Always Sorry

By Adam -

Published on Sep 30, 2000


Disclaimer ~ I always hate writing these things, because I figure most people know them, and if they are under age, they are still gonna keep going, I mean who's gonna know anyways. But it is a necessity, so here it goes. I do not own the rights to NSYNC, Brittany Spears, or any other pop star I use in this story. I do not know the true sexuality of any of these people. The sexuality of them in this story, our my personal hopes, and dreams (Oh yeah...naughty dreams). If you are under 18 and/or do not agree with homosexuality (get with it then, it's 2000 baby) then do not continue reading this story. ________________________________________________________________________

This is my second story here on Nifty, and I have to say that I appriciate all the fans I had in the last one, and I hope I will get new fans from this piece. I want to thank my two biggest fans, they should know who they are, I e-mail them every day.

Also, I just have to list a few stories that are my personal favorites. Brian and Justin has got to be the best story on this forum, in my opinion that is. And one of my up and coming favorites and played. I want to see what it plays out to.

This story will be about love, but it will include the sex that most of you are after. But I'm not a porn writer, so please don't e-mail me telling me to be more descriptive. Because I don't want to read about some body's exact description of a dick, so I'm not going to write about it either. ________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 1 ~ Initial Fears and New Feelings ________________________________________________________________________

August 15th ________________________________________________________________________

Justin Timberlake was in no way a liar, and he had told himself the truth over 4 years ago. He was gay, although at first he tried to hide it, tried to change it, he knew it was the truth. At the age of 15 he had discovered his feelings, and after that he had never kept them secret. But something different was facing the man now. He was no longer a young teenager, he was 19, and he was looking for a real relationship. One that he just wasn't finding with any one.

Sure someone as good looking as him could date some one extremely good looking, but in his situation no. If any one found out he was gay, it would ruin his career, and the guy's careers. He could live with it, if it were just his, but he couldn't ruin Lance's, Chris's, or Joey's. And he especially couldn't live with himself if he ruined JC's. JC was his rock, his hard place for so long.

Everything was true about what people said about JC and Justin. JC was Justin's everything, he meant the world to him, and now he couldn't even turn to him. Every time Justin looked at him, everytime he saw him, tears clouded his eyes, sobs came from his voice, and his legs took off running, his mind not knowing what to do. The whole thing made JC distant, he didn't know what he had done, and since he didn't know, he just stayed away from it.

That made Justin even worse, he cried at night, crying himself to sleep. Usually he would turn to JC, who would sing him to sleep, but at the moment JC's touch was something Justin couldn't feel. It was a thing that brought more pain to Justin, then anything else he had ever felt.

But at the moment, Justin had no choice but to see JC, they lived together. And the meetings were always held at the house, so he had no way of making lies not to be involved. At this time, he wasn't the only one in the room with him, which made him a little stronger. But he still cried, and the guys were used to it. They just watched and kept up there conversation.

"So, we have a good month off still, so I was wondering what you guys wanted to do today." Lance kept up the discussion, hoping to bring in either Justin or at least JC. He had noticed there distance to each other, and tried to involve them in talks together. But nothing worked, JC would join in, but not Justin.

"I think we should go shopping." Brittany bounced up and down for excitement. It wasn't often that the group and her got the same vacation times, and she loved it. Usually Justin would jump up and down with her, but she had noticed that on arrival he was down, but she didn't know what to do. Usually if JC couldn't help him, then she could, but not this time.

"Shopping sounds good to me. I haven't had the chance to get out and look at nice, normal clothes. Chris has got me behind the desk at FuManSkeet for how long now?" Dani, Chris's long time girlfriend voted in on Brittany's side, excited to head to the mall.

"What ever is cool with me. I guess I'll go shopping since my woman wants to." Joey laughed, he had been dating Brittany for 3 months now, and he called her woman as a joke. She had gotten over he anger towards it, and now just looked at it as a little nickname.

"Me too, so that settles it, the votes are tallied, and we are going shopping." Chris joined in, smiling, and wrapping his arms around Dani.

"That's cool with me, what about you JC?" Lance jumped into the conversation, only hoping to bring JC and Justin into it. He figured if JC started to talk, maybe Justin would feel left out and join in as well.

"I'll go shopping with the group. Anything is cool with me, I could use some new clothes any way." JC answered, hoping that Lance wouldn't notice that he too was upset. Justin had now stopped crying, but he was still sniffling in his corner of the couch.

"I'm gonna stay in." Justin replied, waiting for JC to completely finish before he answered. In his mind he was thinking of how completely wrong JC was. JC didn't need new clothes, Justin loved his clothes, the look, but mostly the smell. Secretly while Justin slept in his room, or at least cried, he would hold JC's sweatshirts, smelling them for familiarity. That was the reason he couldn't be with JC, because he loved him. Something he couldn't even begin to comprehend, JC was straight.

