Amazonians and Swallows

Published on Jul 22, 2024


Amazonians and Swallows Chapter 16

Amazonians and Swallows

By Aaron Ramsey

Note & Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction based on Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons series. All rights in the characters remain the property of their respective owners. The characters in this story have been modified from the originals in various ways.

This story is for entertainment only and does not reflect reality. There may be behaviours depicted here which would not be recommended in real life. The story will contain bisexual encounters between teenagers. Please leave if you are not allowed to read this in your location.

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This story is designed to fit into events in the books of Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons series.

Chapter 9.1 - A Welcome at First


This story takes place nearly a year after the last. Dick and Dot Callum are returning to the Lakes to stay with the Amazons, before the Walkers arrive and they all camp on Wild Cat Island. Mrs Blackett, the Amazons' mother, and their Uncle Jim (better known as Captain Flint) are away. Being the summer, Dixons Farm, where the Callums would stay, is full with other visitors.

Story (f/f, m/f, restraint)

Dick and Dot arrived at Beckfoot in the middle of the afternoon, having been sailed over from Rio in Amazon, by Nancy and Peggy. It was getting a tight squeeze in the boat, with Nancy being 18, Peggy 17, and Dick and Dot both 16, though Dot's birthday would fall before the end of the summer holidays. On arrival, they were taken up and shown their rooms, with Dot staying in Mrs Blackett's room, Dick in Captain Flint's, and Nancy and Peggy in their own rooms. There was some time before supper, so Dick went to his room to unpack, just as Dot went to hers. Unlike Dick, Dot was not alone, for Nancy had followed her.

Nancy pushed the door closed behind her, took Dot's hand, and pulled the younger girl into a passionate kiss. Although Nancy would say she was in a relationship with Titty Walker, there was an understanding between the girls where Dot was concerned. Nancy loved the way that Dot's dark hair fell from her head in girlish pigtails, though she knew that the younger girl's sexual experience belied her innocent look. With her spare hand, Nancy first undid the buttons of her shorts, then pulled Dot's dress up to rub against the 16-year-old's crotch.

"There's a few more things you should see in here," Nancy said, reluctantly breaking the kiss.

"Mmm, I can see something that I like already," purred Dot.

"More than just me," Nancy replied with a chuckle.

She made to step forward, but her undone shorts fell down, almost tripping her. She grunted, and pulled the shorts off, taking her socks as well whilst she was bent over. Dot's breath caught seeing the older girl bent over, her buttocks clearly visible in her underwear. Standing back up, Nancy pulled her T-shirt off, and stood before Dot in just her underwear. Turning, she saw that Dot had taken the time to remove her dress and was likewise almost naked.

"I need to show you this before I get into bed with you," said Nancy, though she had to drag her eyes away from the younger girl.

Nancy pulled a case out from under the bed.

"First there are these," she said, opening the case to reveal a number of the wooden dildos she had made using her uncle's lathe and some techniques from the boatbuilders. This didn't surprise Dot at all - she herself had a couple of presents from Nancy that she used at her boarding school with some of the girls. She would have been more surprised had there been no dildos in the room she had assumed she would be sharing with Nancy until either Mrs Blackett, or the Swallows arrived.

"Second there is this," said Nancy, pulling a blindfold from behind something on the dresser. It looked like it was made of an old, dark blue, flannel, with some sort of elastic material sewn on at each end. Nancy must have very much wanted this if she had been willing to pick up needle and thread to construct it. "I took inspiration from some of the letters you sent."

Dot had written to thank Nancy when she had received one of the dildos. The thank-you letter had contained an explicit description of how she has used the dildo in its first outing, which had involved her being blindfolded and fucked by some unknown sixth-form girls. This letter had formed the basis of Nancy's bedtime masturbation material for a good couple of weeks, though it had not been Dot getting fucked in her fantasies.

"Finally, there are these."

Nancy lifted each corner of the mattress and extracted from under each corner a neatly coiled rope with some sort of circular, cuff-like, knot at the end. Nancy had experimented with restraint with Titty the previous summer and was fairly sure that Dot would equally be into it, which, from the bright look in Dot's eyes, she was.

"I can't wait to play with all of those," said Dot, smiling.

"There's no time like the present," replied Nancy, patting the bed next to her where she had sat.

Dot moved over to sit next to Nancy, and the two girls soon had their tongues deep in the other's mouth, hands in each other's panties playing with their bullet-hard clits. Somehow, they moved from sitting next to each other, to lying next to each other, to Nancy on top of Dot. At some point, each girl had lost her bra.

Nancy moved with one had to hold one of Dot's hands into the pillow, as the other groped for one of the ropes, when the younger girl, with a burst of energy, flipped them round, so it was Nancy whose head was on the pillow and Dot who was on top and, what was this, had already restrained one of Nancy's hands with the rope and was busy with the second.

