Alpha Pack

By Luphine

Published on Jan 17, 2013


This story is purely fiction and if you are uncomfortable with reading homosexual content, please do not proceed.

This is a story about how a powerful school gang was formed. Each chapter, the alpha of the pack will seek a new member to recruit. I hope you enjoy the story! And please do give me comments! :) Forgive me bad grammar as I don't really have a strong English foundation =\

This chapter is rather long, so I hope it isn't too long winded >_< I felt like I was about to die by being too anxious to be honest.

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Thank you for your support! So now I present to you...

The Alpha Pack Chapter 3 - The Captain

"So... You coping well with your studies?" I asked.

"Eh." Tyler shrugged and then gave me a cheesy grin, "Better than my ass from that hell of a 7 inch ride of yours. Man my ass is still sore." He gave his ass a rub.

I flushed a little and lightly elbowed his arm, "Oh, shut up."

The two of us were giggling throughout our way to the school cafeteria as we head for lunch. It has been two days since our little "gathering" at Adam's home. Every since then, Tyler and I have bonded really well. The two of us has been meeting up for meals and studies since.

"Haha! Alright, Alright. Adam is really doing his best to simplify the texts for me. I'm actually catching up slowly. There are still a lot of things I don't know and Adam is helping me to take it slow." Tyler answered.

"Sounds great actually... By the way, just curious... Why a degree in business? I would have guess that you took up something like sport and physical science."

"My parents don't really support me in playing football. They believe that its not practical. So I wanna prove that I can do both!" Tyler then let out a sigh, "Which I failed terribly at..."

I gave Tyler's shoulder a pat and grabbed him close to me, "Come on... You're doing fine. Its only the third week. Don't be too hard on yourself."

Tyler turned to meet me in the eyes and gave a chuckle, "Not as hard as your dick in me!" Then he gave my nose a pinch, flashed a grinned and started running away.

"Oh you!" I began to chase after him. Seriously, what is with these guys and their obsession to tease me!

The school cafeteria was really packed when we reached, Adam was already there looking around for seats but he seemed to be able find one. He then turned to smile at us as we approached him. "Ah my two lovely gentlemen! Nice to see of you two getting along so well."

"No luck for seats huh." Tyler asked.

"Sadly, no. However, I did think of a good alternative, we'll eat out doors." Adam then gave our butts a smack, "Now let's go get our lunch."

When we were done purchasing our lunches to go, Adam brought the two of us outside to a spot filled with wooden tables and benches. Something seems familiar about this place... "Remember this table?" Adam asked out of the blues.

Not understanding his question, I replied lamely, "Huh?"

"I was sitting on this table when you were checking me out during the first day of school." Adam started grinning.

"Wooo, day one and Fil is already checking guys out." Tyler joined him with the grinning, "Here I thought you are a decent boy."

I could feel my cheeks heating up, "I wasn't checking him out! I was just... Looking at him..." At that moment I thought I could die of embarrassment. I just pushed them away and sat down to eat my sandwiches.

The two of them look at each other and burst into laughter. Adam ruffled my hair and sat down beside me while Tyler sat cross the two of us. Somehow, every time Adam ruffles my hair, it felt kinda comforting.

"Wanna study at the library tonight?" Adam asked, scooping himself a spoonful of chicken macaroni.

"Can't... I have football practice every Tuesday to Friday evenings." Tyler responded.

"I'm free, I could join you." I said.

Wiping his mouth with a napkin, Adam swallowed his food and hinted, "Then lets study in your room instead." I pretend to look away, not understanding what he just said... Fuck, why am I being so turned-on by every word Adam says?!

"Woo, someone is getting lucky tonight." I mouthed Tyler to shut up which caused both of them to chuckle. "Alright alright, just don't have too much fun... without..." Tyler suddenly stopped speaking and kept staring behind us. This prompted Adam and me to turn behind us to see what is going on.