"Alright, but remember you are passing up shopping, so when we get back, I don't want to hear any complaining about it." Lance began, the same thing he tried to do after every day they went out. But it never changed, Justin didn't want to hang out with any of them, or any one at all. Every one was worried for him, including his mother, who didn't voice much on the matter. "Well, then let's go."

The group stood, bidding Justin farewell for the rest of the afternoon. Taking two cars, one driven by JC and the other by Chris, all of them took off towards the mall. Leaving Justin in the house alone, crying again. He couldn't help his feelings, he didn't even want to have them, but they were for JC, and he just wished he could tell him or at least some body.

Instead, standing he made his way to his room, stopping off first to grab one of JC's shirts. Taking it, he slipped out of the room, and into his own. Shutting and locking the door behind him, he practically fell to the bed, stretched out trying to sleep.

Meanwhile in the JC's car the conversation has focused around Justin. JC, Lance, and Joey are familiar with the situation that Justin is in, they have been with him for the past weeks that is has happened. But Brittany wants to know what it is, she doesn't want to be a damper on her vacation.

"Alright guys, some one had better start explaining to me what the hell is wrong with Justin. And at the same time, why the fuck didn't you tell me anything Joey, you are my boyfriend." Brittany was in anger mode, usually she hardly ever swore, but when she was upset, things came out.

"I would have, but we didn't think it was anything big. I mean, up until he stopped talking to JC. And then when he couldn't even look at him any more, that's when we knew he was really upset. But we can't help him, he won't talk about it, and he won't even look at JC. So what are we supposed to do. If he passes up shopping, then there is seriously something wrong with him." It was all spit out from Joey's mouth, he was hoping his girlfriend would like his answer. Hoping it would calm her down.

"Then what did you do JC? Did you two get in a fight, did you say something to hurt him?" Brittany now took her anger to JC, hearing Joey's explanation, she figured that JC might be responsible for the whole mess that was now occurring.

"Um, I don't know. We didn't have any fights, we didn't argue, I didn't say anything mean to him. I wish I knew, I wish I could make it better if I did. You all know how much it hurts me when he is hurt, so why would I do something to hurt him? He won't even look at me, he cries when he sees me, I hurt him that fucking bad, and I don't even know how I did it." JC was fighting in his tears, and they weren't coming. He could control them for as long as he liked, and he didn't want them to come at all.

"When we get back we are talking to him. All of us, even his mother. And some one is going to get it out of him, whether he likes it or not. Because I am not having my vacation ruined because of something that is probably so stupid." Brittany laughed, hoping to lighten the mood now. She was over her anger, and she was playfully cuddling with Joey in the backseat. Lance was in the front next to JC, and the car just continued to follow Chris's.

Once at the mall, the group decided it would be nice to buy Justin gifts, to help with the discussion once they got back home.

"Do you think he'd like this?" Brittany questioned the group, holding up a baby blue jersey. She knew the answer would be yes, so she held onto it, and continued walking.

"I don't know what to get him. Usually I'd just talk to him about it, but I can't. What do you get your bestfriend when they cry at your sight?" JC had been moping since arrival at the mall. Although he was complaining about his relatinoship with Justin at the time, he seemed more anxious to get back to the house then any one else.

"Just get him a shirt, or maybe some cologne. He seems to like the way you smell, get him some of your cologne." Brittany suggested, looking through some more shirts.

'I don't smell like my cologne though, I smell like me though. And that's what he likes.' JC was thinking in his head, while searching the perfume aisle. Finding what he wanted, he smiled. 'Maybe it will work.' The idea didn't really work in JC's head though, he knew it probably wouldn't.

"Can we stop on the back? I wanna grab him some cereal at the grocery store." Dani thought of something they hadn't, and after a nod from Chris they decided they would.

"What about a hat, has Justin gotten a new hat any time recently?" Lance looked around the rack, finding a baby blue hat, he tossed it to the questioning Joey answering the question with the gift. "Thanks Lance"


"I just thought of something, Lynn won't be home when we get back. And this can't wait, so she will just have to be discluded." Brittany butted back into the old conversation. It had been on her mind, and she had come to that conclusion while looking at her watch.

"Your right. I think it would be best if it's just us any ways. We are all close to him, you and Dani are like second members of NSYNC." Joey smiled, tickling his girlfriend quickly.

"Alright, does every one have a gift for Justin?" Lance turned from the check out line to see his friends all standing with bags. "Great, then we head home and we talk to him. Same positions in the car. Chris, Dani we will meet you guys back at the house after you get the cereal." And with that they all disbanded to go there seperate ways.

"Chris, do you think, that maybe JC told Justin? I mean, could he have, would he?" Dani was asking Chris a familiar question, one they asked each other after every Justin and JC fight. Now inside the supermarket they were looking for Justin's cereal.

