Among All the Zombies

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Nov 26, 2012




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"Oh, man!" I breathed when I saw the zombie round the corner. "This is my fucking lucky day!"

The zombie which was now coming my way in the slow, lurching way they favored was my old football coach back when I'd been seventeen and life had been normal and zombies had been only figments of our imaginations and seen in movies.

"Hey there, Coach Zimmer!" I said as the bulky potbellied zombie wended his way closer. "As you can see, I've been working out since school let out last spring. Now it's football season again and you know what? I know how to tackle!"

Zombies aren't that dangerous to anyone who's watching out. They're slow, clumsy, awkward and stupid. The thing that had been Coach Zimmer just stood looking at me dumbly as I ran toward him and tackled his filthy, stinking living-dead carcass and threw him back into the display behind him.

Coach Zimmer lay sprawled across the piles of toilet paper, dazed by the impact far beyond anything a regular human would experience, and I said, "Well, Coach, I guess you've ended up where you always belonged, seeing as how you've always been full of shit!"

And I used my regular tactic on the prostrate body, I hit him with a Baggie filled with gasoline (the weight of the gas caused it to burst on impact, and followed that with a lit match just as he was trying to get up.

"Fwoomph!" went the gasoline and the zombie that had been Coach Zimmer flailed and growled in a mockery of pain and distress. It wasn't quite right, the thing was still partly trying to get up and get to me so it could eat me, while other parts of the same body was moving in distress at being burned.

"Come on, Coach, you can work out fast than that." I told the writhing figure. "Come on, work it, work it, feel the burn!"

The toilet paper was catching fire now and that sealed the zombie's fate. It slumped down, enough of its body burned to make the muscles ineffective. The rest of this small grocery store was going to go up with it, but I didn't care. I'd already taken everything out of it I wanted; I'd only come inside because I'd seen the figure moving inside it.

Hoping it wasn't just another zombie. Please, not just another zombie, maybe this time it would be a real person, someone. Anyone!

That had helped me be nasty to Coach Zimmer, not that I hadn't hated the bastard when he'd been alive. But if he had been alive, I would have hugged him hard and never let go!

Well, back to work, looking for the essentials. Clean food, clean water, weapons. And people, if any were left. This city was running low on food, on water, and on people. Oh, most definitely, low on people.

I was really beginning to wonder if I was the only person left alive in the world. There had been the radio signals in the past, four or five people around the world had set up stations and broadcast the news and asked for help. One in Buffalo, New York, one in Cleveland, Ohio, one in Charleston, South Carolina, one in Dallas, two in Tucson...and me in Los Angeles. I hadn't heard any of them in weeks now. I knew the one in Charleston had been hit by a gang of zombies, because she'd been broadcasting when they broke in on her. Those screams.... The others may still be out there, it takes electricity and a working power station for a radio broadcast. I hadn't had those to begin with, Los Angeles' power had all been petroleum powered and I didn't know how to start it up again. But they'd all stopped broadcasting.

Maybe I should leave Los Angeles, I thought as I kept searching. Trouble with Los Angeles was that it had had a lot of people in it to start with. The zombie infection had spread here like everywhere else, but it had had more people to have to get itself into.

Near as we can tell, the zombie virus had been an honest attempt to help cancer patients. If DNA could be sent into cancerous cells and replace the defective DNA there, then it would end the cancer without radiation or surgery. Trouble was, a real virus had managed to latch onto the designer virus and pre-empt it. And since this other virus was able to reproduce at will (which the designer stuff wasn't), it had set out to infect every living human being around. Not that the government had felt it necessary to tell us before the virus was a full-blown epidemic.

For me it had been stories on the news program, then seeing a zombie attacking someone, then more zombies and fewer people. Things had broken down after that, no more school for me, no more buddies to hang out with at the pizza parlor (no more pizza parlor), no more movies, no more police keeping order, no more order, no more family. All in the course of about ten days' time, from just another high school senior to living on my own.

It had been hard at first, seeing people I knew as zombies, coming at me with that lurching walk, that dead expression on their face, the moaning grunt that was all they ever said. I could have gone crazy until one day I realized that, if the virus had really replaced the DNA in every cell of their bodies, it wasn't really them anymore, was it?

