Alphabet Lovers

By John Paul

Published on Jun 26, 2023


"This is the last one," I said, holding up the 26th and final consent form from one of my Alphabet Lovers.

Jake looked up from his newspaper. "Who is it?"

"Liam," I said.

"Ah, the rock star. I wonder why it took him so long to reply."

"I dunno... maybe he was worried about how his current boyfriend would react."

"Hmm, maybe. This is number six for him right?"

I shrugged. "That's what the tabloids say. I haven't talked to him in a couple of years."

"You've broken him, Paulie. You've made it impossible for him to love another man the way he loves you. You've broken all of these poor saps... except for me, of course."

I laughed. "Of course. You have a vivid imagination and warped sense of humor, my friend."

"That's why you keep me around," he said, ducking behind his newspaper again.

I read over Liam's consent form; everything seemed to be in order. That's when I noticed he had included a note in the envelope as well. A lot of the guys had done that -- either to praise my work, thank me for including them, or some other positive, motivational reason. Liam's note, as I would soon find out, was a little deeper than that.

"Dear John Paul,

It has been too long since we last spoke. It tears me apart to think that our relationship has been reduced to a couple of short emails every year or two. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised; that is why we decided not to pursue a more committed relationship, right? Reading your story -- our story -- makes the fact that we aren't a bigger part of each other's lives that much more frustrating. Does that make sense? If not, I can understand; it doesn't make much sense to me either. All I know is that I'd like to hear from you more often... maybe even see you. We're starting a tour in the U.S. next month. I think we'll be in the capital city in August. You'll have free access to the backstage, of course. Your friends as well. Afterwards, maybe we can grab some dinner or have a few drinks. Would that be okay? I'll be in touch. Take care.

Love, Liam"

"Hey Adam!" I heard Jake say. I looked up from Liam's letter to see my sexy boss and boyfriend grabbing a chair from another table and dragging it over to ours.

"I thought I'd find you two here," he said as he sat down beside me. I folded up Liam's letter and stuffed it back in the envelope. He leaned over and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. "Whatcha reading?"

"Oh, just a letter from Liam. He wanted to tell me how much he enjoyed the stories."

Adam grinned evilly. "Of course he did... they're hot! You've led quite an interesting life, baby."

"Interesting? Is that your nice way of saying I'm a wanton slut?"

He grinned again. "Mm hmm... but you're MY wanton slut."

He leaned over and kissed me again -- not quite so innocently this time. Jake lifted his paper and mumbled, "Get a fucking room, you two."

We giggled and returned to our corners for a time-out. God, it was great being back with Adam again. After our romantic interlude at the masquerade party and our subsequent sexual exploit, he became relentless in his efforts to reprise his role as the man in my life. With that kind of determination, how could I refuse?

Things were like they were before... no, they were better. We'd learned from our mistakes and grown -- our love was stronger than ever. And the sex... well, let's just say we'd both acquired new skills during our time apart and brought a lot of kinky moves to the bedroom... and the bathroom... and the kitchen...

"Hey... are you guys interested in going to a Banshee's Keen concert?" I asked. "The band's coming to town in August and Liam has offered to get us backstage passes."

"Hell yeah!" Adam said. "I love Keen!! You remember how we used to have sex to their "Bloodlust" album?"

"How could I forget?" I replied, feeling the heat rushing to my face. He smiled devilishly and squeezed my thigh beneath the table.

Jake sighed and laid his paper on the table. He was a strong opponent of public displays of affection; Adam and I tested his limits every time the three of us were together. "I'll pass. As much as it pains me to turn down a backstage pass, I can't imagine spending an entire evening listening to that noise. Pity... it would have been nice to meet Liam. I still can't believe you fucked one of the world's biggest rock stars."

The smile on Adam's face faded a little in response to Jake's off-color remark. I wasn't very amused either.

"What?" Jake said. "It's not like it's a big secret. You read the book too, Adam. Shit, he fucked me too; you don't see me getting all bent out of shape."

I cleared my throat. "I should fax this to Morris so he can do that lawyer thing that he does. I'll call you later, Jake... and I'll see YOU at home." I gave Adam another sloppy kiss that drove Jake back into hiding behind his newspaper and put a smile back on my baby's face.