"I don't think he would. But even so, why would Justin get upset about it? So, JC's bi, if anything that would make him happier. He'd have some one to talk to about being gay." Chris tried to explain to his girlfriend. (Now you know JC's sexuality.)

"Why would Justin cry every time he sees JC? They didn't get in a fight, becuase if they did JC would have told us. So what else is there, it's not like Justin would like JC or..." Dani's words trailed, as her face lit up. "He doesn't know that JC's bi, and maybe he has the hots for him." She almost screamed the words as they came out of her mouth.

"Keep it down, if some one hears and sees me, they might tell the tabloids what you just said." Chris warned harshly. "But maybe you're right, he probably can't look at him, because it hurts. And JC always has a new date, so thats why he probably won't talk to him. Great thinking babe."

"Thanks, now let's get out of here and confront Justin one on one." Dani smiled, and the two rushed to the car to get back to the house. Once there they would talk to the others, and then talk to Justin just the three of them.

"Guys, great news. We think we know whats bothering Justin. But you have to let us talk to him alone. If it works then we will tell you, but if it doesn't then we can have the group thing." Chris rushed through the door, hollering. "We'll leave the gifts here just in case, but I don't think we will need them." Dani came rushing through the door next, and the two pounced up the steps leaving the others speechless.

"Justin, open up. It's Dani and Chris." Dani used her sensitive voice, and she could hear Justin shuffling around in the room.

"Hang on." She could hear the sniffles in the young man's voice, and she could feel the pain he was having. "Yeah?"

"We wanna talk to you, just me and Chris. No JC." She made the last words clear, hoping they would help Justin decide to let them in.

"Come in." Justin stepped away and let them walk in. He shut the door behind them, locking it shut. "What do you wanna talk about?"

"Justin, what's bothering you? Tell us, we want to help you. You just can't shutting everyone out. You may not know it, but you are hurting us all, especially JC." Chris started.

"I don't want to hurt any of you, especially not Josh, but I'm hurting. And I don't know what to do to stop." Justin frowned, waiting for an explanation that wouldn't come.

"Justin, Josh is bisexual. Does that bother you?" Justin's face lit up for a second, Dani caught it, but said nothing. She just waited for an answer to the question she had asked.

"Um, no. I didn't even know." Justin replied.

"Well, he is, and if you like him, maybe you have a chance with him." Dani, shouldn't have said that, but the words were to far out to bring back.

"Who told you I liked him? I don't like Josh." Justin was now angry, and he looked as if he was going to cry soon.

"I'm sorry Justin, it's just. You cry when you see him, you won't talk to him. I just thought it was because you liked him. And you wouldn't talk to him, because you didn't want to hear about his love life." Dani tried to apologize.

"I cry because I love him. I won't talk to him, because I love his voice. And I won't go near him because I love his smell, his touch, his over all everything. I want it to be for me, but it can't. He's always got a new date, and now that I know he likes both, I have so much competition. JC can find some one ten times better then me, and he knows it." Justin let it all out, he didn't want to hide it any more. He didn't know that all his other friends were crowded around the door. JC at the front, standing there speechless.

"Justin, I'm sure you would have a great chance with Josh. You are hurting him so much by hiding from him. He already loves you in one form, why couldn't he love you in the other?" Chris jumped into the conversation.

"I don't know, it's just. Everyday, I cry in here, holding his sweatshirt, and I don't get it. Why do I have to love him? He's so cute, and funny, and nice. And he's everything to me, I don't want to feel his rejection, I don't think I could handle it." Justin had now started to cry again, and he was hoping the conversation would end.

"How about we call in some for some pizza? Have a nice meal downstairs, and then we can talk to every body. Or you can just talk to JC." Dani stood, and her words sent every body outside the door running for the steps.

"Alright, I guess, but if I don't want to, please don't make me talk to him." Justin wiped away his tears, almost begging for there promise.

"Sure, of course we wouldn't make you do anything you wouldn't want to." Chris helped Justin up, and the three hugged. After Justin thanked them both, they all walked down the steps, Chris grabbing the phone and ordering the usual pizzas.

Once the chow arrived, every one had taken seats around the table. Justin and JC unconviently across from each other. Justin didn't look up, but JC found it hard to stop looking at Justin. He had over heard everything Justin felt about him. He didn't know what to say, he wished he could just grab Justin and hug him.

"Well, I think I'm full." Justin had only eaten half a piece of pizza, but his appitite had faded quickly. Dani and Chris looked at him, and he gave them a smile. Standing, he hesitated and then made a decision in his head. "JC, can I, um, talk to you?" Justin sounded like a small child, timid and weak in the eyes of an adult.