The main trick with a zombie was not to get bitten by them, or let them touch you on an open sore or anything like that. If the virus got inside you, you were a goner. If it got inside you, you had two main choices. One was to do yourself in someway that destroyed your body as much as possible (say, jumping off a skyscraper), the other was to try to pretend you'd be fine, really, you hadn't been infected, it couldn't happen to which case, in about twenty-four hours' time, you'd be a zombie yourself. Or if the zombie could manage it, he might eat you enough to spare you the fate he had suffered.

I'd avoided that so far. I'd developed my trick of the baggie-full-of-gas and the lit match, and gotten so good at it that I'd avoided all contact with the undead. Tackling Coach Zimmer was something I'd done only because (a) he had been wearing a thick overcoat and (b) I wanted to make the sucker fall on his ass just once in my life.

Hah! Over there! A small gas-and-grocery store that looked untouched. I could hope that this one place hadn't been plundered already by the people who hadn't been zombified immediately. It looked good from outside. Locked up, in fact, but hell, a lock wasn't that big a problem when there weren't any police to come arrest you for breaking and entering.

I had to jimmy the door, but that didn't take all that long and I was inside. The place was freaking full of stuff! Mostly things like candy bars and potato chips, but hell, I was eighteen, that was ambrosia to me! And they had a large stack of water, not to mention all the colas and beers in the now-defunct refrigerator. I didn't dare get drunk (pass out and you might wake up with a zombie munching on your arm), but if I rationed it....

A shopping cart! Great! I could load it up and push it back to my place. I'd fixed up a place with bars on the windows and doors. I usually had to deal with a couple of zombies knocking on my door every morning, but at least I could sleep or masturbate without suffering a case of masturbatis interruptus.

I chuckled to myself at my joke and concentrated on loading the cart. Too intently, because when I got behind the cart to push it out the door, I looked out and felt sick.

Zombies. A dozen of them, or more! Shit! I couldn't fight off that many! I should have been more careful, shit, the zombies can smell out the living! They'd fucking smelled me, been congregating all the time I'd been in the store!

A back door? Did it have one and if it did, would I get through whatever lock it had on it before they got in the door?

They were getting in the door. My God! They'd gotten me, they'd finally gotten me! I yelled the only thing I could think of. "Momma! Oh, God, Momma, they got me! They got me! Momma!" Yelling for your mother isn't the most manly thing you could do, but what the hell did I have to lose, anyhow?

And then came a roar of a car motor! Loud as a bastard, but I'd never heard it coming over all the moaning zombies. Too busy thinking about them finally getting me.

But the vehicle (a large pickup) had a snowplow welded on front of it and it slammed into the zombies and plowed them forward, and up against a wall just beyond the gas pumps. Turned the zombies into many bags of boneless jelly. The virus could reanimate bodies, but no body moves if every bone is broken into several pieces. The entire building shook from the impact.

But the driver's action left only two zombies for me to deal with. I got one with the gas-baggie-and-match trick, and the other one was all that was left. This one had been a girl about fifteen years old before the virus had infected her. Even now, now and then, that gets to you, I couldn't bring myself to kill her just now, even if I would be doing the girl she'd used to be a favor. I led her after me around a row of counters and back toward the door, me still pushing my cart (If I was going to eat, I had to have these groceries) and I was out the door, the girl zombie not far behind me.

"Behind you, doofus!" came the masculine yell. I looked behind to see the girl zombie and behind her was....

"Shit!" I screamed and dove to the side. And that's when the guy played the flamethrower over the girl zombie's body. She fell, squirming. A similar pyre was burning over where he'd plowed into the group of zombies and plastered them against the wall.

"Do you have a fucking death wish, or just fucking stupid?" the man demanded of me.

I was looking at my cart. "You took out my supplies, man!"

"Screw that! Get in! Now!"

"Huh?" I looked up at him. Young man but older than me, say in his late twenties, big, gruff, mean-looking, even. He could have played "Dirty Harry" any day of the week Clint Eastwood wanted a day off. "Why?"

