Alliance by Marriage

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Oct 29, 2016




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I stood with my parents on the review balcony as the Grattekon delegation arrived. We'd been told they were on the road and had entered the kingdom two days ago. The border is a good day's ride for a healthy man on a horse, so the extra day had us both worried and champing at the reins. That is, my mother was worried and my father was champing at the reins, respectively. My sister, Princess Primrose, was standing on her dignity, as the bride-to-be, she was there to see the Grattekon Crown Prince who was to become her husband. My father was eager to establish a firm alliance with the Grattekon, who owned the range of mountains north of our own kingdom of Opperhess and with the alliance, secure the northern border. With the two royal families bonded by marriage and with my sister beside her husband on the Grattekon throne, my father could turn his martial energies toward the south and the rapidly deteriorating Olddong Empire. He could carve off chunks of it while they were busily repelling enemies to the south and west and expand our borders.

Mother, on the other hand, had her baby girl primarily in mind. Muttering her fretful comments to herself. "I can't believe that my baby is going to marry one of those foul-smelling brutes of Grattekon!" she declared in a voice only the royal family could hear. The crowd awaiting the Crown Prince's arrival was making those murmuring noises that any crowd of people make, talking to each other and all that reached my ears was a kind of rattling sound that made my ears ache like they did at every public event. But a prince, even a second son like myself, learns how to deal with such annoyances.

My Mother, however, was another matter. "How many men is he dragging with him, anyhow?"

"I have no clear idea, my dear." My father said docilely. He'd long ago learned to deal as little with my mother as possible. Wish I'd had the same options, she didn't dare tell him what to do, she didn't cease to tell me. "A dozen or so, no doubt."

"We'll have to board them all in the palace, somehow." My mother paused, then burst out, "Oh, Goddess, I hope they don't have fleas!"

I had to chuckle at that. The Grattekon are a rough-hewn people whose habits are adapted to their mountainous homeland. Where we had sizeable towns and landed estates, the Grattekon had only small villages in small mountain valleys and their noblemen were likely to be seen handling their own plows and hunting their own provender and tending their own herds of goats and sheep. My sister was heading for a rugged lifestyle and I wondered how long it would take for the Crown Prince to learn that she not only didn't know how to cook or clean, but could not dress a chicken or gut a sheep and would be nothing but a sodden lump of lead about his neck. I hoped he had a sister or mother who would live with them and take over such duties, for my sister would never, NEVER soil her hands with manual labor!

At that point, the Grattekon delegation arrived. A fanfare of trumpets and the crowd parted to clear a path between them toward the palace gates. I used the time it took them to ride up to us to look them over.

I couldn't tell which one was the Crown Prince, and which were his guards, for they were all wearing the same thing, a rough-woven woolen one-piece garment that was pulled over their heads, with armholes on each side and pulled together at the waist with a belt or rope, and hung down to about mid-thigh. This showed their hairy legs and knobby knees as well as their powerful muscles. The only other common garment was a leather sandal that was composed of a solid piece for the sole, and above that was leather straps sewed to the sole that bound the sole to their feet and then wrapped up their legs in multiple "X'es" to their calves. Beyond that, it was a matter of personal choice, the men wore swords or knives or bows-and-arrows or crossbows-and-bolts or maces or staves. A very motley appearance, though I didn't relish the thought of tackling any one of these men in one-on-one personal combat. They seemed to each carry the weapon they were best at! They had capes or bedrolls attached to their horses or bundles or saddlebags or sacks or...well, you get the idea. These men were alike, too, in their appearance, they were all massive, muscled, powerful men. Handsome, too, the men tended to square-jawed, steely-eyed, strong-browed men with wavy manes of hair usually cut to mid-ear length or tied back in small ponytails or held back with headbands. If I didn't envy my sister the life she'd live during the day, I did envy her the nights she'd have with such a husband as one of these men!

I was having an erection and surreptitiously shifted my tights to let it ease the pressure. I was glad my own tunic was stiff and long enough to cover my groin entirely for otherwise, I might disgrace the royal line!

My sister was watching the procession with dismay. "Mother!" she gasped when the men arrived, though she kept her voice low. "I can't marry a man like this!"

"Now, dear, this is probably just the advance guard. The royal carriage will be along in a little while, no doubt."

But the second part of the procession turned out to be only pack horses, and only a bare half-dozen of those. And among the men of the initial party, they were arraying themselves around their largest and most powerfully muscled member! For he was the Crown Prince!

"I greet you, King Dorman of Opperhess!" he called out. "I am Prince Gar and I come to greet you and my new bride to be!"