"What?" spluttered Nancy.

"In your letter, you said you had had fun tying Titty up. You never mentioned you being tied up. I thought I'd let you experience the fun."

Dot had dismounted and was now attaching one of the leg ropes.

"How much do you like those panties?" Dot asked.

"They aren't my best," Nancy replied, uncomprehending.

"Good," said Dot, pulling Nancy's other leg across the bed and affixing the final rope. "You won't mind if I do this."

She moved to the older girl's side, and Nancy could feel her breath as she pulled slightly at the fabric of the underwear and bit firmly, pulling her head to one side. There was a ripping sound, then Nancy felt Dot's hands on her hip, then more of a ripping sound as the younger girl ripped the side of the panties apart. She stepped to the other side of the bed and repeated the process, this time pulling the ruined underwear from between Nancy's legs. Dot held it up to her nose and took a deep, appreciative, sniff of what had been the front panel.

"Very nice," she said. "You must have been dripping since you met us off the train."

Dot drew one of her fingers gently up one of Nancy's thighs, around her pussy then back down the slit, then along Nancy's other thigh.

"Oh, how rude of me to still be wearing clothes," she simpered, then very slowly dropped her own panties, playing with her cunt as she let them fall to the floor. Nancy watched, entranced, wishing she could reach out and touch herself or Dot. She tried to move her arm, but her knotting skills were good - there was a little slack in the rope, but that was it.

"I know what you want," said Dot, mounting the bed and straddling Nancy, "And I know what I need."

The younger girl straddled Nancy's shoulders, her knees either side of the older girl's head, then settled down, moving her pussy towards Nancy's face. With one hand, she pulled Nancy's head off the pillow so that the older girl could get a better angle. Nancy knew what was expected of her, and quickly got her tongue to work on Dot's snatch, savouring the taste of the younger girl. She could feel Dot's hand that was supporting her head moving round, and the next thing she knew, there was a small crack, as of elastic, and her eyes were covered by the blindfold.

"There we go," said Dot, dismounting. "Very sexy."

She surveyed her handiwork.

"Just one more thing though."

Nancy could hear the thud of big bits of wood bumping against each other, then felt Dot's hand at her pussy. It wasn't just Dot's hand though; she could feel the thick shaft of one of her dildos parting her pussy lips and sliding inside her. She had expected Dot to start fucking her with the dildo, but this thought evaporated with the sound of Cook ringing the gong downstairs.

"I'd better go for supper," said Dot. "I'll be back for you later."

There was the sound of the zipper on Dot's dress being done up, then the latch on the door and footsteps on the stairs. Part way through this, something soft landed on Nancy's face, and she realised that Dot had thrown her panties onto her face, and what she could smell was the scent of Dot's juices that the younger girl's underwear had soaked up.

It wasn't going to be long, just a quick supper but, oh God, what if Cook came upstairs to see why Nancy wasn't there. Barbecued billygoats - she hadn't heard the latch on the door after Dot had left. Not only that, had she even heard the scrape of the door over the carpet. If anyone came upstairs, were they just going to see her tied up and naked, a large dildo wedged in her cunt?

"Oh, she said she had a headache," came Dot's muffled voice from the dining room.

"I'd better see if she needs anything," Cook answered.

"Oh no," Dot said hurriedly. "She said a lie down was all she needed. If we keep some supper, she'll grab it from the larder later."

"If that's what she wants, I know better than to argue with Miss Nancy," said Cook.

Nancy breathed a sigh of relief, but also realised how turned on this had made her - the thought of discovery in this vulnerable position. She did somewhat wish that she had made the loops on the ends of the ropes slip knots rather than nooses, as the more she moved, the tighter the ropes bit. She also realised as she moved her legs, that moving her groin in the right way would move the dildo inside her. Fuck, that felt good to her.

She kept moving, gently stimulating herself until she heard the scraping of chairs and the clatter of crockery being piled up and moved into the kitchen.

"Will you be needing anything else tonight, Miss Peggy?" came Cook's voice.

"I don't think so, thank you Cook," her sister said.

"Could I please have a glass of water for Nancy," said Dot, "and if you show me where you have put her supper, I'll make sure she gets it if she feels better."

"Certainly dear," said Cook.

Nancy heard Cook bustling around in the kitchen, doing the washing up as Dick, Dot and Peggy went to the sitting room. It wasn't easy to hear what was going on in the sitting room, so Nancy tensed when she heard a tread on the stair. This sent a wave of pleasure through her as she tightened her cunt round the dildo. Please let this be Dot and not Peggy or Dick!

The door closed and the latch clicked, and steps sounded towards the bed. Nancy still could not tell who it was, though she assumed it was Dot, as either of the others would have made some exclamation. The next thing Nancy felt was a feather teasing round her nipple and the dildo being slipped in and out of her fanny. She moaned at the contact and the dildo fucking.