"Yeah, let's go to the living room." JC smiled, he was anxious for the talk, but also nervous, he didn't know what to say to Justin now. But inside the living room, JC took a seat right next to Justin. He didn't want to give Justin any chance to feel alone. "What do you want to talk to me about Curly?"

"Um, well," Justin didn't know where to start. Right at this moment, he needed to run, but he knew JC would prevent it.

"Justin, I heard everything. I don't know what to say, um, I mean, I'm flattered that you look at me in that light. And I would never reject you. No matter what you say, you are just as nice, funny, and cute as me. And I would gladly date you, you're alot better looking then half the people I have dated before."

"Do you mean it?" Justin was still timid, but his spirits were obviously perked.

"Of course I do, would you like to be my boyfriend?"

"Um, well, um, yes." Justin stuttered at first, but his answer finally came out. And it came out loud, the others heard and rushed into the room, waiting to see what had been said for Justin's sudden outburst. They came in to find a blushing Justin, but none the less a smiling Justin.

"It's okay guys, me and Justin are just dating." JC smiled, letting them know the outcome of the talk. It had been a long day, and the news was great for every one. They wondered now if they should give Justin the gifts they had brought to cheer him up, even though it was obvious that he needed no cheering up. It was now 7:30, which meant the night was still young, and the group wanted to do something now that Justin was willing to.

"Whadda ya say we go to a club or something tonight?" Brittany suggested, hinting at her anxiousness to get out of the house and out into the world.

"I don't want to go out. How about we get a video and watch it here?" The suggestion came from Justin, something that no one was used to hearing.

"Alright, who wants to go to a club, and who wants to watch a video?" Brittany hoped the vote would go to her way. But after the votes were totaled, it came out that more wanted to watch a video then go clubbing. "Fine, but I get to pick the movie then." Brittany laughed, grabbing JC's car keys and rushing to the door. "Who's coming with me?" Joey, and Lance raised there hands, and the three went off for a movie.

Arriving back at the house, they found every one in the living room waiting for them to return. Popping in the video they had purchased, Brittany and Joey took a seat on the floor. And Lance sat down next to Justin and JC on the couch.

"What did you get?" Justin asked, his body comfortably placed on JC.

"Something you will just love little boy. Scream, the classic scary of movie." Brittany laughed, scary movies were her favorite type, but she knew that Justin hated them. He was easily scared by them, and that freaked him out.

"We've seen that movie a hundred times, why do we have to watch it again? The same thing always happens, people die, the killer dies, the movie ends, and I have nightmares for a week. All of you find it funny, and try and scare me afterwards." Justin seemed a little upset that they would choose a scary movie, because they were always something he hated.

"Don't worry babe, it's just a movie. And no one is going to play any jokes on him either. Right?" Justin smiled at JC's words, he really would be a perfect boyfriend. Everyone nodded with JC's warning, and relaxed into the movie.

On the screen Drew Barrymore was inevitably going to die, and in the living room, Justin was cowering like he was the one about to die. He clung to JC like a child, and JC comforted him like a mother would. JC loved it, he was so used to comforting Justin, now that they were dating, he could do it more then before.

As the movie progessed, Justin was now fully wrapped around JC's body, his face hidden with in his chest. That's how much the movies of this type scared him. Finally at the end, he lifted his head.

"What time is it?" He was hoping he would have time to revive himself, before he had to sleep with the nightmares of the movie.

"It's about 9:30." Lance looked at his watch, smiled and then turned to take out the tape. "I guess the rest of us should get going. We'll talk to you guys in the morning." Lance turned, and the others left with him. Leaving Brittany, Justin, and JC alone in the house.

"I think I'm gonna hit the hay." Brittany smiled, stretching from her seat. "I just wish Joey would stay here with me." She was a little upset that Joey had left the house, instead of staying there with her.

"You still have a month to decide where you two are going to stay, so don't worry about it. I'm sure you can manage one night." JC laughed, throwing a pillow at her.

"Your right, now I suggest you two get some sleep too. And Justy, don't get to many nightmares." Brittany laughed, as she walked out of the room and up the stairs. Justin just made a mock laugh, and stood. He slipped out of his shirt and pants, leaving him in a wife beater and his boxers. JC just stared, until he realized he was alone in the room now.

Making his way up the steps, he entered his room, slipped out of his pants and shirt. Leaving him shirtless and in his own boxerbriefs. Looking around the room, he noticed that Justin wasn't in there. He was surprised, usually Justin would be jumping at the oppurtunity to sleep wtih him after a scary movie, and now that they were dating he half expected him too. Hesitating, he made his way to Justin's room, pushing open the door. He crept in, and tapped Justin on his shoulder. Justin jumped at the contact, and then smiled at the sight of JC.

"How come you aren't in my bed?" JC's words came out as if he was dissappointed, because he was.