"See ya, sweetie," he said. His tone was a little tepid.

As I crossed Mass. Avenue, I couldn't stop thinking about Adam's reaction. Sure, Jake's comment was tasteless, insensitive, and uncalled for, but he was just joking. If Adam couldn't take a joke, how was he going to deal with the possibility that I might become mildly famous for my 26 other sexual exploits? He read the book; he said he was okay with it, but was he really? It's hard enough maintaining a relationship and dealing with the everyday shit that goes along with it -- I could only imagine the amount of strain the book would put on us.

I jogged down the escalators into the depths of the Dupont Circle Metro station just in time to catch the next Red Line back home.

We'd already broken up once because of our careers -- MY career -- and now my new career possibly threatened our reconciliation. I thought maybe I should scrap the whole book idea. It wouldn't be fair to Jake, though. He a lot of time and love into helping me write my sexual memoirs; it was as much his baby as it was mine and he was VERY proud of it. He'd be very disappointed, but he'd understand; wouldn't he? "Maybe I'm blowing this way out of proportion," I thought to myself. "Maybe I'm too quick to think the worst. We can work this out."

I found an empty seat on the train, next to a classy and elegant older lady -- maybe in her 60's. With her pink Chanel suit, white pillbox hat and gloves, she was reminiscent of Jackie O. I looked at her and forced a warm smile; she smiled warmly in return.

"You seem troubled," she said, leaning over slightly so as not to raise her voice above a discreet whisper.

"Relationship issues," I said, not wanting to get into it with a 60-year-old woman.

"Mm, man problems. What did he do this time?"

Needless to say I was taken aback by her bold and insightful assumption. I chuckled nervously to wash away my initial shock then said, "He didn't really do anything, it's just... well, it's a long story."

"Oh. I see," she said, patting my forearm. "Well maybe if you talk it out, it'll become a little clearer to you."

I looked at the old lady and smirked. I couldn't tell if she was prying into my personal affairs or if she had a genuine interest in my problem. Either way, I felt compelled to retell the tale of the rise and fall of my relationship with Adam, my Alphabet Lovers, the ensuing work of literature, and the potential demise of my renewed relationship with Adam. I talked more than I'd planned to and probably told her more than she really cared to hear -- a story that saw us travel to the end of the red line and back to the station where I'd met her. If you're not familiar with the D.C. Metro, just understand that that's a long trip.

When all was said and done, the sage matron patted my forearm once again and said, "Oh my... you have had quite an exciting life, haven't you?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that."

"Do you have any regrets?"

I thought about it for a moment -- it didn't take long -- and replied, "No."

"Then you shouldn't have to apologize for it either. If this Adam really loves you, then he will accept you for who you are and what you've done."

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I guess... but what about Liam?"

She sighed wistfully. "I don't know. All I can tell you to do is listen to your heart. It may have led you all over the world, but it doesn't seem that it has led you in the wrong direction. Trust it."

As cryptic as it sounded, it actually made sense. I thanked her and kissed her on the cheek. She blushed and swatted my hand playfully. Mrs. Davenport and I decided to ride around again until we got back to where we were supposed to get off the first time. So, we spent another 30 minutes together, riding the red line and talking about flowers and tea.

After spending the better part of my afternoon with the dear Mrs. Davenport, I dropped the papers off at Morris' office and then went out for a few drinks with him, just to catch up. By the time I got home, it was well after 7:30. Adam was there -- a pleasant, but unexpected visit. He was curled up on the sofa reading a book when I walked in. He put the book down and jumped up to greet me with a kiss.

"Mm, what was that for?" I asked.

"Just happy to see you. Things were a little tense when you left... I wanted you to know that everything's alright."

"Yeah... you seemed a little edgy. I can understand why, though. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to be constantly reminded about the guys that I've... been with. But it's going to get worse before it gets better; are you sure you're alright with this?"

"Positive. It may sting a little bit at first, but I know how important this book is to you... I'll get over it."

"Adam, I don't want you to have to get over it. If it makes you uncomfortable, I need to know."