"Enjoyed that did you?" asked Dot, in a teasing voice. "Knowing that anyone could have walked upstairs to see you?"

"Mmmmm," moaned Nancy, distracted by Dot's other activities.

"Well, just a bit longer and I'll be up to join you, but for now, there's a bit of fun, and I have brought you some water."

"Water," begged Nancy.

Dot stopped with the feather and the dildo, and Nancy felt her head being propped up and a glass of water being offered to her. When she had drunk her fill, Dot put the glass back and gently kissed Nancy's clit.

"Be back in a bit," she said, leaving the room and, to Nancy's relief, closing the door.

She didn't know how long it was before Dot returned. All she knew was that there was more than one tread on the stair and several doors opening, the one to the room she was in being the last. The latch on the door clicked and Nancy could hear the sound of a zipper being undone and material hitting the floor.

"Where were we?" came Dot's voice. "Ah, yes."

Nancy felt the dildo being removed from her pussy, to be replaced with the feel of first Dot's breath, then her tongue. Nancy moaned in satisfaction as the younger girl plied her experienced tongue, also nibbling at the older girl's clit. She let out a little yelp at this stimulation.

"We can't have that," said Dot, who stopped eating Nancy's cunt.

The bed moved as Dot changed position. Nancy could tell from the legs by her head that she was going to get to eat Dot's cunt. She stuck out her tongue and was soon rewarded with the taste of teen snatch as Dot carefully lowered herself. At the same time, Dot's mouth was getting busy again in Nancy's crotch. Both girls were hungrily eating each other out, mouths urgently at work on the other's pussy. This mutual feasting went on for some time, both girls intent on the shaved snatch in front of their faces.

Nancy was very glad when Dot took a breath and said, "Time for me to fuck you hard."

"God, yes," Nancy begged.

The bed moved as Dot got down, then again as Dot remounted at the foot. Nancy then felt what was probably her biggest dildo slip into her cunt. It moved around slightly as Dot lined the other end up so that she could mount it properly. Nancy could see the image in her mind's eye - Dot's girlish pigtails down her back, her tits perking out in front as her back arched slightly as she slipped down the smooth wood of the shaft. Dot's hand was supporting the dildo, the back of it teasing against Nancy's clit as she did so. Suddenly, the hand was gone, and Nancy could feel Dot's clit hard against her own as the two pussies met halfway down the shaft.

"Let's go," said Dot who, without further ado, slid back and slammed down the shaft again, causing both girls to squeal. There was no-one else in the house apart from Peggy and Dick, and those two should have known full well what Dot and Nancy would be getting up to. It was nice for Nancy to be able to have sex in her own house, and not have to care about the noise level.

Both girls let themselves get into the sex, neither worrying about the noises they were making. Dot, in control, only had to worry about giving pleasure to Nancy and herself. Between the creaking of the bed and the cries of the girls, anyone in the house would know exactly what was going on. Even though Dot was putting a lot of effort in, Nancy begged for her to go harder - unless they were both fully impaled and Dot was twisting her hips to rub their clits together in which case there was just screaming ecstasy.

Nancy was writhing as much as her bonds would let her whilst Dot slammed into her, determined to fuck the older girl as hard as possible. The sex just went on. After they had both cum, Dot removed the blindfold and released Nancy's limbs. All this meant was they were able to reposition and get set for another round of sex. The sex only stopped when both girls were too tired to carry on.

Whilst Nancy and Dot were up to their fun, Dick and Peggy were in their rooms. Both had been a bit surprised when Nancy wasn't at supper but were very much not surprised when Dot ran off as soon as she could to be with Nancy. The noises emanating from Dot's room did make it very difficult to get to sleep, as the girls were not even attempting subtlety. It was worse for Peggy, whose bedroom was much closer to Dot's.

It wasn't really fair, the younger Blackett sister thought. Nancy had Dot, and presumably the two of them would be fucking at every opportunity they got. She had to wait until her boyfriend John Walker arrived later in the holiday, and even then, they would be in the tents on Wild Cat Island, not the comfortable beds they had here. Suddenly she had a brainwave - she could ask Dick if he wanted to fuck her. The worst he could say was no. She got out of bed and wandered along the landing to Dick's room and pushed open the door.

Dick was surprised to see his door opening, and even more so to see Peggy standing there in her nightdress. He had just been thinking of putting the light out and having a wank before going to sleep. The fantasies in his head (another reason for wanting a wank) had already made him hard. His cock beat a bit of a retreat when Peggy walked in.

"It's difficult to sleep through all this isn't it," Peggy said, as the noises of her sister and Dot's orgasms rang through the house.

"No different to when we camp together," Dick replied.

