Amazonians and Swallows

Published on Sep 14, 2024


Amazonians and Swallows Chapter 18

Amazonians and Swallows

By Aaron Ramsey

Note & Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction based on Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons series. All rights in the characters remain the property of their respective owners. The characters in this story have been modified from the originals in various ways.

This story is for entertainment only and does not reflect reality. There may be behaviours depicted here which would not be recommended in real life. The story will contain bisexual encounters between teenagers. Please leave if you are not allowed to read this in your location.

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This story is designed to fit into events in the books of Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons series.

Chapter 9.4 - Dick Gets a Lie-In


This story starts the morning after the previous story

Story (m/f)

Dot woke early the next morning. She vaguely thought about masturbating herself, and even sent an exploratory hand in between her legs. Her mind was full of what she had seen yesterday when Jacky had taken her brother's anal virginity. She really wanted to get some of Jacky's cock for herself now. She sighed, then caught her breath.

Jacky had let them know where he lived, and there were only so many ways to get down to the Dogs Home. The tarn where he had advised them to keep the milk was on his way down, it was a warm day, and she felt like having a bath. Looking at her brother, she could see that he was still fast asleep, his chest gently rising and falling as he slept.

Getting out of her hammock, she changed out of her nightdress into a skirt and blouse - she didn't bother with any underwear - then stuck fresh clothes and a towel in a bag, pulled on her sandshoes, and headed up the path.

It wasn't too far to the tarn - out of earshot of the Dogs Home at least, but not a long walk. Setting her things down by the side of the tarn, she pulled one of her sandshoes off and dipped her foot in the water. Summer it may have been, but the water was still very cold. Hopefully her plan would not take too long to come to fruition.

She took the towel from the bag, then took her clothes off and piled them neatly by the bag. Finally, she untied her pigtails and shook her hair until it was all falling loose onto her shoulders. She then slipped into the water.

God, but it was cold when she got in, so she went out to the middle and swam as much as she was able to, then, keeping underwater, made her way back to the bank. Taking advantage of the time she had, she used the fact that she was in the water to apply soap to clean herself up. Another quick swim and she could hear someone whistling as they came down a path. Would it be Jacky? Would he come this way? She moved closer to the bank and crouched so just her head was above water, her hair floating lazily behind her.

Her luck was in - it was Jacky making his way along the beck. When he was close by, he noticed Dot's head in the water.

"Alright," he said, nodding, but making no attempt to turn his head or to not stare at the nearly 17-year-old. He had the milk can in one hand and a rabbit on a strig in the other.

Dot looked up at him as he stood on the bank. In the same way he had not turned away, she did nothing to hide herself, not that there was much to see in the crouched position she was in, with even her tits distorted by the rippling water.

"Hullo," she said back.

"You dursn't want to leave your things by the bank," he said, "they may get wet."

With that he quickly tied the rabbit to a branch of a tree and put the milk can down, then came back to where Dot had left her clothes by the bank and moved them up and away to a different tree.

"Can I finish my wash?" Dot asked, as Jacky leant nonchalantly against the tree.

"I can see t'suds in t'water," he said, as if that explained everything.

'I may be in with a chance,' Dot thought to herself. If he was only interested in Dick, he'd have walked on by. Steeling herself, she got up from the water. Jacky's eyes were on her all the way as he watched her walk over to the tree. her eyes were also on Jacky, and she could see the telltale change in the way the fabric of his shorts was lying against his body as his large cock hardened beneath.

"I've never seen a girl wi no hair on her cunt," he said, noticing Dot's bald crotch.

"I shave it," said Dot. "Do you want to feel how smooth it is?"

She reached out and took one of Jacky's hands in her own and ran it down from her stomach to the top of her crotch, then let go. Jacky got the idea immediately, and continued his slow, downward movement, gently rubbing Dot's clit and running a finger across the outside of her pussy lips. Dot gave no more than a low hum of agreement and Jacky's hand continued its exploration of Dot's cunt. Dot reached out her hand and ran it over Jacky's muscular torso, making for the buttons that held his shirt closed. She was more than experienced enough to undo them with one hand, even as Jacky worked his hand in her snatch.

"I had my own hand down there yesterday," she said. "I frigged myself as I watched a hot blonde guy fuck my brother. I came so much watching."