"And we greet you in all peace and hospitality." My father said as he reviewed them. And to my mother, in a sotto voce, "Oh, I shall have to ask his father to send a contingent to join my army when we invade the Empire."

My mother and father waved and as the soldiers escorted the Grattekon through the palace gates, we went downstairs to greet them in person.

Their visit took on many of the aspects of an invasion. These twenty men (for there were twenty of them) seemed to be everywhere at once. They were eating our food in the main hall, pinching the cleaning maidens and my mother's ladies-in-waiting in the hallways, drinking our wine in every room of the palace. My mother handled it well enough until she went out the next morning into the garden and found that they had both fed her prized blossoms to their horses and were using our palace's famous "Mist Fountain" as their personal bathing and horse waterhole!

She stormed into the palace calling the Grattekon all the foul names she could lay her tongue on and even my father's soft words and ways could not waylay her. The Grattekon heard her but none of them seemed to care, they just laughed, including the Crown Prince. My father was cheered by this, but my mother went up to my sister's room and spent the entire day with her up there, only the ladies-in-waiting were permitted within.

For myself, I wasn't having too bad a time. I found the company of the Grattekon most congenial, if raucous. A prince learns to hunt and I told him how to hunt the creatures of our land and they in turn regaled me with stories of their own mountain treks and safaris. We sparred with swords for sport and laughed and I drank a bit more than I should have that first night. The second day, my mother was already upstairs and I heard the story about her finding four naked men in the Mist Fountain second-hand and from their viewpoint. "Ran off like a scared virgin looking at her first hard man-bone!" one roared the punchline on the whole affair. "Not that any of us had anything like one in that cold water!"

The second night was like the first for me, too much wine and the men fell asleep where they had drunk too much, my mother had made the alcohol plentiful and available. It was all a part of her plot, it turned out.

The next morning, when was to be the day of the wedding of Prince Gar and my sister, neither my sister nor my mother were anywhere to be found. While the Grattekon had slept, my mother and sister had slipped out with a small guard and were now in parts unknown. My father was in a panic and we were all ordered to simply pretend that Princess Primrose was getting ready for her wedding. I guess my father had some sort of plan on how to handle things by the time of the wedding which was, by oldest royal tradition, to be held after sundown, perhaps he had sent out guards to try to find them. Whatever his plan was, it didn't work, and when the royal wedding got started, there was nothing to do but step up to the Crown Prince, now waiting at the altar, and admit that the Princess was nowhere to be found.

The royal tailors had stepped in and hastily prepared formal attire for him and he looked both majestic and regal in the royal blues of my older brother's own wedding clothing. My older brother was a big man and they'd had to only adjust it slightly to fit this big Crown Prince. I feasted my eyes upon this handsome specimen of manhood as he listened to my father's halting and abject apology for the missing princess, and then his eyes landed upon me.

I was wearing a more well-prepared set of wedding attire and at my sister's wishes, had been dressed in a tunic and tights of white with gold trim. She had wanted me to follow her in the procession and as an unmarried male, I was to wear white for my tunic, she merely insisted that it be all white rather than merely mostly white as was more common. But I guess that the white clothing I wore is what gave him the idea.

"Well, you wanted my family to join with yours by a wedding, did you not?" Prince Gar said to my father.

"Yes, yes, and I still do!" My father insisted. "My daughter has simply had a case of the jitters and I'm sure that if you'll just wait...."

"But there's no need for that." the Crown Prince insisted. "If we don't start back in the next few days, the mountain passes will be closed by snows and we won't be able to make it back to my home before next spring!"

"Oh, well, we can't have that!" My father went on, not seeing. "I guess we can exchange a promise to have the marriage later next year and simply sign an agreement...."

"I didn't mean that." the Crown Prince interrupted my father again. "We shall have the wedding today, here and now."

"But if my daughter isn't here."

"Then I shall simply marry another member of the royal family instead."

"But...there is no younger daughter, Princess Primrose is my only daughter!"

"I didn't mean another daughter, I meant him!"

"Prince Shann?" My father gasped, and I gasped as well.

"And why not?" Prince Gar went on. "My people allow marriage to whoever we wish, male or female. We'll have the marriage today, the alliance will be established and we can make it back to my home before the first snowfalls start. And they will start soon, the mountains usually have first snow before the autumnal equinox."

" son married to another man. I don't know." My father said.

Prince Gar smiled at me and I found myself warming and my mouth opened and I found myself saying, "I wouldn't mind marrying Prince Gar, Father."

"You wouldn't?"