"Um, well, we just started dating. And I'd like to, but I don't want anything to happen, and I...Well..I don't....know." Justin mumbled at the end, he didn't know what to say. He did want to sleep with JC, he was still scared from the movie. And JC always made him feel comfortable.

"Come on, I won't expect anything from you. I'll just hold you while you sleep, like always." JC smiled, pulling Justin out of bed. Leading him by the hand, they made there way to JC's room. Taking seats inside JC's bed, Justin rested close to JC's chest, sleeping in his arms was now a whole new feeling to him. ________________________________________________________________________

July 16th ________________________________________________________________________

Around 8:00 a.m. Lynn Harless awoke to start her routine before work. Usually she would wake up and shower, then have a small breakfast before heading to work. But today she decided it would nice if she woke Justin up, to see how he was doing. She was still in the dark that Justin was now not only over his depression, but dating JC now. She had always known Justin was gay, but she had know idea that he had a crush on JC.

Knocking on Justin's door and getting no answer, she figured he might be in JC's room for comfort. Thinking it was a long shot since Justin had been avoiding JC she decided to check anyway. Finding the door open a crack, she just pushed it open. Seeing them so close, JC holding Justin, Justin spooned gently and lovingly to JC's chest, she couldn't wake them. Smiling, she slowly pulled the door shut, and headed off to her car.

Hours later around 10, Brittany woke herself mentally remembering that she was going to make plans with Joey to do something. Getting out of bed and stretching, a yawn overtook her. Regaining her composer, she decided to check on Justin and see if she could scare him awake. A smile crossed her face as she took off for Justin's room. Finding it empty, a look of sadness crossed her face. Realizing that he probably was already up she moped to JC's room, thinking she would have a slight chance to scare him.

Pushing the door open, she could tell that Justin and JC were deep in a peaceful sleep. An idea crossed her mind and she took off for her bedroom. Grabbing her suitcase she ripped it open, grabbing the item she had been looking for. Smiling once again, she took off running for JC's room, stopping in time to slow to a crawl upon entering. Bringing the item to her item, and with one click her smile grew. The picture slid out of the camera.

"In a few minutes they'll have there first picture as a couple." Brittany spoke aloud, since no one else was there to hear her. She thought about waking them, but second thought it, and decided to head downstairs call up the guys. When they got there, then she would decide on whether or not to wake them.

The guys came over quickly, after Chris had time to pick up Dani, they all sat around the living room. None of them knew who should get the honors of waking up the new couple. But they had spent a good twenty minutes cooing over the picture Brittany had taken.

"Hey, why don't we take up all Justin's gifts that we got them? We can set them around the room, then wake him up. Then he can open them." Chris smiled, excitedly that they were going to give Justin his first fully great day.

"Yeah." And with Joey's agreement, the five of them took off for the closet they had stuffed the gifts in. Each grabbing theres, and Lance grabbing JC's, they darted for the steps. Once inside the room, and everything setup. Joey was left to wake up the couple. In his usual way, he slowly strolled to the side of the bed, and pounced, waking the two immediately.

"Joey get the fuck off me." Justin was not a morning person, and neither was JC. Both of them had anger in there eyes, but once JC's eyes focused first he smiled. Justin just sat up, wondering what all the bags were for. "What are those bags for?"

"You buddy, we got you some gifts cheer you up. But you didn't need no more cheering up, so we figured you could have 'em now, just for being our pal. And for taking some one so strange as JC out of the fish bowl." Joey smiled, wrapping his arms around Brittany, and then stepping back. "Open ours first." Handing Justin a bag, he and Brittany both smiled as Justin grabbed it anxiously.

Taking his time, he knew that would piss off both Joey and Brittany, he slowly took out the paper, and unrolled the jersey Brittany had picked up for him. It was a nice baby blue North Carolina jersey, no different then the millions he already owned, but they knew he would still love it, that's just the way he was. "Thanks you guys." He smiled, setting it down next to him and JC. Like a mother, JC quickly folded it properly, and waited for Justin to get the next gift.

"Open ours next." Chris practically threw his and Dani's bag at Justin, who caught it quickly, wasting no time on opening there gift. Once it was open, he found a nice new pair of sneakers, Justin's favorite kind, Nike. Digging further, he found a box of Oreo's and a gallon of milk with a spoon taped to it.

"Thanks goofballs, I really like the milk and the cereal, but the shoes ain't that great." Justin sarcasmed, he was used to Chris's pranks, and he was happy that he knew some one with a child like behavior, because that's what he loved about Chris.

"Now that you got his, it's my turn." Lance tossed his to Justin, but it wasn't a bag, but rather a medium sized cardboard box. Justin looked at, and peeled off the tape holding it's corners shut. Once open it revealed a nice, grey turtleneck sweater. Justin smiled, he remembered that he had once worn the same time of sweater for a photo shoot, most likely that was the reason Lance would buy it for him.