Adam wrapped his powerful arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. "The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is the thought of losing you again. I'm not going to let something as trivial as your 26 FORMER lovers tear us apart."

"You know all the right things to say, Mr. Winthorpe." I pressed my lips against his and felt his mouth open up to receive my tongue.

As we stood there, sucking the breath out of each other, I felt Adam's hands caressing the small of my back, and then slide downward until they cupped my ass. He gave my rump and firm squeeze, forcing my hips forward and pressing our mutual erections together. He was wearing those short, gray cotton gym shorts that showed off all of his powerfully built thighs. He usually didn't wear anything beneath them and that night was no exception. His dick pressed hard against my crotch as it tried to escape the loose confines of his skimpy shorts. It wouldn't be long before I set it free, only to stuff inside of something even tighter -- but first thing's first.

I slid my hands under his t-shirt to feel his rock hard stomach against my fingertips. Adam instinctively lifted his arms and pulled away from our kiss so that I could remove the loose-fitting garment. I read the words "Property of Nike Athletics XXL" and smiled. How true it was. Adam always had a nice, muscular body, but he'd beefed up in the year's we'd been apart. His smooth pecs were definitely extra, extra large and his always-erect nipples were pretty big too -- the perfect size for sucking. I attacked the left one before his t-shirt even hit the floor.

Adam growled and grabbed the back of my head to keep me locked on his sensitive little nub. He LOVED having his tits sucked and I LOVED sucking them. I suctioned onto his beefy tit with my lips and flicked my tongue over his defiant nipple. So as not to leave his other one feeling sad and neglected, I reached up and pinched it between my thumb and forefinger. Adam let out a tortured whimper that settled into a throaty purr as I rolled and twisted the tiny bump.

Adam clawed at my shirt, trying to pull it out of pants. I reluctantly released his nipple from my lips to allow him to pull the mint green garment over my head. They say that turnabout is fair play; I guess that holds true for matters of sex too. No sooner had he removed my shirt than he had his lips locked on my already swollen tits. He was a skilled and voracious titsucker, who was guaranteed to have me moaning uncontrollably in fifteen seconds flat. The way he was working my tit that night, however, he would soon beat his own record. Sure enough, ten seconds later, he had me backed up against the wall, writhing and moaning as he chewed on my tender nub.

I removed my hands from the back of his neck to undo my belt and pants. I had to have that mouth working on my cock. Adam got the hint. He dropped to his knees and immediately started servicing my rock hard tool. My pants and underwear were still gathered around my knees when I felt my cock slide effortlessly into his throat. I heard him choke every so slightly as his throat resisted the invasion -- one good gulp and it soon settled around my meat and caressed my cock in its hot, wet tightness. I loved having Adam's lips wrapped around the base of my cock and his nose pressed into my bush. He kept my prick buried in his gullet for close to two minutes, steadily massaging it with his powerful throat until, inevitably, he dislodged me from his craw and gasped for air.

My cock was shiny with his spit -- so much that it looked like I'd already cum. I hadn't, but I was really damn close. I told him to open up; he did, and I rammed my throat back down his throat. He gulped and slurped on my meaty piece that was now dripping crazy quantities of pre-cum. He sucked my cock with an urgency I rarely saw in him. He wanted my load badly and I was ready to give it to him. I grabbed the back of his head and really started to fuck his mouth. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of my dick sloshing around inside his juicy mouth and the constant drone of his moaning. Adam's finger dug into my ass; it tightened in his grip, signaling the climactic finale to his incredible hum job.

With a few final jabs into his tortured esophagus, I emptied my nuts down his throat. I looked down at him and watched his gulp down my thick, creamy load. He swallowed it all. With the last drops of jizz expertly sucked out of my pole, I released my grip on his short, curly blond hair and let my dick slip out of his mouth. Adam gasped for air and licked his lips clean.

"Wow!" he huffed.

"Yeah... wow!" I echoed.

I grabbed his chin and pulled him up to me for a kiss. The smell and taste of my jism was strong and sweet on his lips. I kissed him hard, wanting to taste the love I'd fed him. He pressed his body against mine, sandwiching me between him and the wall. I couldn't help but notice his incredible bulge jabbing my in the groin. I reached down and felt the large wet spot that had formed on his cotton shorts. Stroking him through the thin gray material for a while, I eventually freed his monster through the right leg of his shorts. His prong was thoroughly coated with pre-cum and, soon, so was my hand.