Her hand had, by now, reached Jacky's waist and was working as the button holding the 18-year-old's shorts up. Jacky's hand that was not playing with Dot's cunt came up and assisted her in undoing the button. As soon as it was loose, Dot worked down to the other buttons of Jacky's fly. It did not take all of them being undone before the shorts fell to the ground and revealed that Jacky had also come out this morning with no underwear, his nine-and-a-bit inch cock standing proudly upwards once it had been freed from the confines of his clothing. Dot didn't wait to be asked, but just got her hand on the shaft.

"I last wanked yesterday watching a dark-haired lass ride her brother 'til they both came," Jacky said as Dot's hand explored his cock head, getting smeared with his precum in the process. "It was so hot to watch."

Knowing that Jacky had been watching and wanking whilst she fucked Dick the precious day sent a tingle through Dot's body, even more than that caused by Jacky's expert fingering.

The two teens turned their faces to each other and slowly melted into a kiss, their tongues exploring each other’s mouth as their hands were exploring each other’s genitals. Dot's hand that was not busy with Jacky's cock was rubbing his muscular chest, attempting to push his shirt off, but she was defeated. When she gave up, Jacky used his hand to move her round so that, instead of being next to each other, they ended up facing each other. Jacky's hard cock was so close now, Dot just wanted him inside her properly. She could feel the pre-cum on the tip rubbing against her belly as she wanked him.

Suddenly, Jacky stopped fingering her and took his fingers out of her cunt. Dot wondered what was going to happen, then she felt his hands under her buttocks and was being lifted up. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs round Jacky's body and her arms round his neck. Once she had been lifted, she was lowered slightly and could feel the tip of Jacky's cock poking at her.

"Get it in then," he said.

She needed no other prompting. Lowering one hand between her legs, she took hold of Jacky's cock and aimed it at her waiting cunt. Jacky lowered her and she sighed as his shaft began to slide inside her. It was very much like her brother's - it just seemed to keep coming. Dot moaned as she was penetrated, and gave a contented "Oh, yes" when she could feel herself pressed against Jacky's pubes. His strong arms lifted her up and pulled her back down towards him.

Even for the experienced Dot, this was a new position, but she quickly got the hang of how to make the best of it. Whilst Jacky had been in control to start with, she soon realised that, with her legs tight round Jacky's body, she could use her muscles to do what Jacky had been doing and ride the lad. Both teens were grunting with the effort, as Jacky was still carrying all of Dot's weight. He asked for a pause and carefully moved back to lean against a tree, still carrying Dot.

The tree gave Dot something to push against as she continued to ride Jacky. The two teens kissed as they fucked. Dot was loving both the new position and the large cock she had inside her. The only thing that would improve it for her would be if she was against the tree and Jacky was thrusting into her. It was not that she minded putting in the effort, it was just that she thought that Jacky would be a good fucker, based on what she saw him doing to Dick the previous day.

Both Jacky and Dot were moaning even as they continued to kiss, each of them getting amazing pleasure from the sex. It was a warm morning and both teens were beginning to sweat, giving their bodies a glistening sheen as the sun fell on them. For Dot, sex with Jacky was almost as good as sex with Dick, her brother had a slightly thicker cock which drove her pussy wild.

"I'm about to cum," Jacky breathed.

"Me... too," panted Dot, tightening her legs around Jacky's body.

Dot could feel the precursors to orgasm in Jacky's body, then the pulsing of his cock inside her as his cum flooded into her cunt. Her own orgasm overcame her, and she yelled with pleasure as Jacky sent her over the edge.

When they were done, Jacky gently put her on the ground, white dribbles of spunk visible against her pussy lips.

"We should get you brother into this," Jacky suggested.

"Yes," agreed Dot, less enthusiastically than she thought. It would be amazing to have a threesome with Jacky and Dick - the thought of having two big-cocked boys to play with was making her horny again.

"I should get this milk to you," said Jacky, jerking Dot from her thoughts.

Disappointed, she pulled on her clean clothes and went back to the Dogs Home, followed a few minutes later by Jacky.