"Ah, thanks Lance. I love it." Smiling, he new the last bag belonged to JC, and it was already awaiting him in JC's arms.

"I didn't know what to get you...You weren't talking to me, and I didn't really know what to get, so if you don't like it, then you don't have to keep it." JC blushed, his face turning red from the explaining he was trying to. Justin just smiled at him.

"It's not my birthday, it's not Christmas, and it's not Valentines Day, and you still got me a gift, just to cheer me up. I'll love it no matter what it is." Justin put a quick peck on JC's cheek, making JC blush even more. He grabbed the present out of JC's hand and opened the bag. Inside, sat a bottle of JC's cologne, Justin didn't see the second part to the gift. "Is this what you wear?"

"Yeah, um, I don't know why I got it for you, I just thought...That well...I don't know, you might like it." JC stuttered out, blushing again.

"I love it, but I want you to have it. I like the way it smells on you, not on me or any one else, it's part of your smell. I really do love it though, it's the best gift I got." Justin smiled, hoping his words wouldn't hurt the other's feelings. "I liked all of yours too though." Justin turned around smiling at all of his friends.

"Uh, there's something else, in the bottom." JC managed to spit it out, a smile on his face. He was hoping the second gift would be something Justin would want to keep. Justin smiled, but everyone else just looked at JC. They were under the impression that he had only bought the cologne, but they were apparently wrong. Reaching his hand down in the bag, Justin could feel a small box, and grabbing it with a large anxiety behind it, he ripped it into view.

Studying the box, he took time to think first of what it might have been. Opening it up, his mouth dropped. The only person in the room that could see the gift was Justin, but everyone else could see his reaction. Taking the item out of the box, he just smiled, a tear escaping his eye. Without even thinking, he crawled quickly across the bed, grabbing a hold of JC. Hugging him tightly, he didn't say a word, until JC just smiled and pulled away.

"Whadda say we get some breakfast?" JC quickly grabbed a shirt and threw it on. Looking for a pair of pants, he threw them on and waited for an answer. Justin, still in his wife beater and boxers, sat motionless on the bed.

"I love you" Is all Justin said, and his tears kept coming, but so did a smile. Everyone just looked at them, and decided that they should leave them to talk. They would find out what the gift was soon enough. If it was special enough to make Justin cry, he would definetly be showing it off at every chance.

"I love you too Curly. I was hoping you would like it, I just didn't know what to get you. I knew you liked your cross, so I thought if I got you a cross then it would be nice. But I wanted it to be special, so I had that enscribed in the bottom. Now if I ever do anything wrong, you can look at that, you know I really will be sorry." JC smiled, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.

"It's the nicest thing any one has ever given me. I, I, I, I don't know what to say. You can never do anything wrong to me, you, you've always been there for me. Remember when we ended Mickey Mouse? And we moved back to our homes, I went back and didn't have any friends, but just talking to you on the phone was the best. And then when the band started, you were the only person I could think of joining. God, I missed you so much, but now, now I have you for life, and I you just gaaave me the nicest gift everrr." Justin sobbed a little at the end, grabbing a hold of JC and hugging him tightly again.

"I know Baby, I know, I missed you too during it. But your right, we've got each other now, so you don't have to worry about anything. Now why don't we head down stairs, grab some food, and then just hang out around the house? Just the two of us." JC got the smile he wanted, and Justin slowly wiped his tears, but was met with JC's gentle hands to his. "I love you Justin."

"Me too." Justin stood, and looked around for clothes, but found nothing. Surprised, JC tossed him a pair of sweat pants. Putting them on, JC wrapped his arm around him, and the two went off for the kitchen. Justin holding his new gift. Once in the kitchen, every one smiled, waiting anxiously to see the gift Justin had recieved. Justin smiled, and held it out for Brittany to grab.

Taking it into her hand, the others crowded around her. Each looking at it, noticed that it was a cross, and at the botomm inscribed into a little plaque was 'I'm Sorry'. Smiles crossed there faces, and Brittany handed the necklace back to Justin. Justin, handed it to JC in turn, and waited for JC to put it onto him. Once on he turned to take a seat on JC's lap.

"I think you two are the cutest couple in this room. You beat out Dani and Chris, and Joey and Brittany big time. Only because Joey and Chris are goofballs." Lance added, not wanting to hurt Brittany or Dani. He enjoyed being the teaser if he ever got the chance.

"Thanks Scoop, I think I'm the cutest person in this room. Which makes me over all the cutest." Justin smiled, JC just tickled him laughing. The others teased sadness that Lance hadn't chosen them as the best couples, but they were not serious.

"So, what's up for today? Club, mall, movie, lunch?" Lance questioned, trying to turn the subject away from his joke.

