Allans New College Freedom

By su.yellaVyssarG@nallA

Published on Aug 5, 2020


Allan's New College Freedom is a seven-part story, the first four parts are almost entirely true and the last three are mostly what I wish had happened. All characters were 18 years old at the time of these events. These stories are based on my own experiences and memories, but I have taken some artistic license in the telling. The names in all the "Allan's New..." stories are changed; location & unnecessary personal information has been changed or purposely omitted to protect people's identities.

My stories never mention protected sex. But in real life, Always use condoms and get tested regularly.

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Allan's New College Roommate -- (6/7)

The Surprising Backstory

  • "Well, like we said, friends help each other out." -

After a few minutes Kevin's dick got softer in my mouth and his breathing had settled down to normal. So I released his dick. Grabbing his other pillow I sat on the bed next to him with my still-hard dick in my hand. He looked at it then looked up at my smiling face, and I said cheerfully, "My turn."

  • Silence -

"Well?" I said. "What about it?" "What about 'what'?" "Now it's your turn to suck me off." "No, it's not, I never agreed to that." "But we agreed to do 'turn-about'." "That was for beating each other off, not sucking." "But we were talking about whatever we might do." "We never talked about continuing it beyond that first thing we did."

"But I'm still hard" I pointed out, "and you still owe me one, what about that?" "Well, I could give you another hand job?" "I could do that myself; I want something more, like I gave you more. Didn't getting sucked feel way-better than a hand job?" "Yeah, but I don't want to suck you; I've never done that before and don't want to start now."

Getting a bright idea, I asked, "Have you ever fucked a guy in the butt before?" After a brief pause, Kevin said, "Yeah." So I went on, "Have you ever been fucked by a guy before?" There was only silence from Kevin to this question. So I said, "Well, have you?" "Uh... Well, yeah, but just once." "Well, what about that? I'd like that better than getting sucked anyway." "I don't know... it hurt an awful lot."

Knowing how painful it could be, I was concerned, "Why, what happened?" After thinking about it for a bit, he said, "We were both drunk. He just spat on it, shoved it in hard and kept on shoving hard until he was done." "Wow, man. Not Cool!"... Wanting to understand how he had been treated and sensing that it might be an arousing story, I inquired, "Tell me more about what happened. Like, how old were the two of you, how did it happen, and what happened next?"

      • Begin INTERLUDE -- a story-within-a-story - - -

Kevin's Story:

"I was a Junior in high school and he was a Senior jock who was known as "Meat" because his name was Demetri. Everyone thought he was really cool because he played Football AND Basketball and was big enough and tall enough to do both. It was spring, near the end of the school year and I hung with him every chance I got hoping everyone would think I was cool too. It was Friday afternoon, he had just broken up with his girlfriend and he was complaining that he had looked forward to "porking her" that night but now he wouldn't get to." "Porking her" sounded to me like something a guy might do with a certain farm animal, but being crude was part of being cool back then.

Kevin continued, "I saw a chance to hang around with him outside of school, so I took it. I suggested we go across the state line a few miles away where he was old enough to buy beer and get a six-pack, saying that I'll buy. So, he said that he'd pick me up at 7. When we got to the package store, I gave him enough money for 2 six-packs, but he came back out with far more. And even though he was driving he opened one and immediately started guzzling it down."

"I thought we would head back home and meet up with some friends to share the beers, but he headed off in a different direction. I asked him where we were going and he said, 'where we can drink in peace;' it turned out to be his uncle's undeveloped lake-front property about a half hour's drive away. By the time we arrived, he had already downed three beers and I had just finished my first. We had taken a gravel road far into the woods and then an overgrown driveway winding down through the trees to a small bay on the lake. There was a huge beach-like area that would have been great if it had sand on it, you could see where people had camped there before. It had been an unusually hot day, and even though the sun had just gone down it was still hot as blazes."

"He got out grabbing 2 six-packs telling me to get the rest. He got into the trunk and pulled out a huge blanket that looked like it was made from the stuff they use to make sleeping bags and walked about half the distance down to the lake. He spread the blanket and set the beer on it sitting cross-legged in the middle of the side he was on, so I did the same."

"We just sat there in silence for a long time. It was a beautiful night, not a cloud in the sky and the moon was nearly full. We could hear the gentle lapping sound the water made against the shore and of crickets making their nightly song. And, you could see starlight reflecting off the rippling surface of the lake. I had finished off one beer in the car and two more here, when he started to talk. He told me that this was the very spot where he had fucked his former girlfriend for the first time last fall before the cold weather had settled in and how tonight was to be the first time they had planned to return here since then. I asked him 'you mean you've not had sex since?' and he said 'Naaaa! we've had sex nearly every weekend since, just not here.'

"Then he started complaining about how you had to keep up such an elaborate song-and-dance just to get a little 'nookie' out of a girl and how you had to tell them you love them every other sentence. And, how if everything didn't go just right, they locked the door on you and wouldn't even give you head. And how even when they did give it up for you, they made you use a rubber every time because they didn't want to be embarrassed going to the doctor and getting on the pill."