Chapter 9.5 - One...Two...Three


This story continues after the events of the previous story

Story (m/m/f inc)

The rest of Dick and Dot's day was taken up with collecting their boat, Scarab, from the boat builders and learning how to sail. They were very tired that night and went to sleep early. Dick was the first of the siblings to get up the next morning and got up to find that the rain had made its way through the roof and was forming a widening lake on the floor. It had not, however, reached the sleeping bags where he'd had sex with Dot the previous morning. He quickly used a stick to scrape a gutter in the floor to drain the water towards the doorway.

They had come to an arrangement with Jacky so that, if necessary, he could leave their milk at a convenient drop off point, rather than having to head to the Dogs Home every morning. As there was no milk yet, Dick took the empty bottle, pulled on his waterproofs, and went down to the letterbox, leaving Dot asleep.

He had just reached the letterbox when Jacky appeared along the road on his bike.

"Morning," Jacky said to Dick, as he reached into the basket on his handlebars for the bottle.

"Morning," replied Dick, who noticed how wet Jacky was. "Do you want to come up for a cup of tea."

"Won't say no to that," said Jacky, with pleasure. "Me time's me own now I'm done wi' t' milk."

They walked up towards the Dogs Home.

"It felt really good... yesterday afternoon I mean," Dick said.

"You took it well. There's some as can't tek it all."


"Your Dot managed it all as well, but then I saw her practicing wi' you."

Dick halted as he realised what those words from Jacky meant. He wasn't sure if he was more shocked about Jacky watching himself and Dot, or that Jacky had fucked Dot.

" watched us?" he asked.

"Didn't see much," Jacky responded. "Just Dot bouncing up and down on you. Heard most of it though. Still made me shoot."

"When did you fuck Dot?"

"Yesterday. First shaved fanny I've done. She's a proper good fuck, I'm not surprised you like doin' her."

"I much prefer boys. I've not really done many girls other than Dot."

"I don't care, me. Boy, girl, fucking, getting fucked. Just so's I cum at the end."

"I think Dot's the same. I know she has sex with girls sometimes."

Jacky was now getting a mental picture of Dot engaging with another girl. This was not something he had considered before, always having had sex with just one person at a time. He could see how two boys could share a girl, but not how two girls could pleasure each other, apart from fingering each other. His cock was as hard as it could be, trapped as it was in his underwear, which was being soaked with his pre-cum.

"How about that tea then," said Jacky, partly wanting to get out of the drizzle, partly wanting to get to the Dogs Home where Dick and Dot would both be.

It was only a minute or so up the path until they got to the ramshackle building in its small clearing. There was a wisp of smoke from the chimney. Dick pushed the door open. There was a fire crackling at one end of the building, at the other, facing away from him, was his sister, her hands busy plaiting her pigtails.

"Did you get the milk, Dick?" she asked, without turning.

"Morning," was Jacky's reply.

Dot turned, not caring that her blouse was open, nor that she was not wearing a bra. She smiled at the two boys.

"Well, this is making a wet morning look a lot better," she said, standing and walking over to the boys, pulling the lower edge of her blouse out of the waistband of her skirt as she did so, allowing it to properly billow open. Jacky's eyes were glued to her tits.

"I'll leave you two..." began Dick.

"No!" the others replied in unison.

"I'm sure we can find something for you to do," said Dot. Ideas were racing through her mind. She could have the boys do her one after the other, just as when Dick had fucked her arse after John Walker. She could get fucked by Jacky whilst Dick fucked the older lad.

Jacky was also thinking. Much as he wanted to get fucked by Dick, he also got off on the idea of Dick and Dot fucking and wanted to see if he could make that happen. He had had the idea of sharing a girl, with someone else fucking her arse while he got the pussy. That was what he would try to get to happen, even if he was now rather distracted with Dot who was right in front of him and rubbing his erection through his shorts.

"Get over here," Dot instructed her brother. Dick complied, moving over to stand next to Jacky. This allowed Dot to get her hand on the front of Dick's shorts as well as Jacky's. She was not being ignored herself. Now that she was so close, Jacky could get a hand under her skirt. He soon found that she was not wearing any underwear, so began to play with her shaved pussy, running his fingers up her slit, which was already beginning to moisten as she got more and more turned on by the situation in which she found herself.


As Dot played with the boys, she moved her arms until she was able to shrug her shoulders to cast her blouse to the floor. Jacky moved his other hand up to caress her tits, enjoying the feel of her smooth skin under both of his hands.