A group of guys wearing maroon jerseys with a picture of a shark was advancing towards us. In the midst of them, was a 6'2" beefy blonde, he portrays an extra sense of cockiness and confidence from the way he walks, which made him stand out more and naturally I assumed that he is the stereotypical muscle head leader of that group. He stuffed both of his hands in his jeans pocket while the rest of the group was pointing at us, all of them smirking.

"Why if it isn't our new fish!" That blonde said. First sentence and already I feel like punching him in the face. "Enjoying your lunch?" Tyler just looked down and kept silent, he seemed really uncomfortable right now. "I ASKED if you're enjoying your LUNCH!" Blondie's asked again in a more demanding tone.

"Yes..." Tyler answered.

"Yes what?" Blondie raised an eye brow.

"Yes Captain!" Tyler shouted.

"Good! Enjoy your lunch! You'll need the energy for today's training." The group started to surround our lunch table. I could tell that Adam is starting to tense up. "By the way fish, coach said that our equipment room is a mess and we need to clean it up... You know what this means right?"

"Yes captain."

Blondie gave Tyler a hard smack on the back. He seems satisfied with Tyler's answer. "Very good fish! I'll see you later then! Carry on your lunch with your friends then." He smiled at the two of us and walked away, with the rest of the gang following him.

"That guy is a dick... who is he?!" I asked with annoyance.

Tyler kept silent for a while and took a deep breath. Then he look up and gave us a weak smile and answered, "His name is Max Bradman, he is the captain and the star quarterback of our team..."

"Are those fuckers bullying you?" Adam asked, his tone unhappy. Tyler just shook his head. "Don't hide this from us! Are they fucking bullying you?!" Adam shouted.

"I'm not! I'm not getting bullied. Its normal for new members to go through some form of trial period that's all!" Tyler grabbed our arms and reassured.

"Promise me that if they ever bully you, come tell us." I replied.

"I promise." Tyler gave another reassuring smile. But I wasn't really convinced. We ate the rest of our lunch in silence...

Caught up with my prof on my thesis. Tell Ty I'm sorry I couldn't make it. Adam texted.

Will do. Take care. I replied.

I kept my phone in my pocket as I entered the equipment room. It was already 11pm and Tyler was sitting alone on the bench polishing one of the football helmets lying around. He was so exhausted that he didn't notice me till I took a seat next to him.

"Huh. Why are you here Fil?"

"Well... After some discussion, Adam and I decided to cancel our study session to lend you a hand." I replied, giving him a smile. "Adam got caught about with his professor about his thesis and wants me to tell you he is sorry."

Tyler snickered. "You idiots are crazy. You should rest even if you're not studying."

"That makes three of us crazy then." I chuckled and gave Tyler a light punch at his shoulder, causing him to wince in pain to my surprise. "Holy shit! I didn't know I punched you that hard. Are you okay?!"

"No no its not you." Tyler rubbed his shoulder to ease that pain.

"Fuck! What happened?!" I cried in surprise as I peeled off Tyler's jersey and it revealed his body full of bruises.

"Its nothing! We're practicing throws today and I didn't catch very well that's all... So the ball hits me everywhere. Nothing bengay can't fix." Tyler explained.

"You should see the school nurse." I proceed to pick him up, however, he resisted and push both of us back down.

"Relax! Relax! I'm fine! So are you gonna help me clean these equipment up anyway?" Tyler asked with a little frustration, offering me a dirty rag and helmet. I gave a snort and grabbed both and started polishing. "Don't tell Adam about this alright. He has enough to worry about and I don't really want to be a problem for his studies."

"Yeah... yeah... I won't..." I rolled my eyes and responded.

"Felix Norton! You did not just roll your eyes at me." Tyler gave me a quirky grin and jab me at my arm. I turned to face him and proceed to roll my eyes again at him. "Oh that's it!" He tossed another dirty rag at my face and tackled me down to the floor. "Ow that hurt!" Tyler exclaimed, but he didn't stop, the two of us just tumbled and wrestled around the floor, giggling and laughing.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" We heard a sudden yell from the door and froze. Blondie and his gang stomped into the room. The two of us broke up immediately and stood up. Blondie was furious.