"Look that way!" he pointed.

I followed his finger to.... "Holy shit!"

A whole shitload of zombies was heading our way! I didn't argue further, I just ran over to the passenger side and the door was open, I jumped in and we peeled off. "Thanks!" I panted to my rescuer.

"Don't mention it, only answer my question." He growled

"What question?" I wanted to know.

"Do you have a fucking death wish, or just plain fucking stupid?" he repeated.

When someone saves your life, he's entitled to ask you that question. "It was a young girl, okay?" I said. "I could have outrun her." Then I remembered those other zombies, the whole freaking pack of them. They'd have caught me for sure with her behind me. "I never saw the zombies moving together like that."

"Where the fuck you been the last week?"

"At my place." I said. I'd been staying in a lot, of course (when death is outdoors, you stay indoors), but I'd run low on supplies. "I had to get some supplies, or I'd still be there."

"The zombies have come up with something new." the man snarled. "They've started forming groups, tribes, clans, whatever you want to call them. Working together. None of them have much brains, but when they put those tiny brains they do got together, they begin to start making sense."

I chewed that over. "That's...bad."

"You're fucking telling me." was his summation.

I was quiet, then I asked after about two minutes. "So what are we going to do?"

He looked over at me. "Same thing as them. Band together. Two human heads are better than two dozen zombie heads. Stay ahead of them long as we can. Then get the hell out of this town. That's what I'm working on now. Gathering supplies, getting a truck ready. I'm leaving the entire fucking Los Angeles area." He looked over at me. "You can come along if you'd like."

"Yeah!" I said in a hurry. "You bet! Thanks!"

"There are other people out there." he said. "I'm sure of it. We just have to find them, gather them together, get them in one place. The zombies have to eat human flesh, the virus does, that is, or it dies off. They'll all die out if we can cut them off from what remaining human beings are about, they'll eat each other until that wears out. We just wait them out and then take back our cities and towns."

I just listened, rapt. It had been so long since I'd had anything like hope. I'd been just living for the last two months...God, had it only been two months? Only two months? A lifetime ago, that's what it had been!

His name was Carl, he was twenty-seven and had worked as a carpenter before everything got zombiefied. I told him my name was Evan and I was eighteen now and had been in high school before things went crazy. That conversation took us to Carl's place, it was like mine, only he'd chosen a small warehouse, which had only some small windows way up high, and filled it with his supplies for his planned exodus, and the truck he was planning to haul it all out there with. He'd have to make a dozen trips even with the truck.

"Welcome home." Carl told me when he took me to his living area. It had been the employee lounge for the warehouse, I guess, but it had a refrigerator, a hot plate (a generator supplied electricity for these two) a working sink and shower in the bathroom, a small couch too small to sleep on (a love-seat, that is) and a bed, the only item he appeared to have brought into the place. "It's not much, but it's what we got until we move out."

"I'll be fine." I said. "I'm just glad to be here."

I kept looking at Carl while we ate. A big, strong man. God, he had a set of weights in this warehouse and he must have been using them for a lot longer than the zombies had been around. Every move he made, his arms flexed muscle in bulges, his shoulders rolled in large globes on either side of his thick neck, his beard shadow only made him more masculine. If I'd had a hundred men to pick from, having this man around to protect me from the zombies was the one I'd choose! And now, he was here.

His face was rough, but it fit him just right somehow. You don't find a hero with a pretty face, much as Hollywood would like to put one there. You find a face like his, a bit battered and roughened, but still regular and solid. The eyes are the most prominent feature, they scanned and evaluated everything around them at all times. He saw me staring at him and he grinned, it looked good on him and I smiled back.

"I'm sorry for staring." I said. "It's just... You're real. I mean, you're human. I was starting to think I was the last."

Carl considered this, then smiled, a more friendly look. "Me, too, kid. Me, too."

The zombies outside must have figured out where we were. They began their nightly serenade outside the walls, banging and hitting. "Don't worry. They can't get inside." Carl frowned. "Unless they figure out how. But I have the generator hooked up to a burglar alarm, they break in, it'll sound. We're all the way on the other side of the building from the front gate, and I walled up the back door when I moved in."