With my body still pressed firmly against the wall, Adam grabbed my legs and hoisted them in the air. Supported only by his powerful chest and mighty arms, I felt like I was floating in the air. My ass was completely exposed to cool air... and his eager cock. It wasn't long before I felt the thick tip pressing against my tight opening. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gasped as he shoved his cock into me. It was a beautifully brutal invasion. With only the thin layer of spunk coating his cock to act as lubricant, Adam's hefty nine-and-a-half-incher made quite an impact as it drilled into me.

I loved it though and whimpered seductively to let him know. He loved to hear me whimper as he fucked me. It let him know that he was tapping me just right. And, the good thing about it is that, with him, I never had to pretend. He always tapped me just right and I had no choice but to whimper in response. Adam buried his face in my neck -- sucking and licking on valley where it joined my shoulder -- as he started pumping my ass with his thick, All-American beef frank. He grunted and panted into my neck as he picked up the pace of his fucking. Soon, he was thrusting into me with considerable speed and force. My ass was on fire. His groans of passion grew louder and louder and I knew he was close to the edge. Finally, I felt his teeth sink into my flesh as he spilled his seed in my bowels. His rich cream would ooze down my tender entrails every time he withdrew, only to be forced back inside of me when he thrust his throbbing cock back in. He came for an eternity it seemed, filling me to the brim with his cream.

Eventually, his cock softened and slipped out of me and, as the rush of adrenaline faded, his arms and legs trembled with exhaustion. He fell backwards and I collapsed on top of him. We lay on the floor -- a sweaty, giggling entwinement of arms and legs -- until we both drifted off to sleep.

After that, things only got better. My book got picked up by a large, reputable publisher and went on to become moderately successful, with several thousand copies being sold in the first week and making the New York Times Bestseller List in a couple of months. I quit my job at Menckle-Winthorpe to dedicate my time to writing and building my relationship with Adam. And on the subject of our relationship, it couldn't have been any better either. We were in love, again, more than ever. We settled down and bought a house in Maryland, where we raised our children -- two Rottweilers named Ruff and Rowdi. Life was perfect!

April showers gave way to May flowers, and the cool breeze of May gave way to the sticky summer heat of June and July. One day, while I was busy paying bills or doing something domestic, the house phone rang.

"I'll get it!" I yelled to Adam, who was busy painting one of the bedrooms. I rushed to the phone. "Hello?" I said breathlessly.

"John Paul?"


"It's me... Liam."

"Oh hey!! Wow, it's been so long... I hardly recognized your voice... you sound different."

"Aye, well, world travel has a nasty habit o' softenin' up me accent a bit, but it still raises its ogly head e'ery now and then... especially when I get excited. You know... like when ah'm tahkin' t' ye."

I chuckled. "After all these years, you still know how to make a boy blush."

"Good." I could hear him smiling over the phone. "So, look, we're gonna be in town on the 8th and 9th... ahr ye still comin?"

"Of course I'm coming!! I wouldn't miss it for the world. I can still bring Adam, right?"

There was a brief silence -- so brief that I didn't really pick up on it at the time. "Sure... of course. We'd be happy t' have him. The more the merrier right?"

"Yeah... he's a big fan... almost as big as I am."

"That's pretty big," he teased. "How could I turn away our second biggest fan?"


"Listen, pet, ah've got t' go. Ah'll see you in a couple of weeks. Someone from the stage crew will be in touch, okay?"

"Yeah... great! I'll see you soon! Take care!"

"You too, luv."

I hung up and ran upstairs to tell Adam the news. "That was Liam; the band's going to be in town in a couple of weeks. Can you believe we're going to have backstage passes to one of the biggest rock groups?!"

"Oh wow! I almost forgot about that... yeah, it's going to be awesome!!" Adam replied putting down his paint roller and wiping off his hands. "Wait... did you say a couple of weeks?"

"Yeah... August 8th and 9th. Why?"

