboldened me to move on to the next step.

"You know how guys are always experimenting, like trying new and different ways to jerk off?" Kevin answered, "Yeah." "Well, have you ever gotten together with a friend or two and jerked off together?" After a pause he said, "Have you?" Trying to sound worldly, I said, "Of course. Most teenagers have at one time or another." "Well, I've done it a time or two." "Or, have you and a friend ever gotten together and helped each other out by doing it for each other?" After a long silence, I heard him say, "Yeah, once." "It sure does feel good to have someone else's hand to do it, doesn't it?" And quietly, at almost a whisper, he said "It sure does." "Could you use a friend's helping hand just now?" "You'd be willing to do that?" "Yeah, if you'd help me out too." "But isn't it just a little queer for two guys to get each other off?" "No, of course not. It's just sex, not love." "Okay, then."

And as I got out of my bed and stood up, I heard Kevin moving around, scooting over against the wall and in the dim light I saw him toss out his underwear and raise his sheet for me to get in beside him. I hurriedly threw down my own underwear and walked out of them. As I moved toward his bed, I realized that the biggest and best day dream I've had these last few weeks was about to come true. My heart was racing, and I felt a bit faint as I slid into the bed beside this beautiful demigod and reached for the primary object of my admiration.

  • END of PARTs 2 & 3, Part 4 (Petting the Monster) coming soon...

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Next: Chapter 3: Allans New College Freedom 4 5

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