"We... we were just..." Blondie gave Tyler a slap across the face, slamming him onto the floor.

"Drag this shit piece of fag out of my equipment room now!" Blondie ordered and a few of his men proceeds to drag Tyler out.

"Where are you guys taking him?" I was about to chase after Tyler before Blondie nudge me away.

"You better fuck off from our business! Count yourself lucky that I'm not touching you today. So get the fuck out of my face now!" Blondie then grabbed me and throw me out of the room.

I ran away quickly and hid behind at a corner. I took a peek and managed to see them dragging Tyler towards the direction of the football field. I took out my phone and started dialling Adam's number, my hands was shaking uncontrollably... Fuck.

"Hey babe! Wassup!" Adam answered the call in glee.

"Ty's in trouble! Oh my god Adam! Ty's in trouble!" I cried.

"Fil you gotta calm down and tell me what happened."

"Max Bradman and his gang are dragging Tyler to the football field and I think they're gonna attack him!" My voice still shivering.

"Those fuckers... Meet me at the field! Don't do anything stupid alright?! Wait for me!" Adam ordered before he hung up.

I ran as fast as I could towards the football field and saw Tyler on the floor being kicked around by the gang while Max Bradman stood there watch in anger. "We are the Sharks! We don't do fags! We don't take in fags! Is the first round of beating not enough for you?!"

"Please captain! Please stop hitting me! I'll be good!! PLEASE!!" Tyler begged while trying to roll around and shield himself against the assault.

"HEY HEY! BACK OFF! BACK OFF YOU FUCKERS! I'VE CALLED FOR THE AUTHORITIES!" I ran yelling into the group, pushing them away from Tyler and cover him with my body. I met Blondie eye to eye and shout at his face, "Get the fuck away from Tyler!"

Blondie then furiously pull me away and toss me aside. He kneeled beside Tyler and grabbed onto Tyler's face. "You are a disgrace to the sharks... Don't you dare show your face in this field again! You faggot fish!" He spat at Tyler's face and gave Tyler's ribs one more kick and ripped off Tyler's jersey before leaving the field with his gang.

I crawled back to Tyler's side and hugged him. I couldn't stop myself from shivering as I started to break down and cry... "I'm sorry Tyler... I'm so sorry. This is entirely my fault... If I didn't..."

Tyler shook his head and reached out to my face to wipe my tears, "Don't cry Fil... Its n..." He started coughing before he could finish his sentence.

Adam walked over and carried Tyler up suddenly, his eyes all murderous, "Fil, we're bringing him to your room to tend his wounds. They know where he lives and I need to make sure he is alright before I kill that fucking blonde son of a bitch..."

Adam came back with some painkillers a while ago, and then he left the two of us alone, and hasn't return since. Tyler just sat still on my bed while I soak a towel with warm water to clean his bruises.

Each new bruise that I found just made my heart cringe and what is worst is that he just kept silent and refused to speak a word. I slowly work from his lower body then up, making sure that all his wounds are tended.

I began to worry about him, the whole time he didn't even wince or shout for pain. The most painful part was when I started to clean his face. His left eye and his right cheek were beaten swollen. Tyler just stared into blank space, his eyes lifeless... When I proceed to clean the wound of his eye, a tear rolled out and my heart broke...

"I just want to play football..." His voice coarse and broken, "I just want to play football..." I hugged him close to me and cried, "I just want to play football..." He started to shiver uncontrollably, "I just wanted to play football..." We just kept hugging...

I woke up the next day with Tyler still in my arms, he was still sound asleep, so I slowly wriggled my way out and gently rest him on my bed. Adam had brought us some food and left a note with it.

  • Called in sick for the two of you. Please eat up. Adam. *

I brought the food to our dorm's pantry and heated them up with the microwave oven. There were some sandwiches, pasta and a bowl of porridge. When I returned to my room with the food all heated up, Tyler was already awake.