Adam's smile faded. "I can't go."

"What do you mean? Why not?"

"I'm going to be in board meetings."

"All week?"

Adam nodded. "I'm afraid so. I'm sorry, baby. I really wanted to go, but you can tell me all about it."

"Well... if you're not going..."

"Don't even think about it. You'd never forgive yourself -- or me -- if you didn't go. Besides, I know how close you and Liam were; I'm sure you'd like to see him again... to catch up, you know."

I scanned Adam's eyes for any signs of doubt; there were none. He was being completely sincere.

"Yeah... I really would like to go. Are you sure you don't mind?"

"Positive! But you have to promise me you'll have enough fun for both of us."

I hugged him to me and gave him a loving kiss. "I promise."

The days dragged by -- I must have counted every minute of every hour, waiting for the day of the concert to arrive. Although I never let it show -- especially not around Adam -- I was extremely excited to see Liam again. The obvious reason being that he was just so fucking sexy. I'd seen him in the band's videos and on their CD covers, but they couldn't compare to experiencing his raw, rock-star sexuality up close and in person. More importantly, though, Liam was a very close friend with whom I shared a special and magical bond -- the kind of bond that could be felt in a phone call from thousands of miles away after months without speaking. I just wanted to be near him again.

Finally, the day arrived! I spent all day trying to pick the perfect concert-going outfit before finally settling on a pair of body-hugging, black leather pants (not too tight though -- Jimmy and the boys need room to move around) and a tight white v-neck tee. With a pair of biker boots, a few silver rings, and a studded leather wristband, my rock fan ensemble was complete. For a finishing touch, I threw a little extra pomade in my hair to give it that extra spikiness. It was a good thing Adam wasn't there to see me going through such pains to get dressed; he would have definitely misconstrued my intentions. I just wanted to fit in with the rest of the yelling, screaming, swooning fans.

Liam arranged for a limo to pick me up and take me to the arena. One of the band's roadies was in the car and, along the way, filled me in on all the do's and don'ts of backstage etiquette. When we got there, he handed me my backstage pass and ushered me in.

"You've been given an all-access pass. You're free to go wherever your heart desires," he said.

"Sweet! Which way to the dressing rooms?" I asked.

"Down the hall and to the right. If you get lost someone will point you in the right direction."

I nodded and smiled. The roadie ran off to take care of another, more pressing matter and left me to my own devices. I wandered down the hall, amidst the flurry of bodies and equipment, trying my best to just stay out of the way. As I got further down the hall, I heard a familiar dialogue.

"Aw bleedin' hell Mr. Cassidy! I need to get these guitars tuned up in five minutes."

"I don't give a rat's arse, Angus. Get this bottle o' water to Liam... NOW!"

The boy snatched the bottle of Evian out of Mr. Cassidy's hand and stormed off.

"Hey kid! I'll give you 50 dollars if you let me deliver that water to Liam."

Angus spun around on his heels with a huge smile on his face. "I see ye're still a cheap bastard when it comes to payin' off the crew. But since yer a close personal friend o' the big guy himself, ah'll let ye take it t' him for free. Not t' mention, they'll have me head if I dunna get these guitars tuned."

The kid threw the bottle of water at me, gave me a wink and thumb's up, and then ran off to take care of his other duties. "Which way to his room?" I yelled.

"Fifth door on the right," he yelled back, then disappeared in the crowd.

I hurried down the hall, counting the doors on my way until I got to number five. I took a deep breath and opened the door, hoping I'd find Liam half-dressed like I did when we first met. As I barged in, Liam looked up from his bent over position with a scowl on his face. When he saw me staring back at him, he visage immediately softened.

"Yer nah Angus," he teased and smiled.

"Someone said you needed a bottle of water."

"Fokke the water," he said rushing up to me and wrapping me up in a tight embrace. Before I knew what was happening, he grabbed my head in his hands and planted his lips on mine. The kiss he gave me wasn't the kiss of a close friend showing his delight in seeing his old buddy; it was much deeper and more passionate than that. It left me shocked and breathless. As Liam pulled away, he saw the look on my face.

"I'm sorry... that was inappropriate... I jus'... it's been so long since... it's good t' see ye, John Paul."