"You should do something about your clothes," Dot purred as she kept playing with the boys. She had, by now, opened their flies and had her hand inside, rubbing their turgid cocks over their underwear. She could feel the damp patches by the head of each as they soaked the fabric with their precum. Neither boy took much convincing, both keen to release their hard cocks from the entrapment of their clothing. Jacky was slightly slower, as he took the time to remove his small tub of Vaseline from one of his pockets before he threw his shorts to one side. He stared at Dick's cock as he finished undressing.

"That's a fucking nice cock there," Jacky said, stroking Dick's cock as he did so.

"Isn't it just," agreed Dot, as she got her hands back onto both shafts. Now she could compare side-by-side, she could see that Dick had about a quarter inch on Jacky, and his cock was very slightly thicker. It did not take the boys long to get their hands on each other's cocks, replacing Dot's hands, with Jacky getting his other hand back into Dot's snatch. He turned to look at Dick and was surprised to see the younger boy coming in for a kiss. He'd not kissed a boy before but went with the flow. It wasn't that different from kissing a girl - he even had his hand in a pussy as he was doing so.  After a moment, he could feel Dot stepping back.

"Mmm, that's good," she said. "Two hot boys feeling each other up. I'd love to see you fuck each other again, but I need some cock in me. I'll let Jacky have my pussy and get Dick to fuck my arse at the same time so he can pretend it's a boy he's doing."

Dot was very happy with the way the holiday was turning out now. She had expected sex, but not such a range. On the downside, she wasn't actually sleeping with someone, but on the upside she'd got to have sex twice (for now) with Jacky and sex more than once with Dick. She didn't get to do anal with her brother very often, and to share her body with Dick and Jacky at the same time would be amazing.

Taking Jacky gently by the penis, Dot led him to the pile of sleeping bags where she had fucked Dick two mornings ago. She laid him down and straddled his chest


"Why don't you get your tongue to work on my snatch while you get my arse ready for my brother."

Jacky was ready for the second of those instructions, but not the first. He was more than used to fingering and fucking girls, but not to eating them out. He quickly lubed the fingers of one hand as Dot slid up his body towards his chest. He could feel the warmth of her coming nearer to him as he drank in the details of her cunt. Tentatively, he stuck out his tongue to run it up her snatch. Dot shivered with anticipation as Jacky's tongue lapped up her slit then made contact with her clit.

"Oh, yeah," she breathed, "that's the place."

Urged on by Dot, Jacky's tongue kept up its assault on her clit, even as his hands were round behind her working her arsehole ready for Dick to take later.

Dick was feeling a bit left out, but then he realised that Jacky's cock was just there, currently unserved, so he knelt down and applied his mouth. He started with his tongue at the tip, then worked downwards, taking as much of Jacky's nine-and-a-quarter inches into his mouth as he could. It was different for him, blowing a huge cock like this. Normally he was on the receiving end, and now he was getting to suck a giant. He'd had a fair amount of practice, having been sucking cock at school for just over three years, but even though he had usually been the youngest participant, had always had the biggest cock. He had still managed to get enough practice to suppress his gag reflex and was just about able to deep throat the 18-year-old in front of him.

This experience was especially intense for Jacky. His mouth was wholly occupied with Dot's pussy - the juices he couldn't lick up were all over his face, his fingers were up her arse making it ready for her brother to fuck, and that brother was currently deepthroating him. He could feel his cock in the tightness of Dick's throat. It was almost like fucking, but the constriction round his cock felt different, especially as Dick switched between deepthroating and playing with the cockhead with his tongue. He wanted to make sure he didn't blow his load in Dick's mouth - he had a much better place to deposit it in Dot's pussy.

Dot had to say that Jacky was doing very well. She didn't know what experience he had had, but he was plying his tongue in the right way. It wasn't as good as Titty or Nancy, but they rather specialised in eating pussy, whilst boys generally just wanted to get their cocks in. She was certainly not averse to a good, hard pounding, and the sight of a hard cock would get her moist almost instantly, but it was nice to have a boy willing to eat her out. That said, she did want some of the cock her brother was currently enjoying.

"God, but I need you in me," Dot said.