"Good afternoon sleepy head. Adam left us some food and I've already heated them up." I smiled at him and leave the food on my desk and proceed to check on Tyler. "You sure you don't want to visit a doctor or a school nurse?" I asked for what seems like a million times since yesterday, but both of Adam and Tyler refused to answer me since last night.

Tyler just shook his head gently and returned my smile. "Adam knew..." He said.

"Knew what?" I raised my eye with curiosity.

"If I go visit the doctors or the school's nurses, I might never be able to play football again... They will never put me back to the team in risk of getting myself being bullied again."

"Well... how about some lunch then? We have some sandwiches, pasta and some porridge." I asked.

Tyler gave his usual mischievous grin and replied, "I want you." Thank god! He has returned to his normal self... Great... the first normal reaction I got from him was to tease me... Well two can play that game.

"Well..." I tried my best to look sexy, "Sadly we're out of milk."


"Adam told me that I taste great with milk." Holy fuck I did not just say that...

Tyler chuckled and walked towards me and held me by my waist. "Felix Norton, you saucy little thing, who knew you could be such a hot tease..." He pecked my on my lips and continued, "I would love to eat you later, but now I'm in mood for some pasta." He pulled off and gave me a wink with his right eye.

We both laughed and proceed to eat our lunch...

We spent the rest of the time just talking and snuggling on bed. We both shared about our childhood and our family. Nothing special really happened until late night, we were about to get some sleep, that was when I received a text message from Adam.

Meet me at the school's dance studio immediately. Bring Tyler.

The two of us rushed down to the studio immediately, it was the first time I ever stepped into the room. The room was dark, but we could hear some noises, it sounded like something was rocking and some one's muffled voice. Tyler switched on the lights and never in 22 years of my life would I ever expect to see a scene like that.

The studio walls were made up entirely of mirrors and in the middle of the room were Adam and Max Bradman. Max Bradman was being stripped naked, bounded and gagged. Both of his arms are being tied to the back of a metal chair, his legs were being spread wide apart and tied onto the arms of the chair with duct tape, leaving his 7 inch dick and his ass exposed. Holy Fuck... This is crazy...

Adam was sitting on a chair right beside him, with his hands crossed, smiling at us. "Gentlemen! You reached just in time for the show."

"What the hell did you do?" I exclaimed.

"I just knocked him out when he is alone on his way back from football practice and paid the school's break dancing team some money to loan this studio to me for the rest of the night." Adam replied. His smile never left his face.

Tyler was too shocked to speak. He just stood there and stared at Max.

Adam stood up and proceeds to lock the studio door and whispered to the both of us, "Now the two of you, just keep real quiet and enjoy the show." He then proceeds to remove Max Bradman's gag.

"LET ME GO YOU SICK PERVERT!" Max yelled while trying to struggle himself free.

"Oh no..." Adam snickered, "The night is still early my dear captain."


"Come on, you beat up my man and you think I would let you go so easily?" Adam reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a 9 inch long blue plastic tube... Oh Fuck... It was a vibrator... "Don't worry, I'm here to show you a good time." Adam switched on the vibrator, creating this buzzing sound.

"Wha.. What are you doing?" Max started to panic and struggle even harder.

"You see... You called Tyler a fag, yet you never really have a chance to find out, how big a fag you are yourself." Adam smiled as he produced a tube of lube from his other pocket. He started to lubricate the vibrator and then tease Max Bradman's hole with the tip.

"Fuck! Get it away from my ass! Ge..." Adam shoved the whole vibrator into his hole, causing Max to scream in pain. "GAHHHH!!! GET IT OUT! GET IT OUT!" His body all tensed up, his toes curled and his dick to twitch slightly.

"This pain is nothing as compared to what I am about to do to you... This pain is nothing compared to what you did to Tyler." Adam then pulled out the whole vibrator out, only to shove it all the way in again. Max's dick twitched again while he screamed in pain once more.