"It's good to see you, too," I muttered, slowly coming to my senses.

"I'm glad you came and I'm glad yer alone... that coulda been a bit o' an awkward situation."

"Yeah, tell me about it... I'm pretty sure Adam wouldn't have taken too kindly to that."

"Speaking of lover boy, where is he?"

"He couldn't make it."

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry t' hear that... but I'm happy that I have yer undivided attention. I promise nah t' do anything that would offend yer husband."

I blushed and smiled. "The opening act starts in a few minutes; would ye like t' go topside and give them a listen?"

"Nah, I'll listen to them tomorrow night. I think I'll stay here with you and can catch up for a minute... it's been so long."

"Indeed it has," he agreed, "Indeed it has."

We stayed in Liam's dressing room, talking over the muted noise of the opening act. They weren't awful, but they definitely weren't good either. I'm glad I didn't waste my time watching them perform; time I would have much rather spent with Liam anyway. It was good to sit down and talk to him again. I'd forgotten how easy he was to have a conversation with. I was shocked to find out that his relationship with Heath had ended a few years back -- his Yoko Ono had flown the coop for another rock-star who was more successful at the time. Liam didn't seem too torn up about it. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that that other rocker was now broke and living in a two-bedroom flat back in Dublin.

Our conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Ten minutes, Mr. Riordan!"

"Okay!" Liam yelled back. "Well... are you ready?"

"Hell yeah!!"

Liam stuck out his tongue and thrashed his head about wildly. We laughed then made our way to the stage.

"A kiss for good luck?" he whispered to me.

Oh, what the hell? I leaned forward and gave him a firm, but innocent kiss on the lips. He seemed pleased with it as he took the stage to the sounds of thousands of adoring fans.

The show was incredible! Musically speaking, the band had grown and matured a lot; and, although I didn't think it possible, Liam's voice was stronger than ever. He shook the house with his powerful pipes and I felt the familiar pangs of worship that I had the first time I heard him perform live.

In the middle of his mesmerizing set, I saw him make an odd hand gesture. The stage lights faded except a lonely spotlight illuminating Liam's sexy, sweat-drenched body. A stagehand ran out and handed him a guitar and stool. Liam slid onto the stool and nestled the guitar under his arm. I didn't even know he could play the guitar; he'd never done it before.

"I wrote this song on the plane today," he said into the microphone -- his Irish brogue all but vanished. "I was inspired by this great city and its beautiful inhabitants... one in particular. Give it a listen and tell me what you think."

It went a little something like this:

His eyes, not green; his hair, not sand; No spark is felt when he holds my hand. His heart not pure; his love not true; In short my love, he's simply not... you.

Foolish to think he could fill your shoes; Naïve to think he could cure my blues. I've wised up, learned my lesson, got a clue; The one I want and need, my love, is... you.

So sad to think what could have been; if what I knew now, I'd known back then; So sad to think we will never be; me for you and you for... me.

Your touch is gone; so is your smile; Kept at bay by a million miles. Move on with life, is what I'll have to do; Not much of a life, my dear, without... you.

He strummed the last chord on his guitar and fell silent. The lights dimmed on Liam and the audience applauded... wildly! I was speechless; I could hear my heart pounding in my head even over the din of the crowd. Liam ran off stage and handed the guitar and stool back to the stagehand. He turned to me and smiled.

"Was it good for ye?" he asked with a coy grin.

"I-It was great!" I answered, somehow finding the breath to speak.

"You inspire me to do great things," he said.

I was breathing so hard; I was nearly panting. I felt a rush of emotions I hadn't felt in a long time. The heat spread through my body and into my face. He had to see it. I knew he saw it; I could tell by the longing in his eyes, begging me to kiss him. I wanted to... very badly, but I couldn't... I wouldn't. That chapter in our history was over; now we were just very good friends.

Realizing that I wasn't going to give in to my lust, Liam sighed and lowered his eyes. "I have t' get back on stage. If I don't give them an encore, they'll tear the place down."

I nodded and sighed, relieved that I resisted my urges for once and stayed true to my heart. I was with Adam now, and that's all there was to it.