She reluctantly pulled back from Jacky's mouth, but very happily slid down his body and raised herself over his cock. Reaching between her legs, she took hold of Jacky's erection and lowered herself down onto it. She gave a contented sigh as Jacky's hardness pushed deeper and deeper into her dripping pussy. Although she was taking things slowly, she was not going to stop until he was fully embedded in her. Eventually, she could feel his pubes against her shaved pussy. This was the point at which she would gladly ride Jacky until he filled her cunt with his seed, but for the moment she had another hole that needed filling.

Bending over as much as possible to give him the best angle for entry, Dot instructed her brother to take her arse.

Dick straddled Jacky's legs further down, took aim, and entered his sister from behind. He could tell at once that Jacky had done a splendid job getting Dot ready for him. Between the Vaseline that Jacky had used, the older boy's fingering and Dick's lubrication of his own cock, he entered Dot with not much more than a gasp from her. As he did so, he could feel the Jacky's hardness through his sister's body. Jacky reacted to Dick's cockhead rubbing along his shaft almost as much as Dick did. All of the 18-year-old's experiences so far had been one-on-one - he hadn't realised he would be getting pleasure from Dick's cock as well as Dot's cunt.

Dot was loving having two of her holes filled with large cocks. She'd had threesomes fairly often and been made airtight a few times, most memorably when she has serviced the whole rugby team after they had won a cup match, but this was the first time she had had such large cocks in her at the same time.

As the boys began to fuck - Jacky with his hips and Dick his whole body, Dot's tits brushed against Jacky's chest. They were not being pressed in - this was a gently rubbing motion, giving her even more pleasure.

The two boys were fucking at different speeds - Dick was taking things slower behind, but Jacky's hips were thrusting furiously. Both of them could feel the other's cock moving inside Dot and were being stimulated almost as much by that as they were by Dot's tight holes. Jacky was loving the second chance to fuck Dot, but the knowledge that was sharing her with her brother turned him on more.

Having two cocks, both more than nine inches long, plunging into her was sending Dot into heaven. She'd got her favourite penis in her arse, and what was quickly becoming her second favourite in her pussy. Knowing that both she and her brother had been fucked by the same guy was also hot. As far as Dot knew, that was the first time this has happened.

Jacky was interspersing his rapid fucking what periods of rest where he enjoyed Dot's snatch and the feeling of Dick screwing her other hole. He loved the feeling of his cock almost jousting with Dick's inside Dot. Both of the Callum siblings were good looking, and it was a pleasure for him to be doing what he was. He began his urgent fucking again - each time he did so bringing him closer to orgasm. This time, he thought, he may just keep going until he came.

Behind Dot, Dick knew he was about to unload. In his mind, it was not his sister he was fucking, but Roger Walker, although he could not forget the large cock he was sharing Dot with. He thought of Roger, then of Tom Dudgeon, lying on his back as Dick took his anal virginity. He remembered Tom's yells of pleasure as Dick's cock sent him over the edge, the older boy's cock leaping as he sprayed cum over his chest and belly. This thought was what caused Dick to cum this time, grunting as he unloaded his spunk into his sister’s arse.

Around the front, Jacky could feel the pulsing of Dick's cock and heard his grunting. This was not a little dribble Dick was giving his sister, but a proper jetting.  He fucked faster as his own orgasm built, and he could hear Dot getting more vocal. Suddenly it was upon him, as he thrust deeply into Dot. He could feel his cock pulsing as he shot his load in the girl. In the same moment, Dot hit an orgasmic high that she had not achieved for some time. The sensation was amazing - two huge cocks filling her in front and behind with creamy spunk.

As he recovered, Jacky kissed first Dot, then her brother, as they dismounted in turn.

Dot's pussy and arsehole were both wide, and cum was dripping slowly from both orifices. She gently inserted a finger into her cunt, covered it in Jacky's spunk, brought it to her mouth and sensuously licked it clean.

"Mmm, tasty cum," she said. "I've never done anything with Dick and another boy before."

"If I am free, we can do this again," Jacky said. "Next time I want Dick to fuck me though."

This surprised Dot. She thought Jacky just liked to fuck. She'd never have thought that he'd want to be fucked by Dick. She was about to suggest another fuck, but Jacky spoke first.

"I'd best be on mi way back," he said. "I mebbe free, but I'll be missed if I'm not back."

He pulled on his clothes, much as Dick was also getting dressed.

Dot couldn't wait for a next time.


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