Always Forever and Ever

By moc.loa@nitsuJ4lriGylriG

Published on Feb 26, 2001


Hello boy's and girl's........I wanna say thank you to all of you who are reading thing, I have a couple of questions : Do any of you believe this is real? Do you know if Nsync is gay? Well, one, you shouldn't believe thsis is real because it isn't and if you know Nsync is gay, I'm happy for you. ~~~~~*~ And Now......

Chapter 6 "Always Forever and Ever"

Justin woke up to the shower running. He turned over and felt the coldness of the bed. He lifted his head and noticed Lance wasn't there. Then he remembered the shower was going. He got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. As he got closer her could hear Lance singing "Shameless" by Garth Brooks. Justin opened the door very quietly and slipped in without being noticed. Justin stood there listing to Lance's deep voice.

Well I'm shameless when it comes to loving you I'll do anything you want me to I'll do anything at all

And I'm standing here for all the world to see Oh baby, that's what's left of me Don't have very far to fall

Justin striped off his clothes, stepped in to the shower and wrapped his arms around Lance's waist. Lance stopped singing and turned around.

"Oh, God you scared me!" Lance said wrapping his arms around Justin. "Sorry. Keep singing. I love your voice." "Okay," Lance kissed Justin on the forehead and started singing again.

You know now I'm not a man who's ever been Insecure about the world I've been living in I don't break easy, I have my pride But if you need to be satisfied

I'm shameless, oh honey, I don't have a prayer Every time I see you standin' there I go down upon my knees

And I'm changing, swore I'd never compromise Oh, but you convinced me otherwise I'll do anything you please

You see in all my life I've never found What I couldn't resist, what I couldn't turn down I could walk away from anyone I ever knew But I can't walk away from you

Just leaned up and kissed Lance on the lips. The kiss went further. Lance was the first one to pull back.

"It's true." Lance said. "What's true?" Justin asked not knowing what he meant. "I can't walk away from you." With that Lance finished the song.

You know it should be easy for a man who's strong To say he's sorry or admit when he's wrong I've never lost anything I've ever missed But I've never been in love like this

It's out of my hands

I'm shameless, I don't have the power now I don't want it anyhow So I got to let it go

Oh, I'm shameless, shameless as a man can be You make a total fool of me I just wanted to you to know

Oh, I'm shameless, I just wanted you to know Oh, I'm shameless, Oh, I'm down on my knees... shameless

"We should get out. The waters getting cold." Justin said kissing Lance on the lips. "Okay."

They got out of the shower and dried each other off with Lance's towel since Justin forgot to get one. Justin walked up to Lance and wrapped his arms around his neck. Lance wrapped the towel around both of them. With Justin walking backwards with his arms around Lance neck and Lance with his arms around Justin waist and they walked back to the bedroom. Lance closed the door. Justin started to kiss Lance on the neck. Lance got to the bed, pushed Justin on his back and climbed on top of him. Lance started to kiss Justin neck while Justin's hands traveled around Lance's back. Before they could get any further there was a knock on the door. Lance let out a groan and got off of Justin with a kiss.

"Hold on" Justin yelled. Lance handed Justin the towel and walked to his closet. Lance picked out a pair of Justin's kakis and a black shirt. He walked over a grabbed his boxers and put them on. He put on the clothed he picked out and looked up at Justin who was dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a wife beater. Lance sat on the bed and Justin opened the door. There stood Sarah looking like she just woke up.

"Hey honey." Justin said picking up Sarah. He closed the door and walked over to the bed. Sarah had her head on Justin's shoulder. He placed Sarah on the bed and sat next to her. Justin looked at the clock which now read 4:37.

"Oh crap. Wasn't Sarah supposed to be home at four?" Justin asked at Lance. "No, I called Chrissy and asked if she could stay the night again." "Okay. That's cool." Justin replied. "Oh yeah. The guys are coming over at five. Joey's bringing his new girlfriend. I think her name is Beth. Josh and Chris are coming alone. I think were gonna go eat at some hamburger place down the road. Are we gonna tell the guys about us?" Lance asked. "I'd like that. Who all knows your gay?" Justin asked. "Chrissy, my family and you. Who knows your gay?" "Let's see, there's Josh cause he's my best friend, Britney, she was always my cover, parents all 4 of them, Lonnie and you."

They heard the door bell ring.

"You ready to do this?" Lance asked. "Always have." Justin replied giving Lance a kiss.

They walked hand in hand down the stairs.

"HEY, Let me in." Chris yelled banging on the door. "Hold on." Justin walked over and opened the door. "Thank you." Chris said running into the house and behind Lance. "What's wrong?" Lance asked Chris. "Joey's gonna kill me." Chris replied sticking his head out from behind Lance. "Why?" Justin asked looking at Joey who just walked in. "He's making fun of me because Beth didn't come with me. She'll be over later."

Justin looked over at Lance and rolled his eyes. .Josh walked in holding a package.

"Justin, this package was at your front door." Josh said handing the box to Justin. Justin sat down and opened it. Inside was a single red rose with a card. The card read.

With all my love,


Justin looked up and took a close look at all the guys. Joey and Chris were playing with Sarah and Lance and Josh were talking to each other. Lance turned to Justin.

"What'ca get?" Lance asked. "Nothing." Justin said putting the card in the box, closing it and taking it up to his room. Justin put it on his dresser and turned to go when he bumped into someone. Justin looked up to see Lance. He wrapped his arms around his waist.

"What's wrong." Lance asked hugging Justin close. "Nothing." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, let's go tell the guys." Justin said walking out of his room and down the stairs.

"Guys, we have an announcement." Justin said sitting on the couch with Lance by his side. He looked at Lance then back at the guys. "We're gay and dating."

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