The band finished out their encore set and said good night to the audience. I'd hoped that the few minutes Liam had spent on stage would give me time to cool down; it didn't. Once again, he was in my face and I felt the lust gripping at my stomach. In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, it was just Liam and I standing there backstage, eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart.

"Why d' ye resist?" he asked.

"You know the answer to that," I said, closing my eyes and smelling his heady scent wafting from his sweaty body. It was a smell I'd become quite accustomed to during my time in Dublin with him. I'd also become quite aroused by it.

"Adam?" he asked with a smirk. He looked around. "Well, I dunna see him here now. Seems t' me that if a man sends his sexy lover to a concert t' see a man he's had a past with, then he's just askin' to have his heart broken."

I should have been offended but, instead, I was enraptured by his arrogance. Still, I had to be strong. "No, it just means that he trusts me."

"But do ye trust yerself?"

His lips brushed across mine. I pulled away, but he continued his pursuit. I didn't have the resolve to deny him again. My lips parted, despite themselves, betraying my emotions and Adam's trust in one powerful gasp. Liam's tongue glided across my teeth and into my mouth where my tongue was laying in wait. Our tongues lashed about wildly, performing a sensual dance in my mouth, and then in his. I finally pulled away from the kiss, not to deny him again, but to invite him back to the privacy of his dressing room where we could rediscover the love we shared so many years ago.

Back in Liam's dressing room, we were naked in a matter of seconds. Liam was on his knees in front of me licking his chops at the feast standing before him. My cock was hard as steel and aimed straight at Liam's gaping aperture. I grabbed the top of his dome and slid my cock into his hot mouth. He'd pierced his tongue since the last time I saw him and the cold sensation of the little metal ball against the underside of my stiff dick sent chills up my spine.

"Wicked!" I muttered as I burrowed into his throat.

His pierced tongue lapped around my pole as I fed it to him. Finally, he had my entire length crammed down his gullet and was sucking it like a fucking vacuum cleaner.

"Aw fffffuck!" I hissed. "You picked up some new tricks, haven't you?"

He let out a muffled laugh, causing his lips to vibrate around the base of my cock. It stiffened even more and pushed another half-inch or so inside his already overstuffed blowhole. Liam's nostrils flared as he tried to accommodate the added length. I pulled out a few inches then plunged back in. His mouth clung to my dick like glue, providing just the right amount of eye-rolling, lip-biting friction to my swollen member. As my prick slid in and out of his lips, his teeth ever so slightly grazed along the topside, while his metal-studded tongue lashed out to tickle beneath. It was enough to make a grown man cry, or at least enough to make him face-fuck harder, which is exactly what I did.

Liam gulped hard every time I forced my cock into him. The precum was flowing freely now and I could feel it coating the walls of his mouth and throat, easing my ever-forceful thrusts. I was really close to the edge. With every thrust, my nuts nestled closer to my body and bounced even harder against Liam's chin. Liam knew it was coming and increased his sucking efforts. I felt the blood rush to my head and the sperm to my eager prostate. With a savage growl, I pumped a healthy wad of Brazilian spunk down Liam's throat to sooth his tired vocal chords. Like the expert cocksucker he'd become, he swallowed every drop and squeezed my dripping cock to get more.

He looked up at me with his spit-shined lips and smiled. I looked a little further down and saw his dick wagging between his thighs. It was dripping large quantities of sticky precum all over the floor and looked like it needed some attention.

I pushed Liam backwards into a reclined crouching position. I dropped to my knees, between his legs, and immediately went to work on his pole. I gobbled it up like yesterday's leftovers.

"Mmm yeah!! I've seen a lot of action while on tour and I can say... no one sucks cock, quite like you."

I popped his dick out of my mouth and laughed. I have no doubt that I have pretty good oral skills, but I knew bullshit when I heard it. It was a nice sentiment though -- enough to make me suck on his cock with renewed vigor, drawing a husky growl from the rock star.

In his position, he had limited maneuverability, but his hips were swaying wildly back and forth trying to force feed his cock down my throat. It felt good to him; I could tell when I felt the goose bumps on his skin as I gently caressed his slim torso. I could feel his body tensing up, fighting off the overwhelming urge to explode in my mouth. I stopped sucking and let his dick slip from my mouth.