"You're sure?" I asked.

"Sure as can be." he confirmed. "You can sleep sound."

"Good." I looked around and realized. "Only...where do I sleep?"

"There's a bedroll in the truck." he explained. "We can get you a better bed tomorrow."

"All right."

Carl didn't turn out the light to get undressed. Just stood and began to strip. I tried not to be caught staring, but I was going to stare even if I did get caught. Part of that was just wanting to feast my eyes on another living human being. The rest of it was wanting to feast my eyes on him! He was stirring up emotions I had never really felt before. I'd dated girls through school, stared at them as they walked, dreamed of them while I slept, jerked off to pictures of them while I was awake and horny... But never the real thing had come along for me on any of that. I had been planning when I turned eighteen to go out and find a hooker and get laid if I couldn't do anything else. The virus had stonkered that plan. After that, I was too busy staying alive to even think about sex. Jerking off had become a mechanical thing with no real fantasies attached to it. But Had I awakened some deeply-buried desires here?

I feasted my eyes on Carl's body. The light turned his body a golden light brown in color, and when he turned to me, pivoting so his upper body was mostly facing me, his lower body was sideways, and the pose accentuated every muscle on his upper body, biceps, pectorals, abs and thighs. He was only wearing a pair of briefs, white regular briefs but too small a size for him, they fit him in a way that made him look like he wasn't wearing anything. His cock was outlined inside the briefs, fastened down but not, not hidden.

"You going to get undressed, Evan?" he asked me.

"Uh...yeah." I didn't realize I had stopped with my pants around my ankles and my t-shirt half-lifted up. I concluded the motion and stepped out of my pants and was wearing briefs same as him, only mine were bigger and baggy and worn out. Not too clean, either.

"Let's get to sleep. I want to get an early start tomorrow. The zombies can't keep their bodies going all day and night without some sleep, so those knocking at our gate will give up about three in the morning and won't try to come back until ten o'clock or so. I want to be long gone by then."

"Sure." I said and I didn't flinch even when he reached over and turned out our light, though I would rather have had it on.

I had felt safe ever since that guy had come into my life. That sense was fading away in the darkness and the strangeness of this room and the sounds of the zombies outside the walls. The sounds they made hitting at his steel bars was different than the lighter grade I'd used on my own windows. Deeper, heavier...more ominous. Maybe these zombies had learned how to use something besides their own hands, because I was using steel-on-steel here, metallic, heavy...forbidding.

I felt suddenly like I was a little kid again. Afraid of the things that go bump in the night! And you have to admit, being the focus of a group of flesh-eating zombies is plenty enough to be afraid of, little kid or eighteen-year-old adolescent!

An especially loud clang, and I was bolt-upright and sweating. I didn't think, I just jumped up and raced over to Carl's bed, not even saying anything, just lifting up the covers and climbing in with him, holding to his body hard, shivering with fright.

"Easy there, now, easy there!" he said, not fighting me off, just holding me close. "One of them managed to hit the door itself. He couldn't have hit it hard, just it makes that kind of noise when they do. He's not going to get in. I promise you, they can't get in. It's why I settled here instead of a house somewhere."

I stopped shivering, hearing his deep masculine tones in the darkness.

"Do you want the lights back on?" Carl asked me. "It'll use up our gasoline faster, but we have plenty of it still."

"That's okay. Just let me stay with you tonight." I whispered.

He hesitated slightly. "Okay."

"I know I'm acting like a child." I said. "But it's just so... It's been too much for me, that's all. I hope you don't mind if I hang onto you tonight. And maybe a few more nights, you know, just until I get used to things. I've just been so afraid."

"It's all right, Evan. I understand." Carl was breathing a little harder.

"Am I crowding you too much?" I asked.

"No, it's not that." He heaved huskily.

"Then what's wrong?"

He suddenly moved, grabbing me, his lips kissed mine, hard! Hungry as any zombie and his body was against mine and what I felt on one of my legs was not a salami! I was surprised, and didn't really respond other than some feeble struggles, and after a time, he let me go.