"I don't think I want to go out today, I was hoping we could just sit around the house. Get some chinese take out, and a movie. Ya know, a little down time." JC started, hoping to convince everyone to stay in. "Actually, why don't we all go for a swim?" Changing his mind, he smiled anxiously.

"Sure, we can stay in, but the rest of us don't have our swim suits. Just you, Just, and Brittany." Chris spoke up, reminding JC of the obvious situation they were all in.

"Well, maybe you guys could leave and get them. And come back in a few hours , maybe even take Britt with you? Just for a little while." JC hinted and winked at his friends.

"Alright, we'll give you a little time, I'm sure you two just wanna talk for a while." Lance joked, standing and grabbing his keys. "We'll be back at 2, if that's long enough." Everyone laughed at the joke, except for Justin who blushed heartedly. Once they were all out the door, JC leaned in and planted a kiss on Justin's cheek.

"Um, how about we take this upstairs Baby? It's been a while since I had a work out, and maybe we could work out together." JC laughed at his own sutble hint, and Justin just smiled. Standing he allowed himself to be lead to the bedroom they had shared. JC wasted no time, pushing Justin down on the bed, and quickly laying on top of him. Planting kisses all over his neck, JC could tell Justin was enjoying the sensations he was recieving.

Justin moaned with intensity, relieved that he and JC were going at it. But he was also a little nervous, and after a few minutes of JC's necking, JC could even tell that Justin was nervous. Stopping for a moment, JC took the time to look up, and find Justin's sad face. JC didn't know what had happened, but he decided it would be best to stop, and not to force Justin into anything he didn't want to do just yet.

"What's wrong baby? If you don't want to go any farther, we can stop. We can just talk or watch a movie." JC smiled, hoping to convince Justin that he didn't care about them stopping.

"It's just that, well, you're bisexual. And I don't know, you've been with women and men, and I know you've had sex with all of them. I just feel pressured, even though you aren't pressuring me. I don't want to screw up, I've never done anything with any one, and I'm afraid that you won't like what I do. Or you won't want me because I'm inexperienced." Justin frowned, and he was surprised to meet a frown from JC as well.

"Oh, Justin, I don't want you to think that. Yeah I've been with a lot of people, but I'm not going to pressure you at all. I can wait as long as you want, longer even. I will love you, know matter how far we go. And I think your inexperience is cute, I'm your first major relationship, and I like it. I can show you the ropes, and don't worry, I'll go as slow as you want, and don't ever be afraid that I won't like it." JC smiled, waiting for Justin to smile back. Getting a half-hearted smile, he took it as a good enough sign. "Now, how about I teach you how to make out?" JC teased, getting a nice laugh from Justin. Justin just smiled, shaking his head like a child.

JC leaned in, and was met with Justin leaning in too. There lips met in between, and JC softly caressed Justin's hair. The feeling was new to Justin, it was love, it was ecstasy, it was pure bliss. He had been waiting so long for such a kiss with JC, and now it was his. He didn't want it to end, and it didn't. JC probed his tongue in, gliding it around Justin's mouth. Justin's mouth was warm, and he loved the new feeling of JC's tongue in it, he sucked on it viciously. Not wanting to relent when it came time to breathe.

"Um....That was.....great...." Pants accompanied Justin's talking, as he tried to catch his breath quickly. He wanted to go back in for another kiss. "I....didn't think that....a much." Leaning back to relax himelf on the bed, Justin was met with JC's strong arms. Surprised, but liking it, he let JC pull him to the head of the bed.

"Ya know, I don't know how I didn't see your love for me. I never thought you would date me, but here we are, in bed together. I guess I was pretty blind at that point. But now that I have you, don't ever think I'm going to let you go. You're mine forever, and forever means always. I love you Justin." JC whispered the last 4 words into Justin's ear. Sending shivers through Justin's body.

"I love you too Josh." Justin didn't know what to do, even after JC's speech earlier, he still felt like he should return the necking to JC, but he didn't know how to start. And he didn't know if he really wanted to progress anything else just yet. "Um, could we, maybe take a nap?" His timidness made JC smile, it was comforting. He looked up to JC like a child would his mother, and JC couldn't help but treat him like his little child.

"Of course." Cuddling up close, JC wrapped his arms around Justin's body, and rested his head on Justin's back. "Ya know what?"

"No, what?"

"I don't know how I'm going to be able to keep my hands to myself when we are out together in public." A snicker escaped JC's mouth after his spoken words. He couldn't see, but he could tell that Justin was blushing from the compliment. "Now, let's go to bed." Snuggling close, JC pulled Justin tight, giving him all the warmth he would need.

It was only early in the afternoon, if not still late morning, but Justin and JC were cuddling close again. Sleep overtaking the band members, dreams filling there heads with ideas and fantasies. Time slipped by them, as minutes passed into the hours. Until it was finally time for the others to return to the house. 2:30 was the time they arrived to the house, letting themselves in. They were half an hour late, and figured that was good enough time for them to finish and be ready to head out. But they were not the least bit surprised either when they found them sleeping in bed.