My brain raced to find excuses and found them easily enough. "You know that my elder brother shall inherit the kingdom, and it's not big enough for you or him to give me an estate of my own." I said. "There is nothing waiting for me here, nothing can wait for me here, but to be an eternal hanger-on at the court, with little money and no real duties. If I marry Prince Gar, I can go with him and live with him and we'll share the duties of running his kingdom together."

My father looked so relieved at my saying this that he scarcely bothered with an answer, he hustled away and soon enough, the announcement was made that the marriage would proceed, but instead of my sister getting married, it would be me. That caused quite a stir, but I didn't care. The priest was hustled out to the altar, looking flustered, and soon we were busily taking vows. I declared my agreement with a voice unexpectedly loud and enthusiastic which caused some chuckles, and Prince Gar defused the situation by being just as loud when he declared his own agreement. And then laughed heartily. The marriage went on as it should and when we were done, Prince Gar scooped me into his arms and laid a kiss on me that made a few of the older ladies faint and the rest to laugh even louder.

The wedding reception was long and tedious of course, you can't stand and greet thousands of people quickly or comfortably, but then it was off to the wedding feast which was thankfully kept smaller, and I figured that the marriage feast would be the end of it. Prince Gar would beg off when we were alone and we'd sleep apart, a marriage of convenience. He'd explained it to my father that way.

But he came with me to my own room, which some of the house women had festooned for the marriage bed with roses and white satin sheets. I looked at it and at Prince Gar, who was getting ready for bed by disrobing. "Prince Gar, I realize that this is to be a marriage in name only and I can understand that. We can work things out so that we can each pursue our individual...."

Prince Gar was bare to the waist and came over to me as I said that and I looked up stupidly into his face. "Who said this was to be a marriage in name only?" he asked me and to punctuate that declaration, proceeded to give me another kiss, with all the duration of the one at the wedding but even more intimate. His tongue slid into my mouth midway through the kiss and as I tasted that fleshy intruder on my own tongue, that same feeling of unreality I'd had when I'd agreed to marry him returned, and my body moved of its' own accord, and its reaction was to first suck on that tongue and then press my own between his lips. And he suckled on my tongue with even more ardor than I had on his.

He broke away, "Now let's finish getting ready for bed. Can you help me with these tights you people wear? They're on my body like warpaint." He sat on the bed and I helped him with that and then sprang to tearing my own clothing off me as fast as I could. I had on more clothing but was far more familiar with it, when he was naked and got into the bed, I was pulling off my own tights, my last article of clothing to remove from my body.

He looked at my nude form and I saw approval in his face. "Ah, my husband, when we marry another man, we marry a fellow warrior, and I can see that you have all the strength you would need to fight by my side."'

He was being polite, I had some muscles on my body but his were three times the size of my own. But I simply smiled and accepted the praise. "I only hope that I have the strength to please you this night."

Prince Gar pretended to consider this. "Well, that will take more strength than combat, but we will do our best."

I smiled as I crawled in with him and as our naked bodies touched, and the warmth of his body combined with mine, I lost all my recitence and bashfulness, such as I'd had, and clung to him fiercely. This was my husband, this was MINE! Official, declared, ordained and established, and approved by royal decree and religious sanction, I could make love to Prince Gar and feel nothing but having engaged in proper marital relations.

"Oh, oh, my Gar." I sighed as I pushed my lips against his cheek. Nuzzled, then said, "I will please you every way you want, you only need but guide me as to what you want of me."

"My dearest Shann." he said to me. "We shall each please the other, and that is what I will want of you, to take as you want and give as I ask of you, and we shall see what we shall see."

With that reassurance, I got myself astraddle of his waist and that let me rub our cocks together, I felt the massive tool of my husband against my own smaller one and I wondered if I would measure up to him, but his face bore only pleasure and contentment as I wriggled and worked his cockskin and mine up and down, back and forth, round and round, prick against prick, and the beginning of our passion was thus born.

Prince Gar moaned and reached up for me and pulled me down onto his body and then he rolled the both of us over and now he was on top of me, and at first I thought he might just shove his cock into my ass like that, unlubricated and rough, but he instead began to kiss his way down my body and as he got to my stomach, his tongue playing with my navel, I looked at his body, splayed out sideways on the bed, and decided I wasn't doing my part.

I bent around and he cooperated and we ended up sort of diagonal on the bed, and my face in his crotch and his in mine. I hesitated as I saw the hard thick tool but then I felt his lips closing on my cock and the warmth and coverage was complete and I moaned, and surrendered, dove onto him and slid that huge prod in as far down my throat as it would go. I felt it slide into my throat and I stretched my neck to straighten out my esophagus and when I did, more of it went down and I found myself with my lips pressed against his body and testicles, triumphantly holding all of his massive pud in my mouth and throat.