"When I got here, I was thinking for a long time, what to do with you..." He moved to Max's ears and whispered, "I thought about leaving you like this, your hole nicely lubed up and have the rest of your gang up here to fuck you again and again, breaking you in every single way you never thought of. Or should I just give you an easier way out and make you beg for forgiveness."

"MY MAN WILL NEVER LISTEN TO YOU! GUUHHHH! LET ME GO!!!!" Max was starting to breathe harder. His muscular body was sweating profusely.

Hearing Max's response made Adam chuckled, "Oh but they will! You see... if I could easily tie you up like this, who do you think they will fear more? Not to forget, with you out of the picture, the quarterback position is widely available for the team and so does your ass as the matter of fact."

Max became silent, he just struggled and squirmed as Adam repeatedly shoved the vibrator in and out of his hole, and it was pretty obvious that he was starting to get exhausted.

"But don't worry, I'm being very generous today, I've decided to make you beg instead." Adam grinned, "Soon, you will be begging me, begging me to make you cum."

"Fuck you! I will never be a fag like one of you! FUCKING LET ME GO!!!" Max summoned all his strength to struggle out once more, but it was futile.

"Sex can be a very very powerful thing." Adam pulled out the vibrator and coated it with a new layer of lube. However this time, he did not shove it into Max hole at one go. He slowly inserts it inch by inch this time and gentle pull it out and repeats the process. "You can easily control someone when you bring them into a state of sexual lust and when you do that, you can easily make or break the person."

Max's dick slowly began to harden and leak pre-cum, "Fuck! Whats going on..." He began to breathe heavier. "What the fuck are you doing to me?" Adam just smiled in respond and began to speed up the pumping. "What are you... Ohh... Fuck... Thats impossible..."

"Feeling good already?" Adam smirked.

"Fuck... its not possible... I'm not a... I'm not a fag! Ugh..." Max started to slur, his dick started to twitch each time Adam inserts the vibrator into his ass. "Ughh... You're driving my dick nuts! Fuck... You... I'm... I'M COM..." Max's body started to tense up and was closed to ejaculating, his toes were all curled up and his body quivering, but Adam stopped pumping and leave the vibrator in Max's ass half way... he wasn't able to cum. "Fuck! I was close! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Painful isn't it? Not being able to cum like you want to? Come on... Feel that vibrator! Feel how close it is to your pleasure spot?" Adam cooed.

"Ugghhhh! Please, just let me cum!" Max begged.

"You know why I pick the school's dance studio specifically?" Max just responded with groaning as he continued his futile attempt to struggle free. "Because I want you to see for yourself how your own body will respond when you are so sexually aroused." Adam then turned Max Bradman to face directly to the mirror, causing Max to panic. "The most exciting part of having your orgasm denied is that your body would respond to every sensual touch."

Adam began to rub and fondle Max's nipples, causing Max to groan and his dick to respond and drip even more pre-cum, his ass clenched onto the vibrator hard.

"Look at yourself. You're getting turned-on just by playing with your nipples! What would the rest of your gang think when you realise that their leader could get off just by playing with his ass and his nipples?" Adam asked.

Max's eyes widened and shook his head in panic, "NOO! PLEASE! DON'T TELL THE GUYS! PLEASE!!" He yelled.

"THEN DON'T FUCK WITH MY MAN!" Adam shouted back, his face all red and his eyes wide open. I've never seen Adam so angry before... And seeing him like that scares me a little... "YOU FUCK WITH MY MAN THIS IS WHAT YOU GET!" Adam started to breathe harder. I can tell he is willing himself to calm down..."I will deprive you of your orgasm again and again and again, till you break, till you can no longer achieve an erection without my help, till you begged and begged and begged..."

Max Bradman broke... He began to cry, "Pleeease... Please no... I beg you... Please let me go... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Before Adam could respond, Tyler walked towards the two of them and pulled Adam away and starts to release Max's legs free. "Alright! Alright! He has learnt his lesson! Please Adam, don't break him any further..."