"Should we wake up the sleeping beauties, or just head out with out them?" Chris wrapped his arms around Dani, and waited for his friends to answer the question.

"I think they might be pissed if we leave with out them. But they could be pissed if we wake them." Lance debated the situation one on each hand.

"Let's just wake them up, they can go back to sleep if they don't want to go with ut. And if they do then we can wait for them to shower and get dressed. No big deal." Joey didn't waste any time before leaving Brittany's side, and walking into the room to wake the couple. "Rise and Shine" And with that Joey, pounced onto the two, his usual waking ritual with Justin and JC.

Justin didn't make any motion to rise, but it was now obvious that he was awake. He stirred and rolled closer to JC, looking for a savoir from Joey's pouncing and loudness. "We're up, we're up." JC complained pulling Justin close to him after noticing that Justin was trying to get there on his own anyway.

"Great, now what do you guys want to do today? Do you want to go shopping, I know that appeals to you Justin. Or we could go to Universal for a little while. The choice is yours." Joey teased, flicking Justin's ear and pulling himself off the bed.

"Um, I don't want to get mobbed today. So why don't we just do what we said we would, swim and then we can decide what to do later on." JC complained, pulling the covers up over Justin's head. "You guys did remember to bring your bathing suits didn't you?" JC stood, tucking the covers around Justin. "Go back to sleep babe." A quick kiss on his forehead made Justin agree with out hesitation. JC stood and ushered the others out the door before they could answer the question.

"Alright, yeah, our bathing suits are downstairs in the living room. We figured we could swim, catch some dinner, and then a club. That is if Justin gets up at all today. You must have really tired him out if he's still sleeping." Joey teased, winking at his friend.

"Well then go get dressed, and meet me outside. And yes we will go out to dinner, but I don't wanna go to a club. They are always too crowded and we got spotted. Not to mention I don't want to take care of Justin, you know how it gets after a few drinks." JC was working in father mode now. "And I know you guys will leave me with him just like always, and then I will have to watch over him."

"Too late, your out voted. We are going to a club tonight, and that's that. And you and Justin are coming too. Anyway your his boyfriend now, your supposed to watch over him." Brittany laughed, showing her demanding side.

"Yeah, but you guys can't tell me that him drinking doesn't bother you in the least bit. He gets drunk so easily, and he is the worst drunk I've ever seen. He can't keep his mouth shut for two seconds when he has one drink. At clubs he is the worst." JC kept up his fatherly voice and demeanor as they headed down the stairs so the others could get dressed into there bathing suits.

With in a few minutes the group, excluding Justin, were now inside the pool. Brittany and Dani on rafts, relaxing the guys splashing each other and messing around.

"So JC, when are you going to tell Lynn about you and Justin?" Dani brought up a subject that JC hadn't even thought about.

"I don't know, she doesn't even know that I'm bi. Yet alone dating her son. But I guess she's bound to find out some time, so I should probably tell her today if she gets home before we go out." JC smiled, answering the question and taking a dive to the bottom of the pool.

"Oh, that's cool. But don't you think it'll be tought living with your boyfriend and his mother. She's going to treat you differently dude." Chris brought it up, as JC popped up from under the water. He went to answer but was cut off.

"My mom 'ell be cool with it. She ain't treating my boy any differently, he's always be the same guy to her." Justin smiled, sitting on a lounge chair in his bathing suit.

"Aren't you gonna get in Curly?" The question would have to wait to be answered, because Chris and Joey decided to answer for him. Jumping from the water and easily picking up the youngest member of the band that counted to three. At the 3rd count, Justin was hurled into the water splashing the girls and Lance and JC.

Quickly swimming to the top, Justin looked pissed, but smiled afterwards. Brittany and Dani however were not pleased at there boyfriends, because in the process they had splashed them and got them soaked.

"Sorry about that ladies, didn't mean to get you wet. Just wanted to show Justin whose in charge here." Joey teased, wrapping his arms on the raft Brittany floated on. Chris did the same to Dani's, waiting for happy reactions from the girlfriends.

Not getting any the group just fooled around in the pool for a few more hours. Time slipping by like it used to, minutes turned into hours, until 8 slipped by. ________________________________________________________________________

TBC...... ________________________________________________________________________

The next episode, Justin and the guys all going clubbing. Lynn will find out about Justin and JC. How will these things affect the storyline? I don't know, you be the judge.

Could Justin really be that light of a drinker? What will Lynn think of her son and his boyfriend living together only two days into there relationship? These things can be your decision if you write to me.

The e-mail adress is or

I hope to hear from some people, at least a few. ________________________________________________________________________

Next: Chapter 2

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