"Sorry, kid." he whispered hoarsely. "Maybe you'd better sleep on the bedroll after all. Or if you want, you can take the keys to the truck, sleep on the seats, lock it. Or you could...."

He stopped talking because I was kissing him back now. He didn't lay there like I did, he began to really give me the kind of kiss I'd always dreamed about but hadn't ever quite had. Oh, I'd kissed some girls, but this all-out, no-holds-barred kiss, my first one was with Carl on that night.

The intensity between us was incredible. You have to feel like the last person on Earth, only to find another person, to have that intensity. The passion that brings you is not the passion of mere sexual lust, it is more, much more. It is like you want to literally crawl inside the other person, become them, own them. The closest you can get to doing sex. I'd settle for having sex with him.

His arms were holding me like a vise, trying to crush me. The only thing that saved me was when one of those arms slid down my back far enough to find I had on my briefs; they immediately released me and grabbed my waistband in both hands and yanked them downwards, hard.

His greater size let him strip them down to nearly my knees with that yank, and I took over then, peeled them on off. He did the same with those skin-tight skivvies of his, skinning them down over his thick thighs and off, an inconsequential oval of fabric off his legs, and tossed them onto the floor alongside my own.

The zombies continued their pounding on the steel grid that enclosed the steel door that was the only entrance into this, our sanctum. Their pounding on the steel matching the pounding in my veins as I again was taken into Carl's arms and his lips again found mine. I again found myself not holding back a bit, trying to push his body into mine, blocked by our lips against each other. I pushed my tongue into him and he did the same to me, and we settled for that ineffectual bit of intermingling of our bodies.

My hand reached for and found his dong, oh, God, it was huge! I'd known it inflated those small briefs of his, but this! It was all my fingers could do to touch the tip of my thumb as it was wrapped around the shaft. The length of it was more than my hand by a wide margin on both ends. His hand caught my prong and circled it easily, only an inch on either side gave him margin to jerk it for me. He did and I groaned gratefully and did the same for him. My hand had to move up and down a lot, enough to force me to move my entire arm to work it, but the groans he gave to me in return were worth it.

"Ah, ah, kid, yeah, kid, yeah!" Carl moaned as we pounded each other.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh!" I responded.

"Ah, ah, I want more, kid, I want more." Carl gasped.

I understood that rather cryptic phrase of his, and I set out to give him more. It required me to let go of that huge pud and begin to squirm around. There was the feel of the blankets on top and below us (a rather coarse blend of some kind, almost burlap-like in feeling), the darkness that covered us more thoroughly than those wrinkled blankets could have, and the relentless, unthinking, unreasonable pounding of the steel-on-steel of the zombies outside our door. It all lent a rather surreal feeling to this time, as I wormed my way around on the bed and brought that huge prick up to my lips. The tip of it held the most exquisite nectar I'd ever tasted, a slippery globe of pure male essence, it smeared and dissolved on my tongue-tip and the flavor of it intoxicated me, I sank down upon that thick glans and pushed it backwards over my tongue toward my tonsils.

A softness touched my own dong, a warmth caressed my cockskin, a wetness circled and slid down my shaft. Carl was sucking my dick! Oh, God!

I moaned so loud I startled even myself. I sounded far too much like the zombies now slugging away futilely at the door. I muffled it, shook myself mentally and concentrated on sucking this man's cock. This other man's cock! I wasn't alone any more, not any more! I could suck this cock because it was on the only other man in the world. Maybe the whole world!

Carl must have felt a lot the same way, for he was working my prick in a way that was absolutely fantastic, he was taking my entire length (and I'm not stubby despite what I said earlier, I had a solid seven inches) into his mouth and throat, and holding it there, pulling it up slowly, it was like he didn't need to breathe, had forgotten breathing in the delight that we were giving each other.

I could have done this forever, but after a time, Carl let go of me and he was the one doing the moving, I rolled onto my back to see what he was doing in the poor, feeble light that we had (he wasn't quite a form in this light, more like a blackness slightly lighter than the blackness around us) and he was crawling to get on top of me. It was until he grasped my ankles, though, that I realized what he wanted.