"Sit down," I commanded.

Liam obediently uncurled his legs from beneath him and sat on the ground, still leaning back on his arms. I straddled his waist and let his hot dog rest between my warm buns. I raised and lowered my hips, massaging his staff with my firm ass cheeks. Liam closed his eyes and tilted his head back. I bit and sucked at his long neck, while I played a painstakingly teasing game of frottage with him. I believe he would have cum just like that, if I'd let him, but I wanted his seed inside of me. I wanted to once again feel his love spraying my walls, satisfying the itch deep inside... at least for the moment.

I lifted my hips until his cock was freed from the vice-like grip between my ass cheeks. Its fat tip now stood straight up, aimed at my ready hole. I lowered my hips again and impaled myself on his ramrod. Liam sank eight inches into my yearning bowels, filling the void in a way that only he could.

Memories of our first and last time together flooded my head. How enamored I was with him; how a week of growing affection and friendship culminated in a few hours of breathtaking sex; how devastated I was when I had to leave him; and how I, in one way or another, thought of him every day since. And as his cock stretched out my cum hungry ass, I realized that the guy fucking me so incredibly and filling me up with his beautiful cock, was not the Liam that I'd fallen in love with. That Liam was just a delusion -- the crazy desires of an obsessed fan. Apparently, over the years, my obsession cooled. I'd lost the Liam that I thought I loved years ago and no amount of wonderful sex would bring him back. But, I could at least enjoy the moment.

Liam pushed in deep and rammed hard against my swollen prostate. My dick hardened like rock again and I let out a tortured whimper. Liam thrust up into me as I lowered myself onto him; it was hard to tell who was fucking whom, but we were both putting our all into it. I leaned forward and gave him a kiss; it was like adding fuel to a fire. He was really pounding up into me hard now. My whimpers became moans; my moans became growls.

We repositioned ourselves for the final stretch; me on my back with Liam on top, thrusting that fat Irish cock up my wonderfully ravaged cumhole. The rocker grit his teeth and ground into me like a raging bull. My eyes rolled back as a lustful squeal escaped my throat. In a flash, my second orgasm was upon me, coursing through my body like a wave of electricity. I felt my own cum splattering over my sweaty chest and stomach. With every spurt, my ass clamped down tighter on Liam's pistoning cock. He slowed to slow, powerful thrusts -- a foolish attempt to prolong the inevitable. He was cumming and there was no avoiding it now.

I wrapped my legs around him and held him deep inside of me. I tightened and loosened my sphincter rhythmically, essentially milking him for his Irish cream. In less than a minute, I was rewarded with my first thick injection of spunk. The sheer volume of sperm he pumped up my ass was incredible, and his savage growls told me that the feelings he was experiencing were pretty incredible too. Finally, his cock stopped throbbing inside of me and his sweaty body relaxed on top of me.

He lovingly kissed me on my face and neck as we came down out of the clouds. I uncoiled my leg lock on him and he tumbled to the ground beside me.

"That was incredible," he said. "Gahd, ah've missed ye! Ah was stupid t' ever let ye go."


"Does he make ye happy... this Adam fella?"

"Yes," I said, turning my head to look into his eyes.

"Do ye love him?"


"Do ye love me?"

I turned my head and stared at the ceiling. "Yes... but not like I love him."

"So, ah dunno have a chance t' win ye back, eh?"

"You just had your chance... it didn't work."

He sighed. "Well... can ah get a do o'er?"

We both laughed. I have to admit, the thought HAD crossed my mind, but I politely declined his offer. I kissed him passionately on the lips; it would be the last time that we'd kiss like that.

When I got home, Adam was already asleep. I took a quick shower then slipped into bed with my slumbering lover. As I wrapped my arms around his chiseled stomach and felt his body melt into mine, I knew I'd found my perfect fit. If there had been any doubts in my mind, they were suddenly and completely washed away. 26 lovers and 26 wild sexual encounters, but HE was the one -- my first, my last, my everything. I laid my head on his shoulder, drifted off to sleep, and officially put "The Alphabet Lovers" to rest.

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