He groaned and treated me likewise and we held like that for a time, feeling the entirety of our manhood buried in each other and I had to be the first to pull back. But as I did, Prince Gar did the same to me, and I realized that he had decided to match me in this soixante-neuf, that he would do to me whatever I did to him. With that at stake, I worked his dick as ardently and well as I could, and indeed my northern-mountain lover matched me stroke for stroke, lick for lick, and I could communicate to him what I wanted by doing it to him, if I wanted more attention to my glans, I need only work his the more, if I wanted more speed, I need only speed up on him. And he adjusted my own actions from time to time for I found myself matching him, if he moved when I was not, I hastily shifted to keep up with him.

As a result, we were both soon in a state of heightened passion and our cocks were smeared liberally with our saliva. That was when Prince Gar surprised me by letting go of me even though I had his dong deep within my mouth again.

"Now I will take you, my new husband, my Shann." He panted. "I will take you and make you my own."

He shifted over and onto me and aimed his spit-jacketed schlong at my ass. When that moist glans kissed my ass, I only groaned, far too excited to resist or even protest feebly, all I did was grunt and my hands caught his ass cheeks and helped guide that huge shaft toward my lower entrance.

The thick shaft's breaking into my body was an unusual experience. I expected pain and tearing and misery at this point, and had decided to endure it in order to pleasure my husband. But with my agreement, my body seemed to accommodate rather than resist as he stuck it into me.

So my body spread and let him enter me, that huge man-shaft bore its way into me and I groaned as it slid into my bowels, the way it brushed my prostate sent my pleasure-senses into overdrive and I moaned and my hands, still on my husband's buttocks, pulled at him, trying to get him to push in harder, faster!

He fought me on that, but soon enough was fully inside of me. "Now you belong to me, my new husband, and are fully a part of my family." he said in a soft intimate whisper at my ear. "Now all I need to do is finish, and spray my essence into you and we shall be one, a single soul between us, now and forever."

"Yes, please, oh, yes, take me, take me now!" I moaned. "I need you, Gar, I need you so much, take me now!"

Prince Gar began to move up and down with his hips and as he did, his cock began to slide in and out of me. His motions were sure, certain and refined, I could not have asked for a better and more adept lover than my beloved Gar. And he kept with all of that an element of gentleness that even his power and thrusts did not disguise. Even when his passion began to bubble forth and his breaths sped up and his face flushed and his body broke out in a light sweat, he did not lose that element to his lovemaking, even though he sped up and rammed me harder and faster, harder and faster, and I clung to him and as he was panting heavily and his face flushed from his exertions, my own climax struck me.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, oh, oh, OHH!" was all I managed before I sprayed upwards, peppering his body with my spunk, and wads of it dripped back down onto me, and others sprayed directly from my dick to my stomach as my spurts eased and as I drifted down from my heights into the lassitude that follows ecstasy, his own orgasm gripped him in its iron claws.

"Oh, oh, MY DEAREST LOVE, OHHHHHH!" Prince Gar flushed a vivid scarlet all over his face, and he groaned an animal grunt of joy and shoved his dong in deep and held it there and that was where and when he came, ejaculating heavy wads inside me, I could feel it boiling inside me, and it was so far inside me that I knew it would remain there, a part of me, forever.

Prince Gar rested his weight on his forearms when he was done, panting hard above me, the hot breaths were what I breathed in, and the heat of them were warm in my lungs, and when he leaned down and nuzzled my neck in exhausted intimacy, I felt then that we were truly and completely now a married couple.

According to the tradition, the next three days were ours alone in that room, and meals were brought to us and wine as we called for it, and we did not dress in all that time, merely covering our bodies as the servants brought in what we had asked for.

I went downstairs at the end of that third day with my husband and there was my mother and sister, they had heard of my marriage and had returned. My mother seemed furious for some reason, but I didn't care, if she had thought things through, we would not have had to resort to this and only Prince Gar's genuine decency had kept both the royal alliance by marriage intact and my own personal dignity undamaged. Even my father's babblings of the wars he would now be able to wage and win with Grattekon support sounded hollow in my ears.

We set out two days later, myself astride a horse that I felt could handle the mountain heights the same way the sturdier Grattekon horses would. And as we rode, I felt no need to look backwards at my family and my past, and only looked ahead to the mountains that were to be my new kingdom, and my new home.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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