I was beyond denying him anything, anything at all. He lifted up my legs, the poor virgin that I was, he got them locked firmly in the bends of his elbows and his prong into position and with me looking right into the vague form of his face (I could just see him in this darkness), he pressed his glans up against my sphincter and began to push it inside me.

"Oh, oh, God, oh!" I groaned as Carl's massive dong pushed into me. I was feeling pain but not nearly the amount you'd think, my very soul wanted him inside me, all the way inside me. He would need to crawl physically inside my body for me to feel anything like satisfied.

"Yeah, take it, kid, take it all!" Carl panted as he shoved it into me. It felt like an unending mass pushing into me deeper, deeper, like he'd keep pushing it into me until I was completely filled.

God, this was what I wanted, I wanted this now, over and over again, now and forever! "Oh, yeah, come on, give it to me, give it to me!"

At some point in this, I felt the end of that schlong plowing into me. "That's all of it, kid, you got it all!" Carl crowed.

"Yeah, come on, fuck me, now, man, fuck me!"

Carl began to move in and out of me, gently at first, then, when he saw I wasn't doing anything but moaning in pleasure, he sped up. God, this big, strong man, the only other man in the world, and he was fucking my ass! "Yeah, yeah, God, yeah, harder, man, harder, come on, fuck me harder!"

"You got it, kid," Carl began to pound my ass like it was so much tough steak he was tenderizing. And I loved it all.

"Oh, yeah, fuck me, oh, oh, oh!" I groaned.

"Yeah, kid, oh, yeah, oh, oh, oh!"

"Good, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh!"

"Yeah, kid, oh, oh, oh, kid, oh!"

"I... I... I... I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"Kid, yeah, yeah, yeah!"


"Yeah, oh, oh, oh, kid, yeah, shit, here it comes, here it, oh, ah, AGAH-AH-AH-HUHHHHHH!" Carl jammed his dong into me deep and held me pinned while I sprayed my jizz all over his stomach, and his own prod creamed way up inside me, the two of us locked together, mixing, blending, becoming one, one person, the last person on Earth, oh, God, two of us became one!

Sweating, Carl sagged down upon me and he panted lustily, moistly in my ear. "Hot damn, kid, you are something special."

"So are you." I agreed. "I'm really glad you found me."

"So am I, kid, I...."

And that was when the mother of all bells started ringing. Carl cursed and fumbled for the light. Got it on! "Shit, kid, get up, now!"

"What is it?"

"My burglar alarm! The zombies have gotten through!"

Carl didn't bother getting dressed, he raced out the door and snatched one of those flamethrowers (he had three of them), and I followed, equally heedless of my nudity. I mean, it wasn't like anybody human would be seeing us.

The zombies had brought up crowbars and other bars to use as levers and they had broken in. Carl played his flamethrower over them in a broad spray. Something they don't tell you about flamethrowers, they don't last that long. Carl had them burning and a wall of flame and smoke on the entire front half of the warehouse, but that was when his flamethrower played out.

I had another one of the flamethrowers with me. I was trying to figure it out, how to use it, how to light it, but I gave that up in a hurry. "Here!"

"Forget it, kid! Get in the truck! Now!"

We got into the truck, both of us naked, and drove out of there. I had a bad moment when one of the zombies got hold of the door handle on my side, but Carl drove us toward an electric pole and I opened the door and we plastered that zombie against the pole.

"What the hell are we going to do now?" Carl moaned as he cleared the area and were driving. Zombies like coming out at night, I guess, for I saw quite a number of them moving around in the lights of our truck.

"There's my place for now." I said. "And we can find another place if my place won't do for both of us." I paused. "Or we can take off for the wild blue yonder right now. A small town has to have fewer zombies in it than Los Angeles."

"Yeah." Carl said. "A small town. We look it over real, real careful, clear it out. Maybe that will work."

"Maybe." I had my doubts. "But one thing is certain."


I put my hand on his arm. "Whatever happens, we're in this together."

Carl smiled at that and we drove on through the darkness. Somewhere out there, among all the zombies, there had to be a place for us.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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