"Fuck! Tyler! He almost killed you!!" Adam exclaimed.

"And breaking him won't change that fact!" Tyler shot back. He managed to free Max's legs and pull the vibrator off Max's ass. However the rest of his body was still tied up with the chair. Then stood up and gave Adam a hug to calm him down. "I know you are doing this for me Adam and we got the apology... Please... no more." Tyler then turned around to face Max.

"Thank you... Thank you... Please forgive me... Fish, I'll never hurt you again! I promise!" Max cried out in relief.

"Not so fast." Tyler replied, "I want back to the team."

"Of course, yes, anything!" Hearing Max Bradman's response, Tyler next did something that was totally unexpected. He began to knelt down and swallow Max's 7 inch dick whole. Confused by the whole situation, Max Bradman began to question Tyler while having his dick sucked at, "Fuck... What... are you dd... doing?!"

Tyler pulled out, saliva and pre-cum splatted his face, and started to explained, "If I go back to the team with you in this state. There will always be some kind of awkwardness between us... Not to mention within the team... I can never enjoy football like that. If blowing you is what it takes to resolve that problem... so be it..." Tyler then gave what I consider as one of the most charming and sincere smile I have ever seen, even if his right cheek was swollen.

"But... I... I almost got you killed!" Max started to cry again, he couldn't comprehend what he is currently feeling right now, he just cried...

Adam knelt beside Tyler and looked at Tyler with a serious face and asked, "Are you serious about this?"

Tyler nodded.

"You are fucking insane..." Adam shook his head and began to unzip his pants, he pulled out his own dick and gesture Tyler to suck it and Tyler obeyed. At the same time, Adam's eyes never left Max Bradman, "Count yourself lucky... That Tyler has forgiven you. So now I will claim you as mine... And you will owe your life to Tyler."

Max dared not say a word. He just nodded to Adam in fear.

"You will break off with your so called gang. I do not want your gang to be anywhere close to the two of you except during football." Adam hold onto Tyler's head to steady Tyler from being too anxious on giving the blowjob. "Unless I see a change of attitude from them, I do not want to see them near you two, especially Tyler, You understand?"

"Y... Yes..."

"Good." Satisfied with Max's respond, Adam pulled Tyler away from his dick and proceeds to free Max from the chair. However, he left Max's hand to be tied up and began fuck Max's hole hard while standing up. "Blow him now Tyler, blow him hard!"

Max couldn't believe that sensation of being fucked and sucked off at the same time, he just kept grunting, "Shit. This is fucking incredible. Don't stop! Ugh... Don't stop!" It didn't take long before Max started to ejaculate as Tyler swallowed his 7 incher. Every single of his muscle tensed as he ejaculated streams after streams of cum into Tyler's throat. "GUHH! Tyler your throat is so warm!"

Just when Max thought his orgasm has ended Adam grunted and sank his teeth into Max's shoulder as he rammed his dick hard into Max's hole one last time and started ejaculating himself, causing Max's body to spasm once more and shot out another stream of cum into Tyler.

When Adam's own climax ended, he released Max from his bite and pulled himself out of Max. "You are now mine and you are now part of this pack. If Tyler is harmed in anyway or if you dare to double cross the pack in any way. There won't be any more chances... I will kill you myself." Adam warned Max once more as he wore his pants, then he turned to Tyler, "He's all yours..." and began to walked out of the room, leaving the two of them indulging each other in their sexual lust.

I left the room to chase after Adam. For some reason, I have the unexplainable urge to kiss and stay within Adam's embrace right now... He wasn't far and I managed to catch up with him. He had lost control of his own emotions and started to break down himself before me...

"I can't believe I... I promised myself I won't... Mm..." I interrupted his words by grabbing him close to me and kissed him... Tears still rolling out of his eyes and I could taste it... But I didn't care...

We just kept kissing...

Next Chapter - The Genius

Next: Chapter 4

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