"He told me that just before last weekend he had heard about a way to fuck a girl, so you don't have to use a rubber and there is no way for her to get pregnant. I asked him how that could be, and he explained, 'You just fuck her in her back door' he said. He even told me about trying it with Susie that previous Saturday night because she complained about being 'sore down there', female problems of some kind. He had just got his tip of his dick in her 'back door' when she started to complain. But he said that her back door was so warm and tight that it made him too hot-to-trot to stop, and he just continued fucking her until he came."

"He said she was madder than hell at him after that, and nothing he could say calmed her down. So she broke up with him when in spite of her anger, he suggested they go up the lake this weekend anyway. Meat told me, 'girls are all bitches!' I just held my tongue knowing that nothing I could say would help."

"By this time, he had put away 2 six-packs and was almost halfway through a third. I had just finished my first six-pack and was starting to help him on that last one. I was feeling a good buzz and was sweating from a combination of the beer and the warm air of early evening. After several minutes of silence, I kicked off my shoes, opened the top few buttons on my shirt, finished off the rest of that beer and laid back enjoying the starry night sky. But then, he got up, staggering a bit, caught his balance and said, 'Shit! It's fucking hot out tonight.' and as he started taking off his clothes he said, 'Let's go skinny dipping.' When I hesitated, he said while still removing his clothes "There's no one around for miles, we're completely alone, that's why I love it so much up here."

"He was down to his underwear just standing there looking down at me. I was just buzzed enough not to care so I said 'Sure.' But before I could stand up, he unceremoniously dropped his underwear to his ankles and stepped out of them smiling from ear to ear. And he had something to smile about. Well, you know how big my dick is? He was bigger, a lot bigger and the fact that he was almost hard surprised me. He probably knew the effect that monster had on people of both sexes; that was why he was smiling so big. I don't think my jaw actually dropped open but I was in shock so who knows."

"He turned and ran down and jumped into the water. I was still trying to get my clothes off when he yelled to me 'the water's great, hurry up' so I did. We frolicked in the water like two grammar school children for a good while and then as if by mutual consent we both stopped and just floated in the water or dog paddled to stay afloat, calming down and enjoying the after effects of our playful exertions."

"I began to feel sleepy and didn't want to fall asleep in the water. So I said 'I'm tired, I'm going to lay down' and turning away from him, I got out of the water. I walked back up to where the blanket was spread and used my shirt to towel off. Feeling suddenly thirsty, I opened one of the last two beers and downed about half of it. I briefly considered laying on my back, but my dick was almost hard just from being naked oudoors, so decided to lay down on my stomach and use my clothes for a pillow."

"I must have fallen asleep because what seemed like only a moment later, I felt something long and heavy and hot rubbing against the crack of my ass, and then a mouth at my ear was saying breathily, 'Oh, Kevin; you feel so good. How about it Kevin, let me stick it up your back door. I saw you lying here when I finished my swim and your ass, man, was looking so good, not as pretty or soft as Susie's of course, but mighty fine. I'm so fucking horny I've just got to get off... I saved it up all week for that bitch, but she dumped me, and I've just got to get my nut. Can you help me out, buddy? What do you say??"

"I just laid there trying to wake up and understand what he was saying and wanting from me. And then it all made sense. He wanted to fuck me, and he was practically doing it already. A mixture of water from his swim, sweat and his pre-cum was making my ass crack real slippery as he worked his dick up and down my crack. Suddenly, fear of what might happen if he stuck that monster in my asshole gripped me and I started to move to get out from under this high school senior football jock. But it was no good, he just let his weight come down on me to hold me in place. He said 'Please, Kevin, let me fuck you, I Need to cum so bad, it won't take me long I promise.' he paused for a moment then said, 'if you do, I'll let you hang out with me as much as you want... and I'll talk to the coach, try to get you on first string next year.' "

This gave me pause, how bad could it be? If I do this, I'll get to hang out with the coolest guy in school and get to play first string next year; doesn't sound like a bad deal. So I told him Okay, but that he better take it easy, 'cause I haven't done anything like this before. He said 'sure, man, anything you say."

"He got up off of me so I turned to look over my shoulder. He was kneeling, straddling my legs and gently stroking the biggest dick I've ever seen. It was at least an inch and a half longer than mine and fatter especially where it bulged in the middle. The crown looked smaller than the shaft especially since he still has some foreskin covering part of it, and the whole thing had a slight downward curve. I started to get nervous seeing how big it was and he noticed saying 'Hey, calm down and relax. They say that it goes better if you relax and don't tense up.' With that, he let his dick fall back along my ass crack and leaned forward kneading and massaging my tense shoulder muscles, it felt good."

"Then he straightened up again, so I looked back. He was spitting on his fingers and then he troweled his spit into my crack, massaging it in and doing that actually felt good. He then spat in his hand again and worked it all over the end of his swollen dick. Then he told me to relax again and to lay down flat."

