
By moc.tarisla@mrotskrad

Published on Jun 9, 2018


Synopsis: An asexual school teacher is lured into a lab where she loses her identity and begins a new life. Author: Janet Storm Category: Lesbian/Authoritarian

The Woman woke up. She had a headache, but she also felt pleasure coming from between her thighs. Her shoulders and her hips were held down, so she bent her neck until she could look down the length of her body. She was naked. She liked the look of her body, so she giggled in delight.

A blonde woman appeared. She was naked, too. Was everyone going to be naked? She hoped so, because she liked nakedness. The blonde woman ran her hand down the Woman's body.

"Do you like that?"

The Woman nodded enthusiastically. The space between her legs grew wet at the blonde woman's touch.

"Don't stop," The Woman begged. The blonde giggled and teased The Woman's pussy and her nipples. The Woman arched her back as much as the straps would allow her. She wanted the blonde woman inside of her -- what did that mean? The words seemed strange, but the vision was pleasurable. The blonde woman stuck her fingers in a spot between The Woman's legs and wiggled them until The Woman moaned loudly.

Footsteps. The Woman turned her head to look at the source. A ginger-haired woman in a white lab coat, carrying a clip board.

"How is our patient?" the ginger asked.

"She likes what I am doing to her," said the blonde.

"I am sure that she does Clit. You are always so good to the girls."

Clit blushed. She winked at The Woman and stepped aside so that the ginger could stand next to the examination table.

"I'd like to ask you some questions," said the ginger. "Do you think you can answer some questions?"

The Woman nodded.

"What is your name?" The Woman opened her mouth, but she drew a blank.

"Do you have a name?"

"I don't think so," said The Woman.

"Are you sure?" said the ginger. "Everyone has a name."

"I don't know what mine is."

"They must have forgotten to give you one," said the ginger. The Woman felt very sad. If everyone had names, why didn't she?

"I would like to have one," she said like a shy little girl.

"There's someone coming who will give you a name," said the ginger. "Would you like that?"

The Woman nodded her head enthusiastically.

"Good. Now for the next question. Do you have a mother and a father?"

The Woman blushed. Was this another one of those questions that would make her a freak. She thought very hard for a moment but decided to tell the truth.

"I don't think I have a father or a mother."

"That's too bad," said the ginger. "But I'll tell you what: you can call me Mommy until the woman who is going to give you your name comes. Is that OK?"

The Woman nodded once more.

"How about any brothers or sisters?"

The Woman shook her head. As far as she knew, she was alone in the world.

"What is your job?"

"I don't have a job," said the Woman.

"Well, we have a very nice one for you," said the ginger. "We are going to make you a slave. Every day, you will do some work for your mistress, give her pleasure, and then she will play with you until you cum. Does that sound nice?"

"I think I would like that," said The Woman.

"Good," said the ginger. "You really aren't smart enough to do anything else." She flicked one of the Woman's nipples. "Has anyone ever done that to you before?"

"Clit has," said the Woman.

"Anyone before Clit?"

"I don't know."

Mommy wrote the answers on her clipboard. She then took out a piece of paper and showed it to The Woman.

"Can you tell me what this is?"

The page was covered with black markings. They seemed to be in rows, but she couldn't make out what they were supposed to be pictures of.

"I don't know what you are showing me. It's confusing."

Mommy put the paper back in the clipboard and set the writing surface aside. "Let's move you over to this machine," said Mommy. "I want to run some more tests."

She wheeled the woman into a room with a large tunnel. With the help of Clit, Mommy undid The Woman's straps and moved her onto another table.

"Now, you are going to have to be very still while I run this test," said Mommy. "If you are a good girl, I will let you play with Clit." Clit smiled at The Woman and The Woman smiled back. They both looked forward to play.

Mommy put some headphones over The Woman's ears. "This is to help with the noise and to teach you a little bit about being a slave. Listen to the words and you will find it easy to be still."

The two women pushed The Woman into the tunnel. The Woman lay there waiting. Then she heard the words through the headphone and the loud sound of the machine.

"A slave is the property of her mistress. She lives to give her mistress pleasure and, in return, her mistress gives her pleasure. The slave loves to cum more than anything else in the world. She is naked because that gives her mistress pleasure and because it is easier to make her cum and deliver punishments. Slaves do not like punishment because it hurts, but they accept it because they know that it shows that their mistress loves them and wants them to be good slaves. A mistress may choose many different forms of punishment for their slaves. They may spank them, whip them, tie them up, shave their hair off, drown them, or whatever gives them pleasure. Sometimes slaves learn to love punishment and are naughty just to be spanked. A wise mistress uses many kinds of punishment so that her slave does not get fond of any specific one. A slave never goes to the bathroom without the mistress's permission. She eats directly from the bowl because she is only a slave. She never hits the other slaves unless she has been told to do so by her mistress. She takes her punishment and her rewards in silence. She obeys her mistress's every command."

The voice repeated itself several times before the roar of the machine stopped and Mommy took her out of the tunnel.

"Have you ever seen yourself?" asked Mommy.

The Woman shook her head.

Mommy took her back into the first room. She brought The Woman before a piece of hanging cloth, then took the cloth down, revealing a mirror.

The Woman stared at herself. She was tall and had pale skin. Unlike Clit, she had no hair anywhere on her body. Mommy reached around her to touch her breasts and bounce them up and down. The Woman giggled. Mommy then ran her hand over the Woman's stomach towards her naked pussy. Mommy found a fold of skin which she raised with a finger. She turned the finger around under the fold, stroking a tiny nub inside.

"You may moan if you wish," said Mommy. The Woman let out a low howl.

Sweat beaded up from her skin. Goose pimples appeared. She leaned back into Mommy's arms.

Mommy let her cum and stood her up again so that she could see herself.

"Am I pretty, Mommy?"

"Do you think you are pretty?"

"I think so, Mommy."

"And I think so, too. You are one of the prettiest that Mommy has ever made."

Next: Chapter 3

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