"Yeah, but we are all at it then," said Peggy. "It's not just two of us keeping the others awake."

"They'll go to sleep soon."

"But we've got to put up with this every night."

"The scientific thing would be to get some wax to make earplugs to keep out the noise."

"I don't think you get it. I need distraction."

"What do you mean by distraction."

"Oh, come on Dick. Don't be stupid. I want the normal distraction from that noise - by getting some of what they are getting."

"You know I'm gay right. I sleep with boys."

"Have you really never been with a girl - it could be an experience for you."

"Um, well, no. I have been with a girl. Several times in fact."

"There you are then," Peggy said, moving closer. "I'm just another one."

Dick looked Peggy over. Her tits were far too big, though her slim hips meant that maybe he could fuck her arse from behind and pretend she was a boy. He sighed. Peggy did have a bit of a point. Like her, he was going to have to wait until his normal bed partner was in the Lakes, and, as she had said, it wasn't like he'd never fucked a girl.

"OK then, but only if I can do your arse."

Peggy looked a little shocked.

"But John has never..." she began.

"So, it's not like I'm trespassing on his turf."

"How should I...? What position?" Peggy asked.

"Get up on the bed, face the headboard and kneel. You may want to hold on."

She got into position. Luckily, she didn't wear any underwear to bed, so was ready for whatever Dick gave her. Dick got out of the other side of the bed and retrieved a tub of Vaseline from his suitcase. It was only when he turned that Peggy saw the huge shaft projecting out of the fly of Dick's pyjama trousers. The 16-year-old carefully pulled the trousers off, folded them, and left them at the side of the bed. Peggy goggled as she realised that Dick, though he was a good two years younger than John, had a cock at least two inches longer and much thicker than the older boy's. Dick, unlike John, also shaved his pubes.

Dick began by applying the lubrication to his cock, then used his slicked hand to start to open Peggy's arsehole. Unsurprisingly, it was tight. He started off with his thumb, working to open the girl up so he could get going.

Peggy could feel the boy's hand at her back entrance. He had started off with his thumb, teasing her sphincter until he could work the thumb inside, then keeping this up until it was moving freely. Once that was done, he added a finger in as well, working and working so that his cock would not rip her open. This was a new sensation for her, and she moved one hand down to play with her clit and cunt as Dick opened her hole. She had only had sex with John before this point, and that was almost all missionary.

From experience, Dick knew that he didn't quite have to fist an arse to get his cock in, but it did need three fingers and a thumb to open one up to be fucked. Once he had done this with Peggy, he applied a bit more Vaseline to his shaft, repositioned himself, and began to slip inside.

"Oh my God!" Peggy cried when Dick began to enter her. This was totally different to his fingers. She began to urgently flick her bean to distract herself from the sensation behind her.

Dick was taking things slowly, as he did with anyone unaccustomed to anal, letting them get used to the sensation before he sped up. He paused when he was fully embedded in Peggy.

"All in now," he said, gently.

"Fuck, that thing is massive," Peggy breathed. "I can't believe it all went in."

"Relax into it," Dick suggested, as he slowly backed out and re-entered.

It took some time to build up, but Dick could tell when Peggy was beginning to relax and enjoy what they were doing. Before they really knew it, Dick's hips were pistoning away, ploughing Peggy's arse, whilst the girl was urgently frigging herself as she had her first experience from behind like this.

Dick could feel himself getting close, but one urgent pull back pulled his cock out of the girl.

"Are you done?" Peggy asked.

"Not yet," Dick panted in reply.

"Good, me neither."

Peggy shifted position slightly as Dick went for re-entry. This shift of position, combined with the bodily fluids of both of them, was enough that when Dick pushed forwards with his cock again, when it his Peggy's body just below her arse, instead of slipping upwards towards the hole he had been fucking, it slipped down and entered her very receptive cunt.

"Oh fuck!" Peggy yelped as her other hole was entered. This feeling was fucking fantastic, especially as Dick was building up speed. He didn't seem to care that he was in the wrong hole, and she certainly didn't. She clenched her pussy round his cock as the speed built again and Dick raced towards orgasm.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Dick cried as he let loose his seed.

This was the most physically intense orgasm Peggy had felt inside her. Dick's cock was like a firehose shooting his spunk deep within her. Her body shook as she, too, was pushed over the edge, waves of pleasure coursing across her from her cunt.

They separated, Dick flopping down on the bed, Peggy sat on the side.

"Thank you," she said simply, when she had recovered enough to stand and walk back to her own room, nightdress clenched between her thighs to catch Dick's cum which was even now dripping from her pussy.

All four teens fell asleep, Dot and Nancy naked in each other's arms in one room, Dick and Peggy in separate rooms, both sated by the release they had achieved.


Next: Chapter 17

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