
By moc.tarisla@mrotskrad

Published on Jun 9, 2018


Synopsis: An asexual school teacher is lured into a lab where she loses her identity and begins a new life. Author: Janet Storm Category: Lesbian/Authoritarian

April Sundowner knocked at the door of the white Spanish colonial. The fiftyish, slender and small-breasted heiress held her hands in front of her crotch, a position which neatly hid her true lustful urges. The door opened and Rose greeted her.

"How are you, Rose?" asked Sundowner.

"I am doing fine," said Rose. "The acquisition and conversion both went well."

"Delightful," said Sundowner. "I would like to look at my pet as soon as possible."

"That will be no problem after you have spoken to Dr. Grier. Maggie has a few things to tell you about your new pet."

"That will be fine."

"If you will come with me?"

Rose led Sundowner into a well-apportioned office with dark mahogany furnitute and a couple of old paintings. April took a seat and looked at an painting of some slave girls in ancient Rome. "Most appropriate," she thought to herself.

Maggie arrived a minute or two later. She sat behind the large desk and opened a clinical folder.

"Now," she began, "here is a summary of the procedures that we performed on your pet. She is numbered until you give her a name."

"She doesn't remember that?"

"Not in the slightest. We have tested and retested her memory. The key details of her past are no longer known to her. We strongly advise you to keep those private, though we have a summary of her pre-conversion history here.

"For the last week, while we were completing our tests, we have put her under the influence of an anaphrodisiac. This prevents her from obtaining sexual release even though we have also given her an aphrodisiac. The frustration, as you might imagine, has been insufferable. She has masturbated all day to no effect."

"Why did you do that?"

"Half an hour ago, we gave her a antidote for the anaphrodisiac. In few minutes, you will go down into the lab where we have been keeping her and masturbate her. She will have the orgasm of her life and she will associate it with you. Then you can give her a name which she wants almost as much as an orgasm. She will be entirely yours."

"I see," said April, steepling her hands. "You have this all worked out."

"We have performed over two hundred of these procedures, almost one a week. We have captured slaves and harem girls this way. We have made wives more submissive and, on a few occasions, we have wiped the minds of men for owners and wives. We have never had a single one of our captures recover her memory. This has been the case since our first -- who is still alive -- nine years ago."

"How did you get started?"

"My associates and I are neuroscientists. We were searching for a way to reverse amnesia. What we found, first, however, was a way to induce it. Three of us thought we might use it to cure PTSD in a patient or use it in a punitive way to make sociopathic criminals more tractable.

"The first use was, as we thought about it, problematic: who wanted to wipe the personality of a person who they wanted to save emotionally? So we dropped that line of research. The second was much more promising, but our fourth research fellow, Dr. Chastity Blue, was against it.

"Dr. Rose Hamilton was the one who came up with the idea of creating an underground market for submissives.

"You may well be aware of some of the problems facing owners of slaves. First, they have pasts of which they are not willing to let go. Second, they may have personality flaws such as independence of spirit which are difficult to untrain. It has long been known that women in particular can be controlled through their lusts and orgasms, but many people will not let themselves be put into a position where they are so controlled. Finally, almost everyone is trained to think of themselves as free to make their own decisions.

"We offer a solution. By probing certain areas of the brain and directly delivering electro-shocks, we erase key parts of the memory. The slave loses all knowledge of her identity, education, etc. We begin sexual stimulation immediately, then make it impossible for her to achieve orgasm. When we release her to her owner, the chemical chastity belt is released and she is willing to do a she is asked.

"Our first subject was Dr. Blue, who would have turned us in. We stripped her, tied her down, and began sexual stimulation as we performed the neuro-surgery. When we were done, she was the perfect compliant. She has no memory of her life as a distinguished Ph.d. Now she spends her free time masturbating. We call her Clit...."

"Outstanding. If I brought in one of my slaves who I had captured before..."

"We could perform the conversion on her and have her back to you inside of a week."


"You know that our slaves bring the highest prices. We have changed the market forever. Our competitors want to know how we do it. The best they can do is send their slaves to us for the treatment."

"May I see my slave now?"

"Of course."

Maggie led April down the hall into a bedroom. Clit was laying on a bed, playing with herself while The Woman sat against the wall, desperately trying to bring herself to orgasm. She looked up into April's eyes.

April sat next to her. "What's the matter, Darling?"

"I can't come," cried The Woman.

"She's been trying for days," said Clit. I've sucked her, pulled her nipples, tickled her -- she just can't do it.

"Let me try," said April. She ran her red fingernails along The Woman's body, then played with her tits a little. April brought her hand down The Woman's stomach and felt her pussy. "Someone's a little wet."

"Please, please," said The Woman. "Please don't stop!" April kept playing with The Woman's clit. "I like it that you have no hair," she said. "I am going to keep you like this so I can play with you any time."

"Yes, yes. Please keep me like this! Don't stop!"

April's pace increased as the anaphrodisiac wore off. The Woman chased April's hand with her pubis mons, matching her rhythm with her panting. The Woman screamed at the top of her lungs as the orgasm split her in two, like a lightning bolt cleaving a boulder. She shook magnificently and, when it was over, held April close.

"I shall call you Windy," April pronounced. "For you are a little storm."

The two of them made love for the rest of the afternoon. Windy was happy and she put up no fight when she was locked into a crate for the long ride to Colorado.

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