"I grabbed what was left of my beer and downed it, then I laid down and waited for what was about to happen. My heart was racing and oddly enough my dick was getting hard. Knowing that he would pin me down again I hurriedly reached down under myself to adjust my dick, as my ass rose slightly for me to do that, I felt something that had to be his huge pole pressing at the opening to my ass. He said 'Yeah, man, I knew you wanted it!' And I had just enough time to think 'Oh, no.' before he gave a mighty shove that pushed me flat on the ground and drove his spit-slicked monster into my virgin hole to the hilt."

"I screamed! Screams that were borne from the deepest part of my body. It felt like he had shoved a huge white-hot iron poker up my butt. He grabbed my wrists and held them firmly on the ground near my shoulders and lowered himself the rest of the way onto my back, not thrusting, just getting comfortable I supposed. Finding my voice after screaming, I said, 'STOP, take it out, it hurts! It hurts too damn much.' But he was having none of that."

"Ignoring what I just said, he said quietly into my ear with a voice heavy with lust and sexual tension, 'Oh, Kevin, my dick feels so good in you, so hot, so tight.' and started small, slow grinding motions against my butt. 'Shhh, shhh, shhh. Calm down, and relax, go with it, if you do it'll start to feel better.' For some reason what he said, and the calming tone of his voice were having the desired effect. 'Yeah, that's it.' he said as he slowly pulled about half his dick out and plunged it back in a little slower and smoother but just as hard as the last time, and he emitted a most satisfied moan. As he began stroking in and out of me for real, he said 'Oh, man, you have such a beautiful ass and your hole is making such hot love to my dick."

"His thrusting got steadily faster and longer, he was nearly pulling his dick all the way out of my abused hole. My pain had subsided somewhat, and my hole started feeling numb, but I still felt that monstrous snake force its way deep into my guts with every deep and powerful thrust."

"My hoarse screaming moans had subsided, but his moaning was getting louder. If we had been anywhere else, I'm sure that the noise we were making would have brought people running, but he didn't even have to try being quiet out here. He was fucking me mightily with long, deep, ass-rending strokes. I had been expending a lot of effort to keep my asshole relaxed because it hurt less when I did. So, I was tired and found myself wishing that he would go ahead and cum and get it over with. But I also started to notice a warm feeling down there and a slight surge of pleasure as his huge dick sank into me."

"He increased his speed and was going as fast as a piston in a race car. The tone of his groans steadily increased in pitch until he sounded like a little girl squealing each time he bottomed out in me. Then suddenly, he pulled all the way out of me and plunged back in with a mighty thrust that shook me fiercely and he held it deep in me as his dick started contracting. I could actually feel it as his dick lurched inside of me, injecting shot after powerful shot of hot high school jock spunk into my abused innards."

"After about the eighth or ninth contraction he collapsed onto my back and stayed like that until I couldn't stand his weight on me anymore. I started moving and he aroused as if waking up, rolled off of me and promptly fell asleep. My ass was very sore, and it felt like I might be bleeding down there or maybe it was just his cum leaking out, I didn't know. So, I walked down to the lake and got in to clean myself up and let the cool water soothe my aching asshole. When I came back to the blanket, he was snoring softly. I dried myself with my shirt again and put my cloths back on. When I sat down on the blanket, there was a brief surge of pain but shifting my weight made it subside."

"I downed the last beer and laid down promptly falling asleep myself beside my almost-rapist. When I awoke it was still dark, so I shoved him to wake him up, told him to take me home, and I went on to the car. On the way back home, I just couldn't even think of talking to him. To this day I think that he still doesn't understand why both I and his ex-girlfriend was so upset with him. The next week he avoided me like the plague, so he even ended up breaking both his promises to me."

        • End of INTERLUDE - - - -

"WOW, I'm sorry it went down like that!" I said. "But it was a hot story. And, there are a lot of things that we can do to make getting fucked less painful, and maybe even a bit pleasurable." "Like what?" "Well first, I have some lotion that will work a lot better than spit as lubrication. I use it sometimes to jack off. Second, I'm not nearly as big as he was. And third, I'll take it much slower going in and if you tell me to stop, I will stop, until you tell me to continue."

Kevin seemed to be thinking it over. So, I continued, "Besides that, your story has made me really horny, see?" I said as I grabbed his hand and put it on my dick. He jerked his hand back as if he had felt an electric shock, and who knows, maybe he did. :-)~

I laughed and then he did too. So, I persisted, "How about it, man? You still owe me." "You'll use your lotion and stop if I tell you to?" (Could it be that after weeks of teasing me with his perfectly shaped naked butt that I was going get to feel my dick slide into it and feel those mounds against my groin?) "Yeah, I will. I promise." "Then okay... under one condition." "What is it." I said. "I get to fuck you too."

  • END of PART 6, Part 7 of 7 (Culmination of Aspiration) coming soon...

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I am thinking of pulling out the Interlude above, fleshing it out and posting it as a separate story in the High School section. What do you think? -

Positive comments and suggestions are always welcome. Allan

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Next: Chapter 5

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